VoLXXXVIIi. No.Ii: NORTHVILLE. MIOH., FRIDAY,NOVE!VIBER 30, 190D~ $1.00 Per Yearin Advanc

I [-WHEN A BAt~K fALLS IT ,JS TRE FAULT OF -THE SOARD OF HARRY CORB~TI D!ED N~~:23,/ 'MILLIONS DIRECTORS.-Comptroller Ridgely. Had Been III WIth Typhoid Fever -. ,Hardware! OF EGGS but.a Short TlDle. You-will always :find an ~Up~to-Date ,Line of Tin, Harry Corbett. woo lived with hlB /~anDer Year for the..U'" S. ~verrr- parents, Mr::-J.nilMrs. Irvtnl't e,orbett Granite and Nickel Ware ment' In Mlchig-a_n•. in the ~lcRay house, ~orthvllle, died. at our store. Our Prices Friday night of IMt week alter II. it.r e ,Extremely -Low - short lllness of typhoid fever.~ t - When you stop 'to con- , HA~tAKEN MORE THAN FIFTY-[ Harry was a butcher by trade and sieler quality of Ware. j , SIX MILLION TROUT EGGS. I ,had enJl:aged hfmsel!<-to work in Frank Mlllei"smar~i't justbefore he - J was taken lll, "He wa~_but eighteen " Penl'n-sul.or· " a-n'd "Garlana-" Hard . 'HU;;dred ~n.d FIfty.MIlIion~~of ~hltej and one half years of"agGand was a .... highly respected y'oung m:!ln. The Ooal Base Bnrne1!S and Steel Ranges. c. Fish Eggs. - 0 , __ faI!.lJly had lately moved here frum ~- ,7' :: - ==- It .b~4nl. to look as if the "direEtor" who- considers his only duty is !B- pocket MllaQ and Mr. Gorl:>.ett,senior, fs his $10 p"'r meeting- ~" -- I engineer for the Korthvllle !>llllitig "i'ThlS' wllI b: the b~nner yeai- fo~ Co. ""'Retort Oak" Soft· or_ Hara. . the U. S. gover;\'ment's .take or .fi~hf ~ HJ I The luD€'ral occurrerl at Saline.' Ooal ~Stoves., TRY ·ONE. i,-e~~'; in Mlcbigan", says' Asslatan~ , ~I IBAN''\.111 ~ I whpre the body was taken for ~SuPt. Ward Bowers ofthe-./\orth\·i!le iJ ~] I~ ment on::>unddY. rU~~fti~~I~t~~~I~on a;d-;'~ ft'; "dd I (] -l'rl/~ i> CARPENTER HUFF m6re lake trout fiiHnggs hav'e heen.., '~ ~, NORTHVILL'F." MICHIGAN. secured from the Be='er Eland I .~ SChOOlNotes. groupds by toe D, R elrlploye.J thli" ..J~ iBy a Pup' ] I1------.....,,------::.-,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!, , senson anJl 49000-,000pf them are -~tLr::::" - Earl Grey enterepthe;Slxthgrade i'~..:..:..:...:-:-:~:+<>:~).:..:..:..:-:..:-:-:-:-:-:-: ..:-:..<..:-:":-:"-:-:":~";+;+4 .:..:..~ v at the Xorth,illf - h"tche.ry" ""II' _ _ last weel,. r '" ng:jt t-o Its utm"ost ('"aparlty l~ ~ The Eig-utb- grade ha,e taken up even mUlion i",ve been sbippen to _ PhyslOiogy. l1'eBt-fltloI,'''.BtDuluth, (,'ape '"wcent '" . ~~ ~ There al;p-two new puplls.1n the f _ LAitlPS !'- ani! Put-ion.Bay ~ - Third "rade. In 80rtlng ol'er these egl!:q the ll'.tl'n "'\\'~ER~ The ~enlor8 held rhetorlcala Wed. W~ have a New Line of Lamps alHhe way from a Hand Rssistance of u'p\iVards of thlrt., g-lrls nei';dayafternoon:- I- t Lamp at 25c to a Large Ce_nter Draft I, Success'; at $4.50' We wilL be reqUired for some tllne and :-'8 being shown that he has more to oarry than th~ direotor's fee. _ ~f- have 3:Ve2' Pretty Nlgnt Lamp for 3",oc.' very €'IDploye wi1l- be h,uqy II.Sa bee = - Wid, e" on. _Ch',cago Record·HeraId. !nThe.8lxththeir wast~.basket,gratle have = a new lining I until the-last one l8=patcbed_Qut < ,?,t. The govern-ment thIs year "trledy GOOD FOR FRED EVANS. I Presbstenan Cnurcn Notes. The First grade is studying tbe Will have another shipment of those Nice Stands ew experiment of conllnlnlZ' their I I"LUe of the Pllgnms". If i WIth Baking powder ~he first of the ,week.- peratlons to one polnt-H"aver I fBy the Pastor]o ~ Sebool closed Wednesday nlgbt for s!and- instead '3fDshlng at several "Chic" Has Struck It Rich In the -r:hesermon next ~undif~ evenIng the Tbanksglvlng vacation. t, laces and the 'jl;reatr succ~ss, Mr West. will be on "The Pr"blem of the The Eighth grade have some n~w i ow~r beHaves, will warrant their Scbool" or Religion and Educl!.tlon cortalns on "their GROCERIES ,"Conth:iUanceof thIs policy ilerea1ter. .:fletter recelvpd thIs Week hy .1'. A- A large and convenIent summer Lisle Xlexande? of th€' Fburth We carry a Full Line of Groceries-always fresh and we The take of white fish on the Dulluar frum Fred Evans, better kltcllen has been IJnllt on the manse grade, has gene no~tbfor tW9 weeks.\ make prompt dellvery. PrIces Always Low as the lowest- I etrolt rIver Is also ~co~Pleted and known to Northville-people a~ "Chic" thronjl;h toe effort~ ofthe Ladles' Aid /1 bere too, the take,of l",~,OO(l,OOOIs '?vans, states tha~ he has ~truc'KIt society. Gladys Cooper, 01the Filth ~~'" or Lower.

hIt j h t t ' hi t """ "- Q Th' has left school on accout;;+~~>1'ea1l: L e a.r~..s n t e ,s .I" p s s ory. rich In the west. He hllS ii. position e mll.jI;nllicent congregatIon eyes. hll wh.te Qeh eg'J!;sall ,go 1nt.o th~, with ~he FeJ1eral Mlnln &_ :Smelfln Sunday mornIng was an Ineplratlon _ :I etrolt 8tatlon, wblch Is In ('harge ~ 2- P; to the preacber and showed what The Sevent~ wrote Thanks. Don't Forget Our Oo1fee SpeciaLties. f Foreman Will Thayer ana will Co. at BU~ke. Idaho, at $1 " p!!r can be done wben all are In their givIng stories for their language =' '.." month and wlll soon receive tue 1~ kept there until ,they ,are eyed . appofbtment of postma~ter at that placed. W~dnesda.y. , hen a large number of the eggs will 1=" The Third grade wrote stories on i s'!nt to the stations at Alpena p a.('e. -I "ColonIal History" and read them . C. E.=RYDER 11 d =£harlevolx for batchlng and 'I be following from t~e Spo1{esman Bapnst cnurcn ncr.:e:>. W€'dnesday afternoon. Bojh Telepho~es. N~RT"VII:..LB I Il trlbutlng. '" Revlt'w 01Spokane, "asb, explalus MUo White. a pupn 01 the Sixth (~..:..>x-:-:+:+:+:-: ..:.. x< ..:*> ~:+:-:..:et..x+:...-...:.~ •••••• 11the employe..>sare back at work ItsPlf: '. fBv a MemberI Krade. had the misfortune to break :-:-<.. the Northville and Detroltst1ltlone ,"Fred Evans, a fireman II.t the\ Preparatlon.s are. being made by 1:- ....,, -: _I,I' aln excpptlng A. T. Stewart, who 'I Ig<.:~-Poorman mIII an d engIneer 0f the Sunday scbool lor Christmas I.'thisschool.arm In two places while jumping I: III remain at Beaver Island for two th~ lIger power houee for thrt'll or exercises. i.! -j eeks or so !lUperlntendln~ th .. ('atch lour yea!s,_W!I\~r~bahl.v-beWap!?Olnt The monthly !\lIsslonary meeting The Secow grade played "Hlawl!.- Pine T~i1oring!, -- c , ed successor to rObtma~ter Edgar tha's Deer Hunt" Wednesday after. I wblte fish a-nd the taklnl!: of tbe K"lttrull resigned 'Mr Kitt're'll takes will be held at the home or Mrd. B:A. noou, W~ndelllllller taking the part 'f awn from them. ~tewart has had "I h h Ti 1\1 II I Northrop next Wednesday afternoon. By putting into oUI line of Woolens, the 'ChGlcest Products are:-e of the la1e trout catch at a posltlollbW t t e ger prcant e at 2.00o'clock. of "Hlawatha"~ I of the manufacturers' sKill, we have received substantial I I eaver s.and"t his year l£nd IHIS company"'lr. Evuns'ere. -netltlon' contaIns "ube Tb(\ regnlae-: monthly- business Miss Hall gave each one of tbe recognition fr0m the publIc 19 the snape' 2! our Enormous Quantity of Orders.' _- I I d d ",. F pupils Inche Primary grad"s a shell : I rta n y ma e a g-~"atreeor . names of nearly all of tbe prominent meeting of"",tbe B. Y. 1'. p. will be which sbQpil'ked np near tbe place 1_. h Our line contains ALL the Popular Weaves, Color- " 'l~he white fiB , catch on the De· repubhpans, a;;'ong them belug held next Wednesday eY-ening-at the where the PIlgrims landed. Olt rll'er and Grassy ~sland has A C. Cogswell, manag-er of tbe 'rlg!'r home of Roy Clark. = _ ing-sand No~eltles, as well as the Most DeSIrable Staples. I GIve us a Tnal Order. , en In ~harge of 1I1r. 'I hay"r and MercantIle -company and 8< republl. The subject of tbe sermon Sunday The "llelpIDg Hand AssociatIOn" I . G. FilkInS, wbo have a record can committeeman; Gus Ebren!Jprg. morning will be "The L'nllmlted of the High S<.hool gave a '.rhan1s. I eaklng; record too to their c!'edlt. sL'perlntendent of ,he Frisco mine Power of .Tesl:sto 1:>'"The even. glylng d1nn:3ryesterday afternovn in I ~E. J.·WILLIS, herchant Tailor ! tbe ~fethQdlst church. the admission 1324 Grand Riv"r Avenue. Phone Grand 1090.J., DETROIT, MICH_ r and chairman of the republican -1ng sermon will be a contll)UatlOn helng ~wenty cenl-Sfor outslder~. a I:;:;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;:;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;;:;:;::;~;:;::;;:;::;;:;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;:;::;;:;::;=;:;::;;:;::;;:;;:;;;:;;~ . SIOck Sale. Iconnty central committee; Ereemont of last Sunday evenln,!';'ssubject. frEe ticket being g:ven to the poor I' f ;;I'wenty !\llchlg-an hGrS':!R,llmong- S Rowe, foreman of the Hecla mIDe children. 'J'-lieproc@ds, If any, will '! j )llch lire a good many wagQn and a commIttEeman, W. Alvlu Hall. Methodist Chnrcn "'OT~';::. go for Xmas presents for the poor, J 'rses and farm cbunks; ~one extra also a prominent repUblican, and ,'. ., ...~. j od gentleman driving anare, sired many otbers, which practICally as 1 rBr the Paster) Yarnall- Inst.itute rra Wilkes, milch cows bl1reShis appointment. WIll Try Agam h calves by side at the E>-change "rhe office pays $14UOa year, with Preaching service next Snnday • For Alcoholism or Drunkenness. oWl.,.." barn, Korthvllle, \Vpdnesday, J perquisites brIDging ",tbe tota I to €'venlng at tbe 'Isual hour. The Rev Frank 1I1111er-of Plymouth Send for Pamphlet and Literature. Literaturescnt ir:::JaIa Envelope. i"Dee. 5 at ten o'dock a m. Ratten. about $2,000, put of wbich necessa,,-'y pastor will occupy 1be pulpit. wl!I hold Umversahst clmrch services OR. W. H. YARNALL. NORTtiVILLE, MICI! , Uury &=:ttar-iiwellther, Propr. - clerk hire must be-paid" Those who left their pnrse and key In tb2 Lailles' Llhrary hall, Kortb- ,< ------1 In the churcli Sunday morning will/,me, at 4'30'next Suuday (on the SPIRITS GOING UP? now find the same at the parsonage. arrival of the 4'30 car from Farming. The W. H. ~l. ~. spent 'a very ton') Everybody welcome. rMAKE ... .. pleasant time at toe home of 1\I1's. To the m~asure Itake ahd -do not try to secure your patron- Balden ~fonday afternoon -They age by bluffing, but carry a clean, honest lIne of Woolens. are Interesting themselves In some of 'BurrOWs-Howland. Call and copmare prIces WIth a reliable tailor. the needy on€'sof tbe city of De.trait. Mr. Milton Burrows and :'>llss Northville. The first Quarterly Conference of G. ALLAN, Merchant TaiIor~ the Conference,year wlll be held In Emmawere marriedHowlandTuesdayall ojatthistbe homeplace I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the cllUrchchapel Saturday evening of Mlsq HOWland's parents at Hud- at '/.30. Official members are expect- son. They will continue to make '" . eo and all who wish to attend will Xorthville their home. be w~lcomed. ,/ Holy communion will be admlnls· TEA AND COFfEE ! tered next Sunday morning. Love , Card of Thanks. ~ feast wlll begin at 9 o·clock. preach. We wish -to thank Our new fonnd t A GoodCup of Tea or Coffeeis half the Ing servIce at ten; Presiding Elder friends who so kindly assisted us Whynot buy the best. Sw€'et o"cupl~s the pulpit. We hope durln~ the sickness and death <'.tour t Ivr a large attendance, son and brother. The Flrst Intermediate class will IRnxG CORBETI'A~D F.\ 'HLY. Our 400 and 50c Teas and our hoid a "Penny Social" next Tuesday 2QC and 300 Ooffees are the night, Dec. 4, each article of food Best the market 0 can produce. being a penny. The proceeds will go for repairs on the church windows WHY NOT OWN broken by last summer's han storm. All come supplled with plenty of YOUR OWN HOME? I pennies. OookingFigs...... 100 Ib There Is another To a person who would rather 3 lbs Prunesfor ~ , 26c class which Is now putting on new own his own home than pay rent, the NorthVille Loan & Bldg. AS80n., 6 Ibs=Starchfor " < ••••••••• 25c 1IIeby the addition or new members. Ii "happens to be the pastor'8 and olfers exceptional advantages. For 3 CansCornfor , 26c the payment of $2.95 a week one he feels 80mewhat proud over the pays for $1,000 home In ten years. GrahamCrackers , 9c pkg bright ...nd Intel1lgent looklnjt people a. The payment 01$1~48a week pays that are now comIng Into his class, GingerSnaps ...... ••...... •.... 7c Yet there Is room. $500on a home In ten years. Dozens Oranges 150, 250, 350, and 400 doz 01 Northvl11e people are paying for 1------Itheir home8 In thIs manner. In8tead The Standard 011octopus indulges in mixed drinJes. Stops Itching Instantly. Cures piles, of paying rent, own ths home your- , -Bartholomew in MinneapolisJour"al. eczema, salt rheum, tetter Itch, hives, B. A. WHEELER herpes, scables-Doan's Ointment. At sell. Apply to I E. VaTlAtta or TELEPHONE. NORTHVILLE, MICtf. any drug store. J. A. Dubuar lor furtber particulars. ··,··~.~~.$ t •••••••• %

