New FREE Car Park Langley Mill Children's Scheme Wheels of Time

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New FREE Car Park Langley Mill Children's Scheme Wheels of Time In this issue: TWO coach trips! New FREE car park Langley Mill Children’s Scheme Wheels of Time Christmas Pantomime Langley Mill O.A.P. Club . and much more! ALDERCARALDERCARALDERCAR &&& LANGLEY LANGLEYLANGLEY MILL MILLMILL PARISH PARISHPARISH COUNCIL COUNCILCOUNCIL 201720172017 CALENDAR CALENDARCALENDAR OFOFOF MEETINGS MEETINGSMEETINGS AllAllAll Parish ParishParish Council CouncilCouncil meetingsmeetings meetings willwill will be bebe held heldheld at: at:at: LANGLEYLANGLEYLANGLEY MILL MILLMILL BUSINESS BUSINESSBUSINESS CENTRE, CENTRE,CENTRE, AMBER AMBERAMBER DRIVE, DRIVE,DRIVE, LANGLEY LANGLEYLANGLEY MILL MILLMILL CommencingCommencingCommencing at atat 6.30pm 6.30pm6.30pm th 25thth May 2017 2525nd May May 2017 2017 22ndnd June 2017 2222th June June 2017 2017 272727thth July JulyJuly 2017 20172017 The Parish Council does not meet in August TheThe Parish Parish Council Councilth does does not not meet meet in in August August 282828thth September SeptemberSeptember 2017 20172017 MembersMembersMembers ofof of thethe the public publicpublic are areare welcomewelcome welcome to toto attend attendattend meetings.meetings. meetings. ThereThereThere willwill will be bebe a aa fifteen fifteenfifteen--minute-minuteminute period periodperiod at atat thethe the beginning beginningbeginning of ofof eacheach each meetingmeeting meeting whenwhenwhen residents residentsresidents maymay may address addressaddress the thethe Counci CounciCouncill l TheTheThe Parish ParishParish Council CouncilCouncil offices officesoffices areare are located locatedlocated at: at:at: LangleyLangleyLangley Mill MillMill Business BusinessBusiness Centre, Centre,Centre, AmberAmberAmber Drive, Drive,Drive, LangleyLangleyLangley Mill, Mill,Mill, DerbyshireDerbyshireDerbyshire NG16NG16NG16 4BE 4BE4BE TheTheThe office officeoffice is isis open openopen for forfor business businessbusiness to toto the thethe public publicpublic betweenbetweenbetween 9.00am 9.00am9.00am and andand 1.00pm, 1.00pm,1.00pm, Tuesday TuesdayTuesday to toto Thursday ThursdayThursday Meeting Details Meeting Meeting Details Meeting Details Meeting Telephone:Telephone:Telephone: 01773 0177301773 717119 717119717119 e-mail: [email protected] ee-mail:-mail: clerk@ [email protected] The opinions expressed in articles within this magazine are the opinions of the TheThe opinions opinions expressed expressed in in articles articles within within this this magazine magazine are are the the opinions opinions of of the the authorsauthorsauthors and andand maymay may not notnot necessarilnecessaril necessarilyyy reflect reflectreflect the thethe opinion opinionopinion ofof of the thethe Parish ParishParish Council CouncilCouncil Cover picture: An autumnal Anchor Road, Langley Mill CoverCover picture: picture: An An autumnal autumnal Anchor Anchor Road, Road, Langley Langley Mill Mill Photograph: Cllr Clive Booth Photograph:Photograph: Cllr Cllr Clive Clive Booth Booth 222 ContentsContents AnotherAnother Step Step Back Back …. ….………………………………………………...……….….….………………………………………………...……….….…. 55 Chairman’s Report ……………….……...…………………………………………... 44 Chairman’sChairman’s Report Report ……………….……...…………………………………………... ……………….……...…………………………………………... Vacancy Councillor Contents Contents Councillor Vacancy Councillor Contents Vacancy Councillor Contents ChesterChester Coach Coach Trip Trip ……………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………... 1010 ChristmasChristmas Pantomime Pantomime ……..………………………………………………………………… ……..…………………………………………………………………1188 DisappearingDisappearing Indicators Indicators ……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….…. 88 HeanorHeanor Health Health Ce Centrentre ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… 66 LangleyLangley Mill Mill Children’s Children’s Scheme Scheme …………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….. 16/17 16/17 LangleyLangley Mill Mill OAP OAP Club Club ……………… ……………………………….…………………………………….…….……………………………………. 55 LangleyLangley Mill Mill United United Cricket Cricket Club Club ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. 1919 MablethorpeMablethorpe Coach Coach Trip Trip ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… 1111 PentrichPentrich Revolution Revolution ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. 1919 StSt John’s John’s Church Church…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 99 TheThe Saga Saga of of Ernie Ernie ………………………….……………………………………….. ………………………….……………………………………….. 99 UsefulUseful Contacts Contacts …………………….………………………………………………… …………………….………………………………………………… 2020 WheelsWheels of of Time Time ………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………. 