Geocoris bullatus
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- Australian Lygaeoidea (Heteroptera) of Economic Importance Identification of Families, Tribes and Representative Genera
- Utjecaj Benefitnih Kukaca Na Prinos Usjeva U Ekološkoj Poljoprivredi
- Big-Eged Bugs Geocoris: Diets Research and Potential of Use in Prevention of a Number of Insect Pests in Vietnam
- Hemiptera: Geocoridae) Reared at Constant and Alternating Temperatures and Fed on Anagasta Kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Eggs
- Biology of Big Eyed Bug, Geocoris Erythrocephalus (Lepeletier & Serville) on Cabbage Aphid, Brevicoryne Brassicae (L.)
- Control Ofaphis Gossypii in Glasshouse Cucumber Crops
- Interactions of Arthropod Predators and Cry1ac-Transgenic Cotton
- Korisne Stjenice (Heteroptera) U Poljoprivredi
- Host Plants Mediate Omnivore–Herbivore Interactions And
- Big-Eyed Bugs, Geocoris Spp. (Insecta: Hemiptera: Lygaeidae)1 F
- Predatory Potential of Geocoris Spp. and Orius Insidiosus on Fall Armyworm in Resistant and Susceptible Turf
- Designing the Invertebrates Modules Nocturnal Inhabit and Their Adaptability Toward Different Aqueous Solutions
- Bigeyed Bugs, Geocoris Spp. (Insecta: Hemiptera: Geocoridae)1 F
- Hungarian Research
- 4 Neotermes Rainbowi (Hill) Isoptera: Kalotermitidae Coconut Termite, Rainbow Termite
- Molecular Gut-Content Analysis Reveals High Frequency of <I>Helicoverpa
- Full List Sorted by Common Name (PDF As of 6/30/21)