DATE: June 13. 2007

TO: Honorable Members Intergovernental Relations Committee

FROM: Gerr F. Mille~ Chief Legislative Analyst

SUBJECT: Resolution (Parks/HahnGarcetti) concerning support for AB 1089 (Hernandez) to restrict State contracting with companies with ties to the government of .


That the City Council, with concurrence of the Mayor, adopt the attached resolution to SUPPORT AB 1089 (Hernandez) to restrict State contracting with companies with ties to the government of Sudan.

SUMMARY: AB 1089 (Hernandez) would prohibit a State agency from contracting with companies that have ties to the governent of Sudan. The California Department of General Services would be required to prepare a list of scrutinized companies and update that list on a semi-anual basis. State agencies, then, would not be able to contract with any business on that list.

In September 2006, the Legislature passed and Governor signed AB 2941 (Koretz) which prohibits the California Public Employees Retirement System and the California State Teacher's Retirement System from investing in companies with business operations in Sudan.

These bills seek to address what President Bush and the United States Congress have described as against the people of the region of Sudan. The State of California in the past has taken similar actions with regard to South Africa.

BILL STATUS Introduced Februar 25, 2007 Passed Assembly June 7, 2007 Pending review in Senate ,

J n Wickham IJt:~ gislative Analyst GFM:JW:jw

Attachment: 1. Resolution to Support AB 1089 (Dymally) 2. AB 1089




Introduced by Assembly Member Hernandez (Coauthors: Assembly Members Dymally, Eng, Hancock, Jeffries, and I'ortantino)

February 23, 2007

An act to add Chapter 1.6 (commencing with Section 10287) to Par 2 of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code, relating to public contracts.

LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 1089, as amended, Hernandez. Public contracts: Sudan. The State Contract Act governs contracting between state agencies and private contractors, and sets forth requirements for the procurement of materials, supplies, equipment, and services by state agencies. Existing law sets out the various responsibilities of the Department of General Scrviccs, and other state agencies in overseeing and implementing state contracting procedurcs and policies. This bil would require the Department of General Services to prepare, as specified, a list of scrutinized companies, as defined, that have spccificd tics to the government of Sudan, as defined, with which the state has a contract or could possibly have a contract with in the future and to present that list to the Legislature by-A August i, 2008. This bil would prohibit a state agcncy from entering into a contract, as specified, of $ i 00,000 or more with a company that is on the Dcparmcnt of Gcncral Services's list of scrutinized companies that have tics to thc

96 AB 1089 -2- govcrnmcnt of Sudan. The bill also would require each prospective bidder for any state contract to provide a statement under penalty of perjury disclosing all business operations between the bidder and the governent of Sudan. By requiring prospective bidders to certify that the questionnaires have been signcd under pcnalty of perjur, this bill would expand the scope of existing crime of perjury, and would thereby impose a state-mandated local program. The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agcncies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement. This bil would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: yes.

The people of the State of California do enact asfollows:

1 SECTION 1. Chapter 1.6 (commencing with Section 10287) 2 is added to Part 2 of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code, to 3 read: 4 5 CHAPTER 1.6. DARFUR ACCOUNTABILITY ACT 6 7 10287. The Legislature hereby finds and declares all of the 8 following: 9 (a) On July 23, 2004, the United States Congress declared "the 10 atrocities unfolding in Darfur, Sudan, arc genocide." 1 i (b) On September 21, 2004, addressing the i 2 General Assembly, President George W. Bush affirmed the 13 Secretary of State's finding and stated, "(AJt this hour, the world 14 is witnessing terrible suffering and horrible crimes in the Darfur 15 region of Sudan, crimes my government has concluded are i 6 genocide." 17 (c) On December 7, 2004, the United States Congress noted 18 that the genocidal policy in Darfur has led to reports of "systematic 19 rape of thousands of women and girls, the abduction of women 20 and children, and the destruction of hundreds of ethnically African 2 i villages, including the poisoning of their wells and the plunder of

