The leading event for Asia Pacific’s rail industry


22–23 Convention & March 2016 Exhibition Centre OVER 6,500KM OF RAIL PROJECTS Our story ARE CURRENTLY PLANNED AND ANNOUNCED IN ASIA. BILLIONS ARE BEING INVESTED INTO THE REGION, CREATING MASSIVE OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE Despite being the backbone of every transportation system, the rail industry has often been thought of as conservative and change-resistant. But not RAIL INDUSTRY. anymore. As we move into the age of the digital railway, passengers are not just commuters, but true consumers who expect a comfortable and “connected” experience.

At the same time, railway operators are facing increasingly complex asset management issues, difficult high-speed construction challenges and tough operational efficiency targets. We bring together the entire rail industry in Asia to tackle these challenges and pave the way for the future of transport in the region.

Welcome to Asia Pacific Rail.

The most exclusive and influential railway gathering in the region, Asia Pacific Rail attracts over 1,000 attendees from Asia and across the globe each year.

In 2016, Asia Pacific Rail will have more content than ever before, with 4 premium conference tracks. These tracks will feature exciting innovations in , high-speed rail, mainline passenger and freight, all focused on the theme enhancing operational excellence and passenger experience to improve your bottom line.

Visionary keynotes will lay the foundations for two days of intensive learning, discussion and networking. Leading C-Level executives will share case studies from across the world, ensuring you can learn from the best of the best. Spend time debating with them during the small-group roundtable sessions, allowing you to foster relationships and make new business contacts.

Whether you’re a railway operator, railway authority or a solution provider to the global railway industry, you need to join us as we lay the foundations for Asia’s rail future. World-leading rail speakers lining up to address you

JACOB KAM GEORGE CLARK CHUA CHONG KHENG YBHG TAN SRI ISMAIL BIN ADAM Operations Director Engineering Director, Capital Programmes Deputy Chief Executive, Infrastructure & Development Group Chairman MTR Corporation Underground Land Transport Authority Prasarana Malaysia Berhad

DIRK AHLBORN TC CHEW MOHD AZHARUDDIN MAT SAH CHOU YUNG-HUI Chief Executive Officer Managing Director Chief Executive Officer Director General Hyperloop Transportation Technologies Inc Chew Transit Consultancy Ltd. Land Commission (SPAD) Railway Administration Confirmed speakers Ouk Sota Dr. Padet C C Chang Mesra Eza Adi Lau Richard Keefe Deputy Director, Railway Praditphet Commissioner, Taiwan Senior Vice President, Head Deputy Director General Manager for 2016 include: Department Director, Common Ticketing Railway Supervision - Infrastructure, Global Operating Rolling Stock Fleet Ministry of Public Works Office, Office of Transport Task Force Project Finance Division, MTR Corporation MTR Corporation and Transport, Kingdom of and Traffic Policy and Ministry of Transportation Asia Department Cambodia Planning (OTP), Ministry and Communication R.O.C Mizuho Bank of Transport of Thailand

Anthony Lam Thierry Sens Marcus Dr Christos David Warburton Chao Liu Dr Tony Lee Terence Law Ba Myint Mohd Nur Ismal bin Cheng-An Lee Julie Bullas Senior Director, Marketing Director, Montenecourt Tsitouras Chief Executive Chief EngineerBeijing Chief of Operations Project Manager - Senior General Manager Mohamed Kamal Director, Department Executive Director, Policy, Segments Business Transportation Vice-President Commercial Chairman of the BoD and Auckland Transport Traffic Control Engineering Signalling (Inspection) Chief Executive Officer of Transit Communications and Planning Development Lead Segment Marketing, Europe, Russia, CIS & Asia Managing Director Technology MTR Corporation MTR Corporation Myanma Railways MYHSR Corporation Sdn Bhd System, New City Office of the National Rail Alcatel-Lucent Alcatel-Lucent Amsted Rail Attiko Metro SA Government Safety Regulator

Jayaram Naidu Joffrey Lauthier, Adesh Sharma H S Anand Md Mofazzel Tom Hopkins Rachel Johnson Mircea Ciopraga Melissa Alessandrini Ahmad Nizam Peter Lunden- Wai Yi Ng Head of South East Asia, Head of Sales, Asia Pacific Managing Director Director, Rolling Stock Hossain Head of Engineering Independent Chair Secretary General General Manager Mohamed Amin Welden Director Rail Controls Solutions Dedicated Freight Rail Heathrow Express Port Botany Rail Group PS IGC TRACECA Franchise Operations, Division Systems & Asia/ Managing Director Performance & Contract Chief Executive Officer President & CEO Rolling Stock Australia, Bombardier Division, Bombardier Corridor Corporation, Corporation Dhaka Mass Transit Management Division RapidRail Sdn Bhd Seoul SMRT Corporation Transportation Transportation India Company Limited Public Transport Victoria Operation co. Ltd

Thomas Klug, Emmanuel Kiyoshi Kodera Ashwani Saxena Jay Singh Chang Hwan Kim Richard Wong Voravuth Mala Anthony Eid Matthew Lynton Dr Wang Yi Chuan Shih Chien Yu General Manager Rail Vivant Advisor to the President, Director (Project) General Manager General Manager in Principal Fellow Deputy Governor, Head Operations Director Head of Operational Director General Deputy Director, Safety, Honeywell Managing Director Japan International Rail (Signalling & Facilities Planning, Korea of Systems of Strategy Sydney Trains Technology Taichung City Government Rolling Stock Regelsysteme GmbH, Hong Kong Tramways Cooperation Agency Corporation Ltd. telecomm), Kochi Rail Network Authority SMRT Corporation State Railway of Sydney Trains Transportation Bureau Taipei Maintal, Germany Metro Rail Limited (KRNA) Thailand Corporation

Dr Samuel Chan Yuslizar Daud Silvester Hoang Ngoc Tuan Leo Mak Ly Borin Dr Hanwei Yang John Chen C. Y. Wang Amanda Esteban Norman Frisch Wang Lingyun Director, Systems & Chief General Manager, Rail Prakasam Vice Director of Project Director of Systems for Director, Railway PhD, Engineering Director. Chief Operating Officer Maintenance Section Product Manager - Transport Solution Senior Sales Director, Systems Specialist Land Public Transport Deputy Director Management Unit No.2 KVMRT Project Department, Ministry Facility Engineering Dept Director Systems Manager Transportation Wireless Land Transport Authority Commission (SPAD) Systems, Land (PMU2), Management MMC Gamuda of Public Works and Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation Taoyuan Metro Transport Solutions Huawei Technology Co. Ltd Huawei Technology Co. Ltd Transport Authority Authority For Urban Transport, Kingdom of The Sepura Group Railways Cambodia AGENDA AT A GLANCE

