The -Northville Record

The -Northville Record

THE -NORTHVILLE RECORD. VoLXXXVIIi. No.Ii: NORTHVILLE. MIOH., FRIDAY,NOVE!VIBER 30, 190D~ $1.00 Per Yearin Advanc I [-WHEN A BAt~K fALLS IT ,JS TRE FAULT OF -THE SOARD OF HARRY CORB~TI D!ED N~~:23,/ 'MILLIONS DIRECTORS.-Comptroller Ridgely. Had Been III WIth Typhoid Fever -. ,Hardware! OF EGGS but.a Short TlDle. You-will always :find an ~Up~to-Date ,Line of Tin, Harry Corbett. woo lived with hlB /~anDer Year for the..U'" S. ~verrr- parents, Mr::-J.nilMrs. Irvtnl't e,orbett Granite and Nickel Ware ment' In Mlchig-a_n•. in the ~lcRay house, ~orthvllle, died. at our store. Our Prices Friday night of IMt week alter II. it.r e ,Extremely -Low - short lllness of typhoid fever.~ t - When you stop 'to con- , HA~tAKEN MORE THAN FIFTY-[ Harry was a butcher by trade and sieler quality of Ware. j , SIX MILLION TROUT EGGS. I ,had enJl:aged hfmsel!<-to work in Frank Mlllei"smar~i't justbefore he - J was taken lll, "He wa~_but eighteen " Penl'n-sul.or· " a-n'd "Garlana-" Hard . 'HU;;dred ~n.d FIfty.MIlIion~~of ~hltej and one half years of"agGand was a .... highly respected y'oung m:!ln. The Ooal Base Bnrne1!S and Steel Ranges. c. Fish Eggs. - 0 , __ faI!.lJly had lately moved here frum ~- ,7' :: - ==- It .b~4nl. to look as if the "direEtor" who- considers his only duty is !B- pocket MllaQ and Mr. Gorl:>.ett,senior, fs his $10 p"'r meeting- ~" -- I engineer for the Korthvllle !>llllitig "i'ThlS' wllI b: the b~nner yeai- fo~ Co. ""'Retort Oak" Soft· or_ Hara. the U. S. gover;\'ment's .take or .fi~hf ~ HJ I The luD€'ral occurrerl at Saline.' Ooal ~Stoves., TRY ·ONE. i,-e~~'; in Mlcbigan", says' Asslatan~ , ~I IBAN''\.111 ~ I whpre the body was taken for ~SuPt. Ward Bowers ofthe-./\orth\·i!le iJ ~] I~ ment on::>unddY. rU~~fti~~I~t~~~I~on a;d-;'~ ft'; "dd I (] -l'rl/~ i> CARPENTER HUFF m6re lake trout fiiHnggs hav'e heen.., '~ ~, NORTHVILL'F." MICHIGAN. secured from the Be='er Eland I .~ SChOOlNotes. groupds by toe D, R elrlploye.J thli" ..J~ iBy a Pup' ] I1---------.....,,-----------------::.-,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!, , senson anJl 49000-,000pf them are -~tLr::::" - Earl Grey enterepthe;Slxthgrade i'~..:..:..:...:-:-:~:+<>:~).:..:..:..:-:..:-:-:-:-:-:-: ..:-:..<..:-:":-:"-:-:":~";+;+4 .:..:..~ v at the Xorth,illf - h"tche.ry" ""II' _ _ last weel,. r '" ng:jt t-o Its utm"ost ('"aparlty l~ ~ The Eig-utb- grade ha,e taken up even mUlion i",ve been sbippen to _ PhyslOiogy. l1'eBt-fltloI,'''.BtDuluth, (,'ape '"wcent '" . ~~ ~ There al;p-two new puplls.1n the f _ LAitlPS !'