-. Voters Must Choose Ca 1n Specia~l Pri Friday Votm·sln Ingham and I,..lvlngst.on counties must choose The supreme eolll't dlcl not decide on Its mcl'its the County Clm•k C, Ross I-IIlllnrcl put on a night shift to Slumt J. Dunnlngs, .Tt•,, Lansing, Is without opposl· thch• cnnclidntcll for state senntm• from 1he I 'lth d!slt•lct cuse bmught by Benjamin F, WnlllDn to fot•ee compllnncc ,. handle the. cxtt•a worlc, Fridny, 1lon for tho Democmllc nomination, with the Mlchlgrm olccl ion law, It WUil ruled out on a legal Labels J'ot• voting machines nnd statement of votes Voth~g machines ut·o Hot. up nncl ballots nnrl snppllm I echnlcnllty, Nominees chosen Fridny wlll t•un at the April 1 elec­ sheets for usc in mnchlno precincts were printed Fl'idny­ tion. nrc In t·eadiness fm• tho qulclwsl elect ion evet• ho;m] of !11 Ingham election officials were on tho bull. 'l'he hamlr>­ a day off for tho supmme colll't. The strips were cut and 1\lrehet· Is a Lansing nldet·man and u member of the · these pm·ts. o['f decision of tho Sl1Pl'OI110 COUl't was announced at 11:30 dellvet·ed Saturday, checked and sorted Sunday so ma­ Judge Louis E, Consh of Ingham county ruled it was Tuesday, By noon presses wot·e rolling. By 10 o'clock chines could be sol Monday and Tuesday, Ingham llom•d of supervisors. For 8 years he was a ropm­ too quicl<- qulclwr than tho law allowed, Tuesday ·: lw Tuesday night absent voter ballots wm·e ready for dellvot•y Polls open at 7 o'clock Fl'iday mol'lling and close at sontativo fmm tho first Ingham legislative district, Michigan suprenl'J court declared that. tho cnr;e did not to the 71 Lansing clly precincts anrJ, the one East Lansing 8 at night. . Younger is .a fm•mer Ingham prosecuting atlomcy and reach the Ingham comt on proper pt•ocedurc and 1lwrefore Is now engaged In t.ho pmetlco of lnw in Lnnslng. · the circuit court should not have issued its Injunction­ precinct using voting machines. Bcfm·e dawn Wednesday There al'C 4 Republican cnndldalos fot· the vacancy an Injunction which would have given absent. voters an op­ ballots for the other 60 Ingham pt•ocincts wore printed. caused by the death of Senntm· Harry E. Hittle. Throe Dr. Robbins Is a chiropt•actot·. He ls a fm·mot• Mason pm'tunlty to have cast. ballots and all voters an opportunity They were wt·apped, nnrl scaled by 10 o'cloclc and some are from Ingham, one from Livingston. They are Fred alderman. L, Klrchm1 and Paul C. Younger of Lansing, Dr. Russell t.o hecome acquainted with candidates. wot·o clellvorcd to township and city clerks by noon. Fl'itch is n Livingston county fat'lllCt', He is a membet· R. Robbins of Mar.on and Edward A. Fl'itch of Howell. of tho Howell school bourd. II' The lng-nam County News Hospital Campaign Ninety-Eighth Year No. 9 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, February 28, 1957 4 Sectiom- 26 Pages Talented Girls lead Mason Seniors Moves Fast After Delegate Approval

Jury Awards $24,000 to Crash Victim

$48 Average On Corn Land Varies Widely

Sailor Wins Commendation For Quick Repairs to Ship

Dairymen came from Canada, Ohio and Indiana, as well as Michigan, to bid for choice cattle Again a board of determination •at the Coe Emens dispersal sale decided that. digging a county ill Mason Saturday. Several H9i· ditch is necessary to give relief to

I~RON'l' PAGI~ Nl~WS Is on several other pages this wee!<:, There's something Interesting on each. · WAN'l' ADS are blooming with the longer on Page 6, Part 1. . BASKI~TBALJ. Is having its last big fling. 3, Part 2. . LE'l'TEUS to the editor made the entertainment page this week.· That's Page 5, Part 2. . ·:' I~DITORJALs are on Page 2, Part 4, with farm news 1ollowlng · · · :lnd sometimes· preceding; · . . ,· · . . , . , , . ·· ~ 1 MICHIGAN COMMANDUI RECEIVES Tt:STIMON/A~ DINNER lln1 ford, Chnl'le~ IIlflelrnlro, Cl111h· Ool'll 8lmUn1r llllfCIIIS IHP Mr. nnd Mt•s, noy Lansing Man, 86 Cn1 olyn Dunlap, Donna 'JTIJ~Ina, 'I'hlrteen momho1 s ot Onondngn Sc ltuoclto, lm•met·ly of LcijJio, Dunne Wlnr lght, Cynthia Col. ComrnunUy r.hmch choh hnrl nn Mrs, Ilnlllo Milia, who nfton Public Agencies May Get VFW Honors Max McCarn win, Sir. von 1TII1Ins, l'Hmlon Pnu• leo siHlllng piU ly In tlw nronn 111 Dies in Mason ~111ya wilh M1s, flolly Coni<, 1~ MIIHon Voter nns of Ji'orolgn nne! Cur olyn 'l'mll 'l'lwsa on Ow 1}111 hlgnn Stale Unlvotslty Silt til llOW lJOlllg' eHillel for Ill tlw ftin Nnlhnnlnl f'mncll flfl, L.msln[l, Will H Posl Nn 7:iO!l will hmrcu C'lllzonshlp honor toll 1110 Slxlh rjny llflmnoon, 'I hoy woto accom vlsln cnnvnlr.sr.t'nt homo In Bnl Federal Surplus Property g11ulo, Geneva Wireman, Cnrolyn nnnlerl hy M1s Dowth:y Corwin, cllccl nl Hohnrl Pnnvrtlcscenl hnnw Mnx McC111 n, Mlr hlgnn r nm lie Crcolt 'l'nul, P1eston Parr, fioxy 1\'k· lylr~ Joyce Nohle, Mrs, nsthr.t UndPr 11 hill lnllncltlll'cl In con C()llgressmnn Chmnhr•tlnln, who 'l'llcsrln,v Snrvlres we1o Thursclnv mnnclcr· of the• VI'W, nl ,1 lnsli· Mr· nnrl Mt s, Billion Bnlrlwln nt ,Towell funmnl hnmr. wllh Mlehnol, Mnllhn Lentz, FrnmiH l!.nntz nne! Mrs, Oe1n1Hllno Mt Ill CAs 'I')HII sdny hy Jlpp ( llflllo>, ns)\ccl why lllr•y r ;m unl JIIU'IIcl !Vhs, nncl fnmlly nml M1 s, .Tessie Bus it E, burlnl rll Maple Rlrlgr. cemulcJy rnnnlul dlnrwr In Lnnslng Snl111 Dwight, C;,onthlil Curwln nml 1\Jiohnel, Corwin ~ctvecl ro Chnrnbmlaln, sin IPs r nun II!;, Jlllle In IIIHllo11 HI\]I'S JnstPIHI of Wendy Cmser·: sevonlh gmcle, f'oshmcnls nt hor hornr• nflcz· spPnl Sunc1.1y nfle111oon nnrl evo l'lllo~, vlllngc•s lllld lowrmhiJH In !loll l!ov. J;JJ.~ Stttlon of L.111 rlny nlghl 'l'lw Mason rnnn w!I'l buying Hlll)lhls PI II)WII y fl om DL!nm• Wlnrlghl, Holen Gmrr.rl, warrl, nlng In nnttlo CJol'k vlslllng M1 woulrl r.:r.l 1111.1 bids r1n sn1 phis sing nfflc l<~tPrl won lhf' hlglwsl slnte Vfi''vV dealer~ nflm mmlt ups L.1rry Hemry, Terry IIem1y, , nnd M1:; Wnlte1' Mulvaney nnrl fmlm.d pJnpmly 'l'lw Ill II fll o Mr Cnr11rll was hnr n In Ln11 nllwe ,1 yr.11' 11goln B1y Clly will Donnn E:f,Jns nnll Myr nn BrHlc•ll Ml' IIIHI Ml s AIIIHII MPF'nll en Ml', .mel Mrs, Wnrd Mulvaney nnrl vlclcs fen ]lliVnle m ncgoiJ,IINI 'JI.Iy hill,' llw cong~essrnnn (IX daughlol', M1s. Bush wmnlnrrl nl plnlnr.d, 'woulcl mnlw fPclei .11 sing Feh11111ry !l IR71 lie Is 'Ill l1r> fol{!(l ul tlw Lnrmlng Clvlr nnd fnrnlly of Olwmos wore Sun HUIC'S hP fm I' IJH• )>I Ofll'l ty gn!'s In hm home In Ba I liP C1 cole Htuplus p1opr 11y .avuilnhlr• to vlveel hy 11 11nplww, Gh•nn ern n!!ll c r ntrr Mr. nne! M1 s nuhr. GlrlrllngH clny CIIIICJ s of fl.h .md M1 s Pllbllr• nt/C linn of I 1nslng wc•r e Wcrlnc~rlny evening dlnnm Cemld Mill lin nncl ~ons llllllliriJHlJIIJr.s Ill ,1 goVI'IIl/llCilt• Allhough 1111• llihutc I~ n s1.11c 'l'hls Iiiii rrsulls fwm pPIIIIlllls gue:;tti of M1. nncl M1s. Lown , M1 mtd Mrs Cyrl Bntcmwn nnrl fl~erJ ptfr I' fMSPr) II)Hln Olip,fnaJ wide Jll Ofli•IITI, II H sponso!Cd hy Pvl, Wnnen Conmd of Ji'ml tl'r PIVPrl f10m Lr>slle, Slor idlllclgt• Glelrllngs 110no1lng lho im mo1 j'vfr. nnd Mrs Strong Bnl11mnn Hiley, 1\nnsus spent lhc week and East L 111shrg nlfle J,ds ' Lid cosl nnrl JliC'sr.nl rondlllon Tills I he M.l~llll posl Curl Blnnchnul hill will In no wuy ,lffPr 1 llw Jlll's Innrl l'r 111ft Srhmlrll, Jt, .uc eo l'flUple's werldlng .Hmivmsrny On We1o flunclny guent~ of Mr nnil end wilh his wlfP and dnughlr•l fltiiHlny thl'Y wmc f(Ucst~ nf Mr. Mr·~ VPI!lnn Chul> .trul fnmlh I'll I Jll ngr 1111 WIIPI I'IIIHfl'l IIH fprJ Judge Roy Adams r hnh men ol 1111' oven! 1'1 o~nl<: Gene Hem noll HHI Onvlrl Wll burn lfc•lghls IVC'IC' guPsls of M1 s !'I IIi gOV!'IIIIllf'lll r!OIIIll0~ SLII j)IIIS nncl M1 s .Joe Slnnldcwlrz nnd Knowledge Seelw1 s cluh mot ;11 son nrcnmpnnlerl 01n Hulhrnff lo sp mg nnd llw Bn s Sund, y Young Is liclwl rhnhm.ln Wll 1 11 1 prope11y lo sc hoofs publll Jw.llllt lr.utl Wull,lcl', h.mqur.t chair Tonn lho homo of M1 s, Of fie Pngr 1 Mr nnrl Mrs Donnlrl No1-rls nw Wr!rlnesrlny nflrrnoon. flnu Ylnn Snnrln) Mr md Mrs. Don Viti< PIs .md nr:orH lc•s 1111d r !I'll rlrfPII~P ot gun Goes to School m1n, ,lfHI llnwnlll Hohctls, m Mr· nnd M1s. C'llfforrl Wilson fnrnlly of Mllfmd wme week end 1~.11lons' rnngPillPIIIH dldh man )>IIJCnls or II dnughlm born Tucs MIS. Fnnnle Rogel s of Enlon rlny, Fein unr y l!l, at IInyr.s Gteen Rnplds wns a Sunrl.JY rllnnr1 dllll frunlly wew Sntmrlay PVo gur.sls nf M1 nnd M1s Hlclwrcl Tlw hill will pinvlde fol lhc Along wilh Hn11y Chnndlm nlng vlsllols of Mt nnrl M1s. 01.1 Jarvis .tnrl f.1mlly M.1son pollee ehlef, Justice of thr Gursl sprultrr v.lll lie HI chat d Be wh hospital· Ciuulolle She ~uest nf M1s Jessie Rutin uf! sale of Sill plus In such n Jn,llliiCl, Houdellltsh n 11101t.ll senlru vier. nuthl uff BIIIhclny c 11te nnd lr.e Tuesday eveni11g Mr nnrl M1 s Pence Hoy W Arlnrns IH attend has hecm named ,J,ICCJLtcllno Don M1 s Lucrllo Klmh til nnd Roh thl' rnng!PS~Illlll s tid llmt I he wmtn.lllder In chiU Others on nn (ll I L .Tonr.s of Toledo, Ohio mcnm wns scJvecl In honrll' of llmoltl l3mlon ,mrJ lhrn umll' fPd!'llll liC'IISlll\ Will gpt lw•Jc Jng lrnlflc control ci.Isscs 11 M1s. nuthruff .nul lwr nephew, nnd nunl, M1 nnrl M1~. W11llr1 Mlthlgnn Slnte this wee!< lire pr ngr <1m 111 o Dudley Ilwllc r>nd guests of Ihe Lnr ry fo'rldny 'l.ttliHI.Iy evening M1, with rlt>ule1 s gPlt lng Ill st rhnncl', Jines nne! ollWT tt.msncllon•: was Doylcs If Moyer nnd M1 nwl M1 s II111 not •!Vallablc f01 puhl!rnttrm 'I ht• M1 nnd M1s .Tack Wright nnd Three new pupils hnvo en Tohn Pntr 1.11 rlw, 8 1st Lnnsnq rlnughtel or .Tncltson unci Mr. and ~oiled at nlverslde sclwol 'Phev old Billion vlslll'd MI. nnrl Mt s e !ty mun.1gm .and .l rnunty surer· lnformnllon wilt he puhllshcd Mrs Be,1!1 Icc West of En ton J:,nJ Mn~N' of Trnnpldns M1 .rnd n<•xl weel1 Onondaga Mrs I' rani< VnnDuesen nnd fnm· Harold Schucdlr., scrond, Hnnlds was n l'rldny evrnlng vlsrn wns nm• of tlw pultllr nffl· lly or Michigan Center wer~ Sun· ''L!!on.aru SchuerHe third; and M1 s Hal olrl Dm ton vl~lle!l Ml r 111ls who .1sl nf sur h n bill~ .Junction Sundn} evening lhc cong1 r>s'm Ill s 1ltl Sister Leaves for West dents mo Dnnny Sllnc, Mmlcnr. Bodell ---..;..;..._...;,-~--~----...;,--.;..-...;, M1 s .Tor. Huff and Mr~ Mu>; J------...... ______..;._,_;; M1 s. Gil! lin WC!Idon left I'll Cl,ul< nnd Susre Hm·forcl , Townsr.nd were co hostosses nt iJ .11 131!,1! n r1.1;, fo1 hm home Long Honor Students M1 s. Mnc Sp1ing, tenc her of 1he pink and blue showc1 m honm o( C tiff, .1fter• spenrllng sr.veJ,II Intel mecltnte 1oom, lists perfect M1 s Francis Dncl< wccntly. Shu wr.el.s with he1 hrollwr·Jn lnw .uHI At Riverside speJICIS oiS' Patty Baldwin, received many lovely gifts Thr. sis tel, M1 mel 1\Il s S A B1 .Tuclllh Squncs, Sue Fu1man, evening was spent 1n playing ment, and frwnrls m M 1snn Sandin Pm 1, Dl,uw Grny Carne games and visiting Are Anonunced Hlgelmn e .mel Max Martin The honor rollin crtlzcnship Js: Thhd J.EGAL NOTICg Mason Girl Is Elected Tc.lcllCrS of niVCI side have de glade PaiiiCid Baldwrn Douglas Special Primary Election ORDER FOR I'UBLICATION Mrs• Julin llolmes d.lllghtcr of uclecl to list .1 clllzcnslup honm Daclt, PntriCid Gnr1ecl, Dtxle Lee FINAL ACCOUNT Mt .md Mrs Sian ley G llolme wll In pl.tre of llle usual sclloJn, Hayter, Howard Ilectm Jerry KOCHER-Murch 2?. 1957 Rtntt nf Mu;hl!-riHl 11H I'•oluHc (ncln Hrgelmlre, and fifth gracle, Nell In lhr. Mull~r of t\J(! E tntn of UAY S I\ II( Ill It lloe< nHed ,11 the college KaJ 1mazoo college, Not•rls Mm,sh.!l nyan S~ephen Barr, Keith Hayter, Jnquolyn Not et I" lluruhy ( 1\C n, 1 hnt. the ru,. the olclesl college In Miclllgan, Sl1ne o~ncl Clolenl Sllepmcl, first, Hyde D.IVId Jm vis, Max Martin, ttt.lnn nf JJ J Wnll J\dmirlltltrntnr of t1nlcl 1 tilULI tJrH,YIIlJ..!' fo1 tbn ullownn('(l of Friday, March 1, 1957 will be> cclchrnllng 1ts 12"ilh nnn1 Hodne> McMwhncl, <~ncl second, Roger Parr, Connie Samson Jud In~ finnl llf'COUnl nn I rur tlu Ulttli!UJ~ vmsmy durmg the .lCademlt' M<~Jicne Cla1k, Ji'lo1ence Dwight, 1th Tnul and Dennis II1gelmhe mtlll lllld diMtrlluallon of Lhe JeHralur nr tmld est Itt! \\Ill lu• h[;nrd nn Mnrt h 22 19"71 r.g1 JI,u old !Ic~ylcJ, D.tvlcl Notrls and Mrs E1 ma 'lwman teacher of 1 or,7 IlL I J[;yj n follY 11vf 0 (lock In lhu Polls will be open from 7:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. for the purpose of nom· ycnr ' 1M.n em Pnn Perfect spcllmg stu !he jt!JIIOI high room l1sl those rortnonr 1 l thll Prolwte OlliH nt ~OS lJollllllt r ltldt-e, lnn14liiJ..!' Mit:hl~-rnn with perfect attendance ns: My It JK Oral1 r• d 1hn~ t1ntrcc tlu 1r.nr bt inating State Senator. 14th District. to Fill Vacancy. ron Bodell, Larry Eitohntt! A1ln Wm·lle, Clt•rl;; DETERMINATION OF HEIRS (,~, trude I' lit or HACK-Mny 8, 1957 Slut' nr Mtthgun lbt Ptolute Comt ~-'"-'IY__ n_, ~_,_te~ o_f_P_ro_h,_•l_e __--,-.'_ ONONDAGA TOWNSHIP fut thf} county of JngiUim l'olllng Place: Ouondngu 1'own Unll INGIIAIU TOWNSIIIP Al 11 Rl Kl·don r r HIL[d Cout t held ut the Ptohute 0111c1 111 tlu C1ty 1f :\1usnn llobe1 t (', Noblo, Clrrk l'olllnf{ l'hu·e: Inghum 1'own Uull tn th• tmul ( ount, 011 t) 1bth lly ur Gt!Oige Vogl, ,Jr , Clt•1k 1th1UIIy 1\]) JII'J7 p, "e' L liON nom:n1· 1 VEVAY TOWNSHIP JudJ:"I nr )1 t0hllte Polling l'lnce: Vevay Town llull T.EHOY TOWNSIIIP In tlu M Lt1 r or the I stat nf llU \ NI HAYMONI1 II \Ch llJu('(~: P1•eelnct No. I, Com·t Jlouse, west en· Hall: Disti·lcts 8 111111 8, ~luplc GI'Uve Comnumity t1nnc c, lh st tlo01: l'ICcmr t No. 2, ( lty llnll nn W. IIall: District" 4 a nil 9, lUethod1st Chtm·lt In Jlolt; 1 1Uupl•• su ect: l't'el'inct No. 3, Court lloUSl•, east llllll District 5, l r-esbytorlan Chm·~h in Uolt. l'llt111111'f', tJ I st floor, l~llith Adcock, CJlerlc Gem·ge Ucllogg, Cieri•

OIIDER APPOINTING TIME FOR HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRS for PILMORE-May 8, lP57 VOTE the MAN Stntu nf MllhiRIIl 'Jh~; Prohntco Co111L fm Lhc Counly of ln~h 1m J\t. n til HtHntl of !"iHtd Couzl, held nt the: rtoh Itt:! OIIJCI Ill thP CitY nr MnHOn with In the ~~~ d County on the "~th lilt)' or luhtumy A ll lfl17 p,, Hrnl HON UOnErtl' I DltAI\E Judg or Pzohnto of P1 olmtc In thr. Mnltcz of the 1 :itnto nf CLAUilJ; Nl LRON I'ILMO!IE llrc Ctnte M B1ool11 wilt Uc hcu1d 1 noon, nt thr Ptohntc OOut nt ~OR Hoi ccu~ed und fm the ndJtHhcntJOn nnd on Mmch 2.! l!li7 ILL uhv<'n Lhhty ceN~~ 1 'co It~ llcrchy Ci1von Thnl the Ju .. o'clocd< 111 lhP for1 noon nt tJw Ptohn~o tJLIOf) or Cloo IJeCnmp Admtrllt!llntor of l!xtel Bid~ Lnn~tmr Mlchu.\'1\11 dch t mumtiOO or Lht! htdl 1'1 It hL" or Republican Ollie! ILl .HI~ Holh~tm Bid~ Lunsln..:, Hmd uHtnt[] Jf!nylnJ..!' for the n1lo\\nn1.1u It.. 111 Oultlfd, lhnt 110llto thmcof lw Hlltd flt()IUHUI Ill the Lime or hiK d(lnlh Mtchlt.tllll J..tl\cn by JIUhllcattor of n tOJIJ hc1cor cn11Lied tn lnhettt the cKtutr of \\luch of haH llnul nccount nnd for the lMHtJ ..m~ fOI lhlt!C \\f'P.kK C'OIItii..!CUliVUIV JIICYtOUH thP. tlilt"JlsCd d1cd Hchctl lt h 01 dc1od 1 hut notice thcteor he ml'nt nnd tln~trlhutlon of the IC!!.Itlue of 1-HHII by puhllcntlon of u cor1Y hctcor 11Uid clilu tQ \\Ill he h!.!UI d on Mm ch 1 Younger In snld dny or lurrmg In thP 1tlfhlm lllHrtnthcl 0Jcltred lhntrmbltcrHl n f01 th 1 cc "cc I11te Olrtce In tho City of Mn•on At. It IH~H!ilon or 111tld Com t, Jn Hnld Count:.:, on the 27th dny of At IL ReHsion or t!Uid CoUlL, held the} J1 rol.utlc OITJcu In the City of Choose a man with ability as senator from this district of Ingham and Livingston. Fehrun1y, A ll l9o7 the P1ohnte Office In the City of MnMOil, in the tudLI County on the .!Gth Courage PrcHcnt, liON ltOnERT r. llRAI(E Jn tmld County, on Lhc .!Gth dny of reb .. l'el11 11111 y A n I Df,7 Judr.:c of T'robnto. """Y A n 1Do7 I'IUHCIIl, liON lto11Eil1' L In the Mnltc1 of the Estnlo P•c•cut HON rtOnErt1 L DrtAKE, Judge of P1 olmtc PAUL C. YOUNGER has demonstrated his ability. As Ingham prosecutor and 'f NlE A. WOODAR!l, llccenHcd Jutl~e of P1 ohnt~ rn lho Mntlel of Lhe E•trrtc or nun•r lrr lhc Mnllm of lhc E'lnte of JQ. as a member of the Ingham grond jury staff he turned in excellent jobs. Moll114 r 'Vhllntolc hntolngo flied Ill HANNA TIIJEL Doccn•ccl L. c, !tEEN, DecenHcd, !illld court hi~ }ltJLitlon runylng tliut 1 lt llJIJl(Oilllnl( to the cou1-t Umt lhc l .. mmn HnlllR hnvin~-C lllc-d Ill Hnld Vo,te for Him cettnln Jndrumcnt In wtilinl: !IUiflOll• c, time [OI Jlrmtcnt..nttotl of c:h1imH HKUII\Ht t cCI• I lnR' to IJc- the lnt~L will nnd teHtnmenl of com het Jlctltlon 111 nylnJt tbnt n ~mid t.:Mtntc Hhould Uo limited, an~l thut u IIHitl umcnL This district and the State of Michigan needs a man of courage. Paul C. tmld dc~I.!Htlf d now· on file In t~nld court tntn 111 w1 itl!n:, IHII )lOlling­ time nnd Jllncc he ltiii!OtllttJd to rccelvu hC! ndmltted to rnohntu, nnd tluat tho to he Lho lnHt \\Ill 1111d t~HLnmcnt of c:mmmc nnd tuiJnltt nil dnimH nnd do· Younger has demonstrated he has it. As an army officer during World Wor II, ·at ndmln!Kltnllon o£ tm!d CHthtt! be J.nnnted 11111d dcccnl!ucl now on fllc m 1111id coutt mundH HJ.{nln11t ttuid di.!<;CIIHvd by nod bo· to hln .. clf, Moul• 1'. \Vhllmolc "' to be- ntlmlttul to JHobnLu nncl thnt the foLo tHIId cou1 t as a member of the grand jury staff and as prosecutor he performed every duty KOillC athc1 tlultublc Jlcl Hon, nnd fua the1 ndmfnlHllutlon of Hillel CHtqtc he ganntml lt IK Oidctcd rhnt to he1 Heir 01 to Horne other Hllltublc thnt th( COUit. mnkc 1L dullnmlllnt[on of duconHcd n.tc •~quhcd with .courage. Always he war os much concerned in protecting the innocent as he Speclcd P~imary th~ fu:Jr11 nt IIIW' of flllld tiCCl!llKed IJcuon uhm !IIUYittg fo1 n dclcrminn .. cJnf"tH Mtdd COlli t It lo Otdeted, Thnt the ~Oth tiny of lion Of hoiiH nt lnw or Hllld dccenKcd 0/flcc the city ol wos in convicting the guilty. Mnach, .:\,D. 10ti7, nt two•thht.y o'clocl' It I• Olllc••J Thnt the 20th tlnv of the 7lh In the u.ftu1 noon, nt the prohute olflce ft1atch, A n I Oli7 nt two o'eloclt 'ln nt =OR llolllotct Bldg., Lansing, Mich. the nfttn noon, Itt the Jll obntc orrlcc nt be 208 Uolll•tm ntdK Lnuoh11r. Mlchl((nn, NOMINATE AND ELECT A SENATOR WHO'LL REPRESENT YOU, WHO lgnn, nnd Is hereby nrn•olnlcd lor bo unfl IK hnteby UllVDillttd for lumrlng horrrh111 Hold 1•etltlon, tmitl tlct!Uon, It In •'utthcr Oulul cd Thnt t>Ubllc no• It I• 1'1" !he•• Ot duod, 'fhut IJUbllc REP.RESENTS NO ORGANIZATION, NO FACTION, NO SPECIAL INTERESTS tlco thol'l!O( bu KIVen by 111tbl!cntion or 11 by COP)' Of thJti order for three t!UCCCtiH[VC tlco thc1cof he "lven fJUbllcntlcn n. COllY nf thl~ 01 dur, Cot Uu ~c Hucccattlvo wco~• llt'I!VJou• to •11ld tiny ol henrlnrr, In wock• r•rcvloua to sold dny of hcnrlng, thv Incrbom County New•, n neWKIIUIJor In the lnghnm County No1vs u new•· printed' ond clreulutcd In ••ld county, llflllel rulntetl nnd clrculutod In onhl und 1 thnt •aid 1•cUUoner give known county, ond thnt onld IIOtltlonol' Klve lnter-.sted llltrtloa uddltlonnl notice no known lntercotcd r•artleo nddltlonul no· lequlred by lnw tlcc nH l'~ Have Meetings Bnml>fll~l f>ILiciy duh Werlnesclny· nncl Mr, nnrl Mr•s, Hny Mnynnnl ll)fll'lllng, The j:(l'nup met at the of Illinois vlisitocl nl tho Aifmd Jwmn rlf MrH. WllJinm DaJ't, CoP!Jrnno homo ovcJ' tho weolt For February ·~ :jl () enrl, Mr. Mnynnrrl IH n hl'llthuJ' of !\1rs, Cochmne. :Mrs. l~rlllh Hoeser Is ~1111 siPit nt lwr l10me hr.rll. '!'he villnge l'llUI'liiWS wm·r. nl lhe commtmit>' hall lust 'f'huJ•sctuy anri Fl'idny. The follow~ ing wm·c! nnminat!•d: Union lidtet.: Pres I cl en 1, Chnrles 1~. Monroe; rlerlt, Chris­ line Cruncinil; tJ•ensLu·er, Phylll!! '' Comer; 11ssessm·, Lnwrenee Crnn· dail; anrl trustees, Jnmes Low!!, Leon !lrl; nnd trUH· ' tees, Waylancl Jlnslliii, Willinrn Schneider and ,John Carroll. The Woman's Aclvnnce rluli met nt the home of Mrs. Wllliani Crossley l11s1 Monday evening. A dessert lunclwon wns served nt 7:45 nfler a shm·t huslness meet­ ing. 11'1

21. Mary J11ne hns 2 sisters nne! 2 brothers, Judy, Jane, Jumes nn{l Timothy. Mrs. Guerriero Is thp former Betty Bergin, daughter o,r the William A. BP.rgins. ·.r M1·. and Mrs. Gcnrgc VanLoo:: zen of Dimondale are the parent·~; of a daughter hom at Mason Gen: cral hospital on Wednesday, Fet]: runry 20. She hns been named Jeanne Marie. ~: , " A daughteJ', Juanita, was horn1 to Mrs. Dnvlrl Gonzales at Mnso1\ .,, General hospital on Snturdny; l~ebrunry 23. · On Sunday, Fehrunry 24, a' daughter was horn to Mr. and , , Mrs. Reginald Miner of Leslie at Mason General hospital. The ... Miners have named her Darlene "' Marie. ! '' Mr. and Mrs. Lester Patterson , , announce the birth of a daughter,

Fail11 L'Annor, on Wednesday,' 1, February 27, at Mason Geneml hospital.

