INTERPRAEVENT 2008 – Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1 and protected hazard areas. Increasing the amount of vulnerable infrastructure increases the risk of damage and there is always a residual risk in hazard areas that have been protected RIVER BRENTA DEFENCE BY CONTROLLED FLOODING physically. It is not always feasible to hinder further development in already developed. Rethinking traditional protection policies and finding alternatives to raising levees will be MichelleMichele Ferri111 &, FabioFabio GiuriatoGiuriato11 necessary in the future. ABSTRACT REFERENCES The way to tackle the even more frequent and harmful floodevents, is to adopt efficient Berg, H., Simenstad, K. A. P., Danielsen, E., Endre, E., Horn, C,. Gregersen, O., Sæther, H. forecasting and risk prevention methods. This can be obtained only through a deep D. (2006). Improved decision support on planning and debelopement in hazard araes on understanding of causes and dynamics involved in such events. rivers, proposal for revised guidelines. FLOWS rep. no WP3Bv. Oslo The local Water Authority of North Eastern Italy, which is in charge of the planning and coordination of flood defence, water use and protection of water resources, has developed an Endre, E., Fergus, T., Moholt, R., Classification of quick clay zones to pinpoint areas of high accurate and robust of the hydrologic response model. The model, of the geomorphologic - risk – results and experiences. Pp 127- 136, Interpraevent Symposium 2004. Riva del Garda/ MonteCarlo type, reproduces stochastic and real hydrographs and thereby the return period of Trient. peak flows and of any other feature of engineering interest, including shapes and volumes. The salient geomorphic features of the basin is recovered by digital elevation model while the Undnæseth, G., Berg, H., Lansjøvold, S., Dybendal, O.
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