- ani! Put-ion.Bay ~ - Third "rade. In 80rtlng ol'er these egl!:q the ll'.tl'n "'\\'~ER~ The ~enlor8 held rhetorlcala Wed. W~ have a New Line of Lamps alHhe way from a Hand Rssistance of u'p\iVards of thlrt., g-lrls nei';dayafternoon:- I- t Lamp at 25c to a Large Ce_nter Draft I, Success'; at $4.50' We wilL be reqUired for some tllne and :-'8 being shown that he has more to oarry than th~ direotor's fee. _ ~f- have 3:Ve2' Pretty Nlgnt Lamp for 3",oc.' very €'IDploye wi1l- be h,uqy II.Sa bee = - Wid, e" on. _Ch',cago Record·HeraId. !nThe.8lxththeir wast~.basket,gratle have = a new lining I until the-last one l8=patcbed_Qut < ,?,t. The govern-ment thIs year "trledy GOOD FOR FRED EVANS. I Presbstenan Cnurcn Notes. The First grade is studying tbe Will have another shipment of those Nice Stands ew experiment of conllnlnlZ' their I I"LUe of the Pllgnms". If i WIth Baking powder ~he first of the ,week.- peratlons to one polnt-H"aver I fBy the Pastor]o ~ Sebool closed Wednesday nlgbt for s!and- instead '3fDshlng at several "Chic" Has Struck It Rich In the -r:hesermon next ~undif~ evenIng the Tbanksglvlng vacation. t, laces and the 'jl;reatr succ~ss, Mr West. will be on "The Pr"blem of the The Eighth grade have some n~w i ow~r beHaves, will warrant their Scbool" or Religion and Educl!.tlon cortalns on "their GROCERIES ,"Conth:iUanceof thIs policy ilerea1ter. .:fletter recelvpd thIs Week hy .1'. A- A large and convenIent summer Lisle Xlexande? of th€' Fburth We carry a Full Line of Groceries-always fresh and we The take of white fish on the Dulluar frum Fred Evans, better kltcllen has been IJnllt on the manse grade, has gene no~tbfor tW9 weeks.\ make prompt dellvery. PrIces Always Low as the lowest- I etrolt rIver Is also ~co~Pleted and known to Northville-people a~ "Chic" thronjl;h toe effort~ ofthe Ladles' Aid /1 bere too, the take,of l",~,OO(l,OOOIs '?vans, states tha~ he has ~truc'KIt society. Gladys Cooper, 01the Filth ~~'" or Lower. hIt j h t t ' hi t """ "- Q Th' has left school on accout;;+~~>1'ea1l: L e a.r~..s n t e ,s .I" p s s ory. rich In the west. He hllS ii. position e mll.jI;nllicent congregatIon eyes. hll wh.te Qeh eg'J!;sall ,go 1nt.o th~, with ~he FeJ1eral Mlnln &_ :Smelfln Sunday mornIng was an Ineplratlon _ :I etrolt 8tatlon, wblch Is In ('harge ~ 2- P; to the preacber and showed what The Sevent~ wrote Thanks. Don't Forget Our Oo1fee SpeciaLties. f Foreman Will Thayer ana will Co. at BU~ke. Idaho, at $1 " p!!r can be done wben all are In their givIng stories for their language =' '.." month and wlll soon receive tue 1~ kept there until ,they ,are eyed . appofbtment of postma~ter at that placed. W~dnesda.y. , hen a large number of the eggs will 1=" The Third grade wrote stories on i s'!nt to the stations at Alpena p a.('e. -I "ColonIal History" and read them . C. E.=RYDER 11 d =£harlevolx for batchlng and 'I be following from t~e Spo1{esman Bapnst cnurcn ncr.:e:>. W€'dnesday afternoon. Bojh Telepho~es. N~RT"VII:..LB I Il trlbutlng. '" Revlt'w 01Spokane, "asb, explalus MUo White. a pupn 01 the Sixth (~..:..>x-:-:+:+:+:-: ..:.. x< ..:*> ~:+:-:..:et..x+:...-...:.~ •••••• 11the employe..>sare back at work ItsPlf: '. fBv a MemberI Krade. had the misfortune to break :-:-<.. the Northville and Detroltst1ltlone ,"Fred Evans, a fireman II.t the\ Preparatlon.s are. being made by 1:- ....,, -: _I,I' aln excpptlng A. T. Stewart, who 'I Ig<.:~-Poorman mIII an d engIneer 0f the Sunday scbool lor Christmas I.'thisschool.arm In two places while jumping I: III remain at Beaver Island for two th~ lIger power houee for thrt'll or exercises. i.! -j eeks or so !lUperlntendln~ th .. ('atch lour yea!s,_W!I\~r~bahl.v-beWap!?Olnt The monthly !