300 Sumida Gardens Lane LITURGY OF Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Office hours: Tues-Fri. ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM 12:00—5:00 p.m. Sunday, January 18, 2015 Tone 7 / Eothinon 10 Senior Pastor: Athanasius and Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria Fr. Nicholas Speier & Twelfth Sunday of Luke 805-685-5495 Martyr Theodoula of Anazarbus and her companions;
[email protected] Maximos, Serbian ruler Assistant Pastors: Fr. Jon-Stephen Hedges 805-968-1903 Fr. John Carrillo 805-968-2448 Fr. Jon Braun, Attached Priest (retired) Fr. John Finley, Attached Priest Deacons: Dn. Gary Braun Dn. Scott Jacobs Dn. Richard Easbey Dn. John Young Music Director/Administrator: Valerie Yova Office phone: 805-685-5400 email:
[email protected] Parish Council: Douglas Meyer, President Dan Braun, Treasurer Katie AbuGhazaleh, Secretary Richard Barre WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS! Catherine Braun We are glad you are with us this morning. Karen Jacobs If you are not Orthodox, we invite you to Jon King partake of the blessed bread during Laurence Lander Communion and to join us at Coffee Hour ~ Craig Speier we’d love to meet you! Calendar for this Week Fr. Nicholas and Jan will be out of town from January 18-21. Sunday, January 18 Valerie will be away from January 20-30. 9:00 a.m. Religious Education, ages 3-18 9:00 a.m. Matins 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy 11:45 a.m. Coffee Hour Sunday Morning Ministries 12:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Schedule 5:00 p.m. Teen Bowling Party at Zodo’s Eucharist Bread Monday, January 19 January 18 Meyer 6:45 a.m.