Predatory Potential of Geocoris Spp. and Orius Insidiosus on Fall Armyworm in Resistant and Susceptible Turf

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Predatory Potential of Geocoris Spp. and Orius Insidiosus on Fall Armyworm in Resistant and Susceptible Turf HORTICULTURAL ENTOMOLOGY Predatory Potential of Geocoris spp. and Orius insidiosus on Fall Armyworm in Resistant and Susceptible Turf 1 S. V. JOSEPH AND S. K. BRAMAN Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 1109 Experiment St., GrifÞn, GA 30223-1797 J. Econ. Entomol. 102(3): 1151Ð1156 (2009) ABSTRACT Predatory potential and performance of the predaceous heteropterans, Geocoris punc- tipes (Say), G. uliginosus (Say) (Geocoridae), and Orius insidiosus (Say) (Anthocoridae), were evaluated using fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), as prey on different turfgrass taxa (resistant zoysiagrasses, ÔCavalierÕ and ÔPalisadesÕ; moderately resistant Bermuda grass, ÔTifSportÕ; and susceptible seashore paspalum, ÔSea Isle 1Ј) through laboratory and Þeld studies. When background mortality was taken into account, in small arena trials in the laboratory, the greatest mortality by predators occurred on TifSport. The predator impact on TifSport by O. insidiosus was 92.6% above the mortality in the no-predator treatment on that grass. Predator induced mortality was rarely signiÞcant on the highly resistant zoysiagrass cultivar Cavalier because mortality, even in the absence of predators, was so high. Survival of larvae on TifSport Bermuda grass was signiÞcantly reduced by the addition of just two O. insidiosus per pot in laboratory pot trials. An increase in predator density to 4, 6, 8, or 10 further suppressed larval survival. O. insidiosus reduced larval survival on Sea Isle 1 at all densities. On Sea Isle 1, a density of two O. insidiosus resulted in Ͼ50% reduction in live fall armyworms compared with the no predator treatment in laboratory trials. However, addition of O. insidiosus did not signiÞcantly reduce survival of fall armyworm larvae on this cultivar in the Þeld in the presence of alternative prey and predators. O. insidiosus densities of six or higher per 181.4 cm2 did signiÞcantly reduce larval survival on TifSport Bermuda grass by as much as 80% during a 5-d trial period in the Þeld. Predator-induced mortality among all trials was most consistent on a grass of intermediate resistance, TifSport Bermuda grass. KEY WORDS Geocoris uliginosus, Geocoris punctipes, Orius insidiosus, turfgrass, Spodoptera frugi- perda Resistance among warm season grasses to a wide va- Although insidious ßower bugs, Orius insidiosus riety of pests has been identiÞed (reviewed by Reinert (Say) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), are commonly col- et al. 2004). Furthermore, the inßuence of pest-resis- lected from turfgrasses (Braman et al. 2003), no stud- tant grasses on predators and parasitoids and the role ies have evaluated their role in turfgrass systems. They of these grasses in mediating pest response to insec- are widely reported as common, generalist predators ticides have been explored (Braman et al. 2003, 2004a, in various agro-ecosystems, such as vineyards, sun- b). Bigeyed bugs, Geocoris spp. (Hemiptera: Geoco- ßower, cotton, soybean, corn, sorghum, alfalfa, crim- ridae), are common generalist predators in the south- son clover, apple, tomato, and tobacco (Jubb et al. ern United States (Buschman et al. 1984, Cave and 1979, McDaniel and Sterling 1979, Lynch and Garner Gaylor 1988). Geocoris uliginosus (Say) frequently in- 1980, Pfannenstiel and Yeargan 1998, Al-Deeb et al. habits turfgrass systems (Reinert 1978, Braman et al. 2001). 2003). Bigeyed bugs feed on a wide range of prey, The fall armyworm, S. frugiperda (J. E. Smith), is including insect eggs, spider mites, plant bugs, leaf- considered a sporadic pest of turf in the southeastern hoppers, aphids, chinch bugs, and various lepidop- United States (Sparks 1979). Moths migrate north- teran larvae (Dunbar 1971). Their predatory behavior ward annually; often their larvae feed on the turf- contributes to suppression of various pest species, grasses and cause severe damage (Potter and Braman thereby playing a very important role in pest man- 1991). Braman et al. (2000, 2002) showed varying agement in different ecosystems (Crocker and Whit- degrees of resistance to fall armyworm larvae among comb 1980). turfgrass taxa, such as seashore paspalum, Paspalum vaginatum Swartz, Bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon L. x C. transvaalensis (Burtt-Davy), and zoysiagrass, 1 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. Zoysia japonica von Steudel and Z. matrella L. Merrill. 