DAY ONE (Tuesday 22nd March, 2016) DAY TWO (Wednesday 23rd March, 2016)


10:40 Exhibition visit, networking & refreshments Exhibition visit, networking & refreshments 10:30


11:30 11:30 Passenger Signalling Best Smart Trains Rail Freight Experience Practice Project Updates Brownfield Rolling Stock Asset Funding & & Rail Safety Signalling Management Sustainability 12:50 Networking lunch & exhibition visit

14:20 Networking lunch & exhibition visit 12:50 Project Updates Communications Track Infrastructure Rail Freight 14:00

16:00 Exhibition visit, networking & refreshments Rail Revenue Rail Systems & Infrastructure Asset Intercity & High & Ticketing Communications Management Speed Rail 16:40 PROJECT UPDATE ROUNDTABLES


18:00 Networking Cocktail Party Close of Asia Pacific Rail 2016 16:00

“Thank you for a conference that is well organised. I enjoyed the fruitful 2 day "Fantastic, well run event with very useful insights for me." session. I also like the way the various subject matter contents are organised in Warwick Horsley, Head of Operations & Performance, Public Transport Victoria a few key tracks.” Ling Wee Lee, Managing Director, SMRT Trains, SMRT Corporation Ltd. OPENING PLENARY KEYNOTE

08:55 Organiser’s opening remarks

09:00 Chair’s opening remarks

RAIL LEADERS' PANEL Industry game changers and strategic differentiators: The future of rail • Keeping up with the competition: How should rail operators be playing to Tuesday competitive advantages against other rail and transport operators? • What is a sustainable and profitable model to manage rail developments 22nd March, 2016 and daily operations amidst challenging times? • Managing customers: Are we meeting expectations, delivering experience and enhancing engagement?

09:10 • Delivering value: What are the areas of improvements today and how are we taking into account future needs? • Balancing priorities: What will be the most important considerations for the next decade? MODERATOR: T. C Chew, Managing Director, Chew Transit Consultancy Ltd PANELLISTS: Peter Lunden-Welden, President & CEO, Seoul Line 9 Operation co. Ltd Highlights YBHG Tan Sri Ismail Bin Adam, Group Chairman, Prasarana Malaysia Berhad Dr Jacob Kam, Operations Director, MTR Corporation Rail Leaders Panel Hear from top rail leaders about the industry game changers impacting the future of rail in Asia Pacific Innovative ICT: Building a Better Connected Railway Huawei present insights into the rail solutions that are changing the face of railways as we move towards the next phase of our rail future. 10:10

Project Update Sessions & Roundtables Norman Frisch, Transport Solution Senior Manager, Huawei Technology Co. Ltd Get updated on the latest project developments and opportunities from countries including Singapore, 10:40 Exhibition visit, networking & refreshments Malaysia, Thailand, India, Australia, Indonesia, Taiwan and more.

Hyperloop Keynote Find out the latest updates on the Hyperloop, which is expected to transform the passenger travel industry, and what the implications could be for Asia's rail industry 12:50 14:20 12:30 12:10 11:50 11:30 • • • Public Transport Victoria Melissa Alessandrini,General Manager, Network Readiness, • • • Victoria Managing customerexperience duringmajorprojects in David Warburton, ChiefExecutive, AucklandTransport • ecosystem inAuckland Rail asthebackboneofanintegrated transportation Peter Lunden-Welden, President &CEO, SeoulLine9Operation co. Ltd • • • passengers connected andcomfortable Passengers astoppriority:HowSeoulLine9keeps Attiko Metro SA Dr ChristosTsitouras, ChairmanoftheBoDandManagingDirector, • Creating aholisticvisualexperience for passengers • Thestationasadestinationtoreview historyandadmire • Rail Masterpiece: Creating ahistoricandholisticvisualexperience Networking lunch&exhibition visit Development, Chua ChongKheng, DeputyChiefExecutive, Infrastructure & • • • Raising rail accessibility across Singapore

