White ethnic
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- III. Ethnic Geographies
- Racial and Ethnic Identities Among Mexican-White Couples In
- On Being White in America: an Exploration of Identity in the Ethnic Majority
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- Rethinking White Societies in Southern Africa
- Latino Communities
- *289 199 *299 *219 *175 165 Urnitm H Rralb Russia, China Fight at Border
- All This Is Turning White Now-Ramos-Zayas
- Brooklyn's Dodgers : the Bums, the Borough, and the Best of Baseball, 1947-1957
- The Whitening Hypothesis Challenged: Biculturalism in Latino and Nonhispanic White Intermarriage
- Other People's Race Problem
- The Social Construction of Whiteness: Racism by Intent, Racism by Consequence
- The Demography of Racial and Ethnic Groups
- Brazil's Anti-Racist Education Reforms and Their Effects on High School History Textbooks: Addressing Critical Reflection on Race and Racism
- Racial Inequality in New York City Since 1965
- Research.Pdf (8.246Mb)
- Challenges and Prospects for Disaggregating Health Data Among Non-Hispanic Whites
- WHITE NATIONALISM and IT's CHALLENGE to the AMERICAN RIGHT a Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of A