REPORT ON MONITORING mass-media institutions in terms of covering major public interest subjects with a view to determine possible tendencies of informational manipulation

no. 1, February – April 2014

The campaign against informational manipulation is implemented by the Association of Independent Press (API) with the support of Free Press Unlimited (The Netherlands) and National Endowment for Democracy (USA). The monitoring report was produced under the project “Promoting objective journalism and enhancing mass-media education level of Moldovan regions’ inhabitants”, financed by National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The opinions in this report belong entirely to the authors and do not express the opinion of the financing organization.


Throughout the period 1 February – 31 October 2014, the Association of Independent Press (API) is monitoring a number of mass-media institutions from Republic of , with a view to determine the tendencies for informational manipulation of the public. Monitoring results inserted in quarterly reports stand for an in-depth analysis of the manner in which main media institutions from the country cover the same public-interest issues, and subjects concerning certain political or economic actors.

Goal and objectives of monitoring: To determine the tendencies for informational manipulation by mass-media while reporting on controversial subjects involving political or economic actors, to encourage the media to refrain from manipulation and help mass-media product consumers to distinguish between manipulation and accurate and equidistant coverage of the reality.

Criteria for selecting the monitored mass-media: • Form of ownership – public and private • Coverage area – national and regional • Language – Romanian and Russian • Impact – circulation and audience

Print press: Timpul, Ziarul Național, Komsomolskaya Pravda v Moldove (online versions of these publications have been analyzed)

Audiovisual media: Moldova 1, Prime TV, Publika TV (debate shows - on television channel, news – on website ), Jurnal TV, Accent TV (online version), Pro TV, TV 7

Online media:,,, (in March)

During 18-24 April 2014, apart from Moldovan mass-media institutions indicated above, the main news programs and debate shows during primetime have been subject to monitoring at 5 Russian television channels, rebroadcast in R. Moldova (NTV, Pervyi Kanal, RTR, REN TV and Rossiya 24), with a view to assess their modalities of covering the conflict from south-eastern Ukraine.

Analysis procedures: The relevant materials have been subject to a contrastive analysis, and the following served as reference texts: press releases, media statements delivered during conferences or briefings, in the Parliament, Government, other state or private institutions. Mainly, the method of qualitative content analysis has been applied. Bearing in mind the fact that manipulation through mass-media is frequently done by means of selection of events for reporting, selection of sources, tendentiousness of texts and headlines, selection of video images, photographs and captions thereof, measurements have been done for the frequency

- 2 - and perspective of covering concerned subjects, the sources employed have been analyzed, alongside with the tonality of reporting on news protagonists, images and language employed.

The monitored issues have been identified in terms of their importance and compliance with the public interest. The following can be mentioned among the main subjects monitored throughout 1 February - 30 April 2014: - referenda in Gagauz Yeri (3-9 February), - decision of Democratic Party’s deputy to withdraw from the Parliament and Democratic Party (6-15 February 2014), - Tax Inspectorate reform and fraud at Railway Service (10-16 February 2014), - Vladimir Plahotniuc’s criminal file in Romania (10-16 February 2014), - annual report of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs (24 February – 2 March 2014), - Russian Federation’s decision to dispatch troops in Crimea (3-9 March 2014), - commemorating March 2 (3-9 March 2014), - dismissal of Ministry of Defence Vitalie Marinuţă (3-9 March 2014), - devaluation of the national currency (10-16 March 2014), - attempt to bribe Moldovan deputies (14-21 February 2014 and 3-16 March 2014), - Neaga prosecutor case (3-9 March 2014), - Parliament’s request to allocae a land plot to build a block-building for deputies (10-16 March 2014), - Crimea’s annexation by Russian Federation (17-23 March 2014), - Tiraspol’s intention to adhere to Russian Federation (17-23 March 2014), - Venice Commission’s recommendation to amend the Election Code (24-30 March 2014), - initiating the criminal file against the Communist deputy Grigore Petrenco (24-30 March 2014), - appeal of Liberal Reformist Party’s deputy, Ana Guţu, on protecting the informational space (31 March - 6 April), - commemorating 7 April 2009 events (7-14 April 2014).

At the same time, during 18-24 April 2014, the main prime-time news programs and debate shows have been monitored at 5 Russian television channels, rebroadcast in R. Moldova (NTV, Pervyi Kanal, RTR, REN TV and Rossia 24) in order to assess how the latter covered the conflict in South-Eastern Ukraine.


The monitoring data for the period 1 February-30 April 2014 highlight certain tendencies of informational manipulation displayed by several mass-media institutions while covering public interest issues.

Manipulation occurred mainly through: Selection/filtering of information – during the reference period, there have been registered numerous cases when mass-media selected the subjects not grounding on their importance and degree of public interest, but relying on owners’ preferences and agendas. Some media either avoided reporting about certain public interest issues, or issued brief outlines, without depicting entirely the facts and ensuring sufficient information to the readers, which would enable them to understand the things in certain cases (most frequently, these situations were registered in newspapers Komsomolskaya Pravda v Moldove, Timpul, and television channels Moldova 1 and Prime TV). Thus, filtering the news and minimally covering important events are indicative of the desire to defend the interests of certain stakeholders, but not of the general public.

Exacerbation of facts – another manipulation technique to which several mass-media subject to monitoring have constantly applied is to exaggerate the facts, with the aim to perpetuate and promote certain messages, as well as discredit the protagonists. This was done either by attributing too much attention to details, or by exaggerating facts. Exacerbation of facts was promoted most frequently by the portals and, television channel Accent TV (while reporting on Gagauz referenda), Jurnal TV and (while issuing reports which directly involved Vladimir Plahotniuc).

Selection of sources – in some cases, the monitored mass-media institutions ensured a pseudo- pluralism of opinions, by selecting sources and opinions expressing the same thought, conveying the same message and advocating the same cause, with the goal to perpetuate positive or negative perception about certain stakeholders. This line of action was most frequently applied by Jurnal TV,,, as well as (in news items on Gagauz referenda).

Tendentiousness of information – the production and dissemination of tendentious information were a common procedure, being seldom used by the majority of media institutions subject to monitoring. In certain cases, the news contained discriminatory and slanderous elements, and the reality was sieved from the points of view of authors (, Accent TV, in controversial news referring to authorities and representatives of Democratic Party/PD). Seeming to be neutral and objective, some materials have hidden appreciations on behalf of the journalist or his/her media institution (Jurnal TV,, in materials referring to Democratic Party representatives). Sometimes, mass-media have filtered the information and highlighted certain aspects which are favourable to the protagonists (Timpul, Publika TV, when reporting on controversial subjects about Democratic Party representatives).

- 4 - Language/labelling – in the reference period, some mass-media resorted to certain modalities of manipulating information, such as: labelling or presenting information in a sarcastic and taunting manner, making use of pejorative terms in relation to an event or character. This technique was sporadically used by most mass-media subject to monitoring. However, it was most frequently encountered in the case of Jurnal TV television channel, and portals and

Headlines/images, video and audio effects – with small exceptions, the monitored mass-media did not appeal to headlines and images with the goal to manipulate. Nevertheless, several cases were recorded when certain words in headlines had been stressed in order to show their importance (Publika TV, Timpul, in their materials addressing Democratic Party representatives). Some media selected the images and video materials on purpose, with a view to depict certain actors in a dark light, by appealing to audio-video effects which would amplify the negative message they intended to convey to the public (Jurnal TV,, in their materials addressing Democratic Party representatives).


Issue 1: Referenda in TAU Gagauz Yeri (3-9 February 2014)

Context. On 27 November 2013, the Popular Assembly of Gagauz Yeri decided with the majority of votes to organise a consultative referendum on foreign policy vector (R. Moldova’s integration into the European Union or Euro-Asian Union) and a legislative referendum on the region’s right to self-determination provided that Republic of Moldova might lose its sovereignty. The initiative was supported by the Bashkan , but was criticised by the governing coalition, resulting in the initiation of two criminal lawsuits at General Prosecutor’s Office and General Police Inspectorate. The respective decision was declared as illegal by Comrat court instance, being further disputed by the local authorities at a higher rank court. The Communist Party and the Party of Socialists stirred up agitation in order to support the plebiscite. Local deputies of Democratic Party and Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova supported the referendum. Afterwards, certain Democratic Party deputies in Gagauz General Assembly have been excluded from the party for reason of having voted for this decision.

The issue of referenda dated with 2 February 2014 in Gagauz Yeri was the most publicised subject at mass-media institutions subject to monitoring. The leading media institutions which devoted much space to this issue during 3-10 February 2014 were: the news portal - having 49 news items on the whole, the press agency Omega ( - 18 articles, Timpul – 12 articles, Ziarul Naţional – 11 articles, – 10 articles. Displaying a great number of news items, however, does not necessarily mean that the media consumers had access to detailed, objective, equidistant and well-balanced information. Numerous news items spread by some monitored media had been written with deviations from journalistic and deontology norms, enabling them to manipulate the public opinion either by

- 5 - skipping or exacerbating facts, selecting sources, proving tendentiousness, or by labelling the characters and resorting to video and audio effects in order to amplify the messages. The greatest number of problems was registered in the news programmes and shows from Omega agency and Accent TV television channel. Thus, during 3-10 February 2014, the online press agency Omega ( has allocated a very large space for covering the concerned issue, and news items were mainly focused on promotion of referenda results, their reasoning, accusation of central authorities for the reached situation. Most of the news items from include the same massive background, addressing „the impediments set by Chisinau authorities”, „the initiators of the plebiscite” who „are important representatives of the governing parties”, and expose the participation rate and results of the referenda. This modality of structuring news, when basic information is ensured with little space (2-3 paragraphs), whereas the context information is massive (5-6 paragraphs) and frequently repeated, is indicative of the media institution’s intention to manipulate information, so as to promote, in the long run, the idea of legitimacy of suffrages. Simultaneously, in some cases the author distorts the facts in his/her attempt to exaggerate them and cast a dark light on certain actors. The conclusion likely to be drawn by the reader after having read the series of news on this subject is the folloing: the editors from use various subjects as filling in order to circulate one and the same information dozens of times. (Note: from June 1, 2014, online news agency Omega has excluded the Romanian version of the website, so the links to this site listed below are not available now) Examples of tendentious and manipulative news items: Chisinau authorities are getting ready for massive repression after the Gagauz referendum1 (, 4 February 2014). The lead stresses the fact that punishments will be aplied as well to those who „organised, conducted or took part in the referendum from Territorial Administrative Unit Gagauz Yer”, but further on, quoting the source directly (representative of Democratic Party) we discover the things are somehow different. The quoted source claims: „If Mr. Formuzal committed illegal acts, including money laundry and others – he will have to account for that”, and the author of the article opinionates: „Gagauz bashkan, Mihail Formuzal, will be one of the officials held responsible for organising the referendum, including for money laundry”. Thus, the facts are distorted and the source was declared to have made some statements which had not been made in reality, the things being presented as accomplished facts. Filat materialises threats which Leancă worded in Comrat2 (, 5 February 2014). The headline is mistaken, since in the text we find out that Vladimir Filat only requested competent bodies to take all measures for sanctioning the referendum organisers, without providing details illustrating the materialisation of threats. Other titles on suggest that Filat, Lupu, Prosecutor’s Office, Candu want „the punishment of Gagauz people for the conducted referendum”. Finally, we can conclude that Omega agency has manipulated the public opinion by exaggerating facts, and constantly reiterating the same information. Moreover, manipulation

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- 6 - occurred as well through the selection of sources, by failing to separate the facts from opinions, by attributing instigating headlines which had no fact-based substratum, as well as due to the presence of tendentious texts and the tonality employed while addressing certain persons.

