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- Textures in Komatiites and Variolitic Basalts. Nicholas Arndt, A
- Geology Teacher Guide
- Igneous Rocks and the Rock Cycle
- Glossary of Geologic Terms
- Petrology and Geochemistry of Felsic Volcaniclastic Rocks Along the Sherman Mine Road, Temagami Greenstone
- Geochemical Characters of the Gabbroic Rocks in Ophiolite Sequences of North Hatta Area, United Arab Emirates M
- The Geology of the West Coast Range of Tasmania
- Probable Low-Pressure Intrusion of Gabbro Into Serpentinized Peridotite, Northern California
- Petrology of the Ultramafic and Gabbroic Rocks of the Brady Glacier Nickel-Copper Deposit, Fairweather Range, Southeastern Alaska
- Whole-Rock Major and Trace Elements and Mineral Compositions of the Sheeted Dike–Gabbro Transition in ODP Hole 1256D1
- Model to Assess the Quality of Magmatic Rocks for Reliable and Sustainable Constructions
- From AGI Glossary of Geology
- GLOSSARY Geophysical, Geological, Petrological, and Mineralogical
- Compilation of Cobalt-Temagami Area, Abitibi
- Intrusion-Related Deposits
- Definitions Are Largely Based on Input From
- PGE-Enrichment in Magnetite-Bearing Olivine Gabbro: New Observations from the Midcontinent Rift-Related Echo Lake Intrusion in Northern Michigan, USA
- Intrusive Igneous Rocks, Part 1