0022-0493/09/1151Ð1156$04.00/0 ᭧ 2009 Entomological Society of America 1152 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 102, no. 3 Zoysiagrasses resistant to the fall armyworm were also tural Products, Maryville, OH). Grasses were sheared shown to be cross-resistant to twolined spittlebug, weekly and maintained at 8 cm height. Prosapia bicincta (Say) (Shortman et al. 2002), zoy- Predators in Small Arenas. All small arena experi- siagrass mite (Reinert et al. 1993), and hunting billbug, ments were conducted using a completely random- Sphenophorus venatus vestitus Chittenden (Reinert et ized design with 11 replications per grass taxon. An al. 2004). experimental unit consisted of a 32-ml plastic cup Turfgrass attributes, including those that impart (Jetware; Jet Plastica Industries, HotÞeld, PA) con- plant resistance, may directly or indirectly affect the taining a single species of predator (bigeyed bug or occurrence and predatory efÞciency of heteropteran insidious ßower bug), Þve 1-d-old fall armyworm lar- predators in managed turf (Braman et al. 2000, 2003). vae, and a small quantity (Ϸ15 leaves) of one of the Fifth-instar bigeyed bugs signiÞcantly reduced fall ar- turfgrasses under study. The fall armyworm larvae and myworm numbers in susceptible grass and in resistant insidious ßower bug were transferred using a paint grasses (Braman et al. 2003), but nothing is known brush, whereas the bigeyed bugs were transferred about the ability of O. insidiosus to reduce fall army- using an aspirator. After introduction of predators and worm in turf. Anthocorids were well represented in prey, cups were maintained at 27ЊC, 80% RH, and different turfgrasses in residential turf and abundant 14:10-h (L:D) photoperiod in a growth chamber (Per- in St. Augustine grass (Joseph 2006). The purpose of cival Environmental Chambers; Percival ScientiÞc, our study was to advance the understanding of pred- Perry, IA) for 24 h. Separate experiments were con- atory behavior of heteropterans such as O. insidiosus, ducted with males and females of G. uliginosus and G. G. uliginosus, and G. punctipes to help provide deci- punctipes, nymphs (third to Þfth instars), and one sion-making criteria for pest management in turfgrass. group of 11 adult G. punctipes that were not sorted by SpeciÞcally, we sought to determine how predation by sex. O. insidiosus were not sorted by sex, but a sub- O. insidiosus, G. uliginosus, and G. punctipes differs sample of the shipment determined that the sex ratio among grasses with different levels of resistance to fall was 1:1. After 24 h, the number of total live fall army- armyworm. worm larvae was quantiÞed. Percent larval mortality was calculated as the difference between one and the ratio of average live fall armyworm and total fall ar- myworm released multiplied by 100. The adjusted Materials and Methods mortality is the difference between percent mortality Insect and Plant Source. Bigeyed bugs were Þeld of fall armyworm in each trial and mortality of fall collected from turf that included the weeds white armyworm larvae in no-predator controls. clover, Trifolium repens L., and crimson clover, Trifo- Predators Caged on Turf Pots. Two trials on potted lium incarnatum L., in Spalding Co., GA, during June, turfgrasses were conducted with Cavalier zoysiagrass, July, and August 2005. Sweep nets (WardÕs, Rochester, TifSport Bermuda grass, and Sea Isle 1 seashore pas- NY) and a Vortis vacuum sampler (Burkhard Manu- palum. Uniform grass density was maintained in 15- facturing, Herefordshire, United Kingdom) were used cm-diameter pots (exposure area, 176.62 cm2). to collect insects from the Þeld. Male and female Twenty 1-d-old fall armyworms were transferred onto bigeyed bug pairs [G. uliginosus and G. punctipes the turf in each pot using a small paint brush. O. (Say)] were individually sorted and held in plastic insidiosus were released at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 individuals petri dishes (11 cm diameter and 2.2 cm height; Pio- per pot, immediately after infestation with larvae, and neer Plastics, Dixon, KY) in the laboratory at 24ЊC and pots were quickly covered with 32-mesh nylon screen. 