The television channel Accent TV had less news items on these subjects, but debated it during several shows – overall four in number. All the guests at „În direct” and „1+1”shows broadcast by Accent TV in the reference period served as lawyers for referendum organisation and brought various accusations to numerous decision factors from Chisinau. For instance, during the show „1+1”dated with 4 February 2014, the guest used praising phrases while talking about the referendum, launched criticism to the country’s governing coalition, praised Comrat leadership, and the presenter challenged and supported some of the statements, proving her obvious tendentious attitude. As for other two shows of „In direct” (6 and 7 February 2014), both the guests and the presenter approached the subject in a biased manner. Alongside with the proven lack of equidistance, the presenter adopted a trenchant position to the described conflict and engaged himself emotionally in the discussion, taking the side of one of the parties. The presenter highly appreciated the „courage” of Gagauz people and felt „enchanted” given the massive participation share at voting, infringing, thus, professional norms foreseen for broadcast show presenters. As a rule, the presenters should not express their preferences, sympathies or contempt towards the conflicting parties, their role being to ensure a cursive flow of the discussion and to address all aspects which are relevant for the discussion.

The news portal was a leader as regards the frequency of coverage, having published 49 news items on this topic during 3-10 February 2014. If we consider the proximity of this portal to the Gagauz region, as it operates exactly in this region where the event occurred, this frequency can be explained. The great majority of materials were one-sided, presenting the point of view of a single party, either the opinion of Chisinau, or that of Comrat in relation to the monitored subject. The absolute majority of news, 45 out of 49, did not include details explaining the referendum issue in the context information. And only starting with February 6 has the portal included one paragraph describing the problem in four articles. At the same time, most news items presented the same information about the data of local electoral commission on population’s turn up to voting and referendum results as context information, inoculating, thus, the idea of referendum’s lawfulness to the general public. From the perspective of selected sources, gave priority to promoters of referendum, local, national or international (for example, local authorities, representatives of Communist Party of R. Moldova, representatives of EU member-states who visited Comrat as observers). Starting from the enhanced frequency of covering the concerned subject, from the modality of selecting and filtering sources, as well as from leaving relevant details aside the context information, the general conclusion might be that the portal manipulated the public opinion in a subtle way, trying to enclose the idea that the scrutiny was lawful. Being relatively few (5 altogether), the news items from Jurnal TV were, to a great extent, equidistant and well-balanced. Nevertheless, during the show Ora expertizei from February 3, 2014, which was organised with the participation of numerous political analysts and journalists,

- 7 - a complex introductory material was introduced, by presenting opposing opinions and bringing harsh accusations to the Democratic Party on behalf of Formuzal, who claimed the Democratic Party was a miserable party, etc. The guests did not generally discuss about Comrat’s position, did not bring arguments or counter-arguments for supporting or rejecting Chisinau’s position. The entire show was a platform for launching various accusations to the leadership, to Russian Federation, and, at a certain moment, the discussion strayed completely, focusing on children of several local anti-European political leaders, who settled in the West, and on the gifts which had received from Formuzal, etc. Generally speaking, the presenter neither insisted too much on the guilt of the Democratic Party, not tried to maintain the discussion within the framework of the subject. As a result, the TV viewers had no access to information enabling them to better perceive the subject. The materials produced by other mass-media institutions subject to monitoring did not include serious deviations from professional rules and standards, or display clear tendencies for manipulation. Nevertheless, because of the fact that certain spread materials did not describe the context information and, frequently, showed only one side of the conflict, the information which arrived to the public was incomplete, and it was meant to support only one point of view. In some lines, the media inserted texts retrieved from personal blogs, which did not comply with journalistic rules (see, for instance, the material on, 4 February 2014: Stalin is to be blamed for the situation in Găgăuzia3, in which the author (blogger) uses labels such as: The fool (Vlad Filat), Plahotniuc in diapers (Adrian Candu), Pale descendants of Bayazid (Gagauz people). Another illustration in this sense can be the erroneous information about the preliminary results of the referendum, which was published by numerous monitored mass- media (Timpul, Ziarul Naţional, Jurnal TV). These informed that 94.49% of the region’s inhabitants had voted for Republic of Moldova’s adherence to the Customs Union Russia – Belarus – Kazakhstan, whereas only 2.69% - for the country’s adherence to European Union. This information is not truthful, since these figures refer to the proportion of those who turned up at voting, and not of all inhabitants in the region. It is worth noting that such cases occurred only once, and one might conclude that manipulation occurred out of lack of professionalism, but not because of bad will. When referring to selection of subjects and sources, certain media displayed some predilections. Thus, KP v Moldove, Prime TV, Publika TV, Ziarul Naţional, Timpul presented the information mostly from the perspective of central authorities, by quoting, mainly, one side of the conflict (issues concerning the declaration of the governing coalition, results of voting, Formuzal’s warning by Iurie Leancă, call for solidarity issued by some localities, ’s intention to forward a draft law on the exclusion of bashkan from the Government, etc.). Comrat representatives were less present as sources, just as the representatives of Communist Party or the Party of Socialists, who were active promoters of the referendum.

Issue 2: Decision of Democratic Party’s deputy Valeriu Guma to withdraw from the Parliament and Democratic Party (3-17 February 2014)


- 8 - Context. On 6 February 2014, Grigore Petrenco, deputy of the Communist Party of R. Moldova, notified the Constitutional Court about the incompatibility of the deputy from Democratic Party Valeriu Guma to hold a deputy’s mandate under the circumstances when he had been sentenced ultimately and undisputedly in 2013 by the Romanian court. In one week from the concerned notification and prior to the first sitting of Parliament’s spring-summer session, Guma declared for the press that he laid his mandate on the table and withdrew from the Democratic Party for fear of causing troubles to his family or colleagues in the party, as well as for avoiding to provide some political profiteers with the opportunity to use his name for attacking the Democratic Party. The ex-deputy insisted that he had been unreasonably condemned and that he had addressed to the European Court for Human Rights with a view to prove his innocence.

This subject on Constitutional Court notification was disregarded by many of the monitored mass-media, being only preferentially approached by, Accent TV, Jurnal TV and Thus, during 3-17 February 2014, had four news items on this issue, three - on CC notification and one – on Guma’s decision to withdraw from the Parliament. All of them had a manipulative nature. The materials faithfully quoted inter-dependent sources, which used pejorative language and presented only one side of the conflict. All news included vast context information, containing details on Valeriu Guma’s sentencing in Romania. The author’s biased attitude can be perceived by the public due to the manner of news structuring and failure to separate facts from opinions.

Examples of manipulative news: Petrenco: Constitutional Court has the chance to contribute to Parliament’s decriminalisation4 (, 6 February 2014). The material floods in labellings since Grigore Petrenco has been faithfully quoted as referring to „a political-criminal group headed by Plahotniuc”, to „a criminal oligarch group”, and claiming that “political persons such as Plahotniuc, Guma and many others, must be sentenced to prison”. Lupu qualifies the fact that Guma is kept in Parliament as a psychological problem5 (, 7 February 2014): the news item comprises two paragraphs explaining ’s opinion in relation to Petrenco’s notification, being afterwards followed by five paragraphs of background information. It is worth mentioning that all three news items include the same context information, as if photocopied, having the goal to aggravate the negative message about the news protagonist. Valeriu Guma withdrew from the Parliament only when the Constitutional Court received a notification in this sense6 (, 13 February 2014). The material includes a single sentence from Guma’s statement, according to which he does not need parliamentary immunity or political protection, or the advantages granted by the parliamentary mandate, in order to defend his interests. Following this paragraph, there follow six (!) other paragraphs of context information, which provide details related to Petrenco’s notification, the criminal file underpinning Guma’s sentencing for bribery in Romania, statements made by the Romanian Ambassador on the need to serve the sentence according to the law. The lead does not refer to any source, seeming to be the journalist’s opinion on the concerned subject.

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- 9 - In conclusion, it can be stated that followed the perpetuation of negative information about the news protagonist and his ex-Party - in particular, as well as the legislative body - in general.

During the reference period, Accent TV broadcast three news items on this topic, which addressed the issue in a biased manner, aiming to induce the idea that the Parliament of R. Moldova is a criminalised structure to the general public. In the news item from 6 February 2014, for instance, Accent TV informs about Petrenco’s notification submitted to the Constitutional Court, under the headline Decriminalization continues. Petrenco is quoted, but the opinion of Valeriu Guma has not been requested. The text itself does not contain the author’s opinion on the concerned subject. However, tendentiousness is felt when reading the text. On 13 February 2014, the respective TV channel announced about Decriminalisation of the Parliament, broadcasting a report on Guma’s decision to give up the M.P. mandate and to withdraw from the Democratic Party. Concise statements made by Guma were included, being followed by comprehensive background information which contained such opinions of other sources that Guma should be imprisoned. Structured in such a manner, the news have the potential to influence the public opinion on the specific subject.

Jurnal TV and addressed the same subject in a similar way as and Accent TV did, by spreading five materials poorly balanced in terms of presence of background information and context information. The TV show Preamoy razgovor addressed the subject peripherally on 14 February 2014. At first sight, the news complied with professional rules, since both conflicting parties had been quoted. Nevertheless, the disproportion between the information on the subject and the context information stands for a possible intention of editors to amplify the impact of the message that Democratic Party representatives are criminals (see, e.g., the news on, 13 February 2014: Guma, condemned in România, leaves Democratic Part and the Parliament7). It should be mentioned that Jurnal TV ensured a large space to the issue on notifying the Constitutional Court, while the subject on Guma’s withdrawal from the Parliament and Democratic Party was briefly touched, all sources having similar opinions but not in favour of Guma. Only an excerpt was taken from Valeriu Guma’s declaration in which he declared he would withdraw from the Parliament and Democratic Party, and that the decision of Romanian court was incorrect, which repeatedly indicates upon the intention to manipulate information through filtering it (see, for example: Guma leaves the Parliament and Democratic Party8, Jurnal TV, 13 February 2014).

