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Land price diffusion across borders – the case of

Aaron Grau , Martin Odening & Matthias Ritter

To cite this article: Aaron Grau , Martin Odening & Matthias Ritter (2020) Land price diffusion across borders – the case of Germany, Applied Economics, 52:50, 5446-5463, DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2019.1673299 To link to this article:

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Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at APPLIED ECONOMICS 2020, VOL. 52, NO. 50, 5446–5463

Land price diffusion across borders – the case of Germany

Aaron Grau, Martin Odening and Matthias Ritter

Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

ABSTRACT KEYWORDS Land market regulations are often justified by the assumption that activities of foreign and non- Agricultural land markets; agricultural investors drive up prices in domestic land markets. However, empirical knowledge price diffusion; spatial about the dynamics of agricultural land prices across borders is sparse. Using the German dependence; border effect reunification as a natural experiment, we study the effect of the former inner German border on JEL CLASSIFICATION the dynamics of agricultural land prices in East and West Germany. We apply a land price diffusion Q13; Q15 model with an error correction specification to analyse spatial agricultural land markets. A novel feature of our model is its ability to distinguish price diffusion within states and across state borders. We provide evidence for a persistent border effect given that the fraction of spatially integrated counties is larger within states than across the former border. Moreover, we observe non-significant error correction terms for many counties along the former border. From a policy perspective, it is striking to realize that even 25 years after German reunification, pronounced land price differences persist. It is quite likely that price diffusion through existing borders within the EU would take even more time given language barriers, different institutional frameworks, and information asymmetries between domestic and foreign market participants.

I. Introduction Ministries of Agriculture currently aim for a broad distribution of land ownership, the prevention of Recent surges in agricultural land prices and ongoing dominant land market positions on the supply and changes in land use due to urban sprawl, renewable demand side, the capping of land rental and sales energy production, and growing demands from non- prices, prioritizing agricultural use of farmland, and agricultural investors have triggered debates on the establishing greater transparency for land markets effectiveness of existing land market regulations. (Bund-Länder-Arbeitsgruppe “Bodenmarktpolitik” Although boom and bust cycles are not new to land 2015). Although these goals are fairly general, they markets, current changes in the market are considered fall in line with the trend towards stricter land market to result from a new constellation of driving forces. regulations. The proposed measures envision restrict- For instance, it is conjectured that the increased ing market access for actors who treat land as an demand for land by financial investors has increased investment asset and do not have farming interests, land rental and sales prices. These developments have while simultaneously prioritizing land purchases by led to demands for stricter regulations of land markets farmers and facilitating farm succession and start-ups. in many countries, including developed countries (cf. Remarkably, it is mainly the new EU Member Kay, Peuch, and Franco 2015). In 2010, the UK States, which carry the legacy of weaker land mar- Government Office of Science stressed the need to ket institutions from their socialist past, that opt for balance competing pressures on land use and to roll particularly strong regulations (cf. Swinnen, van out new land-use policies (Government Office for Herck, and Vranken 2016). For example, new Science 2010). Four years later, Belgium laid the foun- land market regulations aiming to restrict the pur- dation for new land market instruments, such as chase of agricultural land by foreigners and non- a land observatory, land bank, and updated preemp- farmers was released in Slovakia (Lazíková and tion rights. Belgium also tightened land market reg- Bandlerová 2015). In 2016, Poland passed the Act ulations, which had previously been liberal. Likewise, on the Structuring of the Agricultural System, which in Germany, the Federal Ministry and the State postponed exemptions from EU laws regarding the

CONTACT Martin Odening [email protected] Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Berlin 10099, Germany © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. APPLIED ECONOMICS 5447 acquisition of land. The bill proposes to stop the context of agricultural land.1 Carmona and Roses sale of state-owned land for the next five years and (2012) investigate the spatial integration of Spanish includes very strict rules on who can sell and buy land markets between 1904 and 1934 from a historical privately owned land. The objective of the new law perspective. Their analysis is based on aggregated data is to ensure that farmland remains in the hands of and does not take into account heterogeneity of land Polish farmers after the transition period. Bulgaria, characteristics and structural breaks in the price series Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania followed suit with that may bias the test results. More Yang, Ritter, and regulations directly or indirectly restricting the free Odening (2017) explore the spatial pattern of land movement of capital and freedom of establishment. price development. Based on county-level data for Most of the aforementioned attempts to regulate the German state Lower Saxony, they employ statio- land markets have been motivated by the appre- narity tests and unit root tests to examine whether hension that in countries with low land price levels, relative prices between counties converge. Using farmers will encounter a drastic price surge unless a sequential testing procedure allows Yang, Ritter, land markets are protected against demand by for- and Odening (2017) to identify several distinct con- eign and non-agricultural investors. This assump- vergence clusters. The closest study to ours investi- tion, however, lacks empirical evidence. Little is gates the impact of a language border on spatio- known about the spatio-temporal behaviour of temporal price diffusion of house prices in Belgium agricultural land prices and virtually no empirical (Helgers and Buyst 2016). Starting with a pairwise study exists that investigates the diffusion of agri- approach to provide insight into the degree of inte- cultural land prices across borders. In other words, gration among housing prices, the study estimates we do not know if and how fast land prices in two a bivariate VAR model with error-correcting coeffi- neighbouring countries with different price levels cients. The results indicate that the fraction of pairs for would converge if there were no restrictions on the which the regional house price differentials are sta- acquisition of land. The main objective of this tionary is higher within a linguistic area than between paper is to address this research gap. Our empirical these areas. Although there are many structural simi- analysis is conducted for West and , larities between house markets and land markets, i.e., we study the effect of the former intra-German which allow the transfer of methods across these two border on the dynamics of agricultural land prices. fields, one should also recognize the differences The German reunification constitutes a natural between these two markets. First, while agricultural experiment on the establishment and evolution of land is mainly a production factor, houses have the land markets that allows us to study market inte- character of a consumption good. This makes house gration. It is well known that a gap exists between prices more dependent on buyers’ preferences and land prices in West and East Germany, but little is incomes. Second, potential buyers of houses are known about how this gap evolves over time and if usually more mobile than farmers, making it more the same land price dynamics prevail in both parts likely for house prices to converge. Finally, the supply of Germany. After reunification, regions in of land follows a different mechanism than the supply Western Germany (especially near the former bor- of houses. Thus, one cannot readily adopt findings der between West and East Germany) lost their from real estate markets to agricultural land markets. remoteness since they were suddenly situated in The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the centre of Europe and thus became more attrac- The following section introduces the spatial price tive. On the other hand, the supply of cheaper land diffusion model and explains the logic of identifying increased and redirected demand to regions in a ‘border effect’; Section 3 provides some background Eastern Germany, so that the effect of the reunifi- information about the study region, the relevant land cation on land prices remains unclear. market environment after reunification, and the deri- To the best of our knowledge, there are only few vation of the data; Section 4 presents and discusses the studiesthattestforspatialmarketintegrationinthe empirical results; and Section 5 concludes.