February 28, 1957 Page 3

FOR THE FASTEST :Thank· You! TRACTOR TIRE SERVICE IN To 'ea~h of ·you who supported my TOWN firt$fOnt .can.di.dacy ·for Mason city council . ' on·the·farm tire - T~~nk y~u .very. much! service is as near as your phone 0 '· ,.

Former Resident Help YOURSELF an~.··th,e DISTRICT WITH THESE PROTECTIVE . ,r . , . Dies in Kalamazoo ·, and Mrs. Stella Berkley, 68, of Kala­ mazoo, formerly of Lansing arl(l ... USEFUL ACCESSORIES Holt, died Saturday at the ·resi­ ...... ' .. dence. Mrs. Berkley was born, October 30, 1888 in Cincinnati, Ohio. FRON1' AND REAR 1lUl\IPim GUARDS Surviving are a son, ,Jerome Johm;on of Holt; and a daughter, RUSSELL R.. ROBBINS OlJTSIDE UEAR VIEW MIRROR Mrs. Florence Smith of Kalama.· COOIWINATED WINDSHIELD WASHER zoo; a· brother, Jacob Berkley of Cincinnati; a half-sister, Mrs. As YOUR.· •'., . : :. SAFET\'LIGHT AND REAH VIEW lUIRROR Mary Mauney of Cincinnati; a ; ...• •:. half-brother, William Berkley of ; and 4 grandchildren .. Funeral services were con­ ducted Wednesday at the· Gors­ line-Ritnciman funeral · home, STATE S.ENAYOR ,, AL RICE CHEVROLET Lansing. Rev. Vernon T. Smith of Holt Presbyterian church offici­ 14th Senatorial :D'istdc+ . ',. ··. BlnRNAUD PLAKl\E, Pm'ts lUgr. ated. Burial was In Chapel Hill . . •.• cemetery. 11•17 S. Jp,ffcrson · · ~: · . Eng-ngement Uevenled HERE''S WHY • • • Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Thorley of Yale announce the engagement of their daughtet·, Marilyn K RUSSELL R. ROBBINS has been preparing himself fophe important. . . office of Thorley, to Larry L. Mann of STATE SENATOR through several years of public se~vice, Prices Re.duced on Every Pai.r! Holt, son of Mt·s. Arthur Perry ·'· of Flint. The bride-elect is a jun­ His first endeavors were in Mason where he served 8 years on the City Council. ,' ior at Central MI.chigan college, He has been chairman of. the Mason Republican Committee,·.·co;chairman of the lng· 'Because We•re Mt. Pleasant. · ham County Second District for 5 years and. has held cha!i-inanshlps. o~ both the· Re· ... . , ." 'l'roth Revealed publican Caravan and County Convention . ... ' Mt·. and Mrs. A. B. Eilis of Holt ' • ' I ' • ' • announce the engagement of For the past 8 years he has had valuable experienc'e.working with the legislators their daughter, Mary ·Ann, · to Going Out of Business! Michael B. Pekrul, son of Mt•, and in the field of public relations. He has studied YOU~ ~ROBLEMS. and discussed .;,' Mrs. Mille Peluul of Holt. The them with legislato'rs. ·He has 'attained a practical u~derdal)d.ing.:~f how to proceed '" This Is a Wall-to-Wall Sale! bride-elect attends Alma college. to correct your problems and the problems of the st~t~,'.-'· He fs ~'firm believer in Her fiance .Is a junior at Michl· the Eisenhower philosophy. · · · gan State university, where he is .: . ' affiliated ·with the . Delta Sigma ·sh ~ ·~. Phi fraternity. No !,late has been Robbins, age 45, a coll.ege graduate, is a 32nd de9ree ~~len .. He. and his wife .. oes Gal·oshes ~et for the wedding. · and 3 children make their home in Mason: He is anxi~us':ind,. able''to serve you in - --' Mr. and Mrs. Edward ·B. Shaw ~M~~~· . . '. are parents of a son, Charles Ben· , . ', .· Boots Rubbers nett, . born February 15 at Mc­ / ... Laughlin hospital, Lansing. · · 'r~ '. '' - VOTE· '·:':· Mrs. Donald Jackson, .the . for• Buy _Several Pairs at These. Low~ Prices mer. Janet Potter, da'ughter ; '·.. :.; ' . •.. ·' ' . of Mr. and Mrs. Leonar~ Potter, hall made the dean's list. for schol'as­ tic attainment at Alma· college· for the fall term .. Mr. ·Ja'cltson is a senior at Alma.· He 'plans to ,MASON SHOE' STORE <\ttend. the Princeton seminar . I .·.... next fall. . . ~cross From Theatre · Holt Garden club will meet Tuesday,, Murch ·~ •. at 1:30 nt · the home ' of Mrs.' · '""""·­ Campbell; 2970 College road.·· . l ... • ·'! .'~:'. ' ·• I Holmes .. Eifert Hospitals Nuptial Guests • ,j 111 anJ P.~nonab Start Arriving CoujJle SjJeal;s Nu]Jl'ials Couple. Married 50 Years ••#\ ··'Ill' lnlJ!ason /Japtist ()hurch MIHs l~stlwr l'ottm· nf William~· Uc•ec!Jitinns Jlc!li!H Nc!wlywc!dH' tc111 those a pal~ pint< prirH'c•ss· A rc!c!cptlon wus given for tile ,., ~lyle dress for her weclrllntr Jo'rl· nmvlywcrls ul. l.hc Vevay town ..... day, J~eJn·uiii'Y 22, to CJ;n·mu·c• hall

Ken1wth J.ialceured IShermans were the Sullivans ami Reg. $2 Smart-Dressy-Practical I,OOJ from any meml)er. Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens, Sr., Mr. and Mrs, Club of St. James of Williamston. Mrs. Stevens and .·Just Right for Spring! Special Catholic church will haVP a meet· Mrs. Sherman are sisters. D~·CAI.. -D Caps Shasta ing Sunday, March 3, at 8 p, m. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Save $4 of the i11 the parish luill. Members are Mrs. Merlin Smith and family $10.98 to $19.98 SHAMPOO to tnl1e wrapped white elephant and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pratt and gifts. Mr.· and Mrs. Harold Bell family of Springport. $7.95 SAVE blc Week arc co-chairmen. " • * * ;[I ~: New Only $1.39 RENEE ROBBINS HAS PARTY Sorority Stages END EN Kodak Br.ownie Renee Robbins celebrated her • 11th birthday anniversary Satur· Regular Meeting day at a party given by her par· SHAMPOO l·Day Ela Alpha chapter of Beta SJg. ' Ends All Dandruff Movie ents, Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Robbins. Sixteen boys al1d girls attended rna Phi met Wednesday evening· Photo Finishing ami played games. Birthday caloys snw most of Wnrrun Lc!u; nne! grnnrlpnrenls,[ nrnes " Jli'Ospr.c vo ' 1'· I j II I t j t tt II ·' I I I j II ' " " • l-1 II f n Ill I C'ltlt cotu·t .lut•onJ for the l\'lnt•dt ng , 11 nmn es . us. 11 cr m c ·, or4er y c tnrgo, t1e ,II scntenca convention In Grund Ruplds~ I~rl· owe urmer, n cpu 1 cnn. ·In theh· posscsslpns flont nwny or Mt'. unci MrH. WeHicy Cumaron of' ll'l'tn nf cmtrl were rlrnwn In Ma· nigh!. Saturrlny, '!'hey seized cAn· an nllernntiva to pnvtng' fine and rlny nnrl Saturday chose candl· hns a 250·aerc fnrm on tho north •omo npnrt In lite flo oris of ,Jnn· \.y will ~~cntlo~l 5 Sl 111 'f 11111·,· 1 A 1 11' D•ll 1j Briggs had slnee 'anuary ment Flnrllng doors locked they ' 1 • ar 0 ' ns· mise funds for n new Howell hn~· lines In the llonderl fll'()a Wuge 1) t . Ok . , d tl • t calion, Chris II. Magnusson, De· . c I an ~rm Uleau. c s water coming !rom 2 flnmlcri chine~. lll'oirilng 111nl Plnthlng weru· 100 111 lse Cnlc and Hlchunt I•', Mflhan~y, own on ,. emns. · 11 CL~ trolt. also Interested In the .Junior streams cnusecl the bn~crnenl. lost, sho snirl. Loclm; lwnp pace with area growth nnd hnclc acro"s fields to the Robel t Members of state hoard of llgrl· Fm·m IIUrellu progt•am. Tile an· Ethvurd A. fi'l'ltc!h c;r.rald I ric and Alfred W. needs, Rice said. Scyfa:th place •. enrnute st~mbllng culture, G, Donll!cl Stevens of nu~l barbecue Is staged at his ami the state should live within Bowes Mcrldhn· W·lltcr l Dl M·1son will not he c·tught In agnlnst 1111 electrified fence. Thr.y G Ill 11 1 J V 1 fa1m '· ts Income. ·' ' ' ' '' · '' ' mnr!e their wny to the ral!rnarl ,ranr ap t'e the rlcdslvc primary set fm I grants Hnd f•'rank Ncllwway, Vn· covet· furtlwr In nation. ~n~ ~· 111~ ~rn ' 1 ~ c ~ a[ Bartlett Is nssistnnt supet•Inten· that taxes arc now high enough Prlday, 1 1 0 VHYi ClmlmeJ' !loss and Carl ill•rlt•rul Aid Not Avnilubl4l IOMI w tell! t teY Al £mpSclc dent of sdwo's fll Grosse Pointe ------!1 · • • " 1 ·• 1'1 t · f 1 • 1 ld 1 sica n c•nr a 11tc 1•.Y 1e , c tner· · • .. . . Ingham County News 1cl~hct, Wheatfield, Nllto~m Jeres no ~rc111 11 n 0 ~ , 1 871 D 1 1 A Bt'HhirclsRosevllleschnolsuper· K• • p •b t f Sc·lntll! anrl F;ula l',lJ'SOIIH, While sight for lltC! hospital at Mason, 1-rr:teJ .l!I~C, . ttl a~ ~t~1·111· lntenclcnl. MllgnUHI,Oills a cnrpen. . IWOnlans ay r rl u e 0 Oa!1; Davirl Powell nnrl ,Julia AI· Strlhlry l'efwt•tcrl. Federal nld IH cling ,ncxl ro_or ,'1 1 ~ · · 1 tl let• anrl the business agent of PUULll!HJ:;lJ THUf~DAY AI'TEICI Lydl:1. J,Jcs, Ben 1'. Stratton, If.; f~ll nld, ?lllhi~;V s.llc!. fh,ll ~lrl 1 ancl went 10 lite pnrklnA" area nllt· Talbot Smith of Ann Arbor·, John standing ~all conservation work cates.' lila: yl!hl 111 llll(hl•n• alld lii~IJIK) 1\IIYt'rll~!!l' 2 hospital authorities from at·~ fullto. achieveberieflt 'ofin. theschool talent and. and obtain time good will should develop, he said. of the party. tending the meeting. Fog ground· of.·teachei's, and · The visiting minister, a former 322 Abbott Road, East Lansing, Michigan . Men and hnys had a pnlluclc eel McNerney between Arm Arbor . ·whereas . our teachers ami dtnner at noon. and Mason, nne! kept Di·. Robert t.licir org· many people· .to the church. Raymo!ld H. Mc~an reviewed preclative parents· and other cltl· Women Bowlers the hospital situation at Mason, zens glve'·them, ...... relating how Drs. Clinton and THEREFORE be it resolved Ch h PI William E. Clark provided hos· that I, 'Alfred. F. Fordte, mayo I' urc es an Wrn in Tourney pita! services for 10 years. before .of Mason; join 'with the Michigan D f p · Speci(ll Introductory· Offer they and their wives. presented Optometric .aqsoclatlon in dedlcat. Mnrgarct 1-larlme~·s and 1-Iclun tha hosp.ital and Its assets, to the lng· save .. You~ Vision Wee!~. ay 0 . rayer W11re wnn I he hanclicHpped dou· co,mmut~ty a year a~o, . . .. March 3-9,' to· the I~atlonal Edu· On Sunday morning at 9 over b'r..~ clivi~ion In 1 hr. Lansing wom· fha Con~munlty Cottncll, or· cation as~oclatliJri· an~ .the teach· NBC radio the World Day of en's annual bowling tournament r:anl~ed. Ol'lglnall.y ~o..provlde ~ ~rs .of ot,lr city.. . . . · · · : Prayer will hr. featured by ]) .. ~unday. Margaret J;ollecl 530 ancl s~Jmmmg pool, adopted the hos· .. ; ALFRED F. FORCHE Emory Ross. The title of th pro·1 Helen llacl <134, which f!""C il1Pm pJ~al project last year,. ~cLean ~--· ----..:. ....:..' gram is "Faith In Action." e 11 handicap total of 1225. They saul. . . .,.. guidance· and ~ciunsellng and that Other radio. and TV programs received $40. Margaret won $7 ~HY PcJ•Icins told of the.boards locnl people, 400 or 500 of them, which will promote the obset'V· fn.r plneing fotu·th in the hand!· action In sccuJ·Ing the ·site. 'He must organize· and ·conduct the ance of the World Day of Prayer cnp all-events division, commended Mr. and Mrs. Jewett camp.aign. lncluriP "Let Thare s Light" .. . All 3 teams from tha Early. for their generosity. '!'hose pr

Ingham County News ll.EGIS1'Ell.ED AND Oil. AD!~ 1 ALPALFA llJ',Y, first apr! ~ec•ond f:l 11.0 0 DE R -- fiOO chic I< size•, 101[) Ji'ORD Turlm', V·B: tnfiO Ford 1950 OMC 2-lon true]{, 2 Hpeed BOARDING -- Private outcloornmr<~I~ SUPI~RIOI1 LAYERS Ycirltshhr.s, Michigan Atnto c•ulllng, H, L, Dnvls, 1 Y. mllos JnmeHwny, VPry good conrll·: I•'orclor, V-8: 195'1 l~ord Tudor, • n>:lo, long wlwolbn~o. I..owiH runs for cmch nog, Green Acres llt'ovn to lm llw top monoy February 28, 1957 Page 6 'i'nlr gwnrl champion hnm·, lrt!C north of US-16 on VrtnAtln l'OliC~, t!on, A!Ho cr,g gJ•nr!PJ, Wlte egr, V·8; blond swivel coffee tnhlo; 5· F1·om•, one milo south of Dnn,. Kennels. Phone 011.·7·!l7!ll. SUil·l maltcli'S In Weslcrn N, Y, 1111111om meal-type Yot !hlll'rvlllt>, pPcllu. Phone llnlt OX 'I 7.107, ------of the better 111 cPeleJ H In the lJ s Mason, phone OH n1787. 9wlf culling nlfulfn. Mrs, Don IT!ll, flw2 Owl' (I h' ll'UPI'll~~;- l'mlwr Spaniels, R All hwr.cllng stoclt 1j115 Yf'•lr w~~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ------·------!313') Olwmos l'flllcl, Jlhone Lrm· ' ot lng wet>lts olrl, clol'!ted, holh hlnclts hntehf'rl fJnm 21 oz eggs or over. RATES AND INFORMATION IIAMPSIIIHE BOAf{-Jolm 'Pill'· fling ED 7·71!-!!l. 7wlf LTVE·l'OWJ~!l tulw off fnl' !~Ill rl , und IJlonric"'· l~cmnleH, $!'i; mnlf'H, A1c you tHH!hlccl with IPttlmsiH, IH'l', 207G Hawley ronel, pltmw , ·--- moelcl NAA ttnCIOI', lllw new, @ , , . 1 ~:-\ Al,o Pxe·ciiPnt quality sP.'~;~~cl llloorllness, hlnwoul/i,hlllnlleggs'! Mnsnn OR li-1043. Owl OATS-'100 husltcl Clm!on onls, dwnp, Also 7 It, fl. gnsolhw air· 'AI/' lL01IIING- Bi.IC'Ic, Hill! culling lnlf'fl nllnlf.t ltny, $2~.10 Oct Dh•ltsC"• this yr•,Jr; ptnven - Also ahoveavrmigc firflt and roolecl engine, exr•cllr.nl r•onr!lllnn. Uf'. While wool clwck spring <'Ootl, JlPI' Jon OJ' 71lc JlPl' hulc'. Cfcoo mnnPy matw1s l'o;l<'lllfl In·lngs The Ingham County News SPOTTED POLAND CHINA I second cullinr, nlfnlfa hay, Butler Stacy II!le, [i miles soul It of W£'il ~lzt! 12; and yellow nr.t folln,d, l'.tlnwJ·, 17Cii Au!l;lnJ•; Jo.ttl, llr•,l fret! mmplP.Ie Jec·mcls 111 Jl,ulflom Bonr, weight 27fi lhs. Lynn Bros., phone Mason OR 7·1786, bervlllc at 380 N. Semis roar!, ;;!zc 0, wnrn mwc. Phone Masnn fa1 m nm th of Aurelius C'eJ1Ir.1 S.tmplc test·- p ndi!C lion, egg Phone Mason OR 7·9011 1 1 IInynes, 12!!7 Onondaga rond,J Bwtf phone WPilllm·vJIIP •I J';{ U C AI OR 7-LWING MACIIINE::; -- Convc11 11 ngcs of clus~;lfh•d nils $1.011 I r; HAMPSHIRE GILTS, due in ALFALFA-AND-CLOVER IIAY ELI~CTHIC IIOilSE CLIPPERS, A V-8 wll:~ JlOferg\lde. Thlsl!•l· yam trenrlle Jnt.J nn r.lr.r•trlc some foreign Cntll11Jlrs hn1•o vls!t- 1 1 11 UJI' Ineil Jlox numhe·1· nels 50c I April und registered IInmp· , ' ' • · 'I grecuhouse fJ•amr.s, c1 orlts, c oor m np ws m gc rnr ~·I portable, $29.50 All mnlccs rc- eel us. Nc>m Jy 2,000 hlucpllnts ~xh-u ' shim h~m·. Rny C. Hughson, Wol-1 large whe bales, $25 per ton., glass und Outs. Mmgucrllc c.tV(', lwntcr unci low m!lcnge, $2,09.J. paired and se1vlccel. Also used mnllccl nil ovct• U S About !00 . ·- __ : ! vcrlne wad, phonn Mason OR ':lv83ce!St .encOI sn·aolletcslnotnllyl,'OWa;l R. Lly!oonne, iil4 Y!,.·. ~olumbw, M.. Json, phone 'l!J!i:i FORD Fnlt !nne Convmllble. portahi~ mnchinP.s for snle. 7 :-\7DO. flwl D!t ltsr. w!ndnll less house•; now in 7-1136 9w1 g • p • on h ahO.l. !hvlp I A teal shmp car lemly to go WooclnHI Sewing Mnchlne Serv- . ''". •. - opel'lltlon. Egg }111Hlllllinn Sjll'd,tl· • t k '__ ------_ Aurelius 612. 8W2 ------· ---- 11 'l 70" ' ' Ice, phone Holt OX D·22d;j ~rmfi Ill. II I LN -I o glvP .t\1'•1>' to goo•! lsls-10,000 hrceelPt s nn n1n· own IVr!'S oc HOLSTEIN IIEIFI•'RS ' 2 till!' IA T r n ---- BROODER STOVE - 501) c•h!ck ' $ I ,), [{rental Ave IIolt '33wtf lwlnc'. Roy Sl.llr, 1112 Colum fnrm. No lllo!lc! s, no IUJ!crys Ill I·• • to 'fresllell s"oon~ Allen Freel· 1 Y - op qt111 11Y tst cut· size, boltle gas, good conr!lllott, "195<; CHEVROLET Bel Air 4· -----'- _:__·--- ___ hln 1oar!, 21 ~ m!lros l'.Jst of Mnson Dh J,se. !3nby pullets-~ 10 Jl<'l' tOO. · · tlng alfnlfn m 1xec,1 A1 so corn $l~ AI L 1 1 r.:, ·I • AU . , 1 !)!{ ~ oo•JO " .. erlclt, mile SO\Itb of Mason, Phone slla e M•lutlcc Oesterle 1220 ' ,) so r.rnntn JellS, 7olC ent I door, V-8, powergllde, power CTIONS- I'llrlay and Sa lUI'· [I Jtl!I[J I,,,,_ ;o\V 1 llY llcm1 .tg,tlnsl .~n, C'lncks at SHETLAND - Gelding, 1 ycnrs Mason OR 7-0111. !Jw1 Dtefz 'roa;l Phone · Wchlwrv!lle ~r 20c pet lb. Theodore Clwlmc", pnc, power hrnl\es, Indio, bent- clny, 7 p. m, nt Lansing Econ· PUPPIES _ English any plir.e. You don't h.tVI' to p.1y afe for nny child to ride ~-~ A[J'·I'• _· ' · v li3 Wllllamslo11 1 ond, phone Dans· e1, outf 1dc vi sol', undercoat. AJ11 omy Purnllurc• on M !l!l ac, nss up to 60~ for mnncy malwrs to· Old. S I --- I 3 81 2 1 3 II 1 'j 1 I ill MA 3? J7S !) 1 I Gone! slor it dog:; $1 c,tcll. or drive. Also sndelle horses n11d !•JERSEY COW, years o c, < uc ____ · ~- v e • ~' · .w , for only $1,693. from Maple Grove school New Chrnlcs 1\l,ll'linl, lust IH>usr• soulh day, Dlrl1sr. Lrgho1n l'.t!lll, 7.<'c· used western saddles and hrlrllcA. last of March, $10Q; IIercforcl 1 ALFALFA IIAY--:iOIJ hales first IIAMMFRMll_L_ J;;h~ Dr.me , G r1ncl used meichandtse of <~II of C.t!'IPI' toad Oshrnn, phone land, Michigan, phmw :JODI 10. 0 2 0 2 1 011 2630 East State• road, Lansing. cow,•2,years ole!, flc~h, he!fel cutting alfalfa 200 hall!s sec- ! J $ PI, r. M OR 1fl5fi CIIEVR LET\} If ·to~r, ·Jidnds. If you have something to Dansv!llf' MA ;, nw p '!3wlf 1 30 1011 32011 2 Cnll Lansing IV !13102. 6wtr c·al! hy side, $115; 2 Dmham nn!l nnd cutting. Hen;·y Am!erson,,85-i '' · ason cylinder, s11, t. A lllge sell let us SPJI it. Cnll L.mslnr.: ~ ;,~~ ' n1 1 stnnr~arc I ------lletefmcl steers, weigh nbou! 600 IS. Eifert Iond 3 miles WPSI 1 :y. r 8 . ·_ -• . v value at $1,3~JJ. 'l'Urncr 2 2721. Dwlf !IA'I'CIIINC- l 'I lie i."n, 15 HOLSTEIN IIEIFER.!:J, 'dttc' lbs, t71,~c alb, extra good st~ers: miles south of Mason. Sw2p Hl:-i4 CHEVROLET Del Hay. --- Tra;ltl:rS rhwlt nnrl Ill! liP~ Pggs 'No to flcshcn tills month. I, 'Yotl,shnc gill, ti\IC in Mny, 2.JO lb, ------farm Sl nrp Only $1095 't ~ ._~ goosP ,tl p!csPntl Allt•<'n MPnt Pr.,uodl Jn,ul 1'. nlll"s Dansville. Phone Dansville MA also other gilts 1\lltl boars. Roy qua!tty Timothy. Never heen I Equipment 1Di>4 CHEVROLET 4-door Station I ForB tt !3 t L sr:r; TilE NEW l'LASTIC front southr.,Jst of LPslif' Pllllllf' L••siiP 3-2281. Gwlf D. Don!lld, 1287 Lnmb roacl, wet. Wa& cut early while gr·een. Wagon. $1,Hl5. · ' e Cl uys a ess Champion trailer homes Out· .ru 9 fJflOO 'lwl P fH-~~: ~;:;r~~~.:~f-. i,;;~ l<~~~~~rcf' sp~~~~ phone Mason on 7 0582. !lw2 ;~~\J~f~l Jf~:.~~;:e ~~~~~~o~,\t~~ I Spcc%~';;n Grass Sceclers 19~3 1~IIE~~~~~~- Sport Coupe.[ ~~~!t~a~~tt~~~~ :: .. "'J~~ ~~ ~:~~n;~~~~g ~~·a~\~·~-m~~~;~~~ nr~~~~~~~:;: Sl~/~~~i;,,;~~.~~~~~~~~· s7;J.'ti~o:~nr~~· t~lf'l' .,1 VnJ•bl•irP 'Jl'lll~ gilt• GILTS _ 25 Yorltshlres Not Cast Columbia road, 2% miles P'rO m~d electric x tu m · ' • ',), Chairs ...... $ 2 Up user\ 1l'nllers. !3tt}' from Wlul· Hunt, 13% w DP;o;tPI 'I 1,11 1, IV Jt I' . I!! "' Tom bred $40 Glenn Oesterle 128:i enst of Mason, phone Mason OR I Weed Sp1 nyers CHEVROLET Cluh Cottpe. Credit Avail", h]n man's ,ulfl he stu·e. Whit man's 1phon!' Mason 7-G Ui2 'llv2p 0 11 .~ 1 R~ 19~3 on ll f'r '>.I A[l? ' ' • ' I I I. ,· I M . I on 7-8826 9w1p Dow Spray Material Powelglide, one-owner A redl'l " ~ 'Tta!lcr Sales, onr. nlllfl CdSI of I- - llrtSP" rnnrl. Ma!rm, Route 1 • Ec ~~~ JOn( • P lOne ason --·------, Ferlillzer Spreaders steal. Hu1ly. $895. East L,tnsJng on US lfi. Phone • ROM\V ALTr:R LEGIIORNS fo1· 1 I I pho•tn Mason nn G-17il7 :l7w7r11 i7·8.l.J2· 9W Jl HAY- Baled second cuttmg <~I·•Klengadc P1oducts , Foote Furniture Lansmg T:D 2·1817 flwtf' 1 top Pgg pJm!uf'IH>n plw. ''.til~ GlLTS_:-21'urcorc'cl Hampsh!res 1y·oni{:sHIRE yeanling pigs _! faUn hay, excellent quality., New PTO Balers 1953 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4·1 ------large egg s1zc, exc ellPnl !J\,tllliltl', DtH' to farrow 111 March. Rich I Also bred gilts due in Apr1tl Also balcrl s;raw. Carlyle C. Lombard Chain Saws door Real nice and has power- D:30 6;00 r2 WIIJ:EL TRAILER w_1th mel~ Mlchig,m U. S .tpprol Prl, pulln'r· ard Cheney 2 miles west and a Les Morse 1292 Holt l'Oad, phone Waltz, 3923 V.. Columbia roacl,•l Cover Bom·rls for Most Plows ghcle, too. $9!l:i. 11439 W. Grnncl n1ver, Williamston I steel tongue, 2 good tn·es, 22GJ um typhrJI(I dean Pltnnr L.tnsing mile ~Olllh ~f Mason, <127 s. Col Mason OR 7·0-189. !Jwl• phone Mason OR 7-7014. 9w2p Lincoln W~ldcrs & Supplies I ;iwl r s L.lxlnn 1 narl, pilllllC Mason OR FJ•:!) H!) l:i, fl:i ll.til y I() lrl, I LtsiPII 1 I r,wtf I --- --I I Firestone rlres TRUCI"S I - - - - . - '7-0283. Rwtf . 7wtl' ~ge rom. ,) 1 I HAY-Baled first nnd second cut- Chore-Boy Milker Parts '- • BRF:D GILTS, due in Aplll. Carl H F d G . ling al_fnlfn nnd first and sec II Mayrnth Elevator ' 195G CHEVROLET ~Hon pickup. What a Sale! 2 wher.l tra!let• for WESTLINE-'-A ronllnllerl Sl!IJOJJe Lcs- ISCe laneous •P and second cullmg a !fa Ifa and Phone OR·7·5971 " ' ' 1 fot· sprinr: fe1 tilizer needs Ou1 Mason J1'n JU 9 "3GG 4~r\vlf " m1Ie south of South " brome, mixed All goocl quality ---- ~ · " · Locaterl '" Plir'cs aw compe111ive. CARS 1948 D S t d 1 ------Lyon on Pont1ac T!llll. Also oats (Cra1gl R B Frost - e 0 0• goo run· H A I' ---- - SAFES-Small safes tor ofri~e t)l' 1705 Zimmer ~·om!, Williamston: 1953 FERGUSON 30 tractor, dou- ning condrtion, 5 goorl Double orne pp lance IBul'ldl'ng Mater•"als home. Also mcir'x files 1\c•cp I t t I · t A ble 16-mch Den I born plow, 2· Eagle t1'rc" 1a 11 1 at 1 your busmess 1 cc m ds 111 01 rlct n ernu Jona eqmpmcn - 'J d phone G08F'5. 9w4p , ' . ' . c o, Je PI', prJccc M__ ason___ Phone OR 7-'5911 ------tractors, 1!J55 <100, 1952 Super 1\!, An erson row Ford cultJvator and rubber- cheap. Also 1951 Paclmrd Pati·i· ------.mel proteC"tecl from !11" ITa !Old 1!152 Super C, UJ5:3-II; two 2-row FEEDS-Wn thmore anrl Rowena' tu·ed wagon Max Benne, 3487 cinn 400 series, only 37,000 m1lcs, MAYTAG LAUNJ)RY equ1p;ent I BUILDING, REMODELING-All Neal Safe Co Phone Mason OR cultlvnto1il, 1055 4-row cultivator LIQUID FERTILIZER CO. feeds. A feed for every fnrm Olte~os road, phrmc Lmsmg ED make offer. A 0 Greenough, sales and service .s·lshy r .1 klnclil of ~!cling roofing, stone 7 [1701 7wl [ Dansvlile Phone MA 3 2363 7 73~' 9 1 1 111 and 4-row cmn planter; 1952 50T need Baby chwl,s, $16 a hundred. · eM. phone Dnnsvlllr. MA 3 2291. plemcnt Co., State street, M,· son, flre[JI.tces, lll'c-c,Jst cement steps, Bllssflelcl Phone 23!) w P 1 baler; 4 row weedet; 7ft. mower _ ------_____ ·- Salt Pearls for water softeners 9Wlp phone OR 7-0141. 9wlf cc1linr, .1nrl wall panclmg, e,tve,. ::iAI•'.I!:S -- All maKes, types ann with w!mh ower, manure fonder; HAY-First cutting alfnlfn and and I\,tsco dog food. Tomlinson's INEW WI?E FRO~;r'·,END for ---- troughs, wmdows, cloors, louvers, sizes. BJught, sold, opened anrl 1955-8 ft. double d1~c on wheels, hroml! hny, wile buies. Roy Phillips 66 Service and Feed MTA 01 400 Intewat.onal trac· NASH- 1952 Statesman, 4·door. SPACE HEATER, used one year, 1Jo01mg, wn!lpnpet and nwnmgs repaired. Vault doors, money l!l54 8 ft. douhlr• elise, 2-row Moolc, 2717 Lalte Lansmg road, Store, Holt, phone OX 4-2881. tor. James Showermnn, 1170 Good running condition, $350. in good condition Phone Mason installed. Additions, remodeling, chests, steel deslts, fllmg ~abi· mounted corn pwlwr No 2•1; :i phone Lansmg IV 3·8•164. 8w2 9wtf Kane roncl, Stoclthnd_§'_<::_ -~"'-~ Bendix automatic washer, $[15. OR 7 2•182, 730 Dm 1 road, Mason. masonry wnrk, masnn1 y w,tlcr· nets, tear gas nnrl rombmu bottom 14-lnch plow; ------~,- -- BALEDMIXED HAY _ First DuPONT cxplosJves and supplies. Mrs. J, B. Jones, Box •19, Mason. Ow2p proof pamlmg Inlcl!or and ex· tion service. Murrt·y s~fe Co., New Idea equipment - 1!lii5 BALED HAY AND SrRAW - cutting and str·aw. LewJ's Stephen Donnell, dealer Phone Phone Jncltson ST 4·0845. ------ter1nt pn1ntmg. All res and hn•.e· 5D61 South Ceria: strecl, Lansmg, t I ff 1 I ttl )'f Jf T 9wl" EASY WASHER, wunge1 tyJlP, 1 f' · 1 1 11 1 J • One-quarter m1le south ot power a w o manure sprcac er, Secane cu ng n a a. op Freer, 1 'mne south of Dansville Holt OX ,J 74; males, $8 Pllone OR 7 .~ 873 5awtf uu .., 0111 7 L phone Mason OR 6·1201. mlllter, 8-can cooler, etc. 1951 IH Cleo Palmer, 1765 Aurelius road, ::J • pANEL DELIVERY TRUCE:, dt•amnllc, heater, rndlo and 2· •· · w 17wtf SLAB WOOD, h,u c1 maple, :ji2 50 L160 truck with stock and grain !list farm north of Aurelius Cen· I~orcl, 1947, new paint, nearly tone paint. AMANA combination refrlgera· ------·--- a cord

