Unity of science
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- Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science Founding Editor John Symons
- A Neurathian Conception of the Unity of Science
- Special Sciences (Or: the Disunity of Science As a Working Hypothesis) Author(S): J
- Reduction, Integration, and the Unity of Science: Natural, Behavioral, and Social Sciences and the Humanities1
- A Critique of Scientism______Its Implications and Limitations
- 5287 Greenstine & Johnson.Indd
- Carnap, Popper, Gödel: Can Unity Be Refuted by Incompleteness? Mátyás Brendel Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Ph.D
- The Unity of Science and the Mentaculus
- Not for Distribution
- Discussion of “The Demise of the Demarcation Problem” (1983) by Larry Laudan by Nic Fillion, SFU, September 2, 2020
- Neither “Mind” Nor “Things” but Acting: Some Philosophical Implications of Pragmatism for International Relations Inquiry
- Introduction
- Maladies of Modernity: Scientism in Politics David Nathan Whitney Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
- Feyerabend's Critique of Scientism
- Demarcating Science from Non-Science
- Reason After Its Eclipse Jay, Martin