1There is, however, a rich literature on spatial price convergence in real estate markets, particularly in housing markets (cf. Hiebert and Roma (2010) for an overview). 5448 A. GRAU ET AL.

II. A land price diffusion model with a border XK ff Δ ¼ þ ϕ þ γ Δ e ect pi;t ci iECTi;t1 i;1;k pi;tk k¼1 At the heart of our research lies the question of XL þ γ Δneighbor þ λ þ ε ; whether land prices in Germany are integrated i;2;l pi;tl izt it (1) through time and space and converge in absence l¼1 of barriers, such as the former German border. neighbor Consequently, the desired empirical application where pi;t is the land price in region i at time t, pi;t requires a model that allows for the incorporation is a weighted average land price in neighbouring of time and space. This can be achieved by a price regions, zt isavectorofexogenouscommonfactors ff ε Δ diffusion model as proposed by Holly, Pesaran, and that a ect all region prices, it is an error term, and is ff fi Yamagata (2011) and applied by Gong, Hu, and the di erence operator. The term ci is a region-speci c Boelhouwen (2016). In general, a price diffusion constant term to capture unobserved individual ff γ γ model is based on a Vector Error Correction Model e ects. The parameter vectors i;1;k and i;2;l capture Δ (VECM) since cointegration is a necessity for price the short-run responses of pi;t to K own price lags λ convergence in the long-run. The VECM accounts and L weighted neighbour price lags, respectively. i for this cointegration relationship by correcting the capture contemporaneous responses to the common ϕ short-run responses of prices by deviations from factors. i measures the adjustment speed of correc- a stable long-run equilibrium. tions given that random deviations ECTi;t1 in the At first glance, to test the integration of land long-run equilibrium relationship between land prices ϕ prices in a study area consisting of N regions occur. Error correction requires i to be negative. fl would imply to test for NNðÞ 1 =2 cointegration A exible form of the cointegration relationship that relationships. Nevertheless, one price of includesaconstantandatrendisgivenby a cointegration vector can always be expressed by ¼ β β neighbor β ; one other price or a combination of cointegrated ECTi;t1 pi;t1 0i 1ipi;t1 2iti (2) prices (Holly, Pesaran, and Yamagata 2011). Thus, it is feasible to apply a neighbour approach that where βs are parameters defining the cointegration reduces the rank of the cointegration vector to relationship between price pairs. Note that the unity and the number of equations to be estimated error correction term ECTi;t1 incorporates the to N. In this parsimonious representation, the coin- spatial dimension in the long-run relationship tegration relationship is reduced to the price pi;t of through the neighbouring prices. The error correc- ’ tion term incorporates the spatial lag of p ; and region i and a weighted averageP price of region i s i t neighbor ¼ N equals the spatial autoregressive cointegration vec- neighbours j, pi;t j¼1 wijpj;t,with P tor of a Spatial Error Correction Model (Beenstock N w ¼ 1 if row-standardization is applied. j¼1 ij and Felsenstein 2010). While cointegration is suffi- The weights wij measure connectivity through cient to establish a long-run price relationship, proximity in geographic, economic, or social further parameter restrictions have to be fulfilled terms. Stacking all of the weights in a matrix with to assert prices convergence among neighbouring the diagonal elements equal to zero gives a spatial regions (Abbott and de Vita 2013; Yang, Ritter, and weight matrix W, which incorporates the dimen- β Odening 2017). If 1i equals unity and the trend sion of space into the model. Another benefitofthis β β parameter 2i and constant 0i equal zero, prices of approach is that no benchmark region has to be neighbouring regions converge to the same level selected a priori in the cointegration system (Abbott (absolute convergence). If β is instead positive, ff 0i and de Vita 2013). The regional price di usion prices converge towards a constant difference (rela- model can be formulated into a VECM: tive convergence) (Waights 2018).2

2Note that our approach of measuring convergence through a co-integration analysis is closely related to the concept of β-convergence often used in empirical macroeconomic growth theory. In this framework, β-convergence is quantified as partial correlation between growth rate and the initial income level of countries or regions (e.g., Barro and Sala-i-Martin 1992). A negative relationship implies a catch-up of weaker regions and its size relates to the speed of adjustment towards a steady state income level. A similar interpretation holds for ϕ in our diffusion model, though the notion of an equilibrium is less specific. For a link between β-convergence and σ-convergence, we refer to Young, Higgins, and Levy (2008). APPLIED ECONOMICS 5449

