Quintus Curtius Rufus
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- Issue 3: Alexander the Great This Journal Is Published by Students and Staff of the Department of Classics, Ancient History, and Egyptology at Swansea University
- I EastAndWestInTheRomanEmpireOfTheFourthCentury
- The End of the Satrapies: the Date of Alexander IV's Death
- From Alexander to the Indo-Greeks
- Plus Ça Change...Ancient Historians and Their Sources
- Alexander the Great: Historical Sources in Translation
- The Persian Policies of Alexander the Great: from 330-323 Bc
- Not One, but Three (Roman) Alexanders: the Evolution of the Roman Accounts of Alexander the Great
- From Alexander of Macedonia to Arthur of Britain
- Justin's Epitome
- Classical Histories Greece and Rome a Catalogue of 30 Books
- Quintus Curtius Francesca M
- The Remains of Alexander the Great: the God, the King, the Symbol
- The Role of Learning Institutions in Ptolemaic Alexandria
- Alexandria and the Construction of Urban Experience Sara L
- History of the Macedonian People
- Ancient Rome from the Earliest Times Down to 476 A.D
- Doktori (Phd) Értekezés Témavezetők