Dead Sea Scrolls
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- The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of Christianity Part I: Overview and Impact
- Pesher and Periodization1
- Research.Pdf
- 1Qphab Habakkuk Pesher
- The Dead Sea Scrolls More Closely Than a State Secret
- Or “Libraries” of Qumran: the Specter of Cave 1Q 168 Stephen Pfann
- A Hebrew Liederabend an Evening of Hebrew Song Tuesday, June 4, 2019
- The Tradition of the 364-Day Calendar Versus the Calendar Polemic In
- The Ancient People of Qumran: an Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Students of God in the House of Torah: Education in the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Part I: Description, Discovery, and Disposition of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- The Book of Jubilees at Qumran J
- The Formation of the Bible
- Calendars of the Dead-Sea-Scroll Sect *
- Ancient Scrolls from the Dead Sea: Photographs and Commentary on a Unique Collection of Scrolls
- Review of <I>The Dead Sea Scrolls in Context
- Fact and Fiction in Current Exhibitions of Dead Sea Scrolls
- The Essenes at Qumran: the Concept of a Suffering Messiah