Materialien fur¨ das Projekt: Syrische Anaphoren

Thomas Klampfl 5.12.2008

Brock, S., Syriac Studies. A Classified Bibliography (1960–1990), Kaslik (Li- ban) 1996.

Enth¨alt folgende Bibliographien: Brock, S., Syriac Studies. A Classified Bibliography (1960–1970), in: Parole de l’Orient 4 (1973) 393–465. Brock, S., Syriac Studies. A Classified Bibliography (1971–1980), in: Parole de l’Orient 10 (1981/82) 291–412. Brock, S., Syriac Studies. A Classified Bibliography (1981–1985), in: Parole de l’Orient 14 (1987) 289–360. Brock, S., Syriac Studies. A Classified Bibliography (1986–1990), in: Parole de l’Orient 17 (1992) 211–301.

→ Manuscripts → Catalogues and descriptions of manuscripts (209– 212):

Allen, N., Syriac fragments in the Wellcome Institute Library, in: JRAS 1987, 43–7. Assfalg, J., Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. 5. Syrische Handschriften, Wiesbaden 1963. Berkers, J.N., Catalogue des manuscrits du fond patriarcal de Rahmani con- serv´es `aCharfet, contenant des Anaphores, in: POC 12 (1962) 224–42. Bernheimer, C., Catalogo dei manoscritti orientali della Bibliotheca Estense, Rome 1960. Brock, S.P., The Syriac manuscripts in the National Library, Athens, in: LM 79 (1966) 165–84. Brock, S.P., Two Syriac manuscripts in the Library of Selwyn College, Cam- bridge, in: OC 55 (1971) 149–60. Brock, S.P., Catalogue des manuscrits du Centre Franciscain d’´etudes orien- tales chr´etiennes, Le Caire. 1. Syriac Manuscripts, in: SOCC 18 (1985) 213–8. Brock, S.P., Syriac manuscripts copied on the Black Mountain, near Antioch, in: Festgabe J. Assfalg, 59–67. Cecchelli, C. / Furlani, G. / Salmi, M., The Rabbula . Facsimile edition, Olten-Lausanne 1959. Clemons, J., A checklist of Syriac manuscripts in the United States and Ca- nada, in: OCP 32 (1966) 224–51, 478–522. Clemons, J., Some oriental manuscripts in the Friedsam Library of St. Bona- venture University, in: OC 51 (1967) 101–5. De Halleux, A., Les manuscrits syriaques du C.S.C.O., in: LM 100 (1987) 35–48. Desreumaux, A. / Briquel-Chatonnet, F., R´epertoire des biblioth`eques et des catalogues de manuscrits syriaques, Paris 1991. Fahd, B., Catalogue des manuscrits syriaques et arabes, Rome 1972. (Maronite

1 College) Galbiati, E., I fonti orientali minori (siriaco, etiopico, armeno) dell’Ambrosiana, in: Atti del congresso di studi sulla Lombardia e l’Oriente, Milan 1963, 190–6. Goshen-Gottstein, M.H., Syriac Manuscripts in the Harvard College Libra- ry. A Catalogue, in: Harvard Semitic Studies 23 (1979). (Rev. S.P. Brock, in: JSS 26 (1981) 317–21.) Gribomont, J., Le vieux corpus monastique du Vatican syr. 123, in: LM 100 (1987) 131–141. Grill, S.M., Die syrischen Handschriften der Nationalbibliothek in Wien, Bei- gabe zu: Vergleichende Religionsgeschichte und Kirchenv¨ater, Vienna 1960. Grill, S.M., Eine unbekannte syrische Handschrift zu Wien, in: Religion, Wis- senschaft und Kultur 15 (1964) 261–4. Grill, S.M., Eine unbekannte syrische Handschrift in Innsbruck, Cod. 401 Bibl. Univ., in: OC 52 (1968) 152–5. Grill, S.M., Eine syrische Handschrift im Stift Heiligenkreuz (NO),¨ in: OC 56 (1972) 164–8. Habbi, J. (ed.), Catalogue of the Syriac manuscripts in . 1. The libraries of Mosul and its suburbs, Baghdad 1977. Haddad, P, / Isaac, J., Syriac and Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the Chaldean Monastery, Baghdad. 1. Syriac Manuscripts, Baghdad 1988 (= Catalogues of the Syriac Manuscripts in Iraq III.1). (in Arabic) Isaac, J., Les manuscrits syriaques du couvent des moines chald´eens `aBagdad- Irag, in: IV SympSyr, 453–5. Johnson, D.A., Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the Library of the Greek Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Cascade Christian College, Longview Wa, 1987. Kamil, M., Catalogue of all manuscripts in the monastery of St. Catharine on Mount Sinai, Wiesbaden 1970. Kaufhold, H., Die syrischen und christlich-arabischen Handschriften der Uni- versit¨atsbibliothek in Munster,¨ in: OC 72 (1988) 89–113. Kaufhold, H., Syrische Handschriften juristischen Inhalts in sudindischen¨ Bi- bliotheken, 1989 (= SBOW 535). Khalife,´ I.-A. / Baissari, F., Catalogue raisonn´edes manuscrits de la Bi- blioth`eque Orientale de l’Universit´eSaint-Joseph. Manuscrist syriaques, in: MUSJ 40 (1964) 235–86. Leroy, J., Les manuscrits syriaques `apeintures. 2 vols., Paris 1964. Macomber, W.F., Catalogue of oriental mss in the Library of Seabury Wes- tern Theological Seminary, Evanston, in: LM 92 (1979) 369–86. Malki, E., Die syrische Handschrift Berlin Sachau 220, 1984 (= Heidelberger orientalistische Studien 6). McConaughy, D.L., Syriac manuscripts in S. : The Library of the St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary, in: OCP 52 (1986) 432–4. McConaughy, D.L., An update on the Syriac manuscript collections in South India, in: OC 71 (1987) 208–12. McConaughy, D.L., The Syriac manuscripts in the Coptic Museum, Cairo, in: OC 71 (1987) 213–5. McCullough, J.C., Manuscripts in Syriac script, in Catalogue of MSS of the Library of the Near Eastern School of Theology, Beirut, Lebanon, in: NEST Theological Review 4 (1981) 116–20. Pearson, J.D., Oriental Manuscripts in Europe and North America. A Sur-

