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- The Problem of Evil
- The Standing of the Soul: the Search for a Middle Being Between God and Matter in the De Statu Animae of Claudianus Mamertus
- Tertullian and the Pure Church the Singularity and Supremacy of God
- THE POWER and the GLORY Praying the Psalms and Sanctifying the Day a Weekend for Christian Women November 15-17, 2013
- Reading Medieval Studies
- 2019 Church Fathers Resources
- ST. PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH and SCHOOL a People Called EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME - AUGUST 5, 2018 Welcome to the Congregation of St
- The Legal Concept of Ratio in Tertullian by Gerald Bray
- LITURGICAL INCULTURATION the Future That Awaits Us Anscar J
- Augustine's Relevance for Contemporary Religious
- THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY of AMERICA Gallican Vision, Anglican
- A Holy Land for the Catholic Monarchy: Palestine in the Making of Modern Spain, 1469–1598
- Include Me Out: Tertullian, the Rabbis, and the Graeco-Roman City
- The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason in Thomas Aquinas
- Gregory the Great
- Christianity in Early Africa Ancient Traditions, Profound Impact
- Substance and Person in Tertullian and Augustine
- Atonement As a “Patrogenetic” Process (Part I)