American Clan Gregor Society CONTA in ING the PROCEEDINGS of the 1946 ANNUAL GATHERING

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American Clan Gregor Society CONTA in ING the PROCEEDINGS of the 1946 ANNUAL GATHERING · , YEAR BOOK OF THE American Clan Gregor Society CONTA IN ING THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1946 ANNUAL GATHERING THEAMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIETY Edited by FRANKC ECIL MAGRUDER • COPYRIGH T, 1947 BY F RAN K C ECIL M AGRU DER, Editor Cussons, !\lay & Co., Richmond, Va . IMPORTANT Your attention is called to the follow ing sectio n tak en from the Minutes of the A nnual Gath ering, Oct ober, 1946. "The Chieftain presented the following motions with regard to the dat e of the Year Book which were recommn eded and accepted by the Council : " Moved by Mrs. van den Berg and seconded by Miss Thrift, that the date of the Year Book published in 1946 and marked ' 1945' be changed on the front cover to read ' 1946'. Carried. " It was further moved by Mr s. van den Berg and seconded by Miss Rebecca MacGregor, that future pub lication s of the Year Books be marked on the cover to read 'Volume' and show the date of Publi­ cation, as ' 'Volume XXXII, Published in 1947' . Th is motion was regularly carried. "T he Scribe was instructed to wr ite letters to Lib raries who carry the Clan Gregor Year Books advising them of these changes so that they may bring their copies up-to-dat e prior to receipt of the Year Book to be published in 1947." OFFICERS SIR IVIALCOLl\I MACGREGOR OF MACGREGOR, BARONET, Lochea rnh ead, Scotlan d Hereditary Chief .. FRAN K CECIL "MAGRUD ER, C. E Cllieftain 5308 N. Capitol St., Washington I I, D. C. COMMODORE J OH N H . MAGRUDER, JR., RETIRED Ranking Deputy Chieftain MRS. L. J A NE MAGRUDER HAYDEN Scribe MRS. O. O. VAN DEN BERG Registrar 2122 California sr., Washington 8.D. C. MISS R EGI NA MAGRUDER HILL Historian 2122 California si., Washington 8, D. C. JOH N EDWI N M UNCASTER Treasurer "The Ridge ," R. F. D., Derwood, Maryland REV. E NOCH MAGRUDER TIIOMPSON Chaplain CAPT. ROGER GREGORY MAGRUDER S urqeon ' MRS. CLEMENT W. SHERIFF Deputy Scribe FORMER CH IEFTAINS EDWARD MAY MAGRUDER, M. D ., (Deceased) CALEB CI.ARKE MAGRUDER, M . A., LL. D . (Deceased) JAMES MITCHELL MAGRUDER , D. C. EGBERT WATSON MAGRUDER , PII. D. (Deceased) HERBERT THOMAS MAGRUDER WILLIAM MARION MAGRUDER THE COUNCIL The Officers of the Society and the following: R EV. JAMES MITCHELL MAGRUDER, D. C; Ex-Officio HERBERT THOMAS MAGRUDER, E.r-Officio WILLIAM MARION MAGRUDER, 'Ex-Officio MRS. PHILIP HILL SHERIFF M ISS REBECCA M. MACGREGOR GEORGE MAGRUDER BATTEY, III MRS. A. M. MAGRUDER WILSON WILLIAM WOODWARD HENRY MAGRUDER TAYLOR DR. ROBERT E. FERNEYHOUGH MRS. ROBERT E. FERNEYHOUGH THOl\lAS GARLAND MAGRUDER MRS. FREDERICK H. BAUGH DEPUTY CHIEFTAINS 1946-1947 DR. THOMAS V. MAGRUDER.•••.••....•....•......•........•........ ...••.•....Alabama MISS DANA KING GATCHELL..•........•......••••.. ... ........... ... ..•..t.A labama MRS. SARAH DRANE ADAMS.. •.......... ..•........•......•.•.........••...Arkansas MRS. MARY lVIAGRUDE R GUILBEAU...... ............•.•.. ........•.•..•..•Arkansas MRS. GEORGE S. REES California GEORGE MAGRUDER BATTEY, IIL District of Columbia MRS. CORNELIA MAGRUDER SESSIONS.. •.•... .. .... ..........•••.•.