2 vey, Zug 1971. Institute, List of Old Testament Peshitta Manuscripts. Prelimina- ry Issue, Leiden 1961, in: Supplements in VT 12 (1962) 127–8, 337–9, 351; 18 (1968) 128–43; 27 (1977) 508–11; 35 (1985) 466–7. Pigulevskaya, N., Katalog Sirijskikh Rykopisei Leningrada, in: PalSb 6 (69) (1960). Pollock, J.W., Two Christian Arabic manuscripts in the Bryn Mawr library, in: JAOS 110 (1990) 330–1. (also ref. to one Syriac ms.) Price, J.R. / Seymour, P.M., Syriac manuscripts in the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, in: OC 55 (1971) 161–63. Rilliet, F., Note sur le dossier grec du Mingana syr. 545, in: Augustinianum 22 (1982) 579–82. Sauget, J.-M., Deux Hom´eliaires syriaques de la Biblioth`eque Vaticane, in: OCP 27 (1961) 387–423. (Vat. Syr. 368, 369) Sauget, J.-M., L’hom´eliaire du Vatican syriaque 253. Essai de reconstitution, in: LM 81 (1968) 297–349. Sauget, J.-M., Un cas tr`escurieux de restauration de manuscrit: le Borgia Syriaque 39. Etude´ codicologique et analyse du contenu, 1981 (= Studi e Testi 292). Sauget, J.-M., Pour une interpr´etation de la structure de l’hom´eliaire sy- riaque ms British Library Add. 12165, in: Ecclesia Orans 3 (1986) 121–46. Sony, B., Fihrist makht.ut.¯atQarahqosh, Baghdad 1988. Strothmann, W., Codex Syriacus Secundus. Bibel-Palimpsest aus dem 6./7. Jh. (Katalog Hiersemann 500/3), in: GOFS 13 (1977). Van der Ploeg, J.P.M., The Christians of St. Thomas in South India and their Syriac Manuscripts, Bangalore 1983. Van Lantschoot, A., Inventaire des manuscrits syriaques des fond Vatican (490 [read 460] – 631). Barberini oriental et Neofiti, 1965 (= SeT 243). Vilders, M., Two folios of a Syriac in Leiden (F 1965/ 4.7), in: Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Lei- den 66 (1986) 77—87.

→ Manuscripts → Studies (212–217):

– Das Buch im Orient. Handschriften und kostbare Drucke aus 2 Jahrtausenden, Wiesbaden 1982 (= Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Austellungskataloge 27). Abromowski, L., Zur geplanten Ausgabe von BM Add. 12156, in: J. Dummer (ed.), Texte und Textkritk, 1987 (= TU 133), 23–8. Aprem, Mar, Syriac manuscripts in Trichur, in: IIIe SympSyr, 355–74. Aprem, Mar, Syriac manuscripts in Trichur, in: TPP 96–117. Assfalg, J., Arabische Handschriften in syrischer Schrift (Karshuni), in: W. Fischer (ed.), Grundriss der Arabischen Philologie. 1. Sprachwissenschaft, Wiesbaden 1982, 297–302, 315. Bernhard, L., Die Chronologie der Syrer, Vienna 1969 (= Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichischen¨ Akademie der Wissenschaften 264). Bernhard, L., Die Chronologie der syrischen Handschriften. Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, Suppl. 14, Wiesbaden 1971. Botte, B., Notes sur l’evang´eliaire de Rabboula, RevScRel 36 (1962) 13–26. Briquel-Chatonnet, F., Un ex libris autographe du savant orientaliste Clau- de Hardy, in: Scriptorum 40 (1986) 120–2. (Paris syr. 391)

