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- Russell's Arguments Against Frege's Sense-Reference Distinction
- A Two-Dimensional Logic for Two Paradoxes of Deontic Modality
- Compositionality II: Arguments and Problems∗
- Russell's Early Metaphysics of Propositions
- Philosophy of Language: Preliminaries
- Frege's Principle
- The Early Life of Russell's Notion of a Propositional Function
- What Is a Proposition?
- LOGIC and INTENSIONALITY the Most Distinctive Feature of a Great
- Discussion Paper #1558
- Proposition 218 Implementation Guide
- Two-Dimensionalism and the Social Character of Meaning Derek Ball University of St Andrews
- Facts, Properties, and the Nature of the Proposition
- Assertion, a Speech Act Whereby the Speaker Puts Forward a Pro- Position As True Or, Secondarily, the Proposition Affirmed in Such an Act
- Ambiguity and the Tradeoff Theory of Capital Structure
- Compositionality ∗
- Anderson, John M. 2005. the Non-Autonomy of Syntax
- Epistemic Two-Dimensionalism