Auckland 2040:Future plansandexpansions metros andfreight trains withinthecity What are thechallengesencountered inoperating both ensure increase accessibility andconvenience for passengers Upgrading existing rail transport system withinthecityto seamless? to-end, multi-modaljourney thatisinterconnected and How can rail operators andauthoritiesenableanend- readiness todeliver theoptimal passengerexperience? How hasPublic Transport Victoriaensure network networks unexpected emergency andunforeseen incidents onthe Initiatives andstrategies torespond tosuddenchanges, from specialevents Planning aheadtomeetincreased passengersvolumes minimal passengerinconvenience? reliability andpunctualityofservices andfacilities for What are themeasures putinplace toensure the experience Delivering connected andconvenient passenger to engagecommuters? What are theinitiatives thatSeoulLine 9hasputinplace art pieces Athens Incorporating the historicartefacts into stationdesignof such astheCross IslandLineandJurong Region Line? what are theplansfor newdevelopments ahead, Looking connectivity through theisland Upgrading existing rail assets whileincreasing rail accessibility Reducing travel durations andincreasing metro PASSENGEREXPERIENCE & Land Transport Authority PROJECT UPDATES Passenger Experience Project Updates • • • • Maximising CBTC systems for optimalservice performance Chao Liu,ChiefEngineer, BeijingTraffic Control Technology • • • Innovations inCBTC designfor optimaltrain control Terence Law, Project Manager-Signalling,MTRCorporation Senior representative, Thales • • • and increase service frequency Harnessing moving blocktechnologiestoreduce Underground George Clark,EngineeringDirector, Capital Programmes, London • • • London Underground casestudy Insights intotheworld’s largestre-signalling project: A SIGNALLING &COMMUNICATIONS Huawei Technology Co. Ltd Wang Lingyun,SalesDirector, Transportation Wireless, • • Operational Communication Solution Ensuring stableoperations: Huawei’s Railway developments Technological innovations andtakeaways for future and ShatinCentral link Case studiesand insights from SouthIslandExtension improve service frequency? How can we betteroptimise signallingsystems tofurther Catering toagrowing demandofpassengers Using Automatic depot andFully Automated Operations for optimal train control andmanagement Integrating three-level controls withinasingleplatform traffic andsafety standards Meeting requirements tocater for growing passenger does itmeanintermsofsignallingmaintenance? What are the results achieved from deployment and what operators achieve more from theirCBTC systems? Shifting from ahardware tosoftware approach, how can Building thebusinesscase for CBTC Re-signalling from LU? What are somekey lessonsthatAsianmetros can learn daily operations duringre-signalling? What are themeasures taken toprevent disruption of re-signalling project? How isLondon Underground managingitsbrownfield wireless communication platform for urbanrail Huawei’s LTE-M Solution:Provideing adedicated efficient railway operations Reliable andevolvable GSM-Rnetworks, supporting Signalling BestPractice Communications • • • • Smart trains: Howtodesignoutfailure thatimpactsavailability? • • • • How technologyistransforming legacyfleetsintosmartertrains Wai YiNg, Director, Rolling Stock, SMRT Corporation Tom Hopkins,HeadofEngineering,Heathrow Express Richard Keefe, General Manager-Rolling Stock Fleet,MTRCorporation H SAnand,Director, Rolling Stock, DelhiMetro Rail Corporation • • • • Achieving cost savingsthrough energyandcarbonefficienttrains PANELLIST: PANEL Taiwan HighSpeedRail Dr HanweiYang, PhD, EngineeringDirector, Facility Engineering Dept, • • • • regularity for passengercomfort andsafety Preventive andpredictive approaches tomaintaintrack features Designing theoption for future expansions anddriverless integrated tofuture trains? How are condition monitoringandassetmanagement being prevent failures? What are thekey features thatshouldbeincorporated to frequency andreliability concerns? What are thecurrent rolling stockmodelsaddressing capacity, Cost andoperational benefitsofdeployment Precise maintenance works toprevent breakdowns Proactive defect eliminationandassethealthmonitoring What isthebusinesscase? How willthese initiatives translate into longtermsavings? Managing energy consumption: AC VS DCbasedmetro stock ensure energy savings Imposing stringent measures onrolling stockmanufacturers to What are theenergy-saving initiatives toreduce costs? Monitoring, engineering assessments and counter measures weather conditions Precautions taken against natural hazards underextreme Pattern androot causes ofalignment irregularities track management? What are thechallengesfaced by Taiwan HighSpeedRail inits ROLLING STOCK & TRACK Track Infrastructure Smart Trains CIS &Asia,AmstedRail Marcus Montenecourt, Vice-President Commercial Europe, Russia, • • • • Improving rail freight operations, efficienciesand economics Mircea Ciopraga, Secretary General,PS IGCTRACECA • • • Tapping onrail opportunitiesfrom thenewSilkRoad • • • • Raising rail freight productivity andcost effectiveness State Railway ofThailand Voravuth Mala,DeputyGovernor, HeadofStrategy, • How willSRT continue tomodernisetherailways andraise • Implementing newinitiatives andoptimising existing resources • Moving aheadwithnewfreight developments inThailand Rachel Johnson,Independent Chair, PortBotany Rail Group • • • reliability Best practices toensure highlevels ofrail freight efficiencyand assets smarterthrough predictive onboard monitoringsystems Remote railcar conditioning - makingtraditional “dumb” railcar cargo Railcar cushioningand endofcar systems - protecting sensitive less car setouts Rail freight tapered bearingtechnology–longerlife and maintenance andhigheroperating speeds Freight Bogiesystems whichallow increased axleloads,reduced What doesitmeanfor rail freight operators inEurope andAsia? between Asia andEurope? How hasthe newSilkRoad increase thenetwork accessibility Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia project Updates anddevelopments ontheInternational Transport productivity andreliability? How istechnologybeingusedtoincreased performance, industry can implement toraise freight volumes? and whatmight beeffective strategies thatGovernment and The NSW Government approach todemandriskfor rail freight networks particularlyinregional NSW? efficiency ofintermodal terminalsandthewiderrail and road What are thenetwork strategies thatcan raise theoperational for therail freight andinfrastructure inNSW? What are theupcoming NSW Government plansandinitiatives freight volumes? Thailand? What are thenewdevelopments andprojects underway in performance indicators toidentify areas for improvement Initiating BigDataprojects tomeasure andanalyse Increasing transit timeanddelivering consistent reliability efficiencies? How are containers beingloadedandunloadedfor maximum MAINLINE Rail Freight Rail Freight 16:00 17:20 16:40 15:40 15:20 15:00 14:40 KEYNOTE PLENARY SESSION Chief Executive Officer, TransportDirk Hyperloop Ahlborn, Executive Technologies Chief Inc • • KEYNOTE: Hyperloop:Bringingdisruption andinnovation tothepassenger travel industry Australia, Bombardier Transportation Jayaram Naidu,HeadofSouthEast Asia,DivisionSystems &Asia/ • • • for newrail developments Addressing mobilitychallengesinAsia’s Cities: Solutions New Taipei CityGovernment Cheng-An Lee,Director, Department ofRapid Transit Systems, • • • Rail developments &updatesin NewTaipei City & Construction), MassRapid Transit AuthorityofThailand Pakapong Sirikantaramas, DeputyGovernor (Engineering • • • extension Overcoming challengesinfaced inThailand’s BlueLine Land PublicTransport Commission (SPAD) Mohd AzharuddinMatSah,ChiefExecutive Officer, • • • & newlines Rail connectivity in Malaysia -Upgrades, extensions Exhibition visit,networking &refreshments PROJECT UPDATE ROUNDTABLES

Join ourspeakers for anengagingdiscussion Hyperloop future? Timelines &updates:How farare we away from a and experience? How willtheHyperlooptransform passengertravel Best practices for success Taking atotal system approach Factors newrail developments need toconsider collaboration? What theopportunitiesavailable for partnershipsand development? What are thekey challengesfaced intheproject Upcoming projects andtimelines Key lessonsandcollaboration opportunities the civilworks construction anddevelopment? What are thenewtechnologiesandkey challengesfaced in Progress updateonBlueLineextension Future projects inthepipeline construction? What are challengesfaced inalignments, tunnellingand Updates ontheRail Projects opportunities available intheseprojects on thelatestupdatesstatusand