3 Brock, S.P., The provenance of BM Or. 8606, in: JTS N.S. 19 (1968) 632–3. Brock, S.P., Notes on some texts in the Mingana Collection, in: JSS 14 (1969) 205–26. Brock, S.P., Armenian in Syriac script, in: Armenian studies / ´etudes Ar- m´eniennes in memoriam H. Berb´erian, ed. D. Kouymjian, Lisbon 1986, 75–80. Brock, S.P., Section of Syrian Orthodox Lectionary, in: East Christian Art, ed. Y. Petsopoulos, Axia, London 1987, 19. (Gathering of a 12/13th cent. Harklean Passion Harmony from Sbath collection). Cathcart, K.J., The biblical and other early Christian manuscripts of the Chester Beatty Library, in: K.J. Cathcart / J.F. Healey (edd.), Back to the Sources. Biblical and Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Dermot Ryan, Dublin 1989, 129–63. (Pl. VII–XII Syriac). Dhediath, G., The Syriac manuscripts burned by order of the Synod of Diam- per (1599), V SympSyr, 409–22. Christides, V., Pre-Islamic Arabs in Byzantine Illuminations, in: LM 83 (1970) 167–82. Clemons, J.T., The search for Syriac manuscripts in America, in: JAOS 85 (1965) 208–10. Clemons, J.T., Some additional information on Syriac manuscripts in the United States, in: OC 197 (1974) 505–8. Degen, R., A further note on some Syriac manuscripts in the Mingana collec- tion, in: JSS 17 (1972) 213–7. De Halleux, A., Rabban Benjamin d’Edesse´ et al date du ms BL Or. 8731, in: IV SympSyr, 445–51. Diotallevi, A., Ricerca dei manoscritti del Collegio Maronita di Ravenna, in: SROC 1/2 (1978) 39–48. Draguet, R., Fragments de l’Ambrosienne de Milan `arestituer aux manus- crits syriaques de Sinai 46 et 16, in: Biblical and Patristic Studies in Me- mory of R.P. Casey, ed. R.W. Thomson and J.N. Birdsall, Freiburg 1963, 167–78. Ebied, R.Y., Some Syriac manuscripts from the collection of Sir E.A. Wallis Budge in Leeds, in: OCA 197 (1974) 509–39. Engberding, H., Vat. syr. 368 monophysitischer Herkunft?, in: OC 47 (1963) 111–7. Fiey, J.-M., Les ´etudes syriaques et les manuscrits arabes chr´etiens de Paris, MIDEO 12 (1974) 211–6. (On Troupeau’s Catalogue) Grabar, A., Les illustrations des Beatus mozarabes et les miniatures orienta- les chr´etiennes et juives, in: Cahiers Arch´eologiques 28 (1979) 7–16. Gribomont, J., Exploration dans les hom´eliaires de l’Orient, in: RSLR 14 (1978) 229–41. Hambye, E.R., Some Syriac libraries of (Malabar), India: notes and comments, in: TAV 35–46. Harb, B., Unbekannte Handschriften im TurcAbdin, in: IIIe SympSyr, 349–54. Healey, J.F., A note on Syriac and Hebrew mss in Iraq, in: BSOAS 43 (1980) 576–8. Husmann, H., Die syrischen Handschriften des Sinai-Klosters, Herkunft und Schreiber, in: OKS 24 (1975) 281–308. Klueting, H., Sinai manuscripts in a West German private collection, in: Is- rael Oriental Studies 6 (1976) 155–7.

4 Kobert,¨ R., Zur Handschrift Vat. syr. 268, in: Biblica 56 (1975) 247–50. Leroy, J., Deux scribes syriaques nomm´esBakos, in: OX 7 (1962) 103–20. Leroy, J., Notes sur trois manuscrits syriaques de la John Rylands Library, in: BJRL 47 (1964) 151–64. Leroy, J., Mo¨ıse de Nisibe, in: OCA 197 (1974) 457–70. Leroy, J., La Sogitha du ch´erubin et du larron, source d’une miniature de manuscrit syriaque BM Add. 7169, in: PdO 6/7 (1975/6) 413–9. Macchiarella, G., Ricerche sulla miniatura siriaca del VI sec. 1. Il codice c.d. die Rabula, Commentari 22 (1971) 107–23. Macomber, W.F., New finds of Syriac manuscripts in the Middle East, in: ZDMG Suppl 1 (1969) 473–82. Mango, M.M., Patrons and scribes indicated in Syriac manuscripts, 411 to 800 AD, in: JOBG 32/4 (1982) 3–12. Maroth, M., Ein Brief aus Turfan, in: Altorientalische Forschungen 12 (1985) 283–7, plates V–VII. Nees, L., Two illuminated Syriac manuscripts in the Harvard College Library, in: CahArch 29 (1980/1) 123–42. Nordenfalk, C., An Illustrated Diatessaron, in: Art Bulletin 50 (1968) 119– 40. Outtier, B., Le sort des manuscrits du Katalog Hiersemann 500‘, in: AB 93 ’ (1975) 377–80. Outtier, B., Le ms Tbilisi A-249: un recueil traduit de l’arabe et sa physio- nomie primitive, in: BK 35 (1977) 97–108. (Some of Syriac origin) Palmer, A.N., The renewal of the art of calligraphy in Melitene and Tur Ab- din c. 1000 AD, in: Qolo Suryoyo 42 (1985) 26–9. (In Syriac) Paykova, A.V., The Tetraevangelim of Rabbula (VI c) as source on the histo- ry of early Christian art, in: PalSb 29 (92) (1987) 118–27. (Russian with English summary) Pennachietti, F.A., Un manuscritto curdo in karshuni da Aradin (Iraq), in: AION 26 (1976) 548–52. Petitmengin, P. / Flusin B., Le livre antique et la dict´ee, in: E. Lucchesi / H.D. Saffrey (edd.), M´emorial A.-J. Festugi`ere,Geneva 1984, 247–62. Philotea de Sinai, Mere,` Les nouveaux manuscrits syriaques du Mont Si- nai, in: IIIe SympSyr, 333–9. Roemer, H.R., Christliche Klosterarchive in der islamischen Welt, in: Der Ori- ent in der Forschung. FS O. Spies, Wiesbaden 1967, 543–56. Sauget, J.-M., L’hom´eliaire arabe de la Biblioth`equeAmbrosienne et ses mem- bra disjecta, in: AB 88 (1970) 391–475. (Some texts of Syriac origin). Sauget, J.-M., La collection homil´etico-hagiographique du ms Sina¨ı arabe 457, in: POC 22 (1972) 129–67. (Some texts of Syriac origin) Sauget, J.-M., Reconstitution d’un manuscrit double originairede Tur cAbdin et actuellement d´epec´e: Sbath 125 + Mingana syr. 88, in: Memorie Acc. Naz. Lincei, sc. mor. 1976, 357–439. Sauget, J.-M., Notes `apropos du Borgiy syriaque 92, in: Orientalia 52 (1983) 252–66. Sauget, J.-M., Le fragment de papyrus syriaque conserv´e`aFlorence, in: AI- ON 45 (1985) 1–16. Sauget, J.-M., Le manuscrit Sachau 220. Son importance pour l’histoire des hom´eliaires syro-occidentaux, in: AION 45 (1985) 367–97. Sfeir, P., Les mss autographes des Annales de Duwaihi, in: PdO 5 (1974)