To examine whether a predetermined barrier, Hypothesis 1: The former border does not slow such as a border, affects the diffusion of prices, we down the long-run price diffusion process of region follow Helgers and Buyst (2016) by splitting neigh- i with neighbours across the border compared to bouring prices into two groups. One group is the neighbours within the state. Thus, deviations in the weighted price consisting ofP regions on the same cointegration relationship with neighbours across same ¼ N same side of the border, pi;t j¼1 wij pj;t, and the the former border are corrected faster or at the other group of regionsP on the opposite side of the same speed as with neighbours on the same side opp N opp ¼ of the border (ϕ ; ϕ ; ). border, pi;t j¼1 wij pj;t. Therein weights are i 1 i 2 based on the individual elements wij of the original weighting matrix W with the difference that the Hypothesis 2: The former border prohibits any individual elements of wsame (wopp) are set to zero if correction towards a long-run equilibrium between ij ij region i’s land price and the land price of neigh- region j lies on the opposite (same) side of the ϕ same bouring regions across the border ( i;2 0). border as region i. Again, the elements wij and opp wij are standardized across j columns. In contrast If Hypothesis 1 is rejected, the former border to Helgers and Buyst (2016), we refrain from still affects land price diffusion for region i with including a dominant region in the model since its neighbouring land markets across the border. a dominant region is less likely to exist in agricul- If Hypothesis 2 is rejected, land price changes tural land markets (Yang, Odening, and Ritter diffuse across the former border. Thus, we can ff 2019). With this regrouping, the price di usion deduce that if Hypothesis 1 is not rejected and model (2) is transformed into: Hypothesis 2 is rejected, land price diffusion to and from region i toitsneighboursacrossthe Δ ¼ þ ϕ þ ϕ pi;t ci i;1ECTi;1;t1 i;2ECTi;2;t1 former border is not blocked or slowed down, XK XL same i.e., there is evidence supporting no border þ γ Δp ; þ γ Δp i;1;k i t k i;2;l i;tl effect. Vice versa, if Hypothesis 1 is rejected or k¼1 l¼1 XQ Hypothesis 2 is not rejected, we can conclude þ γ Δopp þ λ þ ε : ff i;3;q pi;tq izt it (3) that land price di usion to and from region i to q¼1 its neighbours across the former border is slo- wed down and possibly completely blocked, i.e., Herein, ECTi;1;t1 captures deviations from the thereisevidencesupportingabordereffect. ’ long-run relationship between region i s land Assuming independence of the error terms, the N ’ price and the within state average neighbours regional VECM Equations (3) can be estimated with same land price pi;t1. Accordingly, ECTi;2;t1 corre- Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The seemingly unre- sponds to deviations from the across state neigh- lated regression (SUR) allows for the estimation of ’ opp bours land price pi;t1. Equation (3) allows the an unrestricted covariance matrix Et with possible ff empirical investigation of whether a border e ect contemporaneous correlation between the indivi- ff ff is present in land price di usion. A border e ect dual region equations, Cov εit; εjt Þ0foriÞj.We can exist under two different circumstances. The apply an iterative SUR, which allows updating the first is if deviations from the long-run equilibrium covariance matrix in each iteration and converges to with the weighted average land price of neighbour- maximum likelihood (Greene 2002). ϕ ing regions are not corrected ( i;2 0). While the system of regional VECM equations is The second is if deviations from the average a parsimonious representation of N cointegration weighted land price of neighbours within the relationships and allows one to test whether the same state are corrected faster than the average former German border still affects long-run land weighted land price of neighbouring regions across price diffusion, it cannot display the full complexity ϕ < ϕ ff the border ( i;1 i;2). This leads to the following of the spatio-temporal land price di usion process hypotheses: and restricts the analysis to regions adjacent to the 5450 A. GRAU ET AL. 2 3 γ former border. Regional land markets, however, 1;1R 0 00 6 γ 7 can be linked over far distances and react to one 6 0 2;1R 007 another, even though no direct cointegration rela- 6 . . . . . 7 Γ ¼ 6 ...... 7 tionship exists due to short-run dynamics and tem- R 6 7 4 γ 5 poral and spatial spillover effects. The price 00 N1;1R 0 γ diffusion model in a VECM form is the basis for 200 0 N;1R 3 0 0 fi γ same þ γ opp deriving impulse response function (IRF) speci ca- 1;2Rw1 1;3Rw1 6 0 0 7 tions. Through impulse response analysis, it is pos- 6 same opp 7 6 γ ; w þ γ ; w 7 sible to investigate the diffusion of shocks to one 6 2 2R 2 2 3R 2 7 þ 6 . 7 region in a regional system over time and space 6 . 7 6 0 0 7 γ same þ γ opp (Holly, Pesaran, and Yamagata 2011). To derive 4 N1;2RwN1 N1;3RwN1 5 0 0 IRFs, the original system of N regional VECM same opp γ ; w þ γ ; w equations with a border effect (3) is stacked and N 2R N N 3R N 0 rewritten in matrix notation: The price vector Pt ¼ p1;t; p2;t; ... ; pN;t XL comprises all N regions’ land prices and thus ΔPt ¼ C þ Pt1 þ ΓlΔPtl þ ΛZt þ Et (4) all endogenous time series. is the N N coin- l¼1 tegration matrix to parameterize the long-run spatial relationship in P ,whiletheR N matrix with 2 3 t þ ϕ β þ ϕ β ΓR captures the short-run responses to R past c1 1;1 01;1 1;2 01;2 6 7 changes in P .3 The spatial weight vectors 6 c2 þ ϕ ; β ; þ ϕ ; β ; 7 t 2 1 02 1 2 2 02 2 0 0 0 0 6 . 7 same0 same same same same ¼ 6 . 7 w ¼ w ; w ; ... ; w ; w and C 6 . 7, i 1 2 N 1 N 0 0 0 0 4 þ ϕ β þ ϕ β 5 opp0 opp opp opp opp cN1 N1;1 0N1;1 N1;2 0N1;2 w ¼ w ; w ; ... ; w ; w are the þ ϕ β þ ϕ β i 1 2 N1 N cN N;1 0N;1 N;2 0N;2

2 3 ϕ þ ϕ 1;1 1;2 0 00 6 7 6 0 ϕ þ ϕ 007 6 2;1 2;2 7 6 . . . . . 7 ¼ 6 . . . . . 7 6 . . . . . 7 6 7 4 ϕ þ ϕ 5 00 N1;1 N1;2 0 ϕ þ ϕ 00 0 N;1 N;2

2 3 0 0 ϕ β same þ ϕ β opp 1;1 11;1w1 1;2 11;2w1 6 0 0 7 6 ϕ β same þ ϕ β opp 7 6 ; ; w ; ; w 7 6 2 1 12 1 2 2 2 12 2 2 7 6 . 7; 6 . 7 and 6 0 0 7 ϕ β same þ ϕ β opp 4 N1;1 1N1;1wN1 N1;2 1N1;2wN1 5 0 0 ϕ β same þ ϕ β opp N;1 1N;1wN N;2 1N;2wN

3R is the maximum of the lag numbers K, L, and Q of the lagged own and neighbours’ price differences suggested by Schwarz Criterion (BIC). APPLIED ECONOMICS 5451