Yuslizar Daud,General Manager, Rail, Corporation SdnBhd Chief Executive Officer MYHSR Mohamed Kamal, Mohd NurIsmalbin (SPAD) Land PublicTransport Commission • • What are somekey lessons for Asia? employees/volunteers togrow withthecompany? Bringing thehype back:How torecruit andmotivate The Sepura Group Amanda Esteban,Product Manager-Systems Transport Solutions, • • • Advanced features for transportation environment • • • Meeting rail needs:Puttingrobust rail communications ontrack • • • • safety andpassengerexperience communications networkwithIP/MPLS andLTE toenhance How train operators inEurope andAPAC are transforming their COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOP (1hour): Alcatel-Lucent Thierry Sens,Marketing Director Transportation Segment Marketing, Lead, Anthony Lam,SeniorDirector, Segments BusinessDevelopment Providing scalability for growing networks Managing critical datafor emergencies andcontingencies train-to-ground facilities Ensuring consistent, effective communication between infrastructure? How can operators getmore outoftheircommunications high-performance wayside infrastructure Navigating through complex systems toensure reliable rail communications? What are theemerging technologiesavailable toimprove safety andpassengerexperience? rail communication system helpoperators improve rail Case studiesfrom APAC andEurope –How didthenew Integration andimplementation thesystems interoperability ofdata Seamless communications between systems toensure and LTE? What are thekey features andprioritiesofusingIP/MPLS Malaysia Alcatel-Lucent

Singapore Indonesia Mizuho Bank Mizuho Bank- Asia Department, Finance Division, Global Project Head -Infrastructure, Senior Vice President, Mesra Eza, Transport Authority Development, Infrastructure & Deputy ChiefExecutive, Chua ChongKheng, Land Land

18:00 • • • RapidRail’s experience Venturing intonoisecontrol solutionsandmonitoringtechniques: Office Asia,DeutscheBahn Head ofDBInternational Procurement Michael Boback, supplier relationshipmanagement Rail procurementstrategies& Ahmad NizamMohamedAmin,ChiefExecutive Officer, RapidRail SdnBhd New Zealand • • • Ensuring track integritythrough intelligentcondition monitoring Ashwani Saxena, Director (Project), JaipurMetro Rail Corporation Ltd. • • • Overcoming challengesfaced intrack analysis andmaintenance Korea Rail NetworkAuthority(KRNA) Chang HwanKim,General ManagerinFacilities Planning, • • • railway operation Maximizing theeffectiveness oftrack managementfor optimal

residents alongthealignment? and performance ofitstracks for thesatisfyitspassengersand How doesRapid Rail perform itsmonitoringinmaintaining thehealth combat noiseissue? What are theactionsthathave beenundertaken by Rapid Rail to What are thesources ofthetrack noise? How does ittranslate into increased maintenance efficiencies? identification ofhighrail riskconditions andareas Prevention ofrail accidents andbreakdowns through proactive infrastructure Continuous monitoringoftemperature andstress levels oftrack 17:40 minimise maintenance cost andsafety risks Creating aproactive andpreventive maintenance strategy to derailment from sharpcurves andelevation? What are thestrategies putinplace tominimisetheriskof Managing Jaipurmetro’s complex track infrastructure How tomanagetrack construction projects efficiently substructures andhow tomanagethem? What are prioritiestobeconsidered inthecourse ofmaintaining What are bestpractices tomaintain thehealthofrailway tracks? Michael Head ofDBInternational Procurement Boback, Bahn Office Asia,Deutsche • Therole oftheInternational procurement office Asiaandopportunities for cooperation • • Whatare key criteriaandframework guidingDeutscheBahn’s procurement strategies? procurement strategies On theway toWorld ClassProcurement-How DeutscheBahnismanagingprojectsuccess througheffective Chair's closingremarks & Networking Cocktail Party

How isDBmanagingrelationships withitssuppliersensuringthey perform totechnicalandcommercial requirements? Auckland Transport Chief Executive, David Warburton, Taiwan India R.O.C and Communication of Transportation Task Force, Ministry Railway Supervision Commissioner, Taiwan C Chang, Corporation Freight Corridor Dedicated Managing Director, Adesh Sharma, Bangladesh Transport, KingdomofCambodia Ouk Sota,DeputyDirector, Railway Department, MinistryofPublicWorks and Kingdom ofCambodia Ly Borin,Director, Railway Department, MinistryofPublicWorks andTransport, • • • freight volumes Rehabilitation ofCambodia’s railway networktoincrease rail Adesh Sharma,ManagingDirector, DedicatedFreight Corridor Corporation, India • • • Expanding India’s dedicatedrail freight corridors Rachel Johnson,Independent Chair, Port Botany Rail Group Corporation, India Adesh Sharma,ManagingDirector, DedicatedFreight Corridor of Thailand Voravuth Mala,DeputyGovernor, HeadofStrategyState Railway Asia, AmstedRail Marcus Montenecourt, Vice-President Commercial Europe, Russia,CIS& Panellists: • • • intermodal freights Cooperation vs Competition: Changingattitudestowards PANEL: Australia Future expansion plans:Newlines&HighSpeedRail What are thechallengesencountered intherehabilitation works Progress updateontherailway Rehabilitation partnerships? What are theopportunitiesavailable for cooperation and dedicated freight corridors inIndia Meeting risingdemand,development plansfor thefour new Updates onEastern &Western dedicated freight corridors order todeliver end-to-end freight services? How should authoritiesandoperators beworking togetherin Creating container compatibilities for rail androad freights logistics? What istherole ofrail inthefuture ofintermodal freight Group Port Botany Rail Independent Chair, Rachel Johnson, Company Limited Dhaka MassTransit Managing Director, Hossain, Md Mofazzel

of Cambodia Public Works andTransport, Kingdom Director, Railway Department, Ministryof B Ly Transport, KingdomofCambodia Ministry ofPublicWorks and Deputy Director, Railway Department, Ouk Sota, orin, orin,

Cambodia KEYNOTE PLENARY SESSION (Operations Excellence)

08:55 Organiser’s opening remarks

09:00 Chair’s opening remarks

KEYNOTE Incorporating the future into today’s operational strategy • Will MTR’s 99.9% on-time performance be the new standard for metros? Wednesday • Perfect service reliability: Is it a realistic promise? • Strategies to maximize and safeguard the assets for the future

rd 09:10 23 March, 2016 • What will be the next disruptor to rail operations and how should operators be ready to harness its potential? • Managing partnerships and relationships with suppliers to further drive innovation in service operations

