Science of Cane Toad Invasion and Control. Proceedings of the Invasive Animals CRC/ CSIRO/Qld NRM&W Cane Toad Workshop

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Science of Cane Toad Invasion and Control. Proceedings of the Invasive Animals CRC/ CSIRO/Qld NRM&W Cane Toad Workshop Science of Cane Toad Invasion and Control. Proceedings of the Invasive Animals CRC/ CSIRO/Qld NRM&W Cane Toad Workshop 5-6 June 2006, Brisbane Edited by Kerryn Molloy & Wendy HendersonInvasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this report reflect those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government or the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre. The material presented in this report is based on sources that are believed to be reliable. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the report, the authors give no warranty that the said sources are correct and accept no responsibility for any resultant errors contained herein, any damages or loss, whatsoever, caused or suffered by any individual or corporation. Published by the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, University of Canberra, Canberra © Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre This work is copyright. The Copyright Act 1968 permits fair dealing for study, research, information or educational purposes. Selected passages, tables or diagrams may be reproduced for such purposes, provided acknowledgement of the source is included. Major extracts of the entire document may not be reproduced by any process. Further copies may be requested from the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, University of Canberra, ACT 2601. Phone: +61 2 6201 2890 The publication should be cited as: Molloy, K.L. and Henderson, W.R. (Eds) (2006). Science of Cane Toad Invasion and Control. Proceedings of the Invasive Animals CRC/CSIRO/Qld NRM&W Cane Toad Workshop, June 2006, Brisbane. Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra. Proceedings of the IA CRC/CSIRO/QLD NRM&W Cane Toad Workshop June 2006 Brisbane ISBN 0-9775707-2-X August 2006 Invasive Animals CRC Animals Invasive Cane Toad Workshop Contents Introduction ________________________________________________________________1 Presentations: Session 1: Setting the Scene Cane toad control research: The first decade M.Tyler, University of Adelaide. ___________________________________________ 3 Outcomes from the CSIRO Cane Toad Workshop held in Queensland during February 2004 A. Hyatt, J. Pallister, V. Olsen and R. Voysey, CSIRO Livestock Industries, Australian Animal Health Laboratory. ________________ 7 Recommendations arising from the VPC Cane Toad Task Force, June 2005 T. Robinson, CSIRO Entomology. ________________________________________ 12 Session 2: Biology and Impacts The biology, impact and control of cane toads: an overview of the University of Sydney’s research program R. Shine, G. P. Brown, B. L. Phillips, J. K. Webb, and M. Hagman, University of Sydney. __________________________________________________ 18 Initial impacts of invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) on predatory lizards and crocodiles J. Sean Doody, B. Green, R. Sims, and D. Rhind. ____________________________ 33 Characteristics of Bufo marinus in old and recently established populations R.A. Alford1, L. Schwarzkopf1, G. Brown2, B. Phillips2 and R. Shine2, 1James Cook University, 2University of Sydney. _____________________ 42 Monitoring the impact of cane toads (Bufo marinus) on Northern Territory frogs - a progress report G. Grigg1, A. Taylor2, H. McCallum1 and L. Fletcher1 1 University of Queensland, 2University of New South Wales. ___________________ 47 Session 3: Current Control Frogwatch report on the Community Cane Toad Control project G. Sawyer, Frogwatch. ________________________________________________ 55 Frogwatch trapping report G. Sawyer, Frogwatch. ________________________________________________ 61 The field results of nine months of volunteer toad busting by the Kimberley Toad Busters 300 km east of the Northern Territory/ Western Australian border S. Boulter, D. Goodgame and L. Scott-Virtue, Kimberley Toadbusters. ________________________________________________ 73 Maximising coordination of on-ground cane toad control effort D. Beros, Stop the Toad Foundation Inc. ___________________________________ 83 Session 4: Biocontrol – Current & Prospective CSIRO biocontrol project: concept and progress. T. Robinson, N. Siddon, S. Tarmo, D. Halliday, T. Shanmuganathan and D. Venables. CSIRO Entomology, Canberra._____________________________ 86 Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre Viral delivery of cane toad biological control J. Pallister, R. Voysey, V. Olsen and A. Hyatt, CSIRO Livestock Industries, Australian Animal Health Laboratory. ____________________________ 89 Spin-offs: What have been the direct and indirect outcomes from research into biocontrol of cane