Ernest Bevin
Top View
- Who Is Anti-American ?': the British Left and the United States, 1945-1956
- Ernest Bevin and the Cold War 1945-1950
- The Foreign Policy of Churchill's Peacetime Administration 1951-55 (Leicester, 1988) and Richard Lamb, the Failure of the Eden Government (London: 1987)
- The Labour Party, Pacifism and the Spanish Civil War
- (Edward Fitz-) Gerald Brenan Carlos Pranger (Estelle) Sylvia Pankhurst
- The Labour Party's External Economic Policy in the 1940S
- Westminsterresearch Winston Churchill and the General Strike Catterall, Peter
- Peter Catterall MACMILLAN and EUROPE, 1950-1956
- The LABOUR PARTY Andtheworld
- Join the Radicals and Support the People's History Museum
- Address Given by Ernest Bevin to the House of Commons (22 January 1948)
- Chapter 1 Coming to the Forefront, 1883–1931
- Diane Abbott. Leo Abse. Viv Anderson. Cathy Ashton. Clement Attlee. Tony Benn. Annie Besant. Aneurin 'Nye' Bevan. William Be
- The Fabian Society and Europe During the 1940S: the Search for a ‘Socialist Foreign Policy’
- Inventory Acc.13476 John P Mackintosh MP
- Ernest Bevin's Third Force Memos
- Trade Unionists and the Labour Party in Britain: the Bedrock of Success Les Syndicalistes Et Le Parti Travailliste En Grande-Bretagne : Le Socle Du Succès
- Prime Ministers in the Post-War World - Anthony Eden Transcript