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- The Greek Myths 1955, Revised 1960
- Tyche, Fortuna and the Logic of History
- INTRODUCTION This Book Primarily Concerns the Cult of the Goddess
- Religion in the Lives: Daimon Andtyche
- Epigraphic Bulletin for Greek Religion
- Piety Mechanics for the Greek Pantheon
- Amy C. Smith, Polis and Personnification in Classical Athenian Art
- Images of Political Personifications
- Roman Empire Religion In
- 74 Additional Gods
- The Tyche of Berytus: a Phoenician Goddess on Civic Coinage
- 1 Can Soteira Be Named? the Problem of The
- The Public Sacred Identity of Roman Ascalon
- Names and Epithets
- Roman and Greek Mythological Gods
- Peitho: the Evolution of a Concept
- Maritime-Related Cults in the Coastal Cities of Philistia During the Roman Period Legacy and Change
- MARRIAGES with the GODS Gods Abducting Mortals This Part of The