Pop art
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- Pop Art Movement
- Nber Working Paper Series the Globalization of Advanced Art in The
- The 1960S: Pop, Op, and Minimalism
- Art in Utopia: Can Art Create Social Change?
- British Pop Art and Postmodernism
- Futurism. Dada. Surrealism
- Wham! Blam! How Pop Art Stormed the High-Art Citadel and What the Critics Said
- Guggenheim Museum Archives Reel-To-Reel Collection “Cubism As Pop Art” by Robert Rosenblum, 1976
- L.A. Snap / Chicago Crackle / New York
- Introduction: "Pop Since 1949"
- Veilingcatalogus April 2013
- The Paintings of Pop Art in the United States of America: Andy Warhol As a Pioneer
- Archives and Museum Informatics Newsletter, Vol. 7, No. 4
- Art and Design Curriculum Companion V2.4 © 2019 Chris Quigley Education Ltd
- Capitol Art Collection: Three Decades Later Meagan Atiyeh
- Minimalism, Pop, and the True Avant-Garde. Chris Shirley
- Modern Art Utah Museum of Fine Arts • Lesson Plans for Educators • November 1996