FA11M LOANS-Long term, low WITI WILT~ PJNANCI~ your now Ingham County News :moACJlP. J~ARM nr.m· Perry,' PAH'l'·'l'IMf~ TIELT' WANTED. f 5 • F'Oll REN'f--C'lt•an, c•nmforlnhlr. intcrcat, for refinancing, Illlnr,, Cnpp homn ntlnwr~I c•osl. Low 2R0 nm as of Wol'll lnnrl, T!;qlilp Mus I hnVI' anlesrnnn qttnlltif'~, VIWAY 'I'AXPAYI~HS -- I wlll, ,,_, building Improvements, purchns· monthly JHiymcnts for the Ilnnst arrn erv1ces slcoping 1 omn, AIHo onc-Pnt' lj('CP)II lOX fliiYJllPill~ Ill mf "' ' February 28, 1957 Page 7 pee] for hll go rlnh·y hi' I cl, Surge must ho nmhil ious, t hm rntgh nncl - ---- gnrngc, 'J'wu hlocl\s from cnurJ lng lnnd, etr•, Fru·m must be 80 Ol' home in Arnrrlcn, Cuslom built mlllling purlm·. 'J'hrce housr.s. wnnl tn mrot people. Woulrl CUSTOM SLAUGJJ'l'l~RJNG, cui· home, 2f)92 WpJl wnrl, on Sntur· ,,. ;.,., house, Phone MnHon Oil 7·7R3:i. dny, Mill ch 2, Mrs. l•'!Clrl l.oVetto, more acms, Wrlle or .~Po Paul B. on your lot unci fnunrlntion. GPI Glenn OcRierlP, phruw Mnsnn Oft Jake nt lcrtst Hi ltntn·s 11 WPt•l> tlng and wrnpplng, Also r·nJnil IN MASON- i'i herlronm home, 2 !lwl lownshlp tJ'l'nsur·m•, 9wl lmtlts, litJ'gP Hvlng rnom, full Cheney, Farm Lonn Service, 11!1 tlw size home unrl style home you 7·8fi'i2, Pnul ll. Cheney Heal gs. Mnn or womap. Inquh'l' Ingham meats at whnlehnlt• Jl!'lco~. uny ----- bnsenwnl, oil heat, walls anrl s. ,Jefferson, MIIHO!l, PIJOnn on want, Our homr• I'OUIISC!Ol' will tnte, OR II fi5fiS, 9wl p County NDWH, Mnsnn on. 7 flO II. nmount First pluce north of US· APAR'l'MEN'l' - 2 hedrooms, plnstc!J' In lllw·new t·onllitlnn, flcRt 655:18, OJ' Glen 0l1Rlr.rln, Mnsonlhelp you In any way. No Phmge !lwt r Hi on Crll'lwll l'oarl, Olnrolrl gill Phone Mn Michigan stairs apartment in downtown In· Business 3r·n mnch·1ype homn with at· N. Wushlni(lon Ave., Lansing, WANTED - Fresh eggs, Top son Olt 7·!21K3, !hvl cation. Avallnhle lmmmllatcly. LESLJF, - 7·room holtsC, Full tacherl 2·rar gnrngc, automatic phone L.tnsmg TV 4 RIR7. flw I prrccs pul-; fm• eggs on the Artificial Breeders Call Mason OR 7·:ifl91. [)wpiP PART·1'IME buslnells of .: ~ baseboard heal. Lnrge ldlehcn 1 ------your own evenings, ~cnling , • price only $~,950 wljh Jerms, grn(lc. Bee :r..n\vrcncc Ilyntt, 30U W AN'J'f·~n Mlddlr. .tg:t'd JP1inh1,, ------with 2·compartment slnl\ beaut!· ~N !~DEN 2lwdroom JniH'Il type photogr nphs, !tlcntlflcatlon cnrd~; ' ' Also a very 11 t tractive mot.! ern 1 S. Main St., Eaton RaJllcls. Phone WOllldll to ['lll'P. (OJ' 2 rhllrhen Co-op Eul hullt·ln hhch cuphoards nil' lipuse, nearly new, 100'x21ifi' !Gnton Rnpicls •11fi21. 19wtf rl.tys while mntiJP.I' wnJII~. Jn Cards of Thanks etc. Wnnwr $2!10 senl!ng rna· .! bcrlronm home for only $9fi0 chine, usPrl very little, with small rlnwn C L .Johnson Agency, c·all !led, cl(haust fnn. Large fully lui, 13x1fi living I'Onm lnt gl! qtthr nl •1'!2 Ensl Onl,,Mnsnn. TOP BULLS of nil bJecrls. Mom· ------Mason OR 6·!ifi73. ' :nrpetcrlllvlng room, theunopanc ldiC'ItPn, lois oJ cuphruu d anrl flw1 lwrs ln·cud their rows for $'i. amount n[ plnslle to start. 'rhe ')fctm·e window, covc•cl ceiling, r•losct spncr., utility toom, 17x21 PIERCE - We wish to express Jltsl $100 r•,1sh offer gets every. !IW1 ------1 Lem n how you cnn hecomc n Olll' tltnnks to om· many friends mnclstone fireplace. Two complete gat agr, oil [UJJ,ar 1!, Call Glenn WANTI•!D- Womnn, ·l'i·fifl, to .tirl mcmhcr·, too thing. Need cn~IJ, IIownrd Ben• and relatives for· the many cntcls nett, phone Mnson OR 0·5628. 3·BEDROOM RANCH HOME, baths 2 extra large br.r)!oom8. ,OPsfcrlc, OH 7·8:1!12 Pnul B. CI1e· In ~~HI' of aged tnvnllrl, some ::oulcl have third bedroom II rlc· ney Heal Esl.11e !lwlp I h I B and gifts, Spec!,Jl thank!; tn nllt' 9wln close to Mason, with 6 ror more nut sing CXJlC'llt'nrP dcslt•.JhlP. c ar es E. rown children and those• who helped In ~Ired Extra lnr,:re l'ecrcn lion ------,1crcs. This home Is nc~rly new Ltve In, no I'Dol,lng, 'l'uesrla,v, I Phone Mnson OH. 7·4fi2l any way to mal\e ou1 'illlh wed and well built, fire place, carpet· r·oom. Th1s home Is complete anrl 200·ACH.E clnl! Y farm, new Surge '!'11111 srl.ty anrl Sntut rJ.ty cvcnlnr~s .viii stnnd the !nspeNion of 1111' milldng parlor, new tool ~heel, ding anniversa1y reception pos lng, full bnsemcnt, lovely l\ltchen, off Other ftcc time to h~ •ll'· -;;;HJ~::; 1 Pltll'l!::;;-~lltO to1 pouJ sl!Jle. 'l'hanl\: ypu slnccr C>ly, Mr In Memoriam most dlscrlminnting buyez. Priced tcnnnt housP, terms. C~~ Glenn ------.,..- tan:c In eezewny antl2·car garage. 1 ranged. Vcty lii(ht houscwml;, try Plcl! up nnytln1r r'usl•" nnd Mrs. C. I Pwrcc. flwl Priced to sell. C. L .Johnson right Easy terms. R. G. Hem· , Oestr•tle, Mnsnn OR 7 8.JJ2, Pnul IN MEMOIUAM - In loving.,.; ; lngi:'l', phone 4·4831 F.ntqn Rapids. 13. Cheney Real ERtntr., Mnson 10ocl wages, Wt lle W. L. Amold, worl\ is special. w. H. Appleton, memmy of our dcnr rnthet·, ...... Agency, cnll Mason OR fl5fi73. l09 Inslll ancc Exchange Bldg ' phone Mason OR·7·0382. 3wt1 liwlf OR G ~"i5S. !lwlp uEHLY-I want to exp1·css my John Anderson, who left us 9w1 1\JWANJS CLUfl -- \\'ill ptr'l\ up .Jacl,son, 9wtf ---·------­ dlllrlcH frll' Crnnmtuuly s,ilr• thanks to my !Jienrls, rel.tllves March 2, J9:i6 . A·1- lil MaRon, At.,------CUS'l'OM SAWINC.. Will get iogs and neighbor~ for c.\l'Cls, flowers LOCATION nnyli'lw during flw yeat Pro Gone where f he angels sing so nnd saw lumber Also slab and gifts senl to me while I Wil!l tmctlvc 3·hecJ,·or.m home. 2 full Clarence M sweet, ABEL hntlts, fl!cn)nr.n and den, carpet. rr·crls usrrl rot· boys .md gills. Bus·lness Serv·ces nt Buller's gas station. Phone in the hospital. I especially want And tnl\1'11 when Gorl lwew I • ll'ho!lr. M.tsnn OR G 'ifiiH est ' • Real Estate nrtrl screens, lnnclseaperl In! WANTI~D -- Clollllng, futntlurr•, -- -- p I stnff for thoir wonclerful carP. Ills wemy hour·s nnrl drtys of Pr!cccl to sr.ll. C. L. .lohnson hnu•C'hnlt! tll~ms anrl all nllwr GLAZING OF ALL KINDS. Pet ersona 'and 1111'. and Mrs Will Blanchnrd pnln, 3·Famlly Income, elcrtric nnd rnetl'h.mdtse suilahle for· llw J(J. kms Hardware, Mason. 43wtt for staying at the house with the Phone OR G·J161 Agency, call Mnson OR fi fifi73. Jlls trnublerl nights nrc oil heal, 2 units completely fur· w.1nis cluh cnmmunrty s,J]c, Wr•'ll ------COME AND r:E.!J' rr, cat your children, so Mal y could he with Mason Owl p,1 sserl. ". ., nishcd, mrc nwnct's .rpm•tmt•nt. pick up lhtmtghnul the ycm·. AII GENE'S DECORATING SERV· fiJI -, t tlw Booster-- cluh ham me at the hospha! Rltsscll Ehcr· \VI! miss him herc so,vr.ry muc)J,'• •' r 1 "O N '> 1 Gnorlloc<~tton, choH'C lcn.tnls, ex pJorecils suppotl M.t•,on ynulh ICE - Experie!Jced rlry.wa 11 supper M.ttch 2. Dansville Meth· Iy. !lw1 Iris ptt'sence oft srems nigh; TWO BLOCKS born court house, MA., N- ew ~·l)(.!lllnom writ cellent rentals, terms. .tcttvillcs. For pick up seJvtcr work, pajJer hanglllg nnd paint· 1 good O·room house with basQ· 1 1 1 nut In out aehlng hcnrts \lie 3 mont, new gus furnace, at· 2 ~~!~~~~:~~~ ~~ i.\/ ~, ~~ar;~,~n~; 2·BNhoom mmle1 n, nlumlnum dl~nnc M,t~nn Oil fi :i!i3•1 _ ~'.':'.1 f I~~~· K~\1 ~~~cyn ~:~~~:~ M~~n: 0883· odis~~hurch, _ 7w MONROE - Words cannot ex· ltnnw, tached garage. Only $7,500 3-l)(!rlrnom, $5,77) full price c L storms and ~;cr ccns. P".tc!lc.llly "'AN'l'E• D __ Jtttll< c.trs fot' 1 w ,, NOTICE- Delhi township hoard press our thanl\s to our fticntls lie has tound sweet test nt lt\~t.' 100 8 311 cash to settle estate. .Johnson Agency, phnnr l\lnson new, C[l,! Icl_ s t teet, goor.I JJCI!PI I.>or " Jloll ts - Jlt~hcsl prices pnirl. Also _ , , of t cvicw wtll mcel1 I or rcvrew· ami neighbors in our communi!)' Dcvoterlly, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel. anrl surwuncllng communities Plwlps. 9wt ' '' (j :if>7:l. 11wml, c.osc to nc.~ school .u)(J w.tnt fmm m.IC'htnct·y, wu an.' TH!o; JoiX·l SIIOP _ Anythmr ing asscssnwnls ancl 1ca11ng com· 6 MILES southensl of Lnnsing, 1· on 0 r for their kindness arul help in nu1 ------ycar·old mmlct n 3 bedroom flwl downtown Mnsnn, I e1 ms rn !Jwlc lin. Goorl usrHI mtlo (lfll ts [or 1 wot til htcakmg JH worth fixmg pl.tinls Tuesday, M.trch !i, 9 n. time of sickness. Thank you vcty F . h H WSCS home, automatic otl !urnace, for a 2·bedroom house tr.ulcr. s,tlP. Call IJ,lJlsville MA 3 3414 o, I Let us try. Free pickup and ,Jc 111. to :J p. m, on Mondny, March much nncl may Gocl bless you all. aJt aven full basement, on one· acre, 3 Bedroom, modern, new !00, 3-Bechnom, Lcshc, modern, gas mctnl helped to support In 1!155 .mel businessmen. Also boold\cep· .James Rnsa1y and Allm socJC>ty Auxiliary, the D A. V.. Dens· church was Introduced, lie ' 07 ""' ern G·room hous(], 4·plece bath, tmms. ensy heat, only $500 down Com met'· )[Jr old foli's prngtdm (Sunset Jng and business sc1 vice. Hallie will have ,, bIhcl church were ., heatolator, attached garage, north of East Lansing, 100 sell. pic, enabled tlS to give furniture Mason, phone or call r ftcr 4:30 ft om 9 to 1 30 and at Mason club anti Jewett's ambul,mce guests : ,,.,., ., located on blacldop road on Trmlcr Snlcs and Gift Shop on 1ncl clothing to 17l famtlies FJ. p m. week clays or all day Satur Dany Satmday, Mm·ch 2, ftom !l acres of mtnt, ~00 act es ready service. Roy Dodge. 9w1 ______------'h·ncrc land, $12,000. !ot' plantmg, Good sl!ll, excel· US-16 with 1GD·ft ftontage. Ideal nancial asststance to 112 parolees day, OR 70931 52w16 tn 12:30 9w1 APPROXIMATELY one·acre lot business location With 20x45 ft 51wtf ------lont land, well drained, 5 small butldmg Excellent rlenl for ------DIGGING FOOTINGS - Instal inside c!ly limits. Only $000 houses in excellent condition. L d F d cash. couple. Tct ms, POULTRY WANTim - I'll pay inr:: sewer, ltling and hmldmt ost an oun T~X- No;i~~-~------, More PURE Nearly new 30x60 ton! shed, NEAR HOLT, 3H: acres With new Tavern near Lansinr:: on mam you more ~!or your. poultry septic tanks complete. Havr underground gns storage 9 house partly flnlshecl on blaclt· Piired right for quick snlc. htghwny, excellPnt gross Terms Call Watts, ;:m ·M Wtlltamslo'Jn. f power digger and dolor. Phon LOST - Chevrolet 11rc ami WHITE OAK-The bomd of re· top road, $7,000 with $1.000 ' or Hade fm fm m or ctty JlfO[l· ------____ 3_~_w_t_j1R 7·4973, Glenn Starr. :JOw1 \I'IJecl, 19.47 model. Finder vww for the townslup of Wlutc clown. WEST COLUMBIA., 4 miles from crty. WANTED -Logs. and .stnnrhng HAULING-.-:_ Iwhhr;;h,~, please call Archie Snyder, phone Oak Will he Ill scsston at I he LIVE SEED I I I HOUSE IN MASON - Nearly Muson, :; acte.!l With 6·toom Mole! al Houghton Lalw with trmher Jiowc Snw Mtll, _!live" ashes, etc. Low rates and Mason OR H 1:371~-----9~ town hall on Tur.sday, M, lots of· shade, close to Ideal location. THtdc Jot f· furnace. Excellent location. ~ehool, $13,500, tctms. l!lg co11eclwn:-; and the other 1'erms. let ms L-IV-E'-STOCK-\V A-N-TED-All Lansing TU 2·3307 or Mason OR Iat the Wheatfield Grange hall last 140 Ae1 e Farmer's Farm, priced 7 8893 It 6 6 tf• days for the hearing of CO Ill· 120 ACRES, 3 bedroom house, 20 ACRES west of Mason on Co· to sell. Good datry set up w1th ~ kinds of ltvcslock of any age. - a cr p. m. w F'riday evcnmg wplease I' contact Market price paicl. Also Will do ------Max Etfert, 11 tnmston ex. plaints. Fred Mat."hall, Super· water in, barn with 12 stan· lumbla road, good all modern, slnll mill\ing parlor Cows, heif· ~VERYTHING In ptut Ding fill G 9 V~M 9~ chions, stlo, milk house. $15,. 5·room bungalow Wllh attached ers, and tools c.m he purchased hvestock trucking at all t1mcs. ' turns material tor "plumbin' ·change •12-F'·32 ------wlp 000. Terms. , garage Barn anrl poultty Roy D. Donald, 1287 Lamb road, "' • • ---~- AURELIUS-The board of tcview 1 with den!. Mason. Route 3, Phone OR 7 O)S2 and sheet metal. Do your ow!l NOTICE-All stra~· aogs plcl(ed lO·ACRE butldmg site, some 1 houses, good level land, all Choice 80 actcs on blacl>tOJ) mstalling and save. C. J. Perrin up ?y •he lngham County Hu for the township of Aurelius timber. Just $1,000. Terms. , tillnblc Pl'lcc $12,750. Tct ms. 10ad Tel ms o1 trade for .Jacl>son ___ _ _ 27wtf l13 State street, Mason 19wtt rnane Soclety or hy Clayton Hu Will be in session at the town ha11 We have several good farm~. propc~ty. POULTRY WANTim - Heavy ------lett, county dog warden, are held on Tuesday, March 5, and tile Prolitablc stani:ls! Clean •• etds! houses and northern properties followmg Monday and Tuesday, Salesmen All propetltes shown by ap springers and fryers, custom DO YOU NEED plumblng, heat a full 7 days at thP Animal Shel· These arc your rewards for that can be bought on terms. the first clay for mal,lng corrcc· Call Wayne Feighner·, OR 6·56S2 pomtment If we don't hnve wh~t clrcssmg. Wtll plck·up. w. x. lng or electrical work done? ter before being pffered for sale planting pure-live seed, TI1at's 111.:-ACRE farm, 4·roorn house or Collms Huntington, OR 7·6406 you want we will hy to find it Steadman, s. Edgar road, Call Cady Hardware, Heating ancl This gives owners a chance to t.Jons and the other clayF fur the and other buildings. Located 620 why we recommend and sell ' fhvl lo! you phone OR 7·81i~. 4'5wlf Plumbmg, 141 W. Ash, phor locate them. With owned dogs, henring of complaints. Paul between Mason and Lansing, Rowe, SupeJ'Visor. 9w I , pure. Jive Badger Brand seed for $4,500 with low down payment Everett Marlett ------Mason OR 7·1211 33wtJ we do as the OWMr requests, if your farm. Badger Brand }>roc· WANTED- All l miles east of heat, newly decorated and avail· For a good mvestment, income 1 MARRIED MAN With small fam· etc, Low rates and prompt able about February 16 Suitable property is your best buy. C. L. tttractlve !arm. Mason on Dansvtlie road. Glenn 1ly wants herdman or general service In Mason, Holt and Oke· for couple. Call Harold Neal, Just 1·9c Johnson Agency, phone Mason l20 ACRES - Good set of build· Oesterle, pbone Mason OR farm work, 15 years experience. mas, phone Lansmg TU 2·3307 or Jlhone Mason OR 7·0701. 7wtf OR 6-5673. lngs. 7·8:552, Paul B. Cheney Agency, Can furnish goorl references. Mnson OR 7·8893 after 6 p, m. 1•BEDROOM HOME in Mason, 9wlp Available now, Phone Lansing Keith Otis. Bwtf'' FOR RENT - Des:raoie store FARMS- 87% acres, very sharp for the money, cor· ED 2·5827 anytime except Sun· ------btt1ldmg in ilxcellent location in Half Gallon 750; 120 acres, a real ner lot, good location, price 159 ACRES - Owing to tl~ clny. 9wl MASON, HOLT AND DANS· Mason, 011 furnace heat. Phone terms; 120 acres, $5,000 $9,275, terms. clea th of R. I-I, Bitzer, the 159· VILLE d t 1 i Leslie JU 9·3543 or write Mrs. B. acres with 2·bedroom home, full WE HAVE many other listings, acre fat•m, one mile east of WAN'l'ED- Carpenter worlt and ' rest ens ~case not c~: F. Wluttalmr, Route 1, Mason. repair wm k. Henry Fries, Sr., Volunteers of Amer1ca truclt ":1 I w Tin Roof price $8,500; one·acre lots, $600; 'N LESLIE_ 2·bedroom modern Merlcl!an road on Catholic Church 132 Rayner street Mason phone be coming to Holt and Mason ----·-.,.------,---9 1 2 vacant 40's, east of Mason, only home, with very good location. road, 1s priced to sell with terms. $750 clown. C. L. Johnson Agency, Modern kitchen nice living This is a real producer. L. D. Mason OR 7·11~<1'1 ' 5wtf Tuesday of each wee!\ from now FOR RENT - Modern furnished Ice Cream phone Mason OR 6·5673. ' • ' on. Be sure to phone Lansmg IV apartment with private bath room close to new school. Own. Mahan Real Estate. T. H. Tooley, HELP WANTED -- I-Ielp us ,4.4414 a clay or two before if pas· and entrance, oil furnace heat, e'r wi'u sacrifice tor qulcl~ sale. sal.esman, will be at the auction serve Mason's young people by sible. Dansvlllc residents shOllld located above Mason Shoe Store, Just 69c Price $Q,800 with low down Fr1clay, March 8."' Phone Mr. contributing your d 1 scar cl e d send post card to 327% River St' Mason. Phone Leshe JU 9·35,13 or payment, Tooley, Lansmg IV OJ 1478. ~ clothes, furniture and other sale· Lansing, to arrange for plcl,·up. write Mrs. B. F. Whtttalmt·, Route 11:: ACRE close to Mason. Has 9w2p able articles to the Mason Kl· Your donations of clothing, just l, Mason, w very good 2·bedroom and pos· SANDWICH SHOP and card wanis clttb. We'll plclt up plai-n rags, papers, magazines, 9 1 CASH and CARRY MILK slble third. Exceptional attrac· room in downtown Stockbridge, throughout the year for the an· furniture and metal helped to FOR RENT - 2·room house, fttl'· tlve five·piece bathroom. New good active business showing nual community sale In the fall. support in 1955 our old foll(s pro· nished, and large room house, Half Gallon oil furnace. Verr good location. nice prom. Change of occupation Phone Mason OR 6·5534. 5wtf ,gram (Sunset club). Provided partly furnished. Also Rclax·n· Mason. school bus by doot'. Live forces sale. If you want to be in jobs for 1,92 people, enabled us to INerve lounge, 2397 Aurelius road, suhurtian, ctl?n't pay high taxes. business this is your opport4nlty. WANTED- Be an Avon repre· Igive furmture and clothing to Holt. Swtf Homogenized ·Immediate possession. Price Some terms available. The Ab· sentatlve and ca1·n a good Ill· 171 families. Financial assistance · $8,500 with terms. bott Agency,' Stockbridge, phone come close to home. Profitable to 142 parolees. 51wtf FOR RENT-4·room apartment, Standard C. Johnson Agency UL 1-3145; Harold Smith, sales- ter1•ltorles now available in Ma· unfurnished, nice and cozy, at· son, Holt and soutltern Ingham PAINTING ESTIMATE::! tractiva. Must be seen to be ap· Phone OR 7-4985 man, phone UL 1·2901. 9w1p~ 1•'~1!:.1!; Robert. Kirb~ county. Call Lansing IV 2·6893 or Our service complete and sat· pt·eciatecl. Call after G p. m. write Avon Manager, 501 N. Wal- tsfy!ng, We use the best mater· Phone Lansing IV 5·9005. 9w1 nut St., Lansing. 7w3p'' lal, are insured nnd have many · Mason Da.·ry Bar local friends. Experienced in all FOR RENT-Small house at 2722 WANTED-Any type of indoor phases of painting. Art Lambert Richard l'Oad, In Lansing sub· painting by reliable person, & Son, Route a, Williamston, urb, $30 a month. Charles By· 142 West Maple Reasonable rates. Phone Mason phone Webberville 67·F·ll. water, 2695 Richard road, phone Open Every Night Till OR 6·4741. 3wtlp ' · 2SwU Lansing TU 2·2069. !lwl ~--_,"""!"...;.-..-..~~--~-!'11!111~-... ~!!!!!!!~~!;;JJ.Ji>" lriaham County News February 28, 1957 Page 8 '

IGA STRAWBERRY DAWN COM Preserves· TISSUE 24-oz. Here's an inside tip: Do you know 4~~~RoU Pkg. that your IGA store is unique. in the sense that while it is local it has tremendous national purchasing power? This means lower prices every day on every item IGA FANCY 33c which you buy. The purchasing power of the 6,000 IGA food stores from coast to coast throughout the and Tuna Fish Canada makes it possible for your local IGA store to pass tremendous savings on to you. IGA FANCY QUALITY 2 303-Cans IGA ' Tomatoes 29c

FLOUR DAWN PAPER . I IGA CUT SPEARS 2 300-Cans Towels, 19c ~'·Asparagus 53c 89c 12 for $1.00 Muller•s Nev1 m Sunny Dutch Kitchen IGA ~~ Morn Rolled !. BREAD Chicken COFFEE Buy 2 Loaves Oats Here's. a favorite all the ''"~ 5-Lb Bag and get package of family will enjoy ... Dinner Rolls FREE 39c . .delicious, tender, plump! I lb 79c •! Friday and Saturday

Tosty Breoklost Treot! CARTERS Whole Fryers IGA Lighte1 Dcg Food Pancake Mix 2 ib pkg. 31c Stam c 12 Cans IGA Pure $1.00 24 lb .Cane&.Maple Syrup -·'· 51c Reg. 99c .BOOTH•s SE.A FOODS . ·FLUFFO CHICKEN PARTS You11 Get MORE 11t IGA! Breasts La 69c Legs La 59c SPECIAL 3-lb Can Ocean Perch Lo 33c ·rhighs Lo 59c 94c Golden Hb BOX $1.49 · IGA Hawaiian c ARMOUS STAR MM~OR HOUSE ·Pineapple )lb$1 Instant Coffee No.2 Can S·Ot. Jar SIRLOIN-T-BONE-ROUND . You11 Get MORE 11t /GA! STEAKS ( .LB 59c BEEF OR PORK ' . gives it that ~~Marlene ~ LIVER Ls29c REAL coffee margarine. ~ 1-lb BEEF HEARTS flavor! • ._..~::-:·...... J c r~:i.?!~~""~m. ·pkgs. BEEF TONGUE PORK HEARTS Lb 19c Peters Skinless Link Sausage SLICED BUTT I 2-0t. Package' 39C ------PORK STEAK LB 49c GROUND BEEF RIB STEAKS La 39c SAUSAGE You11 Get MORE if /6A!. ~------~------"F .. . 'P ·t· s· k .d H The following lettt!l' was sent this WI~Ct{ to the armer ee 5 mo e am (II'CSidcnts Of 32Joca) clubs and or~alli1.tttiOJIS. If your IGA Flavorful, . club wa..<; missed b3• us, plcasu consider this your invita- GRADE A LARGE $ Wh 0 Ie - LS 55c Shank ' LO 39 c tion to participate in the contest. , DI~Al~ CLUU I'IU~SilJJ<:N'l': · / Orange Butt LB 69c Shces 98 c II' your club is interested in winninr.;· IL t!llSh jll'izc of $IiilO, • ·Ill' l'illl'll 46-oz. 0 $300 $2011, lm yon a·cgistl'.r ~·om· clnh I' or IGA'~ Com· ·Eggs Cans· . Shced Fresh S1de Porll LB 39c munlty nonus llttys Contest s