f:lept.~, 19OG. ONEIDA COMMUNITY "l'1:aJ~ h:it,e NO'rtb:vple...aa brllowa"i TRAPS ,DETROIT AND ;,)"\'5'1'. _ .e'lO a •. m. 10:15 a. m. 2 IS p Iii. 8:40 p m. t . },'OP: T0LEDO AND SOJJTH. ~lllI a. m" 10.m am., 2.18 pm., 8.40 :po w.. .• .FOR SA.G:d.rAWA~D BAYCI;';Y" MOST IMPORTANT H1U'PENINGS S 20 a.. m" ~ 18 a. 00., 2 18 pm., '6 :!6 ... m. AT .ROME TOLD IN CON-, • L.UDillGTON, :.1ILWAU· DENSED FOR¥. - KEE~ :3:~ a.~m.. "2:18 p. In.. The- NEWHOUSE T8AP-ls the best ----_. lir the world. It Is a perfect machine. Hand-fitted I TITorougbly iD~peoted· and tested I , " The VICTOR TRAP is the only re- nable, low-priceu trap. Don't buy cheap Imitations. Be sure the Trap Pan:reads as follows:


~~/ ASK ANY TR.APPER·~ c:-

THI£ TRAPPSR'S GUICS • S?tul 25 t'~'ltU '''''' 1lte Nn.'Uko!tse TRAPPERS' ;2}2;i1t{':i~~n~:sts~~A~:i£J~~tl!l.~J,l:zr:t COllttrtUIt#Y. Lt1, On~itfa..-N Y. I

rT8iepnone Rates

$12.00 per 'Year for First-Cl~ Rural Telephone, SerVice A.nd Free 8ervice. within the ~one of exchlln~es including

NORTHVlllEl NOVI PLYMOUTH, FAR~trNGTON AND SAND Hill FREE. I I - (, Prompt and Efficient Toll Ser- vice to 'Detroit and- Other Pointe within the Michigan. Our Service enables you to

WlTtf Communicate ALL Rural Subscribers

conneeted "'ith our Exchanges t. in your territory. Further in- formatioo will be furnished by I .1 T. E. ~UR.DOCK, Manager MICHIGAN STATE TELEPHONE 'COMPANY WINCH£JTER , Smokeless Powder Shells "LEAj)ER" and "REPEATER" The superiority of Winchester Smokeless Powder Shells is undisputed. Among intelligent!

U{ can't make anyt-ltng out C1't. that shooters they stand first in pop- 10 ~asc." began the "0 lli~ doctor. ularity, records and ~h 0 0 tin g "What?" eA.C"In.nnc'! Ius WIfe. "Oh' den t b,> lC'lrc'l. I mpll!l 1 qualities. Alw-ays use them don"t un'ierstap(l It) of ('(,urse.. I'm ru"lnT)~ r"onpv (mt of it" rorrleldorTra~6::::::.1 Ask Your Dealer F'or Them. CASTO'RIA For Infants and ClJ.ildL..,n. World Growin(l Wary. "I don't see why Dashup never The Kind You Have Always Bought gets along as a satesman. He's ~be ~llbbest talker I ever knew." :Bears the d ../~ "That's just It. He's so smooth ~ll.tureof ~i'n7-&,7~ everybody 8USP!!cts blm."-Dctfol* Free Prlllls. ~The Reco'rd, Noithville, -Mi~h., Friday, Nov;-aO! }W6. - (

5f:R1_.4:1-' =~~r;~i1fi::!;·w~.;~'~:-:::.:::::~:: :':lISIDE liGHTS L..::uR::: sp:.::~"'0IR.;, Eo,~::.'o:~.:~.,_,~ ~5TORY ~~s~~o ~Irls ,"~en- t~ey came to }iis :t:o~~1':::-o~~~~:e;~qUired, blan'!1Y,. ON MICHIGAN I Frazer Wt;.-Accidentlllly Shot. J jures ~ourt,,~n and Kills O.n.1. _ -,Alice dropped Into a chalI:- be~lde the I "1 3"ant the police!" • sl1e ~:moSt' C.a!>sC, LI;htner, ot Detrmt, 's~n •of J Standln~, at tD:~ foot at the Hpowei I :~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~'!dOOr,:and hegan to Cry. A.nJ~ Wa.'ll scr.eallled J.>aek to him. -:' E. N. LIghtner. h.old th", b vrhicll/ hOuse hill. at Birmingham, early Sat. I iln not satisfied. She kept. W~clerlngfJ "Oul, QUi, ma'm'selle; I have zem T was accldentallY-dlschargea and"k11l6d urday mommg, the theater car whlcla_ tJ~""'~'II-_"'""iIoo",,,,,"'_~.llfro~ room to room, utterly Oe~ddered; 'n one mmute." VICtor'bowed .with HE F1ERCE STORM ON THE John Frazer, of Gene.eo. 'N. Y. an.,tleft Detroit shortly before midnight Oil lookmg to,: something that woelU set the air of d~ing a foolish thing in or· LAKES CAUSED GREAT other studen!- m the: engmeering de· Ithe Detroit & Pontiac electnc 11ne, was her straight. Time and -lIgaln she der to' paclty Ii child. "Rip'leetl LOSS OF LIFE. - partment of the Ulllvels~ty of MICh' r",n mto by ll. freight car and raIred U stopped at the ili1;t door that 'they Hlp'l€ett" he calleil, "runl quicJ!:, igan,_wh.? \Vat' wpunded In' the abdo· far for"ard as the smO!-rget. Fra~er 0 . ~ H s lS e .room, s e Sal, na, Hippolyte came from the COurt e- _.-- 'died that ~night m the hospItal. _ I ne passenger, )'1~s<;.ffarriet ar. I;;'"; "we notIced the broken knllb on low an1'l h~bbled UP tJle .stair, his cap ~They were llhootmv at a tin. can in gel', of Pontiac, was kIlled. and twelve ~DtVIL= this door_when we came out :s~-t in. hand;)Il! halt neri uiJ:derstood. _ Gale Averaged SIxty Miles an Hour, the rlver and Lighti;.er had Just reo Iof the other fineen passengers-more or night."- - - •• AnIta advanced to meet -him at the Le~v,"g a.~ake of Death and D~~~. loarrea..the-revolver_'"hel} it was aCCI- less inJUre~ ~ : _ •. .. MOILllleur VICtOl' seemed a trifle di-· d60r, Again she· stopped, a choking ter That Appall~ -dftlltallY·dlscharged. - -'c. ' The theater car had stopped at the MAY~CARE concerte,! at the .,posTtive slatement, fear Clutching at if~r throat. . - Every effort was made by F'razer's power house to take air fd held It. - _ "J' pa~5enger C;IJ;.. ha~ JUst" c;>me, and < - - her stoeking-ana washed her fQot_L"'10nsleur "ltictor, do not call the po- to be dead, SIX men are- believed to f went out -for a Falk mtli, freIght car),'o ,204 came_ rushing . sUrely you remember that? Oh, no, 11~e--yet-" 1 h":.\"e been lost from" launch off !lfus.1 C"~s -C::-~lghtIler auu Tom S. DaVIS.. l down the h~av;: grade. It- struck the . .. it wasn't here at aU" and the !!irll =Vietor shrugged his shoulders hope- kegon. WhIle the balge D. K. Clint- of I ham n,ellibeb of the TrIgon ;somet), r standmg c~r WltI: a crash, and tele- (CoPYrlgbt,IIlOIi,byD• .APPleto.d:Co)C , '" r - .. besm?- D - I which I!>composed of engmeenng stu- f scoped 't- for two·thlrds cf Its- length. .. CHAPTER IX -C fit' ed ~ burst out crying again, I',ess .y; -was ev~r ma:' so ~.:". etrolt .'S mlssmg !en Lake Erie with I d~nt5' Who belong to the. EpISCO- There were 'sn:t""u passengers on th$ ~1 -, .. 0 '~U • Arthemi:se spoke no EnglIsh,. but. HlppolyJe hall scarcel;\&' disap.peared a Clew of eight, si'( or'wnom are De-I pal chure!. The' wandered: toward ca~ and they had no warnm~ what~ onsi,cg,r s fl«:~ bl"lghtened. _ "Oul, she understoo(l, and • shrugged lier before he came back again, - Anita ItrOlters Efforts to fina tlie Cimt--;' Gedd"" Wh<\;' ,he shot was fh:ed that eve'r of "hat was coming. " "