Dr Jacob Kam, Operations Director, MTR Corporation

OPERATIONS EXCELLENCE PANEL Delivering operations excellence and redefining rail standards Highlights for the future

Operations Excellence Panel • Capacity: Accommodating a growing demand for rail services Gain insights into how leading metros in the • Reliability: Ensuring service reliability amidst ongoing maintenance and region are raising rail standards and increasing new projects capacity for the future 09:30 • Contingency planning: Strategies for optimal response during disruptions

• What role does technology play in improving service delivery and system Asset Management availability? From rolling stock to infrastructure, maximise and manage rail assets to achieve the highest PANELLISTS: value and performance Adi Lau, Deputy Director - Operating, MTR Corporation Anthony Eid, Operations Director, Sydney Trains Brownfield Signalling Panel Learn strategies to overcome challenges, 10:30 Exhibition visit, networking & refreshments safety concerns and implementation compatibility issues encountered during brownfield signalling projects RAIL PROJECTS, SIGNALLING & COMMUNICATIONS ASSET MANAGEMENT MAINLINE & HIGH SPEED RAIL SAFETY & REVENUE

Project Updates & Rail Safety Brownfield Signalling Rolling Stock Asset Management Funding & Sustainability

Building an integrated metro network in Ho Chi Minh City Tackling critical re-signalling challenges for effective PANEL Rail infrastructure investment outlook - Trends, • Overview of metro line project developments and updates service implementation Cost considerations of rolling stock replacements vs Challenges & Opportunities • What are the challenges encountered in project financing • Testing and commission challenges encountered during refurbishments • What are the macroeconomic factors influencing the investment and construction? migration towards CBTC • What are the key factors for consideration prior to making a climate in 2016? • Opportunities and tenders available for Ho Chi Minh • Balancing priorities, optimising resources and combining decision? • How can multilateral banks help in creating a more conducive Metro tests to catalyse migration process • How can authorities extend lifetime value of assets? environment for rail projects? Hoang Ngoc Tuan, Vice Director of Project Management Unit No.2 • What are some best practices and pitfalls to avoid during • What are key markets and factors for multilateral banks in their

11:30 • Cost-benefit analysis: Balancing technological upgrades with (PMU2), Management Authority For Urban Railways trial runs? investment costs rail investments? Richard Wong, Principal Fellow of Systems, SMRT Corporation • Identifying the optimised spare part inventory levels Kiyoshi Kodera, Advisor to the President, Japan International Cooperation Agency • Life cycle costing

PANELLISTS: Dr Tony Lee, Chief of Operations Engineering, MTR Corporation Limited Developing Dhaka Metro – Challenges, opportunities and PANEL Wai Yi Ng, Director, Rolling Stock, SMRT Corporation PANEL strategies Industry best practices of CBTC signalling projects Funding and investment of railway projects • Upcoming project timelines • Migration of legacy systems to new system • What is the role of Private-public partnerships in railway projects? • What are the challenges in the developing the metro • System and infrastructure compatibility • Key considerations behind the approval of a loan • Opportunities and partnerships available? • Managing disruptions to service operations during testing • Financial feasibility and considerations for funding • Strategies to ensure project is on-time, on-target and within budget • Safety and testing: Eliminating out of control • Who should bear the ridership risk?

11:50 Md Mofazzel Hossain, Managing Director, Dhaka Mass Transit • Change management for employee competency and skill • Are availability payments sustainable? Company Limited • Mixed systems: Should legacy systems be kept for fall- • Innovative funding strategies back? • What are some key lessons that metros can learn from freight PANELLIST: funding models? George Clark, Engineering Director, Capital Programmes, PANELLISTS: London Underground Valery Tubbax, Head of Power & Infrastructure Advisory, Investment Banking Richard Wong, Principal Fellow of Systems, SMRT Corporation Department Asia, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Advisor to the President, Mitigating rail risk and driving the safety journey Joffrey Lauthier, Head of Sales, Asia Pacific Rail Controls Solutions Effective refurbishment and maintenance strategies to extend Kiyoshi Kodera, Japan International Cooperation Agency David Warburton, Chief Executive, Auckland Transport • What are the risk-based safety improvements and initiatives Division, Bombardier Transportation rolling stock lifecycle put in place to ensure rail safety and create a safety culture Mesra Eza, Senior Vice President, Head - Infrastructure, Global Project • How to maximise return on assets through effective management Finance Division, Asia Department, Mizuho Bank - Mizuho Bank across Australia’s rail landscape? of asset information Ajit Kumar Mishra, IRSE. Additional General Manager, Dedicated Freight • How are authorities and operators cooperating and co- • Best practices in maintenance and management works Corridor Corporation of India Ltd. regulating rail safety standards to mitigate overall rail risk? • What are some key lessons for the rest of the industry? • What are some new emerging technologies and innovations to Julie Bullas, Executive Director, Policy, Communications and Planning, minimise common rail accident and rolling stock damages? 12:10 Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator Shih Chien Yu, Deputy Director, Rolling Stock, Taipei Rapid Transit

Safety on metro and subway platforms: Track Sentinel™, Adopting systems engineering processes for driverless Asset migration strategies to minimise impact on service Leading a sustainable and profitable railway On Station, On Duty, On Track railway project delivery and operation disruption • Profit generation a pre-condition: What are some strategies • Overcoming challenges to keep the passengers safe and • Designing driverless railway systems for easy put in place to ensure growth and sustainability of revenue maintenance and operations • Smooth migration from legacy to new assets the trains running strengths • What are the key challenges faced in the specification, • Ensuring the compatibility of systems • Enhancing user experience by preventing incidents and • Effective management of inventory and purchase orders to design, integration and testing and commissioning of rail • What are the measures taken to ensure that service disruptions having an integrated total safety systems projects? reduce costs and wastage are kept to the minimum • How can rail operators and authority maintain a robust • Ensuring reliability and performance of systems to deliver • What are key takeaways and lessons?

