Asghar Ali Engineer
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- Bottor of ^Fjilosfoptip in HISTORY
- The Liberation Theology of Asghar Ali Engineer and Its Relevance To
- Islam in South Asia, and Some Aspects of Leadership Patterns and Political Consciousness
- Asghar Ali Engineer's Concept on Women Liberation
- Muslima Theology: the Voices of Muslim Women Theologians
- Islam – Peace – Nonviolence a SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY
- Thesis Chapter 1
- Interpretasi Surat Al-Baqarah Ayat 232 Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Wewenang Wanita Dalam Perkawinan
- Konsep Ta'aqquli Dan Ta'abbudi Dalam Konteks
- Kesetaraan Gender Sebagai Pemenuhan Konstitusi
- Selanjutnya Disebut Asghar Ali) Dilahirkan Dalam Lingkungan Keluarga Ulama Ortodoks Bohro Pada Tanggal 10 Maret 1939 Di
- Brief History of the Shia Ismaili Imams
- Islam As a Path to Reform West Asia-North Africa Institute, October
- Muslims in Europe: from Ethnic Identity to Religious Recasting
- (Uncovering Arguments of Arabs in Embracing Islam) Aksin Wijaya1
- Images of Jesus Christ in Islam (2Nd Edition)
- Durham E-Theses