FUN! I I. Who Haads Th« Committee of Ar- Imngaments Urgea Members to the Original in New England! Have Their Contributions of Food There at That Time

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FUN! I I. Who Haads Th« Committee of Ar- Imngaments Urgea Members to the Original in New England! Have Their Contributions of Food There at That Time V • '•*-< » ! . ■ PACE FOURTEEII rKiDAT, jrtrmc n», w--'^ - - X Manchester Eveninfi[ Herald 'j.. The Weatkrt Average Dallr Glreulatkm .'oreeeet, el C. S. Wcetber Fee th e Month eC .Mejr, 15M Members of the Anibuluncc Tech. Sergt. Robert W. Hyde, ftoettmred shaWara eed tr^ Transportation Unit willing to of 30 Delmont street, ia home fiom -howsrs ending this a' About Town help move cquipniont to the new Columbia,. S. C., for-a 17-day fur­ mrtly cloedy and cooler toalglriv 8,732 $un5e]i: feir end much eoeler. headquarters arc asked to report lough. His wife and daughter ac­ tfutmcf Diitrictf No. 21, laOPiA at Center street tonight et 6 companied him. v eC the Andlt O ran n Lodge, will meet in OMuigc efoloek. Those working . on the I ->X;. o5 CErenletleee Manehegter-^A City of ViUage Charm hto^toiriorrow evening TlSO. Bond drive starting Monday are Mary, C. Keeney Tent, Daugh­ 'C.- asked to report At the Bank at ters of union Veterans of the Civil PRICE THREE CENTS P > tX ^h ' Ifutaell hM aerlved 6:15, in their aniforms. War, observed' Flag day at its MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 17,1944 (TWELVE PAGES) Mfei.v In jen^aiiiii. accoMing to a irieeting last night, with Mrs. Ma­ (CleaaMaS AdveeMMiB on Pege ti) mesMge received'l^.)il* wifH Mra. The Polish Women's Alliance, bel Strickland, patriotic instruc- LXIIir NO. 220 Doris M. Ruaara of 21 Woodland Group No. 246, will hold its nianth- in charge. The annual memor­ . atraeU '"v'S -■ ly meeting, Wednesday evening at ial service for Jl2 deceased alsteVs 7:30 a t the home of Mrs. Annie and one obligated brother, w^a Sunset Council, Degre^of Poca­ Bolinski of 15 Norman street. conducted by Mra. Muriel Davia. hontas wiU enterUin its Great Po­ cahontas and her chief Monday eve­ ning at the Zlpser clubhouse. Sup­ per will be served promptly at 7 o’clock and Mrs. Walter Kanehl HALE'S SELF SERVE FUN! I I. who haads th« committee of ar- imngaments urgea members to The Original In New England! have their contributions of food there at that time. Miaa Shirley Sullivan, of 150 FEATURED FOR SATURDAY. Summit street has left for a week’s stay it the Black Point Beach Qub, NianUc. She will be the guest of Miaa Eleanor Miper. Hale's Bread i m ( 6 c HI* Members of the Army and Navy WIm MI Itoilt.'. IM% Club auxiliary planning to attend Mystery Bomb Which Fell in Sweden the banquet Wednesday evening, Dressmaker.y Suits Urges Check June 21, at the Villa Louisa, Bol- Whole Wheat Bread tim, ahould make reservations be- Rayon seersucker — flowered broadcloth — striped broad­ io in b e rs fiow Sunday at the Utest through cloth and seersucker. One-piece with flared skirl' Ravon ■ \ • Mra Irene Palshaw, 6750. Trana- L o af 1 2 c jerseys. ' ' On CIO Unit portatian ■ will be furnished » and those going are requested to meet at the clubhouse not later than Coffee Cakes 25c C a la is , Be Continued S:15. Two Piece Flowrered Chintz, Flowere^roadcloth, Seen by Yank The Second Oongregattorial Tunnell Proposea Broad­ church school closed for the sum­ Faille, Printed Rayon Jerseys, SJk 32 to 40 Gteen Stamps mer with the Ghildren’i day exer­ Jelly Doughnuts or And Berlitr Areas ening of Senate In­ cises last Sunday. _The nursery GiVen With A, I aenrloa will oontinua through June DoZ. vestigation to Include for young children whose parents Crullers 25c Cash Sales. [ntbetic Oil Plant Un* desire to attend the Sunday morn­ Solans Push 15 Other Groups. ing worship service at 10:45, per Attack; 2,500 Sor- Cut Cherbourg Weatern ' $ 3.98 to $ 8 -987; Flnwn Although By The As^lated Press ' -^The Booster Club of the North All Kinds of Bread and Bill to End French Forces 39283 Dead Railway by Seizure of Methodist church will hold its an- lying Weather Mis- A^ continuing check b / the Sen- ' ausLidenic Monday evening, at the Fastry W ar ate~diihipalgn Expenditure com­ In Opening St. Sauveiir le Vicomte * home flf lilr. and Mra. Griswold Irable; Opposition in mittee on the activities of the CIO Land on Elba; —Trut^ks and Staff Cars Chappell of 475 North Main street. Political Action committee was OoM Medal luhr Steong as Ever. ^Moving South as Ar­ Rising Star Lodge No. 45, I. O.