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- Remembering Past (S), Imagining Futures: the Politics of Hope In
- Faqs on Refugees Who Are the Palestinian Refugees?
- Al-Nakba: an Analysis of the Historical and Contemporary Israeli Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Will Zupan
- Expulsion of the Palestinians
- "Palestinian Nationalism and the Struggle for National Self-Determination," in Berch Berberoglu, Ed., the National
- Remembering the Palestinian Nakba: Commemoration, Oral History and Narratives of Memory
- Myths and Realities of the Palestinian Refugee Problem: Reframing the Right of Return
- Internationalising Palestine: UNRWA and Palestinian Nationalism in the Refugee Camps, 1967-82
- Nakba Fact Sheet
- 1948: Independence Or Catastrophe? Document Analysis