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- Constructing Belisarius: His Life in Context
- Totila and the Lucanian Peasants: Procopius Goth
- Appendix 7.1 (Commonly Called the Pragmatic Constitution.2)
- Justinian I Biography
- Topography and Sieges of Rome in the Gothic War Peter Francis Sian Guevara Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- The Dates of Procopius' Works: a Recapitulation of the Evidence Evans, J a S Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies; Fall 1996; 37, 3; Proquest Pg
- Procopius, with an English Translation by H.B. Dewing
- Plague and the End of Antiquity : the Pandemic of 541-750
- History of the Wars Books V. and VI
- VERCINGETORIX (“Ver-Sin-JEH-To-Rix") 82 BC – 46 BC
- The Byzantine Empire
- THE SECRET HISTORY of the COURT of JUSTINIAN (558 CE) by Procopius of Caesarea
- Justinian I One of the Greatest Emperors in the History of The
- Introduction – Toward a History of the Vandals
- The Making of a Kingdom?
- Procopius, Belisarius and the Goths by Christopher Lillington-Martin (Exeter University)
- A Little Horn
- “The Great Emperor”: a Motif in Procopius of Caesarea's Wars