,.. ' Kircher Seeks Nomination 57 'Part 2 l·n Spe·cial Prima•~y Vote February2B,I9 The Ingham County News Frr.d L, I(Jrchm·, Lannln.: IHIHI· ncHsmnn, mcmhr.r nf lhc LilnBin.: dly council and hnnrrl nf Hll()f!l'· vJijors nnd fo1·me1' slnle Jcglslul.nr from Inghnm county for• !l years, Saginaw Firm Is a cnndldute Cm· nomlnulion on the llr.publlcan I Jclwl for tlw senate scat mnrlr. vncnnt by the Gets Contra(t denth of Senator Harry F. Hit I lr.. During his R·yonr Iemire In lhe Mlchlgnnlcglslaturc, l!l:w lo l!lH. ForNewM-78 Kircher worltcd for t l1a passage of JegJijJutlon for muny benefits Snrgcnl Construclinn Co, of to the agee! and for con·ecllvc Saginnw was low hldrler and wn;; health measures of Hoclal dis· awarded the contract on 7.1 miles cases. of M·78 from East Lansing To New Location He was leg(ijJallvc chairman of nortlwnst to the Cllnton-Shlawns· All Old Studt lu B1~ Sold al Cosl nnd Uduw! Nothing; t,, Bt! !Ho\'ml - Nm\' Spring aiul Summet• Goods Coming the committee that brought se county line, Contract IJrlcc Is Soon! about the prcscnl expnnrlerl !nell· $1,326,271. ltles of the state lwalth labora· tory, located on the west limits Tlw pro.Jccl consists of wlclcn· ·--HOUS'EHOLD rrEMs:-- Ilng the present 3·1ane pavement of Lansing. mONING PAD AND COVIm- *·I.!J5 Value- Now ,Just ...... $1 1mch It was during that time also 'to a 4·1ane undivided pavement IIJ~AVl' CANNON TOWEI"S, 20x<10 ...... l~tt. S!lc that 1\lrcher nnd other leglsla· from nenr Abbott road cast to tors set up the present capitol NYLON 'I.'IIROW I~UGS, l'cg. $2.fill ...... NOW $Ul9 Alton street. From that point cast development program. This Is, at I.1',·GOVICitNOit Ph111p Hart Is OANNON SHEETS, 8l.x108 ...... , $1.98 the present time, l'esultlng In the lleve thr.y cnn he dl~bursed mo1·e to LalAD 1\IITl'.ENS ...... 26c nil Important state office func· within the community. lie. Lalte Lansing road east Ia the The Williamston Grange hall Cannon or nan River SIIBE'l1S 81x!J!l Cello l'acl;:ed ...... ea. $1.79 tlons nnd personnel In centml "f favor super highway by· $2.73 PILLOW CASES to match for several· ·-MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS-~ ·the department reported. rently valid for meat transporta· Mrs. W. L. Borton will serve though per~QJ;ii.ctWY .he hnJI . Veterll)ary ""meat· inspection tion vehicles supplyin-g from tl1c as general chairman for Holt and able to be ouC . · ';• . . , . MEN'S WORK PAINT BUUSIIES ...... :...... ,..... ·.... :.... 25% ·Discount ·services ·ot the Ingham county establishments l!r!ensed locvl tributed through the schools·. Pritchett . of New ltOWJ Mrs. Borton will be assisted by Mi·s; Dorothy Smith of Tn~nt,~n.l OFF. Mrs. Leland Rasher, Mrs. Harry There are.' 10 grandchildren. ·--FOR MEN--· CIGARETTES ----~ ,.~ Ammon and Mrs. Dean Pari

DENNY ·FOR I•RESIDEN1' '" Dl·. M. .Ray Denny,~ professor of p~ychology lgan S.tate university, Is ' MASON. ' ') ' PX ,STORE . Jefferson Avc~ue, just Nort11 of Maple Street Ingham County News In tnt nRf Fel1ruarv 28, 1957 Page 2 Delhi Town ship Motll!l Hl\ll\101 lo 1 hy flr Proccedi11gs Legal Notices I i r

I It 110111111 I I J ttiJ.!. 111 II I IIIII i••J .. 0 II HIJ Ill 't 1- ,, 0

I' 110 I 1 ~ r n

\ ! ~5

Treatments Available Dent tl tlou1 lrlf' lte,ttments wlll he given 11 tiH• CPdlll sttrct school until Aptil 11 Hrmrllng to Mt s Ilc•Jen IfP\nowskl u[ the Ingh,un county ho tllh dPp ut mrnt The lielltnPnts ur nvd1l .thlr> fot rn r sclmolet s 01 il) •,peclal 1r.qux>st Anyone \Vislung mfm mnt1on 1 cg,u dmg- the tlom tde IJLI\tmcnts Is ,Jsi.cd to call the school or Mts llrmclllsl

Attention Home Builders

Usc B F. Goodr1ch ASPHALT FLOOR TILE ~1rst Grade-21 Colors to Nothrng so needs rcformrng as other Choose From people's hab1ts For Reasonable Pnces and Samples Call SAL AYOUBEE Sun Lill' Assur:uu r• C.:o. of Canada Ill \\ ~IH hJ..,,l!l, IHIISIJII:" CLYDE CRAFT J'hon•• 1\'.lllhor. 'I !l031 2280 Coy Road Mason Phone OR 7-2948

We Give TOP VALUE Stamps Double Stamp Many Thanks, Folks Days Ahead For Helping to Make Our Mondays .. On All Ashland Gasol~ne Sales Thursdays • Fridays . . Showroom On Yalvolme Oil Changes and Lubmat1ons Grand Opening KEITH'S A Big Success Ashland Here Are the Fortunate Ones 4-ft Rowe Step Ladder, Barbara K. Scheffer, Mason Use Our Facilities Service 4-ft. Rowe Step Ladder, Colonel Spear, Mason 4-ft. Rowe Step Ladder, Jim Inghram, Mason Every Day 50 Lb 8 Com, Nails, Mrs. Holbert Fuller, Mason 50 Lb Color Texture, Robert F. Lemon, Mason 5 _!;al. Inside or Outside Foy Paint, Howard Maloney, Lesl1e Corner State and tvlaple 16-in. Aluminum grill for Comb Door, J F. S~erwood, Mason The welcome mat is out every day for 3I 8 Anderson Flexvent Window, John R. King, Mason Bel-Air Front Door and Star Lock Set, W. 0. Hall, Mason those of you who visited us Friday and those of Ptol lit! Sunbean Radiant Control Toaster, Mrs. Earl Long, Holt • ·~---- who couldn't make it. The facilities of our ORDER OF PUBLICATION Delux~ Medicine Cobinet, Helen Adlof, Mason Stop 1n PROBATE OF WILL I and Register AND DETERMINJ\,TION OF HEIRS V4·in. Black & Decker Electric Drill, Merna Wardowski, Leslie BAfEMAN-March 22 1951 of Jlrol11 t[l flwfl showroom are here for your benefit, For Stnle nr Mach 1-nn fhe P1ohntc ComL Aluminum Threshold, Cynthia B. Hartshorn, Mason fn the t:n 1nt.y ol lnJ(hnm ORDER FOR PI.JBLICATION I A~ II td!MHOh or tinld Coull lwhl Hl FINAL ACCOUNT Bruce Deluxe Meat Carving Board, Emmett Huber, Mason Deluxe Cru 1ser 26-in lht:! P1olr te! OJiaco 111 tho City of Lnn• AND DETERMINATION OF .HEIRS are building or remodeling stop in and see HI).(' in ti til Count.y on the 2Cilh tiny or SCHULTZ-Murch 21, 1957 Dexter Comb. Door Closer, George A. Thorburn, Mason I lchl\11\lY A [) 19'i .. St1tc of Mlchl~-:nn lhl! P1ollntc Comt l'ouKcnt HON' I!OJIEUI' L llRAI,E for tho County of Jnl{hnm Roddis Finishing Kit, Ethel Bensch, Williamston our display samples of all, kinds of building Firestone Bicycle lJutlgu of Pt ol uttJ At n Htt:ltdon or Hllld Coull hcl I on In tho Mntlco nf tho E•tntc of SARA II l.,ebrmuy .!I l'lti7 Gallon of Rez Finish, Maurice W. Briggs, Mason I'OXSON BA fEMAN', ller.euHerc~s Ingham Co~nty News February 28, 1957 Page 3 Friday night it was Sophomore Bernard Risner of Stocl•briclgc clipping, the teams batting .500 Don Livcnspargcr's lurn. He Aggies Sustain had one of his best nights at the . son. If the Orioles lose to Mason arc mor·c often lhan not the win· swisher! trJ field goals for 21l pivot spot. He swished 27 points and Grand Ledge beats Howell ners and the outfits with losing COMMON STOCK PREFfRRED STOCK points. Don DeChelhor follower! with 12 field goals to his credit. Friday night the Orioles will ------Cage Title Hopes 1 him wilil 1G poinls and Bob Tut· Rolly '!'Iller topped the Haslett have to share third with the to give tl1c Orioles a wcll·bal· tic adrlcd 13. Dansville kept its hopes fot· a attack with 18 points on 8 Ilcld Comets. anced scoring attack. CONSUMERS POWER After making 11 good start share of the Ingham County Gll.OWING INTERgS'l' by in· Prospectus Furnilhed Upon Request goals and 2 [l·ec throws .. Grund Ledge will play its Dick McMackcn wus actually against Uw league leader~ Mason league title alive Friday night hy dustrlalists in sports as a vehicle game at Howell. The Comets top man for the ~;:ame. Tho High· folded. At' lhe end of the first disposing of Leslie 54·40. '!'he Wit:J to transport good will among the Smith~ Hague. Noble Company was the ninth in 11 starts for the should run over the Highlanders. lander center scored 19 points. & quarle1· Mason helrl a Hi·12 lead. world's peoples is indicated by Lnrry Oesterle followed with 14 Aggies. .ghth Graders announcement that George W. Frccl•Ai':-n moved hack on the Neither team coulrl rio anylhin;: El ani! Doug Gerldn had 10. Mombor, New York Sloek Exehango in the second quarler, though the All thai remains for· Dansville . IWall

You'll go for tho Golden 'Rocket 88-lt's lhe value car of tho yearl BIG· CAR value! BIG·CAR porformancel And at a ()age News price !hal's so easy ti:> takol There's a Racket lor your pocket Morrill's Shots Come in-drive It, price it nawl I•'IUDAl:''S GAl\IES Wins NASCAR Grand National Cha~pionship Race Against All Cars CnJ>Itol Ch•cult -DRIVE A '57 OLDSM(.IBILE AT­ Charlotte at Mason. Give Comets Win Leslie at Eaton Rapids. Regardless of Size, Power· or Price-Setting New. Track·...... ~1~1~ ULIJ~MOSILE, INC.- 222 S. Coder Holt and Everett 'at Lansing l' llnni\'I!!'Hili'Y of !vii'~. SoCial· 6venls anJ Personalj Mix' lllfll hnt', Mrs. C, itny lli'Piil', At· Rose So Wat'l't'lt,· lllghlllll r•ellilll.\' Class Members Mr~. IVIt•,;, Elnun· Cnrllln, Mr. anrl C'OIIIlllll "[)inry of 1111' l'lnin Dl'1:1 Jli'OHI!r!lil 01" 11nd sr H!JI'i ~· l'i('l!·Jll"l'h· Couples who c·mnplrle I hr!lr Vntwe Mr!\Vhnrtcr anrl Chris nnrl nanlr~;wr" in Bn!ll'i" llrnnes n:r.ul idl'JII, !lr•!Ptills IOIISilllllSII'l" Ill 11i wlll he guests nf the dren, all of ],nn:;ing, and Mr, atul SJWiliwr Ill I he liinllt!l' 111Cl!li.71g mmlng rose show, Mrs. Millon Llcr.Jw, Mt'H, Mnud•• Calico Squares 111 II• grnrltintlon r1f tlw Gn•at<'r Lnnslng Hns!• ~;o. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson 1~. Cnmp· Ilonors C.· Irving .Pierces Join for World Hfllllll'e riunco Saturday evening nt. Childs IIIHI Mrs. Ida 'l'ul'llhtill. d<'IY lasl 'J'hnrsrlay r•vc•nir.1g, bl'll of £Jul1 \1"<'1'<' gl!lll'l'lll dwlt·· >II ~I Ill lht! Odd Fellow hnll HI R::JO. Mon• llwn ·1 ~ll nwmhr.rs and lllf!n of the nw<'llng, Childrr•tl of Mr. ntH! Mt'S, L'. soms, ··l'lw 11'~1' was a gift from gll<'sls from !Ill! Cit•rutr.t' Lilli· 'l'hr llPX[ lli<'P!(IIi(, SC'iil!dlllt•d Day of Prayer During the pas! li wc~cl>s the Irving l'll'rr'c! hl•nnt'C'Il tlwm wilh the 'cnupln's C'llllrirf.•n, mnrle liy I 14 H Clubs sing urcu, Kalumuzno anrl St. for 'l'llltl'~dlly <'l'l'nlng, 1\llll'l'h 21, lhrlt• daughiPt', Mt'H. Silns Pent'· r!lass ienrned wcstl'l'n·slyle square • a I'I!Cr!Jlllon nt Vr!VIIY town hall lilason Mctluullsl churc!h will dancing umler the tutelage of 'l'nmlinson ,Jos!!plt nllenrlt•rl. in the Mlehigan SlulI'R Wl'l"l' clnr·tr!rl 111 !liP Mr. O'llrlen told of his I'<'C'f•nt goldc•n wedding ;mnivPrsary, 'l'lw Mr. and Mrs .•JIH'f!IW Smnllcy an IIIIC'tlnn lr1 ralsr> fltnds for llw Dny of Prn"f'l'> H(!J'Vil'£> l~ridav,' HpllllSOI"l!l I IJY tl H' C II II m SCJUfii'CS, nH't~l ing of 'J'rnnJJnsrlll .J.Jj f'illh tours lli'rl with n pie· Five churdtl's arc tmrlidJllillltf.: dasscs were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oilwt· ol"fi,•r•rs JncludP: l'aul III'W l'fllii'S, ~tiJJ in !liP J'(!SPIII"l!h sJH'IIi llw WPr•l; PJHI with Mr. 1111d Vcrlir! Ger:ll'll !Jrt'anw tlw lll'lrlt• tUI'I' or lltr• r·mtplr, wns HliHIJetHirrl in a program o[ pageantry, sing· Bailey, Mr. anrl Mt•s. Gene Bal· Bateman, vlr•t•·prosidenl; .Jan\:l singe! un' 21, nhow tlw gift lahle. Pleturns of lille'l'rl in till' futmt•. 1\lr. litH! !\Irs. L'lwsl'r>r Smith allrl hlJI ani! eiloral spraldng. Tilnse ,.0111 , Mr. nnrl Mt·s, Leo Balemnn, Bateman, srr!rrtary; ,Jot!lh~ti lllll· Hl07, 111 Carllllar·. Tlwy rcpPatr•d tlwit' 7 dlildt'en were pincer! taldng part are lhl! N:tznrenC', Mr. and MI'H, Hoger Bater, Mt·. len, tre;tsltrPr; .Judy Bl'rl\\'11 rr•· l '''·Is a (IllS I dirl'<'lor of 1111' ~HIH'Y \\'PI't• itlso gltP:O'(H nl thP 1heir vows In a nllptinl r•rn•mony at·outul tlw outslriP or the hPnrt. Baptist, l,'t'rsilylcrinn anrl 1\lellt· ·ntll.l Mrs. Dee Bmy, Mt'. ant! Mrs. porter; atHI ,l<'aJI LoVPtlr, rl'e'r<'a· Amt•!'ir·ati Hose! Sol'!etr !\lie!" is Mlll,\'ill'lis. The• '"'''llsion .ltonorPd at lhclt· fillilt IWddlng annil'l'l"· Mr. nnd Mt•s. Plcrc·e have m· orliHl chlll'l'hes nf Mason unrl tliIPi't'C, tlwy livPd at Pl'l!stnn and then hind the Tron Curtain. Wrlllcn h~· Mr. and Mrs. f•'lo"d Mltehell, Mi', was nppninlerl to plan and makP ltnsr' Sor·l<•ly, anllfllilll'<'d lila! the rlintwr. 'J'Iw f'l\. l'lan~; 1!1~7 rosP show will he• al lh•• 1\lrs. Truxeli's I tit·! hrlay :lllnil'l'r· Mrs. Wynn Smalley, sistrt· of have- lfi grnmlchllrlrcn nntl :l Separate Us" is the theme In Ill! Mrs. ,Joltn Prlnclng, Mr. and Mn;·, were! made tu allcnd tlte Lnnsinr.: C:il'k CP!IIer .llllll' l:i atHI W. Blll'y. Montaven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. l'irrcr, i(ilVI' a nart·atinn of gt'l'at·gt·anrlehjldrcn. user!Tl ,I ilmughIll, the, , ,tlt'ogmm. . . Hay Hynn, Mr. and Mrs. Le:-l I'"•.twan Is "u1I 1 June 1won •l'llllrsrlav, tlw Pierces' l'nri im· days, Mrs. 'fhose making plnns nnd assist· Mrs, Otis Montaven, and William H. JlUl e m.t~ .l 11 enr 1 t 1JC sctV· Smalley, Mr. a111l Mrs. Glrn Sinn·, Februarj' 2R, at Hotel Ohls. ' Elsie Gerard of Lansini(, a sislt•r· ing- nl the. rr!Ce[Jtlon wrrc; Mr. nnrl Douglas Rogers, !on of Mr. and le•p, lwglnnin?, a.,~ 7,;:;n Jl. 111 • I Mr. and Mrs. Hoy SlntT, Mr. anrl M. H. Avrry altPndetl IIH' 1111'1'1· ln-Jnw or Mrs. l'irr'·~. rl'arl a Mrs. Leon Pierce of Holt, · Mt·. Ingham County News February 28, 1957 Page 4 Mrs, R. B, Rogers of Lansing. Miss . Mrs. Mr•rlc Swni1, Mr. and Mrs. lng anrl ga\'1! a short lit lie ,Judy porm nppropt·ialr.• to ilu• oC'easlon. anti Mrs. ,Tames Arnold of Breinl(· f{il'hnrd Swanlng('J', Mr. nml Mrs, I Brown c·mulul'lr.d ganws. 1\lary Mrs. F'rc!d Jlnolllhy of I'IIW Paw Jyn, Mr. and Mr~ .•T. Stanley 13ay­ Montaven is a graduate of Ma­ lf[•rb Whlrlclen anrl Mr. nnrl Mrs. Ann l'rr!tlerlel\ Jed Itt group sing- Phone OR 7-1941 provirlrrl h:Jd\ground nmslt! nn han, .Mt· .. nne! MrH. Silas Prarson son high school with the class of Lansing Couple ,Jncl\ Will(lple. Iing, t lw plano. Pielttrt>s wrn• 1alwn nnd M~. :111cl Mrs, Herlwrl Grm11l· ,, ,,, ,,, neft•cshmPnls \l'l!rl' scrvrd at I 1956, Mr. Rogers attended East­ anrlrcermlings wrrr made. sl\y, all of Lansing, anr.l Mr. anrl Speaks Vows· · SKATJN(; PARTY PLANNED the clm'P of lhl' meeting. A large ·1·111'rc•ll WPddlng cal(r•, Mrs .. Mall l'il'rc'r. antl Mt•, tinrl ern high school, Lansing. :;1 ~· ·~· toppccl wllh gold hPIJs in 1111 an·h Mrs. GPranl Pierce of Mason, •:1 r:r ~: Masnn Prcshylr.rinn, 13aptlsl Miss Mary Pnsl nf Lansing h~· of gold, was sc•rvcd at Ill!! huffPl Mrs, Knlr Gm'nrtl of Lansing, ami Metlwdisl dmrchcs w!ii spOil· Ral'nbow Gl'l·ls lnl'tl'ate enmc the bride uf Tony J~ralll\ snr a community slri. also o[ Lansing, in ,\ centerplcl'e, 11 money !ret•, whieb. nhll' lt.' a1te!nd hecnusr or siel\· for Mason area young people Mason assemhlv, Order of th•! I OPTOMETRIST Norlhll'<•st. Alll'l'lius •:' dullhle-rillg r·rt·emnny Sutunlll~'. wns dPr·nralPd with 11ppit• hlos· 1 twss. She is [I;{ yPars olrl. Monday, March 4, frnm 7 ln 10 p., Rainbow fot· Girls, initialcll Mrs. Charles Brool\S presenter! l•'chru:u·y 23, at .Tl!rlmn Memorial m. at the. Edl'li l'ink In l!olt. · Helc•n Will"ox, Cam! Huni and Announce~ ihc opening 'of his office for the pr,lclicc of op­ OPEN HOUSE IS PLANNED tlw lesson on 20th tent my eitizrn- dtureh. Till' hrirle i' llw churr·il Frirla~· evening. nivrl'sHry. Mr. Harl lives 011 East rlny, Mnr(·lt 21. linn !led a floor-lengl h while satin d1aptcr fm• its monthly meeting. Mt•, and Mrs. harl Iundt Thur, Haslell rnnrl nn his cC'nlennial ··· J.ampllght(•t·s '' gown with a finger! ip l'eil. SilC' Ros~ I f:ll'm. The C:uilcl has invited rel:t· Lam]llighter:; extension grnup mrricd a purple orellid on a Members of the Berthn chapter, Sunrlay evening- with lwr part•nts, Evening' hy t' Greenlt•ro, or I blue t•antlles llanldng 1he ar· help him r!<'lrhrnte the OC'Casion, 'l'u<'sday evening nl the G. A. H. Miss Nancy Ilolmcs, wore a ycl· Fulton. HDlt. ':' ,,, ,,, hall, Leslie. Mrs. Kennrlh Brooks low taffeta dress. Gloria and mngcmrmt o[ l'iit!IT~' tarts on a lazy SLIS/111, Mr. nml ~1rs. John M. Sho~·· aeled ns moderator. Srl'cral rrf the Teresa Quintieri, sistrrs of the • Gut•sts spPnl thP evrning visil· mailroil wi1h Mr~. Taecllry's 3 children mover! Monday to the The 1\Jerry Mixers extension flower g-Irl. .. cousins, 1\Jr. anrl Mrs. Jnhn \Val· rarm they ' recently purchaserl ~Jub met at Fait it Hav_cn Methot!· I Bill P~st. w:1s ht>sl man .. i\11·\ ·ton. nem· Albion. For the past year 1st ehurch Tuesday w1th Mrs. 0. chncl Qumt1en cnrncd the rmgs, 1r Mr. anrl !'l'lrs. William Waliaet> they have h<'cn with Cnc Emens. P. Ford anrl Mrs. Roher! Vaughan Usher:; were Bill Blue antt Larry I ;nnrl famil~: vis.iled Mr. and Mrs. Prior to that the Kysers were on as hostesses. The lessnn was on Brnni~H. ;v. J. Brown and Dorothy Sunday, Dr., George Clinton's farm. remodeling clothes. A leiter writ· A rcccptinn honored the newly· CHECK THESE LOW FOOD i------~------:r len to the state l1ighway depart· wcrls at th£> Reo cluh house. The ment regarding the installation of evening wm.; npenl dancing. Re· a traffic light at the earner of freshmenls of icc cream and cnl;e Family Sho-e -Repair W .•Jolly mad and M-99 was were served. s!gned hy all-thr memhers of til<.!, Fill: her dnughicr's wedding Will Move cl~ib. . Mrs. Pnst wore a navy blue dress lb . fhe nex.l lesson Will he Swcrl· with white accessories. The bride· CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 79c l.~ h 4 Ish emhrotdery. groom's motJll.'t' donned .a navy Mon d ay. marc .;, Ft•iemlly Nl~ighbOI'S .. blue dress, which she cnmpll'· Fcbrnnry meeting nf !he mcntcrl with light illuc acces- tO FRANDOR CENTER Lansinft Friendly Neighhnrs extension sorics. club was condue1£>rl at the home •------'='.;;;;.:- __, o[ Lucy VanCourt. After the lcs· Mrs. Ruby Hollnwny of Lan· GROUND BEEF sotl rel'rcshmcnts were served. sing visited her mother, , Mrs. For their .Tamwry meeting Maurie F'arrcl1, over tile wee!; nwrnhers chartered a bus and end. ,Swift's Premium went to Dctrnil, They spent. the Mr. nml Mrs. Frnnklin Fellers moming shopping am! attendetl arrived home Sunday nig-ht [rnm Cincrmna in the afternoon. El Paso, Tt'XiiS, Mr. Fctlct·s re· lb CoJI(•g-e Ct•osst•oatls ··· ceivctl his disclwrg-e from tile 39c Mrs. I. 13. Riltct· rnlcrlaincd ROAST anny January 20. H1~ lmri been CHUCK members o[ the Cnllcgc Ct•oss- slalinned at Texas ior :1•1 months. roads extension gt;otlp Tuesday. M . . R , 1 Nortr . ALLSWEET Mrs. Rus~ell Kleis presenlcrl IS, a:, mom .m. pre the lesson nn. fam.ily Jiving.- An -sented. a program on mtsswnary .. ·., .. · ' , . o 1work 1n Portuguese East A[rtca 01.1 1 dtsLUSSion look place •lflcr before !he Woman's Snciely of Oleo For Those Who Appreciate the lesson. A nt>w member, Mrs. Cl •· t"n ··service of th B, ti ··I Merritt Gates, was accepted. 1118 i•,n · · . · c. e 1'- Th l'k ·~I , , · " ,. , t Methodtsl church Ill Lnns111g lnst e " 1 1 n1 c~ 1tnh 11 111 1lP. '1 Tuesday evening. She was :w-

llw home of Mrs. Ralph Drumm. , · " · 11 v Mt;. Aile C Ill o· 1bl9c ,,, ,,, ,, CDm(lullJe( )" S. 0 I . 11 \ Wednesday aflernonn Mrs. Nor· Good Eating MRS TEACHOUT IS 9<1 ton gave the same program at MICHIGAN Mrs. Mary Teachout of Unadil· the meeting of the Woman's So­ la will celebrate her 94lh birth· ciety of Wacousta, anrl on Tlmr;o;. Dark Rye Buy At This day anniversary March 9 at Mur· day .evening it was repeated nl ,,1 • dock nursing home, Concord, Pnttcrville in the Methodist where she has lwen staying since church. Mrs. Clayton Hulett ac· TAKE A _,,.,1 ~mr;;!j!!l·i•'/~ Try Ihe· ROcket's performance ••• her home was rlcstroyerl by fire a BREAD "'1'•1 discovor the low pric1l Tako companied Mrs. Norton to Poller· R 0 C K E T ,,,,: if chorgoc~ lhe RockotT·400Engine. year ago. Cards and greetings ville. S &.- W Carnival ,rJ~" I T E 5 T! / Thoro's a Rockclio flt your pocket may be nddressed to her at Mur· ••• moko your choico now! dock Nursing- Home, Concorcj, ' ,/ Loaf 1sc Michig-an, Thursday, Friday, PINEAPPLE CHUNKS c.n 23c \ Saturday Only · -DRIVE A·~- ~ .. ,.,... _!JtLE AT­ Eiwynn Collar of entertaIned a 1: a birthday party Can 222 cedor BARTLETT .PEARS 35c McCARN OLDSMOBILE, INC.- s. Friday fm· his father, Everett Phone OR 7-91>81 Collar. Gttesls included Mr. and li¥4%~n~~fr&F!i&HtFii:l;]~. '· Mrs. Burlynn Collar and child.rcn MILLAR'S PEACHES Con 30c Halves or Slices nml Mrs. Elizabeth Collm· Potter. Real Good Sunday guests of Mt•, and Mrs. Oral Lewis and family were Mr. GREEN BEANS c .. 27c and Mrs. Richard Stull and fam· Bag i!y -of Millett. ·PEAS can 23c ·Spring Rev. Hugh Farrel of New York was .n house guest of Rev. and COFFEE lVIrs. Patil Arnold over the weelt Dresse·s end, .RED.KIDN!EY BEANS 2 Cans 35C ·. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. LB 79c Junior, Misses, Half;Sizes C. L. Bashford Sunday were Mr. ------~~------and Mrs. Orlin Willyoung and ...... Mrs. Mabel Maclnniss of Lan· sing and Mrs. Zolri Bashford Dart cELLo PACK . $8.95 Up of East Lansing. Something New From :Armour•s · Mr. and Mrs. Paui Chien of IJIIU~C'fOR of the Men's Glee FROZEN FROZEN CARROTS 2 For 19c -East Lansing, Miss Gertrude Lud- club of Asbury college, Wilmore, wick of Lansing and Dr. and Kentltclk end·.at the Dean has a -bachelor of music home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. degree from Michigan State tmi· MICHIGAN Milton Swarthout. Pvt. Stolz is versity and a master of mtisic 5 FOR $1 4. FOR, $1 stationed -in Baltimore. His wife degre£> from !he American Con­ Peck Pot·atoes Pk. 39c· resides in Lansing. Mt\ and Mrs. sei;v·alory of Music In Chicago. •·:· \ · SHIP 'N SHORE BLOUSES Stanley Stolz , of Alma college,. The club has toured many spimt the wee!< at the home of parts of the country. It Is com· PLA YTEX Gl RDtES. his parents. · . · ,prlsed of st·udcnts re(>rescntlng Mrs. ·Ruth Preston ·returned to 18 states. · · ·her home in Mason this ·montir In~iuded In the prom·nm will be after spending the past year In saci·ed classics from ·the lGth -Lahsing. · . . · century to. the pt·csent tillJe; ns ··S'.· · ·1/Tzrr.r: ·~ ITlA'DV:. 'Mr. :md.'~Mrs .. Nellis. Bateman -well ·as· Negro . spit·ituals and .L,.I.J Li.I..J£Jl . . - -:1. ·V:I:lJEI · •md sons visited .Mr. and. Mrs. hymns. Joc: Roberts ._of· Detroit· Sunday;. There. wm· ·be no admission Mt~s. Bateman and' Mrs, Uoberts dmrge, 'but· a fi·oe-\vU!. offering ore -staters. . ·. .will be .taken .. ·.;•\'' r :•·,, .•' • ' ; ENTERTAINMENTI SECTION "flow a11d Where to Enjoy l7oztrself''