5 281–308. Strothmann, W., Die syrischen Handschriften der Sammlung Adam Goslar, in: ZDMG Suppl. 3/1 (1977) 281–4. Strothmann, W., Die orientalischen Handschriften der Sammlung Mettler (Katalog Hiersemann 500), in: ZDMG Suppl. 3/1 (1977) 285–93. Taylor, F., The oriental manuscript collections in the John Rylands Library, in: BJRL 54 (1971/2) 449–78. Troupeau, G., Note sur les manuscrits de Seert conserv´es `ala Biblioth`eque Nationale de Paris, in: TIC 10 (1964) 207–8. Vajda, G., Trois manuscrits de la biblioth`eque du savant damascain Yusuf ibn cAbd al-H¯ad¯i, in: JAs 270 (1982) 229–56. (pp. 231–2 on Syriac folios in Paris ms Suppl. Turc 983) Van Esbroeck, M., Deux feuillets du Sinaiticus 492 (VIIIe-IXe si`ecle) re- trouv´es`aLeningrad, in: AB 96 (1978) 51–4. (Ephrem Graecus) Van Esbroeck, M., Le manuscrit syriaque nouvelle s´erie4 de L´eningrad (Ve si`ecle), in: M´elanges Guillaumont, 211–19. Van Esbrock, M. / Zanetti, U., Le ms Erevan 993. Inventaire des pi`eces, in: REArm 12 (1977) 123–67. (Some texts of Syriac origin) Vo¨obus,¨ A., Important manuscript discoveries in the Syrian Orient, in: OCA 205 (1978) 9–17. Vo¨obus,¨ A., In pursuit of Syriac manuscripts, in: JNES 37 (1978) 187–93. Vo¨obus,¨ A., Außerordentliche Entdeckungen im Genre der syrischen Homilia- rien, in: OCP 53 (1987) 185–91. (Dam.Patr. 12/19-20) Wright, D.H., The date and arrangement of the illustrations in the Rabbula Gospels, in: DOP 27 (1973) 199–208.


– Ktobo d-qurbono l-h. udro ˇsa(n)tonoyo, Kottayam 51988. (Malayalam and Sy- riac) – Ktobo d-t.ekso d-annafura, Kottayam 1989 (revised edition). (Malayalam and Syriac) – Prayer and of the Malankara , Kottayam 1985, 21989. Abraham, C.A., The of the Syro-Malankara Church: The Ana- phora of St. James and the of the Twelve Apostles, Trivandrum 1986. (ed. and tr.) Alichoran, F., Missel Chald´een, Paris 1982. – Anafura a(yk) teksa d-ci(d)ta suryayta shubh. a d-Antyok, St. Ephrem Monastery, 1985. Aprem, Mar, Kushappe and Slawatha in the liturgical tradition of the East Syrian Church, in: IV SympSyr, 435–43. Arayathinal, T., The vicissitudes of the East Syrian liturgy in Malabar, in: OCA 197 (1974) 413–38. Arranz, M., L’´economie du salut dans la pri`eredu Post- des anapho- res de type antioch´een, in: MD 106 (1971) 46–75. Baselius Marthoma Mathews I, The Orthodox Syrian : The Service Book of the Holy Qurbana, Kottayam 1966, 31987, 41990. Bonian, S., Life and worship in three eastern eucharistic : Chaldean, Maronite and Byzantine, in: Diakonia 21 (1987) 75–88.

