Lebanese Civil War
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- Lebanon: the Persistence of Sectarian Conflict August 2013
- Lena El-Malak
- Final Text Rubic Cube
- CIVIL WAR in LEBANON, 1975-92 Also by Edgar 0 'Ballance
- A Case Study of the Lebanese Civil War
- Can Israel and Syria Reach Peace? Obstacles, Lessons and Prospects
- Reconciliation, Reform and Resilience Positive Peace for Lebanon
- The Role of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon Bassam Khawaja Macalester College
- Heroes and Martyrs of Palestine: the Politics of National Commemoration
- Development of Violence and Sectarianism in Lebanon Alicia Mallo [email protected]
- The Syrian Conflict's Impact on Lebanese Politics
- The Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990): Causes and Costs of Conflict
- Hezbollah and the Shiite Community: from Political Confessionalization to Confessional Specialization
- Hezbollah After the Lebanese Civil War
- The Palestinian Presence in Lebanon A
- Political Posters of the Lebanese Civil War and Hezbollah Megan Miller [email protected]
- The Conflict Between Lebanon and Israel (1992-2006) What Are the Origins, Character and Significance of Hezbollah?
- Israeli Operations in Lebanon and the International Law of Self-Defense