N rows of the corresponding spatial weight of 464 state-owned farms called Volkseigene Güter matrices Wsame and Wopp. (VEGs, People-Owned Properties) and 3,844 The vector autoregression (VAR) representation collective farms called Landwirtschaftliche Pro- of (4) is duktionsgenossenschaften (LPGs, Agricultural Production Cooperatives) (Jochimsen 2010). After ¼ þ Φ þ Φ þ ... þ Φ Pt C 1Pt1 2Pt2 RPtR fi þ Φ þ Λ þ ; reuni cation in 1990, the property rights in Rþ1PtðÞRþ1 Zt Et East Germany had to be clarified and former fi where the parameter matrices Φ1 ¼ IN þ þ Γ1, owners were indemni ed according to the ΦR ¼ ΓR ΓR1, and ΦRþ1 ¼ΓR are compounds Entschädigungs- und Ausgleichsleistungsgesetz (In- of the VECM coefficient matrices. demnification and Compensation Act). The The generalized impulse response function Landwirtschaftsanpassungsgesetz (Law on the (GIRF) gi for a one unit (one standard error) Adjustment of Agriculture) regulated the decollec- shock originating in region i at h time step intervals tivization process and transformation of LPGs ahead can be calculated after Pesaran and Shin towards other legal forms. State-owned land (1998)by was privatized through the Treuhandanstalt (1990–1992) and the Bodenverwertungs- und -ver- Ψ ðÞ¼ phffiffiffiffiffiei ¼ ; ; ... ; ; waltungs GmbH (BVVG, since 1992). After 1990, gi h σ forh 0 1 H (6) ii many farmers from West Germany or other Western European countries bought or rented where is the covariance matrix, ei is a N 1 vector of zeros with exclusion of its ith element set land in former East Germany at prices that were considerably lower than in former West Germany to unity, and σii are the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix. The Ψs are calculated recur- (Koester 2000). This privatization process was sively with the help of the VAR coefficients by recently prolonged to 2030 since the BVVG still holds 136,700 ha of agricultural land in East Ψh ¼ Φ1Ψh1 þ Φ2Ψh2 þ ... þ ΦRΨhR Germany (BMWi, 2017). þ Φ Ψ ; Rþ1 hðÞRþ1 (7) Almost 30 years after the reunification, it could be expected that the open border led to an equal- with Ψ ¼ I and Ψ ¼ 0 for all h < 0 (Pesaran and 0 N h ization of conditions on both sides. In this study, Shin 1998). The GIRF approach is a better repre- we focus on the border region between the state of sentation of dynamic spatial integration since Lower Saxony (in former West Germany) and the a shock originating in region i will eventually pro- state of Saxony-Anhalt (in former East Germany). gress to the non-neighbouring region j via spatial After a reform of the counties in Saxony-Anhalt in linkage through other regions (Abbott and de Vita 2007 (Kreisreform), the border region between 2013). Saxony-Anhalt and Lower Saxony now consists of four counties on the former east side and six coun- III. Study region and data ties on the former west side. With around 415 km, almost one-third of the former inner German bor- The border region of lower Saxony and der is covered in this analysis. Saxony-Anhalt Table 1 shows similarities and differences During the division of Germany from 1949 to 1990, between the counties in east and west: The number the two sides divided by the inner German border of farms per county is comparable on both sides of were exposed to different political and economic the border (approximately 500 per county), but systems. This difference also applied to agricultural farms, on average, are more than two times larger land markets. Whereas a free land market was in Saxony-Anhalt. This is a result of the history of established in West Germany, East Germany was LPGs: Nowadays, farms in former East Germany characterized by expropriation and collectivization are often still organized as cooperatives. In fact, in of land. In 1989, East German agriculture consisted the former East German border counties, 24% to 5452 A. GRAU ET AL.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics for the border counties (sorted from north to south). Share BVVG Wheat Potato Avg. Share Area (% of transacted area (ha) area (ha) Livestock den- farm of ara- hold by agricultural (% of (% of sity (livestock Number size ble juridical land sold by arab. arab. units/ha arab. Price Price of farms (ha) land person BVVG) land) land) land) (€/ha) growth Border length (km) (2016) (2016) (2016) (2016) (1991–2016) (2016) (2016) (2016) (2016) (2007–16) Lower Saxony Lüchow-Dannenberg 107 587 103 80% n/a – 8,045 5,559 0.37 16,409 127% (17%) (11.5%) Uelzen 15 693 108 90% n/a – 14,454 13,239 0.29 27,761 174% (21%) (19.6%) Gifhorn 71 817 95 83% n/a – 9,585 7,553 0.30 25,519 205% (15%) (11.7%) Helmstedt 122 359 115 91% n/a – 16,924 153 0.09 29,360 144% (45%) (0.4%) Wolfenbüttel 32 403 126 96% n/a – 26,603 60 0.05 29,355 85% (54%) (0.1%) Goslar 69 289 95 87% n/a – 12,511 23 0.20 26,032 67% (53%) (0.1%) Saxony-Anhalt Stendal 21 579 269 70% 39% 58% 27,958 482 0.39 10,755 203% (25%) (0.4%) Altmarkkreis Salzwedel 161 491 256 75% 47% 33% 13,069 2,008 0.43 9,886 174% (14%) (2.1%) Börde 114 546 277 89% 24% 21% 50,814 4,569 0.36 18,001 167% (38%) (3.4%) 120 341 303 87% 42% 35% 44,511 742 0.23 18,494 144% (49%) (0.8%) Data sources: The data for the number and size of farms, the share of arable land, the area held by a juridical person, the wheat and potato growing areas, the livestock density, and the prices for agricultural land in 2007 and 2016 are from the Statistical Office of Lower Saxony and the Statistical Office of Saxony- Anhalt. The area held by a juridical person is not provided by the Statistical Office of Lower Saxony due to the low number of cases and the resulting confidentiality of the information. The border length and share of BVVG in the counties of Saxony-Anhalt are based on own calculations.

47% of the agricultural area is operated by legal side. Livestock densities are, in general, higher on persons, whereas this percentage is almost zero in the eastern side and decrease from north to south. former West German border counties. Joint own- Agricultural land prices in 2016, however, ership leads to information asymmetries and could strongly differ with around 25,000 €/ha in Lower prevent Western farmers from buying land on the Saxony and 15,000 €/ha in Saxony-Anhalt. The per- Eastern side of the former border due to higher centage increase from 2007 to 2016 is, in general, transaction costs. At the same time, however, slightly larger in Saxony-Anhalt. Figure 1 shows that access to information is facilitated for land sold the absolute gap between prices in former East and by the BVVG since it uses public auctions. The West Germany rises, so that a tendency of eastern BVVG is an important player on the East German counties to catch up to their western neighbours land market: It has sold between 21% and 58% of cannot be observed. The figure also shows that the total transacted agricultural land in the Eastern there is only a small overlap of the time series for border counties after reunification. eastern and western counties and a rather homoge- Similar production structures on both sides of the nous price development, especially for the eastern border could also lead to an assimilation of prices. counties. These numbers provide a mixed picture. For example, wheat production is quite strong in the While production structures show similarities across south of both border regions where 50% of the avail- the border, prices seem to evolve differently. In our able arable land is used for wheat growing. Moreover, empirical analysis, we will scrutinize whether the there is a cross-border potato cluster in Lüchow- border still influences price development and if Dannenberg and Uelzen on the western side and in there are regional differences between counties in Altmarkkreis Salzwedel and Börde on the eastern former East and West Germany. APPLIED ECONOMICS 5453

35,000 Lüchow- Dannenberg Uelzen 30,000 Gifhorn

25,000 Helmstedt

( dnal larut dnal ( Wolfenbüttel 20,000 Goslar l ucirga fo ec fo ucirga Mean NI-Border 15,000

Stendal i r P€/ha) 10,000 Altmarkkreis Salzwedel Börde 5,000 Harz

0 Mean ST-Border 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Figure 1. Price development of agricultural land in border counties in Lower Saxony (NI, solid) and Saxony-Anhalt (ST, broken line). Data sources: Statistical Office of Lower Saxony, Statistical Office of Saxony-Anhalt.

