Florida Historical Quarterly FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY
The Florida Historical Quarterly FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY V OLUME XLV July 1966 - April 1967 CONTENTS OF VOLUME XLV Abernethy, Thomas P., The Formative Period in Alabama, 1815- 1828, reviewed, 180 Adams, Adam, book review by, 70 Agriculture and the Civil War, by Gates, reviewed, 68 Alachua County Historical Commission, 89, 196 Alexander, Charles C., book review by, 186 “American Seizure of Amelia Island,” by Richard G. Lowe, 18 Annual Meeting, Florida Historical Society May 5-7, 1966, 199 May 5-6, 1967, 434 Antiquities Commission, 321 Appalachicola Historical Society, 308 Arana, Luis R., book review by, 61 Atticus Greene Haygood, by Mann, reviewed, 185 Bailey, Kenneth K., Southern White Protestantism in the Twen- tieth Century, reviewed, 80 Barber, Willard F., book review by, 84 Baringer, William E., book review by, 182 Barry College, 314 Batista, Fulgencio, The Growth and Decline of the Cuban Repub- lic, reviewed, 82 Battle of Pensacola, March 9 to May 8, 1781; Spain’s Final Triumph Over Great Britain in the Gulf of Mexico, by Rush, reviewed, 412 Beals, Carlton, War Within a War: The Confederacy Against Itself, reviewed, 182 Bearss, Edwin C., “The Federal Expedition Against Saint Marks Ends at Natural Bridge,” 369 Beck, Earl R., On Teaching History in Colleges and Universities, reviewed, 432 Bennett, Charles E., “Early History of the Cross-Florida Barge Canal,” 132; “A Footnote on Rene Laudionniere,” 287; Papers, 437 Bigelow, Gordon E., Frontier Eden: The Literary Career of Mar- jorie Kinnan Rawlings, reviewed, 410 “Billy Bowlegs (Holata Micco) in the Second Seminole War” (Part I), 219; “Billy Bowlegs (Holata Micco) in the Civil War” (Part II), 391 “Bishop Michael J.
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