OUl, mamsel!e ."ish tc see zls'4part- shoulde~. 0 ' ,; _ tturne-d to him as she might have J Thursd"y "ere tIllavalilng~-lJut the I penetIated Frazer's abdomen-a senior .Miss Harger wa'l so badly injured ",ment. But 7015 ls-m:;' chamber, I sleep I Allce came· like ii child ·to "Anita, turned to any trflle which promised o"ner J. 0 Teavan of DetrOIt -hago' medIcal stuaent dId -what~-was- possi-I she died upon., reachmg the_ o.lllca of flf herE!" • ~ - - ,- -'-I' I" ..~ 'f d . d ' D .. T h ~ h h' ~ ..... d. ' 0u ' • ?" - ' - .Jhid her head on, "the~.J1t]J.~ ~&~ s ,_e)C sleep In here. Alice repeat1!d. breast, and suff~ed herse1! t'? b'o le~ ."Twc gentl~man;"'ZBY wait,",he said> vessel WIll rille tlle gale safely '!'he l"lthers"l'an to call an ambulancC" .• Fra- Others :veleocut! and the ,aguelJ:' AnI!-&-glanced at the man !fom the room. - Anita stood perfect- and ;hauded Anita their cards--"M-r. stolm "\\.\S cllaracterlZed b} Johe 'ill" ze. was -then loaded mto a farm expresslOn"of every passenger on th._ lO~d wonder-';d what he meant. ly stilI in t1I,.e hall strokin~- Alice's, Felix Ghaudr- /, ".ArtiIemise, Arthemise," he called. pell:l'~ - e n~e , ":' gr~ cu _ ICe e)<-ealme . •ow. ~ Re!,ort~ from al! ?vel' "'-The, f do -farmer, Iivmg wel!t of ihe village, !lnd clapPed.. hIS" hands. The maid tains-:-the. C!'usllper knlgllt'-::-the cabt :MotheEo-y-ro~e hIm a month ago-.:...h. show tua;: ~he storm IS leanng a wake, Poh\t1cians H Lansillg "ill oave a! l!hot and kIlled his wife, Lena, aged came - and a few "ords passed be- n~t-the. memone. Of. Lafitte-Mr~ -was., to mllJ't ns !!er.e, ;alld llurpri!e of ~recks, <.lIsabled vessels, Urqwnmgs coou hunt "- ' - r 22, followmg a trI,Ial 'luau,,!, yester- twee~ the in F ch 'Ze room is Ashton herself, _the real -and th". un"- you. = , and has liou:e- much damage '0 _shore I _ A movable dam s to b built at.1 day· aftern.Qon, and then .IillIed him- ~ mIen,' ,. . Ireal.-all;: everythmg had vaUIshed She tore herself away from Anita, PIOpeIL).. - 1 a\" ' it I" self _ _ are I}.~t~t p:.ef , fu~:mse~~;, Mons1eur .:from the _daY)ight, like night-born sped tlirongh the hall, down.the steps.' ~h~gale created~ha,oC" in. the be· I Tr ers!!' C ):.. - ~ •. The IDUl'der ;j\as premeditated, '''':;t0l" apol~g12.ed, Dut- r' "f"antasies of a dream." , and WIthout notIcing a stranger's trmt .,rl\"e~, "reckmg an -old. s-choouel, I FlIm dem~ds S·for a g.ual ter .lCkets Highlany: in the opposed ilia Ms •Opel],. tlils door, open 1 do!!r, "---J' resence ran strai~ht to Woodford c)lpsizmg a ~co.w dlld-causing m:l.n; LfIO~ D F & S. road pu.c!Jase of a small article 01 furn!- ~!Ce deJRanded so -vigorously that i - . - X ~ance.' -" otl"'r,.uaune lli.,shaps .It lowered the ThCJ'C.ar6oS]? llilles 01 elecrnc IlIter- t= that hIS ,:'fe 3.-ished to buy_ .She Vlct-or took the key from CArthemlse - - ~HAB-TER, ". _ 1 "Ob. ,- 1 " - " h veater at t!,e l;Ime !'-tIn \i.r9SSIL-gan~ I urban' all,,'\J.y m the state. was a t,eacher m -a s<::hool near Gasno- and threw the rpom open? - Alice I "I1';TO-THE" OI? , !J!I so g .ao:.-you ca~e, I!. e at Bal' POint and ·fom bIg uelghfers TWQ """omen took eAannnatmn for via, and afte,r she left for her school ' stellped "inside with Anita. =nl"ediate.= Men.sle:!1" V,ctor LaboUlsse follp"ed _out;. "somet~ng tem-bl~ has L"e agr.oll.!lJl at tife I,,-ttel plac,," _ I embiilmels' he.ense",t Lansmg u.lIties HlglfHind went te. Kent Cft}., Iy·behind her, both.thelr faces turne'. 'Highland returned There was no bed \\Ith green CIl1tams, I Iraru:;!I "ent. on'at Point Pele') toda' credIt to all, who do not paS_ from school. no c-()-sader tape<;.ty; no Charlotte and the cre" of ~~ men "eleoleSCl-led I ~ Bo)d Proutliad, owner of. the "Paut- "J:" heard Lena cr}' 'Don;tl' .. said Corday on the w~fI, no Spanish eabl· I b) the POInt );eIee life ~t" mg crew 'mrf anct )'Iorton hotels has bought -the, !lfrs Hlghlaud, Sr.. 'then two shots npL_nf)lhing: that they recognized. an.d lahpu to the 11fE"sJuug -statLGU He-Iald Square at Gland RapI'ls I IrlUg out in qUIcli: succeSSIOn. and on "VI~y-th;s- is not-mother's room." ~ rhe mos, oa!lal;llll; aud gle",,-ume f Judge V'alter H NOIth, in"'tho K~la. running upstair~. I found both Lena. A ,. • to k IU €H,ry detail at 1~anlle of th~ Ho,IJ.ucl 1HZI quadlujlle" 1100 t ~ I th t I and Delos dead ~ _ Dha 5 e) €S 0 • • ,., dlSaStei '- ~ hel e lour Inel~ 10&t theIr 1ffia ...oo ell ell COUI, _u es a ...mar _ a glance-----eoats hangIng oU chair., Ines in Tue"dd) llIghl" StPllll, Ca.!!I,,-I"~lllg: l.=.censes cannet be suppressed. Wa""~r Talks on Ooen Ballot. to"ols t1;rrown':cacro~s a ,;creen~ a sl!.av= :,0 JJgi~t a! the inquest lldd~at 1-10l1;("mlJ =- OrChal d' '~EYe ~glOote~ at S,taud~sh The opVIJon of Gov. ":':arner In ref- ing-stand, a line or ~hoes,.a dressing ".ltun.,) i Gud the Irou. of<~ B "eavers onck e~eu~e LO w~adolmon of th" open bai. l;QWn, and slippers It was a's Oue '''tne"s testified tllllt gl.;'ouls cn·' warehouse blown down hy the storm. l"t In the selectIon of a "UnIted States. - . uedchamber; she drew ba\:k. cuiated ~rnong the dead aftcl the bOll HIghway commiSSlOne!~ of e\"~y senator- "\\as e'\.pre'3sed by hriii today The low Napoleon lIed... ill the far I@Sot 'lartIn r "Wood"ald and tIl" "h'! townshIp m~'\"'llao count) attended as follows "I am grattfied that 90 rorner had been-:3lept in, and was still othel ~ "1'9 ,,,ere tound wele brollght llhe good road~:; in!:lutute, addres&ed mau.J'- members of the leklsiature and disordered; tbe hea' y c~nter table, the Asho", and thJ.t the snlll (t $300 In' b' .L 1epl e' ~nta~n e ot H S Earle's I senatonal candIdates have expressetl 'plctures OlF t!Jo "Wall-e.,.er}fh~ng was bill, ,Ih 111Q.t\\-oO~"'U(1 -Q"d 11l th" I hoot I.hc Stoe"'. \"'_ ro?,m" • , Ok .. IcJ.d io the .,!l e,t ,I11U r om IC~IOn'01 a dee" lw, blollghl do"n " 100 pound I nn~a;;J~;;,:,,~ro'O~nt~ ~ei5gr1b:'i?:$;ti~@ I do not comprebenhotat b1 ~ight- ~l:~ ~~~d.tI:f{ ~ ~~{ blJ~Sqt~tt~~~~~, l$~\~i 100lLtd fa ~ua.In- no. It was not thIS Tunstead Was KIlled I \\ at-i'h T \, Sanford, ot Fal \\~ell, whlIe l! 7~ 'tt..a~-.,:;: t'~J:"" anll heIfers that-- aro '::: ..... I Sl f tl f Dr:; mill ,'twmpullg fO rob .1 s,110011 Iefk;a tl'ail fat, I)t~ to 700 n,cr, $~ 1~@3 15. choice "'''-. h II v itA -t _ lOr IDm Ie J~aJ ....Pdt 0 ~nJd = I I h led tl b ~ fat ('(;"$ $3 1::i@, :'0, good fat cows. H;~ a was 'e1. Cjl1e m a ),obl~', "nlomohl)" III", a "lone f10'11 "C of b ood "Ilc, 10 Ie ug"y III 1$2 50 J 1, ~ommon eo"s, $.:!-@22S; could l!ear the parrot's chatter in the l.utapult I,J- a colh~lOn \\ ah a " ..1<"on "Inch he e<;called ('ann~r.., $1_@1 I)(l cJ],Qice hea"y bull<=;. cour!;, beIo~. th;', "plashmg fOUl'tam, .It Glatr~t ,Henne and )lol,m slreet, 111I • HellI} .-\ \\ oHf, 10'mer ClUllrlIIUll.-oO(f~~II';;"~f ~1@3'f~tr 't~CI

Amra murmured an ll.pology, aud t~Iere bet\\ten l1:emc? Why should I order rhsmisslilg the ',;\lonsleur Victor, where is my thmg? \\"1, dul lIe a~ee no~ to I catory gcsture, II€art-broken at hav- to reSIde III It, anrl tht lllall man de., Foal' llew tree delIvery wIlte!> "'ll' negro troops be e\ecuted Immediately. mother?" Alice caught the lapel of come bad;: to thIS house If .' lCtOl ing to "take issue O<'lth a lady. "Ze I!Vl'1s mUll as the) travel .Ilong. ' b" establIshed at )!Jdland ,January 1, II :\.n a:nti tlppln" lub' _s bipal OOJect 'WIth an exprcs, ion of pt\infnl IgnO' "ladles ll1US~ ~e p;olect, wnat. <11d.he mornmg zey speal;: of one more lady. de.ath of :\!Jke "Ward followmg the box· f pI actlcallv cove, th.: entIre count}; I th~ ending of the tipping system in ..-anea.- mean by thttt. "bat woman dId Noe! r l;:now rmtllng of her. One young ing match at Grand Rapids, pl",ade(~ I The new routes "'ll co.lIse fcur ~mal'l ~cguv in large hot "M oPler Monsieur Victor my mpan to harm? lady say her inuuer slcep in zat room not gUIlty toda; and was beld under postotllces ro be dl'<.'Ontlnued. I SOCIety to be large in gl'O"\\th moth~r':" th~ ~rl insisted, "don't you A thousand jllmbled ideas flas~ed -one say she do not. One say 'yes,' $10,000 Donds After tiein.g test 42 ) earB. bel' au "\\'11'le r mnmg 40 mIles an hOllr remember-try to I'ememher-her foot through Anita's mind. "No, no," <;llei ono say 'no'-a.~ yolU hear m'siell" I Mrs. ,T. H. Da,erman, WIle of ~ [g(,ge'1lent rlIlg, IS to be retarned to I Gran; Tr~nk train No 24 stnIcl, a slipped, slle stepped m the gutter L stopped l,eIself at the tllre!>ho1d But I am iu one great perple~. Zat 'ees Gland R!l~dS sarct~ee.t, n~;t ~h~hR: i:ir~ ~:l\'IU ~. 1:r~I~n)t,o( '~a~~jng~oln, tr~ l;'ing ncross the track a mile west I I bt when )'on helped ITer from Ishe must do somethIng; Monsieur. '" De ,Iaree an w ~ eren e • e er, wa.!>.os ~ ,ler s" eOL ear n <4. Fuller and the engln" went down a ast n g"" Victor-wretched lIttle ereatnre-I my room, I'sleep zere las night. lands envoy who Visited here, after a j the grass at ll. frtendllllQuse, and WM SO.foot embankmen~. Tne enginE> tho> cab. a S'le zed u into his kept wa.tchinp; her with his toad's I The bewlldered Frenchman shnllll:e<1 separation of 36 )'ears; S~e :vas hIs f'~und ~'hcn her brother turned a ~l1adQItipped over. The baggo.:;e '11;(10 face,l'1t4!oUlllythe man5,'s cxpresSlo.lga . P ,9hOwedie. ye~, au~u AII~p.~~.was worse than l1elY.... I11112shoulders helplesslY._ nurse when be wa" olIl~' 4)eals old, oi.carta In the garden. last Wmlllllf, I''ar-. Ulll tra~k . :-<0_ one 17U burl, tho.t he cUd not retaemblll'. 8lthoul:'h less. . (TO BE CO~Tnnry;IU "-:-" ~~i-'"'""S~:1l--i. 'i;

- The .Ree01'd:- Northville,

W AlSTl;:D-Top buggy-m- !tood De8Crlbp "'"Sud sttlte pnce to North.vL11~, lllclL. Escaped th~ -Terrors -of - Many rJvVfnters .e,Y

;:..-... ~...... -: ..~ ")~'P:.<'~~~/+_ extreme oid age, M"i".Brock says~: '"':,<,~ 'L'" ':, :,,~';:'::0 "After ...m~ h~ b....ed.1n the world ~ ~ .....::... "'¢...... : ...... ;::~:.;. -=-t'~ ...... p.¢.:.. as-long &8 I:n.v~, he- onght to have ((I A"":.};." /?: found out ... ! many- things by ex' '/ - "" ~ ."", '", - ~rlenC3. 1: thjnk I liave done so. ,.~ Erbreme" Pldi;~"-;t:~;roQeolthe things 1h~e forind ~£;f.:-~' ,rl-1'OUFtii my entice SatlsfBctJonIs the \'''' Age _to th/~Sf;.<"j\;;':c;p'-roper.thing .for liiimects that ) 0 of£j,Yi:',~:::eedue -directly to the effects of ","~~;'SJ<.':::-''<'~:!t'·''rIle climate. For 117 years J have , -".'.; <:.- ,; w[tbstOOii the ~hangeabJe c]Imat!" , , ~:.:~~;~. <:'~ :,'. of the United.States. -. ''::~-'- -"._ - '~Ihave alWays been'" .very iiealthy-' '7 ,- ",' _,,- rman, but, of oom:se, subject ,to the.).f- -::...... ~;:'-?"...\...:-~.. ~ ~ction.S Whf~h ~&re due to sudden~ :XORTHYILJ;E. ~[ICH&,XOY 30. '06 ~:. ' -"hang

