FUN! I I. Who Haads Th« Committee of Ar- Imngaments Urgea Members to the Original in New England! Have Their Contributions of Food There at That Time
V • '•*-< » ! . ■ PACE FOURTEEII rKiDAT, jrtrmc n», w--'^ - - X Manchester Eveninfi[ Herald 'j.. The Weatkrt Average Dallr Glreulatkm .'oreeeet, el C. S. Wcetber Fee th e Month eC .Mejr, 15M Members of the Anibuluncc Tech. Sergt. Robert W. Hyde, ftoettmred shaWara eed tr^ Transportation Unit willing to of 30 Delmont street, ia home fiom -howsrs ending this a' About Town help move cquipniont to the new Columbia,. S. C., for-a 17-day fur mrtly cloedy and cooler toalglriv 8,732 $un5e]i: feir end much eoeler. headquarters arc asked to report lough. His wife and daughter ac tfutmcf Diitrictf No. 21, laOPiA at Center street tonight et 6 companied him. v eC the Andlt O ran n Lodge, will meet in OMuigc efoloek. Those working . on the I ->X;. o5 CErenletleee Manehegter-^A City of ViUage Charm hto^toiriorrow evening TlSO. Bond drive starting Monday are Mary, C. Keeney Tent, Daugh 'C.- asked to report At the Bank at ters of union Veterans of the Civil PRICE THREE CENTS P > tX ^h ' Ifutaell hM aerlved 6:15, in their aniforms. War, observed' Flag day at its MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 17,1944 (TWELVE PAGES) Mfei.v In jen^aiiiii. accoMing to a irieeting last night, with Mrs. Ma (CleaaMaS AdveeMMiB on Pege ti) mesMge received'l^.)il* wifH Mra. The Polish Women's Alliance, bel Strickland, patriotic instruc- LXIIir NO. 220 Doris M. Ruaara of 21 Woodland Group No. 246, will hold its nianth- in charge. The annual memor . atraeU '"v'S -■ ly meeting, Wednesday evening at ial service for Jl2 deceased alsteVs 7:30 a t the home of Mrs.
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