Mn11rePn O'Ilarn, .Tolin FnrsyliH• SluiJtu•rl, Hi:~. li>•t, lli:·HRO;'Vntin sr•n11, !i01; and Doug Hie!!, nncl Frnnk l~aylcn. It IH·lngs lo Letters to the Editor fi01. Goble, '10-i; Leona CluggiHlhilier, Slanrllngs W L '~ I tlw screen a goorl, wholesome l7fl·•l71i; 1Ieim1 Bnrlwr·, Jlit--100; Sev1m·Up ...... 22 (j : THEATRE HITS story fo1· [nmlly pal!·onHgc, gcn· Thelma filnr::PI', llifi, I!ill, llill·'l7fl; f~llls Sunoen ...... 1H% r.musly sprini;Jcd wii!J latJghs, !Jl;il Marilyn Bllg-nrHI, iri3; .TP!T,\' Grii'· .Nc•w l•:ra Polalo Chips l!i 1.~ 12\~ FOX fnl'hidden land of the J(irundis, l'inrl'illr.s, and moments nf pa II HIS, Five .'Ba bie,s~ Abandoned fln, lli•f..l:lfi; Mnrilnu Cairns, lf>·i· Ji:vnns !Tnrdwarr• ...... 1•1 llerh Mc!ndow ltas Jashionerl a 1'1' ltnf•lc Prrlly Jlahy nn anr:lent lrihe of llrNvorship· 13·1; lluznl SnndPrs, lfifl.,ltJfl; 'J'Jwn JJi.KhiH ...... 12~,~ screenplay deolgned for· gPncml Sunday evening as 1 wus drlv· r'I'UP] lhing to heipiess puppi2s lr>~u· Hunduy nnd J\Jmulny per~ who mniw human sacl'ilkes Yuhasz, lfiiJ .. tOl i and .lunP Day, Ll' Do Imn Wurlts ...... 1 I \f: awllent•c:-;, while pmdni'CI' llnw­ ing WPsl on Niehnls r•oarlrwnr llw when ali thnt Is nrc·es~nry, if nn 161/;!· Normal, gr1wrall,l' happy IPPII· lo tlwlr lh·e gnrl, in ciPsprJ·ate hmiw of Gr•o1·gc lluliPn lite light:; nnlmal is nnl wantPrl, Is to trle· 110fl. flpn's S••! vil'r ...... 11 17" agers art' llll!'ll'ilyed in "Rnel<, s!'arch for a missing se!Pnllst. In rml Clrrlsilc anrl director .Terr;r HopJle!' have given II 11w essPn· of rny rat· shone on 2 hnxes in plionP the Animal :-lhtMt•r anrl Tcnm standings a!'c• as follows: II ,'\: 1\1 CIPancrs ...... 7 21 Prrtly Baby," slnl'l'ing Sal Mhwo, ndclillon to the llre·eating mnni· tho diic•lf and scvPral pnir·s uf Sllnl!'orw will go nnrl get it 'I II W L •John Shxnn and Luamt Pnttrn. buls, WPlssmulil!l' and IJis pnrty tial ingrrdicnls to span fl:J min· 1 brlghl eyes . is thai simple. Why lenve thrm :::hrislenscm Furri Salt!~ liS'" :J:IIf: Ni~;ilt. IInwl;s TIH• srrPenplay Jell:-; or lit(! must lwttle a hand of I'Cill'gnrles tttrs ot gnnd fun. 1 I IHopped nnrl fottrHl !i JHIJlpir.s to starve m· he killed by cars? .VInson llomr Appiinnt·P till ;, :J I '·'- trials nnd trlilulalions cncoLI!l· seel hutlrllcd in tho l!ox!'s where somP We have hern plngued some· leC:n·n Olds ...... ii2 ·10 ·I poinls fmm Wnr·p's Drug store: teretl by 11 sextet or high school ure hur·ied In Klrllt!cll land. MSU C S d hnnl·hr.artrrl person had ll!rnwn times hy c•ats dropper! hy mn· Lindy's ...... '1·1 ··IH boys in gaining I'PCflgnilinn [OJ' Qfl(eft Un In lilP Mason Night Hawks av them. I rnnH• homr anrl lr>le­ farm, hul :r f•nt <'nn lalcr t':tl'P of IIIIIs Store ...... 2R IH h•af!.tiP. \VaynP Miller Sales tooic tlwh· hot .l series frll' the llll~ht· wrrc roll£!Cij new tunes. Haley anti his cmne>ts, Alan Dnlc, vitc•rl. Admission is free. Prnf. hy liw frmce. The offic·cr lool{ LEON NORTif, and G22 for high Heries. hy: ,Jpn•y ClwunPy, 173, 17!1, 179'1 FOX. Alan F'rrec.1 t 1w Trcn 1ers, t:i tt 1e LPormrd v. Fnlconc will l'nrHiuct lntern11tional, in which they co- lhc ri I!:H'k to llw j:dl-wlwrr liw 801 Grovenhurg Hrl. Scvcn·Up ancl New Em Polnlo !i31; Bca Badura, 17!i, 1~7-178;' Cunynn RlVI'I' Hicharrland Dave Appell nnd his a prognrm featuring f•lnssiPni star with Sal Mineo. It will be at jlf'!'son who ahandoned them Jlnll, Micl1 igan ..:hlp~ tool' !', WarP's Drug stnn• .... 41! <10' ·: plains of thr wilderness of the hnyrotts him and iris hoys anrl Mi'lk Control Is Fea·red half hour, Ihe rernnining time .. lw· High frequency ~·ou111i wave£ Old West. Montgomery Is tile there are a hevy of assorted rnis· j24; Dil-l< Zirnmcrmiln, 2:!ti.:i2:J; AI !1il'c Clwvroir•l ...... ·17'.;, 40 1,.;,. As lhc wife of 11 dairy fanner control !all's in gciwral. today are used to drill teeth, herd owm•r; GrnvPs, his rlccciving understandings, with n pallid ing enlirPly made up of s~lpCl'· clean clothes, age liquor, ding· Dick Co!'11well, ril~; Lnrry Lnr· I. G. II...... '17'" ·lOW I titan!{ you for your· edilorlnl on As a l'ity girl transplanter! by :iscri free play. nnse lnlrl'llai ailments anrl detllel Ill'!', 20:J-!iO:l; Nonis \Vylhl', :i02; Dart llnnl; .. .-l:i 1)3 . foreman; Mnrria Hc•mlerson, a romance with Patricia Ilarcly till' pmposc1! milk r•onlrnl Jaws. marriage In the r:ounlry, fanning thrown in. Thrrc :1rc many remaining undPt'IVaiPr nh,ieets, nmong olhr.r Dan .Tanelzlw, 211-iiOl; .Joe 11rnts· DaJH'c•r Co...... l:i 1e 72~~ young wirlnw who 'igns nn as Nol only will sul'i1 Jaws mean has .1 1WflPels 111111 aJlJW:tl to nl:': ehuck wagon rook; and ll·yrnr· hours of a day spent al nursery 1!lings. •'I AIWADJ·; rontroi hy govcmment hut the I, My huslwnd likes fnnning; ~~. Sf'honl, in whir'h a child may play Ultrasnnies l1ave their limila· . olrl Rlclwrd Y.:yf't' plays Miss Il£>11· Humhltl on Thll Dol'lcs dairy llltsiness in Mie!Jigan will 11':-; a worHir.rful life lor our fam· as lw wishes. However, a parent tions, hut arc particularly w;cful derson's f·on. 'I•'rilluy and Sultl!'llay be in effect c·ontroill'd by one ily; .3, We're our own IJossns. Ingham County News February 28, 1957 Page 5.' FOX allowing a lli'C·SC'.hooi r;hiicl su.ch in lllr< fields of C'ommunirations This junior edition of "On the more. The vnrimts control laws in 'Irlivitics 'IS w·tlhng l"tlil'll'ld t1r'c., ~as Angeln. St!'vrns ami the sirniai1 .fames DarrPn is stnl'!'ed. His sup· ~, IJC' ·,,. 1IL1n [O!' Cjtlile an 'I!I]'usl·l porting m~t is good, arl ion . ILansing. · ' ' " . • · : Uutrnsonics -- higlr frequency Wednesday -7:30-10:30 P.M . marvel, !\!mba has ar:tion ami This mrans thai the c·omm!s· , , , • mcnl tr!C'H to leave h.nn 'sound waves heyond 1hc range sc·erw:-; are tense and tire clircl'lion when:-;h~ of jungh• I'XC'itrmcnt. Wcissmullct· sionPr' of ngrit•trilut•e will l!avr; I'A1 rHC.IA A. I ULLIN 1~·· ·~t St'!lrlol one ftne ;September d.ty. human henring-hnve been used Friday-Saturday - 8-11 P. M. leads a sl'icntiflc: safm·i to lhe hy Fred F. Sears has a fiuitlity the final say on all matt0J',; (ll'r· .. Lrs.te I uhhe schools t:an t allow~~ molll· in a German "ultmsonic" Iaun­ Saiurday-Sunday - 2-4:30 P. M. which keeps the lllltlience in t !Je raining \n the aclministratinn of er to slay Willi hPr duld for dromat. Sottnrl waves are tlirecterl mood of tlw pit· I ure. Mkhacl PRIVATE LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT For a Tosto Treat in thc Jaw.' wcf'i\s until he learns to get tin·ougil lhr. clothing lo help Granger as the gangster unio!J 11 Gr~cious Dining I personally do not feel thi:' Protest on Taxes along without her. A yrar a~ JoosPn dir·i particles. But watr1· We'ro Open lor Portics on Sund.1y, Mond~y, IC'a33; Lcs Gn· the guilty still lives, and I trust -automation-lies behind legisln· Ten wanted men and a Maverick girl blaze'their way on the in a group, nne! to he indcpend- ber, 529; Paul Snyder, 513; if freedom is ever his again h(! lion which I arn sponsoring. Oregon Trail!. AMERICAN LEGION cnt. , • Roggow, 204·505; anti Doug AI· will not wel his lips willlthe lwv­ Automation is bringing great"!' dcrman, 504. North of M as.on off US-127 crage. miracles of production within our The wonderful thing aboul a George Montgomery-Marcia Henderson Admission 75c Team standings nrc as follows: I reach, but it is doing so by rc•· cD'operative nursery, such as we Have you ever given the Salva­ Davis Clothing ...... 20% placing . men with machines. It have here In Mason, is the benefit tion Army, or tile many city mis· Roy Christensen Fonl Sales .. 20 PROSPECTIVE LEGION MEMBERS sions a second of .your though!'. wipes out certain types of jobs at to parents as well as children. Mother Is busy at home. She has Ball-Dunn Furnit'ure ...... 16% CaQyon River Veterans interested in joining the American Legion can The Salvation Army 5tarted in the same time it creates· a need for more hlghly·skiliecl positions. at her children and duties and Mason Dairy ...... 14 receive applications from the Joy 0. Davis Insurance Agency, the slums, the city missions down 1 Thorhum Lumber & Coni .... 13 Last summer, for example, the hasn t time· to reaci, explain, thinl• hy the river fronts. No man ever Court Cafe ...... 12 Ingham County News office, or the Mason postofflc:e. had 'to Jmocl<, for' over tile door United Au t o m o hi l e Workers up something new to occupy .Sunday & Monday, March 3-4 eager minds. Nursery schools, arc ------• it said "Come in." They woulrl listed these sl'curs, Ross Hllllnrd, county cler)<, spolto Nuncy l'm·cwll 1\'h·H, l~lmcw OIIH Tuesc)ny, February 26, on local government, with a ells· Ml'. nud Mrs, Alvn Wnl'llor rnllecl on his mnthor, Mrs, Mary I '. I Mr, nnd Mrs, Arthur Polloi< of Mr, onrl Mrs, Major Glenn nne! r!usslon of lhe mlllt marketing Mrs. Anna Lewis nf Cillll'lotte Plonem• Sunday school clnss MnBOil were Tuesrln¥ ;-nJJers of Mona Glenn of YpHIInntl were low nfterwnnl. The gTOll!l voted Warner, nt tho Clnrl< home ~!un· Grovenburg News. nnrl M1·s. Pearl Plll'rotlwr, Thomas H.lce, llamston cnllerl on Mrs, Lettie Hayner, elVer the week end, Miss Bnrharn Coni< of Lansing Mr. and 1\il'H. George Vnn Dn· r:alleci on 1\lrs. Doris Clomenr:c of SlNational Homes are Docl.or's llatlwr Dies Mr·, and Mrs. Jesse Horstman William Luebl1e, 70, father of spent last Sunday afternoon at Dr. Raymond Luebke, died Sun· Whitmore Laldd· the G pel'fonnanccs of Poind\ Stnle university, has lu!en named elsewlwre, hut rrol lrr Mlr:hlgan Matinees at <] p, m. will h~ cdllor of the Amerlr:an Physle1tl man to Frurrrlor. ,Tohn Eng•1l· lings, "These 2," snys Profm1sor ''Citestnrr!s wen! tlrsl plantecl lr · Bros, Clt•cus when It mnlws Its on 'Thursday nnd l•'rlday, Eve· Sudety, hrcclrt, operator of l.lrr. Fnrnlly Dow V. Baxter, "am lmrnPrllatcly Mldrlgnn !lO years ngo," Profes­ nppcamnce at the Lansing Civic nlng perforrnn1wcs on I hose rlays sure of ~ur:ec~s In Mlehlgnn." sor Ba:virHis st'hte lwvc tdre.ady plnnterl sce1 are recombined with water to maltc whole milk. on unicycles. Clarence C. Ruess of Owosso and A new aerial tilrlller will be Bruce Russell of Fowiet·ville. its spread muir! not he stopper! in fmm Pr·ofcssnr Baxter's 2 prom h;ing I rees. Others seem eager !r offered by the Rurlls, featuring William ,J. Kutchey of Lansln!!, its course thnmah our eastern lover's delight, bci_ng a collection rcprcscnta!lvc of Iris best efforts. Mr"ss Rtrlr" t"rr · 3" r ot 1 · 1 p .. gel some, too, "Sometimes J I · r .t ,,. 0 1 1 up en · president of Michigan .Jaycees, Home Heating Equipment forests, the-.. U. S. government of pho!ograplrs of the lnlcst de· This hool{ shows the Afrienns anrl Other· high trapeze nels to be was master of cercmnnlcs. Max sent nn expcrlilion to !Ire Orient have In get llfl prelly early in the morning to twa! them to the signs in -furniture. Lighting, the Alrilmncrs at work anrl at _seen arc !l_re Flying 'l'h_rlll_c_rs__ ' ___ll_r_c R. Strother, mayor of East Lnn· to lind possibh! resistant trccfi in fabrics, and rugs arc nlso con· - - "' Furnace Cleaning - A Specialty areas !rom which the hllglrt nuts !hat d1·r•p ul"f during the slrlercd, with n list of the manu· play, involver! in their own ver· ing tigers in India, with a man· sing, and Miss Jean Kalivoda, earnc," PI'Ofcssor Baxter ex· night," he snirl. fncturers and designers at the sion of !Ire i11dustrial revolution, 1\illing elephant dropping dead Miss Lansing, gave !he welcomes, "' Summer Servicin~- On All Makos end. fn some of the 360 pages of Meanwhile, back in Indiana, we just 30 feel nway. Thomas K. Cowden, dean of illustrations, lire Influence of the come upon Edison Marshall Short of a trip to Africa, why agrlcLIIture at Michigan Stat~ Free Estimates IIOW CJIIUS'I'JAN scmNCJ~ past is apparent. hunting rahl>lts with his ,22, A not restock your gun? Informa· univcrs'ity, wns the main speal

JIOUI'H OJH•,i to th~! ptJIJJjc Ill JfuJJ the "good old days" atmosphere rs rHE HEART OF' ri-m HUN J. new GUN ANNUAL, not lo men· Mr." nne! Mrs. Arend were nc· MlHJiur'illl limnch lnf.l'hllm County 1..1- c:an use AMERICAN ANTIQUE ~R, an a:cmrnl of hrs own hunt· lion articles on rifle shooting and compnniccl by Mr. nnd Mrs. H. ' WILJAX HEATING CO. "Abiding in Perfect Peace" hriii'Y: Mnud!Ly lht•nu~h Hnttn•dny, ~-r, 1• m.; Tt!PI'dny, Wt!flllt!!idny und Jt'ridu\'H, DECORATION a book contain· rng experrenccs around I he wnrlrl. games with guns, In the 1957 ·G. Walt. Mr. Walt was up· I 2202 Borlho Stroot, Halt II ::111- I:! ::lu, (durin~~ tu:lwul yuHr) : lng authentic 'antique . pnttern_s I I·:c ~as ln~n!erl .. on ~ .~~o:r!inen.~~· HUNTING ANNUAL l.her·e arc pointer! IJy Don Lehman, presi· Ttw:uln~· nud Tlumuln.y, 7-U Jl. m.: nud Sntunlay, I n.J '! JL m for use in decorating ful'tliture, bdggrng Can.adr,an canh~u, gttF.· tips on !he hunting of ringnecl{s dent of !11e Mason Jaycees, to WILBEiH REYNOLDS, Ownor I National Home improvement Author Ellen Sabine -shows howlzly and J~oclt~k bear. Cllmax of and squirrels, plus how to keep serve on the nominating commit·, I Phcno OX 4_2421 • month, next on the ealenrlnr, Is to trn nsfer designs in, freehand tl-rc-bo_o_I'_Js_l_"_s_I_H_IIl_t_[_:o.:_r_m_l_ll_l-.:.ea_t_·:_\.:_V'_:'tr:.:,m::._:l:.:,n _:a~dt_:rc..:·l<~bl:.:,l n.:.t_:l. ----~!:.:c_:e·~-----.:.·.r:... ____l•_::':::::::-::-::-::::::::-::::::-.:::::::::::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-:-::-::::::::-::-::-.:-::-::::.::====: March 3, 1957 derlicated to I he older, established hronze, as stencils, in floating I' horne. I ngharn county library can 01 help in celeimtling it with several ~~~~~n~~~dtl~ ~o~~f.is Bfj~~~~e~~-a~~~ G Rl EVE MEN mS WEAR 1320 nn your dial new boolent.ed the Indian Service among Cost Box of 4 - $11 ,50 New $10.99 the Pueblos since '1940, In JTHER MEN'S SKIES he sets 1own his. cxpet·iences among the ONE·------~--~~------~------GROUP Pueblos and Navajos in our Cotton Jersey Work southwest. Shirley Jol1nson's popular LIFE Men•s Spo1·t Shirts Men's Wool Shirts AMONG THE SAVAGES had Dan River Cottons in all of the new patterns Gloves :rothing to do wllh tire 'Indian $10.95 and $11.95 Values 3ervice. Her buol< was concerned $4.00 and $5.00 Values with the survival of herself and husband in a family of 4 children, 9c $5.99 written In what the publishers While They Last call a "hilarious vein." Her latest book is from the same vein, en· titled RAISING DEMONS. With YOUNG. MEN'S MEN'S FLANNEL ONE GROUP MENDS TIES ! more animals, toys and miscella· .Check Our Ivy League Co1·durcy neous possessions than ever, ln PAJAMAS Reg, $1.50 Value Men•s Belts this boolt the family is forced to SLAX .move to a larger house. They 49c $5.00 Value 89c $1.50 to $2.50 Values ~appecl the maple tt·ees on their $8.95 Values- Sizes 27 to 36 new place the first year, at a cost Reg. $2.00 to ~2.50 Values they later figured to be $75 a gallon. · Table Now s4.99 $1.29 89c . Along with Poppy Cannon's biography of her late husband, /). GENTLE KNIGHT, MY HUS· BAND WALTER WHI'l'El an· other well written boo!\ is Earthe. BOYS' DEPT.· .