12:30 performance under all environmental challenges operational excellence Thomas Klug, General Manager Rail Safety, Honeywell Regelsysteme Dr Samuel Chan, Director, Systems & Chief Systems Specialist, GmbH, Maintal, Germany Land Transport Authority

12:50 Networking lunch & exhibition visit Rail Revenue & Ticketing Rail Systems & Communications Infrastructure Asset Management Intercity & High Speed Rail

Transit-oriented developments: Creating demand for Overcoming railway system and interface integration Transforming into the smarter metro - A Sydney Trains case study Raising the competitiveness of railway in intercity travel metro services challenges • Deploying enterprise asset management to improve service • Strategies to ensure competitiveness against alternative models • Raising traffic volumes through mixed-used • Ensuring consistent and continuous monitoring of operations of the entire metro of travel mission-critical systems developments • Integrating multiple interfaces and systems from multiple • Effective monitoring of lifecycle and performance of assets to • What are the strategies to increase volume of passengers? • Promoting rail as the backbone of transportation system suppliers optimising maintenance works and to account for replacement • Service excellence to deliver value to passengers • Capturing passengers through residential developments • Optimising Man-Machine interfaces for greater lead times

14:00 Yung-Hui Chou, Director General, Taiwan Railway Administration and shopping areas efficiencies • How will smart enterprise asset management ensure increased Dr Wang Yi Chuan, Director General, Taichung City Government Leo Mak, Director of Systems for KVMRT Project, MMC Gamuda reliability and availability of services while maximising returns Transportation Bureau and values of assets? Anthony Eid, Operations Director, Sydney Trains

Transforming big data insights into rail revenue strategies Ensuring cross railway communication reliability Building the business case for remote condition monitoring Constructing Malaysia’s HSR and growth • Effective transmissions of information to central • What are key pitfalls to avoid during the installation and • Key timelines and progress • Harnessing RFID technologies and analysing big data to command implementation phases? • What are the key challenges encountered in the HSR project? monitor passenger demand • Deploying optical fibre cables to enhance communications • How will it impact inspection and maintenance plans • How will the new high speed rail ease the commute between • Utilising real-time scheduling of drivers and to link • Cost and operational benefits of deployment Singapore and Malaysia? maximise the number of commuters taking the service • Supporting mission critical operations to deliver safe and • Case Studies • What are the opportunities available for partnerships and

14:20 • What are strategies put in place to generate new sources on-time services Tom Hopkins, Head of Engineering, Heathrow Express cooperation? of revenue? Ba Myint, Senior General Manager (Inspection), Myanma Railways Mohd Nur Ismal bin Mohamed Kamal, Chief Executive Officer, • What can other operators learn from Hong Kong MYHSR Corporation Sdn Bhd Tramways? Emmanuel Vivant, Managing Director, Hong Kong Tramways

The impact of recent ticketing innovations on Overcoming challenges encountered in management of Building Bangkok’s Purple Line for optimal maintenance and Insights and developments on China’s high speed rail conquest management emerging economies wayside systems • Evolution of China’s HSR technology • Updates and progress of Purple Line • What are the key challenges faced in wayside system • Account Based Ticketing • What technologies are being used, and how is the line designed • Lessons to learn from China’s excellence in building HSR rail management? • NFC to optimise maintenance efforts? safely, reliably and quickly • PPP model in Manila • How the ensure clarity and reliability of communications • How is the line designed and minimize energy consumption? • Future expansion of HSR traffic across the region

14:40 between train to wayside and vice-versa? Silvester Prakasam, Deputy Director Fare Systems, • What are the strategies put in place to manage the assets and Senior Representative, China Railways Group Land Transport Authority • How to maintain the health and performance of these systems for maximum lifetime value? systems? Lakthan Tongnopakoon, Assistant Managing Director, Engineering C.Y. Wang, Maintenance Section Director, Taoyuan Metro and Maintenance Group, Bangkok Metro Public Company Limited

Thailand’s first integrated ticketing system Delivering reliable rail telecommunications to support Internet of trains: Delivering a fully digital service High-Speed Rail: The future of inter-city travel • Combining Bangkok’s public transport systems under a train operations • Integrating all systems (rolling stock, fare collection, signalling & • Evolution and expansion of Taiwan High Speed Rail single ticket • Overview of Sydney Trains’ telecommunications communications) into a single platform • What are the challenges encountered in extending routes and • Hassle-free transition at interchanges & convenient infrastructure for data transmission and data networks • Data as an asset: Sensor data for analysis and monetization new stations? transfers and access to other modes of last mile • What are the measures put in place to ensure secure and • How does it translate into more effective and • Moving ahead, what are strategies in places to cater to growing transport reliable transfer of critical systems data? efficient operations? demand for high speed rail services? 15:00 • What are the benefits and efficiencies achieved from this • Looking ahead, are current infrastructure ready to meet • What’s next for the rail industry? John Chen, Chief Operating Officer, Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation system? current and emerging needs of its railway applications? Dr. Padet Praditphet, Director, Common Ticketing Office, Office Matthew Lynton, Head of Operational Technology, Sydney Trains of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP), Ministry of Transport of Thailand

TICKETING PANEL Delivering clear and reliable rail radio transmissions for Rethinking fare payments: Will the future of ticketing be smooth operations card-based or cloud-based? • What are the key measures taken to ensures reliability • What are the pros and cons of both systems? and clarity of information transmitted? • Will an open AFC system be a viable operating model? • Overcoming interferences in the network and maintaining The most updated agenda can be found online at the health of the system

15:20 • With wearables and beacon technology, are we moving to • How is ensuring reliable radio transmissions a ticketless future? to support its signalling systems, rolling stock and metro PANELLISTS operations? Silvester Prakasam, Deputy Director Fare Systems, Jay Singh, General Manager (Signalling & Telecom), Kochi Metro Rail Limited Land Transport Authority Dr. Padet Praditphet, Director, Common Ticketing Office, Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP), Ministry of Transport of Thailand. Exhibition visit, networking & refreshments 15:40

16:00 Close of Asia Pacific Rail 2016 ONLY 15 PLACES AVAILABLE! Visit MTR's Super Operations Who attends Control Centre, Tsing Yi Station and

MTR Mall - Maritime Square NORTH ASIA

Pre-Event Site Visit 21 March 2016 EUROPE & AMERICAS 65% MIDDLE EAST SE ASIA Carrying an average of over 5.4 million passengers every weekday, MTR is regarded as one 10% & AFRICA of the world’s leading railways for safety, reliability, customer service and cost efficiency. BY 15% The Operations Control Centre (OCC) is the “heart” of MTR train operations. For 24-hours- 5% a-day, 7-days-a-week, staff of the OCC keep close watch on every train and every activity REGION in the network to ensure the delivery of safe and reliable train services to keep the city on AUSTRALIA the move. With network expansion in mind and to further enhance communication amongst the 5% controllers of different railway lines, the Corporation successfully migrated the OCCs of different rail lines in 2013 to the “Super OCC” at Tsing Yi to supervise the entire heavy rail BY network under one roof. It houses the controls for three of the four new rail lines currently INDUSTRY being constructed in Hong Kong.