Contrary to the above, Prime TV treated the subject otherwise, presenting the situation from another angle. Thus, in its news programme from 13 February 2014, Prime TV announces General cleaning in DP. Decisive day in Democratic Party. The presenter begins with Guma’s resignation (briefly explaining the reason for Romanian court sentencing), following afterwards with the exclusion of four deputies of Comrat Popular Assembly from the Democratic Party. The

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- 10 - part where Valeriu Guma explains the reasons for his resignation has been selected from his declaration: in order not to leave room for speculations or stain Democratic Party’s image. It is mentioned that Guma has explained his decision by the fact that he has been unjustly sentenced in Romania and he will appeal to ECHR in order to prove his innocence. The issue was briefly addressed as well during the show Replica from 16 February 2014, where , chairman of honour of Democratic Party, qualified the decision of the former deputy as a „manly decision”.

Similarly, Publika TV discussed the topic from the perspective of correct and manly decision of Valeriu Guma and cleaning in DP. The two news items and the show Fabrika, publicised during the reference period, contained selected opinions of experts who appreciated Valeriu Guma’s act, as well as opinions of Party colleagues (Marian Lupu, Vladimir Plahotniuc) who justified the decision of the ex-deputy (see, for instance, the news posted on on 13 February 2014: Analists, about the deputy Valeriu Guma abandoning his mandate: It is a correct decision9). It is worth noting the headline of another news line from 13 February 2014: Cleaning in the Democratic Party. Four members excluded through unanimous voting, which is quite similar to another headline used in the news from Prime TV - General cleaning in DP. Decisive day in Democratic Party, from the same day.

The other media subject to monitoring either indirectly approached this subject, in news depicting no major issues, or disregarded it entirely (e.g., KP v Moldove).

Issue 3: Criminal file against Vladimir Plahotniuc (10-16 February 2014)

Context. On 13 February 2014, and Jurnal TV publicised a news item about the reply from Buftea Court, Bucharest, Romania, with reference to „the status of lawsuit initiated against Vladimir Plahotniuc”. The text of facsimile letter, published in attachment, is the following: “As a result of your request addressed to our institution on 02.02.2014 and registered with the above number, we would like to report the following: By resolution nr. 204/c/2014 of 30.01.2014 issued by the general prosecutor from the Prosecutor’s Office subordinated to the Higher Court of Cassation and Justice, there was an order to transfer the file no. 7541/P/2913 concerning Plahotniuc Vladimir from the Prosecutor’s office subordinated to Buftea Court to the prosecutors from Unit for Criminal investigation and Criminalistics under the Prosecutor’s Office subordinated to the Higher Court of Cassation and Justice, being registered with the no. 71/P/2014”. The letter does not indicate the reasons for initiating the criminal files. The materials published by and Jurnal TV inform it might be a case of using double identity (Vladimir Plahotniuc uses the name of Vladimir Ulinici on the territory of Romania). In its reply, the Democratic Party issued a press release which states that the Court, after having been informed by Jurnal, registered a file following to investigate certain things. “The simple

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- 11 - fact of registering such an appeal (complaint, denunciation, notification) naturally results in the registration of this appeal at one of the criminal research and investigation bodies to which it is addressed. The registration of the appeal immediately involves the assignment of a unique registration number. Thus, according to Romanian legislation, when reference is made to an appeal’s registration number (or number of lawsuit), it does not necessarily imply a certain stage of the criminal process”, the press release concludes.

The concerned subject was broadly explored by some media, and only indirectly addressed by others. Certain media preferred to be silent in relation to this subject. However, in terms of coverage, the most active were: Jurnal TV,, and Accent TV. Jurnal TV and addressed the issue both in news programmes, as well as shows, opinion materials (altogether eight). To a great extent, these media institutions publicised the information about the letter from Romanian Court, and details on V. Plahotniuc’s monitoring by Interpol in relation to the alleged liaison with the criminal gang Solnţevskaya, as well as London Court decision affecting the respective politician, etc. The analysis of these materials reveals numerous professional and deontology problems and deviations likely to contribute to the manipulation of public opinion as regards this subject. Thus, the context information present in the majority of news was massive and had no direct link to the mirrored topic. Some news items strayed from the topic, using information about other matters with the alleged involvement of Plahotniuc (see, for example, the news programme on Jurnal TV from 14 February 2014: Mocanu: Plahotniuc will go to prison; Feedback from Parliament; as well as article posted on the same day on Val Butnaru answers to Plahotniuc: Nobody takes him seriously any more10. In some cases, the images were changed so that they would aggravate, through repetition, the expected effect and, namely – display the protagonist in a bad light and inoculate the idea that this is a fearful international criminal (see, for instance, the news on Jurnal TV Criminal lawsuit against the oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc11, of 13 February 2014). Thus, according to the Deontology Code and Broadcasting Code, the journalists should not resort to such proceedings in their news. In the article posted on from 13 February 2014, OFFICIAL: Plahotniuc is CRIMINALLY INVESTIGATED in Romania12, the text is accompanied by a photograph in which the protagonist makes a disdainful and defiant grimace, perpetuating thus his negative image (see the image). At the same time, some news states certain things without making reference to the source, making the reporter’s attitude obvious by failing to segregate facts from opinions, by selecting sources and quotes. It is noteworthy that the authors have repeatedly presented inaccurate information, able to distort the reality and manipulate public opinion. Thus, on 13 and 14 February 2014, Jurnal TV informed that the Buftea Court issued a reply for Jurnal TV, according to which the name of the oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc features in a criminal file, initiated by Romanian

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- 12 - authorities, for making use of fake identity (the underscore belongs to us). These wordings reveal either a lack of professionalism, or an attempt to manipulate information, since the received reply does not mention the reason for the initiation of the file, and no such qualifier as oligarch is assigned to Plahotniuc in the reply. Other articles published by on 14 February 2014 inform the readers that Plahotniuc is a liar by definition13, that “…Plahotniuc will receive, for the beginning, suspended sanctions for double identity, and only afterwards will the real incriminations arise, such as smuggling with different products and commodities, human trafficking, proxenetism, etc.”: Romania will integrate us into EU, and imprison Plahotniuc14. The issue was largely debated during the show Ora expertizei from 14 February 2014, where all the guests in the studio adopted anti- Plahotniuc positions from the very beginning, as well as during the show Cabinetul din umbră from 13 February 2014 - but it was discussed rather peripherally. To conclude, one can assert that the manner in which and Jurnal TV covered the concerned issue shows a tendency to manipulate the public opinion by exacerbating the facts, the frequency of addressing the issue, by presenting only the opinions of those who supported the same point of view - anti-Plahotniuc approach. The context information which was frequently unrelated to the approached subject was selected with a view to calumniate the protagonist, just as the published images and edited video effects were intended for. The fact that neither, nor Jurnal TV published the text of the notification addressed to Romanian authorities on this case raises questions, especially when DP issued the press release accusing Jurnal Trust of denigration and manipulation. As, provided that the notification had been published, the citizens would have realised whether it was a simple notification, or an investigation registered upon request, or indeed a criminal file against Vladimir Plahotniuc for concrete actions. It should be mentioned that a part of materials published at news column on were retrieved from blogs and contained slanderous statements addressed to the protagonist. Mass-media institutions should take responsibility for the materials they insert.

A part of the information from was borrowed from portal, which informed on 13 February 2014 that Leader of the Democratic Party is under criminal investigation in European Union15. Apart from the assessments made by the author, who claims Plahotniuc is the factual leader of DP, the article contains photo editing procedures: the background of the photo presenting Plahotniuc includes the initials of four media institutions: Publika, Prime, Canal 3 and 2 plus, the indirect message being that he owns these television channels. However, the image is not at all related to the text, as the text has no reference to these media. As a continuation of this topic, on 14 February 2014, publishes Val Butnaru’s retort to Democratic Party’s accusations that he would be involved in a manipulation campaign: Plahotniuc is accused of lying just as in the case of his monitoring by Interpol16. The subtle and less subtle manipulation re-appears from the manner in which certain phrases have been worded. Thus, it is obvious that the law-enforcement bodies from Romania did not assert in their reply that the oligarch Plahotniuc would be part of a criminal proceeding. The following

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- 13 - paragraph is also inaccurately and manipulatively written: according to an official reply from Romanian authorities, the criminal file initiated against the prime-deputy president and real owner of Democratic Party from Moldova has been transferred to the Unit for criminal investigation under the Prosecutor’s Office subordinated to the Higher Court of Cassation of Romania. The official letter refers only to the name and issues no additional qualifiers. Similarly, the news makes reference to Vladimir Plahotniuc’s use of double identity, without invoking any source.

Accent TV discussed the issue lightly during the show In direct from 13 February 2014, which was attended by a representative of the Communist Party from R. Moldova. Being asked to comment on the criminal case involving Plahotniuc, the guest convincedly noted that Plahotniuc violated the law and had to be punished. To be noted that the show presenter addressed questions which generated answers meant to cast a dark light on Vladimir Plahotniuc. The presenter shared own opinions, claiming that the deputy Guma had been sacrificed in order to distract the public attention from Plahotniuc’s case. Timpul newspaper published a single article on this issue, on 13 February 2014, featuring at the column Important. The news was entirely borrowed from, but the headline was changed: Plahotniuc reveals that the so-called criminal file in Romania is actually a notification submitted by Val Butnaru, on behalf of Jurnal trust17. The article mainly stated the opinion of Democratic Party towards this subject and came with explanations as related to the procedure of registering notifications by Court in the neighbouring country. The other media either briefly reported on this case, or ignored it. It is the case of Prime TV, Ziarul Naţional, TV Moldova 1, KP v Moldove, Publika TV. In such a manner, manipulation through ommission occurred, as the public has been deprived of public interest information with regard to the existence or non-existence of criminal records in relation to an ex-deputy, at present leader of a governing party.