;-;.,' years . of .work by Langston Hughes. and Millon Meltzer, ··.Phone OR 7-1511 Alan Paton has assumed the ' ; All. Sales Final Open .T~ursday cind .Friday . . role· of spoltesman for South MEN'S ·Mrlca again lri SOUTI-l AFRICA IN ',l'RANSITION. Anothet• plc· •No Charges- No c·OD's BOYS'WEAR . . ~vening.Till ·, . ·. torlal; the photoll'raphs repro· GRIEVE ...... ~-...~~~-~--~-·------' duced nrc ,by, Dn.ft. vvclncr, nnct·, ______, __ ..._...., ______,______..._~------~:~L::: I ·::lnuham County News February 28, 1957 Paoe 2 yr.nt•s on n fnrm. 'Pho Slwnthr.Jrns arnnrlpnrcnts, M1•; nnrl Mrs. nmt· fumlly eniC!J'inlnr.rl Mr, nnl'l Ml'.'l, ,JIOTS J'llOfli!AIU ON TV movnrl I o Leslie 111 1030, ,,, Council Votes ban Bttnlwr, ~!D~d. Gee, I\li'; un_rl, Mrs, W!lllnrnl '!'Ill' ,JF:TR Jli'OIJI'a!n (,Ttinlor Surviving hcslrlos the widow Mr•, awl JV1n;. Hurnlrl LnWI'cnc•c, C;lny. 'l'hr! r:ounell voted In Lathrop nnr.l fumlly, MJ', IIJJrl MI'H. c:r•nrge Sll!plwns IL!I'P.St In Pllf(incc•J'ing illll;p!or·er· Smuts ar;c nnw h(>Jng :·:uonnl Christian ehur·c~h. '!'It'ellowslllp llallj and Arlulls, ltH'fll'pomtcrl, to· ask ganlzlng committee from I he Horl wing on his home. The two­ ~·.~ulln, with an DV!'riiiY of wlillt'llrir• hot1que1 of Slat•y, her s1str.r, l\aii!C'nne Mrl-, anti outdoor club which has ll!'en family nf> Dansville \Vf!l'f! guests ·orange hlnssnms, plnl\ Lady ler; Mi·s. Grant Sutliff anrl Mrs. A spec·ial ehnpel service was in existence slnc·c 1055. Kenneth ill the Orin J\c·kley horne Sun- FAHI\1 J•:(!IJIPJ\f!~N'l' ·.Bountiful roses anrl white carna· Huth Ann Mosher·. enncluetC'd at Lc;,lic high school· Bmol;ing matches Saturday night by Jack· s.on prison inmates was divided between the Boy Scouts and the Costs. ' less thanI a ELECT hand. Supper was served to thr. piir'licipanls in the houts and lheiJ' guards hy ,the band mothers, un­ der the direction of Mrs. Hanisnn Carter. /or of 7ow-prlced'Johsl L. The planning committee con­ Fred Kircher sisted of troop commil.lec chair· man, Harrison Carter, uml fi. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE nancc man, Edward Todd, for the Scouts; Walter Faull, Jr., for the Explorers; ami Hicharrl Sehmli For for the school honrcl. s·tate Senator. Band Mothers 14th District To Serve Dinner Band Mothers rnectin?; Tuesday · Ingham and Counties /' Livingston night at the high schf!ol voted to cool; and serve the dinner for 1he . SPECIAL PRitv1ARY ELECTION Lions anniversary for mcmb2t·s and thcli• wives March 18 at the . FRED KIRCHER e!arncnlary school .• ali-[JLII'poc;c FRiDAY. MARCH 1 room. Jerry Dawson, hand instrtJctor, met with the group. He aslwd the Bnncl Mothers for 11 legal· sized llle cabinet for music and Fred L. Kircher is capably qualified to represent th~ fourteenth State Senatorial dis­ also a rack fo'r storing hand in· strumcnts. Estimates and possi· trict of Michigan by years of experience as a city councilman, county supervisor, state bly bids will be obtained on legislator and successful business man. In these many capacities of public trust he these. has served honestly, efficiently, and faithfully. He is 'free to devote all of the time Mr. Dawson stJggested a new alto horn as a project for the required to carry out the duties of this important office as State Senat.:lr. Recently ~fall for the Band Mothers. This Mr. Kit·cher has been ser·ving as a member of the county board of supervisors gnd also would cost approximately $300. .. dean and pr·esident of fhe Lansing City Council. This would be in l~tUIIvt wui\H 1111 Nathun Juhn"un .!.1, l.nnttlug 1 Mn111 Instruction, HAIU\' I•,QUII'~li:N'l' F11111t 'it'IIIJII'I' 1!11' l'oJJI iJuctm• lnlrlllKl and ull 11~-tnl cnl'tH tol(clhul 1..4 JIHIVId• rl l1y t~lutut1, u1 thnt lw eU\1111' II t.lll11 1 .!II, Luntlllli with Hillel 1dlrnruy r1eu, whleh Hlll1lp1tm· J1tmeH JU L1nd11 10 1'1111 'r :!:~ Shh• llnor l'nnh·•· tlii'Y ur thiH Ollllll lu 1>11 HIJI\td hy lt•g~ Wul1mn, J.nnHinJ..C, J., ,John llt't'll' nllllllll'l' J.muiJ'I' tor A OJ' II (1'111 lm· 111111 1111 d1 Hell bud lu tw!d fflfll li{H!.fu Hl4 lt~lelc d 1111111 nn lhu dt fc llliant Ill htliHI UohJ, 11, l..tmHIIIH fnlloWtl' sur••g-mu·cl \\'Jtli'J' IIPutJ'J' 1!11 d1 Yli pllo1 to lh1 I line of Hlllli 111111 (,crnld 1.. McJ\1 n:dc, I K1 Lunaln~ must be .t homo .tiJCi ru1 lnlenl l! HllK l•'cll'd 'l'snl'llll, guotl I'Uitchlion Inn. 'I hr IIIII ( j I or lund tnluutcd In tht r..~oiiii'Y J 'iniJellrl 111, Lan~ln$: remain there Unuhlc S!'t Schultz Wash 'I'uh~ t 1ty nf I,nnt~IIIK, rnunty or lnnhnm nnrl Lilli' HlnmhiiiiH'h, II, l1u11letl, J(ntJI .. 2·1( oJUlJII ll!'l'll' 1'1111(111 1'1111\S Htntc or Milhlt{IITI, df.!llCIIhtd lltl fnlluWK, rlnc Woruun, h11, ::iL, JohnK A wife's clomlclle Is that of hoi C'un Hut II (iuuntity of ~IIIII CILIIS to \\.II ( nmnHHll ilH( nt tht• No1tiH'III t JnmcH Jt.! ICl hillY .!I, EnHL J..un1111uc If lrou're 2 SJ't tum Stll ingt@fh ll111g husiJ,md and 11 mo~y cho~ngc o~s the 2 N1•w 'l'yjtl' i'illl/il' lllh lltll'lu•ts j fllllll or Lot .! I nf A IIIII IIIHII H Pint Jh VIJiy J Jllchlllll .. ~. l'o11lluc ORDEil 1"011 I'UIII.ICATION Nurnlu 1 t I, City nf lun"llll! thence llullund E (in In, .! I, IJI1111111ghnm hushnrul changes his !lomldle, :1 sl'l lion S111 ingtootlt Ill 111, 111111 In tlu Ncuiii'HHt tnlrwr nf l.ol HI VII ~hun M. II vln, ~11, UkcmuK. 1\IAI 'Ill Nl ;tt\' SALE OF IlEAl. ESTATE nf lh vunt1hll r Huhrllvlt11on Nurnlu r J Hr J~onnd II Jccu1c IH J..~nnKiug Eve .. Like Me Ordln.u·iiy, the domicile of snr ,John J)pc•r1• J\loJI!•I A '1'nu tm·, c•x1 Plkut c•un. !l21t. (,J,IIII 111111 lilLY J.li•\lt(OJ MILDOURN-Mnrc:h 15, 1057 th•nc• Snnth 117 .!I futt to th• South~ Jyn N hullon, I 11, lunt~lnu-, m cl.lllghlet Is lh.tt of tlw f,tthcJ Slidt• or Mlcllll{llll l'lu Pluhnlt ( J1lll \VItd llllll!l u( t\11111 L.nl 1'1, lll!tllf' Jcr1y M l'utll, .. II, lu1111lng Snndau J hlt\'1' 'as• th11un, nl'll' s·uithl'l, :! 1ow 1 nitsvntoJ' lnti'JIIIItionul 21011 II'JiiiiZI'I l11111 l'l.mlt•J' 1 :S· You h<•m il lent-; Lill!il hem she reo~chr.s 21 If the (ul th• c lllllliY uf ln~-thlllll Wr ilriiY 10 (tel tn thn l~nHL lim nf J.. n Vl~uc, I h l.lllllllnu 11111111 hihh :iVf IIHllliC Jl1 h•hiH HllhriiVJilion Ill II 11111111 l'uldo IJmHullrlut., lh, LnnHlnu, Ulualn slm H•s uhnut 11 Ill' I stm's cluml mother lmH custorly, th1•n he1 ,John 111'1'11' :HmiPI 227 2 ww 1\lnunll'cl Corn t\1 IIKf'KHiniiCJ(MHidfOUll luldnlliH 11rr f t !-Jnuth u( lfu (ltlflll nf bt.:lll• 1 11 nmlliiLH1 :!IJ, J.f~IU4)Ug, til••, hut cliclu'l lmuw just I•i,•l\.('1' lnlt•J'IIIIti!lllltl Si1h• llt•lll t'l J Hnltl' 1'1 hnt, Ollie, Ill llu ( liY nl l.nnHlll).:' Ill llllllf und lhtllfl Nrlllh to the plncc nr Jueklu 1,, I ca unKon I !1, I nnslnu, LJJJ· domwile IH !hal of Che C'hll!h c•n 1 1 1 wns ~ulcl tuunly 11 th I .th dny of ltlllu· IH1.dnnln~ 111'1111~ 11 llllll nf 1111' East dn .r. Mllltthy, 1 fi, LnnH1nu whnt whstt. ,Jultn Dcl'l'l' ;\I mil• I 1:! A I 'umhhll', t'XI'!'IIJ•nt llllt'llllllilllllll (j I(, '1'111111'1 ~IIIII l'r lilY. l\ (J, Jllit7. Inf the N~lthwctlt t nr Scctlnn J7."" lnWI~ Thctc .ue limes wllf'll 1t h !'11 tit 111 HON. ltOIII4H I' L IJHAI{J~, I Ntlllh llnn)..\'1 .! \VIIil Legally, a person's domicile Is h,IJ d to pr o\'e domlr.ile, oliHI soml' l'nJuhllnn lli•JI( IIUIIS:'I' (OJ' ,John lll•t'll' i\ '1'1114'(111' JlldJ.Ct nr 1'1nh11t1 fluted lulnun1y .!H l'li7 W~li ,John IJI't'll' ~ II 111, J\lnunll'd l'h111 M11m. Moll lit' llist, H l J , Ill'\\ St'Jtlt•mh,•s·, l!Hili CAI'I'I Of, SAVINClS ,\ the pln~:c where he ho1s his lwnw, tunes thss gats IIlio the C'Oll:t• I.OAN COMPANY .tiul from whsch he docs not pl,ul .tnrl 1s left up to ct Jlll y to decide ,Jc,Jm II""'" •·nhhl'l' iu Pel \\'ugun with Gs·n\1' Otlilll a '1'JIIC(!ll' IIJ•a,.: S,ll\ MoltJlllllCf Chancery to move, and to Which he o~lw.tys l'ttt J,, gruin sillt•s :ltltl gullnn Gus sruiagt• '1',11111 Ch111lt!! I Cumrnln11 Atln1my fo1 OtiK Huh 111111 AI H1ch v:t 1Jo111 Ulch, As fm me, I fePI ll1.1t I havl"' r Mn1 lll'IWrr, I Ol lliJIItol !':inVIIIJ.tH & J.nun J.oJK JIIILII.), Ht Kctlu LUIIJU!llcJ, cl nl returns or plttns to retum uftes I e.tl domiCile hcc.tllse we olll! Ill ,John Dt'I'Jc 2·11 111. 'l'nu 1111 I'Jcm with J!l,j(, 1<'01 d Ill tnu 'I'IIHI, 11 itlt (,s UJII H111 ], llualdln..: lurudnl{ 1 H Mlchhcnn. •twll Bill to •1111ut lltlc Jlnmmuntl nnd bemg .1way ~clll/1111, lllLUifiCYH 1ng 111 the olrl f,unsly ilomese.ld :SyJ:uust• hnltmns 1111 Jnhh!'l' l'uril 12 hll'h llamnu·s !\hll ORDER OF PUBLICATION HcnJnmln I Wnt!lnn VM U Hm1~ 1111· Now, If one's domh lie sr, rl1c ,John ))('"I'C a 11 in. 'l'J'IIl'IOI' I' hill' i\Iodl'l li:i A 71i t I Lndlt••• lit• It Ktnt1 u( lflc !dunn In thu Clzcu1L lln11l 11nr! Juhu A liMtmnn 11111 fna In· home, let me tell you wiMt the '1', Cuual rcn the Cuunty n( Inuhnm, In J lllctltlll ht:ltJlllnln J n lllHUII, Hoy I' ( I !'A 1'10:'1' JU:CI:IVI:D 1111 s·uhh tldux1• h11tt11mS OJil I' I :!·II huh '1'1'111 to1 l'low I hu1111 y I nnh y, or COIIIIHel Jnf.!k w. \\Ill len Col supreme court of Michlf~ 111 sal!! ,J nh 11 D ''I'JC 1:~-hoiP l•'t•J t 1117.1'1 G 111111 Us· ill nn J!J,l'l I 'ht•\ 1nll't '1'11111,, 11l ton, nwlot o\ 1'1' Ill r 1\ IOU HIAIIIAM l'inlllillf VH 'I he school of pollee : house especially the pl<~c,., AI 11 tH.!:4tllnn n( 11111d Cnurt held 111 tl11 t t nl Uc pll!"' 111 Hnymund U Me l.e.HI, a guvc1 nmf'n(,tl cllctlJon for it• cnntlitlon ~limy lll'h•s I no C'u1!HI t'nu1l ICoom Ill the C!ty Ilnll, ntlnrnny [n1 plnlntltl IJtcl A Snucl, where one lived with Ills fnm1ly nlhi•J Ill lllllllt'l'lllls tu nwntmn "fli'C COO]lCIlrd lion lllll 11 d lhut JIIOICh!i Col h111 IIJtiiCJIIIIfltt Hay W1~l VH Wulve1111e HuildlnJ..:" SUI• A person can have only om' t.llll not Ill' r;el \ d hy !ell !lOll or h111 JIIY Compnny, et 11! 'J ruKIIIISH un tha domicile at a Lsme, and wlwn 11 uh:-~cnc< f1nm th1 Stnu the1cfn11 on cuHc, LOIJ.:"htun und Andz~ws, uttmrii2YH leonard Dennis, Owner A r1111 Cnp, me IIClll of Vt 111011 ,I And1c\\H Attorney has been established 1em,uns 'I he GJand Canyon is 217 miles Jtuth S hlip1•1 nnt 1 In 1e Pellt!nn of John ( HtulWll! GLENN to IIA!t'l ["(lftfl I'EIJEI!AL SAVIN(,S OitDER OF PUBLICATION of Chevy's long-lasting lac­ MntHH\ Stnlc of Mlchl~-tnn. In the Gucult P1oh11lt OIT111 111 th1 C1t~ nf 111 & LOAN ASSOCI A I JON by IIHHhcnm~nt Court 101 Lhe Lounty of lnghum Hoclwt filii! Count,) nil tho list tiny of leluu~ tct.:Oidrcl Jnmi/LI) ~4 1 1 1ft~, Ill f,J!H~I !II, quer paint job. n1;, \ 1 ,,7 No IH3'"o) n r 11~1 t ll Itt KIHlCI or 11L•CdH, Clinton ~Ct!Ut..1.·I'INCH 11 I'll"""' liON Hllhl:l:l L llil,\1\B Cnunty, Mach nnd fUIIcl mol t!~IIJ.!CC hnv COMPANY, Mlch- ' Stop in and see the car · ~.1···-· u··s·····"'·A·~~·:··· .Tudvf ut P1ohal1 IJCilll C011101 utiun }'lllllll.!JI, YK. BltH.(,S " ' ' 111)..\' t'IE1tccl unlle1 the telmR or Hlllll motl· ~ '''I Itt tht Mlltt• I or the I :-~tatt or IIAJSY JJ:•U e lo dcllnlC the untlll! IHIOCIJIIII unci l!..ot"'(.lN.r...c..HU~l, Al""'IIJ lilJN 1 HAvUl'HJ that gives you more to be n1•t I L.Uil'll'J\N,, n col po1ntlon, l 1111lcl1•1d De· \\'RIGH'I liN! t1 Ill IIIII d fnlt I C!Hl tiHJ I COli rluu \\ hlch '67 c~c~s:vR:ci~;-,l='r · tenlll\.nl, nnd ~UAMH.UCI\. GuN~'l RUC,;- lhu ( am1 111.'11 hnvan~-: tlled 1n "alcl eJcctlnll It ductl hcHhY I.'~CieiKC, Jl\11• proud of. coni his ]Clition Jlloi.)IUI!' that 11 CillHln 1IUJ:~ CUnlPAPI'i, u cuiJJoruuon, lintni· MUll Ill to \\huh there IH cluimcd to he a Chevrolet 1 Jllr;l111m1nt !11 \\1\tlnJ..:' 1 ltjlUIIIIll: tu he due and lllllutld on Hl!d morluugc nt Hhcc Vclendnht the lnHL \\Ill uud tc,;tmn 1 t uf :ill HI de· lht• dnte nf thl!! notice for PllnciJml NOTICE 10 APPEAR AND DEFEND f.!l UHII nnw 011 hlu In nH!d cn111l lu ncl­ nnd mtc!cHl und I IIA Sclv1cc Chnr.Ltclll 'J'U lill1:\'l:f8 l!!nHIIIUCIIIIH' 1111d (,;ontrnct- nuttcd tn pauhlltl' nud that Lht udmln~ 111J.r Compuny, whot~c hlt~t addrctil:l t!1• HUm of lave l'lu.mHund I 1\~ Huntllctl 1\nu""n IHllltt Ill\ nf Hild t!ilHfl !11 g11111led to N111cty 'lh1ce nntl Ojl./lUU UG,'i 1)3 6:1) 1~ Puat Oll1cc Dox -.!L •• , l'ultu~, Ul...tu .. •"ullll II IJur;t Cr mt uny n1 to H IIIII' ulhe1 Do!!HIII nnd no Knit or 111 occclhng- nl hum a fi\lltllhlc J PrMUil u)su Ill a;, 1111! rcll"' fl tic· licnllemun lim 01 Ill tiiUily hHVIII~ hue n 1111:1lltut~d tf11111lllli1Uil de~ 1'111/Jllllllt JltOVIHIUIItl of hciiN Ill h1, or nUIII to 1 c1 nvm Liu de ht r;1 1 utcd by 11111 lo t.hc of lbe MUCh IIIUVIdttl l."l!ll:'iCd nuulJ.:"IIJ..\'C ul 1111y Jlltll the11of NOW ~lli\.Ult: Ill CII~CH Ill Ide lllld 2~nd )'OU LhHl It l!i Chd•lecl I h 1l tl11 day nf 'lllbHLI'OHC. hy VllllH' or thl )lfiWCI ur HI C hellJ by lllllllll!il Ill lJic Mn1eh, 1\ I> I 1~,7 at l\\0 n'clntl-1 111 11 lie cnnlnlllcd 111 ~"~laid molt~lll!c nnrl t:ueurt Cmnt. tur the CuunLy uJ lta:ham, lhL• nrtcn nuun nl the 1 1nl,utc oJrll!.! nt JttiiNtiHllt tu the Hlnlulr ~ nf lh1• StHte .:>LHlc ut i\IICIII}-:1111 nt Lnmscn~-:. M1chu;un, ~fiX lluliiKif 1 1\ld~-t IHII!illlg' Mu hu:nn, uf MachiJ.CH/1 111 MHh cuHe H mndc and on Lhc li.Hh rh1y nl 1Jccemhe1, IUutJ, llll ht.! nnd I\ h(lfh~ ~rtonltd f01 hu11111~ PI ovulutlOI' to HIICh hCIIIInK AI Rice Chevrolet Moa LKUR"aO RODER'!' L, DnAI\E, llOiltll'l' L DUAKE, Cluu lu~J F. Cummln~:~,' At to aney lol' Judyo at Ptabnte A 'l'nac CoJty: _ JudKc of Ptubntu MotiKIIKee, 1111 CttJlilol SnvlnK• & Lonn Mua thu\ '£hii)'Cr llulhillll(, l.nnHiliH OR, MlchiJmn. nwJ:J llol>nt; lloui•lcl or '\ ~ 'I I Ingham County News February 28, 1957 Page 4 Aggies Defeat r Wi"\C,;t Rpflll~illl'H ClaSH Teachers Attend Awa~ds Are Presented at· 'i'llo i·l'gii]Hr H!UI!y l'!ass S]ltlllJ stn·pr] h1• llw Womn11'H RI>c•lt•l\' of in Lansing Blackhawks ['Jn'lsli:;n :-lC'I'vi•·P of 1111' 1\kliHui· Meeting ist t'IIII!'cll will 1111'1'1 1' l'ngiiH'<'I'ing at Mli'it· the ahRO!lC'C or the presirlcnt, Mrs. 'I'll£> Aggles were never behind ton Antes, .Tohn Wolf, Danny Mil· Comedy Play Allie Thompson. Mrs. L!oyr! Hay. Tnmmy MIII'r]rwk, L;orr!nn <;ran· Si!tu!ay gtiPsls of Mr. Hitrl Mt·~. !gan :-linlr• IIIIil't!l''ily, ~]IIIIW In affer llw tlrsl fPW minutes btl! ler, Kenneth Sly, ,Jim llowP, .JPr· d,l', KP!JIIf'III llusii anr] <;:II'.\' <'arl WIIitl', till' grnnp t>ll "Arii'HIIr'I'!Tli'IIl ancl hoe !PrJ r!evot ions, n nd the Jll'o· <'otltlnnully lost their lend after ' "I!Lwir,~pr•r·ls of IIH• l·:nglnN!I'III!( ~mm was In oharge of Mm. giiinlng II. '!'he half ended with In a nr•ts hy Pnullnr! Piwlps, wlll Wull\CI', Burry Chapmnn, Dennis At tlw mnelus!on of tlw aw;ll'll rl1r•n :IIH! !\Irs. MnrgnrPI lllf'iw!'l I•'Jr•lt!," llr. William Stirlon, l'ir•e. Moon>. IIwlurll'd were several Dans\;llle only one point nhenrl. Felton and Jon Clark; llc> pn!senlroil hy tile Jnnim· class rrarllngs on l•'ranves Wlllnrrl, c·m·enmny, lilt• Girl St·outs •Jf \Villiamsiiiit 11'1'1'1' Sumhi,I' vis·. Jli'<'S]clent of lltP lfniwrsity of The s·o('(fnr] half lhe Armies hr.· Beur harl~es, Kenneth \Voorls, .:or Dansvi!ll! A~(I'ir·ulluml sl'!tool fnti!HII'I' of the organlzat ion, mnrdwri in forming 11 IIor:>l'shnt•, ilt~rs 111' 1\lr.-;. ,i<'IIIIic! Bkilllse Mannln~. class spnn· Hoger Pollok, Rl!Rsel! Rne, Dour:· 'l'lnw and phH'e for t IH' Mardi las Showers, Donnie VanDernal'l! tlw ot·g;llllzali.,n. Girl St•rtuls ~:a\'I' n \V<•t!Ju•;;t!a~· visiiiii' of Mr. and in tliro l'llginr•r•t·ing liPid. sor•, II Is an ac!aptatlun of IIH' nwrtlng will IIc! annnunf'c>II later. Alllmugh the 11na! ~JUarler was 1 tlll'li' ple!dgl' nnrl saltt!P, ;Iftr•r Mrs. S;Im Williams. :\Jr.· and Mrs. ('c•I'Iillmll's 11f I'l'f'flgnltlon wr•t·e mndt lik£! !he third the• Aggie~: anri .Tim Leonarrl; Linn .!Jarigr>s, original Mark Twain novel. whic•h nwm!H•rship I'arrls \1'1'1'1' !-in111 \Villinm.s ;JIHI 1\Jr. and lilt''· ]ll'f'.-;J'Ilil'rl 111 all llu• !t•ttdwrs 'l'hP C"USI inl'!ur!l's: DiPk Lamp· IJeVPr had nn OJl]lO!'IUnlty IO I'P.· .Tnd< Allen, llohhy llro\\'II, Gary Gr:nitly and .Julin Di£!hl; giJ!r! gi\'e!I OUJ. 'J'hl',\' f']ospr] f]Wi!' pill'· J]0\1';11'<( !\Jc•r]JH!IIrf 111111 J'allli],\' PI'<'St'l!l. man, I!Udiii'!IC'I'I',I' Finn; .Jnhn lax with llw J~es!ic leum diving lion of tl1o program willi t!J.! ~JII'III SIIIHI:J~ with 1\lr. unrl 1\Ir.;. Booster Club in and shunting al c'wry uppnt'· arrow poinls, 13ohhy Brown, .fad1 Dnl'll, .lim, a rtlnuway Negro; Eol'flut Jnws. 1 ~:.mnaii Al'i>"tt 111 \Vr•ItlnHIII. HnHt!llllll'\' lll'HVPnrll'l', Aunt Sally, tunily. AIIPil, Gary Gmnr!y, ,John Diehl, 1\lr. ;nul ~II'· r 'IInrlf's Gt'Pen· GOOD HEAD-Thrre yottn;;· Blly Sl'flul ·awat·d.~ J>l't'!>rnt<•tl I !\Jr. :11111 ~It·~;. Lll!'l'll St 11i ll'<'l'P IHIJ(II anci l;nnil)' ttl' L:tiiSI!Ig 1\'1'1'1' fat nnr! ;Ill; Dian!' !•'Pilon, J•;nw· Don MeCahi', Larry Soule!, .lrr· Donn!P VnnDemarl<, Honald lln•s· Pia ns to Serve r.ll'r:; Jldl. tlir•ii· he•;~d:: tngelhel' lin, .Jim LP.onarri, Jlogl!!' P11llol;, wr.Ir!: T<'nrlrorfolll pin anti IIat!gr•, 1\l!t!lf!ay <'I'I'IIII.Ig dsil11r·: of l'arl SIIIHiny l'l't·IIlng liiii<'IH'ttii guests llnr Graiigrt·fri\'IJ, with a J'onr!twss I'Y Wing, G!Pn Wireman, Ji:ayl' 1\'it]I a gi:tlll p:qtlt•!·lli

Tuesday evening guests of Mr. Ancl at such otlter times anti }!laces as they· desi~natc to receive I'cgistl•ations for the and Mrs. 'fheo Clickner were Mr. , A[ll'il l biennial SJlring dcction, S(lrcial dt~ction to fill circuit ,jud4e vacancy and special and Mrs. Lawton Clickner am! I dection to' fill statt• st~nator, 14th district \'acancy. Any }lcrson who has not re-regis­ family of Willinmston, l\Ir. am! ll11·s. Oscar Holdr.n of Howell ami tert•d undt•r the permanent I'cgistration hnv, any }lt\l'S~n who has lllO\'tltl to a new resi· 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tee! Cliclmer arid dence and willluwe been thf:'re at least SO tla~·s. hrfo1·e t~lcction tlay, atul any 11crson who Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Gauss. Tlw will bt~ 21 yNH'S of age one m· hel'ort~ A[trill and has not registered may do· s~ in ordllr occasion wm; the birthday anm· to cast his ballot. JUontlay, IUaJ•ch 4, is the last day J't\gistrations can Ill' acct•pl.t.ld for versury of 'i'heo Clickner: Mr. and MI'S. Clifford Mull and voting in t.lw April 1 t•li•ction, son of Lansing and Mr. ami Mrs. Floyd Bnclws nne! daughters of Williamston were Sunday vis· itors of ·their parenls,' Mr. and Registration P'cices and Hours Mrs. David Bal>er. Mr. and MrH. Kenneth Slusser of Lansing vis· AI,AIEDON ONONDAGA ited the Bakers Saturday. ·Relaxing ... Across America ! J,ylt• Oestlwle, Cl•~•·l• Robert C. Noble, Cieri' Miss Barbara Gaile~ of Ma· AI my hom1l ori the corner of Jrolt and At the clerl<'s I'esldencL·, '18:iR Buhlwin son was a weelt end guest of Mr. Olwmo.~ J'Otuls. street in Onondugu, and M1·s. William Niswonger and Lloyd. Behi~d them arc the majestic mountain l'oadways find them well beyond their morning's destination! Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Grover of Southern Califol'llia and the pict.).tresque desert WIIIIATFIRIJJ , UmOY And then thci·c will be the many othe1· Cadillac and Gavin, Mrs. Dm·is Osborne drive through A1•izona. · vi1-tues to enhance the pleasure of their joumcy, •• I.llWJ'eJH'e ,J, Smith, Clm·k Vcl'llon llod,lfe, Cieri' aiul Mrs. Mina Otis were Sunday At the ell'l'l<'s r••shlmwtl nt 910 Noble I'on•l. · At the c.lclrk's residence,. 2 milcs south .or dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. And nhead lie the b1·ond highways of Texas , , , its vast areas of vision to give them the full , Wehluwvllle nt 1754 J~lm· 1'01111 lllltl 1\lnt•ch 4 Cort Crossman of Ortonville. • , , , the scenic •·oads th~1t wind through Oklahoma panot•uma of America's gr•ent bem;ty ami gi·anclem· nt. Cummunity hall, \Vebhcl'\'ille, · Cl'rY 01< l\IASON Miss Connie .West spent the and Missouri , • , ami the great Midweslem weelt end with Miss .Janice Mar· , , , its extl'f.lordinary safety ilnd dependability GIJOI'J.\'tl licllogg, City Clm•k tmnpikcs that lead to the Eastel'!l Seabom·d. INGIIA!U q ucdant of Leslie. fo add to thei1· ,contentment aml peace of mind At Um ulc.rl\'s office from 8 n, m, to 4:30 Gmu·g·e Vog·t, ,Jr., Cle•·k . Mr. and Mrs. Lelnrid Perrinr.; ' What's it like to spend the better part of a week ·• , • nnd its I'emlll'ilahle operating economy to Jl. m. 011 1\lnrl~h· 4. Heg·istrutloll will be At .. t.hc cltlrk's •·eshleiiCtl, 1292 1\la:son stl't!et, Sr., anrl Mrs. Leland Perrine, .Jr., in a 1957 Cadillac? remind them how practical thei.r odyssey is. tnl1crr at tile clerl<'s re:siden.ce, 110 W. Syr•L· Dlt11S\1iile, visited Sunday at the home of Well, fi1·st of all, there is the a Cadillac mor•e, i\luson, 1111 the last dny only. ., ' Mr. and Mrs. Dale Main o! Lan· rc.rl/ulnc,r.r So thet•c they are-seeing om wonderful land VBVAY sing. Miss. Louise Perrine re· pl'Ovides. The CUI' is so incredibly smooth and f1·om the finest vantage point on the Amcricunl'Oad: 1\ll•s. Bhmche Whcele••, Clerk turned home with them after WHITE OAJ\ quiet and .comfm·table that even the longest through l(w ";ind.du'cld o} a 1957 Cadillac/ . A•·lo Wtu·fle, Clt•r·k At the cleJ•I,'s residence, 2 miles SOU"I of spendin~;, the week end wlth the Mains. · joUI'ney is 'an ,occasion J'ot· glorious rclaxa lion • Registe•· anytime -ut the clerk's resltlcnml, 1\i;!son on l]S-127; 1 V: miles WeNt on Tomlinson . * ' *' * •·mul, uuyt.!mtl U]J't.o nnd Including· !Unrt~h 4. Miss Glenda Hiclts of Howell And for the lucky gcnlleman in the drivci·'s Of course, you don't have to, ha\;el 3,000 miles ll Vz mllt~'i snuthma.~t of Dnnsvllle nt 311011 Ios1~o were guests Friday nlght and · J'ond, 1111 to mul lnchttlhiA' IU1irch 4. sent. the1·c is the 'added reward of Cadillac's in this newest "car of cm·s" :to realize why its DI~Llll Saturday of Mt·. and Mrs. James I b1·iiliant. new pcd'ormance. owners c_all it "the gi'cnt_est of Cadillacs". .1\IJ•s, 1<-:tlith Adcock, Chlrk Crumbal>er aml fnmll~. Friday itll evening they were all guests of AURELIU~ .. ·• DistJ•let:s l,ut~ li, II 111111 fl at the town hall; In fact, the em· is so nimble and cnge1·, so The evidence is in oui' showroom now-nnd an· l\l'rs. Cecilc,DcCamp, CleJ•k M1·. and Mrs. Hosea Devor of DistJ•icts 2· IUUI 7, 1\lrs. mien Enyurt llt 5516 Flnt Roclt. · ..responsive . and uicJ·t that day's end will usua1ly hour al the wheel 'wHJ tell you the whole s(my. At the clerl1's residence 11nyt1nie, 1 V1 miles l\llllcJ• J'oatl; DlstJ•IctH 3 an1l 8, 1\frs. Ellu Rich· 1 Mrs. F. C. Anderson, Sr., Mrs. west of Aii••clhls Center on 11Mnes rotul, ni'dN, 81112 l~nton ·'Unplds road, :Averon Acldey and Ronnie nnd Cynthia· Wallmr spent. Thursday wlth Mr. and Mrs·. Eugene Gauss of Blissfield. · . Robinson Motor· Sales Ted Miller of Loclroll of 'l'lw lt•ai·her1 l\1r.~. nrowot•, 11nrl lr.H 'l'uesrlny for 11 lrlp to 'l'exnH, .Toyc·e nnd. Cnml wnm Snturrln.v Lowe's lnsl 'l'lllil'Edny r!vr•nlnr.;. M1•, and Mt·s. Clnr'r!tlt'O 1\11'· Monday nlghl tllf' fi:Jmm· Ham· 1\nrlrr.w .Jnel;son, Mi'H, Orner• WhPaitlelrl Wl!l'f! SlllHinv riltllll'l' pupils onlm'lalnr.rt IIH!II' mothers 'l'lwy visiter( over the wel!lt r.nt\ r.venlng rllnnr•r J.lUr.sls of Mr. lttul '!'hr.• lo!'ili CXII'nsion dull \VIIS l;augslln HfH'nl IIH! 1\'Pt'i·: t'tHI In !Ins, l%1red flllllst•s, .11wn1J Slro- Stmlwl hnrl Mr. nn1J Mr~. Vlr·tnr gur•iiiH of Mr. and Mt•s: r~:lm;•r 111 n vnlnnl!nr pnrly 'f'hm·sttay, willt Mt·. nnrl Mrs. William Mus· Mrs. Hny Hmlrlntz of WIIIIHITIH· cnlt•r·lnirwd nl the l!onw of Ml·~;, Soulh !Jrmrl, lndlunu. lu•ls, nnrl l•]d\Wtl'ri Slrolwls nl· Chl~fii!Y vis!lrrl Mr. anrl Ml'H. Oils. 1\flt!l' n gumo pnrlod, rr.ft·esh· nlff nl. nrmmHml nnrl llwn left In I on. Hlvhard Golu:l last 'l'ltPsdny f'\'1'· Mt·. nntl Mrs. l·'r:lllk f'hillip.c; lenrlcrl llw •I·H l'III!Pt' slmillt, al Mr•i\llrn. 'Phcy expcr•t Slollrt• nt rlintll'l' Sntnrrlny eve· Pl'll.ir~el lnsso11. Slmlwl IHIIilP SU11rlny. l.nsl 'l'hursriay e\'Piling llw r·niiPrl on Mr. anrl Mt·s. Hlwh Hf'l'Vr•rl. . In lm gono !l mon! wr.cl:ehflo! pupils lntll'rluinl'rl: NPis 11 n Fr·iriny. '' l!ern!Pr lwnw 111 Swnt·fz Crr•r.'l\ IV!rs. J•:lmPr Oils llli('tllll!d tho Mrs. Melvin Bntllge nnrl clnugh· Slellet·. 'l'lw nPr•aslnn was 111'n ,Jerry and Mr. and ~·In•. flnlll'n lnillf'tl 111 a llii·IJui;ly J'tllrl\' su 11 .111H•n· llll!litrn; 111 11 vnlt•nlitll!,. 'I, . 1 '·I., ..1 , 1 ., . Sunday. lr•arlt•rs lllt!r•ling of lhr! t!x.·fenslnn lcrs nt'f' slnylng nl. I hr. Arnnlrl llohrln 111111 1\nlhy Hpc•nl !'llllldll,l' . . . . , 'I "I. dill '' J.,, 'Ill o 1 Sit ohel M .. N . y ' I M I r·lul .. I If It r, ·e II '1'1 I .. hit•lhrlny illlllivrrsnry of Erno.'il rilly ~llghl h~lllfll'lll!; IJPI:;y Ann I )).II y, . illld elillrlrcn, Hulit Ann :mrl '1 .. IH.I"Ielvll,l Ollf~lll.:lll! 1'. ill!{ .IS rl I ~II ~{ :1. y. 11! e8son hornr! rlurlng their nhsencf!, with Mt·. nn1l Mrs. Gr.rharrl· Slc!ller, L!•P anrl Sunrlr;t SlroiH'I. J.usj Wt'!!il's N1•ws Hil~hil~ ffnmlln anrl Mr ,111 rl Mrs '' rs. ·• 11111 .nssmnn sprnl Wit~ on ma govetnrncnt. sleln. Mrs. L. 'l'aylor nnd Mr. nnd Mt•. nnrl Mrs. Hnher·l 'l'ltnn1psnn Mrs, AI 8Pmiw arul Davil' and Mrs. l•'eiTis ~ 11111111 and 1\Jrs. I Edward Slrnlwl 111111 eili,lrlrr•n a·1: Sunday al lin• Lt•e GPr·ilnl'rlslr.'ill, , Shm.'t'Y Lee .Bl'llwn!Pc unrtm•. Mrs. fo'mnl< Scl'ipler nnrl fnmlly Mrs. f·~lmer· Humlln aiiPtHIPd '11' 'tttrl 'It"' IV'tll f·l Ll ·n • 1 \1' · . IJOITif'. \\1!111 .t lonsli!N.Iomy nl lhe Mn· 1 anrl Wenrfy of Ensl Litnsing wr.t'r! " · ' " ··· ' n "" .1nr 1 tef' Ntl'ilflls mllt;rlitl IIIC Vl1·lot' I ll!llt 1r•r 1 lilt! slu•hu• r•lrr·us 111 J)p. , , . • , , , • . ,· funr.l'fli servir•rs fnr a rrlalive in nf Lnnslng wet·n Sunrlny l!lnrwt• guesls ul dlnn~r Sunrlny nf lhl! thilrll'PII Wf'l't' Srtnrluy vl:;ilor~; ,,. Clll'rwy Ito me Frl~lny. ! tr·oll Salut·riay, · 1 ~I. nnd Mrs. (,eot·a; Glover~ re· sun (,ulu nl hnsplllson ntul - ...·.am· • • 1\,u II on. february 28, 1957 Page 5 and Mrs. l;'otTr!sl Wnllwr mtrl M1·. family wcrr! guPsls Sunrlay r·,r nnrl Mm. Melvin Bnltlge wcro Mt·. nnrl Mrs. Henry Mllclwll nf Snturrlny cvr>nlng guests of Mr. Pinckney. Quality anrl Mt·s.'Gir•n Sltnrlanl!. You Can Put Your T'rust In '~Super-Right" Meats,- Alfmrl Sherman nnrl son, Vr•t'· • I Mr. nnrl Mt'H. F'otTesl. Wnllwr non, rr.lut'IWd lwnw 'l'unsrlny nnrl fltrnlly Wf'l'n r::uesls al rlin· from a IO·rlily vnmlinn in f~frw ·nm.· Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Guy lrln. 'l'hPy lrnd rlinnm· wil h Mr. I~Pllon of .'ilorlsrield. rl~e oeens1ot~ wa:; Werlncsday visitor of iler sistet·, lhe illl'lhday ann1ve!·sar,v of Gr•rw jiffy ••• See the easy-f·o-fix recipes LB. Mrs. Ada Rossiter, of Fowlerville. Gauss, ~l': PKG. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell of )\'!r. and Mrs. Ft•erJ Stcarlmnn on the side of each package. ·c~~:l:v fo'nwlerville were Thursday vis· nn~l · family of Wehhervillc 'nnd ! BACON 2 ilot•s of Mr. anrl Mrs. George W.!lrnn .l?rl Greenough of Chel· spending d few days wilh her sen. niece, Mrs. ElTiP West. Mrs.· Wl!llnm ~lnrk of Mamn Miss Lou Ann Higby or Bl'nlon atHl. Mrs. C. 1\. Dwhl nnd Mrs .. A. li'IU~SII FIIOZI~N li'OOUS SIZE 24 CRISP AND SOLID H;triJCl' wn~~ 11 wrcl.; end gueHI of 0. Greenough _allenrlcd ~~ meetmg Miss Connie Washburn at the or 1111'. fnter·CIIY Counctl of Gar· A&P, CONCENiRATED home of Mr. ami Mrs. Floy·d lien Clubs at Gmnrl Ledge Thurs· c Mitchell. Miss Washburn is now day. FOR working frn• th1~ stale rleJlllrlmcnl ·-~·--· .. -·-----· in Lansing and expects to attend summet· sl'ltnol al Western Mlch· Oronge .Juice igan college, 1\alnmazoo. Mr. ami Mrs. Lawrence Cut·IJs spent. Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. U. 5. NO. 1 , LB. Stanley VanDebogart of Balfle Idaho Potatoes llAG Creek. . (6 PACK) 6-0Z. c ·10 59c Mr. ami Mrs. Edwin Vander­ 6 CANS 8 bush and family of Britlon were EXCELLENT LB. Sunday guests of the latlcr!s • FOR JUICE BAG parents, ·Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthut• I 0-l)Z, Florida Oranges 8 59c Brooks. Mr. 1111rl Mrs. Leonar(l CANS ·age Brool