.,' ';::'~; > '''As for'Dr: Hartman's remedy, - -_=', PeiuA~,-:I have found it to be the , ' ,-, ~ best, '[I not Y!.e onlY, reliable reJI1!o eily lor these affections.- It has , - ,-. beenJ!if st8.p.dby for mallY-yeaTs, Ll-., q~ ,=_ B!!d 1attrIbute =my_.gooc! heaItIr, Hurry-up 1Jlea1s~ overn--ork and fi- and extreme old ageto t/{is remedy. " aeglectause constlpatlon. QUick. "If:. e>sactlY"Ineets sJ.f II}Y requrre-:' ly :md"s.uely :urod by lron.O" meDts-; It protects me from' the evil ef- Tablets. - fects of sud.dlln changeS'; lfkeeps II}ein 10 Wn.OOZ T~bleh Ib & ba1ldy altlmltl'a!D .pac:Jl:et._ J:icenb ..\".n~~"u.\. orby'i: ...l giiod appetlte.;.it glvesdlle strength; 11; .bk fDr~_t ~&J la.~nt tnAI packal:e 'rho Keeps my- l1.loodjn good clrcuIa.tton. _ L Jtu--Qx"lUmlH1" ~. D ..lI'Olt. Jllch.. have __come to rely- upon. it almost en- t¥"ely for the. many little th4Igs fo:: - r whfch I need medicme. "When ~ldemics of 10. grippe firsl; begs.n to mike their appearance in thJ:s. f: ~ountry ! wac a. su1lefer from thIS diseltSe. =, ': '!.1 had -~'vera/ long sieges witb the grip:' -At first I did nGt kitow ~r that Peruna was It -remedy for this disease. Wh!UI 1heard that III grippe waS epidemic catarrh, [ l , tried Peruna for Is grippe and found it ro be Just the thing." : lIlr. Isaac Brock~rf7 Years Old Last Binitday. . .fl..!!-late-}let1e-bMr.BrQckwrttes: = B - - \ " "rOibh well &:iid fee1in=as well .... I T8AA.C BROCK,s. citizen of McLen~ I ••••••• II.' .~ •• _.-c •••• I I •• ~ 0- J. na;;' county, Texas, has lived for 117 I Born before the United States i have tor years. Th" only thing tha5 --II R T H. TUR"i-ER, HOMEOPATEJC ears. :For many years he tesmed at f were formed. i bothers me IS my slgnt. If I cotlld see DPhYSICian and burgeon Uffice ne.~t Bosque Falls eighteen mile'" west of I Saw 22 Presidents elected. , better Lcould wallt. all over the farm. u door. W~Bt of Pdt k Houfl.e 'Vu Mum Btret't • - , ~ . _ T Pe·ru-na has protected him, and it would do me goon. I .would nolo Office hour" 1 001:0 3 00 and (, 00 to 8 00 "a,!-o, bu.);nowhves_wlth hlS oon-In- , fromaIIsuddenchanges. = l be WlthoutPernna." = '\[ p m Both Telephones - I"w-n.t V~lley MIlls. Texas. , _ T Veteran of four wars. Yours trnly. \)11 Some tune ago, by req~est,- Unc.e I Shod a norse when 99 years B ,AYELJ,,\"E'rERli\SRl ';ERGEOK Isaac came to Waco and sal.-for hiS fold. - ~ q __I $,~ E • Gruduote o~ OntarIO CoHeRe, -ll~ no" plCtnr!!, holding iu his hand a sock t AltV4YS conquered the grip with l dP~CI' ~(/IJ/( 1.-, at tIle E~d.lllIlge Hotel l ullb attendell cut frOIn the grave of General AndreWCI' Pe.rl/.ne = (1 mght or fl'1} - Both Phones LJtf .Jackoon. Mr. Brock is " dlgmflcd old ~ Witness In Q land suit at the When old age ."omes, It brmgs WIth gc ntleman, shOWing ff"W SIgns of ::u.e- t age o~ liD t it catarrha~ diseas~s. SystemiC catarrn Llcpltrrde lil'S family BIble is still 'f BgI;;wesf /he K[eatgs~ '11 IS almost unIversal In old people.- TJllS tll preserved' aniht sb<>wsthat the date of l ~em~lY ate age or CB arr a explaInS why Pernna has be1>omu 51> t THE 1 NORT HVILLE~ hl~ uLrth ~b.S 1'l!t"ittelll17 oJ ago.. J i.~~~j) e.s. I •• , •• II .... ~_ ...... inrilspensable to many old people.

'G11 f"~~,.\'Ir,r,oldJ!l :: • ....; • 'I ".f 5. 1- Purely Personal. co H 0 US E 80\~~:~~rlh[r~~,~l~~;~1~~8~~~~~~~~:;r:~~~~~:~ DISEASES OF MEN - - POSTAL & l\'10R~Y. PRQPrt T J .. S I elfie'>rp rlrlJp n Ime to that effl f t tn tuo KPC'ord lh'm Box HI the tl(w1 afth'-C 1 :~ A 8tIHrh fi,,,-rf1U"'l"l 1'J1(~lIld nptc .... dftUo HOh'. In( rt d In b~1 t of tlw I Ity I

Rates, $2. $2:50 aUd-$3 per Day. DETROIT. 11 } II ( I CLARK'S RESTAURA \~ ~~ {! ~rl"C S"'~ c1 ~ r 1 ':r .I'""' ~ ...... C1c.1F-_[.j-;:""'1 Pl"'1 cr-=- r''1n~l"'lt!~ s.-"'?~Dt to a ]:0"'''''''''''-.:.. L.' .;> a\ ....' -, :s;~,1,r..."'LDL\l H\..-J_'1.c ...... Cl ")::-.....::;A~l)BLV..)D Lo.l....r::~ .....L ..... !:.f'O)j ".-,:l ~ of t1}j;-f)I.O \1 ;;O;S\-nllyO.I-">,),-,,II'l\.SU€=[ore H I::' too latt. .!.~,{ \ 0 .... 1,---r\ (1 ....;S <.LI.£! W,:-,·J... (110<::1 (·'lU("1t [' n(l ~dyOlny. Sit"Cks l€"~OTe tl.,p ~ e<:;' 1~'1 Co l\: ·1(~F-..., I ~d'(r ll1( I "l.\\ ,h 1 nl ~ !,.lflnf.}.::. ITtl8.l.- -~J bIe p'l.hJ1l.. t,)<'\ 0'" , ;::: 'l(...1-t ..b ... s'.,tt I. e',.CII. ll.,~( d"C'arlQ :,. illn-lept 1'1 Ullne poor:. T"",;:m01Y. ll""e;'- S:: ,..:'St,l,...stIul J<'C'k f »"'r~y [trtl s l(.n<;:,;l,.~, t\H---o. morn- 11MpIC~,--(.r tl ( f· t. "'" t.l:. -SUnh ..Cn. 11,,1}(.", r- C''''C(> I .s (lr ..."~orn eXpre::.810T.? lPg'S, t~<:;r ,c. .... <; PIQ'" ?<:; L~a'1g(·t11t-" rn'''i;1s ('(r\.F- ~\t...lh.nE:s;:,. plematur~ de- L e<>y. bOtH... r ..'..!:S. h•• l"~oee. SO"';: throat, (.t .. " ~6U "f::! SfjL~F!::R1NG FR~r.lJ LOST VITALITY. "fl.Je: ('ure " n- ....o ...cle, Stru tt·'t"~. RIno.l i="f'lSon. YCT"VUUOiDel)lUty, Kidney DD:41Bl·uH!cr l~l"',e.["( "'. 1; ..... n ...u.t.ltloli Xo"'rce. It unable to call. wrlte tor QUf::c;llOn Blank for Home Tr€:atn.ent. A I{{ Northville III Greenhouses - 148 SHeLBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. t, yOl1 can seoure J} eve r y- {j thing de- It Pays To 1\dverise in the Record \\tant Coll1mn~ sira.ble in th e line of 'l Hunters· Fares. II. Ask Pere Mal qnette tIcket AgeDts OUT FLOWERS and I to quote you low rates to the hunt- J'LORAL DESIGNS. I Ing grounds of Upper :\lIcL1gll.n,WIS., consln, Canada, the South and LOVEWELL Soutl1west. H. F. ~loeller. G. P. A. l AUCTIONEER 11 J. M~ DIXON, What They Are Paymg. d~~ NorthvIlle Mar.kf't corrC(.ted up to SOUTH LYON, MICH. ~1 Propr. Wheat, old-74-(' Wheat, new-7 ..k. Oats-33c Corn In ('ar-25( Sht'-'JledcQrn-;:)Ol., Special attentIOn p;iven to Farm Bnled hay per ton-$8 50 Merchandise an:! Thoroughbred Village of Brcnze Age. Baled straw per ton--$5.00 Stock sales. A ..mare or the bronze age has]le~:n. Hogsltve-$5 7;). (c'·lId Ileal' DomodossoJa, Italy. It had Ca~~Ie-$4.00. Lambs-$6.l5 aparently been burned. Beautitul Beef lude.-8l·2c per lb. Dates for Sales made at either VlUIes. br~ :ets lLIld lance head§! hll"Ye Veal calves hve-$6 00 Telephone Office, South Lyon at my dta"" d. Eggs-27,. Bntter-24e. expense. ' 1leen Ponltry bve: ;;, A. R "Z" 0 n %.A.. Turkeys, YOUD~ and plump-ISe. T.erms~casonable. a..... youag and plump-LOc. Ducks. young ..ud plump-O, satisfaction Ouaranteed...... y#..-IZ- .... Rens-8e. I~; --tM~&i!J~., .~ Broilers-Hi J:...------! , < .- , ., r, ~ ,..''''' :,., '":l. ~ "':"'A_f-'J"..., ,. -1'" .!...~-d h:,.!;''- ....::~...~.,/~- ...,;.r~-r':1 <;: #-:';:X;~:":~... ~ ":r"''-'~;r.-;:-;;: .":7; ." -~ -, ~- '"

-"'" The Record:- Northville, MichrFciday, :November-30,1906. i'i ;' --.-, NOR.THVILLE~-

I The City In Brief. , :j


-l\'Iahony ,n Washmgton "'tal;-

Use -SCO~T'S Emdisi~n after HOLIDAY GOODS. Influc:lia: =~- , Invaluable for Coughs 2z!!TCckl$, -e_

Rogers' A I Plated Tea Spoons Regular $250 value for ..... $1.27 doz. ~terling Silver Spoons, Set of Six_..... , $5.00

Allen, the Stove Man. I Am located in Northnlle an{l am pre- : pared to do all kinas of repairIng- I H,ugh Connolly l£{{f?_£=t~,· Stoves, lawn mowers, clothes wringers" and sewmg machmes Castings [or Detroit's Leading Low PfiCC

J I , mtme the- lildli"J's, ll;;oaucIl}g f~mctloD' Llttl", :Margal et is b;rt a ba!JY §l.l I ('~~. J. hopes tl)at thB g01d "'1J.elds are not d there is .no· possible explanation l!,id"~t.t~ cnJ!~ tune ~drl"member .d ",[",eases or the kl;]ne, !!-=n some· of four. ,ReI' father IS a. we1l.tO·~o 11\';" -:to' be Ins permanent home. " an . R~d a. k except that I th.a\~Eydia ."E. ].>inkhams, Veget~bl .. _ ·~es 13rIg.nt'-gDisease; farmer. There lS another-little broth· ,J I . . _ - • 0 f Its unprovo e cmc.' , ~.l C6mpotmd will prepare the..system tor !'er""ua acts 'Upon the sl;JU bv stlillU' er and a Sister. both. older _ '. :>\ =: _ A man- w~c "?IJ;s to: :' coIDjJany. 'it wanted all !he hone-y !tself. _ _ ~be'~!J!in!!' cha~ge tm~ ~ta.:t tb~stry- ,~theemuncto!:yglan6saudducts, A few days ago !he three young,.! :l'-- jor indlvIdu,,1 mme owner r~cekves.. , ImlfPen~,maY~U~gg1flSlifeWdihou" ~.k':l\&!>~eventjng- the -detentIOn of pois· t . t t tt - the deen 1 j from .four dollars to SlX-dollars a day Master or S6venty "J:.anguages. paIn o.r-JXregulanties.' _. ' • Ul'l43E material,s yihch 'Should ,pass s e: "'en _ oU .n~ In -frorii J. an~ hlS b~ard. Many of- them do thek Jet'emiah c'urt~, at' p¥sent j,v£i,.g ~i~~-COleof'l'uTIahQma., Tenii, I V:f awa "I • ""-I1£. Peruna 1fcYIgor,tteii t1:e I,ldne' s wo s a C')UP_eo, ml es y. . own cookinlr and live.In cabInS n"ar at Bristol ,'t IS the master of 70 ~ ~ 0- ,~ __ -~ ~""eourages thcD:1 to [·ulfill 'theIr 'lJ:1ome. Som_ehow -:Baby~ l\fargthare.t be· ...: the creeks. Flap'Jack", "(pan 'cak€c) languages' H~ j),(gan. lue Oil. if farm Dear Mrs.Pfnkham.: _ _ ' r I' 1!tm!ct.W!J.jn sl"te of tile chills and dis- "ame seE,ar;,at'".d f10mcher 0:0' e and I '-'" 1baCOlLand 'coffee olre tiielr-cnlef diet :' . :' "I5"lliittot~yo .. thatI=enjoy:ingbet.- ·-=cragemenrs of. CQld wfi\'ithel' . slst-er and when it was time .to go _ l _ = ,"". - but ~Y diligent 15tudy acqUlred one Ian ter )IeaIth,1J¥'n ~ have f,7 "ears. and low .. E'e-una is r'/. - - home'ille TOt w;aS'missing. I ;darmg ~he Wln1ser, '!]J.d..m nndsummer the other_, He lS at pres· It.all to,LY~~E:-ftnJdtafu's\e~etl1bI8 Co!"-. -eaEffiffi.atlo!' ,?f Pe-ru.:a is a World. The oth;,,· ~'oungsters searched ~evvJ lIt req1llres ~ dexte:0ll:~ ha~d _to~turn ent doing speCIal "ork 'Besides his - 1 Abu nO racti: or race~:I - I ... - - - ...- "'c. e Ulll.len: gne.... .uBV-O ow.n...o: • ..u eney + ~ Pt M = -k"- L _~ ,.r. ,j -....u=an OL.peop e. anu. has e~n I - th h ' _ ' 'Yould send some message ever .. diay. for'tol.,t I;;Y.~" ~il_bell••• h1ln.P'l,!"ctIJhOD'-0"<> wn e . rs .... ',?-llam, y~, ","a~s, _ -....rostantiatea over and 0' er br IDdllY the} :find; = -'Y that mght e_ nnt I;-'1argaret Sat in the Wolf's Den, \In- I T have seen mine :s ~it in fi 0 t f th i omLl.fn aU bu,(o.,. tran'actlon' and financIally and she will rece).ve free adVlce whIch l '>'-~1lS'3D.da of homes. .. - cQntffined, ~ut the break -of da~ ~ harmed a;:;d Happy. /' L ~abins and read r:a~d_ rer~a~ Old f1e~ .bleto e1\~ ou~~D~~~~~~:;~e1\~Ix~8 ...tlrm "ill put her ?n -the nright road to a. brwenty-five::: M.tS .. Augustus Heaton of ,,"a:shlng .. ~nce ....~nd:=>the searching:: nalty kept I Jfut £he farmei" snatcheq, up. a smIle ant;! the entire letter would b1Ji~eJ~~ab:&a~llg.pflf:e~.rcO.astfPat10U- yeaTS na5~bef7:n ad"Vising sick womer:. 0' -~ =0 time ago cbanged [lonf'tae grO"Ulg largel and !alger, as people 1 the child and backed out of the place I !)e gone Over agam free of charge. ~lean to t~e~ Roman CatholIc t: om further a" a, came iu I Just as qUlckl:\ as he could He dld ...'11 FloHers Kept Long In Storage. I,;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;,;;;;;;;;; ~.",.a ~d by way o( celebl at~llu~ On tire seConn daY one pf VIe sea: cn 1 qlllte fane:! I:1.cmg the she.wolf in Tark It Over with Your Wife. A Frp.llch e'tperlmenter, named Yer. :ftJIil -elrotlt decldcd to gne a re::eI1t103 [firs came to " ~moll tlIiekl} 'Ltudded! th0l'e illlrIV\\ qualters< And then back I Thele are thousands o( .families I has succeJJded in certatn. elm>",.,.- of the .J'lshop of ~er (lloce~e WIth pJne and a hea,} growth of un., to "the Sch"eltzer. farn. lust as f2.St i homeless 01' lIvmg!n po-vert:> and Kinds of peonies more than three- THE BEST COUGH CUBE "'~ed, hOWeVel, tha< he: al',eoldy derblush He dlscovereel a nanD\\' as his legb col1ld ~arry him 0 l"retcheJness to·day, who could, months in cold-storage, ",th the flow In buying a cough .uedicine, re- *"=6 drawing·rcrom "'as not suffi path leading into the thicket: and I );e", 'Of tbe find lug or lIttle lIf"r i bePIl Uvmg m comfort, m good homes. eI'S 11,_f~r presenatlOn to the end of m()l11ber the best cough cure; ~1'" ;:-$plendent to sene 3S "'3'lace thcle h~" tbe path ill' found-a little I garet spTe;td rapldb all o,er the town· 1 If the husballds .had conflded theiij that penod Red and wh~te China , ~ ErC-e.ept'i:GD.tor tl:!.e bIsnoll v.ho was to- blue sunbC'nnet ShIP, and ;80011 the fal m house ""as I bus'uess affaIrS to thmr "1\neE" sa~S""'lP~on!es for some :nn1tnowL. reason....!' . -- ..... and ""n~al:ulate h"r. There 11 was a hard path to f<>Ilow, and I ovecrun "Ith s} mpathetlo vhltOrS Succ.",s ' best stooo the long testa. ]{e~p's Balsam -- ~t time m "hich to mahe the 'he man hall to get aowu on all-f01lls 'Margaret of course, was sbowcted "'omen are yen much bettt'r judges ,~--- _ '1'!aJC'0 more attractive and Mme Hea· in do It But the FraIl "as hot llOW1 wllh que~t1on, of all <:O! ts. She could; of human nature-than men The, can Important to M.others. '" costs no more than any other kind. w.....wftIl true artllj,tlc taste, had and lIe cra\\ led along Suddenly l1e toll but lIttle, but th,lt lIttle "as re-, (]e(ect rascallfr, deeeptlOu and iusm. 1lumlne careruPy ... t)' bottle of CASTORlA, Remembc~. !coo, the kind that

