American Clan Gregor Society INCORPORATED

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American Clan Gregor Society INCORPORATED YEAR BOOK OF THE American Clan Gregor Society INCORPORATED Containing the Proceedings of the 1954 Annual Gathering .. THE AMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIETY INCORPORATED WASHIN GTO N, D. C. • Copyright, 1955 by T homas Gar land Magruder, ] r., Editor Cusson s, May & Co., Inc., Printers, Richmond, Va OFFI C ER S SIR MALCOLM MACGREGOR OF M ACGREGOR, BARONET ....H ereditary Chief "Edinchip," Lochearnhead, Scotland BRIG . GEN. MARSHALL MAGRUD ER, U. S. ARMY, Re tired Chieftain 106 Camden Road , N. E. , Atlanta, Ga. F ORREST S HEPPERSON H OL M ES Assistant to the Chieftain .. 6917 Carle ton Terrac e, College P ark. Md . R EV. D ANIEL RANDALL MAGRUDER Rallking D eputy Chieftain Hingham, Mass. M ISS A NNA L OUI SE R EyNOLD S Scribe 5524 8t h St., N . W ., W ashington , D. C. MRS. O . O. VANDEN B ERG........ .......................................... .....••..•R egistrar Th e H ighland s, A pt. 803, W ashington 9, D. C. MISS R EGINA MAGRUDER HILL...... .. .......•................ ........ ............Historian The H ighl and s, Apt. 803, W ashi ngton 9, D. C. C LARE N CE WILLIAM rVICCORM ICK Treasurer 4316 Clagett Road, University Pa rk, Md. R EV. REUEL L AMP HIER HOWE Chaplain Theological Se minary, Alexandria, Va, D R. R OGER GREGORY MAGRUDER Surgeon Lewis Mount ain Circle, Charl ott esville, Va, T HOMAS GARLAND MAGRUDER, J R E ditor 2053 Wil son Boulevard , Arlington, Va . C. VIRGI NIA DIEDEL Chancellor Th e Marlboro A pts., 917 18th St., N . W., Washington 6, D. C. MRS. J A M ES E . ALLGEYER (COLMA M Y ER S ) Deputy S cribe 407 Const itutio n Ave., N. E., W ashington. 2, D.C. FORMER CHIEFTAI NS EDWARD MAY M AGRUDER, M. D. (Deceased) CALEB CLARKE rVIAGRUDER, M . A., L.L. D . (D eceased) J AMES MITCHELL MAGRUDER, D .D., A n napolis , Maryla n d E GBERT W ATSON lVIAGRU DER, P H . D. (Deceased) H ERBERT T H OM AS MAGRUD ER, N ew York, N . Y . WILLIAM MARIONM AGRU DER, L e xin gton, Ky. FRANK C ECI L M AGRUDER, San Dieg o , California D OUGLAS N EIL M AGRUDER , I n dia n o la , M ississip p i Cm.IMODORE J OlIN H OLM ES M AGRUDER, J R., R etir e d , U .S . N. , Charle s T own, West Virgin ia THE C OUNC I L T he Officers of the S ociety and the following: R EV. J AM ES lVIrTC HELL M AGRU DER, D .D ., Ex-Officio H ERBERT THOMAS M AGRUDER , Ex-Officio \ iVI LLI A M MARION MAGRUDER, Ex-O fficio FRANK CECIL MAGRUDER , E x -Officio D OUGLAS N EIL MAGRUDER, Ex-Officio COM MODORE J OH N HOLMES MAGRUDER, JR., Ex-Officio MRS. R EX H AYS RHOADES D R. R OBERT E . F ER N EYHOU GH F ORREST D UDGE B OW IE J OH N EDWI N M U N CAST ER J . F RA N K LI N A DAMS M ISS E MMA MUNCASTE R CLAUDE \ V ORT HIN GTON O WEN l\IRS. RUTH ASHLEY vV AL DE W ~r. B. H A MILTON MAGRUDER Vh LLIAlII ERNEST O F FUTT , SR. Clan STATE DEPUTY CHIEFTAINS Number 961 ARKANSAS-State Deputy Chieftain: Stokes, Mrs. Etta Leone Stephens, Box 144, Hartman. 11 35 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-Deputy Chieftain : Magruder, Roy, 404 Aspen Stre et, Zone 12. 1156 F LORID A- State Deputy Chieftain : Magruder, Nathaniel, Box 1823; 504 W. Hillview Ave., Sarasota. 1114 GEORGIA-State Deputy Chieftain : Magruder, Dudley Boston, jr., 10 Club Drive, Rome. 11 29 I NDIA NA-State Deputy Chieftain : Schafer, Mrs. Norman Frederick, 1839 N. College St., South Bend. 653 KE NT UCKY- State Deputy Chieftain : Henderson, Guy Russell, R.F .D. 3, Shepherd sville. Assistant Deputy Chieftain: 711 Magruder, William Marion, 456 Rose Land, Lexington. 1094 LOUISIANA-State Deputy Chieftain : Rodriguez, Charles Q., 3226 Carlotta St., Baton Rouge, 13. 982 MI NN ESOTA- State Deputy Chiefta in: MacCarty, Dr . William Carpenter, 316 8th Avenue, Rochester. 588 MISSISSIPPI- State Deputy Chieftain : Magruder, Douglas Neil, Indianola. 332 NEWJ ER SEY- State Deputy Chieftain : Magruder, Col. Lloyd Burns ; Buttonwood Lane, Rumson. 705 NORT H CAROLINA-State Deputy Chieftain: Magruder, Phili p Brooke, 904 Magnolia St., Greensboro. 826 OREGON-State Deputy Chieftain: Braum, Mrs. Carl (Ella Lloyd Magruder), 704 S. E. 26th sr, Portland. 329 TEXAS-State Deputy Chieftain : Magruder, W . B. Hamilton, 420 Villita St., San Antonio. CONTENTS Pa ge Clan Officers and Members of CounciL................................................................ 5 State Deputy Chief tains.............................................................................................. 6 Magna Charta Article and CharL......................................................................... 9 - 14 Chiefs of Clan Gregor Line of Descent .. - Part I 15 - 22 .. - Pa rt II 23-35 .. - Part III 36 - 37 Stories of the Macfir egor Country........................................................................ 38 - 46 12th Century MacGr egor Country............................................................................ 