This Message Is Brought to You This Message Is Brought to You as a Public Service by the as a Public Service by the Following Firms and Individuals Following Firms and Individuals Holt Bowling Lanes KEEPING TOUO+t Holt IN Bement Feed & Supply Service Mason Mason Dairy Mason Van's Service - Sindair Mason Morse's Restaurant Mason Dart National Bank Mason

C. W. Glenn & Sons The Farmers Bank CHEVROLET & BUICK Mason Stockbridge Robart Nursing Home Mason George's Food Market Mason Collins Electric Stockbridge Dart Manufacturing Co. Mason Ace Propane Gas South Cedar Street Lansing Consumers Power Co. Mitchells' Dept. Store Wilde'~ Super Food Market Leslie Stockbridgo The Ferris Company Lindy's Drive-In Mason Mason Heights Estes·Leadley Funeral Home Holt - Lansing The Peoples Bank of Leslie · Wolverine Engineering Co. Mason MARATHON Ke:1' s Marathon Service A. A. Howlett & Company South Cedar Street and Eifert Road Mason Lansing

That tnail·box on the city corner • , • that post office at t11e country crossroads , , , what would we do without them? Life is t'oo complex for us to live by ourselves. Man's interests and his welfare reach far beyond the boundaries of his community. Com· THE CHURCH FOR ALL •.• munication with people and corporations hundreds of miles away is a ALL FOR THE CHURCH part of modern living that we take for granted. We have to "keep in The Church is the the building ol cha grleatest lt.:tor on earth lor touch." It . roc er and go d .. But long before life became so complex, men discovered their need IS a storehouse ol s ..1 1 ° Citizenship, strong Church, neilher ~In ua values, Withou I a for another kind of communication-prayer. The courage and faith can survive There . elmocracy nor civilization · ara our sou d and hope which steel men for the challenge of each day come from God. every person should allend n. reasons why * ond support the Chu h Th services regularly The deep spiritual needs of the soul can be supplied only by keeping own sake (2) For his r~·id ~Y are: (I) For his in touch with God. · sake ol his communit c J ren s ~ake. (3) For the We think our mail-boxes are indisr~nsable! Even so, one church sake olihe Church iis~lfandhn~llon. (4) For the means more to.a community than all its postal facilities. For not so long and material support Pi• w Jc needs his moral Community l\lethodisl of Dans· larly and read your BibJ~ndt~il~~ Jo church regu. ville anrl Vantown, Rev. Charles Dansville Ji'J•ee 1\Iet.lwdist, Rev. ago men lived very happily without a postal system, But men have IT. E. Moore, pastor. 10, Sunday Day R. Gross, pa~lor. 10, church never lived happily wi.thout God!. Sundoy Book . Chap lOr school, Dansville,. G. E. Manninr:, school, Genevieve Freer, superliJ· MonrJ 11 y'''••••••••••···t Kin~s Vcr11u tcndenl; 1 !, . preaching service; Ttlesd'ay'''' ••• • • • • • •• .Psillms 8 22-36 superintendent; 11:15, worship Wedncsd·;•••••••••••• M.ltthew 4Z 1-11 service with a message by the 6:45, F. M. Y. service; 7:30, eve· TJJUrsd y y, '' •' • • • • • • .Ma1tJ1ew 6 . S·lZ Fridily'11 ·••••••••••••·r..Lika 18 Js.zo pastor; 10, worship sct·vice at ning message; prayer meeting 22 Satu~d3Y' • • • • • •• • H •• ·Romans 39·46 Vanlown; 11, churc:h school, Mrs. Wednesday evening, 7:30 at the · •~" • u' •• ... 1 Corinthians 8 I 18·25 church. ~ 10·27 Carroll Glynn, superintendent; 7:30, M. Y. F'. service.

lllltNon l'I'CNhyt.eJ'iun, Paul L. !\!Jason UuJltist, Clarence Rocld, Arnold, minister. Sunday, Ill a. pastor. Worship service begins m., service of communion; 11:15 with !he prcludo at. 9:50 a. m., a. m., chut•ch school; 4:30 p. m., message by Hev. Alastait• Wall'· church membership class; 5:30 fl. cr; 11:15 a. m., Sunday school m., Junior High WF; 6 p. m. Sen· under the superintendent, Paul ior High WF; Tucsdny, 7::~0 p. What ·tile Churches~ Are Doing Richards; 6:30 p. m.,' Baptist m., board of trustees; Wcdncs· Youth Fellowship; 7:30 p, m.,•cve· clay, 7:30 fl. m., scniot' choir; Ingluam Cil·cult l\1 c t h o 1Il s 1., Am•nllus llliJJ!.ist:, Rev. Robert As•·•msiun E\'nn~·plkal Lnt.ill'l'· )llason Churd1 of lh" ~uZJII'enP, · Williamston Nuzn1·enc, Rev. ning service, closing message by Thursday, 6:30 11. m., junior Frank B. Cowie!,, minister. North· Worgul, minister; Church set'V· an, services at Bailey school, :300 Roy Mumilll, pastor. Sunday H. Woods, pastor. Church Rev. Walker: Wednesday, 7 p. choir. west, morning worship, 9 a. ·m.; icc, 9:45; Sunday school, 10:45. L. Bailey street, East Lansing. Rev. school, 10 o'elocl;; prenching serv­ school, 10 a. m.; worship service, m., youth choir rehearsal; 7:30 p. church school, 10:15 a. m. 1\lill: George W. E. Niciuy Ad· St. 1\lh•hut•l's I•;[Jisen[Jlll JUJs. tor. Sunday school, 9:15; worship lee, 6:45 o'clock, song and praise. 7:30 p. m.: evangelism, 8 p. m.; Ycnt.lst, L. H. Sic!,les, pastor. m.; church school, 11:15 a. m.; siun, Rev. N. F. Kinzie, Ph. D., service, 10:30. M. Y. F., 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic message, 7:30. Pray· prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 1\lttsnn 1\luthodist, Raymond L. Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; worship vicar. Services Sunday at. 10 a. e1· meeting Wednesday evening p.m. Norton, minister. Sunday wor· service, 11. Horace J. Shaw, pro· m., North Elementary school, Unnl;t,l' llill Nnzun•.rw, Jlov. at 7:30. ship, 10, sermon, "The Call of fcssor of speeC'h at. Immanuel Assembly nf Goll, W. B. !{olen· Cuny laric, .off Miiler roarl. Carl Barnes, minister. · Sunrlay Willlumst..on Comnumlt.y Meth· da, pastor. Services at the Vevay Lent," nursery and special ses­ Missionm·y college now laking a Prayer ancl sermon with Sumla~· sdwnl, 10:30; morning worship J.eslio I•'rml l\J.,thnllisl, Hov. mllst, Rev. Louis Ellinger, pastor. sion for kindergarten ancl first post graduate course at Michigan town hall, Mason. Sunday sehool, school and nursery. ser·vicc, 1'1 :30 a. m.; Young Peo· Ilany Cummings, pastor. Sunday Church school, 9:45 a. rn.; wor· grade classes; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning worship, 11 ~ State unlversi(y, will be guest n. pic's service, 7:30 p. m.; r.vening school, 10 a. m.: morning wo:·. ship service, 11 a. m.; supervised 11:15; youth services for shut· speaker. The congt·egatlon will m.: evening evangelistic' service, Wlllinmston West J.odw, W"s· evangelistic service, 8 p. m. 7:30. ship, l1 a. m.; FMY service, 7:30 nursery during services; Inter· Ins, 2:30; Junior High Fellow· have a social meeting Saturday hwun 1\letluidlst, Rev. Delos Tan· p. m.; evening service, 8 p. m.; mediate M. Y. F., 4 p. m.; Senior ship, 5; Senior Youth Fellowship, evening at the Lawrence home in ncr, pastor. Church school, 10 n.' Wednesday, prayer service, 8 M. Y. F., 5:30 p. m.; Wednesday, 6:30, flrogr.am leaders, Nancy Grncc Ditptlst of Onondll!\'11, Williumston Fmc Met hndist, Onondaga. m.; worship service, 11 a. m. and Rev. A. D. Hockaday, pastor. . p.m. 7:30, senior choir; Thursday, 3:15 Bray and Katherine Stone; adult next door tc town hall, Rev. Mal 8 p. m.; Wesleyan youth service, p. m., chancel choir practice.. Hoyt, pastor. Sunday school, 10 Church school, 10 a. m.; worship fellowship, 8; Junior Fellowship, l~h·st C!mrch (If Christ, Scien· 7:15 p. m.; Jl r u y e r service, service, n a. m.; FMY, 7:30. p. Saturdayr 10; Senior Youth Fel· a. m.; morning worship, 11 a. in.: Wednesday, 8 p. m.; missionary Holt. B1111Hst·, Rev. C. James tlst, Mason, holds services at the . m.; worship service, 8:15 p. m.; Pasma, pastor. Morning wot•shlp, Dnnsvllle Ji'J•ce ~lethodlst, Rev. lowship bal,ed goods sale Satur· chttrch, corner of Oak and Bamcs evangelistic service, 8 fl. m.; meeting every second Thursday. H. E. Moore, pastor. Sunday prayer met:!tlng and Bible class, pra,Y.er meeting, Thursday, 7:30 10 o'clock; Sunday school, 11:15; day, 10; Fellowship party, 7:30; streets, every Sunday at 11:00 p. m. . :,•outh groups, 6 p. m.: evening school, 10:00, Genevieve Freer, prayer groups, Wednesday, 7, Wednesday mor11lng 10 to 11. I\ntherine's ClutiJel (l~pis­ a. m. Sund~y school Is during the St. service, 7:30; Mid-week service, superintendent; preaching service Thursday morning, 6:15 and 9; service for pupils up to the age cnpal), Rev. Derwent A. Suthers, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.; band 11 :DO: Young Peoples' service, . 'family night, Thursday, .March 7, Uolt Nuzarene, Rev. William · vicar. Meridian road, half·mllc Wlumtfiel1l l\1 I! t h o d i s t, Cecil of 20. Wednesday eveni11g meet· Pollocl,, pastor. Worship wrvicc, . practice, Thursday, 7 p.m.; choir 6:45; evening message, 7:30. 6:30, movie from TV series, "The ings at 8 p. m. in'cludes test!· Kelley, pastor. Sunday school, 10 north of US·16. Sunday services: Prayer meeting Wednesday eve· a.m.: morning worship, 11 a.m.; 10 o'clock; Sunday school, 11. practfce, 'Thursday, 8 p. m. , · Way:" Community World Day of monics·of Christian Science heal· 9:15 family morning prayer anrl nlng at 7:30 at church. Prayer, Friday, March 8, 7:45. ing. A public reading room Is N. Y. P. S., 6:4)> p. m.; evening Instruction, followed by Sunday evangelistic service at 7:30 1>.' school and. adult · Bible class: Holt I'resbyteJ•inn, Rev. Vernon W i II I'lL m s t n n l\Iemorinl Lu· open at the' church Wednesday thcr·an, 1022 West Grand River, Leslie First Blllltlst, Rev. Rob· Housel. Unltc1l D••etluen, Ver· and Satlll:day. from 2 to 4 p. m. rn. Prayer meeting each Wednes· 11:00 a. m., morning prayer and T. Smith and Re\'. Ralph Miller, ert Worgul, pastor. sunday day at the church at 7:30 p. m. sermon, followed by coffee hour. pastors. Morning worship, 10 a. Hev. K. F. Koeplin, pastor. Sun· non H. Beardsley, pastor. Morn· "Christ Jesus" will be the subject ) s·chool, 10. a. m.: divine worship, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., ~vening m. and 11 :30 a. m.; nursery and day school, 10 a. m.: worship lng sermon topic, "God's Record of th.! lesson·se'rmon In all Chris· service, ll·a. m. Nmsery during 11:15 a.m.; BYF, 6:30p.m.; eve· of Man:" evening Bible study, Williamston Gos)lcl llull, 4021 .prayer. · church school during both serv· ning worship, 7:30 p; m.; mid· tlan Science churches throughout the service for small children. chapter ~.of Daniel. · the wo1·ld on Sunday, March 3. Burkley road. Breaking of Bread, ·' .icQs; Young People's meeting, week prayer service, Wednes.day, 10 a. m. i Sunday ~chool and Lnnslrur Zion I.uthepm, Rev.· 7:30 P· m. . 7:30 p. m., junior· choir prnctlce . t· . Okemos Baptist, Joh'n Booko, Bible class, 11:30; Gospel and F. P. Zimmerman, .pastor. One -- I Willlnmston Center llleth01llst, at 4 p. m. and senior choir prac· • Robbins 1\lethmllst, Bunket• pastor. Sunday morning service, ministry, Sunday 8:39 p. m.' · bl'ock north of Cavanaugh road 8t. ,James Clttltolie, 1020 S. Rev. Louis Ellinger, pastor. Wor· tlce, 8:30 p. m. ' road, Rev; Francis C. Johannidcs. 10 o'clocl'i Sunday school, 11:15, on South Pennsylvania .avenue. Lansing street,· Fr. Paul DeRose, ship service, 9:30 a; m.; church Church school, 10 a. m.; worship classes ·for all ages; beginners Williamston St. 1\lary's Cath· Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; church pas1or, ·235 W. ·Elm street. school, .io:30 a. m.; Young Peo· 'North Aurelius, Rev. John service, 11 a. m.; Youth Fellow· ollc, Rev. Fr. Francis Martin, pas· service, 10:30 a. m, Masses: Sunday, 8:30 and 10:~0 iJics meeting, 7:30 p. m. ship, 6:30 p. m. church fo~ children 2·6, and jun. Pruden, pastor. · Sunday school, lor church for children, 7·11, dur· tor. Confessions and devotions a. m., Holy Day, 8:30 a; m. and 10:15 a. m.; morning worship, lng the morning service: Chris· Saturday 7:30 ·p .. m. Sunday Wllllum'lton Baptist, Rev. Hnr· · 7:30p.m.; dally, 7:15 a. in.; devo· : \Vililnmston Wt~~~~~YI\11 1\lethml· 11:15 a. m.; young peoples meet· Grovenbm·g l\let.l10dlst, Rev. tlan Youth. Fellowship at 6:30; masses at 8:00 and! 10:00 a. m. . old Reese, pastor. ·church school, tions, Thursday, 8 p. · m., . First lst, Rowlll~·.· Rev. Carl A. Coffey, lng, 7 p. m.; evening worship, 8 .Francis. c. Joharinlcles, pastor. Fowlerville, Rev. Fr.. Walker. · 10 a.' m.; worship service, 11 Friday, 7:30 fl. m.;. cmifesslons,: evening service, 7:30; Bible study a.· pastor. Church school, 10 a. m.; p. m.; choir practice, Wednesday, Worship service, 9:45; church Confessions and . devotions 'on . · and 7:30p.m.; Young Peoples Thursday after services, Satur· and ·prayer service, Wednesday, m: worship ser\'ices·, 11 a. m. and S 7 p. m.; p1•ayer meeting, Wednes· school',· 10:45, Asll Towsley, ·• SU·· Friday; 7:00p.m. Sunday masses· meeting, 6:30 p. m.; prayer :serv· day, 7:30-9; baptisms by appoint· p, m.; W.. Y. P. S., 7:30; prayer clay .. 8 p •. m. Services are In the · perintendent; Youth Fellowship, 7.:30 p. ~~ at B:OO and 10:30 a. m. · Wednesday, 8 .p. m. . ment. · . • · service,. Thursday,. 8 p, ·m. . ' Webb school house. 6:3o.·· · · · ·: February Is Made to Order Part 4 For an Unhu1·ried Schedule F·b···~ 28·1 957 The Ingham County News

I Love F'ehl'Uflr~·! Anrl, fol' · mnny n!nHons. Jl 's not so I'll Hit· F'chrunry Is tlwt we sleep Inlet•. ruHh for· us. More lllw a pn11se Dut•lng the yenr when I am trY· Buyers Nursery Stock that refreshes! We're moro of a lng to squeezll In everything the ~J~eU m~:~:~tl ~~r~~o~Jssack cl1or··l of "togeJiwr" f;tmlly. Wn loolt frn·· only plnce lcfl to squeeze time us appcat•lng In lhr. M. S. U, w;ml In the long evenlngB to rio out Is off tl1e nmount of limo Auditorium Thursrlny, Fehn1ary Should Bewar·e of Fraud all lhe things we l.nll

SERVICE-Our Motto OME do yourself a_ fa:vor. Try this '57 Buick Gullivers ~$ SPECS95'3 C SPECIAL. Its price level you can see right here- right Hatchery down close to the smaller cars. year E•ton Ropids dHandl\ng Sutphen, 43, of Drayton Plains. I Phone Eaton Ropids 53St 2 But you '11 have to see in.pcrson how much moro He saved the life of an 18-months· '·::::::::~======: (inc\udinQ oelivdery ~nExcise 'Taxes) old girl. He received the Michigan · •• d fe era d Charges on s state on you get for each dollar you pay in a Buick. Truclting association award. Sut· . n charge , I phen is a driver for White Owl I TransportotiO . les ond optiono Fact is, this one's all new- straight through­ Get an AUTOMATIC Express, Inc,, Pontiac. At 4:30 a, WHEN ~~· •~(J I taxes, accessor . OynofloW m. on May 8, 1956, Sutphen was ~TIM~ I' II I \oc:o • eluding d deep inside where it counts most. CLOTHES DRYER driving on US·12 near Plymouth. 0 equipment, ,n d' neater on He suddenly came upon a burn· 0 Sure, it has the new look and line and dashingly ing automobile which had crushed ransmissiO• n , ra . ' s' odditlona• I . t all we , 'd a\ low profile thut go with a brand-new body. END CLOTHESLINE CONFUSION into . a viaduct, trapping its 3 white si d eW 'th indiV,I u Don't put up with the inconvenience of hanging your passengers. vary 'WI Wtmt's more to the point ••• it has an all·new clothes in a damp, crowded bc;sement. Don't make As Sutphen rushed to extln· Prices maY . . 9 policies. ••·••••· guish the names, he heard a de oler, pntln .•• ••••• • engine-mightiest in all Sl'ECIAL history. the family duck and dodge soggy laundry. Get an·au· baby whimpering. He found a tomotic clothes dryer today and enjoy perfect drying baby girl, Sheila Kaplan Of De· ,...... ··· .. d:~ \ , It has an all-new Dynaflow* performance- n conditions always. An automatic dryer dries dothes :rolt, lying on- the opposite side .d. \ i11sla11t in minutes, eliminates the extra work and inconven· ~f tho heavily-traveled, 4-lane . \ \ 13~~ new Variable Pitch Dynaflow with ionco of ofd.fashioned clothesline drying. Automatic . '1lghway. Not !mowing how badly \ '1\"l~,~~~P \ response. - dryers cut dawn an ironing time loa. Clothes came aut ' ~he had been Injured as she was ~:································: ,~,, \ aaft and fluffy. Many pieces are.ready lo put away. thrown from the cat·, Sutphen ! Yllftlfli- 11M tt'IJ!,; . lull \ And there's mag-ic in its new chassis desi~n- gently gt·asped her by her coat. 1 He qulclS \~~~00~,), Which giVeS neW road-hugging lOWlleSS With full • • • t :ective grassy embanltment. 6 0 I WJ.(.~ : ~. \"1 ~ 1 oortl ?.~·········· ground clearance - and still keeps plenty of BUY NOW AND Sutphen found that he could not aid the baby's parents and : ~,~ , :::::• "eo .,~~...... •••• , I1ea d room, I11proom, ' Ie groom an d f oo t l'oom. HURRY I 3·month·old brother, who had • • • SAVE • ~ • -,Moll• cRac• 'n»m -'_...... ;, Don't got burned finoncioii.Y by i ~ What all this does for your ride and comfort is been !tilled Instantly In the tragic • tow-sweep silhouette. 0 """""'cvt. 1 · 1 1 1 h I SAVE .TIME colllslon. noglocting proper in•uronco covor·. ! has flair without flash l'f$[£'i\I.\!'J i somet 11ng )'OU can e-~u·n on y at t 1e w ee • ·. ,.,., After extlnguishlqg the fire, he ago. Firo, tholt and occident con SAVE MONEY signaled the first approaching hoppon to tho best of us. Ploy safe :...... ? V8 .JJV '¥'¥ · j Try it, at your Buick dealcr's-drive the big-buy car' and Instructed Its driver. to with in1uroncol , ,,,,,,,.•••'' f big Cal' of 1957, SAVE YOURSELF summon .pollee and an· ambu· /JH~. ~~IV~ ·-n(;Uc.e,: : \ •. lance. Sutphen waited until the •• •• ••••••• I H',... h "'~ • •t;nw Ad>'ttllwllttl"inbln l'ilrh llE!IInjlow in the only DyJrnjlow Blli~ .. 1'7~ · CHAPPElL •••''' ' :a . 19 iJSt h ' This ;Special Sales Event pollee arrived, then. left without 'I ~ INSURANCE. ••••• ~ ~ ...... • ·a d Orsepower to : builds today. ,n ;, Rlnudtm! on Roadmn•f.er, s.i,.cr R!ltl Cf11111r~- Identifying himself. · . \ c_,..N' _,.. 111 wor\1'1 • .... " compression' rque f optioual at mqdcnt ext .-a co•t on the Special. \ ,0 o\t tu.r•e • •••······ ever • A fellow truck driver, Harold \ o<'• ... "'d p\c ...... te1'\ ~ •••••••·...... : 1 1 ENDS SATURDAY· MARCH 2 • t\0\J II" ~01 • ' I ~ 11 ' ' Griffith of. the Qeorge F. Alger Co., Detroit; ..stopped his rig at ~ t rid''" ord•· • ~~~ orJ~9. B •a~c the scene 1)-S Sutphen was leav­ \· .. o~~au•ll~tt~""'~"" B~~~ ~-· r~ U'•. . Ing. Griffith noticed the company , • '"'• "~~ ott'"'•..,,... u• lA'· , ••~ ~ •• name on Sutphen's tt·uck and \ .\OO·~~ ,,~I SPECIAL • CENTURY • SUPER. • ROADMAS:r'&'R SEE YOUR CLOTHES DRYER o·E,ALER \ _,..,. 10 • •• • •• ••• •• ' . . ' •'\ later Informed ·White 'Owl Ex· ·. ·press officials 'of Sutphen's act 1'.,11\horl"' • 'I' ,1, , .. t1 AlllnMt..TI((Io riH':.fHH'ItllliAl!Rf,hrCo""'nl!•lf>n .... ••r(n . ····· .~.t mercy. : · ~\. .. ~··.·~~;····:····see 1r.ou.:r ·,4atb.or:lze.d Bealck ·Dealer· • ' ' • • • 1 \ ~ ·' • ..