'" ~-eQtb.iug taken out or th e 1oom ex~ .came ;cro~s a pile of chicken bOlles. maL1;:able l- Cellty mOl e gUlckly "\I!areand !5u-reremedy tor UU9JlUl_and chlld~ ettres-is the only 1.:nd worth any- ....~-Pt. the old f1.1.!D-lture and a few art ~eatbers. bIts of s11eep pelh:> ~~)1:arg\ "'\\.a3l1t Colt} one blt.~' I bUSIness I1len "llo "ould ~dseethatit~~ tblng. ' alldl ... ~'~el Eve:yyearthonsands are saved .:objiJct ... Tge walls before~had been glla"ed bone' Thew, m flont of him-; lisped '~fargl \\a~n't htlngr}, eIthEr neler tht,uk of emplo)mg a mauagerf_Bearothe ' If/J~ from a consumptl\ c'", grave by r, Wltllout manasmg ~n Tb.8Xmd. Yoa Have A1~a, Bou...nt With anytlnng else? ~AV di.eclded on drab sllh. way. COy ~:ete.lnnned to ro&he Stll p. ho'\ evar, and f Ightcn~d tne nIce lIttle doggoU)8! some ,va) to have theIr WHe-b meet ~ Sold hytul dealers at '5L. and ,ce. ~ What with th,s. and other e\.· j r., err If It meant entpI In ~ (he. ,,"o\('s in :1".1) .some d,lY ~l.n g-I :;0 haLl;' t1", man ilnd get a chancp to estllllllte A physiciap.. wrltln& to the Britialr ':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t!2.."'l:2!:vechanges in t~6 room "lf1thout I ]All lIe coc1\.ed luc, \\ IIIt.hc.::.lcr clnl1, ana D],1) "Ib.,dug2,J('::. ag,llll 'J I 111m,to read h11l1 The) InVIte t11(' man AledIcal Journal, say-s "To (lay thou~ _ ~ {)l1rchase of furmtl're l\rrs HGol'- ~ , _ whom -they are conSIdering for an sands are tal,mg 'aspmn' WIthout aWL DO UCLA. I 11>;."" ~t rid at $9,OCO. ''J.Y'.rJ".r.rJ.Y'.r.r.r.r ...... J".#".r.,.l"'J".rJ"J.>"'J"J'J'.r.....~..r.....J".r.r-"'".r~J"..oo"'~ll!n]l0Ilant ]lOSltlOu ~o their home for. dOLtOl'S plescllptlOn If we had a~. _ _ 0:.", ClAlFElTS STIG.f OF I \\Itll th" lebt of ,Is -el.I.m;e me3-1, :ucd,dinnel, oJ: to bpendoa Sunda), Velore ;vays prescllhcd It'as 'acldl sallcyllcl '3~50&.$3aOOShoes,! Records of Wagers. lJ l\ i\ the e'1110';(011f~llowed - I decHllllg The) "ant the ad,~nt"gC' aceticI' -very few would h lemem· BEST WI THI!; WORLD §lethng is neither so genEiral nor so 0 '(M / MtTE' EXPlfin ES l ;IT, Talm em I,!'" L1 He at once s,a Ihusband Ignoled the ,"I1"'S 0PIn:oG: as .of ZIOniStS; at present Dr Pr~den , ""'- =rna~es, hlrths and deatho, "n hel e. "as. dl<;'<;'Hlga welI on his .farm cured hell' ,nul a,slsted lI'ir Tatman, SIJlv 'hlr' llsIegm ded her "">lce to hIS wald, of .Baltim<;IIe. is the official head ( -tlu'!'.$£t2,;;e8. on. the poss:b:lh! of carth· b~asthlg Jlu,poses and had us::d it all nall:\ He ,,,Il pl()balJl} reco,e,. \ Favor the Rod In Schoor. " =1<""," and eve:!. on hangIngs I - Doctor Struck It RIch, The St. Paul boa,d of educatIOn has , '

S...fh><>fs Teach Card Playing. ::.~~I\~\~~\~\I\'I'~l.tI'I WOMAN IS E"T~N BY WOLVES. VI~;'I::a~:; ;~~:~:o~ ~a:~{~i~o~:. ;::~~:~aH:~~er~uf~e~~~o:r ~~ ~~:;;~i '1'11 C:ud piayinc has become so-general \II! ~ y/;/ Sone'!. of Vlctl':.". Discovered in the "as stllcken "lIh f~'er. For three punishment, to be admlmstered only, :\ "M~ German women of the upper ~~~~.~I~~'\\\\ilh Y"//: Fro;:en North' After a Two Year.,' months he was confined III the old by the princ:pal of the school, after \ - ~ that regular lessons In play· ~ ,~ \ :- \; I ' Sea attended by a perIlllssion In writlllg from J.larent or t!.,1 ~ =w given in fashIOnable \ ~ \ __ fond mother and a ,er} zealous doc. guardIan. ' IROES FOX EVEltYBODY AT ALL ElUCEll. j ! l ,F.lIEi&rdfnS schools tor girls...... ",- Otta\\a, Ont-An Amencan...wcman-j teu " ~~"='~"o:~~~~:~~~;r:st: 1l1i ,~~~,~ dJ;;J has been dev~l1led b':' wolves With al The banker t;.eco'.eIed slowl} One' T.:'~~=:';·~~'::;,~~s~~a1,;~nd "'-i" J iiiJ'nt"G'I1:. neoll~lIta~~I~n~n:Tt~Y:edC~n~Ei~1i ~~~---.;::.~ ! part of Ihe skull, a rIb, a piece of the mormn~ he dep:ded That fresh all' ift lL:VI.-J ~~~~~ V femur and bIts of clothlllg by which would ~o mOle fo: hIm than medical ChUdr~~.7{.h~:~l~~::I:::~~wearI tak 1 fi ibl P f If coul e you Into my largo I \1 [J; :d.enh catIOn "as made pos~ e, 1'0. enVironment, and 1D a short tIme. he factories at Broekton, Mass ••andsbow ~ 11\ . \\ C Hew!t oL Oshkosh, "IS, an Ill' was enabled to cllsnllss hIS ph}'slClan you how carefully W,L. DougIasshoe.s ' Constant Pain, Cured by Dr. I .\\ \?: ~ ~tlttlte ,cond.u~o:, has Just retllrn~d "'hen the doctor s bill nrrn'ed the are made; you wo"ld then uoderst:md jl.' .Wllhams' Pink Pills. ~ to Da",on "'llh .n, that remains 0~.hI3 ban!!:er studIed It Vel} clo,el' A few why they hold their shape, fit better. If 1S.lserunatism can. be inhellcedand that, slste" DI. EmIl I Chambers. for w11O"~ moments latel the mother sa" he: son weal' longer, and are of greater valuo \ ~ I ~ 6.<.'.[;<,,,o,,es It to be a dISease of tho blOCd'l body he sca!"-ched the frOZen north for ;!O to the "oodshed, procure an ax than any other ml!ke. ~ "~ - h f tr t ~ :::-Wherever you UvCr you eaa obtaJa W. L \It; rs neceSSlU'Y. t ere ore, to elt'lt t\\'o }eals. and be.--::...«:> theY' go directly to the sc~t of the 1900 She longed for adventure ~nd I "ftel the doctor Wilb come :n an au·r JOIN ~,THE NAVY 1/ , -Lesays, ~ Ionc that ~ould l'a"e appealed to many _ t 1 f ot the c;; 1 of the Xew WEATH R month. Elec.tt1C1a'lS, maez'llulh.tS, b\ack~mJth" ~W-~1..~ld.l'1-P '\vIth rueillnanS1H lll"ly I The Calf E .....::lcced VJ th a O"afenmg !3.n. olii !)!'ospector and the woman's I ...;. us 0 - on _01 ... CL"'. :-HINEr!.. cop~rs.mlth~ycmnen (clerkc;;).carpemcrs Shl~ ,... \\ ol1d wben sounds of a dl e confhet '!J ~...,. ntter"l.,cook .... erc between I ~ ..3.~ldes and kl1ee~~ I \\...l") lil Ctlll..-j Roar. _ I frIends dId thp11 hest to dIssuade .ter I d.3S&lled bis em s you 'WOnt 2l. and 3.5 y..ars..enh<;ted In ",peelal T:lt~nss with

