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- Revised Soil Erodibility K-Factor for Soils in the Czech Republic
- Soil Environment Grouping System Based on Spectral, Climate, and Terrain Data: a Quantitative Branch of Soil Series
- Soil Compaction Impact and Modelling. a Review
- Positive Feedback of Elevated CO2 on Soil Respiration in Late Autumn and Winter
- Mid-Cretaceous Paleopedology and Landscape Reconstruction of the Mid-Atlantic U.S
- Adaptation to Land Degradation in Southeast Vietnam
- Soil Properties and Pre-Columbian Settlement Patterns in the Monumental Mounds Region of the Llanos De Moxos, Bolivian Amazon
- Paleopedological Research of the Dynamics Alteration in Environment of the Lover Volga Region in the Last Macrocycle
- Pore Rigidity in Structured Soils – Only a Theoretical Boundary Condition for Hydraulic Properties?
- Spatially Explicit Soil Compaction Risk Assessment of Arable Soils at Regional Scale: the Sascia-Model
- Significance of Microtopography in a Gleysol
- Estimating the Permeability of Naturally Structured Soil From
- Influences of Modern Pedogenesis on Paleoclimate Estimates from Pennsylvanian And
- Hydrophysical Characteristics and Evaporation of Haplic Luvisol and Mollic Gleysol Aggregates
- Influence of Fertilization on Miscanthus × Giganteus (Greef Et Deu) Yield and Biomass Traits in Three Experiments in Serbia
- Map of Soil Vulnerability and Degradation in Estonia Loit Reintam*, Igna Rooma and Ain Kull ABSTRACT Rooma, 1996)
- V ERSION 4 Beta, 25/09/2001. Third Level Soil Code of the STU from the 1974 (Modified CEC 1985) FAO UNESCO Soil Legend
- Comparing the Electroremediation of Gleysol Soil Contaminated With