\lIsslonary meeting The Secow grade played "Hlawl!.- Pine T~i1oring!, -- c , ed successor to rObtma~ter Edgar tha's Deer Hunt" Wednesday after. I wblte fish a-nd the taklnl!: of tbe K"lttrull resigned 'Mr Kitt're'll takes will be held at the home or Mrd. B:A. noou, W~ndelllllller taking the part 'f awn from them. ~tewart has had "I h h Ti 1\1 II I Northrop next Wednesday afternoon. By putting into oUI line of Woolens, the 'ChGlcest Products are:-e of the la1e trout catch at a posltlollbW t t e ger prcant e at 2.00o'clock. of "Hlawatha"~ I of the manufacturers' sKill, we have received substantial I I eaver s.and"t his year l£nd IHIS company"'lr. Evuns'ere. -netltlon' contaIns "ube Tb(\ regnlae-: monthly- business Miss Hall gave each one of tbe recognition fr0m the publIc 19 the snape' 2! our Enormous Quantity of Orders.' _- I I d d ",. F pupils Inche Primary grad"s a shell : I rta n y ma e a g-~"atreeor . names of nearly all of tbe prominent meeting of"",tbe B. Y. 1'. p. will be which sbQpil'ked np near tbe place 1_. h Our line contains ALL the Popular Weaves, Color- " 'l~he white fiB , catch on the De· repubhpans, a;;'ong them belug held next Wednesday eY-ening-at the where the PIlgrims landed. Olt rll'er and Grassy ~sland has A C. Cogswell, manag-er of tbe 'rlg!'r home of Roy Clark. = _ ing-sand No~eltles, as well as the Most DeSIrable Staples. I GIve us a Tnal Order. , en In ~harge of 1I1r. 'I hay"r and MercantIle -company and 8< republl. The subject of tbe sermon Sunday The "llelpIDg Hand AssociatIOn" I . G. FilkInS, wbo have a record can committeeman; Gus Ebren!Jprg. morning will be "The L'nllmlted of the High S<.hool gave a '.rhan1s. I eaklng; record too to their c!'edlt. sL'perlntendent of ,he Frisco mine Power of .Tesl:sto 1:>'"The even. glylng d1nn:3ryesterday afternovn in I ~E. J.·WILLIS, herchant Tailor ! tbe ~fethQdlst church. the admission 1324 Grand Riv"r Avenue. Phone Grand 1090.J., DETROIT, MICH_ r and chairman of the republican -1ng sermon will be a contll)UatlOn helng ~wenty cenl-Sfor outslder~. a I:;:;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;:;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;;:;:;::;~;:;::;;:;::;;:;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;:;::;;:;::;=;:;::;;:;::;;:;;:;;;:;;~ . SIOck Sale. Iconnty central committee; Ereemont of last Sunday evenln,!';'ssubject. frEe ticket being g:ven to the poor I' f ;;I'wenty !\llchlg-an hGrS':!R,llmong- S Rowe, foreman of the Hecla mIDe children. 'J'-lieproc@ds, If any, will '! j )llch lire a good many wagQn and a commIttEeman, W. Alvlu Hall. Methodist Chnrcn "'OT~';::. go for Xmas presents for the poor, J 'rses and farm cbunks; ~one extra also a prominent repUblican, and ,'.

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