••••••Florida MISS HELEN ELIZABETH BOND Georgia MRS. A NNIE K. W ALKER•.•.•••.•.•..••..• .. •.•........... •.•...................Georgia ANGUS BAILEY DRANE.................................................. .....•.••.Georgia MISS KATHERINE KELLOGG ADAMS .Illinois 1'IRs. J. C. LEWIS Indiana MRS. JOHN E. yONKERS .Iowa G UY RUSSELL HENDERSON Kentucky WILLIAM MARION MAGRUDER •.•........ ...•......•.•.. ..•....•.• .•.. •.•.K entucky THOMAS MAGRUDER W ADE iL ouisiana JOH N MARTIN MAGRUDER Louisiana MRS. MARY SPRIGG BELT MAGRUDER W ADE•••••••. ••.•••••••••••Maryland \VILLIAM MCCORMICK BROOKS .. •.••.....•.....•.....••...•.•....•..•...M aryland JOHN FRANKLIN ADAMS Maryland SAM UEL R. MAGRUDER Massachusetts DOUGLAS NEIL MAGRUDER Mississippi COL. LLOYD BURNS MAGRUDER, RETIRED New Jersey DONALD DILWORTH MAGRUDER New York MRS. THEODORE S. HILL N ew York PHILLIPS BROOKS MAGRUDER •.............. ...........•..•...•North Carolina MRS. ELLA MAGRUDER BRAUN •... .....••...•.•.•••••.. ....•..••.•......••.•.•Orego-n MRS. CATHERINE SLOANE O 'LOUGHLIN Pennsyluenia MISS MYRTLE DRANE T ennessee MISS ALTA E. MAGRUDER Texas WILLIAM THOMAS KILLAN ••.•....••.. .•....•......•....•.••...............•.. .. Texas MRS. SARAH ESTHER PITTS PREVISH •.. .••••••.•.••.•••••••..•.••••••.•.virginia WILLIS GREEN MUNCY Virqinia • SPECIAL COMMITTEES FOR THE 1946 GATHERING MARSHAL Colonel Henry Magruder Taylor REGISTRATION John E . Muncaster , Chairman Miss Emma \V. Muncaster Mrs. Joseph H. Wheat Miss Rebecca MacGregor PINE ANDD ECORATION Mrs. Frank Cecil Magruder, Chairman Mrs. Robert Rowland Stabler, Mr. Robert Stabler and Son, Miss Emma Waters Muncaster, Miss Rebecca Mason MacGregor , Mr. and Mr s. Lawrence]. Penkert , Mr s. William Clement Sheriff. Official Pine was given by 1\1rs. Frank Pelham Stone "Glenmore," Montgomery Co., Md. F lowers donated by Geo. M. Shaffer, Inc . R ECEPTION I ST S Mrs. Frank Cecil Magruder, Chairman Mrs. Lida Janc Magruder Hayden, l\Ir. and Mr s. Thomas Gar­ land Magruder, 1\Ir. and Mrs. J ohn Franklin Adams, Mrs, Rosa lind Gcddes Magruder, Miss R ebecca l\Iason ivIacGregor, Mr. and Mr s. William McC. Brooks, Mr s. Rex H . Rhoades, Mrs. Esther Pitts P revish, Mr s. Hugh Everett, lVlrs. Philip Hill Sheriff, l\Irs. Blanche Boyce Meyers, Mr s. Marguerite Sheriff Boyer, Mr s. Mary Sher iff Penkert, Mrs. Rebecca Lynn Dean. U SHER S A ND P AGE S Miss Lorraine Penkert, Chairman H elen Rita Dwyer, Jean Eli zabeth Dwyer, Joan Nea le Loveless, Mary Merle Freeman, Robert Mer le F reeman , David Berry Pe n­ kert , Wi lliam Halls Sheriff, Jr., William Ya tes Wemple Magruder, Jeb Stuart Magruder. • SALES OF COAT-OF-ARMS Mrs. John Eldridge Loveless, Chairman Miss Eleanor Smith Mrs. Frederick H. Baugh Mrs. John R. Dwyer A SS E~[BLY MUSIC Miss Helen Rita Dwy er Robert Merl e Freeman PIPER William Lachlin Kennedy Galloway PROGRAM AIrs. O . O. van den Berg, Chairman Mr s. Frank .Cecil Magruder, Mr. Thomas Garland Magruder, Miss Regina Magruder Hill , Mr. H erbert Thomas Magruder. ' PRESS , Thomas Garland Magruder A'l rs. O. O. van den Berg Herbert T . Magruder COMMITTEE ON HONOR ROLL Miss Regina Magruder Hill, Chairman , Mrs. Philip Hill Sheriff Mr . Thomas Garland Magruder G E N EALO GI CAL R ESEARCH Mrs. O. O. van den Berg, Chairman Mrs. Joseph H . Wh eat , A ssistant Chairman Miss J uliet Hite Gallaher, Kenneth Dann Magruder, Robert Lee Magruder. \ Vilhoite C. Barrickman, Herbert Thomas Magruder, Rev. James Mitchell Magruder, D. D., W. M. Drake, Mrs. Esther Pitts Prevish. C ONTENTS Page No . A DDRESS OF T HEC HIEFTAIN•..