Indonesian nationalism
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- The Break-Up of Indonesia? Nationalisms After Decolonisation and the Limits of the Nation-State in Post-Cold War Southeast Asia
- Arsip As National Identity, the Case of Indonesia
- Sounding Religious Nationalism and Local Identity in the Puja Tri Sandhya
- Indonesian Nationalism and Postcolonial Colonialism: Enduring Legacies for Papua
- From Papua Ethnonationalism to Indonesian Nationalism: a Historical Study
- Introduction : Colonial Dreams, National Awakenings, and Cosmopolitan Aspirations
- Unity and Diversity: National Identity and Multiculturalism in Indonesia
- American Visions of the Netherlands East Indies Indonesia US Foreign
- The 1945-1949 Dutch-Indonesian Conflict: Lessons and Perspectives in the Study of Insurgency by Lucian Ashworth
- Toward Democratic Nationalism in Indonesia
- Pancasila As the Establishing Ideology of Nationalism Indonesian Young Generation Nuzon Sugito1,*, Ratu Aulia2, Lisa Rukmana3
- Strengthening the Students Nationalism in Border Areas