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- Mapping Petrarch in Seventeenth-Century Italian Travel
- Scholarly Accounts of Milton's Engagement with Petrarch Often
- Giovanni Boccaccio - Poems
- Francesco Petrarca – Ich Bin Im Sommer Eis, Im Winter Feuer
- Petrarch's Letters to Classical Authors
- Petrarch and the History of Philosophy
- Introduction 1
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- Essays on Renaissance Humanism and Philosophy
- Dido and Petrarch in Petrarch's Africa and Trionfi the Harvard
- Franciscus Petrarca: De Remediis Utriusque Fortunae
- In the Footsteps of Petrarch
- Boccaccio Between Dante and Petrarch: Manuscripts, Marginalia, Drawings
- Sacra Solitudo. Petrarch's Authorship and the Locus Sacer
- In the Labyrinth of the Library: Petrarch's Cicero, Dante's Virgil
- Petrarch and the Canon of Neo-Latin Literature
- Caput Mundi, Caput Italiae: the Idea of Rome and Patria in St. Catherine of Siena
- Parallels Between Boccaccio's Proem to the Decameron and Petrarch's Open- Ing Sonnet in the Canzoniere Have Suggested Themse