Ministerial Decisions at at 12 October 2018
MINISTERIAL DECISIONS AS AT OCTOBER 2020 Recently received Awaiting decision pursuant to section 45(7) of Pending submission to Pending decision by Ministerial decision the Environmental Protection Act 1986 Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Aboriginal Affairs APPLICANT / MINISTERIAL LAND PURPOSE LANDOWNER DECISION September 2020 Lot 140 on DP 39512, CT 2227/905, 140 South Western Highway, Land Act No. 11238201, Lot 141 on DP 39512, CT 2227/906, 141 South Western Highway, Land Act No. 11238202, 202 Vittoria Road, Land Act No. 11891696, Glen Iris. Pending Intersection Vittoria Road Lot 201 on DP 57769, CT 2686/979, 201 submission to Main Roads South Western Highway South Western Highway, Land Act No. Minister for Western Australia upgrade and Bridge 0430 11733330, Lot 202 on DP 56668, CT Aboriginal Affairs replacement, Picton. 2754/978, Picton. Road Reserve, Land Act No.s 1575861, 11397280, 11397277, 1347375, and 1292274. Unallocated Crown Land, South Western Highway, Land Act No.s 11580413, 1319074 and 1292275, Picton. Pending Fortifying Mining Pty Ltd – Tenements M25/369, P25/2618, submission to Fortify Mining Pty Majestic North Project. To P25/2619, P25/2620, and P25/2621, Minister for Ltd undertake exploration and Goldfields. Aboriginal Affairs resource delineation drilling Reserve 34565, Lot 11835 on Plan Pending 240379, CT 3141/191, Coode Street, Landscape enhancement submission to City of South South Perth, Land Act No. 1081341 and and river restoration. To Minister for Perth Reserve 48325, Lot 301 on Plan 47451, construct the Waterbird Aboriginal Affairs CT 3151/548, 171 Riverside Drive, Land Refuge Act No. 11714773, Perth Pending Able Planning and Lot 501 on Plan 23800, CT 2219/673, submission to Lot 501 Yalyalup Urban Project 113 Vasse Highway, Yalyalup, Land Act Minister for Subdivision.
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