- ------- '• ' \ • House Ctdls Up for Fi­ urged today by Senator Ferguson Further Gains New Front ..O. F„ of Rockville, has invited 25-Lb. Bag Bulletin! (R., Mich.) as Senator Tunnell, The caption accompanying this picture, obtained frofn the Swed­ tillery Blast Last Sunset Rebekah Lodge to attend a Flour $1.33 Jaiitzen Polo Shirts nal Attion Today Leg Delaware Democrat, proposed ish picture agency Pressens Bild, described it as “remains of a mys­ memorial service in the EllingtOa supreme Headquarters A1- broadening, of the investigation to terious bomb believed one of Germans’ experlmenUl radio directed Bradley Al»o- Reports Road; May Beuonie Congregational church; Ellingtan, Beautiful colori in yellow, pow­ I Expeditionary Force, iilation oh. Termi­ include 15 other groups. rockt 4>ombs which fell in southern Sweden Tuesday." The pnolo Allies Continue Rapid Sunday evening at 5 o’clock. ReV. der and white with contrasting Sidney Hillman, chairman of the waS transmitted by radio from Stockholm to New York. _________ I2f600 Wounded tn j Another SevastopoL' Glenn T. Eno, pastor of the church AC 17. — (A*) — American nation of Contracts. CIO political group testified this Strides in Italy; 8th and a member of Rising Star Smoked Shoulders iib.29c stripes.- Small, medium, large. 1.98 fvy bombers pounded half week that the CIO committee was Invasions; Figures lo\ 4-5 Pounds AveragOb $ Army Sweeps on to Supreme Headquarters, Al- Ixidge, will take for his sermon Sosen N ad airbases in a Washington, June 17.—(FI- supporting President Roosevelt Midnight Last Night. ed Expeditionary Force, subject "Living Memorials." »t Tire" extending nearly Spurred by the Increased ^ r for re-election, snd a formal plat­ C a p t u r e Foligno. Grand Master Charles F. Roberta, form laid before the CIO group Yanks Punch Slowly . une 17.-^/!^—^ American Jr^ of this town, and mambers of way around the Norman- tempo and- warnings from Elder at a meeting in Washington as- Bulletiii'! With American Forces ■ in troops driving to pinch off tha his officisl staff will take- p a ii in Treet, Brunch or battle Zone today. Six air Statesman Bernard M. Baruch aerted that President Roosevelt the service. All Rebekaha ahd ds in southern Normandy, that speed is paramount, the Rome, Juno 17. — (ff’i— France, June 17—(JO— 'The Amer­ top of Cherbonrg peninsula "has not failed us.” and added: ican Army bad 3,283. killed and brought the Germans’ last friends wili be waleona. X S h o r t s > Paris area and near Bou­ House today called up for final “We dedicate ourselves to the task Inland Upon Saipan French forces landed today on Prem Can 34c action legislation establlsblng ma­ the Island of Elba, and hsra 12,600 wounded in opening the escape road under hammer- White, navy, powder blue and brown. _SiZesJ.0 to 20. se were hit by around 1,- of assuring Franklin ■ Delano chinery to twTnlnate the -blUloha “Roosevelt’a nomination and elec­ secured ri tor the Allies, * Al— Normandy, Lieut. ng artillery fire today, and-a 35-Oa. Cna Armonr’s Fortresses and Libera- of doUars worth of outstanding lied headqusrters announc FtO O ^ LAYING war contracts. — tion.” Town of Charan-Kanoa (^JiinC SC U n i t S Gen. Omar N.. Bradley said today. U. S. fightser pilot reported Would Probe Other Groups today. The total of 15,883 casualties signs of German flight from tlm SANDING Backers of the measure ssaert The CIO inquiry prompted In­ Won , in . Street - by- * ^ Pork and Beans 2 r., 3Sc that Industry n e ^ to know now Rome, June 17— </P) — French was for the first 11 days of the cape and its great port. tslirishinf snd Wssioc. Supreme Headquarters, Al- troduction In the Senite yester­ campaign, and included reports Wlthlp Four 5HlM ef JnnoUou $ 2*29 to $ 3.98 hoW these contracts are to be Street i^attle; Two forces landed today on tht Island Mtimates Gladly Ghrcn X«-OSo Cm B. S. Ptoroe Expeditionary Force, wound up ao it can make ita plains day by Tunnell, a fourth term Take Kamamg up to midnight laat night General On« U. S. column beating weat ae .—(AV-R-A-F. heavy for conversion to pescetlme pur­ booster, of a proposal for an in­ More Islands Are Hit. _ - _ of Elba, best known ss the place Bradley said. of Carentan fought within four C.4LL 8254 Extra SiZe in Brown — 34 to 40 W a i s t .$4.98 17 quiry into the activities of the Pays Tribute to Courage mites of La Uaye du Puita, the piibers smashed last night suits. Termination of such con­ of exile for Napoleon but valuable Pork and B^ons 2 r.r35c tracts in World War One was not following organisations: And Lauhkuan to the Allies because of its prox­ He paid high tribute to the Naals’ last main road junction at [enemy installations in the “The First Voters League. Inc.: U. S. Pacific ^leet Head­ the shortest neck of the peninaulm, " x ' ' ’ ■ " - decided upon until Oct. 15, 1918, imity to already-occupied Corsica. courage of doughboye in estab- Oroas Cut ^ ' a. ' Is-de^alais area of France, less than a ntonth before the The Constitutional League; The quarters, Pearl Harbor, J'une A apcclal Allied communique lUhtng the beaghhead on the Eu­ sad forces farther north bad.
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