To prepare for its new role, the Tsing Yi OCC underwent a $117 million facelift to upgrade facilities and equipment, including the installation of larger rear projection mimic displays 40% 20% 15% 15% 15% 5% 5% and the creation of more space to accommodate the larger team.

Under its “Rail plus Community” development business model, the Corporation has created fully integrated commercial and residential communities along the railway alignment. Residents enjoy convenient access to public transport, which in turn, stimulates patronage Rail Authorities Rolling Stock/ Rail Component Consultants IT/Ticket/Power Academic/ Independent and enhances land values. This visit will showcase the “Rail plus Community” development & Operators Signalling/ Manufacturers Press/Financial Assurance/ business model in Tsing Yi. Communications Institutions/Law Testing & Firms/Trade Certification Associations Programme BY

13:20 Shuttle Bus to “Super OCC” from Hotel in Wanchai JOB TITLE

14:00 Welcome Remarks C Level 14:05 Introduction of “Super OCC” and Senior 45% 30% Managerial Level Management 14:25 Panoramic View of “Super OCC”

14:40 Refreshment Other (Consultant, Engineer/Senior 14:55 Presentation on “Community Development – Rail plus Community Development Model” Advisor, 5% 20% Engineer Academic) 15:15 Closing Remarks

15:20 Tour of Tsing Yi Station & MTR Mall - Maritime Square

15:50 Shuttle Bus back to Hotel 16:20 End of Tour Just some of our 2015 attendees:

A.M. Capital ABB Malaysia SdnBhd ABPLN ACP Marketing and Rail Adecco Personnel SdnBhd Advanced Resources Equipment AECOM Alcatel -Lucent ALCO Consulting Allied Telesis Alstom Transport Asia Pacific Amadeus Amenva Amsted Rail AnsaldoSTS AP Rentals Arabian Railway Company ArtesynEmbedded Technologies Arup ASC NIS Security System Asia Rail Consulting Atkins Aurecon Ballast Tools Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Bangkok Metro Public Company Bayer MaterialScience Beijing Traffic Control Technology Beijing XHX Technologies Beijing YhdRailway Equipment BMT Asia Pacific Bombardier Transportation Brother Electric Trading Company BytemarkINC. CalenbergIngenieureGmbH CAPTRON Electronic GmbH Changi Airport Group Chew Transit Consultancy China Telecom Chinadaily Chun Wo Railway Engineering CMC Engineering SdnBhd CNB Consultants CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles Comsteel Concord Corporation Concord Solutions ConsolisRail International Consulate General of India, Hong Kong Consulate General of Malaysia CSR Qingdao Sifang D T -VyhybkarnaA StrojirnaA S D.L.A. Piper Daegu Metropolitan Urban Railroad Construction Headquarters Datumstruct Department Of Transportation And Communications, Philippines DynamendAB East Japan Railway Company East Universal Co Easy Broadband Technology E-leather EMSD, SAR E.N.E.R.G.Y. Resources management EPD HKSARG EtoEConsultants eTrinityTechnology FaiveleyTransport Far East Federation of Hong Kong Industries FEMOL International FLIR Systems Fracht Francis Control & Automation Eng. Franco FabbianRailway Transportation French Trade Commission in Hong Kong FULFIL TRADING GE Transportation GEISMAR General Resources Company GeoRealTimeSdnbhd GeotechEngineering Consultant G-Link Development Harting Hassell Hill International HirschmannAutomation And Control GmbH HKU SPACE HollySys Hong Kong Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions Hong Kong Logistics Association Hong Kong Tourism Board Huawei Technologies HUBER+SUHNER HubnerInterface Systems Hunter Technology Hyundai RotemCompany InfratransConsultancy INIT GmbH International Association of Public Transport INV PARTNERS Itochu Corporation JitexConsulting Group Jumbo Technology International Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit KeandaRailway Technology Keolis KeretapiTanah MelayuBerhad KleinTechServices KML Engineering Ltd Knorr BremseAsia Pacific Kochi Metro Rail KONE KoppersInc. Korea Rail Network Authority KusieogLtd Kyosan Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd. KZV Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) Land Transport Authority, Singapore LeanetteDesign Legion Lets Technology Linsinger Lloyd's Register Rail LycusSolutions M&I Corporation M.A.WAJID & Co. MadePartners Magnetic Control Systems SdnBhd Malaysia External Trade Development Corp. March Networks Marsh Marubeni Rail Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand Max Infrastructure MEGGITT (Sensorex) Metro Transit Solutions Milwaukee Composites Ministry Of Railways Pakistan Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Taiwan Ministry of Transportation, Indonesia Mitsubishi Corp Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MMC-Gamuda Money Concepts Mott MacDonald MRT Corp MTR Corporation Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority MVA Transport Consultant NEC Corporation NetModuleAg Government, Taiwan Number One Holding NuovoTrasportoViaggiatori(NTV) O.E.T.S. O.T.N. Systems Octopus Cards ONYX INTERNATIONAL Ouxaleather Ove Arup & Partners Panasonic Paracoat Parsons Brinckerhoff peitelCommunications GmbH PolayerTechnology PrasaranaMalaysia Berhad ProtocomNetworks & System PT Len Railway Systems PT. Jaya TeknikIndonesia Public Transport Victoria PYPUN-KD & ASSOCIATES RADWIN Rail Personnel Raku RiTTechnologies RoctecTechnology Romatecsans SAFT SBS Transit Schaltbau Schneider Electric Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation Shanghai KEOLIS Public Transport Operation Management Shenzhen HaituoManagement Consultant. Shenzhen Urban Planning & Land Resource Research Centre Shenzhen ZongliTechnology Shijiazhuang City Rail Transit Shun HingSystems Integration Siemens AG Singapore Rail Engineering Singapore Technologies Electronics skyhighpromotions Ltd Smart Rail Technology SMRT Corporation SocREC South Wind Trading Star Publications Steconfer SteriaAsia SupremetechEngineering SystechInternational FzLlc T.Y. Lin International Taoyuan Metro Corporation Tech Mahindra technologyrubik Teltronic Thales The Chartered Institute of Logistics and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints The Consulate-General of the Republic of Singapore, Hong Kong The Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers The Hong Kong Polytechnic University The Motor Bus Co.(1933) Ltd. The University of Hong Kong TiongSeng Contractors TOA Corporation TOKYO KEIKI RAIL TECHNO Top Express Rail Solutions Toshiba Asia Pacific Trackside Intelligence TradeportHongKong TransCore Transport for New South Wales Turner & Townsend TUV Rheinland TUV SUD Rail UGL Rail Services U.S. Consulate General UL LLC Ultra Electronics Ultrasonic United Communication Technology VapconManufacturing Engineers VoithTurbo W.P.I. LTD. Wacker NeusonLimited WAGNER Bayern GmbH Winledor Worldwide Flight Services Group Xerox YASHIMA Yellow Window YounghaeInternational Co. Ltd. ZhengjiangDongfangElectricHeatingTechnology Co., Ltd. Zhengzhou All-Tech Trading Co.,ltd Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Co.,LtdM "SOUTHEAST ASIA IS A VERY IMPORTANT MARKET FOR US. THIS CONFERENCE ATTRACTS MAINLY THE The Exhibition OPERATORS FROM THIS REGION, WHICH ARE THE PEOPLE WE WOULD LIKE TO MEET. ASIA PACIFIC With over 100 exhibitors, 25 technical seminar presentations and up to 2,000 attendees walking the floor, this is your one-stop shop for RAIL IS A VERY SUITABLE PLATFORM FOR US TO product demonstrations and networking. INTRODUCE OURSELVES TO THESE OPERATORS AND TO DISCUSS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES." The exhibition will feature leading solution providers from: • Air conditioning systems • Platform screen doors TOSHIBA • Bogies • Power & electrification • Cables & lines • Sensors • Communications & network solutions • Signalling & train control • Consultancy • Steel manufacturers • Fire protection • Sound insulation materials • Flooring coverings • Wheelset diagnostics systems • Infotainment systems • Testing & certification • Interior design systems • Traction motors • LCD systems • Safety & control • Lighting systems • Rail fastening equipment • Location & navigation systems • Rail interiors • Locomotives • Rolling stocks • Maintenance • Software developers • Monitoring systems • Track infrastructure • Passenger services – information, fare • Tunnel & infrastructure technology collection, ticketing, data • Vibration & isolation

