Giuseppe Bottai
Top View
- The Female Voice in Italian Narrative of the 1930S
- Autumn Journal, Bottai's Journal, and the Relevance
- The Myth of the New Man in Italian Fascist Ideology
- Architecture and the Novel Under the Italian Fascist Regime
- Numero 15 – Novembre 2007
- Indici Le Arti (1938-1943)
- EMILIO GENTILE Fascistese: the Religious Dimensions of Political Language in Fascist Italy
- Sindaci Di Roma - Wikipedia
- History Education and the School Textbook in Fascist Italy: Fascist National Identity and Historiography in the Libro Unico Di Stato
- Alessandra Tarquini
- Redalyc.The Corporatism of Fascist Italy Between Words and Reality
- Mussolini, Fascism, and Censorship
- Giorgio Morandi and Italian Fascism an Honors Thesis
- Le Radici Liberal-Nazionaliste Del Fascismo Dal Codice Zanardelli Alla Marcia Su Roma (1889-1922)
- Divergent Fascisms: Gentile, Bottai, De Vecchi and the 1935 Debate
- This Morning, When Our Carriage Crossed the Sant’Angelo Bridge, We Caught Sight of St
- Fascist Ideology and Europe