The Order of Things
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- Biopolitics Or the Legislation of Life: a Foucauldian Analysis Marina Basu Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
- For Professor Paul Rabinow, A.K.A., Paul the Elder. Reflections & Remembrances on the Occasion of Paul's Passing. Gabriel
- Michel Foucault, “Las Meninas,” from the Order of Things
- Nietzsche, Genealogy, History," in Lan Guage, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Inter Views by Michel Foucault, Translated from the French by Donald F
- The Dissociated Self: an Archaeological and Genealogical Analysis
- The Order of Things: an Archaeology of the Human Sciences
- Michel Foucault on Bio-Power and Biopolitics
- A Review of Fearless Speech by Michel Foucault. Los Angeles, CA: Semiotext(E), 2001
- On Foucault and the Genealogy of Governmentality
- Preface to the Order of Things
- Theory, Culture & Society
- Foucault Studies
- Oram M. the Changing Ethos of the Enlightenment in Foucault's
- Foucault Studies, No
- Introduction K
- Biopolitics of Security in the 21St Century: an Introduction
- Discipline, Security, and Beyond: a Brief Introduction
- Using Bourdieu and Foucault to Study the Cultural Political Economy of Sport in Japan Wolfram Manzenreiter, University of Vienna