Issue 4: Annual report of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs (MDA) on the degree of criminality (24 February – 2 March 2014)

Context. On 24 February 2014, the Minister of Domestic Affairs publicised the annual work report of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs for the year 2013. He described ten main accomplishments of this Ministry in the year 2013, among which: the increase in the level of trust in MDA and police, fighting criminality, the decrease by 33% in the number of road accident victims. According to the data progressively displayed in the report, the year 2002 sets the beginning of a continuous decrease in the number of registered and unraveled offences and crimes. But, since 2007, this trend takes the opposite direction, registering a significant step-up in 2009, with a continuously-growing number of crimes. Throughout the year 2013, 35226 crimes and offences were registered, from which 134 are exceptionally serious, 905 - extremely

17 zisul+dosar+penal+din+Rom%C3%A2nia%2C+este+de+fapt+o+sesizare+depus%C4%83+de+Val+Butnaru%2C+%C3%AEn+numel e+trustului+Jurnal&submit=

- 14 - serious, 5426 - serious, 20027 - less serious and 8734 are light. Out of the total number of crimes, 81.6% stand for light and less serious offences.

This report served as an important subject for numerous articles and news spread by the monitored mass-media institutions, and the perspective of approaching the subject varied depending on mass-media’s level of partisanship: in favour or not of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs. In terms of frequency, the portal was the leader, publishing altogether seven news articles on the concerned topic. The majority of them presented detailed statistical data about the level of criminality, making a comparison with the data of 2009, when the governments changed. A part of the materials was biased and manipulative, presenting the information from the perspective of the reporter/author, without making reference to the experts in the field, who could have clarified the situation in general. Recean claims Moldova has become ”an island of road safety” with about 300 deaths caused by road accidents18 is the headline of an article published on 24 February 2014. It reports the statistical data provided by Recean during the press conference and includes the opinion of the reporter who declares that “Almost 300 dead and more than 3200 injured people in road accidents on the national roads is not an alarming indicator for the Minister of Domestic Affairs”. It should be mentioned that Minister Recean compares the situation with the year 2013, as well as with other countries in the region, where, according to an international report, the situation is worse than in R. Moldova. Generally speaking, the portal includes the respective information in the body of the article, but the title and the lead are tendentious, throwing doubts on Recean’s words. They also do not present opinions of other experts from additional reports which would prove the contrary. Year 2013 set the record for the offences committed in Moldova – with about 14 thousand more than in 200919 is the title of another article (, 24 February 2014), which included the reporter’s opinion straight in the lead. „In 2013, the criminality in Moldova has grown systematically, even if the Minister of Domestic Affairs, Dorin Recean, praises the institution which he runs for an efficient activity and good results”, the reporter declares, breaching thus the principle of segregating the facts from opinions in news. Among other means of manipulating information one can ennumerate the following procedures: presenting inaccurate figures in headlines, highlighting certain statistical data, highlighting – listing a whole range of offences committed in the public area, exaggerating information (see, for instance, the article In 2013, the number of extremely serious crimes augmented by 10 percent20 or Last year crimes in Moldova caused damages worth one billion MDL21; the text talks about approximately 723 million MDL, contrary to almost 1 billion, stated in the headline). It is noteworthy that all news perform an analysis of statistical data and ae compared by the author, without resorting to experts’ opinions in the field, who would clarify the situation and ensure more credibility to the information. Thus, when speaking about statistical data, it is

18 19 20 21

- 15 - important to clarify certain aspects and it is highly relevant to reproduce detailed and clear information which would enable the reader to make an impression about the state-of-the-play in the field. It should include the reasons/factors contributing to increases/decreases, and operate not only with percent, but also with the specific number of crimes and offences. When the article announces that the number of extremely serious crimes grew by 9.5%, it is equaly important to indicate a figure, either the number of crimes in 2013, or the same number for the previous year. It is rather difficult for the media consumer to understand this percentage. And the fact that no details were given in relation to specific segments where the changes occurred made the materials rather difficult to understand and perceive. To the contrary of the above, other media institutions selected mainly information referring to MDA accomplishments from the press conference, as well as the objectives of this institution for the upcoming year, the data on criminality evolution being either left aside, or presented partially, without making any highlight on them as an alarming issue. The news does not analyse the statistical data or the context for recording such data, does not interview experts who might explain certain situations and circumstances. As a rule, positive information is presented, by reporting that the Service for Civil Protection and Emergency Situations is the institution which rejoices the greatest trust on behalf of the citizens, and the reform in police sector brings good results and citizens begin to change their understanding in relation to law- enforcement body employees. The modality of news coverage by such media is not at all helpful to the citizens in their attempt to understand the situation in the field. And the fact that positive aspects are presented in forefront can be interpreted as informational manipulation with the goal to polish MDA’s image. Thus, by just presenting positive issues, the public is deprived of truthful information and is manipulated, receiving the message that things are perfect in the country once only positive things are reported in the news. Examples of such news can be found in Ziarul National: Recean found a solution for corrupt policemen reinstated in their positions following court decisions, Timpul: MDA shows the balance sheet for 2013: Increase in the level of road safety AND number of light offences, MDA’s activity report for the year 2013, Moldova 1: MDA to give account.

The general conclusion after having viewed/read the materials is - the complex picture on the criminality in the country can be reconstituted as a puzzle, grounding on the information collected from many media. None of the materials gave a detailed and comprehensive presentation of information, and no professional analyses have been made.

Issue 5: Resignation of the Minister of Defence (24 February – 2 March 2014) Context. On 27 February 2014, the Minister of Defence, Vitalie Marinuță, announced his resignation. The announcement was made following the sitting of the College of Ministry of Defence, attended as well by President . According to the Presidency, the President of the country brought harsh criticism to the leadership of Ministry of Defence and National Army, and scolded Marinuță for the lack of discipline in the army, which led to several suicides and desertions. On the other side, Vitalie Marinuță claimed he gave up the position for reason that the President would have requested more empowerment for the Supreme Commandor of Army, which he disagreed with. Further on, some media informed that

- 16 - Marinuță’s resignation would have tangencies with the request from the members of the Parliament to be provided with a plot of land, which was initially foreseen for building a block- building for military offices.

The issue was differently approached by the monitored mass-media institutions, the most active one being, counting seven articles altogether. Their great majority presented information mainly from a single point of view or even without references to any sources, without observing the presumption of innocence, by using pejorative language and labels, repetitive context information, as well as inexact statements associated with statistical data. Thus, certain news reported about nine dead soldiers during Marinuţă’s mandate as Minister of Defence: Timofti was only one messenger of the Minister of Defence’s resignation22, other articles talk about eight dead soldiers Marinuţă blames Timofti for his incompetent approach in the defence sector23. The ex-Minister of Defence is accused of having been involved in transactions with selling weapons to Lybian extremists Minister of defence, Vitalie Marinuţă, resigned24, such context information being reiterated in the majority of news. It should be mentioned that this piece of information makes no reference to any reliable source, being mostly grounded on reporters’ statements. Other illustrations of biased and manipulative news, involving labelling and non-division of facts from opinions: The „bloodiest” Minister of Defence - dismissed25, Timofti identified the necessary ”situation” for the Minister Marinuţă’s dismissal26, The resigning Minister of Defence is not aware of the situation in National Army27

The other monitored media have briefly covered the topic, informing about the resignation of Marinuţă and reasons invoked by both parties - the Presidency and the former Minister. The reasons did not specify any context information on the situation in army, or other details related to the problems encountered while reforming the army and the divergencies between the President and the Minister, no additional sources have been quoted, either from Liberal Reformist Party or from the opposition, etc. The news items on the Minister’s resignation and President’s decree dismissing the former were brief and informative. No analysis have been made and no opinions have been requested from experts who could have helped the media consumer to better understand the real reasons for the resignation of Minister of Defence.

Issue 6: Attempt to bribe the deputies of the Parliament of R. Moldova (14 – 21 February and 3-16 March 2014)

Context: On 14 February 2014 this year, two deputies of the Parliament of Republic of Moldova, Valentina Stratan (Democratic Party) and Iurie Ciorescu (Liberat Democratic Party of Moldova),

22 23 24 25 26 27

- 17 - pointed out that certain people tried to bribe them and determine them „to abandon their Parliamentary factions and adhere to a new political force with great prospects”. Further on, on 7 March 2014, officers from the National Anti-corruption Centre announced about the first arrests in the case involving attempts to bribe a deputy. According to the Centre, a mediator had to pass 250 thousand USD to a deputy, in exchange for the latter’s declaration about his withdrawal from the coalition at the Parliamentary tribune. According to the media, the deputy to be bribed would be Anatol Arhire, from Liberal Reformist Party faction. On 13 March 2014, the National Anti-corruption Centre announced they had detected 500,000 Euros as a result of complex processual-criminal actions, conducted under the investigation on the attempt to bribe the deputies. The Liberal Democratic Party and Democratic Party suggested that such actions could be backed up by the businessman and foreign forces which are hostile to Moldova’s European integration pathway. The deputies of the Liberal Reformist Party, similar to Communist deputies, declared that everything had been set up by the deputies under coalition, with the goal to victimize themselves. It should be noted that this arrest took place shortly after a Democratic deputy had announced his withdrawal from Democratic Party, for reason that he disagreed with the Party’s internal policy, and other Democratic deputies announced they were thinking whether to follow or not his example.

The media approached the concerned subject from various points of view, with different highlights. Prime TV and Publika TV, for instance, broadcast numerous materials by reporting the deputies’ statements in great detail, about the attempts to bribe them, the steps undertaken by the National Anti-corruption Centre and anti-corruption prosecutors. Having regard to the manner in which the subjects and sources had been selected, as well as frequency of coverage, one can conclude that these media informed the citizens unilaterally, inoculating the idea of bribery attempt. On the other side, other media (Jurnal TV,,, Accent TV) questioned the accuracy of such information, claiming this could be a scenario set up by Democratic Party leaders to distract the atention from the person of Vladimir Plahotniuc, or to compromise certain deputies. Likewise, detailed analyses were missing, and no experts who would have analysed the issue from various perspectives had been quoted.

Prime TV spread four news items in relation to this subject, which was discussed as well during the show Replica. Most of the news support the idea that the attempt to bribe would originate from the businessman Veaceslav Platon. The main sources are representatives and leaders of Liberal Democratic Party and Democratic Party, who also support the idea of Platon’s involvement in this case (see, e.g., the report from show Replica dated with 16 February 2014, entitled Attack against the coalition, in which Platon is quoted indirectly, making reference to other media sources for which Platon denied the accusations). To be mentioned that, in order to support the hypothesis of Platon’s involvement in this case, the news makes reference to another subject on his hearing-participation at one of the sittings of a Parliamentary Commission. The section where Platon addresses to the audience with „dear colleagues and future colleagues” is inserted, enabling the TV-viewers to infer that he already sees himself in the Parliament. The background information provides data relating to the period when Platon was a deputy from (Rom: AMN), as well as details about the possibility of

- 18 - him running controversial businesses. The two news items in March 2014 on the arrests made by National Anti-Corruption Centre repeatedly bring arguments to Platon, stating that foreign sources would back up the attempts to bribe the M.P.s. They mention that Platon denied the accusations, but gave hints that he could return to politics. Opinions expressed both by the governing coalition and the opposition are inserted. As regards the coalition, heads of parties are quoted as sources, in order to confer weight to the statements.