toads? A. Hyatt, J. Pallister, V. Olsen and R. Voysey, CSIRO Livestock Industries, Australian Animal Health Laboratory _______________ 94 Investigation of a pathogen for Bufo marinus in northern Argentina: could it be a trypanosome? D. Peacock, Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation. ______________________________________________ 98 Session 5: Current and Prospective Biocontrol Continued Cane toads in decline due to disease? D. Pergolotti, Frog Decline Reversal Project. _______________________________ 106 Daughterless cane toads P. Koopman, University of Queensland. ___________________________________ 111 Comparative analysis of genetic options for controlling invasive populations of the cane toad, Bufo marinus R. E. Thresher and N. Bax, CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research. ______________________________________________ 117 Modelling potential control strategies for cane toads H. McCallum, University of Queensland. __________________________________ 123 Control of cane toads by sterile male release and inherited sterility M. Mahony and J. Clulow, Newcastle University. ____________________________ 134 The planned eradication of cane toads off Viwa Island, Fiji C. Morley1, J. Kuruyawa1 & C. Denny2, 1University of the South Pacific and 2University of Auckland. ___________________________________________ 151 Session 6: Toxins, Attractants and Repellants Cane toad toxin - an Achilles heel? T. Robinson, CSIRO Entomology. _______________________________________ 159 Cane Toad Pheromones M. Tyler, University of Adelaide. ________________________________________ 163 Increasing the effectiveness of toad traps: olfactory and acoustic attractants L. Schwarzkopf, R. A. Alford School of Tropical Biology, James Cook University. __________________________ 165 Cane toad chemical ecology: getting to know your enemy R. A. Hayes, G. C. Grigg & R. J. Capon, University of Queensland. _____________________________________________ 171 Session 7: Adaptation Cane toads and northern quolls: can quolls persist in the face of an invasive toxic onslaught? K. Firestone1 and T. Robinson2, 1University of Sydney, Zoological Parks Board, 2CSIRO Entomology. _________________________________________________ 176 Intra- and interspecfic variation in squamate toad toxin resistance B. Ujvari and T. Madsen, University of Wollongong. _________________________ 185 Cane Toad Workshop Introduction Approximately 100 cane toads (Bufo Marinus) were introduced from Hawaii to Gordonvale, north Queensland in 1935 to control the greyback cane beetle. They are the only member of the family Bufonidae in Australia (we have no native toads of this group). Toads soon established as a pest and have expanded their range across the north of Australia at a rate of 27-50 km/year. Larger male toads have been measured moving up to several kilometres in a single night. Toads are now estimated to occupy more than 500,000 km2 of Australia and have reached densities of 2,000 toads per hectare in some newly-colonised areas of the Northern Territory. Cane toads breed in summer – preferring it hot and wet. Females can lay 5,000 to 10,000 eggs per clutch. Tadpoles emerge from water bodies as toadlets (metamorphs) after 6-8 weeks. There is a high mortality rate at this stage. The cane toad is poisonous in all its life stages, from egg to adult. Almost anything that eats the toad dies rapidly from heart failure. The poison is absorbed through body tissues such as those of the eyes, mouth and nose, so that even mouthing the toad may cause death. Cane toads have also been known to transmit diseases such as salmonella. The cane toad has been nominated for listing as a key threatening process under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus), monitor lizards (Varanus spp.), freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni), and some snake species have been severely impacted because of predation on toads. At the moment the ‘front line’ is believed to be near the Victoria River in the Northern Territory. Large dominant male toads (warriors) have been observed to move ahead of the main group, and have been spotted up to 50 kilometres further west. The invasion front is therefore estimated to be between 250 and 300 kilometres east of the Western Australian border. The Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre (IA CRC) has as one of its 13 operational targets to “deliver innovative, practical control measures against cane toads”. The Terrestrial Products and Strategies Program of the IA CRC has several projects to develop short, mid and long-term solutions for cane toad control. These projects are being supported by funding of more than $500,000 over the next two years through the University of Sydney and University of Queensland. The IA CRC’s motto is “together create and apply solutions”. This workshop is a further
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