Curriculum Vitae of Wilfried Mullens, MD Phd

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Curriculum Vitae of Wilfried Mullens, MD Phd Curriculum Vitae of Wilfried Mullens, MD PhD Social - DOB: August 5, 1974 - Nationality: Belgium - Married: Nele Hermans - 4 children: Kaat, Saar, Teun, Vic Medical Degrees - Degree of Medical Doctor: Summa cum laude - July 1999 Preclinical Years at Limburgs Universitair Centrum - Belgium: * First preclinical year 1992-1993: Magna cum laude (July 1993) * Second precinical year 1993-1994: Summa cum laude (July 1994) * Third preclinical year 1994-1995: Summa cum laude with congratulations of the jury (July 1995) Clinical Years at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Belgium: * First clinical year 1995-1996: Magna cum laude (July 1996) * Second clinical year 1996-1997: Magna cum laude (July 1997) * Third clinical year 1997-1998: Magna cum laude (July 1998) * Fourth clinical year 1998-1999: Summa cum laude (July 1999) - Proficiency in Medical English (February 1997) - Degree of Acute Medicine - Belgium: July 2002 - Degree of Internal Medicine: July 2002 (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Belgium) - Degree of Cardiology: July 2005 (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Belgium) - United States Medical Licensing Examination: June 2005 - Degree of Heart Failure and Cardiac Rehabilitation: July 2006 (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Onze Lieve Vrouw Ziekenhuis Aalst - Belgium) - Degree of advanced fellow in Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation: July 2007 (Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland – Ohio – USA) - Degree of advanced fellow in Electrical Therapies for Heart Failure: July 2008 (Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland – Ohio – USA) - Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on July 1, 2009 entitled: “Resurgence of Interest in the Hemodynamic Alterations of Heart Failure” at the Technical University Eindhoven, 1 Department of Biomedical Sciences, the Netherlands (Promotors: Prof.Dr.Bartunek J and Prof.Dr.Pijls N) Professional Appointments - Staff Cardiologist, Head Heart Failure Section and Cardiac Rehabilitation, Ziekenhuis Oost Limburg, Genk, Belgium (9/2008) - Associate Professor in the School of Medicine and Life Sciences of University Hasselt, Belgium (9/2008) - President of the Belgian Working Group on Heart Failure and Cardiac Function (12/2013) - Board member of the committee on Acute and Advanced Heart Failure of the European Heart Failure Association since 2014 - co-chairing a workshop on Organ dysfunction spring 2016. - Coordinator of the Study Group on Cardiorenal Dysfunction of the European Heart Failure Association since 2017. - Lector in Post Graduate Course HF of the European Heart Failure Association since 2015. Scientific Work - Mentor for several biomedical- and medicine studens, internal medicine residents, and cardiology fellows in Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg Genk - Belgium, the Faculties of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering of the Transnational University Limburg – Belgium, and Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio - USA. - Promotor of several PhD students - Peer reviewer for several cardiology Journals as the Journal of American College of Cardiology, European Heart Journal, European Journal of Heart Failure, Journal of Cardiac Failure, JACC Heart Failure, Circulation Heart Failure…. - Part of Editorial Board of Journal of Cardiac Failure - Invited speaker on regular basis at HFA, HFSA, ACC, EHA, ESC, EHRA, HRM, EuroEcho, Japanese-, Middle East Heart Failure Society. - Principal Investigator in several (>50) medical and biomedical research projects in cardiology departments of Gasthuisberg Leuven, Belgium, Cardiovascular center Aalst, 2 Belgium, Ziekenhuis Oost Limburg Genk, Belgium and Kaufmann Center for Heart Failure at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio, USA. - Co-Investigator of numerous international randomized clinical trials. - Part of Steering Committee aCRT Superiority Trial –since 2014. - Consultant for several Heart Failure Advisory Boards for Medtronic, St Jude, Biotronik, Boehringer, Novartis, …. - Author of 99 Peer Reviewed Publications including Tier 1 Journals as the Journal of American College of Cardiology, Circulation, European Heart Journal, Journal of Cardiac Failure, Heart, American Journal of Cardiology, American Heart Journal, Heart Rhythm, Europace…. - Author of 13 Book Chapters including in the renowned Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease, 2nd edition. - Presenter of >100 Abstracts at International Cardiology Meetings including American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, European Heart Association…. Peer-reviewed Publications 1. Mullens W, Dubois C, Gielen F, Janssens S. Diagnosis and Therapy for Massive Pulmonary Embolism. (Diagnostisch en therapeutisch beleid bij massale longembolie. Casus en overzicht van de geactualiseerde richtlijnen.) Belg Tijdsch Geneesk 2003,6. 