Publika TV did not hesitate to approach this subiect every time new details appeared. Altogether, the television channel broadcast six news items during the reference period, additionally discussing the subject in two shows Fabrika. The reports presented more sources, mostly independent from each other, including opinions of experts and relevant context information. The great majority of reports covered the actions of law-enforcement bodies and reactions of colaition leaders, as well as the transfer of guilt to Veaceslav Platon. In the text posted its website, certain paragraphs from sources’ declarations are highlighted, such as, e.g. – The majority of coalition deputies are strong people, We have no reasons to panic, which can be interpreted as a subtle action of informational manipulation. See, for instance, the news from 14 February 2014: ATTEMPT to dissolve the governing coalition. ”Someone trying to bribe the deputies”28 or news from 20 Febriary 2014: Declarations of governing coalition leaders about corruption of MPs: "There are no reasons to stir panic29 The newspaper KP v Moldove inserted numerous small articles retrieved from, accompanied by video. The position of the alliance on this subject is presented, and the accusations forwarded by the coalition towards Veaceslav Platon are published.

Overall, the portal spread 10 articles on the same subject. The news from February 2014 (four pieces altogether) were tendentious, aiming to convince the public opinion that the announcement made by the deputies and the activities stated by National Anti-Corruption Centre as well as Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office would be a set-up of the leading parties. The biasness could well be observed through the wording of certain biased headlines, inclusion of own opinions in the leads and news texts, lack of sources for information, launching of certain accusations against specific persons, without bringing evidence to support such declarations, use of specific labels. Generally speaking, the news items were structured so as to present brief information about the event itself, and insert, afterwards, details on other alleged cases of corruption, with indication of concrete names and figures, but without mentioning any reliable sources. In some cases, reference is done to the general media or to political analysts in general. As for the articles disseminated on 7 March 2014 (six in total), these were more reserved in declarations, and quoted various sources, and the context information was relevant. Examples of biased headlines: Plahotniuc’s party launches ludicrous versions of endeavours to buy its deputies30, 14 February 2014; Intelligence Service to investigate the

28 deputati_1807731.html 29 alarmam_1815131.html 30

- 19 - information on endeavours to bribe deputies selectively and preferentially31, 17 February 2014; Prosecutor’s office controlled by Plahotniuc involves in examining stupidities forwarded by coalition deputies, 17 February 2014; Plahotniuc’s person admits that General Prosecutor’s office selectively examines the deputies’s bribery32, 18 February 2014. The context information present in all articles posted on 14, 17 and 18 February refers either to Sergiu Sîrbu’s „enticing” who, according to, would have cashed 400 thousand Euros for adhering to another faction, or to the bribery of ”Dodon group” deputies in order to abandon the Communist Party, the sum amounting to 3 million Euros”which Igor Dodon would have received from the leader of Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Filat, and real owner of Democratic Party, Vladimir Plahotniuc”. In such cases, one can infer not only the serious violation of the Deontology Code, but also the infringement of some legal provisions, for instance provisions of Law on the freedom of expression (provisions referring to presumption of innocence). Under circumstances when no evidence has been presented to prove the concerned persons have been bribed or have bribed someone, the respective people might have reasons for bringing the agency to court for calumny. On the other side, it is worth mentioning that only the reporters from remarked the divergences between the statements issued by National Anti-Corruption Centre representatives and Anti-Curruption Prosecutor’s office officials, which are meant somehow to support the hypothesis underpinning the set-up of deputies’ bribery attempt. Quotes are analysed, facts which generates discrepancies between declarations and numerous questions related to this case.

Accent TV addressed the issue in three shows and one piece of news. All the shows discussed the bribery issue tangentially. In the majority of cases, the issue was approached from a single point of view, the guests claiming this story was made up artificially with the goal to divert the attention of the public from main problems. The presenters were supportive of the opinions expressed in the shows, wording the questions so as to criticise the governing coalition (show 1+1 from 17 February 2014). The news on 17 February 2014, metaphorically entitled „Something’s rotten in the kingdom!” shows the author in position of commentator, sharing his opinions with regard to the bribery attempt. It is evident that the text is a subjective one, interwoven with personal interpretations. Thus, it says: „…few details are provided, but the panic is obvious” or „fear has pushed the authorities to imperatively request the criminal investigation of the bribery endeavour”. The opinion of on Liberal Democratic Party representative is also given, followed by a great background recalling all bribery attempts since 2009 till present. The author concludes that the governing officials haven’t notified the Prosecutor’s office about the „buyers” of deputies.

Jurnal TV and had the same editorial policy, sceptically approaching the issue. The conveyed messages would be: the alleged endeavours to bribe the MPs is a scenario made up by Vladimir Plahotniuc, who is, thus, trying to direct the public opinion against the businessman Veaceslav Platon. The sources quoted in the news and the guests during the shows supported

31 32

- 20 - the same idea (see, for instance, Bribery of deputies – coup de theatre33: ”The presumed efforts to bribe the deputies are a fairytale, a coup de theatre, a play in which the law-makers are check pieces” (Jurnal TV, 13 March 2014), Buying deputies – story invented by Plahotniuc and Filat34 (, 20 March 2014).

Ziarul Naţional displayed numerous articles, by which it gave the floor to those suspect of being the bribery attempt targets. The quoted sources are mainly representatives of the governing parties, but experts’ opinions are missing (the latter might have provided alternative views on this controversial situation). The online version of Timpul newspaper retrieved more articles from different sources - five altogether about this issue. They informed either about the steps taken by National Anti- corruption Centre and Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office, or about the feedback shown by leaders of the governing coalition on this topic.

The public television Moldova 1 had three news items in this period, which covered mainly the actions performed by National Anti-corruption Centre on 7 March 2014. The news was purely informative, and sources independent of each other were used, condemning any endeavor to bribe a member of the Parliament. All news items approached the subject in a shallow manner, without trying to get an in-depth understanding of the problem or making appeal to alternative sources, experts, etc. (see, for instance, the news programs Mesager of 7 March 2014 and 13 March 2014).

The other monitored mass-media institutions were reserved in terms of describing the concerned issue, publishing information without serious deviations from professional and ethical norms.

Issue 7: Parliament’s request to allocate a land plot to build a block-building for deputies (10- 16 March 2014)

Context. The media wrote that a group of 47 deputies (16 from Liberal Democratic Party, 14 from Communist Party, 7 from Liberal Reformist Party, 6 from Democratic Party and 4 independent MPs) have forwarded a petition to the Speaker of the Parliament claiming they need better living conditions and requesting the construction of a block-building, where they could buy flats for themselves. To his turn, the Speaker addressed the Government with the request to allocate a plot of land in Chisinau downtown. This plot is under the management of the Ministry of Defense and houses for militaries were to be built on it. Line agencies estimate the cost of this plot as worth 1 million Euros. Provided that the plot is assigned for the construction of the block-building, the deputies will be able to buy the flats at approximately 350 Euros per square meter. At the present moment, the price for a square meter on the real estate market ranges between 500 and 800 Euros per square meter. The civil society protested

33 34

- 21 - against Prime-Minister Leanca’s signing the concerned document. Having considered the feedback in the media, more deputies announced they abandoned their request.

During 10-16 March 2014, this subject stirred the interest of most mass-media subject to monitoring. Their great majority criticized the deputies’ intention to ensure cheap houses for themselves under circumstances when many social categories do not have access to similar privileges. Others preferred to keep silent on the concerned issue, providing just dry and brief information on it, and only after several protests had been staged in front of the Parliament’s building.

The most hard-working television channel was Jurnal TV, gathering in total six news items in this period, and the subject was discussed either directly or indirectly in two shows. The TV channel investigated the topic step by step, in its attempt to unravel alleged fraudulent and corrupted schemes. In most of the cases, the news was biased; and this partiality comes out of headlines, as well as text content. Some materials even contained erroneous figures. Millionaires, but begging for state housing! Although rich with millions and luxurious houses, deputies still strive to get flats in capital’s downtown at twice cheaper prices than the market ones35, was a headline of Jurnal TV on 10 March 2014, mentioning that only 16 MPs from those who undersigned the concerned request had no mentioning of a dwelling place in their statements on income and fortune. Although quoting the same sources, the second news item spread on 11 March shows different figures, claiming that only five out of 47 signatories do not have any house or flat in their possession, according to the statements on income and fortune. In some cases, the reporter does not separate the facts from opinion, such as, for instance, the news of 12 March 2014, entitled 101 flats for the elected36. The reporter notes that “Deputies are trying to persuade us that they will buy flats at market price, but they cannot explain why they request the plot of land estimated at one million Euros from the state. A fishy thing is that, initially, most of them denied the existence of such an initiative”. The issue was well discussed on 12 March 2014 during the show ”Ora expertizei”, which had only journalists and political commentators as guests, but no recognised experts, e.g. from real estate sector who could have confirmed or refute the information previously spread by the media. No interventions of the directly concerned persons occurred in the show. On 13 March 2014, Jurnal TV disseminates a news item about the alleged interest of a Liberal Democratic deputy to build the block-building for MPs: No firm, no mixing of the buttons37. The TV channel makes reference to documents which confirm that one of the deputies has a construction company and to anonymous sources who would have previously declared that the same company would build the block-building for deputies. In order to give more credibility to the above and show that the concerned deputy is not at all honest, Jurnal TV refers to an older piece of news when, according to this TV channel, the liberal-democratic deputy is caught playing fast and loose. The news portal approached the issue similarly as Jurnal TV, covering mainly information on the list of signatory deputies, excerpts from their statements on income certifying they already have houses (see, e.g.: Deputies want flats in the heart of the

35 36 37

- 22 - city at cheap prices, 10 March 2014; Deputies queuing for flats: „What is the problem?”38, 11 March 2014; List of deputies requesting cheap flats39, from 11 March).