Data the pre-reform shape and hence also increase the regional dimension of the panel. The empirical analysis is based on a comprehensive The focus of the study is to evaluate a possible effect dataset of sale transactions of arable land between of the former German border on land price diffusion. 1994 and 2015 in Lower Saxony and Saxony- Consequently, to keep the number of regional units at Anhalt provided by Oberer Gutachterausschuss a manageable level, counties in Saxony-Anhalt and für Grundstückswerte in Niedersachsen and Lower Saxony more distant than the 2nd neighbours Gutachterausschuss für Grundstückswerte in of border regions are excluded (see Figure 2).5 Sachsen-Anhalt. It includes information on the Land price transaction data cannot simply be price, size, soil quality, and location of sold plots. aggregated to county level cross-section data since To conduct the analysis, these data have to be land is a heterogeneous factor (Yang, Ritter, and converted into a balanced panel. Odening 2017). To homogenize the transaction Using transaction data has two advantages com- data, we apply the following hedonic regression to pared to county averages provided by statistical all transactions (k ¼ 1; ...; 82672): offices. First, we can derive quarterly instead of yearly average prices and hence obtain a larger ln p ¼ δ þ δ t þ δ quality þ δ size þ η ; panel. Second, the reform of the counties in k 0i 1i i 2 k 3 k k Saxony-Anhalt in 2007 led to a fusion and reshap- (8) ing of counties.4 Through the transaction data, we which accounts for soil quality and the size of the can create consistent time series for the counties in transferred plot.6 The regression also includes

4The reform of the counties in 2007 had the following consequences for the border region: Bördekreis and Ohrekreis merged into Börde; , , Wernigerode, and a small part of Aschersleben-Staßfurt became one county called Harz; and Altmarkkreis Salzwedel and Stendal remained the same. 5It could be argued that the empirical application should be confined to border regions. This would, however, prevent the analysis of spillover and spatial effects. 6Soil quality is measured by ‘Ackerzahl’, a German evaluation scheme for the quality of agricultural land based on criteria such as soil type, climate, and topography. It has a value that ranges from one (‘very poor’) to 120 (‘very good’). 5454 A. GRAU ET AL. ¯ # # Harburg # Rotenburg (Wümme) Lüneburg

# # # # Lüchow-Dannenberg Verden Uelzen Heidekreis

# ! ! Celle Stendal # # Altmarkkreis Salzwedel Nienburg (Weser) Gifhorn # Region Hannover # # ! ! # Ohrekreis Schaumburg Jerichower Land Helmstedt # # # Wolfenbüttel ! Hameln-Pyrmont Hildesheim Bördekreis ! ! ! Anhalt-Zerbst # # Halberstadt Schönebeck ! Holzminden Goslar Aschersleben-Staßfurt ! ! ! # ! Wernigerode Köthen Northeim # Quedlinburg Osterode am Harz ! # Mansfelder! Land Göttingen Sangerhausen

Kilometer 05 10203040


border counties ! value mean center counties included # geographic mean center federal states former border

Figure 2. Counties included as well as the geographic location of value and geographic mean centres; the shape of the counties corresponds to the situation before 2007.

a county-specific constant δ0i and time trend ti to the transferred land have a positive effect on the ff ^ ^ account for county-individual e ects that other- price of arable land (δ2 ¼ 0:012, δ3 ¼ 0:003). With wise could bias the estimated effects of size and these coefficients at hand, log land prices are quality. The hedonic regression is estimated via adjusted to average soil quality and average size: OLS. Then, the 5% observations with the largest η^ ¼ ^δ and smallest residuals k are removed and (8) is re- ln pk ln pk2 qualityk quality ^ estimated. As expected, soil quality and the size of δ3 sizek size (9) APPLIED ECONOMICS 5455 where quality and size denote the sample means of latter matrix extends on the simple binary relation- soil quality and plot size, respectively. The adjusted ship, but limits the influence to first neighbours. transaction prices pk are then averaged to quarterly Distance is measured between value mean centres county-level data. The resulting time series are of the land transactions for Saxony-Anhalt where smoothed to eliminate outliers, which can occur geographic coordinates for all transactions are avail- due to infrequent transactions for some counties able. For Lower Saxony, where no coordinates are and time periods. A standard exponential moving available, the geographic mean of a county is used as ’ average of up to four time periodsP before t are its centre. The Moran s I value of mixed binary- S s p þ ðÞ1α p distance is the highest, but only slightly surpasses ¼ it Ps¼1 it s applied in form of pit S s with ’ 1þ ðÞ1α the binary s value. Thus, we proceed with these two s¼1 1 spatial weight matrices for the model selection α ¼ þ . The resulting panel dataset with average p 1 procedure. prices in 37 counties from the first quarter of 1994 The spatio-temporal price diffusion model (3) to the fourth quarter of 2015 (37 88 ¼ 3; 256 is based on the assumption of cointegration observations) is used to estimate the price diffusion between the prices of region i and its neighbours. model. Equation (3) allows the incorporation of To test this prerequisite, we apply a Johansen common factors that might influence the develop- trace test (Johansen 1991) with a cointegration ment of land prices across the study region. We constant and unrestricted β .Morespecifically, follow Helgers and Buyst (2016) and add the 1i we test the following two equations individually change in real GDP growth for the same time for all counties: period as a possible explanatory variable for the price development at county-level within the entire same samesame ECTi;1;t1 ¼ pi;t1 β β p ; study region. Since we do not expect the price 0i 1i i t 1 (10) fl ¼ βopp βoppopp change in a county to in uence the real GDP ECTi;1;t1 pi;t1 0i 1i pi;t1 growth, we consider this variable exogenous. Table 2 shows that prices in all counties are coin- tegrated with their neighbours’ prices in the same IV. Empirical application state with the exception of Peine. Moreover, land prices in Uelzen, one of the border neighbouring Model specification counties, are not cointegrated with prices across To model the spatial relationship between the coun- the former border. Note that only significant ties and to estimate the VAR of price pairs, a spatial cointegration relationships (at the 10% signifi- weighting matrix representing spatial dependencies cance level) enter the price diffusion model via fi has to be chosen a priori. Although its speci cation ECTi;1;t1 or ECTi;2;t1.Furthermore,wetest is arbitrary, it is influential for the results of the price whether land prices converge in the long-run by ff : β ¼ di usion model (Meen 1996). Hence, we apply and testing the hypothesis H0 1i 1. The hypoth- test several widely used weighting matrices in our esis of (relative) convergence is rejected in 48 out empirical application: two inverse distance matrices of 49 cointegration relationships at the 10% sig- v id id ¼ 1 nificance level. Thus, price convergence is rare, W , wij distance between i and j , with a decay factor a finding which is also reported in other studies v of 1 and 2, respectively, a simple binary neighbour- (Yang, Odening, and Ritter 2019). b th hood matrix W ,witheachi row element j set to Three specifications of the full system of price b ¼ one (wij 1) for a (direct) neighbour county of time series are estimated representing different region j and zero otherwise7, and a so-called assumptions about the convergence process: abso- ‘ 2ʹ bid β ¼ β ¼ binary/distance matrix W , which is the product lute convergence ( 1i 1 and 0i 0), relative β ¼ β Þ of the binary and inverse distance matrix convergence ( 1i 1 and 0i 0), and non- bid ¼ b id 8 β Þ (wij wijwij ) with a decay factor v of two. The convergence ( 1i 1). Moreover, we compare