•..................•..•.. ...•.................•...... .. ......................•.... 15 A DDRESS OF BRIGADIER G ENERAL J OH N M AGRUDER, R ETIRED 34 ADDRESS OF COMMODORE J OH N H OLMES M AGRUDER, RETIRED..•... ..............•..... 36 C ITATIONS .........•........ ...... ........•....... •............................ ............. .... ...... ...................... 60 COMMITIEE FOR FUTURE P LAN N I NG 12 CORRECTIONS FOR 1946 YEARB OOK.... ..•.......... ... .... .............. .... .... ......... ........ .... .. ... 91 COAT OF ARMS O~· THE M ACG REGOR. .' 83 D EATH S 28 D EDICATION Qt. B RON ZE T ABLF.T TO GOLD STAR MF.MBERS 39 D EPUTY CHIEFTAINS.................................... ........................... ................................... 5 GREETI NGS FROM ABSENT M EMBER S 38 GOLD STAR M EMBERS 27 HONOR R OLL AN D FLAG PROJE CT 34 H ONOR R OLL WORLD WAR II 44 LIST OF ACTIVE M EMBERS 99 LIST O~' OFFICERS............. .................................... ........................ ............ ................... 4 MARRIAGES 25 MEIIIORlALS A rchibald Magruder, Kentucky Pioneer 82 Caleb Clarke Magruder 67 Cha rles Otway Magruder 66 Dr. Ma rion Myrl H arrison 70 Dr. James W illiam Magruder 66 Dr . H enry Magruder Dejarnette 73 Edwa rd Boteler Passano 95 E lizabeth Battey T routman 71 Ga rland Burnley T aylor 81 Lucy Ann Gilmer Magrud er Taylor 79 Miss Helen W olfe 78 Miss T hea. S. Birckh ead 69 Miss Alice Ma ude Ewe ll 76 Mrs. Ann ie Lewis Bir ckh ead Garth 78 Mrs. F lorence Magruder Wayne Barrett .. 69 Mr s. Ma rga ret Ann Offutt Mund y 69 Walter Dr ane Magruder v •• •• . •••••.•.••••••• •••••••••. •• •. •. •••. .• .•. .•..• 74 Sec. Lt. Garla nd McGr egor , Jr 81 St. Marc. Offutt Mundy 69 T homas Franklin Malone 81 NEW M EMBF.RS TO M AY I, 1947 94 OF I NTF.REST TO :M EM IIERS 87 PROCEED ING S OF THE COUNCIL....•................ ..... ....... .. ....... .•.. ..... ... ............. ............. I I PROCEEDI NGS OF THE 1946 A N N UAL GATHERING.•.......... .. ....... ..... ............. ......... 13 R EPORT OF HONORR OLL AND FLAG P ROJ ECT COMMITTF..E 34 REGISTERED AT THE 1946 GATHERI NG 31 REPORTSOF OFFICERS: Committee on Future Pl ann ing 28 Hi storian 25 Membership 30 Registrar -; 18 Treasurer 16 S PECIAL CO M M I TI ~:ES FOR 1946 GATHERI NG.......................................................... 6 THE 1fACGREG OR ARM S... ... ....... ......... .. ........ ...... ......•......... ... ............ .......... ............. 85 TWELVE G F:NERATIO N S I N AIIlF.RICA BY W. C. BARRICKMAN 63 PROGRAM OF THE THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL GATHERING OF THE AMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIE TY F RIDAY, OCTOB ER 18, 1946 Muster Place St. Paul 's Parish Hou se, Rock Creek Church 10:00 A.M. Prayer Council Meeting followed by Committee Meetings : Committee for Future Planning at 11:00. 1:00 P.M. General Session. Opening Prayer by Chaplain, Enoch Magrud er Thompson. Greet ings by the Chiefta in, F rank Cecil Magruder. Report of the Hi storian, Regina Magruder Hill. Presentation
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