6 Botte, B., Probl`emes de l’anaphore syrienne des apˆotresAddai and Mari, in: OS 10 (1965) 89–106. Botte, B., Eucharisties d’Orient et d’Occident, Paris 1970. Boyer, L., The different forms of Eucharistic prayer and their genealogy, in: StPatr 8 (1966) 156–70 (= TU 93). (incl. Syriac) Brock, S.P., Annunciation and : some remarks on the term aggen in the Syriac version of Lk 1:35, in: NT 24 (1982) 222–33. Brock, S.P., The thrice-holy hymn in the Liturgy, in: Sobornost/ECR 7/2 (1985) 24–35. Brock, S.P., An early Syriac commentary on the Liturgy, in: JTS 37 (1986) 387–403. Brock, S.P., Two recent editions of Syrian Orthodox Anaphoras, in: EphLit 102 (1988) 436–45. Buhring,¨ G. / Uhlig,¨ S., Antiochenisches und Justinianisches im Hymnus Eingeborener Sohn‘, in: OKS 37 (1988) 297–307. ’ Buhring,¨ G. / Uhlig,¨ S., Der eliminierte Himmel‘, in: OKS 38 (1989) 43– ’ 56. (In Sanctus) Caro, J.M. Sanchez, La Anafora de Addai y Mari y la Anafora maronita Sharrar: Intento de reconstruction de la fuente primitiva commun, in: OCP 43 (1977) 41–69. Caro, J.M. Sanchez, Eucaristia e Historia de la Salvacion. Estudio sobre la plegaria eucaristica oriental, Madrid 1983. Cataix, L., Commentaire au projet de restauration de la messe syrienne, in: OS 11 (1966) 51–90. C¸iC¸ek, Y., T. ekso d-teshmeshto d-qurrobocam qole w-lutani’as w-h. uttome, Ha- ckensack 1977. C¸iC¸ek, Y., Anafura a(y)k t.ekso d-cidto suryoyto ˇsubh. o d-’Ant.yok, St. Ephrem Monastery 1985. (9 anaphoras) Docy, A., L’eucharistie et les heures cononiales chez les syriens jacobites, in: OS 12 (1967) 55–81, 151–86. Cutrone, E., The Anaphora of the Apostles: implications of the Mar Eˇsacya text, in: Theological Studies 34 (1973) 624–42. Cyril, F., The introduction of the into the Malankara Church, in: OCA 186 (1970) 137–64. Dalmais, I.-H., Die antiochenische Liturgiefamilie, in: von Ivanka, E., et alii. (edd.), Handbuch der Ostkirchenkunde, Dusseldorf¨ 1971, 390–404. Dalmais, I.-H., Liturgies d’Orient, rites et symboles, Paris 1980. Dalmais, I.-H., Raza‘ et sacrement, in: Declerck, P. / Palazzo, E. (edd.), ’ Rituels: M´elanges offerts au P`ereGy, Paris 1990, 173–82. Day, P.D., Eastern Christian Liturgies, Shannon 1972. Elevanal, T., Some of the characteristics of the Anaphora of the Apostles Mar Addai and Mar Mari, in: Christian Orient 8 (1987) 27–36. Elevanal, T., The Memorial Celebration. A Theological Analysis of the Ana- phora of the Apostles Mar Addai and Mari, Kottayam 1989 (= OIRSI 125). Engberding, H., Das anaphorische Furbittgebet¨ der syrischen Basiliuslitur- gie, in: OC 50 (1966) 13–18. Engberding, H., Die Gebete zum w¨ahrend der Vormesse der ost- christlichen Liturgien, in: OstkSt 15 (1966) 130–42. Fenwick, J.R.K., The Missing . The Contents of the Early Antio-