7 th The diagonal of any weighting matrix W, i.e., county i’s element in the i row, is set to zero (wii ¼ 0). 8 bid id wij equals either wij , if the county j is a direct neighbour of county i, or zero, if they are not neighbouring counties. 5456 A. GRAU ET AL.

Table 2. Johansen cointegration test with constant (trace statistic) and test for restrictions on cointegration vector. psameH : r ¼ H : βsame ¼ poppH : r ¼ H : βopp ¼ County Trace statistic i;t 0 0 p-value 0 1 1 Trace statistic i;t 0 0 p-value 0 1 1 Lower Saxony Celle 29.10 0.01 Gifhorn 24.95 < 0.01 22.25 0.01 Göttingen 24.47 0.04 Goslar 24.10 < 0.01 22.14 < 0.01 Hameln-Pyrmont 20.99 < 0.01 Harburg 31.32 < 0.01 Heidekreis 37.56 < 0.01 Helmstedt 21.46 < 0.01 31.24 0.02 Hildesheim 19.35 0.01 Holzminden 24.22 < 0.01 Lüchow-Dannenberg 35.56 0.03 22.52 0.01 Lüneburg 44.83 0.01 Nienburg/Weser 33.23 < 0.01 Northeim 27.87 < 0.01 Osterode am Harz 21.55 < 0.01 Peine 13.84 0.06 Region Hannover 30.30 0.02 Rotenburg (Wümme) 36.78 < 0.01 Schaumburg 33.32 < 0.01 Uelzen 37.87 0.03 16.57 0.05 Verden 45.43 < 0.01 Wolfenbüttel 21.66 < 0.01 29.46 < 0.01 Saxony-Anhalt Altmarkkreis Salzwedel 31.92 0.02 25.98 0.05 Anhalt-Zerbst 49.75 < 0.01 Aschersleben-Straßfurt 55.05 < 0.01 Bernburg 43.47 < 0.01 Bördekreis 30.73 0.02 25.73 0.05 Halberstadt 28.13 < 0.01 21.95 0.01 Jerichower Land 50.14 < 0.01 Köthen 35.95 0.03 Mansfelder Land 33.82 < 0.01 Ohrekreis 32.15 < 0.01 22.92 0.04 Quedlinburg 35.99 < 0.01 Sangerhausen 25.85 0.26 Schönebeck 45.62 < 0.01 Stendal 27.14 0.08 25.92 0.02 Wernigerode 31.50 < 0.01 18.02 < 0.01 The critical values for 10%, 5%, 1% level of significance are 17.85, 19.96, and 24.6, respectively.

ʹ Table 3. Share of significant parameters for the N price diffusion ‘binary/distance2 spatial weight matrix, does not equations (p-value smaller or equal to 0.05). restrict county prices to converge, incorporates ϕ ϕ γ γ γ λ i;1 i;2 i;1 i;2 i;3 i a common factor, and separates neighbouring Presented Model (No. 75.0% 72.7% 65.1% 59.2% 20.0% 40.5% 1byΔAIC) prices into two groups, thus representing the bor- Alternative Model 80.8% 25.0% 58.1% 44.2% 13.3% 45.9% der effect. with Wb Presented Model 63.9% 36.4% 34.9% 8.2% 6.7% 29.7% OLS-estimation Estimation results models with and without inclusion of common Table 3 reports the shares of significant parameters factors. Finally, we estimate model variants with for the N price diffusion equations for the iterative a border effect (3) and without a border effect (2) SUR estimation results.9 In line with the previous to address our main research question. Out of the Johansen trace tests, we observe a large share of overall 24 model specifications, the model with the significant adjustment coefficients (75.0% and lowest AIC value, and therefore the specification 72.7% respectively) pointing at a long-run equili- that best fits the data generating process, uses the brium of land prices with their neighbour counties’