&[;m:- P;1~(~and EiOnH~tlmc-~tl;8 'S.ff'-'t.t(d I L .. ,.: flon~ the jonrne). ~"hat IS It?" he asll.ed. I :Has a rev.. comple'te ;~11~a~i~t~c~c~ft~~~t.~~T~h~:~~rt~p~~ I PArt,>wo,lldswensub"tI'-t,,~tIc!U]d f'XCCp, ,hrco ~IGks, "bU,l th€' left I OnJun 2-1 t901~sheleftonthetrip b I I h t?" protection j can'S must be Amencan cl..'zens pp 1 ~ noec abont at all to att~Hd to my I j\~lng on HIC: glo~lnd a ~11nlt dIstance 1 flom wh~ch ~he ,,,,as ne'er to- return~\ GlutI~n fO ~en Dose ere, 00 and tong .Fir<;t clothing outfit free "to ~ecnnt<;. Upor - -." ..-Worse' answeled Ins former servi dbchar$tC:travel aIlowance 4 cents pee nHle U. a'tlrt~..:h(Jlddut1Cs~ Thele"t'::,OO'C"lK11>..1/frOJl'l rhe \fell Three ,,~a15 ago the mountecl police} hb' d t' t h h d ceo Iplaceot enlIstment .. Bonu<;fout'n~on'b""''P:lv ai: ",i:r.ceweeks dUrIn;; i\"~1l(hI \ •.I~ COIl-I It \\ 8.'3 tho'l lnicntlOn to use the re-, dtsco\e:'ed her olary in V.hH~h wa~ [neIg or an COll1pa 110 • W..Q a rnet These andmaror - I n"d Int'Teaseu.!:pay Upon r'~euh ....t1Den~ \\ Ilh"lU ...... :: ....1 hun ~t the steanler dock. a~ w11!l -other good P)olnt.s four:rnonthsol dIscharge. iillio(L {:.(l t}." ben. :,>,,- $1 "',,, .. ~, ""Ie I matn,le of ,l." Ci)l'a"ll'tc ''1 a "I'~ H·c ram(- and ~drlress'-I of Profe_sor : d ] I ' I " • mb °t U S NA.VY RE.CRUlTIN.... S -, , d - . '. I 1 • - •• hlilncne IIp, Ie lIlr.ICI mm ,0 a1 t.reco lned n • • • u TATION s:-.wltli.n:~ t~e ...L<.I.J.. ;:,; \ d c.. : .. ('~"11'-' If' }(,p "..-~~ (111J('( {PI(l P\:-l.IIc\\llr }1(. rvot'fler .. rtC' v.a<.:."10t'fied' ~ - • TOWER'tc:! No 33Le.fayetteAvnu DETROIT Mle' - 1 T \' T t ' .. - ~ ~ /lHitCe of £[:'~('i..T ...t::. ~l gang 01 root \.:> e e... • H. l J I . EIeZp. tne'. c~ ,. -'. ,'t.e Lu. .... '~~a - ~ J ~:l,.. lOt bel' dlsuppeulance ana at once .. for the Giants rnobbln°- an urn- I FISH BRANO _ - OtiC day a. I1clj:thbor to"l TIle abo'jt I man, y 110 '.as ll1 the well ",01 hIS i _oup:ht for hee lemams. He has becn e, s , ' ." OILED CLO'IlIIN'G m.\\"I\Iiams' PmkPlIl3 an'] J deelde'l (0 I hn eel man. -tm INI UIl the ladder to I successful after tWO years. III rc -Chicago TrIbune. 'You can't e.fford f l':!C".:- (uelll. After I L"r1 t:t1.en thc"'" "'et the charYe Jlle ,d,atOlY to tamp·, ! tobwanyo';::;-~ame r \VI'-" ~:-. dwre shat."re,lnel' 0'. Thev dynamite, :mcl he hurncd forward. J~ake. The bear, the first seen in thIs IBarnes, and what. s parb;lJlallY un· li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~p~se'tom1lGh_~'l~~and r('St Satu"day Wash'n".' - • '-' _.,;,;;0 .. : ~ml r . 0"" L nr> ()I uT'JVll1,," or le (~amI e--au 1 e c u ., ." 1 D J "1 am g01ng to learn to IJ]a)o"on a ~- :~rn":~n~.,:3r,; t ~" ...~, ltCn energl"tl(,. Lie} 01{' S • Scalf, too-c'tplodNl "all a deafenmg ton found refuge in tho cottage of D.I .. Its columnJ 3.hould insist UpOn haTing' ":;Pllt I \ ttf.t "'{Y'"n~l'tc:. (\~ \\'"111bt1 po",tpmd, on 1 ' 111orn~ "hat they ask lor. reluslna' aU IUbstI· STOVE POLISH ,"'.;. ... pt (If price, W ('eut', p!lr bm., 'I;: rOllr, heard at ~hc farm house a mile A. Stewart of Plt.sburg. BrUin dlsap· "Gpci You must hllve a wonderful tutes or imlt&tions. ALWAYSRuOY TO USB. NO "ffoi".LC<:$~ .iO, l,y the DI', Wllhams Mclli- lI.lltl a half awa). pearcd when a posse of hunters went bellet in the pl1tlence oC ,Qur nelil\. DIRT. DUST. SMOKB OR SMI!L!... !iO MOllE STOVE POLISH TROUBLES -~pCo-l Scueue.:tl'.\l,r. ~'Y'._ It had .::~ewed the dyuamlte 'llIP Iafter him. boIS,"-H9Wltllll Rn~ _ - II!:=====:::==::==='JJ

~ ...... ~~"';t~~~;\~~~";~~r~~""~~

r." "1'~~~""~"'L ,~ Tne Re£ord,.. ~orthvme, ~ich., -Friday,·"Nov. 30 UMi.

f~J.lGClO=OOOOIUIOQllClQQ=QDOOOQQO=CCllClll=l:lClCl:ll:ll:lQl:lClOCOCl ;-:- ''THE M~RRY1NG SQUIRE." And th.e less money a-.'I'omaD.haa to I 'Australian Eelucator In Amerl~a.-- _. ~ sp~nd the.more slia taJksJ;hop. William S. Zlfayer, one of the Illost Ben.'U!, :Oi ~ducators of New South Wales, :i~~,~tro~ch,."'" • For llhlldr.n "'.tlWJ,iln •• ' .. n...... O-JIn"' •• reunc" m e ng connected with the- Unlver~lty receive "freell4mplto~ , ~.Oll a.Ua.yt5 .eUl"t$WUl~~UIC. ~ .. bou:.\... of Sydney, is vislth -6 Boston. Mr.. ;:~~~~~oIdo , Justice Goo. E. Law. of Brazil. Illd., Mayer -Is a native of G=c::~ Britaul fft., 1-0 thmi $1000 by "",y '. By S B HACKLEY I has fairly ear.ued the.t1t!c of "TheMlir· ,Ittakesamanw!thstrongwillllow- and went to Austnlia 18 years ago. VI Q bofr~.....""Twnst!~t"yt:~X;',,:&.

I J ~ I • ~ _ I ry'.tng- St:i.ulre." by er to lIsten to reason when he -is ~ ' c - / wluch he !s known angry. - jl~~~~:~~~~~~;~:;:l~~~;;::::~;~-~~;-;;~~~'~;;;;:~ ~OC~OQIIQOQCClCl=CClCC=acCCCClQC far and '\VIde.ha~~ Old .8ofa-"'-B-'.-.-·....,..C-h-·- ;z L"EfL ~ - - i al d 'edj " ac",,-o, a~ etc, can Buffalo "- ,. could jest do somethln' onct -to Ihis wet cneek, as. her mother fteunced ng rea y mar!I be dyed -;Vlth PUTNAM .l'·ADELESS , mak." Lucmdy believe In j11Q!-Efsome- out of the room ._ . some 1,400 couples. DYEIl, fast, brIght, durable colors, MUSCULAR , t,hln' would only jest turn l1p!" - - "Never mb.d . D uay" ~ bl Ten years ago 11e.. . ~ A I L '-, ~., The afternoon sun beat· down. fiei'ce' Pered C "Ma:miiJ.~ !'- 't' s .w,s- was deputy 'comity 'Nothing 50 i'!Creases cne's reve?·. e MEN T S and.scorchin~ On the bent f1~"~e m the half ;he say"" 'DoU~!!t. mefan ,Dmodrdn treasurer. ".tit that II ;mce for others as "a great sorrow t? Aged'Linseed Oil _" ,,_ ~. 11 you re,·t a " t· " 'archeslroadf'stirr~d in a cloud b:r the Pallhrod't t k th" 1 f 'b ~aw. I w~s, sufl:er· .of ~umatl nature.-Charles Buxton. Ready-Mixed, , h -, 1 \Is 00 e pa e ace e- mg' from an annoY' i~oofs of the cattle ~ m~ was ~~v. tweellrlll.:sbands and kl§sed the clear Ing kii1r>eytr';uble. 1\1- back ached Natianal Pure Fooel am! Drug..- Act. , 1!>g to water at the mlle.dIstant rIver, brown eyes that could noj: see.. my rest wat: 'lroken at ~I ht and'th; An the Garfi ..ld RemedJes.comply with ~~Paint$ stun~ sombre blue ey,:s, but he How ii:I~ny timell. Prisc1lla had _i;!' pass~es of -;;Ieludnei sec~etfons.were the Pure Food and Drugs Law. TaKe Gameld Tca for constIpatIon-and 61Ck=-j ~d httle heed to these d1sco~forts I te;velledoto s:!:.-vehim..fromrh~r moth too'frequent and contained sediment. headaghe. _ - , , _the palu o! the heart "'?uml LnClndY,!er s. wrath, or comforted him when ''1'h~~e 1- .dbackache." als, S"""k:cte:dWlth the pate--st care aoo ~ J caust1ca~I" I/Jon t want w hear an· Iwatched .by Paphrodltus, took a forked Sold by :i.Udealers. .50 cents a pox. plant of pepper grass w11l produce com1;u.ccd _l.n proper propolJiolU widt. other w,,;d about w~at that gypsy over 1t.wIg.out from a. peach tree, and 0 be- Foster-~,mb~n Co. nxralo ~ y , 18,000 seeds; dandehon, 12 600; shi;p- on-the ~,ver told you 'bout good for- gun .to tramp about the yard. - Thel •• , • . herd's purse. 37.000; wheat thief, '~une soon a-eomin' to you! .1_hav: no ':lYS!i~a}.Tod never ch~nged .Its posl· /PiccLuart ShQws Generosity. 7,000; common thistles, 65;1)00; Cliiim- " Aged t~ onnle, 1.6,000; lagweed. 5,000; =purs· patience with ;;-,ourbelie~vln In. signs tlOn m hIS hands until lie stepped upon Gell l'1cquart. the - delendef of and 7't1l__dom's,~! wh~t m':lkes~? the.larg.e'flat.:ock t!lat had :1een the -DJ:!!]'fus~d_Jio,w~the-lt'rench mini£ter lalne, 375,000; plantalll, O}7.000, and o Linseed ~~k -t' Jour. .e'i__:asti,n a • ~aY1n: hearth,stoile. In the old hou"", th!l:tIof wart -has defincd hls attitude to- burdo~k, 43,000. ~ ,mm-e s~::.'p;Ol::-lse0 •thIS and a •tha. :"'!-S burned .. _Th~~ the. tWIg began!o ward his old prosec1Itors-in. Ole army. ~----- QIJ ~ 'r: the. aJ:- th_ ~'5IliS favorable. ~nd .remb1e conYnlslve!v --and SUdden;YjWhen an officer wh:> was InvolYed'ln WORST CASE"QF'ECZEMA. Aged in our: own tanka until dcar"'1.'D4 plIlJ2t~ ~ ~:ch- hrte::, re al~~Ys , ':l !eelfu' jerke~ ji2~ward. A~aIn and agam -the c~nspiracy ~at nii:J.ishedPlcquart Don't playpossumwith pain, ,;0"'. Spread .Rapidly O,,~r Boely-LimJ;>s amBer. 'l'lus1:s but one of the 1mPO~ ~ _. som::thm s. "oln to~7" up, anet Wh~Ecthe~ WItchery ~was trIed from every j.Ci the boraer of <.heSahara, -enter.ed I bUI 'lend. slrlctlyto bUsiness. <:esse:!. jn the matlufaetUe of ou: PaU1~ l:'a.~ g~od s. eveI: turne.d u...psellce I married dl,:ctlon. but t!te twig would. only fall the 1hlnlster's= o:fllce and began 1:"" and /orms Had to Be Banlfag,,-d- .Illustrates the Care exeroacd. thru6iJ.t- h ..,. Marvelou_sCure by Cuticura. Price -2Sc ana SOe ;.:OUnIgh 3" yea~ ago--'i' p when- tJ;1e:"witch" stew>ed upon the stamm,,!' out a statement on the suo· =~;~~~1iJ~:&:t:otT~~r:~ fenor paJDt~... - - ~ -= '''First, soon's'led, th~ ~hO-u..seal~, h'lafth"stone. :. -. ~jec.t P"cquart·stopped hn.a, saYIng: ''1. ~t down, .and afor~. we .got l!ny Ygu wUI sur~lY find ,,-w3;ter_at a ohly. h."nowone thmg:,and t1lat-,S that "~y son, -Who'Is now twent~two A. L O. PaInt is Bfua,.d dim po-&/! _-= of s.peC'..r:Lem. the only kin 1 hail, took a.t pa.~ng .. _ -. ficer. You may be sure that ;L sha11 months old began to"eczema on 81"1 U 01\lA_iU.! = ing po\'~r~aura.bI.htyr:4notae3S of ~~- - slel!; and died: and what With 't!felr Next morillng pa~hrodltus rose not 'target that:". - _ ms face, spreadlng qUIte rapidly untll I iii II lnlUJfI beauty' of nD.Go. :: - - _ docJ:or's b111sand fUneral . expenses, eat::!-yand wIDle his·wile prepared .!hej , • ~ _. he was nE;c;l.rlycovered We had illl 1- - . . - A. L 0 Paint is the beat .,.{Ilt fo.. = "poses lt 1$ pOliSwle to prodllCO. En::ry3 9 and- e:~rythln';_the l'€l!er Jer~eY 1l,-~ ~ornIng meal. ~~ collected his spades, I 'The _Orill'''i':' Fo!ouY.Pl.ister~ Ithf dO,c!orsaro11!ldus, and some from . CADTER S ~~~~:t~f:r;~l~: and atom lS"pure. It la:tha .tQ.O-.t ioo ~ br.ealan her leg along 0' Canler s p.og .:'lS hoes and d,gger. - "" - ~,!e got clear beht:lid. J..ucmda exc1ann!"d. two' !louts latei'. external re1l!.edy':::'nn1UonsbebJg sold ~e wor~t cas_e tlJey ev.e saw At I I·VE R ~t1Dg. A1JcrJ:~rem- on reque.s.t. F Qr sale byl!ard:,n"re a:a4 ~ ~And-wust of a11.-nbneo 0' our 'live There's Thad .CoUiifs a:nd~Josh Lee annually -all o,er the·-woT1d There times·his whole body an arms,. S Tongue, l'aln mtheJ3lde. I 110"103. IIdaM. e tbJng that ever lIVed. born jllind'.And ~t. old hearth·rocl~. I guess - your pare Wltjl. ~ .A11cock's.~tho world's scaIll w~s Just- dreaM"l, A fnend .. ' OP..PID I.IVEft. Th"7 ... I conoW;Fo!!s Br,ock, he says. ~e",e·.:'-~ ~ap '!. a; glttln::,ready. tt? ~g a well-:-a ,;>tand~r!l..!'~e~~L.Fetiieg.,-. , teased me to try l.,~tl'O.ura.aud !be- regulatetlJe lltlwela. Purely Vegetable. ------......