The newspaper Timpul addressed the subject from the same perspective, highlighting the impertinence of the deputies who desire cheap houses. (INCREDIBLE) Deputies want flats in the city centre at twice cheaper prices40, is one of the headlines in Timpul on 12 March 2014, making reference to other newspapers such as Ziarul Naţional and Adevărul Moldova, and borrowing figures about properties of deputies who require new housing. The author’s attitude towards the material protagonists may be perceived by the public from the very lead which starts with „Despite having millions and luxurious houses, deputies want to have flats in the city centre at twice cheaper prices as compared to the market.” The lead having no source, just as the background information, seems to be the author’s opinion, thus infringing the principle of clear separation of facts from opinions. In another material published on 12 March 2014 under the title Filat about deputies’ houses: They WILL NOT receive gifts!41, the title is obscure and likely to confuse the reader. Judging from the manner it has been worded, it seems that Filat opposes the deputies’ initiative. However, the text reveals he does not think this block-building to be a gift from the state, since the deputies will buy the flats, and other categories of population might live as well in the same house.

Ziarul Naţional was rather moderate on this issue, presenting both the opinion of Chairman of the Parliament (Corman about „deputies block-building”: „Not all signatories to the list will be part of the project”42, 13 March 2014), and data on subtleties of the business, taken from one investigation of MoldovaCurată.md portal Hidden interests in the scandal about „MPs’ block- building”43, 14 March 2014). In a different material, entitled Deputies’ ABANDONED nest: Either sold the flats bought at half price, or donated them to children44 of 15 March 2014, Ziarul Naţional aimed to inform about the evolution of other block-buildings built for Moldovan deputies during the Communist governance. Thus, according to ZN, most of the deputies who received cheap flats in Chisinau centre during the period 2004-2006 either sold them immediately, or donated them to their children. The author’s biased attitude towards the subject can be felt due to the abundant use of qualifiers and expressions such as: got hold of cheap flats; a special house for „the elected”; the demanding „beggars”; was not shy to fit in- between the list. did not publish any material in the first days, approaching the subject only on 13 March 2014 (overall nine news items, six of which were spread during one day), when a group of protesters staged a protest in front of the Parliament, and the Communist deputy Alexandr

38 39 40 56345.html 41 42 43 44 le-au-donat-copiilor/

- 23 - Petcov delivered a speech in the Parliament on this issue. The context information refers to what media had been writing before, but does not stipulate which deputies endorsed the petition. The blame is on Corman who sent the letter to the Prime-Minister, talking about traffic of influence on behalf of the latter. A link is established between the plot of land intended for militaries’ houses and the speaker’s request. The great majority of news items are misbalanced in terms of sources, and Corman’s point of view is included in a single piece of news.

Generally speaking, although being a controversial subject and leaving room for interpretation, it was covered by Moldova 1 in brief and dry news items, which come out telegraphically, without any pros or cons. The public channel mirrored the subject only in the context of the protest staged at the Parliament organised on 13 March 2014 by members and supporters of various political parties, who expressed their discontent in relation to deputies’ intention to procure cheap prices in the block building intended for deputies (Mesager of 13 March 2014).

The issue was concisely and indirectly approached by other monitored mass-media institutions.

Issue 8: Commemorating five years since 7 April 2009 events (7-14 April 2014)

Context. On 7 April 2014, five years passed since the violent riots from 7 April 2009 which, according to official data, resulted in one death and dozens of injured. The riots prompted anticipated Parliamentary elections, which determined afterwards the changing of power in Republic of Moldova. Although at that time accusations arose from both sides (power and opposition) on who might have backed up the violent protesters, it is already five years from the event and no evidence has been presented allowing toprove the involvement of either of the parties in the organisation of protests.

The mass-media subject to monitoring during 7-14 April 2014 had their own perspective on this issue. Some media institutions reported about the issue very discreetly, in one or two pieces of news, without too much context information, while others devoted more space to this topic, trying to bring more accusations to the address of certain politicians.

In its news program of 7 April 2014, Jurnal TV prepared four reports on the respective issue. The first material was a flash-back of 7 April 2009 events and the years which followed, broadly including comprehensive information and decent images. At the same time, at a certain moment, the news makes reference to the judge Oleg Melniciuc, overcalled ”the judge from hell”, and his god-father, Chairman of the High Court of Justice, Mihai Poalelungi, both featuring in the image. It is unclear why reference is made to Melniciuc, since the list of judges labelled by the media as „from hell”, who judged the young protesters straight in police station buildings, contains more names. And Mihai Poalelungi was not even in the country at that moment, serving as judge at ECHR. This approach shows a subtle endeavour to manipulate information, so that a part of the guilt for organising protests would be transferred to exponents having certain links with a political party (DP). This fact is confirmed by the following

- 24 - news item, which is exclusively devoted to the Democratic Party deputy chairperson, Vladimir Plahotniuc, focusing on his alleged involvement in organising the protests from 7 April 2009. The reporter initially starts from the idea that DP deputy chairperson is guilty and seeks for sources supporting his hypothesis. All sources were selected so as to blame the protagonist of the material. This is a clear tendency for manipulation, very easily noticed from the manner in which the reporter formulates questions for various persons.

Ziarul Naţional addressed this topic in six materials, including editorials, news and photo- reports. These displayed information about some events organised by the civil society and Liberal Democratic Youth of Moldova. Two materials directly presenting the guilt of specific persons for maltreatment of youngsters does not quote the concerned persons. Another material issued at the news column brings statistical data without mentioning the source, and, on the whole, the material is constructed in a blameful manner. Generally speaking, the material does not comply either with the rigors of a news item or with those typical of an analysis-investigation, as the journalist’s opinion prevails, the latter operating with specific figures. More probably, this material should have been inserted at the opinion column: FIGURES // Bare truth about „7 April file”45.

The public television channel Moldova 1 spread two news items on this issue. Thus, on 7 April 2014, Moldova 1 inserts the news Searching for the truth, a controversial material launching accusations towards the ex-President Vladimir Voronin. The second piece of news headed Echo of the uprising presents the opinions of two victims of 2009 protests, as well as the opinion of Valeriu Boboc’s father, found dead as a result of those events.



Monitoring period: 18-24 April 2014 Monitored TV channels: Rossiya 24, RTR, Pervyi Kanal, Ren TV and NTV Object of monitoring: main news programs and debates/talk shows occurring during primetime.

General tendencies The monitoring results conclude that the most manipulative TV channels were RTR and Rossiya 24, which resorted to deliberate misinformation in their attempt to demonize Kiev authorities and victimize the separatists from the South-East. Manipulation occurred especially by exacerbating facts, filtering information and selecting sources, as well as due to the tendentiousness and tonality of presenting the concerned characters. The highest majority of news items were unilateral, displaying the reality from the angle of so-called representatives of the regions, without offering sufficient access to central authorities in order to express their view. Because of the images employed, certain media conveyed messages likely to cause panic in the society, and create a feeling of anarchy and chaos. The materials spread by RTR and Rossiya 24 promoted the idea of recognizing the legacy of the secessionist act, as well as the United States involvement in maintaining the conflict. The main messages delivered to the public were that Ukrainian army together with the ”Right sector” (Pravyi sector) is attacking its own people, the assailants are aggressing and killing peaceful civilians, and hunting for activists, and the authorities are unwilling to solve the conflict diplomatically. In terms of the frequency of monitored news items, NTV, Pervyi Kanal and Ren TV proved to be more moderate, diffusing, on average, 2-3 news items in the main news programs on a daily basis. Their content, however, was greatly similar to news of RTR and Rossiya 24, bearing the same tendencies for presenting reality from Moscow’s point of view and from a secessionist perspective.

Rossiya 24

Rossiya 24 television channel has massively reported on this subject in their news programs. Altogether, 38 news items of this topic have been broadcast during the reference period.

Selection of issues The main issues approached were as follows: negotiations and signing of Geneva agreement; cities aligning with the so-called “Popular Republic of Donetsk”; intervention of Ukrainian militaries against persons promoting federalization; aggression shown by the ”Right sector”; aggression against the pro-Russian candidate for Presidential elections, Oleg Ţariov; restrictions imposed by Ukraine for Russian citizens’ entering the country; armed attacks on behalf of Ukrainian army, resulted in the death of three people and self-defense actions undertaken by Slaviansk inhabitants; disappearance of a producer from NTV television channel in Slaviansk, etc.

- 26 - Generally speaking, the respective issues covered a good part (about 90 percent) of the first half an hour of the news program.

Angle and perspective of approach The main messages conveyed by the news were: ”Right sector” prepares terrorist acts and is ready for a war, inhabitants are distrustful in relation to the new authorities, Ukrainian mass- media misinforms, military soldiers destroy and demolish, Kiev administration and its supporters are two-faced and hypocritical, Kiev neglects the Geneva agreement, Kiev did not order the disarmament of Maidan protesters, the members of “popular army” will restrict the access of everyone on their land, and will not hand in their weapons, but fight till the end. On the other side, the spread information confers a veridical character to the idea that Ukrainian army is starving and does not how to fight, and Kiev would be backed up by the USA (through statements that members of the ”Right sector” held by pro-Russians carried foreign production weapons, which cannot be found in Russia or Ukraine (news program from 20 April 2014).

Information sources In most cases, the information sources depended on each other and represented mainly promoters of federalization (officials, activists, citizens), with anti-central authorities and anti- USA views. In some cases, representatives of Kiev, both authorities and members of the „Right sector”, acted as sources. As regards central authorities, these were most frequently quoted as whether confirming certain arguments worded by the reporter (e.g. Kiev is reluctant to disarmament (18 April 2014), Kiev infringes the Geneva agreement (23 April 2014), or they may have appeared as ignorant (did not know details about the restrictions at the Ukrainian border (18 April 2014). On the other side, reporters made appeal to deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, sympathizers of secessionist regions, who confirmed the huge number of weapons held by protesters on Maidan (18 April 2014). ”Right sector” members appeared as sources in the media whether to confirm their unwillingness to hand in their legally-owned weapons, or confirm their request for the execution of Ţariov, pro-Russian candidate running for Ukrainian Presidential elections (18 April 2014).

- 27 - Video images and language employed

In numerous cases, the news was accompanied by video images depicting war helicopters, armored cars carrying the flag of “Popular republic of Donetsk”, besieged cars, persons with their face masked, pogroms, fire shootings, injured people, fire, dead bodies, funerals of the killed persons. It is worth noting that, although no cases of obvious manipulation of video images had been registered, as the monitoring period was relatively calm in the context of Easter holidays, still the Ukrainian media experts signaled numerous cases of gross News program "Vesti", May 16, 2014 manipulation of information and video images. A relevant example in this respect would be the broadcasting on 16 May 2014 of a fake report, using false images. So, at minute 3:22 of report ”Priseaga pod stvolami: pocemu iz Naţgvardii ubegaiut kontraktniki”46 (English – ”Oath under gun threat: why the contract-based military soldiers run away from the National Guard”), images of Ukraine’s Donetsk region are unrolled, depicting a body of a deserter from the National Guard, who might have been killed by Ukrainian forces for betrayal. In reality, these video images had been shot on 18 November 2012, during a Russians’ anti- terrorist operation in Baxanionok

Rossia 24, November 18, 2012 place, Cabardino-Balkar region from Russian Federation47. This case proves the bad-will misinformation and may be qualified as propaganda, since the report deliberately spreads false information, with the goal to demonize a part of the conflict.

