Gregory of Nyssa
Top View
- Becoming Human in the Face of God: Gregory of Nyssas Unending
- Detailed Table of Contents
- The Century of St Kallistos and St Ignatios Xanthopoulos
- Of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded Divine Energies As Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
- Common Elements Within the Writings of Gregory of Nyssa and Dionysius the Areopagite
- The Orations of the Cappadocian Fathers on Lepers: a Blueprint for Exhorting Solidarity with the Socially Alienated Today
- Pseudo-Dionysius and the Concept of Beauty
- Gregory the Theologian - a Spiritual Portrait
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Marquette History of Theology Volume I: from The
- Gregory of Nazianzus' Trinitarian Argument in Oration 23
- The Force of Union: Affect and Ascent in the Theology of Bonaventure
- Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos Into the Temple
- Eastern Church Fathers on Being Human—Dichotomy in Essence and Wholeness in Deification
- Gregory of Nyssa and the Culture of Oppression by Kimberly Flint-Hamilton
- The Debate on Christian Pilgrimage in Late Antiquity
- Perceiving the Image of God in the Whole Human Person
- On Perfection.Pdf