2. Pison L, De Vusser P, Mullens W. Apical Balooning in relatives. Heart 2004;90 (12):e67 3. Mullens W, Herbots L, Vanhaecke J. Resolution of cardiac amyloidosis after autologous blood stem cell transplantation. Cover on Eur Heart J 2005;26. 4. Mullens W, Pison L, Vandervoort P, Eerdekens J, De Vusser P. Multiple exercise induced syncopes in a young women due to arrhytmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Europace 2005;7:154-7. 5. De Keyser J, Dujardin K, Mullens W. Quadrant pulmonary edema. Heart 2005;91:540. 6. Mullens W, De Keyser J, Van Dorpe A, Meuris B, Flameng W, Herregods MC, Van de Werf F. Migration of two venous stents into the right ventricle in a patient with May-Thurner syndrome. Int J Cardiol 2006;110:114-5. 7. De Keyser J, Herregods MC, Dujardin K, Mullens W. The Eustachian valve in pulmonary embolism: rescue of perilious? Eur J Echocardiogr 2006;7:336-8. 8. Mullens W, Dubois C, De Keyser J. Coronary fistula: a rare cause of right heart failure. Heart 2005;91:1329. 3 9. Mullens W, De Keyser J, Droogne W. Myocardial calcification: a rare cause of diastolic dysfunction. Heart 2006;92:195. 10. Mullens W, De Keyser J, Herregods MC. Collapse of three cardiac chambers due to a pericardial effusion. Int J Cardiol 2008;123:e62-e63 11. Dupont M, Mullens W, De Bruyne B, Vanermen H. Myotomy through heart-port access for myocardial bridging. Int J Cardiol 2007 Feb 23. 12. Mullens W, Dupont M, De Raedt H. Pneumopericardium after pericardiocentesis. Int J Cardiol 2007;118:e57. 13. Skouri H, Mullens W, Young J. Current Trends in Recipients Selection for Heart Transplantation. Curr Opin Organ Transplant 2007;12:529-35. 14. Mullens W, Tang W, Grimm R. Utilizing Echocardiography in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. Am Heart J 2007;154:1011-20. 15. Mullens W, Bartunek J, Tang W, Delrue L, Herbots L, Willems R, De Bruyne B Goethals M, Verstreken S, Vanderheyden M. Early and Late Effects of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy upon Force-Frequency Relation and Contractility Regulating Gene Expression in Heart Failure Patients. Heart Rhythm 2008;5:52-9. 16. Vanderheyden M, Mullens W, Delrue L, Goethals M, De Bruyne B, Wijns W, Geelen P, Verstreken S, Wellens F, Bartunek J. Myocardial Gene Expression in Heart Failure Patients treated with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Responders versus Non- responders. J Am Coll Card 2008;51:129-136. 17. Mullens W, Abrahams Z, Skouri H, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Francis G, Tang W. Elevated Intra-Abdominal Pressure in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: A Potential Contributor to Worsening Renal Function? J Am Coll Card 2008;51:300-306. 18. Mullens W, Vanderheyden M, Delrue L, Goethals M, Verstreken S, Geelen P, De Bruyne B, Wijns W, Bartunek J. Endomyocardial Upregulation of β1-Adrenoreceptor Gene Expression and Myocardial Contractile Reserve Following Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. J Card Fail 2008;14:172-178. 19. Mullens W, Abrahams Z, Skouri H, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Francis G, Tang W. Prognostic evaluation of Ambulatory Patients with Advanced Heart Failure. Am J Cardiol 2008;101:1297-1302. 20. Chen S, Abrahams Z, Sokos G, Mullens W, Hobbs R, Taylor D, Gonzalez-Stawinski G. Conivaptan: Potential Therapeutic Implications in Heart Failure. Recent Patents on Cardiovascular Drug Discov 2008;3:137-140. 4 21. Mullens W, Abrahams Z, Skouri H, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Francis G, Tang W. Sodium Nitroprusside for Advanced Low-Output Heart. J Am Coll Card 2008;52:200- 7. 22. Mullens W, Abrahams Z, Francis G, Taylor D, Starling R, Tang W. Prompt Reduction in Intra-Abdominal Pressure Following Large-Volume Mechanical Fluid Removal Improves Renal Insufficiency in Refractory Decompensated Heart Failure. J Card Fail 2008;6:508-514. 23. Mullens W, Abrahams Z, Sokos G, Francis G, Starling R, Young J, Taylor D, Tang W. Gender Differences in Patients Admitted with Advanced Decompensated Heart Failure. Am J Cardiol 2008;102:454-458. 24. Mullens W, Borowski A, Curtin R, Grimm R, Thomas J, Tang W. Mechanical Dyssynchrony in Advanced Decompensated Heart Failure: Relation to Hemodynamic Responses to Intensive Medical Therapy. Heart Rhythm 2008;8:1105-1110. 25. Tang W, Mullens W, Borowski A, Tong W, Shresta K, Troughton R, Martin M, Kassimatis K, Agler D, Japser S, Grimm R, Starling R, Klein A. Relation of Mechanical Dyssynchrony with Cardiac Structure and Performance in Chronic Systolic Heart Failure: Potential Influence towards Selection and Responses to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. Europace 2008;10:1370-1374. 26. Mullens W, Abrahams Z, Francis G, Sokos G, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Tang W. Importance of Venous Congestion for Worsening of Renal Function in Advanced Decompensated Heart Failure. J Am Coll Card 2009 53:600-607. 27. Mullens W, Borowski A, Curtin R, Thomas J, Tang W. Limited value of Tissue Doppler Imaging in the Estimation of
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