As regards the terms used when referring to representatives of regions wishing federalization, the reports very frequently contain such words as: “members of the popular army”, “activists”.

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- 28 - As for official representative of Kiev central government, labeling occurs: “murderers”, “slaviki”, “Kiev junta”, “fascists” (see, e.g. the news programs from 22 and 23 April 2014). Some pieces of news are worded in a manner so as to cause adverse reactions and raise panic among population: “At the beginning they only beat him, now they are threatening him with execution” (in news about aggression of Oleg Ţariov, on 18 April 2014) or “we already know that there are 11 thousand civilians from national army and right sector among those planning the attack” (in news from 24 April 2014). Details describe the manner in which they are divided, what and how many cars they own, and what weapons they plan to use.


Throughout the monitoring period, RTR television channel has had a lot of news programs and reports, altogether 43, plus one debate show – Voskresnyi vecher. A part of the news broadcast by RTR was retrieved as well by Rossiya 24, usually the reports being complex.

Selection of issues This television channel gave priority to: subjects referring to negotiations and Geneva agreement; the intention to organize the referendum in south-eastern regions on 11 May 2014 on the right to self-determination; the operation conducted by Kiev military officers resulted in the death of one person, and many injured ones; discovery of weapons bearing Right sector symbols; restrictions imposed to Russian citizens aged between 16-60 at the Ukrainian border; Kiev’s decision to commence the anti-terrorist operation as a consequence of the death of a deputy; siege of Slaviansk; Luhansk miners’ protest; hysteria of “small green people” (Rus: „zelenyie chelovecicki”) and rewards for their hunting.

Angle and perspective of approach The main messages transmitted by the news were: number of cities protesting against Kiev politics is growing constantly, people fight for federalization, for the right to speak in their language and are ready to confront the enemy; activists easily acquire military technique; activists do not give in the weapons for avoiding to be persecuted and killed afterwards. Simultaneously, TV-viewers were convinced of the idea that the new management of the Ministry of Defense is totally incompetent to run the army, soldiers and officers are neither fed, nor trained accordingly, and are kept in anti-sanitary conditions, the army at present is led by representatives of “Right sector”, and this made the soldiers and offices take the guns and upraise against their leaders; Ukrainian military officers refuse to fight for Maidan leadership; military soldiers and Militia soldiers join the popular army. Another idea stressed by means of news was that Right sector representatives have been aggressing peaceful citizens and requesting the execution of Oleg Ţariov, candidate for Presidential elections, and that Right sector members are drug-addicts. Other messages launch the idea of United States’ involvement in Ukrainian events, resulting in the aggravation of conflict. Washington is accused of being in an urgent need for a world crisis in order to escape its enormous foreign debts, and the conflict with Russia would be part of the scenario. Immediately, a connection is made

- 29 - between the visit of a high-level CIA official to Kiev and the beginning of special military operations in the south-east (see, e.g., the news programs from 19, 21, 23 April 2014). At the same time, the following ideas are intensively promoted: heroism and uniqueness of the Russian people, who prefer to die in order to defend their country during wars, as well as Russian armed forces being fully equipped with military technique (21 April 2014). In an attempt to confer weight and credibility to the messages, the opinion of Vladimir Putin is frequently quoted, opinion expressed during a live communication with the citizens (e.g. accusations brought to the USA, philosophy on the characteristics of the Russian people, historical context justifying the belonging of Ukraine’s south-eastern regions to Tsarist Russia).

Sources of information The great majority of news and reports broadcast by RTR during the reference period were unilateral, presenting mainly the opinion of Moscow and that of Ukraine federalization supporters. The main sources of information were the “activists“, members of the popular army, local inhabitants, miners, representatives of local authorities. As for the materials on the signing of Geneva agreement, other sources of information appeared: representatives of Moscow, Kiev, Washington. As a rule, sources standing for Kiev either did not know, or provided only concise details about the Geneva agreement, number of weapons, amnesty (see, e.g., news on restrictions at Ukrainian border, from news program of 18 April 2014, statement made by Ukrainian Minister of foreign affairs according to which Maidan would not fall under the effect of Geneva agreement (18 April 2014). A separate case mirrors an activist from “Euromaidan“, who, being taken as hostage, declared with tears in his eyes that people in Slaviansk were legally defending themselves. Foreign journalists who support Russia’s position in the conflict also feature as sources. It is worth mentioning that the Presidency runner Ţariov (supporter of federalization) was not the only candidate covered by RTR news. Unlike the first protagonist, who is mirrored as a victim and whose execution is desired by Right sector people, other candidates appear only in a negative light (for instance, Iaroş would possess weapons, Yulia Tymoshenko would have been booed by Donetsk people, and Simonenko would not even try to hide his disdain towards those whom he called separatists). The pluralism of opinion was only mimed in the materials spread during the reference period. Thus, as an illustration - the material about “Putin’s talk with the people“ announces that not only those supporting Crimea’s annexation had interventions during the period, but also those who did not support that idea, such as Irina Khakamada, ex-leader of Party “Nash vybor“. Still, the TV channel selected from her declarations only the paragraphs in which she was praising Putin (Vesti, 20 April 2014) and the pejorative feature of her speech remains obscure.

Video images and language employed Very often, the materials subject to hereby monitoring show that the reporters resorted to stand-ups on the background of fire, war-like technique, flying war planes, tanks and military equipment of Ukraine, people who would have been beaten by military officers and “Right sector”, dead bodies, injured persons under surgeries inside an administrative building, gun shots being heard, and soldiers arguing with their commanders (23 April 2014). On 21 April 2014, while reporting about John Brennon’s visit (CIA official) to Kiev, the TV channel

- 30 - manipulates the images, and his photograph is edited on the screen, arriving to look like a transvestite. News tickers spread during news programs and shows were sometimes alarmist and exaggerated, such as, for instance: “The right sector intends to execute the candidate Țariov!“ (18 April 2014), “Today Ukraine was about to start a massive civil war “ (24 April 2014). In some cases, the headlines of edition, as well as reports, include tendentious statements, such as “Geneva stepped upon, they spit on Geneva“ (21 April 2014). The news contain labels such as “radicals“, “bandits“, when referring to Right sector representatives, and “national-fascists“, “junta“, “without legitimate power “ - when referring to Kiev Government. Having analyzed the show „Voskresnyi vecher” of 20 April 2014, it is highly noticeable that it promotes certain theses, namely with regard to the USA’s involvement in Ukrainian events. During „Vesti v subbotu” of 19 April 2014, discussion focused on Yulia Tymoshenko who had requested military support from the USA. According to the television channel, she forwarded an ultimatum – if Moscow does not recall its military forces from south-eastern Ukraine, which are deemed to be there, Kiev will respond with guns. On 23 April 2014, RTR spreads the word that English-speaking persons are fighting alongside Ukrainians. The attempt to mime the pluralism of opinions should not be disregarded, such as, for instance, the show Voskresnyi vecher from 21 April 2014, during which, apart from representatives of Russian State Duma, two persons from Ukraine had been invited - one deputy from Verkhovna Rada and a candidate for Presidential elections due in May. The latter support the idea of Ukraine’s federalization and express views which are different from Kiev opinions.

Pervyi Kanal Although during the monitoring period Pervyi Kanal has had a less number of news items about the situation in Ukraine (altogether 20) as compared to Rossiya 24 and RTR, still, the issue has been approached from the same angle and that of secessionist regions, supported by the Russian Federation.

Selection of issues Pervyi Kanal covered mainly the same issues as the previous television channels: the Geneva agreement, restrictions imposed by Kiev authorities for Russian citizens aged between 16 and 60 to enter Ukraine unless being able to justify their presence, Putin’s statement on Geneva negotiations, wounding of a pro-Russian Militia officer, speech of the Patriarch, attack of outpost from Slaviansk, resulting in the death of people, victims from Donetsk, etc.

Angle and perspective of approach The relevant news have expressed the messages according to which: Ukraine refuses to comply with the Geneva agreement; inhabitants of regions are dissatisfied with Kiev’s new leadership, and a referendum would be their solution to escape from poverty; Lugansk dwellers want to be with Russia, and Donbass people are afraid to remain in the city; central authorities are sending troops against the people (18 April 2014); tension is growing; activists are disappearing; the head-hunting of those wishing federalization has begun, and rewards are ensured for certain actions; a fight has started against those running for Presidential elections and supporting

- 31 - federalization, and criminal files are initiated in relation to them, whereas some candidates are even threatened with death.

Sources of information Predominantly, the opinions of those supporting federalization is inserted in news. The main information sources were in most of the cases: representatives of the organizational committee for self-defense, „activists”, local people. Kiev authorities seldom make their appearance, and their view on federalization is not included, just as the opinion of inhabitants disagreeing with federalization. One thing worth mentioning is the presence of opinions outside Ukraine or Russia, such as those of journalists, bloggers from Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, and some American sources, who are either directly or indirectly supportive of Russia and doubtful as regards the correctness of Kiev conduct. Video images and language employed Video materials displayed include armed soldiers, images from funerals, military planes, barricades, armored cars. Journalists make use of such terms as “Popular republic of Donetsk”, “popular army” ”members of the popular army”, ”popular activists”, ”popular leader”. On the contrary, those disapproving separatism are classified as ”radicals”, ”nationalists”. Some sources assess the situation as ”idiot”, ”hilarious”, claiming that these things occur due to the impotence of people who do not think, but are covered in panic. During the talk-show Politica from 24 April 2014, several opinions were stated likely to instigate to hatred and violence, such as, e.g. “we should be ready to kill and die for our country. When carrying a political dialogue, we must be ready to defend ourselves and die. (..) I opt for the annexation of Ukraine’s East or death”.