EditorialR ··-1 Six bnHiwthnll lltlr. with lO ~~trnlght vlctnrlm;. Mnson nml Down by the l~ust Lnnnlng I IH l tlr.rl fnt• Hl'C!· onrl phwe, .Hospital Calls for Sacrifice llO \'mtr,li AA·o-11127 SYCA.MORE 'l'l'llnsfrw of prlsnrwrs from llw I~ or· ~0 yen n> llw nerd J'or· n ho:-;fli t a I in the ivr nson com­ olrl In the nnw Jail Is sdwclliiPrl BANK·BY.. MAIL fill' Monclny. munity hm; been nppm•ent. For· the past 10 yenrs it hns been Scir.nllHIH nrC! IH'Inglng luwli Mason nncl t'Jwlr c•rttrlltlon rltbs Dr, 0, H. J;'r~c!lnnrl nnrl A. B. tl.cute. We hnVP been J'ortwJnll! to have somn l'ncilit irs pl'O­ the ~prmullng .d1estmtt u·co hul rr rr. null are lwl11ing orgunlm nn lug. when the vided. We have nppr·rcintod them. '!'hey have saved mnny nnl liu• smil hy whlr•h stood lw· ll!!Uih II. .Judy Bodlcln IJf Lunffing Enst· l111m Snl'IPIY frll' Crlpplr.rl Chi!· JIV£!11, Yet nil or LIS have known thnt those fneilitles Ill'(! in­ r~1·n l'omhlrws hr.uuly and hnrlns. <11'1'11. nrlequntr.. Whr.n c:nlllng anyone~ 11 Lirrl She was the wlnll!!l' nt i.lw Legion Mason's girls baslwthull tr.am temperatut·e bmln, r•nnslrim· this: Jl:lii!I'H l>l'ltln m•niorlcnl c~onle~l In Milson lust swnn1pml Slwrwuncl ~~ to 1:1 In .. . Once ngnin 1111 effor·t is lwing mnde to pi'Ovide n hos­ lrr wc•ight ratio to his luuly Is I 'I'hlii'Htlay aftel'llnon and is nnw llw fh•strouncl of till! slnlc! tolll'n· drops! J)ital. To bullclt.tlld (!(jtiip a hospital to meet the COI1111tUillty's tc1 :w; 11 rat.'s lmrin ratio is I to compr.llng for clisli'lr:l hnnrrt·s. 11mcnl In .Juelc~on. 2R, n hlnl's ratio is I to 12. need calls for· a half-million clollnrs. That's big money. Rtlis­ Shu rarght to go far. '!'hr. state ut.l!llles !'ommiRslon WP~IIl!l'll sty.ll' sqlllll'r. da.ndng 'l'lw IP'ettlc•sl; gll'f; une IIIH'SIIII lms cwdea·r.rl Mlr:hlgnn l~ler.trlt' Jng that much money will eall l'ot· sucl'ifice. mulcll'!nc:n In l't•clur•c! spr.Prls of r·uldws nn r!vor·ywlwre, 'l'her·t~ c•un give! autnHH•a' Is li mimUns nl' IIH'll' !!UI'H ltJ ~II lllilt•s 1111 110111' Ill A committee hns wol'lwcl I'm· more than n yom• in do· lll'c ;;evr.rnl new das~Ps In M•l· tllullvldc:d atlllmllnu. J hc•ttl'cl U1111 llutlrr's r••·nsslng snut h nl' town, veloping plans and in t'incling ways and means Jo IJI'ing those •son ami In Dnnsvlllr! unci Au1'e· fi'CIIIl II SIIC'IIIWI' Ul ll 1'111'111 I'CIIll'"t'· Lavr•rrH• I fr>nrlr·yx Is or-g;rnlzlng I j, ' • '!'I · ' 1 · · 111 'fl llus. 13oolcl'd snllclly a~ c~1illc•r and c•lu•c• In J•:asJ. Lauslu~. J lul.Vt! lll'c•· Jl am; to l'liiiJOn. ll't'e IS no lllll'ac e Ill St[; · ~e money lnstnwtnr, .Toe Hor• has lnclueed Htonlc•cl that gil'f; In !!U 111'111111' a floy Sc'lllcl Imop. Mnsnn hns W•l can't C:Oill!~ fr·om our grnnclehilrli'Cil thi'Ough a public bond Boh Norton to grt lr! llw game. ,..iut•t-. Whn'N uHxt•f liarJ il I I'OflJl for Sf'VC!raJ YPIIrS, Issue. It ean't come !'•·om a }J£!neficien1. gover·nmc~nt clown in Bob nnw lws wc!l!lts of solid Mr. nnrl Ml'f:: llugil ,J. 5ar·lley • • • • 1 ') · • · · I • ll!lolcing niH'Hrl and he'~ etwnurllg· have pre~ r n I P d Ihe Bar~tlst Waslunp;lon. So Jar· none ol t 1£! pill anthr optc Jounc ntton,; lng !lilt Hurl to lc:nrl a hnnrl. ·v l '17 dllll'!'h wllh a hullelln hoard . ))as made any pmmiHes nf g1•ants, anrlthc1'e is little lik~lihoocl ' .I eS ·er- .I eltrS Clrm Bailey Is confined to lri~ iJmt one will. Wlriln ull :! tnusun instrcu•tnc·. homr, recove1:lng from lnJtirle~ Pullc,.·s )ll'l't'l'l' litH mua·" sc•clutc• Onj:· \'c•a1· All·o r·r.celvPd .while pl11ying nl Hdiool. · We need a hospital. Nobody d;e is going to build it fm• IVI'~Ir'l'll ~tylr•, tlwy ulsn lmnw .Judgr .Tohn McCJcoll;m 1111 • .loy 0. Davis, N. S. Davis, Don· us. It calls for u mnssiw effort: ft calls for· the sact'ifico of lliHI 1'11 11 wa·c~slllng· holds slill in 11011 nr·rrl his dceisinn to r·rrlr·c• aid MtiiTIIY and llohr.1·t Milll'l' um·e and money on many people. I l calls I'm· the :·meri !'icc of fllVCII' lllllfllll:' Ill!~ J)l'lll!'llll'lll(·, after 20 yr.urs as pfohale Judge!, a~ten:lcrl lhr. .~ir:hlgnn·Plli'.rlll~ money of all people. 'l'lll're's 11 mlsc:orwoptlon tlra I nohr.rl L. Dr;clcc>, prollate regis· h.tslcelhnll gumc. ,tf Ann Alllftl, lhr. law givPs spe.,ial proiPI'Iion !Pi' will hr. 11 eandlclatc~ for ludrrr, Monday nlghl. Building this hospital is the biggest joh this community ' . · '' liO \'l'aa·~ Ag·o-1!107 · lo a . prrsnn WC!aring glnsses Drllu's town hoard rhnngerl Its I w. W, Smllh tws hough! tiw hus ever· under·talwn. All ot' us ought to have a part. in it. when 11 c•nnws to fistlrotrfl's. Ti1at dcd.slon and has now re1.jlflf'd DeiiPI farm of IHij IH'I'CH 2 mill's IT'S SAFE1 sr.r.rned to hro 1IH• c·nnsc!nsus of the Ch>r.vr.s farm, l1S·I~7 and. wc!sl or Mason. Our enthusiasm, Olll' dt'cwls in lhc (!111\VIISS, Olll' PI'OiltiSC."i nr prmplr.• HI lhr. inquest into tlJr! money must bo t'ol'lhcorning if ,we evrt' get a hospilul. Collr.gr. road, fell' 1111 automobile• I' '!'lie Jmpm;ial Moving Pldurl' rlf'uth nf Lawrr.nrr. W. Ler., Lr.s· rar~e trade, Co,, which showed films in Ma· lie teadi!'l'. He wore glas~rs. Load restrict inns !:.~tame rol'fre·j son ~ year!; ag(_>_, i~ I'Nllrnlng to Revcral witness!!s imlic~nled thnl live March I. tlw Ruyncr opera house Mardi lw wnsn'l stnu·l< or ~lwuldn't 1 Mr·s. Iva E. Bonrl of Masr111 is 11 wirh an r.nlll'l! new ~1!1. Progress Changes Barns fliiVC h!'!!ll li!!C'III!Sr hi' WOI'I' 3o/o Interest ·Paid on Savings Accounts glasses. sr:hrdulerl In leave March 1•1 on Fire destr·oyed Ill!! .rudd s. a :J.monlhs flir~hl wliir:h will lake Simp~on farm house In Bunkc1· F'nr·mors building new barns nrc !'<1king nclvnntage of There's no speeinl pmhllilllnn her lu many of till! world'~ ~cr.nie Hill. new techniques of building and a new vision of dairy herd ngainst siTildng nny pr.rsnn who ~pols. Et·ne~l Shc!rman of Leslie Ita~ management. They ar·o installing equipment to do jobs wcar·s glassc·~. any mnrr. than AI!IJOllgil Ol((!mos won the 1Je1•n appointee! a c:lr.rlc in thr. 'L LJ u u against ~lrilcing n. fJPI'son wear· Ingham County league haslcethall auditor· gr.nel'al's oJ'fiee in L ·or :~o or 40 youngsters in a mom may be out­ lic•d usc~ flu~ snnw ro.uJthc•misms u.~ Prlvare Knt.hlr.r.n M, Baltl'r; ri'loded., Perhaps they eoulcl !cam I'm· mm·c in groups of JOO au•c• nmployc•d ut; !Uusou. 'J'hry told former WAC, who ha~ bern in toolul to lht• tnilrots. Olin C. Sanders has Joined tire Even without TV, it's possible that the lecture system in While lenfing I hrnugh our new engineering staff of Frml Mot in· high school and even in elementm·y grades would pt·ove prof­ CoJiegr. Gate dictionary to see the Co. anrl he ani'! his wife and 2 meaning of inquest and it~ rein· children arc leaving Mason for t···· itable. Under the present system youngsters hear· as many lionshlp to inquest, n•quest and Del roil·. 1vrong answers fmm othe1· pupils reciting as they hear right bequest, the discovery was made Verlec Aselline is valedictorinn . ' hnswer·s from teache1·s. What's the use of reciting anyhow? that quest, inqttest and request and Cnrl Dmscha is salutatorian of the Ul47 graduating class at 'If the pupil knows it, why waste time repeating it? Why not cornC! from Vulgar Latin quae· s'ita hy way of Old French Mason. There arc 12 other slu· 'go .on to lear·n something else? qucstc, while hequcst must come rlents without gradeR below A and Jlaving sold the fm·m, we will sell at !lllhli1~ auct.iou at tlw l'arm lo­ Why should costly school buildings be used only 180 or from questus-J'and which does B during their· 4 years of high cated fi miles west of Mason on Columbia l'o:ul, south 1 Y:! mil«•s on Ollnll· no I rle'scend by hereditary righ I, school. They arc Barbara Gil· daga J'oad, OJ' 8 ·miles north of Onondaga on Ouundaga J'oad. . )90 days a.year when the inter·est on the bonds must be paid but is acquired by one's own in· christ, Mae Peasley, Donald Elf; ~65 days a year? duslry or hy purchase. et·t, Marily_n Topliff, Adelaide Simpson, Lynn Brown, Allee Great pmgress has been made in farming. A farmer I wunclcw wher·e the Jng-hnm Rowe, Dorothy McNeilly, Mary ~plows ·C)nd harrows and plants different.ly than he did 50 or prosemtt.OI' was rni~ed. lin suys Soper, Betty Densmore, Helen even 25 years ago. He cultivates and harvests differently. He "nyetlwr" when hr• should sny Eifert and Marjorie McAieev. 1 P.M. 1 P.M. either anti tlmt muy JH'ejudirot• a Mrs. Emmanuel Vamlermuhl Saturday, .. Minch 2, 1957 uses different methods. He lakes advnntage of modern de­ jm•m• someday. and her son.- George, 12, have left :Vclopmcnts. Last week in a rliscourse about Mason to join the husband and So should our· ."iehool:;. politicnl conventions allusion falher in Germany. He is wilh wns mnde to arislocrulie lawyers the U. S. mililary. governmPnl Phon'e Phone and pmfessors being prrsent at there. , both the Republican and Demo· I 20 Yem·s Ago-l!l:n Mason Price Brothers ·:'Inquest Cleared the. Air cralic gatherings. Complaint was Supt. Donald A. Munay has Stockbridge· registered. But the word was .iu· resigned at Mason. He will join .. ~ • ! • diciousl.v used. Aristocratic gov­ the Detroit school system. OR 7-8761 Auctioneers , Ingham officials clid right in calling a coroner's jury to ernment is rule by the hest. hy Mason city employes denied UL 1-3342 ·investigate the cir·cumstances suJTouncling the denth of Law­ · .best quaiHied to rulr.. any intent .to stril; St1·nw 200 Uusheh1 Oats. · RO·WAY fot ' Most Beautiful Havid-Rradley Power Corn Slwlltw That's why it's a little disillusioning to leal'll that Mason Easiest Lifting Clipptw I•'anning M1ll antl motor :will receive little if any federal help in the construction of its every doorwavi Strongest by far! l,OOU-lb Platform Scaltis ' proposed sewage disposal system. Not that 've need help ' SlijJ ScraJJer Pax 8-hole Hog I?eedt~J· :from Washington to build our sewe1·s. We· don't.. · f'RICED RIGHT AND SURE TO PLEASE Grmder on standard ·150-ft. Hay Rope D·airy Equipment . ' 50 Electric Fence Posts Buzz Saw . But· if Mason taxpayers had been up to their neck in Roll o,.. N ew• Snow Fence 2 Surgt~ ~lillwr lJnits . ' Visit or call Standard Block today ,d~pt, had· they been throwing caution and good sense 'to the Rag of· Clover Seed Feed Bunks llouble Wash 1'tihs 2 ~filk Cans :Wllld these many years, were our tuxes sky-high because of . Whether building or rcmodclin9 ••• it's .sm~rllo choose· tho dosign Quantity of Grain Bags }lobr business judgment, then the fede1·ai government would !hal will ci>mplomont' your home, .Ask about' iho economical Ro·W oy ,John Deere Side Rake Cattlt\ nc-IIOI'IIIll' Other Small Articles ~Qu,ickly pay a major part of the estimated $300,000 se\ver remoie control'- door ••• whol • blessing in n•sfy. wc•lhcr,, ., ;'project. . 1 ,., Double rust protected :.·: . Undei·· the· federal government's regulations, a. city with TERMS:-Cash ;:!10 debt gets· nothing.. A city with much debt get~ everything. * Quiet m.anual or electric operated .. :- · Because Mason city and school taxpayers have chosen to * Also· for. c~mmerc'ial and iridu'stria·l use ·· ~;hold the line on governmental costs and Jinve done 'without ·~the swimming pools, the Fecrention auditoriums, the civic Greater L11nsing's Most Complete Building Center . ''. ·::centers, the massive city halls and other costly luxuries, they · . '"now must do without federal aid. And on the other hand, ··. ::those cities which ·have eyes bigger than their stomachs · ·~.~hnre·in federal government handouts. A cons'ervative com­ ·. J:munity ~~cks in throug~ federal taxes to . ryelp spencithri ' · ;::commumt1es. . · · . · Harry Brown.· - Charles_ ·Pfiester. \\;e'd be better off withgut any federal .grants,· but cer~· .· PROPS. ,., ..•. ~ .....,.with such grants irr existence, they should be handed des:erv·inr! ·communities. with a record for livh1g with- EARL I.'UNSMQRE JOY .· DAVIS_, :'_Cashier .. . . ' . w ,··,:-... ,,..,.,h .. l ' • ·,.r '\, ' ' , ' , ·. ,, · J , ~ 1,1 ' .. Okemos Farm Is First Stop

I Beef Tour Slated for Wednesday, March 13 A beef tour or feeilillJ.( II/HI ----·------·--- hreerllng lwrrls In lnglmrn eonnty hns been sf'iwrlulerl for Wr!rlnes· Barber Shortage :. Cnvnn· iiO Balr·s ul' Stmw Z:lmmm· roar!. The Frosts hnvc a angh I'Oad, Jrhnne I.unsht!:' llolstl'in Cow, 4 years old, mill,ing, due in Shorthot•n hrcerllnr.: herr!, yPnr· 1m 7·77-1!!. Alll'il . lings nnrt r·;ilvPs. The Ilr•rdord Dairy ;!(~M~~me[jlt Deun Sl'ogglns, !HSU, 11. vet heifer cnlves nre from West: shulent. ChoJ'c Boy l\lillwt·, sin~Jeunif; Bmndt. . Faa·m Equipment ,Jim JllandrJJ'S, Honltl 2, 1\1 ill< Cans Lurwh will hr• al noon at Will iumston ( sm1111 lloells). ,John H4lm'e 1\fodel n 'fractor :uul e111timt.or Wlwatfield Grnnr.:r!, A question Sh·ainl'r and Pails J,ang 8nnUnt'l'l'lllcJ, lOiill ,John Deere 1\lanure Sp1'1md1!r and nnswPr pmgr;1m will [ollmv Collt!J.\Il road, 1\lnsnn, (smull 2-scetion Springtootb I>mg hlllf'h wl t h n report '"' fccrli ng M~sceUaE'.lecms ' lloelcs), 8-ft. I>ise • experiments at Micltigan State RAONA FARMS' new commercial feeding shed will be one of the top ens of the ,John Deere One-bottom Plow unlvers·ity bv Wlllinm Finley of UuhJ Wellm·, iiz.t N. Clrml· International Iligh LiJw Ft•tH!Il Char~er beef tour set up for Wednesday, March 13, Ray Smith, farm manager, will be on hand to demon· ens, Lansing. Stt!el-wheelml Wagon the ani~nl ' hushiliHtry rlc?part· strate the labor-saving features and to answer questions about his big herd of feeders. Shovds, Fnrl•s mcnl of MSU. He will he on the 2-whecl Trailer Otlwt· Ariid1•s '~'on Nnml~t·ous t.o Mention tour to diseuss fecdinr.: and man· Write, Phano, Drive Ia ar Fly io agcment practices. Rl'pt•csenta· to GO head of 800·1b stcet·s. Ingham County News February 28, 1957 Page 3 t.ives of the huvr.rs of fat cattle Hanna farms, Ray Smith man· have also hcf'n ·invited to he on agcr, will he the final slop at 3 .. thr? tour to disr·uss mari llolstein Cow, 9 years old, milldng, open 19;)0 Internation:tl l\1 Tractor, in ~o()(l eondition ist from M. S. U., will be on the Haslett rond a ha.l [ mile cast of Fot• evet·y. time she shouted, "Fire!" county tour to discLtss practices Meridian. Leeman has 130 Corria· Uuernscy Cow, 6 years old, due July 3 l94(i International II Tt•actor with powcl'lift being· used to demonstrate certain dale and Black Top ewes and They only answered, "Little Lim·!" Holsttlill Cow, 8 years old, dn1~ March 18 eultimtor features. buys all replacement ewes. l-Ie And the1·efore when her aunt retumcd, Holstein Cow, 8 years old, clue Jnne 19 Super H llla.nurc Loader ami nlade Following is Lhc sclwdulc of uses Dorset ancl Blacl\ Top rams. Matilda and the house were bumed. Holstein Cow, 7 years oll1, bJ•cd January 1 International 3-bottom, H-inch Plow on mhlw:· with stops: l-Ie will bavc about 50 of his 1[)56 That poem was written by Hilaire Delloc. l-Ie's the Guernsey Cow, 8 yeaJ's old, due June 1!1 t•emotc control e~·linder Jamhs,still on feed. one who wrote: When I am dead, I hope it may be said llolstein Cow, 7 years old, bred January 1 1950 lntc~rnational 45-T Hay Balilr, in ~nod eondition I . ll :Bil-Lisl' fu•·m on Barton -"His sins were scarlet, but his bool-cs were read." ' Holstein Cow, 4 years old, milldng 1953 Intet•national 54 Combine with Sutter A 1\lotor Dr.C.J.Hubbard road a half mile north of Siler· Holstein Cow, 6 years old, fresh January 7, open 1953 John De1!re Grain Drill on rubbct• V.l!:TEIUNARIAN wood road. Tbet·e will he a 4·H Holstein Cdw, 4 years old, due April 24 International 2-bottom, H-inch Plow flock of registered Oxfords of Senator Poffer Asks Benson 608 S. Lunsing St Elmer Hammond. There are also llolstein Cow, 4 years old, due July 1.3 Woods Bms. Single-row Corn l'iclwr llolstllin Cow, 6 years old, llue April 21 1!J51 1\lassny-llanis 7-l't. 'l'raetor Mower Phone OR 7·8201 3,1 ewes and 18 yearling ewes lambing. '!'bey were sheared in ··Not fo Hurt Wheat Growers llolstein Heifer, 4 months old New Idea 12-A l\lanure SlH'C':tder -;;;;;::;:;::::.;:;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;::::,;;;;;' en r ly February, , International ~~-section H:trt'O\\' • 12:30-I.mwh-Marvin's restau· Speal,ing for the wheat farm· wheat: producers. Some of our International 7-ft. Double Dise rant, Williamston. A short qucs· ers of Michigan, Senator Charles white wheat varieties whieh 19;;4, International Col'il Plantm· E. Potter is urging Secretary of Equipment lion . and answer program will sometimes produce amber ltable prod· tion of proposed standards which grams carried only by education· uct, would be penalized." · might- harm . thqir business, a! stations will be broadcast by Senator Potter added that the TERMS:-6 to"12 months on good .bankable.notes. Payab~e i·o First Michigan State university's sla· Lowor cads , proposed 13¥. •;,, inolsture stanct· Aceo_ untant Joins Staf't tlon WKAR·TV, beginning March ard would force a substantial with Woyno · 11. The programs, originating in National Bank of Detroit Not Responsible .fer Accidents riG BALANCtR portioljl .of Michigan's wheat ct·op o'ne of the nation's best·luiown New York and Washington, to he sold at a loss. professors of accounling will join arc to be. vrcsented by the Na; The senator pointed out thai the Michigan State uni;versity tiona! Broadcasting Co. and the the present 14 'If·, moisture allow· staJT on September 1. He is Dr. ~rlur.at!onal Television and Radio .,' ance has provided a reasonable Arthur W. Hanson, a member of F· Center, Ann Arbor, over 24 of the nation's :educational TV stations. and satisfactorY: wheat·.standard the Harvat·d... Business School The network programs will be and that the grain l. .FLOYD ,KEHRL, C~erk ,n.,, MA. .,, ~elng planned tor Pottet\wrote; "will alsow~rl~ a stenmet:, bough(' bY·· Taft ':;.-· .-:- . ·_ \•'.,,·' "' :_ ' '._' . '' n . : hiit·d~hlp'. · · 1910, .· _.. · · : • · · ._· · .•- ... _.. · tt·r.r.s wlwn lho minimtlm mny l)(l loll. 1\'lum It mlnml. II wnshetl 2 ucms •. .Thev Speak Rigltt Up in Favor of It ~oil Into llw slrc•rtrns nnrl mrrth! '' Lnml nol eligible for consPrvn· t1rrn1 rmulr!y. Slnr·c• thc!n Jll•upiH · linn msorve.lnclurles lund planted llrrV7. If. this h.lp· would be made that year. 1!t 1:1 111 1 prPsrm t I i mr! is rcprn I t n fifl% of pen.s all, col'll c:onlrncls would be 'l'hrrr may he some question • prevention Is llecornln~ more pop· ·to l'Xpancl its progmm ol Sl'l'ldil;( ular. Only some ls. They UHed multlplr' appm:H·Iws to llu• solu· nn entire yem•'B nPI'ds. This r:rvJsed. fllf'refnrr• W£' '~ould ur.ge about lnnd which might be sold. more IVOJHlrrful for tlw fulure Ill ored com is c!r.prr.sslng pr·kes !at·met·s lntr.rrst{'d lo HJgn up Jor r the land Is sold the purchaser Cows Need arc ldflc• season. Wild anlmnls nrc pro· gent! I'll lions. ~he nllotmrnt lwfot·a the ,money n new contrnct on this lnml they w:m ter] :1 JHI wasting Ihi' rest. II' gisi:J I iv" pr·upos:J Is 111'1' IIIII\' 1'1!· ter.ted in this way, nlso. Feed Is They forgol lhat someone else suiting frnm more· liHJit n yro:1r's ~~ gm.te :r,ml _tl:en he! 11; pos~ l.lon lo or t hr. seller t•eiunr1s r!ost-slwring Dairy Ration lly CAJtOLYN HEISWJo:NGJm snmelimP.s ·deposited in remote would want to ""c~ tlwm. The work by IIJP .Na1i11nal Crpng1• WAYNE G. FEIGHNER t,J~~~ .Jrlv,mt.Jge of lite revrslon •. pnymrnts received. In all cases Luhet•tc•Jurx Sl'lwnl I hr.t·£' have brl!n minor revt· farmers must comply with both ·Balance areas and ha~ het1~cd the starving J'nresls wr•re usc•d for lumber. wlw:~t, d:~ir~· and t!Jif>·C'IIl'l'ri lrollil,'· AUCTIONEER s!nns· in regulations. The conser· corn and whent. allotments. New In blrrls nnd ammnls. Conservation is a wny tn lwlp 't'hl'y didn't snvr• any for ~ccd. c•n commlltr•c•s. A palnnrHl dairy r;rtion is next llearnecl to fnrm heller hy joining was nothing lo hold the Hnil to· lee h:1vr~ n•c·cmll,v IH'I'Il fomwri h,l' to impossible to eonlrol when t lte Ingham Soil ~onservation wasted in tlw pa~t. A ion~ time Ealon Rapid• 9B21 1~ .to Ap~ll 15. EligihlP. Janel fc.ll' the appmval or" the county com· gr•ther. ~:rnsion began to tnlw its IIH' Nntinnal G r~mgr•. self-feeding silage, daims c. ·F, Distriet and thP. sorl hanlt pro· ago, when people first rnnw lu '-:::::::::::::::::::::::=; r•onsct·vntron rcsPrve Is land 111 mlttce, In which r!ase the owner America, lhey snw all lhc> land, r C!I'Op production the previous might replace the lanrl with an Huffman, dairy t•c;;em·dH•r al gram. · Mlehigan Stnlr. unlverslly. As you c•nn see, we ean make lhe !Jrautiful forests; tlw dl!ill' Ingham County News February 28, 19;57 Page 4 OJ•r.r,n V4•1.c•rin:u·y llospital year: land from whiclt tam.e hay equal nmount of erop land which has been removed the prevtotrs 2 would be talcen out of procluclion. 'rhe solulinn, he said, is a n1nrli- i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ flc:rlion of the self.feedln~ pro- li Ofrlrl'! JJom·s: 7-ll I'· m. Jllon.· yr.ars; ami land now In crops hut The soil hank base is hasecl on which WotJid he talwn. out of pro· the average production or soil· gram. Then, o[ cout·se, it is no Jlr·i. - 1-!l I'· m. ~~~ 1:. duct ion for' stnte·owned lnncl on cleplet.ing crops such as row longer self.fecding: whieh tlw farmer has a tense for crows fm• the 2 previous year's 'l'he prnhlf'm is thai rlait·ymcn the period to he signed up. which mny he put in at the higiJ have no eontrol over IIH! cows' Dr. M. J. Green silage or Jury int;rll· aucl v;1·ass ii Tons of 12-12-12 GI'lUIHiatc~d 1~4lt;f.iliz•~•· presented at the request of the Stled attachment •HI-I't. D1·ive IJcolt 2 J~xtrmsiou La!ldr.t·s Wolverine Pest Control associa· International CoJ•n P-lantm· with H-pnint. hifdt th lion, will bring- together members 21 Hailroatl 'l'ies •• of tho 'pest control industry and 3-section Rubber-tooth Hatrrow Air Com}H'IlSSOI' :uullUotm· public healtl1 officials, giving Wagon U!JIOa(ler . ~~ h. p. l~lt~ctl·ic l\lof:oJ' them an opportunity to discuss Ferguson 7-ft. Tractor Mowtlt' Grain Auger · all phases of the insect resistance Harvey 16-ft. Aluminum ElevatoJ' Quantity ol' New Irencr. 11ost.s 1>roblem with entomologists de· John Deere 10-ineh Jlamnuw' l\lill 2 Rolli Snow J?mJCc voting special nttention t:o the David-Bradhly Power Corn Shellm· quantity of J,umbeJ' subject. Dnm11 Ralm . ltt•o Powm· Uotai'3' ~lomw, nr.w 2·wlwr,l 'l'railtlt' with Fm•guson Utility Box . ' . \Vlwdbarmw . Cordwootl 1.' Soil Bank Signup . 2 fla1·rels Cid4'1' aOO-Chicli H1·omlm· 2 Sl:ocli Tanl•s S14~d Uog Ftletlel' lo/o to Be Exa~t! Is Now April .15 ·corn·-Hay-Straw (!tmntity ol' Uuslwl CJ·ates Deadline for signing the soil 800 Crates of Corn The percentage return that your savings dollars earn m11kes 11n im. bank conservation· reserve con­ 50 Bales of Alfalfa Hay tracts has been advanced to 10 'l.'ons of Chotlped Hay Pickup .Tru~k portant difference in the speed with which y~ur money grows. The c:lif. April 15, reported Arthm· 50 Bales ot' Straw l!lilO 01\IC ~{!-ton Piclmtl, good cmulition Mauch, ngrlcultural economist Jerence is in your favor when you s11ve here , •• where your money for Michigan State university. earns more, grows faster • , • with complete safety! Come in ond Formerly a month enrller, this TERMS:-Cash clnte. Is moved up to relleve the Not· Responsib~e. ·~or Accidents get the complete story, heavy work Janel In county ASC offices, he said. No Goods Removed Until Settled For .Contracts for conservation re­ '' . serve program allows· farmers to divert· crop lnnd to soil ·and wn­ conservatlon uses, tree-plant· ing and wildlife protection .for .3·, 5· Ol' 10-year periods. . · With the 5· and 10-yeat• con­ tracts, ns mueh as 80% of .. the THE FARMERS_!BANK cost of establishing conservfltlon practices will be paid farmers, he said. · · Ingham County News February 28, 1957 Page 5 J EOAY. NOTICER r.tmAT, NOTICES I Hearty Fisherman Legal Notices Prison Board Asks for law Changes I • Uy ELI\IEit E. WHl'l'l•: May 17 nnd 18. "We have no wny of !mowing 1\IIdtlgnn P•·•~ss Assodn tlcm Problems Involving the snfety how much money we cnn rnisc PROFESS.I.ONAL Michigan's nlminal r!ode twedti anri u;;r. of swimming pools, for the pnrty," says Bnrry N. Bea­ some ehangPs, ncconllng to tlw hr•adH!:; iliHi smull wutr~rcrafl will mnn, the Repuhlicnn's flnnnce stale eorTr:r!l ion~ eommi~sion. he nimrl 111 till! twn·rlay mcnl.lng. director. Plar:lnf.( lt.s r·r:commr.nda I ions he· * ~ ~ ~ * ~ BUSINESS-SERVICE for•c the il't:;islallll'!! lir~l \V!'!'It, Swlmmlnf.( ;IIHI clivlnf.( safety, '!'he cled!iion is In sharp con· the emrtmls~lon strgf.(ested liwt JHHJi mninlr!JJIIIll'

LIVESTOCK ------~·~- rmssed the rice bag to all members of his family and among Robinson ------··········-·· - -·· s·aJe Each his ft•iends. He was a happy little boy when his rice bag was Floor Coverings filled. He not only gave joyfully from his own meager sav· fW Plumbing-Heating Wednesday Welding Shop 81 1111 1 Building Ma~on Phone On. 7-0231 ings, but also enlisted the aid of others in order that some 1 8 - Electrical child unknown to him might be helped. 1 White Metal, Aluminum and Bottled Gas ------·~Snlcs- Service- Inslailat.ions People all ovet• the wol'ld are gladly giving of their sub- I Cast Iron a: specialty Radio and TV Service ln Painting RON LEWIS· Prescriptions stance because they believe in someone or some worthy ! 20-lb Self-Serve Cylinders Phones Ort 6-l9i3 or OR 7-2:580 cause. They give freely, out of compassionate hearts. As I 1109 S. US-127 60-lb Cylinders Free Estimates * Reasonable the result of such sharing with others, happiness comes as a Phone OR 7-5271 100-lb Delivered Cylinders Prices j' "Prescriptions Arc Our blessing. · Lower rntes for dual appliance Long Experience • Insut·eci Luxaire Furnaces SAJ.I~ STAitTS A'f 2::10 Good Equipment · Specialty" users • Sheet Metal Work PltAYIIlt Inquire about Burns - Churches - Houses Out· F11th.er, we llutnl1 'fhml fot• Thy countless gifts t.o us, es· Jewelry BULK Steeples '' Estimates Gladly Given 1708 Belden Road pr.eiully the gifl; of 'l'hy de:u· Son, rJcsus Chl'iNt, who gave Hlm· Hitchens Jackson, Michigan ~oday! self that: we might IHl\'C eternal life. l\l11y we III'OVe our gt'lltltude Clean, trouble-free and modern Art Lambert & Son Phone ST 11-11:133 Wiljax Heating Co. Drug Store tu •rtwe for all 'l'hy nwrcw and goodness be selfless service In be· Watches living at lower cost! You do not: Williamston, Route 3 More profit to you hocnu•• of 1oM hall' ol' otlll'.I'IS. In the 1\luster's JlllffiC. Amen. have to buy the lank. Built in· Phone Webberville 67-F-11 Wilbert Tteynolrls, Owner Courteous Service 1hrlnlmJre nnd lower hc:mlinR costt~. Bulova ·Elgin · Hamilton · Wyler stallation of 500, 650 and 1000 2202 Bertha Street, Hoi t Bonded for $50,000.00- nnd we arc I now equipped to nell dnh·y nnimnls, THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Rings · Bracelets gallon cnpacity. SPECIALTY SPRAYING Phone Holt OX 1-2421 Holt aa well as bcnf calllc, feeder pl&"8 1 "Give alms of such things as ye have." Orange Blossom Diamond Rings Multi-color Flecit Painting hoge, sltec,, nnd calve&, l · Alice A. B. Hoeffler (Virginia) Leslie Appliance Homes - Rooms - Offices ------· Furniture William Fink 210 E. Bellevue Free Estimates Phone Leslie JU 9-~252 Grange Favors Legislation JEWELER Michigan Cllmatc Conrlilionecl Walt or Jack Hetzet· Next to Fox Theatre 1-2SGt · 7-8701 The State Grange Executive Mason ox on committee favors several bills You Can· Be . that have been recently Intra .. Bottled Gas rluced into the legislature. One bill would rcq ulre all traffic to RefriCJeration Installation, conversion and ap­ Hardware stop for a school bus loading or pliances. County-wide delivery. One of the Family unloading passengers. Another ------­ bill would malte anyone who Domestic and Commercial Hardware Lennox Furnaces raises· 50 or more hives of bees Refrigeration Service Hill Electric \ legally a farmer. The committee 3135 Ol