HIGHH I G H COURTC O U R T OOFF AUSTRALIAA U S T R A L I A NOTICENOTICE OOFF FILINGFILING This documentdocument wawass filedfiled electronicallyelectronically in thethe High CCourtourt of AustraliaAustralia on 04 Jun 2021il andand hashas beenbeen acceptedaccepted forfor filingfiling under the High CCourtourt RulesRules 20042004.. Details of filing andind importantimportant additiadditionalonal iinformationnformation aarere providedprovided below.below. DetailsDetails of FilingFiling FFileile Number:Number: B52/2020 FFileile Title:Title: Palmer v. The State of Western Australia RRegistry:egistry: Brisbane DocumentDocument filed:filed: Form 27E - Reply FilingFiling party:party: Plaintiff DaDatete ffiled:iled: 04 Jun 2021 ImportantImportant InInformationformation ThisThis Notice hashas beenbeen insertedinserted aass thethe ccoverover pagepage of the documentdocument which has beeenn acceptedaccepted for filing electronically.electronically. ItIt is now takentaken tobeto be partpart of that ¢document for thehe purposespurposes of the proceedingproceeding in the CourtCourt aandnd ccontainsontains importantimportant inforini mation for aallll partiesparties to thatthat proceeding.proceeding. IItt mmustust be incincludedluded in thethe documentdocument servedserved on each of thoseIse partiesparties aandnd wheneverwhenever the docdocumentument iiss reproducedreproduced fforor use by the CourtCourt. Plaintiff B52/2020 Page 1 B52/2020 IN THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA No B52 of 2020 BRISBANE REGISTRY BETWEEN: CLIVE FREDERICK PALMER Plaintiff and STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 10 Defendant PLAINTIFF’S OUTLINE OF SUBMISSIONS IN REPLY Clive Frederick Palmer Date of this document: 4 June 2021 Level 17, 240 Queen Street T: 073832 2044 Brisbane Qld 4000 E:
[email protected] Plaintiff Page 2 B52/2020 B52/2020 PART I: FORM OF SUBMISSIONS 1. | These submissions are in a form suitable for publication on the Internet.