1212--15-15 DEADLINEDEADLINE FOR FOR SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSIONS Thank Thank youyou you toto to everyoneeveryone everyone thatthat that contactedcontacted contacted usus us withwith with commentscomments comments oror or whowho who submittedsubmitted submitted contentcontent content for for for thisthis this issueissue issue ofof of thethe the ParishParish Parish Magazine.Magazine. Magazine. WeWe We areare are alwaysalways always pleasedpleased pleased toto to hearhear hear fromfrom from readersreaders readers andand to to receive receive items items for for possible possible inclusion. inclusion. rd TheThe deadline deadline for for items items for for the the next next issue issue is is Monday Monday 3 3rdrd July July 2017 2017 (items received after this date will not be considered). (items(items received received after after this this date date will will not not be be considered). considered). REPRESENTATIONREPRESENTATION OF OF THE THE PEOPLE PEOPLE ACT ACT 1985 1985 (21(1)(a)) (21(1)(a)) PARISHPARISH OF OF ALDERCAR ALDERCAR & & LANGLEY LANGLEY MILL MILL – – COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR VACANCY VACANCY NOTICENOTICE ISIS HEREBYHEREBY GIVENGIVEN thatthat vacanciesvacancies havehave occurredoccurred inin thethe OfficeOffice ofof CouncillorCouncillor for for the the Parish Parish of of Aldercar Aldercar & & Langley Langley Mill. Mill. T Thehe positions positions will will be be filled filled by co-options made by the Parish Council. byby co co--optionsoptions made made by by thethe ParishParish Council.Council. IfIfIf youyou you wish wish to to apply apply or or require require further further information, information, please please write write or or e e--mail-mail to to the the addressaddress below: below: ClerkClerk to to the the Council, Council, LangleyLangley Mill Mill Business Business Centre Centre AmberAmber Drive, Drive, Langley Langley Mill, Mill, Derbyshire Derbyshire NG16 NG16 4BE 4BE Telephone:01773Telephone:01773--717119-717119 EE--mail:-mail: clerk@ [email protected] st DeadlineDeadline for for app applicationslicationslications isis is 31 31stst May May 2017 2017 33 CHAIRMAN’SCHAIRMAN’SCHAIRMAN’S REPORTREPORT REPORT MayMayMay 20172017 2017 WelcomeWelcomeWelcome to to the tothe the May May May 2017 2017 2017 edition edition edition of of the ofthe the parish parish parish magazine. magazine. magazine. I Ihope hopeI hope you you you will will will enjoy enjoy enjoy reading reading reading it it and andit and that that that it it keeps keepsit keeps you you you informedinformedinformed of of the ofthe the work work work of of the ofthe the Parish Parish Parish Council Council Council and and and events events events takingtakingtaking place place place in in our inour our community. community. community. ThankThankThank you you you to to residents toresidents residents for for fortheir their their patience patience patience whilst whilst whilst the the the Parish Parish Parish CouncilCouncilCouncil moved moved moved offices offices offices to to the tothe the Langley Langley Langley Mill Mill Mill Business Business Business Centre.Centre.Centre. I Iam am I am pleased pleased pleased to to say tosay say we we we are are are now now now fully fully fully installed installed installed in in in ourourour new new new accommodation accommodation accommodation at at the atthe the far far farend end end of of Amber ofAmber Amber Drive Drive Drive andandand telephone telephone telephone lines lines lines and and and e e--mail email-mail faci faci facilitieslitieslities are are are now now now sorted. sorted. sorted. TheTheThe Council Council Council is is pleasedispleased pleased with with with its its itsnew new new accommodation accommodation accommodation whichwhichwhich includes includes includes a a meeting meetinga meeting room room room and and and hope hope hope to to be tobe bethere there there for for for manymanymany years. years. years. We try to listen to residents and meet their needs and that is exactly what we managed WeWe try try to to listen listen to to residents residents and and meet meet their their needs needs and and that that is is exactly exactly what what we we managed managed toto do todo doi nin March. iMarch.n March. Following Following Following the the the disappointing disappointing disappointing closure closure closure of of the ofthe the free free free car car car park park park in in the inthe the village village village thethethe Parish Parish Parish Council Council Council managed managed managed to to secure tosecure secure access access access to to land toland land at at the atthe the D D and Dand and D D Transport DTransport Transport site site site on on on CromfordCromfordCromford Road Road Road and and and we we we now now now have have have a a new newa new car car car park. park. park.
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