7 chene Anaphora, Alcuin 1989 (= GROW Liturgical Study 11). Galvin, R.J., Addai and Mari revisited: the state of the question, in: Dun- woodie Review 10 (1970) 3–31. Galvin, R.J., Addai and Mari revisited: the state of the question, in: EphLit 87 (1973) 383–414. Gemayel, P., Avant-messe maronite. Histoire et structure, Rom 1965 (= OCA 174). Gemayel, P., Fraction, Conisgnation, Commixtion, dans la liturgie syro-maro- nite, in: OCA 197 (1974) 163–81. Gemayel, P., Maronite Rite: Liturgy affected by Latinization, in: Vellian, J. (ed.), The Romanization Tendency 1975 (= Syrian Churches Series 8) 94-5. Girauco, C., La struttura letteraria della preghiera eucaristica, 1981 (= Ana- lecta Biblica 92). Godart, J., Traditions anciennes de la grande pri`ereeucharistique. 1. La tradi- tion syrienne occidentale; 2. La tradition syrienne orientale, in: Questions liturgiques et paroissialex 47 (1966) 248–78, 48 (1967) 9–36. Gy, P.M., Le sanctus romain et les anaphores orientales, in: M´elanges liturgi- ques offerts au R.P. Dom B. Botte, louvain 1972, 167–74. Hambye, E.R., The Epiclesis: some reflecions, in: Christian Orient 1/2 (1980) 35–41. Hambye, E.R., A little known prayer of St. Gregory of nyssa, in: Christian Orient 5 (1984) 183–5. (A parallel in the Anaphora of Addai and Mari) Hammerschmidt, E., Das liturgische Formkriterium. Ein Prinzip in der Er- forschung der orientalischen Liturgien, in: StPatr 5 (1962) 50–68 (= TU 80). (p 62ff on Syriac anaphora of Timothy) Hayek, M., Liturgie maronite. Histoire et Textes eucharistiques, Paris 1964. Jacob, A., Deux formules d’immixtion syro-palestiniennes et leur utilisation dans le rite byzantin de l’Italie m´eridionale, in: Vetera Christianorum 13 (1976) 29–64. Jacob, V., The vicissitudes of the Syro-Malabar Liturgy down the centuries, in: OCA 186 (1970) 9–15. Jammo, S.Y.H., La structure de la messe chald´eenne, Rom 1979 (= OCA 207). Jones, R.H., The quest for the origins of the Christian liturgies, in: Anglican Theological Review 46 (1964) 5–21. Jones, R.H., The history of the Nestorian liturgies, in: Anglican Theological Review 46 (1964) 155–77. Jones, R.H., The sources of the Nestorian liturgy, in: Anglican Theological Review 46 (1964) 414–25. Jones, R.H., The formation of the Nestorian liturgy, in: Anglican Theological Review 48 (1966) 276–306. Jones, R.H., The liturgy of : the structural pattern, in: Anglican Theological Review 48 (1966) 397–411. Kandathil, G., Syro-Malabar Missal. A new English translation of the resto- red Qurbana, Kulanada 1963. Khouri-Sarkis, G., (Anaphore de S. Jacques). Pri`erespr´e-anaphoriques et baiser de paix, in: OS 5 (1960) 3–32.. Khouri-Sarkis, G., Le Liber Vitae“ et l’imposition des mains, in: OS 5 ” (1960) 129–58. Khouri-Sarkis, G., Les rideaux du sanctuaire, in: OS 5 (1960) 363–84.

8 Khouri-Sarkis, G., Les rideaux de l’autel, in: OS 7 (1962) 277–96. Khouri-Sarkis, G., L’origine syrienne de l’anaphore byzantine de saint Jean Chrysostome, in: OS 7 (1962) 3–68. Khouri-Sarkis, G., Le voile-anaphore ou voile de l’autel, in: OS 8 (1963) 3– 20. Khouri-Sarkis, G., Le r´eforme liturgique dans les Eglises´ de langue syriaque, in: OS 9 (1964) 323–82. Khouri-Sarkis, G., Projet de restauration de la liturgie syrienne d’Antioche, in: OS 9 (1964) 409–442. Khouri-Sarkis, G., Projet de restauration de la liturgie de J´erusalem-Antio- che, in: OS 10 (1965) 3–40. Khoury, E. Genesis and development of the Maronite divine liturgy, in: Ma- dey, J. (ed.), The Eucharist in the Christian East, Paderborn 1984. Kolencherry, A., Qurbana. Gottesdienstordnung der syromalabarischen Kir- che, 1981. (tr. from Malayalam, with introduction) Konat, A., Ktobo d-t.ekso d’annafura, Pampakuda 1976. (Anaphoras of Ja- mes, Dionysios, John Chrysostom, John the Evangelist, Matthew the She- pher, Xystos in Syriac and Malayalam) Konat, A., Ktobo d-t.ekso d-Anafura, Pampakuda 1986. (13 Anaphoras) Konat, A., Ktobo d-teshmeshto d-qurrobo, Pampakuda 1986. Lecuyer,´ J., Th´eologiede l’anaphore chez les P`eresde l’Eglise´ d’Antioche, in: OS 6 (1961) 385–412. Lecuyer,´ J., Et avec ton esprit‘. Le sens de la formule chez les P`eresde ’ l’Eglise´ d’Antioche, in: Mens concordet voci: Pour A.G. Marimort, Paris 1983, 447–51. Leroy, J., Une copie syriaque du Missale Romanum de Paul III et son arri`ere- plan historique, in: MUSJ 46 (1970/1) 353–82. Liesel, N., The Eastern Catholic Liturgies. A Study in Words and Pictures, London/Glasgow 1960. (Latin: Kaldenkirchen 1962) Ligier, L., Anaphores orientales et pri`eresjuives, in: ROC 13 (1963) 3–20, 99–113. Ligier, L., P´enitence et eucharistie en Orient, in: OCP 29 (1963) 1–78. Ligier, L., La santa Messa secondo il rito Malabarese, Rome 1968. Ligier, L., L’Anaphore et la Tradition Apostolique‘ dans le Testamentum ’ ’ Domini‘, in: Spinks, B.D. (ed.), The Sacrifice of Praise: Studies ... in Honour of A.H. Couratin, 1981 (= EphLit Subs 19), 91–106. Macomber, W.F., The oldest known text of the Anaphora of the Apostles Addai and Mari, in: OCP 32 (1966) 335–71. Macomber, W.F., Concelebration in the East Syrian Rite, in: OCA 186 (1970) 17–22. Macomber, W.F., The Maronite and Chaldean versions of the Anaphora of the Apostles, in: OCP 37 (1971) 55–84. Macomber, W.F., The liturgy of the word according to the commantaries of the Chaldean , in: The Word in the World: Essays in honour of F.L. Moriarty, ed. R.J. Clifford and G.W. MacRae, Cambridge, Mass., 1973, 179–90. Macomber, W.F., Eucharistic concelebration of the early East Syrian tradi- tion, in: Christian Orient 2/2 (1981) 63–5. Macomber, W.F., The ancient form of the Anaphora of the Apostles, in: East of Byzantium, 73–88.