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I their crops and cattle upon which the people of such villages sustain 2 themselves." 3 (d) Also on December 7, 2004, Congress found that "the 4 Government of Sudan has restricted access by humanitarian and 5 workers to the Darfur area through intimidation by 6 military and security forces, and through bureaucratic and 7 administrative obstruction, in an attempt to inflict the most 8 dcvastating harm on those individuals displaced from their vilages 9 and homes without any means of sustcnance or shelter." 10 (e) On September 25, 2006, Congress reaffrmed that "the 11 genocide unfolding in the Darfur region of Sudan is charaeterized 12 by acts of terrorism and atrocities directed against eivilians, i 3 including mass murder, rape, and sexual violence committed by 14 the and associated militias with the complieity and 15 support of the National Congress Pary-led faction of the 16 Government of Sudan." 17 (I) On September 26, 2006, the United States House of 18 Representatives statcd that "an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 19 people have been killed by the Govcrnmcnt of Sudan and its 20 Janjaweed allies since the (DarfurJ crisis began in 2003, more than 21 2,000,000 people have been displaced from their homes, and more 22 than 250,000 people from Darfur remain in refugce camps in 23 ." 24 (g) The Federal Government has imposed sanctions against the 25 Government of Sudan since i 997. These sanctions arc monitored 26 through the United States Treasury Department's Office of Foreign 27 Assets Control (OFAC). 28 (h) Since 1993, the United States Sccrctary of State has 29 determined Sudan is a country whose government has rcpeatedly 30 provided support for acts of international terrorism, thereby 3 I restricting United States assistance, defcnse exports and sales, and 32 financial and other transactions with the Govcrnmcnt of Sudan. 33 (i) The Darfur crisis represents the first time the United States 34 has labeled ongoing atrocities a gcnocidc. 35 10287.1. As used in this chapter, the following apply: 36 (a) "Business operations" means engaging in commerce in any 37 form in Sudan, including by acquiring, developing, maintaining, 38 owning, selling, posscssing, leasing, or operating equipment, 39 facilities, personnel, produets, services, personal property, real 40 property, or any other apparatus of business or commerce.

96 AB 1089 -4- I (b) "Company" means any sole proprietorship, organization, 2 association, corporation, parnership, joint venture, limited 3 partnership, limited liability parnership, limited liability company, 4 or othcr entity or busincss association, including all wholly owned 5 subsidiaries, majority-owned subsidiaries, parent companies, or 6 affliates of sueh entities or business associations, that exists for 7 profitmaking puroses. 8 (c) "Complicit" means taking actions during any preceding 9 20-month pcriod that have directly supported or promoted the 10 genocidal campaign in Darfur, including, but not limited to, i i preventing Darfur's victimized population from communicating i 2 with each other, encouraging Sudanese citizens to speak out against 13 an internationally approved security forcc for Darfur, actively i 4 working to deny, cover up, or alter the record on human rights i 5 abuses in Darfur, or other similar actions. 16 (d) "Government of Sudan" means the governent in , i 7 Sudan, which is led by the National Congress Party, formerly i 8 known as the National Islamie Front, or any suceessor governent 19 formed on or after October 13, 2006, including the coalition 20 National Unity Governent agreed upon in the Comprehensive 21 Peace Agreement for Sudan and does not include the regional 22 government of southern Sudan. 23 (e) "Inactive business operations" means the continued holding 24 or renewal of rights to propert previously operated for the purose 25 of generating revenues but not presently deployed for such purpose. 26 (0 "Marginalized populations of Sudan" include, but are not 27 limited to, the portion of the population in the Darfur region that 28 has been genocidally victimized; the portion of the population of 29 southern Sudan victimized by Sudan's North-South civil war; the 30 Beja, Rashidiya, and other similarly underserved groups of eastern 3 i Sudan; the Nubian and other similarly undcrserved groups in 32 Sudan's Abyei, Southern Blue Nile, and Nuba Mountain rcgions; 33 and the Amri, Hamadab, Manasir, and other similarly underserved 34 groups of northern Sudan. 35 (g) "Military equipment" mcans weapons, arms, military 36 supplies, and equipment that readily may be used for military 37 puroses, including, but not limited to, radar systems or 38 military-grade transport vehicles, or supplies or serviees sold or 39 provided dircctly or indirectly to any force actively paricipating 40 in armed conflict in Sudan.

