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- Dramatic Dietary Shift Maintains Sequestered Toxins in Chemically Defended Snakes
- Differential Gene Expression During Placentation in Pregnancies Conceived with Different Fertility Treatments Compared with Spontaneous Pregnancies
- (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.248,185 B2 Rubin Et Al
- Low-Fat, Low-Salt, Whole-Food Vegan
- International Conference on Antioxidants and Diseases ICADD 2018
- Binding of Ouabain and Marinobufagenin Leads to Different Structural Changes in Na,K-Atpase and Depends on the Enzyme Conformation
- Antibody to Marinobufagenin Reverses Placenta-Induced Fibrosis of Umbilical Arteries in Preeclampsia
- Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- Midwest Clinical and Translational Research Meeting of CSCTR And
- Concise Synthesis and Their Anticancer Activity Evaluation By
- The Cardiotonic Steroid Marinobufagenin (MBG) Induces Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in LLC-PK1 Cells
- Moraea Pallida) Vaccine
- A Dissertation Entitled Marinobufagenin Induced Uremic
- Integrated Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking Approaches to Reveal the Synergistic Mechanism of Multiple Components in V
- Bufadienolides from Parotoid Gland Secretions of Cuban Toad Peltophryne Fustiger (Bufonidae): Inhibition of Human Kidney Þ Þ Na /K -Atpase Activity