9 Macomber, W.F., A theory of the origins of the Syrian, Maronite and Chal- dean rites, in: OCP 39 (1973) 235–42. Macomber, W.F., An anaphora prayer composed by , in: PdO 6/7 (1975/6) 341–7. Macomber, W.F., A history of the Chaldean mass, in: Worship 51 (1977) 107–20. Macomber, W.F., The sources for the study of the Chaldean mass, in: Wor- ship 51 (1977) 523–36. Madey, J., Laßt uns danksagen. Gebete aus der Eucharistiefeier der Kirchen des Ostens, Freiburg 1965. Madey, J., A reform‘ of the restored Syro-Malabar Qurbana? A critical ana- ’ lysis, in: OstkSt 18 (1969) 172–81. Madey, J., The reform‘ of the restored Syro-Malabar Qurbana?, in: OCA 186 ’ (1970) 87–97. Madey, J., Die Anaphoren oder eucharistischen Hochgebete der orientalischen Kirchen und ihre Verwendung im Laufe des Kirchenjahres, in: Liturgisches Jahrbuch 35 (1985) 119–28. Madey, J., The Deacon’s proclamations in Oriental liturgies, with special re- ference to the Syro-Maronite liturgy, in: The Harp 3/3 (1990) 137–61. Madey, J. (ed.), The Eucharistic Liturgy in the Christian East, Paderborn 1984. Madey, J. / Vavanikunnel, G., Die g¨ottliche Liturgie der syrischen Kirche von Antiochien und der Indischen Syro-Malankara Kirche mit der Ana- phora der Zw¨olf Apostel, Paderborn 1979. Madey, J. / Vavanikunnel, G., Qurbana oder die Eucharistiefeier der Tho- maschristen Indiens, Changanacherry, Kerala, 1968. Magne, J., L’Anaphore nestorienne dite d’Add´eeet Mari et l’anaphore Maro- nite dite de Pierre III, in: OCP 53 (1987) 107–59. Mannooramparampil, T., The history of the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, in: Christian Orient 2 (1981) 66–77. Mannooramparampil, T., Remission of sins through the participation in the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, in: Christian Orient 4 (1983) 64–77. Mannooramparampil, T., Penitential service in the post-anaphora of the Syro-Malbar Qurbana, in: TPP 13–15. Mannooramparampil, T., The Anaphora and the post-Anaphora of the Syro- Malabar Qurbana, Kottayam 1984. Mannooramparampil, T., The restoration of the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, in: Christian Orient 8 (1987) 3–26. Mannooramparampil, T., Rev. Fr. Placid J. Podipara and the Syro-Malabar Liturgy, in: Christian Orient 7 (1986) 52–8. Mannooramparampil, T., Epiklesis in the Anaphora of Addai and Mari, in: Christian Orient 9 (1988) 134–47. Marston, W., A solution to the enigma of Addai and Mari‘, in: EphLit 103 ’ (1989) 79–92. Mazza, E., La struttura dell’Anafora nelle Catechesi di Teodoro die Mopsues- tia, in: EphLit 102 (1988) 147–83. Mounayer, J., Die Struktur der syrisch-antiochenischen eucharistischen Li- turgie, in: Kyrios 12 (1972) 185–98. Mounayer, J., The Eucharistic Liturgy of the Syrian Church of Antioch, in: Madey, J. (ed.), The Eucharistic Liturgy in the Christian East, Pader-