Asia Pacific Rail is the perfect place for companies wishing to: • Gain exclusive access to decision makers in the industry • Meet industry leaders, understand their needs, and develop business relationships • Expand to a new market that is difficult to break into • Showcase leading solutions to prospective customers • Raise awareness of your solutions and track record amongst your prospective clients • Debut new products, generate leads and make sales

Exhibition stand rates start from: $720 per sqm for shell-scheme stand $600 per sqm for raw space (for space 18sqm and above)

To book your stand call Kym Chua on +65 6322 2702 or email [email protected] Floor Plan



J14 J13 J14 J13 F10 E08 D08 C08 A14 E08 J07 J05 I07 I05 F09 J12 J11 J12 J11 F08 A15 A15 F01 B09 B10 A14 J03 J01 I03 I01 CONSTRUCTION G08 G05 PAVILION B02 F05 A13 LUNCH A12 B04 F08 B05 B06 F07 A11 G04 B05 F09 B04 A10 F05 A09 C06 F10 G03 D06 E06 C06 B03 A08 PREMIUM CONFERENCE 1 C08 G01 B02 A07 PASSENGER EXPERIENCE D05 OPERATIONS EXCELLENCE E04 C09 G02 UPCOMING RAIL PROJECTS SHOWCASE ENTRANCE RAIL SAFETY RAIL REVENUE & TICKETING C10 G03 PREMIUM G02 F02 E03 D03 C03 CONFERENCE 2 D01 H01 SIGNALLING & COMMUNICATIONS D05 I10 G01 F01 E02 D01 C01




Spaces are limited. Call Kym Chua on +65 6322 2702 or email [email protected] to reserve your booth now. Partner with us 2016 Sponsors & Exhibitors

Looking to expand your market share in Asia? Let us work with you Title sponsor to achieve your business priorities in 2016 by positioning your brand in front of the decision makers of the Asia Pacific railway industry. Beyond a simple exhibition stand, our partnership opportunities allow you to: Platinum sponsors

Give us your wish list of the regional clients and GENERATE prospects that you would like us to invite so that LEADS, LEADS you can meet them at the event. We ask for this AND MORE list at least 6 weeks out to give our team the lead LEADS! time to do what they do best - deliver you your Gold sponsors wish list.

Our 1-2-1 partnering program (available to sponsors only) means that you get to arrive at the Workshop sponsor Technology Theatre Sponsor MEET THE event knowing exactly who your top sales guys will BUYERS be sitting down with over the next two days. We (GUARANTEED!) match our buyers with the sponsors who have the solutions they are looking to invest in, it really is that simple.

Registration counter sponsor Associate sponsor

BE SEEN AS Cement your position as an industry thought leader by delivering your strategic offerings to A THOUGHT an audience of up to 2000+ qualified rail decision Exhibitors LEADER makers across Asia.

Need to do more to reinforce your brand presence CREATE in the region? Enjoy extensive branding exposure EXTENSIVE not just over the 2-day event but from the day you sign up. The earlier you join the more exposure you BRAND Media Partners AWARENESS will get, via our website and other digital channels, print media and online community.


Chairman Day 1 Day 2 FROM THE SAME INDUSTRY."

XEROX SERVICES Day 1 afternoon Speaking slot in the Day 2 morning/ Day 1 Plenary Day 1 afternoon / Day 2 premium conference afternoon afternoon

Lead a roundtable or 2 1 1 1 participate in a panel 1

Speaking slot in the 2 1 1 1 technology theatre 1

Conference passes 20 15 10 7 3

Exhibition booth 72sqm 54sqm 36sqm 18sqm 9sqm

Facilitated introductions 10 7 5 3

Exclusive lanyard sponsor Yes

Yes plus Exclusive networking 5 minutes party sponsor welcome speech

Seat drop at the premium Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 conference

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2 Day Conference Pass $3715 $3895

2 Day Pass – $1150 $1200 Rail Authorities

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