Common starling
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- Starlings Podcast.Pages
- European Starlings (Sturnus Vulgaris) As Vectors and Reservoirs of Pathogens Affecting Humans and Domestic Livestock
- British Birds the Strange Case of the Whistling Oofoo
- Superb Starling Lamprotornis Superbus
- Assessing the Scope and Scale of Illegal Killing and Taking of Birds in the Mediterranean, and Establishing a Basis for Systematic Monitoring
- Forktail 30 (2014): 28–33
- RETHINKING EXTINCTION Toward a Less Gloomy Environmentalism by James K
- References Common Starling Sturnus Vulgaris in Anini, Arunachal
- 2017 Spring Newsletter ~ Editor Bill Read [email protected]
- Habitat Use by Birds in Airports - 799
- Pwest2011 Mapping PEST BI
- Investigation of Starling Populations in British Columbia and Assessment
- European Starling Feeding Activity on Repellent Treated Crops and Pellets
- Visual Adaptations in Predatory and Scavenging Diurnal Raptors
- Bird List / Voëllys Betty's Bay / Bettysbaai
- WINTER DIET of SOUTHERN BOOBOOKS Ninox Novaeseelandiae in CANBERRA 1997–2005
- Dominance and Diversity of Bird Community in Floodplain Forest Ecosystem
- Birds & Animals Presentation