10 born 1984, 69–98. Mundadan, M., Syro-Malabar Liturgy: History and Development, Alwaye 1982. Nasrallah, J., La liturgie des Patriarcats melchites de 969 `a1300, in: OC 71 (1987) 156–81. Paniker, P.T.C., The Holy Qurbono in the Syro-Malankara Church, in: Ma- dey, J. (ed.), The Eucharistic Liturgy in the Christian East, Paderborn 1984, 133–72. Pathikulangara, V., Indo-Chaldean Liturgy, Kottayam 1979. Pathikulangara, V. / Vellian, J., The Eucharistic Liturgy of the Chaldeo- Indian Church, in: J. Madey (ed.), The Eucharistic Liturgy in the Chris- tian East, Paderborn 1984, 239–72. Pathrapankal, J.M., Christian life and heavenly liturgy in the Syro-Malabar rite, in: OCA 186 (1970) 55–71. Paul, K.A., / Mooken, G., The Liturgy of the Holy Apostles Adai and Mari together with the Liturgies of Mar Theodorus and Mar Nestorius and the Order of , Trichur, Kerala, 1967. Poovannikunnel, J., The Concept of Mystery‘ (Raza) in the Syro-Malabar ’ Qurbana, Kottayam 1989 (= OIRSI 133). Raes, A., La liturgie eucharistique en Orient, son cadre architectural, in: MD 70 (1962) 49–66. Raes, A., Un rite p´enitentiel avant la dans la liturgie syrienne, in: OS 10 (1965) 107–22. Raes, A. (ed.), Anaphorae orientales, in: A. Hanggi¨ / I. Pahl, Prex Eucha- ristica, 1968 (= Spicilegium Friburgense 12). (Latin translations) Raes, A., The enigma of the Chaldaean and Malabar anaphora of the Apostles, in: OCA 186 (1970) 1–8. Ratcliff, E.C., A note on the Anaphora described in the Liturgical of Narsai, in: Thomson, R.W. / Birdsall, J.N. (edd.), Biblical and Patristic Studies in Memory of R.P. Casey, Freiburg 1963, 235–49. Rouwhorst, G., B´en´ediction, action de grˆaces, supplication: les oraisons de la table dans le Juda¨ısme et les c´el´ebrations eucharistique des chr´etiens syriaques, in: Questions liturgiques 61 (1980) 211–40. Samuel, A.Y., Anaphora: The Divine Liturgy of St. James, Hackensack 1967. Sauget, J.-M., Nouveaux fragments de rouleaux liturgiques byzantino-melki- tes en syriaque, in: LM 88 (1975) 5–30. Sauget, J.-M., Une importante collection maronite d’anaphores eucharisti- ques (le ms Vatican syriaque 414), in: Miscellanea Amato Pietro Frutaz, Rome 1978, 207–30. Sauget, J.-M., Vestiges d’une c´el´ebration greco-syriaque de l’Anaphore de Saint Jacques, in: OLA 18 (1985) 309–45. Shepherd, M.H., The formation and influence of the Antiochene Liturgy, in: DOP 15 (1961) 25–44. Siman, E., De pneumatologische dimensie van de eucharistie volgens de syri- sche traditie van Antiochie, in: Leven uit de Geest: Theologische peiligen aangeboten aan E. Schillebeecks, Hilversum 1974, 87–105. Siman, E., Die pneumatische Dimension der Eucharistie nach der Uberlieferung¨ der syrischen Kirche, in: OC 60 (1976) 131–51. Spinks, B.D., The consecratory epiklesis in the Anaphora of St. James, in: Studia Liturgica 11 (1976) 19–38. Spinks, B.D., The original form of the Anaphora of the Apostles: a suggestion

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13 AION Annali, Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Naples. BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester. BK Bedi Karhlisa, Paris. BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. CahArch Cahiers Arch´eologiques, Paris DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Washington, DC. East of Byzantium East of Byzantium, Syria and Armenia in the Formative Period, edd. N. Garsoian, T. Mathews and R.W. Thomson, Washington, DC, 1982. Festgabe J. Assfalg R. Schulz / M. G¨org (eds.), Lingua Restituta Orientalis: Festgabe fur¨ Julius Assfalg, 1990 (= Agypten¨ und Altes Testament 20). GOFS G¨ottinger Orientforschungen, Reihe 1, Syriaca, G¨ottingen. JAs Journal Asiatique, Paris. JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society, New Haven, Conn. JOBG Jahrbuch der ¨osterreichischen byzantinischen Gesellschaft, Wien. JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, London. JTS Journal of Theological Studies, Oxford. LM Le Mus´eon, Louvain la Neuve. MD La Maison Dieu, Paris. M´elangesGuillaumont M´elanges Antoine Guillaumont: Contributions `al’´etude des christianismes orientaux, Gen`eve 1988 (= Cahiers d’Orientalisme 20). MUSJ M´elanges de l’Universit´eSaint-Joseph, Beirut. NT Novum Testamentum, Leiden. OC Oriens Christianus, Wiesbaden. OKS Ostkirchliche Studien, Wurzburg.¨ OIRSI Oriental Institute of Religions Studies, India (Kottayam). OLA Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, Leuven. OS L’Orient Syrien, Vernon. OstkSt Ostkirchliche Studien, Wurzburg.¨ PalSb Palestinskii Sbornik, Moscow. PdO Parole de l’Orient, Kaslik, Lebanon. POC Proche Orient Chr´etien,Jerusalem. REArm Revue des Etudes´ Arm´eniennes, Paris. RevScRel Revue de Science Religieuse, Paris. RSLR Rivista die Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, Florence. Sobornost/ECR Sobornost incorporating Eastern Churches Review, London. SOCC Studia Orientalia Christiana, Collectanea, Cairo. SROC Studi e Ricerche sull’Oriente Cristiano, Rome. TAV A Tribute to Arthur V¨o¨obus, ed. R.H. Fischer, Chicago 1977. TIC Travaux de l’Institut Catholique 10, M´emorial du Cinquantenaire, Ecole´ des langues orientales anciennes, Paris 1964. TPP The Church I love: a Tribute to Rev. Placid Podipara, ed. J. Madey and G. Kaniarakath, Kottayam 1984.