~ eye doCtor away off la New Yoi'k that .oll~ al'tel- 1l -fQ61' SIgn9: told lUm For a weak ba<;)r,cold on the £he~t gafi'o use all thr"" of the Cubcurd. SMAll Pill 0 SMAll DOSE SMAll PRICE ~he kn<;>wedlast year when he_ was _0 pay no.a~tentlOn to!" or any local pam. the result of takillg RemFldtes'r He 3"~s better in t"" 0 ." • I there a st"dym' medicine, that h~ ",fieA at length- the heavy sWne was cold or over,stram. nothin~ we know~ months; and In sn: ?,ontllSy he ,."lS CA Genuine Must Bear -I knows could operate on her eFJ'l anil ::med ollt of I!s-long·tlme Oed, tlie ,r-CGIllpares with this'famous »laster, well. Mr,". R. L ;:Isle • Ple~ont. RTERS Fac-SlmtleSI '!laturo '.- l she could see. but hit'd cost hilndreds! ,mghbor, Josh Lee ap.d his men laugh N. H., QcL. 24, 19(15. )]TTLE' g! 0 t "Ef th~m signs and ihdicatiolls ngly expressei! their gt\ Suggested Awful j REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. 'iliey'd show you ,how to r~lse the :rad reluctantly come at PaplIrodltus' l='oss.b.llt,e&. Man Has Goo~ Re"sons for LookIng ·_~j!••• i1iiiiii••• Iiiii;;.i1i~;~~!!!!!.;;..... iiiiiil.iiiii..... :~ money to pay nit tb.e mortgage on rgent request, but young Counts at InSIde of H,s Hat.

!hesl> acres, and dig us the well I1ngeredJ hoping to catch a glimpse of '''there was a 'travelin g man." saId 110 ''1 see here that a· woman writer we're a fairly sulIerln' for seuce the Pnscll!a. • the~mght operator. "whose wife pre- wO)l.rers why a lli~n -always looks 111 \ I spring's got so It 'dries up ever' year- Paphroditus raked out;,a little of the sented him with a son While,he was his hat Defore he puts it on," sald the _besides paym' the noctor to _glt Pril· :h:} earth wltlt a hoe, then suddenly out drumming up tIade. The· doctor relll!ctlve man as he looked up from SIo~sA \ fie's sight. so she'd be wlllln' to marry jroPl.led on his knaes, and dug wltll got the man:s a~dr"sf' and. smce his his paper. "Here Is what s.he says~ ~ \Jhe mlln slle's a 10Vlll'. and as has his fingers in the loosened dIrt. Lu· wIfe was dOlng noue too '\ell, wrote 'When a man puts on bls hat he ffiost Ii 'bean a wautln'·her five year (blind as ~mda watched h,m curiously. out a message glvmg hln1 the newS always 100ks'lnslde It first. What he . she Is). ana a worrym' be_c~se she PrlsclIll!, took hold of her arm;" and tellll!g him to retU!n . !7 cxpects to see ramams {i mysten', but won't let him take her bllnd-mebbe "What Is-It. motLer?" she asked 'The doctor gaTe the message to !Lii\imel\tI he looks for 1t all the sa",e' -"That's r you'd better ride off tElthe gypsy-camp eagerly ~ the oldpr woman gave an' the cook•. who couldn't read. She easy. He looks in his hat to see it I after yDu water tl~,:;cow~ aIld ask 'em ~xclted exclamatlgn: I forgot to send it, and the ne"t daJl:L.~ the knot hGldmg the inside band to- c for Cough. Cold. Croup. b \ to tell you some more signs!" The two men. kneeUng by the hole drummer came home of his 0"11 ac· geth~r "ill be at the back of hIS heal! I The weelt before Paphrodltus had ;vere rapidly turning over somethlng ~ora. = I "hen he, puts It o;}. Now If she'll tell Sore lhroatSUff NeCk, f' A " :refused to go to tOFn with the butter as though counting ,d'ms. presentl; "He sta,ed a day or two, found his me wn:v:::awoman :always ]lulls down " .nd eggs because he heard a hawk Paphrodltus raised hImself. and threw wife doing all rIght. and set out, on I her \'ell and purses up her mouth be- I Rheumatism dnd ~~ I!ICreech,and It 'Was "bad luck" to go up his hands _ I h!l' rounds again Nothing, as It hap- for~ s11eEteps out of doOrs. we'n can I agaInst It, and tIm next day when he "Thank the L'Qrd fer his mercyJ" pened. was said about the forgotten Neurdlgia 1 ; It square. -1 \ went with the marltetlng he had taken he- fervently ejaCUlated. I telegram. "Funny, the things you read In the ,., \ II. pdrtlOT of the slender sum the but· "Help us. PnUle!" exclaimed -Jier '~nd at the end of tlIe weeke the At aU De.,lers Sunday papers I see hcre that an· 1 I te~ and egg, brought, to have his for, mother. "I belleve ttey've found the teleg-ram was remembered by the other Chicago pro!'.>ssorgot up on his Price 25.:. 50c, & $1.00 J " , 'tune told ~ gold money your granpap burlcd!" Icool<. With an exclamation of horror hmd legs to declare tbat 'there should ~l" i. Lu?mda ;mIght jeer. I"-deed, but She' sat down weakly on the top -you know she couldn't read-she be sc'~ools of love. and the young Sent- free , _wasnt It a sort of Sign (a rabbit that of the porch as.the men ap- hurr!e4, to the olllce and sent to. the ~I should be e. inherit a sufli. Caftle. Hogs & Poultry ~ path that led him to the home of old "{,ncmdy" Pa hrod1tus 13 e gCan J W~~t he read was.l:hls ctently 1:lrge srocle of knowledge on Abner Jenldns. them to serve as farm thl 11 I' hI Pb d h· Another addltlOn-a son; ,'our I thIS subject from _their mothers, and Address helper? I.. ~ < y, aY1~g s "r en at. l'r teet, wife very Ill, return lit once: - Dr. E61'"1 S. Sloan what they can't teach the young Old Abner owned 50 acr~ In the the sign 0 g~Oa fortune IS prove~ "He took the IDldlllght train for 615 Albany Sf. Boston. Mass. I meu It ,sn't necessllry for them to - Chadwick HIlls. out his choicest Ipos. true. s Bomethm is .tur:c.edup at last. home He was lIke 'l; man In a trance. know." _ .' session was not his weli.tllled land. !lIs The 133.000. In gold. IS found-the debt 'Another~ he kept Ulutte;:lnl:, In-a commodlOu5 rlouble log cabin, nor hIS ~an _e paid, PrlllIe can bee made h:> dazed voice 'ImpQssible l' stalw'1 s. - ~ ~ him that he~deClded not to fire ilia cabty. he burled during the absence of Flushed a;nd. eager. and with his cook, after aU:' I ~ls-fan11Iy, ii:nd, c' which after:his blue eyes brlgh:- w1th,hope, the YOUngjl ~ s'udden death, no trace wa,; fonnd. nfl,an_turned to the uttle tremblmg A DOCTOR'S TRIALS. gu,~ ~ From the mOment he caught slght of "0 ·Prl11'e·r he pleaded "you won't Abner's black eyed. sharp·tongned and turn -me a~~y when you ~an see Wlll! He SO'lletimes-Gets SIck LIke Other pretty daughter. Lucinda Paphroditlls YOU"" ' geople. singled ~er out as Abuer's choicest ob· '- Prlscllla d!d not an-swer but she 1 .-- .:!~Cof hiS~unwavering admiratlon and d1d not elude his eager arms, and she EVe~ domg good to people Js hard iF-e.. 'laid her head on hIS breast WIth a1--'work I. you have too Ul!Ich;)f It to do. I I ThiS September the 'i1routh was tel" htUe sob of jov and Thad was satls- No one knows this better than the I 1'lble-the corn was withered. and the fied ." Ihard·worklng, conscientious family grass b10wned as in ~ an oven-and. Paphrodltus, overcome. sank down' doctor. _He ~ troubles _of his own- worst of al!. t;t'e Ramsey spring had on the step beside LuClndy, I often gets caught In the ram or snoW', £aile<1and theIr water -for househ01d "1' f 1 1 d L . 0 d "h or- loses sO'much sleep be somet1mes needs had to be hauled dally from the ,ill il~w~r ~e ~.a:, UCI~i' I de gets out of sflrts .An overworked Iver . mnrmure. ro n Y. .power u g a Ohio doctor tells his experIencG: '- ' _ "Ef th 't 1 - for your sake somethln 1>'-'1 turned up I "Ab t th "th 1 '\•..oj ~ e S'gns wusn so ong a c?m. at fast' And 0 Luclndy" he con. .ou ree years aoo 3.3_ e rosn t /1n' true-ef somethm' would only Jest i d w' tf 'I " , • b II '1 ct domg two men's work. attendIng a S tun>. up no"!" Paphrodltus repeated t nne i tti III y:.. can 1: you e e,e n -larga pra~tice and looking after the m0urnfully to himself. as, stlll.mder me a .' e nOW' details of another bUSIness. my health If more than. or~inary skilJ in pl1!ying brings the honors of the the depressing spell of Luclnda's I Lucmdy dre>:_ the bowed grizzled broke down comp1eteiy, and ~ was lIt· game to the wmmng pl<7yer, so e.....G.rinter gomg on to What She Remembered. halrt':s W~o~ ~t::J:lG :~n: \lil effectually, when <1, laxative is needed. without any unpleasant the nearest Clty, and a "dowser" or Husband-Man:;=.pec:;le at c:lUrch I' WI aIr. a XU fll !Ur.:1 att.1l1JJJcl \ ,If:- after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the intemal water· witch" as well, who could lc-"ate t!lls forenoon. dear? tE,doll. (~1I1llY IL!\ ~ tam (JifJ U. organs, simply assisting natur-e when nature ne_eds assistance underground streams. Wlfe--Yes. a large numbe;:. Ia~-er 1'8 ;Iring. without griping, irritating or debilItating the infernal organs i~ '''Whllt'" to hender you'a staylrI' a: "Good sermon?" "SOID()Grap ~Xl1t.ani e'lt \1al.J:iJils any w:aY,·as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious night vdth me, and a ahowln' me Whete'\ "Delightful." came for my hnch one day and nature. As the plante which are combined with the figs in to dl..gfer water?" Paphrodltus pro- "What was the text?': pleased me particularlY with the re- the manufacture of Syl up of Figs are known to ohysicians to osed eagerly. "Ii was-1t was, really, I have for, suit: 1 got more satisfactloll from it a~t mos~ beneficially uoon the system, the remedy has met The tramp accepted hfs Invltaw:m. t;;olu,n," than from anything I had eaten for With their general approval as a fa.mlly ~axative fact we:! t .:Luclndy, he know" -'J.!e sign, and "HumJlh~ Wall Mrs. Purling there?" months. ami on further Investigation a. I wor~Il considering in making pUj"chases. ' :~e never falls, he says-and-we "She was." and use. adopted Grape·Nuts for my .t··.. ~ ight. "'to arter _dl&a well soon!" "What had she or.?" morning and evening meals. served It is because of the fact that oSYRUF 0F FIGS Lucindy sniffed- scornfully. "The "Well. she had on a fall"wrap at very Iusually with. cream and a sprltlkle 01 ~t;:;':::;.:-~.:.'..".~.~: is a ~e~edy of known quali~y and excellence. and approved by 19n! Paphrodltus Ramsey. wllJ yOU dark pompelian red cloth, with narrow Isalt cr sugar. phySICIans that has led to ItS use by so many millions of well ,~~. Harn no sense? Here yOUgo insertions of black velvet In the Sldl!lll "My improvement was rapid and ...... infoJ!Iled p~ople! who woul~ not use any remedy of uncl:'rtain bring In a big. hungry man to feea and of the skirt. A smaIl yoke trimming permanent In weight as weil as In ,', quality or Intenor reputation. Every family should have a bed. just because he has a :slgn' to of the velvet covered the upper part of physical and mental endurance. In a bottl~ of the ger:ulne on hand at all times, to use when a , Jlay oft on you to glt fed two 6r three the chest, and was outlined with a word. I am filled with the joy of !lv· laxatr~e remedy IS requb:ed. Please to remember that the mellls. How we goin' to dig a weU mixed tinsel braid. A narrow b~idln; Ing again. an<1continue the dally nse ~$:~.~:;t'.l,:...;~~. genuine Syrup of FIgs 18 for sale in bottles of one size ~d no money? A poor llvln' we ha"e, l;irdled the walst., and the cuffs were of Grape-Nuts for breakfast and often , • J ,aUd a worse one we would have ef I ornamented In the same way. It had for the evening meal. only, by all reputable druggists, and that full of the ~oll In ever' straggler that comes! a cape attachment plalten "pon the "The little pamphlet, 'The Road to company-California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on 'bate the day I married you!" ISnolilders and attached by plaits Wellvllle: found In pkgs., Is Invarl, the front of every package. Regulat pric;I;l,50c pe:- bottle. he slow tears crept In Paphrodltus' at the waist line, giving a dolman all' ably saved and handed to some needy ed eyes, and the bUnd girl ran pearance to the back. She-" patient along with the indicated rem· I, .. '~ ross the puncheon door and leaned "That'll do, I don't wond9r that you edy." NBJl1egiven by Postum Co., , ....t...,-:;1. ....- ~ QA..'.h4J;...father'B.s.~·~lder, and patted r",rgot the textl"-Daliy PicaYllll.. Battle Creek, Mich. "There'lI a. rea- ~. I -' ,oa." 'l'he,Recol'u: _ Xorthviile, Mieh, Friday. ~Qveliibe.f 30, 1906~