9In other applications, a potential endogeneity problem of the price diffusion model is addressed. Holly, Pesaran, and Yamagata (2011) conduct a Wu-Hausman test and use an IV estimator if required. Fortunately, the endogeneity issue is less severe here. In contrast to Holly, Pesaran, and Yamagata (2011) and Helgers and Buyst (2016), we do not consider contemporaneous effects of a dominant region. Unlike Yang, Odening, and Ritter (2019), we neither included contemporaneous effects of other regions. The only contemporaneous effect may result from the common factor zt, which is the real GDP growth in our case. However, it is reasonable to assume that land price changes in a county do not influence the real GDP growth, i.e., we consider zt as an exogenous variable. Table 4. Estimation results and hypotheses test statistics of border counties’ price diffusion Equations (3) with a binary/distance2 spatial matrix (standard errors in brackets) and no convergence. ϕ ϕ γ γ γ λ K L Q ϕ ϕ ϕ i;1 p-value i;2 p-value i;1 p-value i;2 p-value i;3 p-value p-value / / i;1 i;2 i;2 0 Saxony Anhalt Bördekreis −0.15 < 0.01 −0.05 0.01 −0.30 < 0.01 0.12 0.24 0.03 0.51 0.31 < 0.01 1/1/1 −2.80 −2.65 (−0.03) (−0.02) (−0.07) (−0.10) (−0.04) (−0.06) Halberstadt −0.25 < 0.01 0.05 0.11 −0.15 0.10 −0.27 0.01 0.01 0.94 0.12 0.09 1/1/1 −4.77 1.59 (−0.06) (−0.03) (−0.09) (−0.11) (−0.10) (−0.07) Ohrekreis −0.08 0.11 −0.08 0.11 −0.05 0.62 −0.10 0.55 −0.24 0.02 0.03 0.75 1/4/1 0.11 −1.59 (−0.05) (−0.06) (−0.09) (−0.17) (−0.10) (−0.10) Stendal 0.02 0.19 −0.09 < 0.01 −0.04 0.59 0.23 < 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.37 1/1/1 4.10 −4.09 (−0.02) (−0.02) (−0.07) (−0.08) (−0.03) (−0.05) Wernigerode −0.18 0.01 0.02 0.01 −0.28 < 0.01 0.33 < 0.01 −0.10 0.01 0.05 0.52 2/1/1 −2.83 2.50 (−0.07) (−0.01) (−0.08) (−0.10) (−0.04) (−0.08) Altmarkreis-Salzwedel −0.07 0.01 −0.08 < 0.01 0.15 0.03 −0.51 < 0.01 0.00 0.97 −0.44 < 0.01 1/1/1 0.26 −5.20 (−0.03) (−0.02) (−0.07) (−0.09) (−0.07) (−0.13) Rest of Saxony-Anhalt −0.25 −0.10 0.22 0.26 Lower Saxony Gifhorn 0.03 0.66 −0.35 < 0.01 −0.10 0.21 0.42 < 0.01 −0.07 0.61 0.54 < 0.01 1/1/1 3.86 −4.96 (−0.07) (−0.07) (−0.08) (−0.15) (−0.14) (−0.11) Goslar −0.13 0.78 −0.20 0.67 −0.21 0.02 0.82 0.02 −0.42 0.07 0.05 0.80 1/1/1 0.11 −0.44 (−0.44) (−0.44) (−0.09) (−0.34) (−0.23) (−0.17) Helmstedt −0.03 0.78 −0.45 < 0.01 −0.20 0.03 0.10 0.46 −0.06 0.71 −0.22 0.01 1/1/4 2.58 −3.49 (−0.10) (−0.13) (−0.09) (−0.13) (−0.16) (−0.09) Wolfenbüttel 0.09 0.15 −0.33 < 0.01 −0.06 0.32 −0.20 < 0.01 −0.03 0.55 −0.01 0.85 1/1/1 4.26 −4.43 (−0.06) (−0.07) (−0.06) (−0.06) (−0.05) (−0.07) Lüchow-Dannenberg −0.46 < 0.01 −0.14 0.04 −0.57 < 0.01 0.25 < 0.01 −0.17 0.32 0.51 < 0.01 1/1/1 −3.44 −2.03 (−0.06) (−0.07) (−0.07) (−0.09) (−0.17) (−0.13) Uelzen −0.43 < 0.01 −0.32 < 0.01 0.15 0.19 0.48 < 0.01 0.04 0.77 1/1/1 (−0.09) (−0.08) (−0.11) (−0.12) (−0.13) PLE ECONOMICS APPLIED Rest of Lower Saxony −0.37 −0.31 0.21 0.07 H : ϕ ϕ H : ϕ α ¼ : : The last two columns provide the tests statistics for the testing of the two hypotheses by one-sided t-tests ( 0 i;1 i;2 and 0 i;2 0), the critical value for 0 05 is 1 64. 5457 5458 A. GRAU ET AL.

ϕ ϕ ff prices. In only six cases neither i;1 nor i;2 are The overall e ect of these rather heterogeneous statistically different from zero at the 5% level. The parameters is captured by the GIRFs, which are average speed of adjustment for all is rather slow presented below. Shocks in (real) GDP growth are ( 0:23Þ. This value is comparable to other studies included in the model as a common factor for all in the real estate market (e.g., Helgers and Buyst regional price equations. The corresponding para- 2016; Holly, Pesaran, and Yamagata 2011). meters λ are statistically significant for more than As a robustness check, Table 3 also reports the 40% of the estimated equations. However, sign and shares of significant parameters for another model size of λ estimates vary considerably among coun- specification using a binary spatial matrix as well as ties. A similar finding is reported by Helgers and the results of an OLS estimation, which are in both Buyst (2016). cases considerably lower. To examine the presence of a border effect more Details of the iterative SUR-estimation results of explicitly, we empirically test the two hypotheses the price diffusion Equations (3) for 12 border coun- from Section 2 using one-sided t-tests. This test ties as well as the average results for the remaining procedure leads to the following classification: counties’ equations of each state are presented in counties with a border effect (reject Hypothesis 1 Table 4.10 Inspection of Table 4 reveals regional or fail to reject Hypothesis 2), counties with no differences in land price diffusion. In most cases (8 border effect (fail to reject Hypothesis 1 and reject ϕ out of 11), i;1 is larger (in absolute terms) than its Hypothesis 2), and counties that cannot be ϕ ’ counterpart i;2, i.e., border counties prices adjust assigned to one of the former groups (fail to reject faster to a long-run equilibrium with neighbours in both hypotheses). The spatial distribution of these the same state compared to neighbours across the categories is displayed in Figure 3. ‘ former border. Moreover, non-border counties Land prices in counties that belong to the border ff ’ show a higher level of land market integration than e ect group do not have a long-run relationship with border counties in terms of their adjustment speed land prices from neighbouring counties across the parameters. A possible explanation is that former former border or they react more slowly to deviations border counties were located in the periphery of for the cointegration relationship compared to within West and East Germany. This remoteness led to state neighbours. This group comprises Bördekreis, a decoupling from the economic development of Halberstadt, Lüchow-Dannenberg, Uelzen, and the rest of the country (Redding and Sturm 2008). Wernigerode. Most of these counties are located in Short-run dynamics from the regional price diffu- Saxony-Anhalt and form a regional cluster at the fi sion equations are captured by lagged variables southern intersection of both states. This nding based on differences in the own price and neigh- may be traced back to the relative low share of bours’ average price within the state and across the BVVG administrated transactions in these counties, former border. The coefficient of the changes in the which, in turn, may lead to larger information asym- lagged own price is significant in almost all border metries and higher transaction costs for West German county Equations (10 out of 12) and has a negative buyers (see Table 1). Furthermore, in the East German sign. The spatial pattern of short-run dynamics is counties of this group, a high share of land transac- more heterogeneous compared to long-run esti- tions took place more than 10 kilometres away from mates, but differences between the two groups of the former border (see Figure 4). It is unlikely that neighbours exist. The parameter estimates for these land plots were attractive to farmers from Lower fi changes in the lagged land price for within state Saxony since it is unpro table to operate them due to γ high transportation costs. Another peculiarity of this neighbours i;2 are of a greater magnitude (0.12), on average, for the former border counties com- group is that Lüchow-Dannenberg and Uelzen are γ characterized by high levels of potato production, pared to the parameters i;3 for across border lagged land price differences (0.04). while counties across the former border focus on wheat production.

