Brigham Young
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- Frank Christianson
- Sitting Bull Tatanka-Iyotanka (1831-1890)
- 8Th - Notes: Chapter 11.4 I
- Chief Manuelito Scholars of 2020
- Violins Across the Water
- Diary of the Mormon Battalion Mission
- Fremont and His Explorations in Utah
- The Mormon Role in Irrigation Beginnings and Diffusions in the Western States: an Historical Geography
- Fremont & the Mormon Years
- Lehi Historic Archive File Categories Achievements of Lehi Citizens
- Brigham Young and the Environment Michael J
- The Mormon Gold-Mining Mission of 1849
- Life As the Wife of Buffalo Bill
- Teachings of Presidents of the Church Brigham Young Teachings of Presidents of the Church Brigham Young
- Curriculum Vitae
- The Mormon Battalion's Manifest Destiny
- From Mormon Battalion Member to Civil War Soldier: the Military Service of Henry Wells Jackson
- Theory and Practice of Church and State During the Brigham Young Era