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I (h) "Mineral extraction activities" include exploring, extracting, 2 processing, transporting, or wholesale selling or trading of 3 clcmental minerals or associated metal alloys or oxides (ore), 4 including gold, copper, chromium, chromite, diamonds, iron, iron 5 ore, silver, tungstcn, uranium, and zinc, as well as facilitating sueh 6 activities, including by providing supplies or serviees in support 7 of such activities. 8 (i) "Oil-related activities" include, but are not limited to, owning 9 rights to oil bloeks; exporting, extracting, producing, refining, 10 processing, exploring for, transporting, selling, or trading of oil; 11 constructing, maintaining, or operating a pipeline, refinery, or 12 other oil-field infrastructure; and facilitating such activities, 13 including by providing supplies or services in support of such 14 aetivities, provided the mere retail sale of gasoline and related 15 consumer products shall not be considered oil-rclatcd activities. 16 (j) "Power production activities" means any business operation i 7 that involves a project commissioned by the National Electricity 18 Corporation (NEe) of Sudan or other similar governent of Sudan 19 entity whose purose is to facilitate power generation and delivery, 20 including, but not limited to, establishing power-generating plants 21 or hydroelectric dams, selling or installing components for the 22 project, providing service contraets related to the installation or 23 maintenance of the project, as well as facilitating such activities, 24 including by providing supplies or services in support of such 25 activities. 26 (k) "Scrutinizcd company" means a company that meets the 27 criteria set forth either in paragraph (i) or paragraph (2): 28 (I) The company is complicit in the Darfur genocide. 29 (2) (A) The company has business operations that involve 30 contracts with, or the provision of supplies or services to, or 3 i busincss operations that involve contracts with and the provision 32 of supplies and services to, any of the following: 33 (i) The government of Sudan. 34 (ii) Companies in which the government of Sudan has any direct 35 or indirect equity share. 36 (iii) Govcrnmcnt of Sudan-commissioned consortia or projects. 37 (iv) Companies involved in govcmmcnt of Sudan-commissioned 38 consortia or projects. 39 (B) The company meets all of the criteria of either clause (i) or 40 clause (ii):

96 AB 1089 -6-

I (i) (I) More than 10 percent of the company's revenues or assets 2 linked to Sudan involve oil-related activitics or mineral extraction 3 activities. 4 (II) Less than 75 pcrccnt of the company's rcvenues or assets 5 linked to Sudan involve contracts with, or the provision of 6 oil-related or mineral extracting products or serviees to, or involve 7 contracts with and the provision of oil-related or mineral extracting 8 products or scrviccs to, the regional government of southern Sudan 9 or a project or consortium created exclusively by that regional 10 government. i i (ii) (I) More than 10 percent of the company's revcnucs or 12 assets linked to Sudan involve power production activities. l3 (II) Less than 75 percent of the company's power production 14 activities include projects whose intent is to provide power or 15 electricity to the marginalized populations of Sudan. 16 (C) The company has failed to take substantial action. 17 (I) "Social development eompany" means a company whose I 8 primary purpose in Sudan is to provide humanitarian goods or 19 services, including medicine or medical equipment, agricultural 20 supplies or infrastructure, educational opportunities, 21 jouralism-related aetivities, information or information materials, 22 spiritual-related activities, services of a purely elerical or reporting 23 nature, food, clothing, or general consumer goods that are unrelated 24 to oil-related activities, mineral extraction activities, or power 25 production activities. Notwithstanding anything herein to the 26 contrar, a social development eompany that is not complicit in 27 the Darr genocide shall not be considered a scrutinized company. 28 (m) "Substantial action" means adopting, publicizing, and 29 implementing a formal plan to eease scrutinzed business operations 30 within one year and to refrain from any ncw business operations; 31 undertaking significant humanitarian etTorts on behalf of one or 32 more marginalized populations of Sudan; or through engagement 33 with the governent of Sudan, materially improving conditions 34 for the gcnocidally victimized population in Darfur. 35 10287':. (a) Withift 90 day.; of thc opciati,c date of this 36 section, thc Dcpartmcnt of Gencral Scrviecs shall idcntify, using 37 its bcst cfforts, and prep arc a list of scrutinized companic3 v;ith 38 which the stale has a eonlraet or eôtild pô3Sibly ha, e a eônlract 39 "il1 inlhe fulu. The Dep!lmerit ôf Gcftcral Sen ices shall update