10In case of higher-order lags, Table 4 reports the parameter of the first lagged variable only. APPLIED ECONOMICS 5459 ¯

Harburg Lüneburg Rotenburg (Wümme)

Uelzen Lüchow-Dannenberg Verden Heidekreis

Celle Altmarkkreis Salzwedel Stendal Nienburg/Weser Gifhorn

Region Hannover

Ohrekreis Schaumburg Peine Jerichower Land Helmstedt

Wolfenbüttel Hameln-Pyrmont Hildesheim Wolfenbüttel Bördekreis

Halberstadt Schönebeck Anhalt-Zerbst Holzminden Goslar Aschersleben-Staßfurt Wernigerode Bernburg Köthen Northeim Quedlinburg Osterode am Harz Mansfelder Land Göttingen Sangerhausen

Kilometer 05 10203040


no border effect former border border effect federal states

Figure 3. County groups based on iterative SUR estimation results and hypotheses testing.

The hypothesis of a border effect is rejected for Table 1 and Figure 4). Only for two counties, five counties located in the northern part of Goslar and Ohrekreis, neither hypothesis can be Saxony-Anhalt (Altmarkkreis-Salzwedel, Stendal) rejected. and in Lower Saxony (Gifhorn, Helmstedt, and Figure 5 displays the reaction of a shock (one Wolfenbüttel). Counties in this group show standard deviation) in county i across the study a relatively high share of BVVG administrated region over ten years. The origin of the price shock transactions and transactions are located close to in county i shows a value of unity at t ¼ 1. The other the border, lowering transaction and economic counties are ordered by distance from the origin of costs for farmers operating across the border (see the shock county. Counties to the left (with 5460 A. GRAU ET AL.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Altmarkkreis Salzwedel




-5km Stendal 5-10km 10-20km Wernigerode >20km

Figure 4. Number of transactions in border counties in Saxony-Anhalt from 1994 to 2016 sorted by distance from the former border.

Figure 5. GIRFs for selected border counties with shocks of one standard deviation σ. a negative value) are located in Lower Saxony (the shocks originating in counties in which land prices Western state) while counties to the right (with are affected by the former border, Halberstadt (left) a positive value) are located in Saxony-Anhalt (the and Uelzen (right). The price diffusion model Eastern state). The graphs at the top of Figure 5 show revealed that Halberstadt’s land price interacts only APPLIED ECONOMICS 5461 with neighbours’ prices in the same state and not discussion, we consider the German reunification with neighbours across border. Hence, we see that as a case study on land price development in two a shock to Halberstadt causes a permanent positive different states after the border was removed. We increase in its own price and prices for most of its apply a land price diffusion model with an error neighbouring counties in Saxony-Anhalt, while correction specification that estimates to what there is only little response in Lower Saxony caused extent agricultural land markets are spatially inte- by the short-run dynamics of the VECM. A shock to grated. A novel feature of our model is its ability to the land price in Uelzen causes only a temporary distinguish price diffusion within states and across deviation from the pre-shock level in Lower Saxony state borders. We find that local agricultural land and is completely absorbed within the considered markets in Germany are spatially integrated, i.e., time horizon. In contrast, prices across the border prices in one county are linked with prices in do not return to their pre-shock level. The two neighbouring counties by a long-run equilibrium graphs at the bottom of Figure 5 showcases of the relationship. Spatial market integration, however, ‘no border group’ on both sides of the former border does not hold among all counties in our study area. (Altmarkkreis-Salzwedel and Helmstedt). In both In line with earlier studies, there is evidence for cases, the prices do not return to their pre-shock convergence clubs, which differ in their land price level. These permanent increases are transmitted dynamics. through the long-run spatial market integration to With regard to our main research question, we neighbours’ prices on both sides of the border. find evidence for a persistent border effect given that The GIRFs confirm the results of the price diffu- the fraction of spatially integrated counties is larger sion model with a border effect (3). The former within states than across the former border. German border still affects land price diffusion in Moreover, for many counties along the former bor- Germany, not just in counties’ land markets der, we observe non-significant error correction located directly at the former border. While most terms for prices of neighbouring counties across counties in the southern part of the study region the former border. It is noteworthy that the former are only integrated with within state land markets, border does not act as a strict barrier for price align- a number of counties, particularly those in the ment between former East and West Germany. In northern study region with similar production fact, it is permeable at several locations. In some structures, have a cointegration relationship with cases, it even happens that counties share similar across neighbours’ prices and are sometimes sepa- land price dynamics with neighbours across the bor- rated from their own states’ overall land price dif- der, but not with neighbours within the same state. fusion process. By virtue of its reduced form character, our model cannot provide a clear answer on what is behind this border effect and why it appears to be local. We V. Conclusions conjecture that differences in farm size structures, This article examines whether there is a diffusion of long-lasting rental contracts, local market power, agricultural land prices across the former border non-transparency of sellable land plots and informa- separating East and West Germany. The research tion asymmetries regarding the property status of question was motivated by concerns among policy- land may explain non-integration and stickiness of makers in several EU countries that in unregulated land prices in parts of East and West Germany. land markets, the activities of foreign investors may Providing empirical evidence for the role of these cause high prices to spill over into neighbouring economic factors is a promising direction for further countries that initially have lower land price levels. research. On the other hand, the European Commission Our results are not only interesting from recently appealed to EU Member States to adjust a historical perspective, but they are also relevant their land market regulations according to for a better understanding of the functioning of European Law, which requires the free movement agricultural markets. 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