. . , could not ;'i:,W' down iu tlnie to l' ~f[..bier ..-"t> -tIl.ken to - D~troltl.= -"., - - , • I , avoid th .. cO~II~IOri'. ' I-;UOday-r~r bur~1 ..'1:lI.d f • Therel~:i:cr~~~:e~;~~:~~aSOnrY' , ~li-s l~llO.. h.. (,ollllo'lI Wit" 90DIt' ~Ir_ aOd Mr ... John :st~lo~e!" aodl among men that does not exist among.1 ~ak~ungs i !'unday. each other. Practically speaking. _all; . - . . - I _ . '. h th same fauits "and vices but I a I1t"r"n <-ut..rt. w n.,one.. 4tll. \\ ednt'bdas to eat s hani>"g:lvlDg • d • bl thing if women f Bl.onchitis , . i h h h d V'.{)uldbe an a mIra e I - . I 1<; 'l' Hazeil I" dOID~ eo ",.,,1"1',,10Ie , turk""Y Wit. Ie !Dut er a~ SI~t<.·r, would COpy men 10 thlll respect. Tb~ I For Infants and Children. - lJ IOlpiog Ju~t IlOW, the resu!t-ul a iJud I wol'!d-'would not know hall as much; For dver _sixty years doctors : fall. - _ :/ Safer Than Regis~ered_Lett~. about us If Onll women would 40J d; s ~ have endorsed Ayer's-Cher~y . ~1r<; .John Col';- ent¢rrllined h-efl Safer than reglsterilif;, saysthe.Lc:l their tongues about-feminine falllng'J The Kind You Have . Pectoral for coughs, .colds, ,I"i"ter .. ud other friends iN)'U Ponllac II don Pll-!1 :Mall Gazette, It lS to put ,~_ ~ I -- j,rhltnkb~IMog suJliclent postage Oti .... let!er. Sa), I Japanese Race Horses. I j weak lungs, bronchitis, con~ I _Always BjJught the - Gazette - 'The postoffice ne, e The ,Tallanesa have a way _of learn' I' ; sumption. You can .t~usf a Ar:h.le Kent bas ~Jll:d a dt'pr. 80 Joses_ a )e~ter wh,.ch IS lDsumClen,l} ling whatevs>r foreign art. or !Juslness j medicine t1}ebest doctQfS ap- he Is as happy aEf the rest of the staml1ed." they want to introduce into Japan. buntlnl?: party Irom bere. • - Two young Japanese-are studl1ng the, prove. Then trusn~s the n~xt . Bears the .Mr. and Mr5l. Charles Bassett, whqj . TriblJt" t-o Farn-er'" Life. _ bUSIness pr-acfE!11ce of hOrse-breeding ~ y time you have a hard cO!lgh. 1IVPd lit the EmuJet Harmvn neuse, - United States -Senator Pettus _ of In ~ntucky, ~ts caplJ:al.- W!teI1""tl:fe The best kind o{a.testlmonlal- ba\'e movea to ::-'orth'VlIle Alabama whQ is 86 years of age, When] h~e mastered it they willstart breed- I , "Soid !or-"over sixty :Y'e~." - • recently asked what vocatIOn he Ing establishments In Tokio. A Japa-t PromOtes Digestion,Cheert'ul- Mrs. Herman Witt was .caU ....? to would choose if he were agam beg.n'l may yet-win the"E'uturlty, ness-andRestConlains ne.ilbel". Lo .. Plymouth one dlly laRt w:eek by tht' nlng active life, feJJiled: "The ill;;l: the Grand- Prix or the Derby.-Every- Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. _ 'of Allhda~J"C'A7.r"0 manUtActa.renCo. oten.-.. - , SARsAPIoRIU.A. very l;eVere ilIne"s of her slster.- calling of a -farmer?' _ • I body's Magazlp..e.· . • _ NOT'XARCOTIC. PILlS. • • Mr. and Mr8. - Gas8 ~anford Ilnd • • - I _lJe_;-rs HAIRVICiOR, • Mrs. Ald.ric-h vlBlt;;d thefr aunt. ~{rg. A WO[VIAN'S BACK. I N,coll,; 1..ool Mairs arr,'pleased to hear j Backache:s n:';,11yekla:~·f,,£:.ult.~ rephes, as IS eVIdent from a--recen!.- Apelfecl Remedy forl:;onslipa::: , t hat ~he and" hel' hushand h .. , eJ That's why Doan's Kidney -Pt11; pray,er he made, whlcNnc1uded a pc- Ose , j fto:;\.. Scfur Stotllilcl:\,Dlarrroea ,,-.ll~>4JI.r~ , ...... \- .. at rl\~.ed 'lu Buenos Ayre~ all well. I cure It - _ ..-" - I huon asbng the Lord to "please -tell _ Wor-ms ,ConvulsionS ,feverIsh- .I ....NX·01M ~'ETITSt- -11 I - i :lIany ~orthvvle womeil know thiS -me "hat there was- way, way- hack, ness andLoss OF SLEEP. HI I" ,. ", r , Read wllat-s>ue has to "I,iy-abnut It I in the )ear" before there, was~an7. "'- ...-. .- +~ ...... ; •••••• t ...... 'Irs - lien-is Er'lest, husba~d-:a. fbacks to~_~e ~eaTS'"--Harper's W~ek-""'-I Fof Over ~~, ><--.-.-l 1 •• ,,' •••••••• --_I I I ... _ - }"acswjtes;gn~;;:;;'r '. • .. 0 "- .'; lIlOUJ(lCI,li.,fng at 23 :lUlls stree1; says. !I}. -. - _ j j..IVONIA N13WS. i I 'I llJost c",·tamly tlunk well 01 J:loin's .: -, -:: , , ' " _:. - ~ t "KIdney Pills 0 Y only IlerlIlit-p;nbltc~· HarpTst 'for Paupers. . d. ~.l\-lllg .~ •••• _.-~"""",-",,, f E\""ery bOGY lta-d 1 ilf]nb._... ~on _O~_tlus st~p.n:~.,t bec:~~: I-fee;' Th; Isle Of-,,'Vlghf J"EE];land) ';ork:- •• l •• thnue,.,,- - < _ 'I _r.lte-fl,1 to Do'!n S 1-'-1(i_ney- l~.'Sfor_ the I house noW boasts an. cffiClal harplst. , ~ 1 • . " \"'l m. \ff'l tllew .... \ 1"",1t II ; bJ..,. Sunj . -rood. tile\" dId me Before gOlng _to I H d 1 h th a 11 I ::=:==; \lr- anrf ~lr~. \\lllT'urt ,-I"'ll.:-tl iltt 'lnr~oclt Blos-dulg$tor~aDd gettllg er utles a~e t~ 19 ten _ e U I , ~\li~tuo ned' ( "mOl",:.",,- - J (' ( t '" d I 'hP.1Jl I h.'d ' dull ;1~"lnl< paln ill' m,Y hours -of the mmates of"the_ lmebclle I ::::~ -, Ten -,or S ,_un doY -- - _ utUI! \h'tt:OI r I ~:P ~ I _ b.fLch. and 1 \\~lS also troubled Wltll \\"ards wlt ~olos on ~~ arp-::I I £)(ACT COpy OJ; WRAPFE."L- ~ reto.-tl\l:"'"> nf:>l.-!d .....t \"\eel...- - ::: ':) r-i-1Ur;-.. l:'C" J~ HUlcJln~:r hltebt'D crb~unl.1tlsln "",,-hi~hJ1ad annoyed rue I plano The .,.apP9mtn:.c:: ...~as made by r - ~~-;:: ~ .on tbe rea!: of hi::;'l.1on~e I foro. Q1Ute- J. wln:le Bef.ore I had taken I the gll?rcnans on the "'~ommendatlon r ~w~ ciitoYiii I . The mf>lHt uf J.....lWlO [(,In.,·hl iJ, .. d .l<,hn Ba,ettled I !I,U! of the box I feurJi. my condmql1[ or the lunacy comru.~ oners; ano. an '"I1IlI1·~91•• IIl •••• III•• I!IIR/iIlll•••••••••••• "I- - =1 Hnudd-Y- J.Jt..!,.llt elite" fl\~ \\ ....t'"-l. .. .,;...... ,lu..- U1 hl~ cottage near the j"'eIlteO-+r I ~:neJtly lmpro,ed ~r'tnal!v :the pain in I elderl) woman n.amed Grace has beep. t"M±ttb ne-S = d -; m\" baeh lefl,md lIlY i'beumatts!D '\"an· selecte-d fr-r the Dost - _ "Etht'l ",,,<1 Lyh F,;lfer .p~n( ~"Il'1 "\\11- ... iJdle PPlhof !leuilltl. ~peDd,,'shPd:' J' - - = ~~ ddy "tUI ,IO~I~ I:1()", '''~ - ui 1Dl! 1'Jntnh('~lving- "' ....I-. w~lh- ht'rl For "Me by n.lJ dealers. ~Price.."" 52- ...... ,-~- .... _ _ ...... -. 1===-;-======::;::::======;::::=""'_ - ~ .,;r"ndmoth"r - ':n~ Fo~ter"11Jbt1rn C", Bolu-aJo, ~ I . - lh~ _~.&.-~m(You Have A'wnys Bou..... - to'\"'n - = • '1::. sale. a~ents for the U. I;; Boarsjh. ~ 1 , ~". ,- '" h R d It P beeu held In Centpr German chur< 'I Remembe-r t'he name-Doan's-and B'~·tim> - 7'#-.I-ifI- _ I - Try -a 15 C~ntLl'ner In t e ceor - - ays The s(':-laIDprOLeefl~"entli~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rttUiDed home- ~fLturd~IY1rOll d nee-h.b ~tdY 'nth her rather III DetrOIt.

"Dr Thom?.s' EI~trtC 0,1 lS the be't remedy for that often :fata1 dlsease- croup Has been used with success In our family for Clght years."-Mrs L. ~tteacre, Buffalu, N Y - CLOSING " In !.iew of ch®ging our location we will sell OUI' Entire Stock ~ ------~ Goods j - FARMINGTON NEWS. Gon.sisting of Jewelery, B=ooks,Statiopery and ~hristm~s~ ...... - .... I --...... _-----.-. AT AC~UAL COST. 1Iliehnei Doh'>rty hilS been III. lIlr~. Henry Puu!In ls quIte III as Now· Is The Time when yOll want to buy your Hollday Gifts; TeAHa PlerHon left l\l',nduy for 3nd Best Selected ill this section; New. Up-to-Date Saginaw to ,l.:t her par ..nt~. Governor 'Varner arrived hotu~ from hIs Huron couIJtyfarm Monday nlg-ht _ _ '

l\.lrs JaIllf'S: ('ourO'y or F'ree01ont Is sppndlng u- fe" days wIth ht'r palents - The e\.ca\ ntlon under thp .Metho- (list lbnrch for the ne" furnace has been made Ilnd the

f \

Rogers Knives and Forks per doz.,. .,. $2.50 Here -i" where we 3hine. These are strIctly i NOVI NEWS. Nothmg so suitahle for a Xma~ gift. We Cold Meat Forks, Rogers make, each 0 •• ~. e-oc Holiday Good:;..,and the variety is endless. ______....~.....l·...... _...i I Rogers extrd. plate Tea Spoons, 1-2 doz.... 70c I I;l ..... G I U • ~ ••••••• have the largest line "we lla,e ever shown. Handkerchief, Glove and Necitie Boxes, Toilet not miss these. only trade dollars Sets, l'Ianicure Sets! Collar and Cuff Boxes, (Oopyright Books reserved from sale.) Do We ChriS \\'l(.hs has boughttbeSprague with you. Shaving and Smoking Sets, etc., etc. farm. = ~ .__l!..- ..",...__ ""'- •_ _=__,..... __ ------~I1Jes hlchardson l1a~ bee!l O!l the] , sick lIst. ~Ir, and ~lrs. SW;lh were PontIac '- lsitors ~londay. ! Mrs, ~larshlll from \lel>.lco Is "lsit- 1ng her Sister, ~Jrs. Benton. I A westbound car On the Fourteenth -Una struck a fa,mer's wagon at Ba~g .1 street and Harrison aveuue l1t 9::10 I Monday morning, t;hrowlng off Miss' Prtttt of '"Novi who was driVing with I her blr~d man, aed Injuring ber qUite severely, demollshlng t \! " wagon and InJllctlog such Injuries I L~J\[VDr on the horse that he had to be shot. II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 Repeater. Mlsll Pratt had one arm and severai -x ribs broken and her head badly cut. This is our Cost Mark. Come and see what this sale will save you. Store w ill be Open Evenings. She was taken to the home of hel' brother, Stephen Pratt, 693 Four- teenth avenue. The car was going at a fast clip aud the motorman MERRITT & COrIPANY I THE LEADING JEWELER AND BOOK SELLERS. NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN. r'f f'