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1 thi3 list Oil or beforc July 1,2008, flcl 61l ôr bdôrc Etid! JliRtlar) 2 I fliirl Jtil) 1 thnEafkr. 3 (b) ror ptt0JE3 of this SCCtiOIl, "bcst efforts" iiicludcs both of 4 thc follô"iiig, a3itpiopriale: 5 (1) Rc\Ic"ilig lldrcl)ilig, as appropriatc, oiipublid) a.ailalk 6 iiiformatioii regarding eompaiiics with bmiiies3 ôpEratiBIl3 iii 7 StlclID, indtlcliiig infBmUttiBIl pm. iclErl b) 1l61lfllôlit mgllizatioiis, 8 rC3eareli limu, inlEffatiolial orgaliizatioll, aiicl goverricntal 9 ciitities. 10 (2) Colltaetiiig eompaiiie3 ....ith whid! thE slatE lia3 a eôiiract I I llrl tliat ha.E bmillE33 ôfleratiôll iii Stlrlaii. 12 10287.2. (a) Within 180 days of the operative date of this 13 section, the Department of General Services, after reviewing and 14 relying, as appropriate. on publicly available information 15 regarding companies with business operations in Sudan, including 16 information provided by nonpr()fit organizations, research firms, 17 international organizations, and governmental entities, and ajier 18 contacting companies with which the state has a contract and that 19 have business operations in Sudan, shall identify and prepare a 20 list of scrutinized companies with which the state has a contract 21 or has had a contract within the most recent five-year period. The 22 Department of General Services shall update this list on or before 23 January 1, 2009, and on or before each January I and July I 24 thereafter. 25 W 26 (b) On or before-A August 1,2008, and on or before each 27 January 1 thereafter, the Deparment of General Services shall 28 present to the Legislature the most recent list described in 29 subdivision (a). 30 10287.3. A state agency shall not enter into a contract on or 31 alter-A August I, 2008, for construction, alteration, repair, 32 improvemcnt, professional services, materials, supplies, or 33 equipment in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars 34 ($ i 00,000) or more with a contractor that is on the scrutinized 35 companies list prepared pursuant to Section 10287.2. 36 10287.4. A state agency shall require each prospective bidder 37 that submits a bid or proposal with respect to any contract to submit 38 a statement under penalty of perjury disclosing all busincss 39 operations between the prospcctivc bidder and the government of 40 Sudan.

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I 10287.5. This act shall be repealed upon affirmative action of 2 the Legislature. Provided, that in determining whether to repeal 3 this act, by way of suggestion and guidance only and without 4 binding or in any way inhibiting the discretion of future sessions 5 of the Legislature, it is submitted that the occurrence of any of the 6 following should bc construed and deemed to be a basis for 7 repealing this aet: 8 (a) The Congress or President of the United States declares the 9 Darfur genocide has been halted for at least i 2 months. 10 (b) Thc Unitcd States revokes all sanctions imposed against the I I government of Sudan. 12 (c) The Congress or President of the United States declares the i 3 governent of Sudan has honored its commitments to cease attacks 14 on civilians, demobilize and demilitarize the Janjaweed and 15 associated militias, grant free and unfettered access for deliveries i 6 of humanitarian assistance, and allow for the safe and voluntar 17 rcturn of rcfugccs and internally displaced persons. 18 (d) The Congress or President of the United States, through i 9 legislation or executive order, declares mandatory divestment of 20 the type provided for in this act interferes with the conduct of 21 United States foreign policy. 22 (e) Such other circumstances as the Legislature determines to 23 warrant the discontinuance of the provisions of this chapter. 24 10287.6. (a) If anyone or more provision, section, subsection, 25 sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this act or the application 26 thereof to any person or circumstance is found to be invalid, ilegal, 27 unenforeeable or unconstitutional, the same is hereby declared to 28 be severable and the balance of this act shall remain effective and 29 functional notwithstanding such invalidity, illegality, 30 unenforceability, or uneonstitutionality. 31 (b) The Legislature hereby declares it would have passed this 32 act, and each provision, section, subsection, scntence, clause, 33 phrase or word thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or 34 more provision, section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or 35 word be declared invalid, ilegal, unenforceable or unconstitutional, 36 including, but not limited to, each of the engagement, divestment, 37 and prohibition provisions of this legislation. 38 SEe. 2. No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to 39 Section 6 of Article XIIB of the California Constitution because 40 the only costs that may be incured by a local agency or school

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I distriet will be incurred because this act creates a new crime or 2 infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty 3 for a crime or infraction, within thc mcaning of Scction 17556 of 4 the Governent Code, or changes the definition of a crime within 5 the meaning of Section 6 of Article XLI B of the California 6 Constitution.