14:10-h (L:D) photoperiod and provided with frozen A subsample of the shipment determined that the sex lepidopteran eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Ben- ratio was 1:1. For each trial, pots were arranged in a eÞcial Insectary, Redding, CA) and S. frugiperda randomized complete block design with four replica- (USDA, Tifton, GA), sections of green bean, Phaseolus tions for each density per turfgrass taxon and main- vulgaris L., a moist paper towel, and a small section of tained for 4 d under laboratory conditions (24ЊC and cheese cloth as an oviposition site. Insidious ßower 14:10-h [L:D] photoperiod). During the Þrst trial, bugs, O. insidiosus, were obtained as ÔOrilineÕ (Syn- Cavalier and Sea Isle 1 were used, and TifSport was genta Bioline, Little Clacton, Essex, United Kingdom). added in the second trial. After the 4-d period, all live The fall armyworm colony was initiated with eggs of fall armyworms were counted using visual inspection the corn strain, obtained from the USDÐARS Crop of potted plants. Protection and Management Research Unit (Tifton, Predators in Field Cages. Cavalier, Palisades, Tif- GA). Sport, and Sea Isle 1 were planted as plugs at the Geor- Grass taxa were the resistant turf cultivars Cavalier gia Station Research and Education Garden in GrifÞn (zoysiagrass) and Palisades (zoysiagrass), intermedi- on a sandy clay loam soil in the spring of 2000. The area ately resistant TifSport (Bermuda grass), and suscep- used for our experiment was maintained with no in- tible Sea Isle 1 (seashore paspalum). Grass plugs were secticide application, was regularly hand weeded, and grown in granular calcinated clay (Turface; Applied was mowed weekly.
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    | 421 Resumen LYGAEOIDEA La superfamila Lygaeoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha) es una de las mayores y más diver- sas, con más de 4000 especies, de Heteroptera. Los hábitats de las especies del grupo son variados, hay grupos arbóreos, geófilos y laminófilos. La mayoría se alimentan de semillas maduras, aunque las Blissidae y algunas Lygaeidae son succionadoras de savia, los Geocoridae son principalmente depredadoras y las Cle- radini (Rhyparochromidae) se alimentan de sangre de vertebrados. Las ninfas viven en los mismos hábitats que los adultos y se alimentan generalmente de las mismas plantas. Actualmente en los Lygaeoidea se reconocen 15 familias, de las cuales 12 han sido registradas de la región Neotropical y 11 de la Argentina: Berytidae, Blissidae, Colobathristidae, Cymidae, Geocoridae, Lygaeidae, Ninidae, Oxycarenidae, Pachygronthidae, Piesmatidae y Rhyparochromidae. Se presenta una breve historia taxonómica, aspectos filogenéticos y de la clasificación actual de la superfamilia, bibliografía de referencia y una clave para la identificación de las familias de la Argentina. Para cada familia se presenta una diagnosis, principales trabajos, aspectos de la bio- logía y la diversidad a nivel mundial y en la Argentina, así como claves para la determinación de los géneros presentes en el pais. Además, se reseña la importancia agroeconómica del grupo. Se adjunta un listado de las 154 especies citadas de Argentina. Pablo Matías DELLAPÉ Abstract The superfamily Lygaeoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: División Entomología, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Pentatomomorpha) is one of the most diverse within the Bosque, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. Heteroptera, with more than 4000 species described. [email protected] The Lygaeoid habitats are diverse; there are arboreal, geophile and laminophile species.
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