During the monitoring period, NTV television channel counted altogether 15 news programs and a synthesis program on the situation in South-Eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

Selection of issues The main issues addressed in the news were: negotiations and Geneva agreement; decision to commence disarmament, and this gained a lot of emission space with the stress that Kiev refused to execute the decision and disarm people from Maidan and radicals from Right sector; food blockade of the region; lack of medicine; Jirinovski’s statement on Kiev decision to restrict the free access of Russian citizens; tense situation in Slaviansk and Kramatorsk; Kiev’s anti- terrorist operation; the funerals of the dead as a result of attack. On the other side, the topic of Crimea’s annexation is targeted – transfer to Russian rubles, solution of water and oil supply problems, etc.

Angle and perspective of approach The great majority of news perpetuate the ideas that Kiev authorities apply double standards and cynically violate the Geneva agreement; the conflict does not involve forces outside

- 32 - Ukraine, the Ukrainians being the only aggressors; only Ukraine is guilty of what is happening in Kramatorsk and Slaviansk; the fights are backed-up by the ”Right sector” which shot unarmed civilians. The TV-viewers were informed about pro-Russians’ conviction to fight for their rights till the end. At the same time, the stress is laid on the weakness of the Ukrainian army, and the out-of-date condition of the military technique, Ukrainian military soldiers dispatched in south- east have not weapons and refuse to fight, and they live in miserable conditions, and, to sum up, the attitude of Kiev authorities, who are totally incompetent of taking decisions, is irresponsible. Consequently, more and more soldiers refuse to fight, and workers have taken to streets for protesting because of the poor economic and social conditions. A good deal of the materials accredits the idea that the USA would be involved in the conflict (see, e.g., news program of 23 April 2014, displaying opinions of American citizens who are extremely angry with the US decision to allocate almost five billion US dollars for this conflict. And the Russian Minister of Defense supports the idea that events in Ukraine are decided by the USA). At the same time, given the employed terminology (”Popular republic of Donetsk”, ”Popular Assembly of Donetsk”), the idea of separatist actions’ lawfulness is highly promoted.

Sources of information The great majority of news referred to sources such as: ”activists”, local people supporting federalization, as well as official sources from Moscow. Although present sometimes, the statements of Ukrainian officials are shadowed by the tendentious comments of reporters. Kiev authorities appear in the news explaining the issue of disarmament (see, e.g., news program from 18 April 2014), and that of special operations in the conflicting regions (24 April 2014). Other sources from Kiev represent the communists and some deputies-members of Party of Regions who condemn the actions of central government. NTV makes reference as well to texts of foreign journalists who „are very unclear” and cannot explain the two-faced steps of Kiev management and Western envoys.

Video images and language employed NTV uses images which are similar to those spread by other TV channels: helicopters overflying the sky, military soldiers, tanks, armored cars, fires, etc. The labels most frequently quoted by sources and citizens are: ”extremists”, ”nationalists”, ”alcoholics”, ”drug-addicts”. While addressing Kiev’s restriction for Russian citizens to cross the Ukrainian border, the deputy Vladimir Jirinovski employs a pejorative and obloquious language, which has not been paraphrased by the reporter. The shows broadcast during the reference period approached the subject on the same tonality. For instance, the show Segodnea (Weekly synthesis) from 20 April 2014 reflects only the position which is accusing Kiev. At the same time, NTV claims that Ukrainian television channels tell gross lies and population require their exclusion from the emission grid.

- 33 - Ren TV

The television channel REN TV approached the concerned issue less in news, giving priority to shows. Overall, the TV channel broadcast 12 news items and 2 thematic shows during the reference period.

Selection of issues The materials broadcast by REN TV highlighted the following: restrictions at the border; actions of national army in Kramatorsk; attack of a paratrooper from Kiev, as a result of which one person was injured; anti-terrorist operation of Kiev authorities in south-eastern regions; willingness of inhabitants to federalize the region; aggression of candidate running for Ukraine’s Presidential elections Oleg Ţariov; the statements of deputy Vladimir Jirinovski made in State Duma with regard to interdictions imposed by Ukraine for Russian citizens wishing to enter Ukraine; position of Vladimir Putin in relation to Russia’s involvement in Ukrainian conflict; the issue of „green small people who had been seen during Crimea operations and in the eastern region” (persons wearing green camouflage clothes), the latter benefiting from extended space during one show.

Angle and perspective of approach The messages which REN TV conveyed by its news relevant for hereby monitoring were that the army joins the supporters of federalization, and military officers are hungry and cannot fight. This idea is illustrated with the subject about the Ukrainian army general who had been taken as a hostage by a group of women (Svobodnoe vremea from 18 April 2014). Additionally, TV- viewers are informed that “Right sector” radicals dishonor women; the Militia shot popular activists; one family was threatened by a wild gang bullying Ukraine. TV-viewers also find out that the army is not ready to fight, Ukraine has not money for the army, but has begun the anti- terrorist operation against Ukraine’s east, and, respectively, military soldiers join pro-Russians (Nedelea, 19 April 2014). Other messages highlighted the victory of ”popular army from Donetsk” in the anti-terrorist operation, as well as the misery in which people live in the region, justifying, thus, their decision for requesting Donbass federalization.

Sources of information In its news, REN TV gave priority to ”activists”, members of local authorities, militants and soldiers of the popular army.

Video images and language employed The images perpetuated on the studio screens during the entire show „Svobodnoe vremea” dated with 18 April 2014 displayed tanks with soldiers carrying a flag of the self-proclaimed Popular Republic of Donetsk, helicopters, military soldiers, including masked ones. The tense atmosphere was maintained by means of the news tickers announcing ”The war goes on”, ”The East does not surrender”, ”they are trying to suppress the revolution with military technique”. The studio guests adopted a defiant tonality (”Ukrainian army is weak, it hasn’t succeeded in conquering at least one loo”), and snapshots from comedy movies were included in all reports broadcast during the entire show. The same images appeared as well in the news program,

- 34 - having a Soviet melody as background music and being accompanies by the images of a military helicopter overflying a railway junction, a plane flying close to earth. The sources used labels as ”the princess with a plait”/or scythe (Rus: prințesa s kosoi - referring to Yulia Tymoshenko), ”radicals from Right sector”, ”bandits”, ”criminal authorities”, ”fascist authorities”, ”sector of anarchy”. „Soldiers of Special Forces (Rus: spețnaz) of the republic hang their Kalashnikov on their shoulder ... and start off to clean the territory from the Right sector,” – such were the comments of a journalist in a report from 19 April 2014. „If they come with a sword, they’ll die by a sword” - this was the statement of a source, made during the same report. The issue on the aggression of candidate running for President of Ukraine on behalf of Party of Regions, Oleg Ţariov, was provided with time both in the program of 18 April 2014 and that of 19 April 2014. According to the presenter, the concerned candidate was publicly punched by representatives of the Right sector, just as another representative of opposition, Dobkin, who was poured with flour on his head. The presenter declares that Ţariov was rescued from lynching also by Right sector members. Having been inquired whether he shared the same opinion to annihilate all bandits and terrorists (expressed during Maidan period), Ţariov answered that no victims would have been registered in south-eastern Ukraine provided that his intention had been accomplished.


Monitoring results reveal that the great majority of analyzed television channels have systematically promoted the idea of secessionism in south-eastern regions of Ukraine, and the information spread by all monitored Russian TV channels during the reporting period was intended for manipulating the public opinion. Certain mass-media institutions were used as propaganda tools with a view to inoculate the following ideas to the population: Kiev’s aggression against peaceful civilians, authorities’ reluctance to settle the conflict peacefully, display of Ukrainian army’s weakness as compared to the grandeur and power of Russia as a state. The monitored mass-media applied various propaganda-type procedures/techniques for promoting Russia’s position in the conflict, such as: spreading rumors (that English-speaking persons would fight alongside with Ukrainians, and the weapons would be of foreign origin), misinformation (faking video images, some reports including archived images recorded several years before, in totally different places), manipulation of information (filtering information, distorting messages, using labels, etc.) - all able to create a positive image of regional administration and supporters of federalization (presented as victims, heroes who have the right to self-determination and fight for their right, for their land), as well as central public authorities from Moscow headed by president Putin (authoritarian, omniscient, peace- making figure, who excellently knows the history and the trait of the Russian character capable of dying in order to defend their motherland). On the other hand, the respective materials are likely to generate stereotypes for central authorities and Ukrainian army (incompetent, impotent, aggressors). The wordings used to describe the protagonists involved in the conflict were frequently antagonist (while speaking about representatives of secessionist regions, wordings such as the

- 35 - following were used: ”have conquered”, ”entered into possession”, ”defend themselves”, ”defend their land”, ”peaceful inhabitants and protesters”, ”heroes defending their native country”, ”activists”. Totally opposite were the wordings employed for referring to representatives of central authorities and army – ”are fighting with their own people”, ”are aggressing peaceful dwellers”, ”the army is starving”, ”the military technique is out-of-date”, ”members of Right sector are drunkards, drug-addicts, murderers”).

In conclusion, the filtering of subjects, the non-objective information about the reasons and the manner in which events occurred during the reference period, the pseudo-diversity of opinions achieved by selecting sources and opinions which express the same thought and convey the same message, the failure to include alternative sources, the manipulation of texts and images, including by constantly reiterating certain lexemes in order to influence the target-audience at the level of subconsciousness - all these were able to distort the messages, misinform and manipulate the public opinion as regards the Ukrainian dispute.


Departing from the importance of ensuring the citizen’s constitutional right to information and from the legal and deontological obligation of mass-media institutions to inform the public opinion correctly and objectively about public interest subjects, mass-media should: - take account, first of all, of the importance and degree of public interest, but not the preferences and agendas of media institution owners; - avoid exacerbating facts in their attempt to present certain stakeholders as demons or angels, - cover the approached issues in a correct, impartial and equidistant manner, especially when reporting about controversial subjects; - present all parties involved in the conflict objectively, by complying with the principle of multiple-source information, including the alternative one; - consider the political beliefs of different categories of population, ensuring the social- political balance and pluralism, as well as the freedom of expression; - mirror the events accurately and unbiasedly, without deforming the sense of reality through editing and commenting.

The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC), as guarantor of the public interest and regulating authority in the audio-visual sector, should: - take knowledge and implement measures in relation to broadcasters which constantly violate: the right of Moldovan population to full, objective and truthful information, the right to free expression of opinions and the right to free communication of information via broadcasting and television means; - follow the manner in which foreign television channels rebroadcast in R. Moldova comply with the Moldovan and European broadcasting legislation on correct, objective and pluralist information; - apply sanctions/punishments when monitoring concludes constant deviations from legal provisions, as well as consider the option to oblige broadcasters which rebroadcast foreign TV channels/radio stations to cover the news programmes and political debate shows produced by foreign TV channels/radio stations with local and/or European products.

- 37 -