Maurice Wilkes
Top View
- Stonebraker Receives IEEE John Von Neumann Medal
- Online Sec 3.11.Indd
- Digital Computer Museum Re-Port
- Co-Authorship Proximity of A. M. Turing Award and John Von Neumann Medal Winners to the Disciplinary Boundaries of Computer Science
- Turing, Computing and Communication
- William Kahan Discusses the Whole of His Career to Date, with Particular Reference to His Involvement with Numerical Software and Hardware Design
- Ending of Dennard Scaling and Moore's Law, Security
- Contents U U U
- The Computer Boys Take Over History of Computing William Aspray, Editor
- Monographs in Computer Science
- ICSE '18 Software Eng History
- Original Introduction
- EDSAC Initial Orders and Squares Program
- Appendix Collections of Biographies and Memoirs
- What Is Computation? the Evolution of Computation by Peter Wegner, Brown University
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income
- Examination 4
- Interview Between J