46 - 48 Clan Gregor References.............................................................................................. 48- 51 Magru der Revolutionar y Wa r Services _......... 51 - 57 H omes of Yesteryea r.................................................................................................... 58 Report of Registrar...................................................................................................... 59 Report of H istorian ...................................................................................................... 63 Weddings 64 1954 Program 69 Magrud er Bronze Tablet . 71 Memorials 75 1954 Gathering Roster................................................................................................ 83 .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ,~ WJ ~ ,~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • A Ph otogr aphic Reproduction of the Dover Copy. Th e orig ina l is 14V. x 21V. inch es. Th e decorative shields have been added. Facsimile by Courtesy of Mr. John S. Wllrts of Germantoum, Pa., all authority on the Magna Charta Barons. YEAR BOOK A MERI CAX CLA !'i GREGOR SOCIETY 9 INTRODUCTION TO ACHA RT SHOW IN G THE LINE OFDESCENT • of ALEXANDER MAGRUDER From SI X MAGNA CHARTA BARONS By BRIG. GEN. MARSHALL MAGRUDER Alexander Magruder, a Scot, came of a Royal rac e which had through long suffering learn ed to have confidence in its ability to overcome all odds, and not only to survive but obtain its sha re of the fru its of the Ea rth. In th is short article we will seek to find the spark that motivated Ale xander Magruder in his struggle to establish his line in the new count ry. Mr s. Olive S. Pope, our clanswoman from Dun woody, Georgia, has prepared numerous valuable genealogical charts the first of which is "T he Royal Clan Alpin" which shows the lines of Alexander Magruder back through the MacGr egor Clan Chiefs and the Kin gs of Scotland. T he second, which is the subject of thi s article, shows his descent from six of the Magna Cha rta Barons, who forced Kin g John to sign the Magna Charta. T his document signed in 1215 was the first written instrument granting basic freedoms to a people by a Kin g. It was, of cour se, the for erun ner of our Bill of Ri ghts, Declar ation of Independence, and of the Consti ­ tuti on, which has become a model for democracies the world over. No wonder the British people guard this instrument so closely. It was over here at the New York Wo rld's Fa ir when \Vorl d Wa r II began, and was caref ully gua rded until it could be safely returned to England. Th is natural desire of freedom of the Scottish people, when in a sense cul­ minat ed in 1215 with the signing of the Magna Charta, must have been a strong hereditary influence in the forming of the char acter of Alexander Magruder. W e, members of the Clan, are justly proud of his descent from these Magna Charta Barons ; and proud to know that the lines in this chart have been approved by John S. Wurts, Hi storian of the Magna Cha rta Society, so that any member of the American Clan Greg or Society is entitled to member ship in the Magna Charta Society. The other important chart prepared by Mrs. Pope on the hereditary influence .. of Alexander Magruder is, "A lexander Magruder's direct line from Charlemayne" through his son P epin, born 776, died 810, King of Lombardy and Italy. Charle­ magne was one of the greatest Kings of all time. So when Alexander Magruder walked ashore in Maryland in 1652, although a pri soner of war, he was not alone. The spirit of his illustrious ancestors was with him, to give him strength, faith, and to succor him in time of need. 10 Y EAR B OOK AMERICA N CLAN G REGOR Socrsrv Perhaps he was ever thinking of that old Scotch prayer of John MacGr egor of Drun Chari which was : "Never despair, rely on God, and He will send thee help, Though it seem chance to thee." Or- "While ther e's leaves in the Fo rest and foam on the River, MacGr egor despite them, Sha ll flouri sh foreve r." Note by Editor: Due to technical difficulties Mrs. Pope's chart is not reprodu ced in this issue, I nstead, through the kind permissi on of Mr. John S. Wll rt:::, of the Society of Mtiqna Charta Barons and all, allthority all descendants of the Magna Charta S ureties, we are pl/blishing an article and a chart used by M r. Wurts ill his ualuable collection of Magna Charta books. Mr. W llrts is a resident of Germantoum, Po., and holds high office in 1IIU1ly hereditary oraanisotio ns, among wh ich is the Magna Charta Dames. "There are IlO t many persons, but at some time long to open the chronicles of the past, and read the records of their ancestors .. for as E dward Everett says, 'there is 110 mall of culture w ho does not take all interest in what was done by his f orefathers'." ORDER OF THEGARTER "When first this order was ordained, Illy L ords K niqhts of the Garter were of noble birth, V aliant and uirtuous, [ull of hallght y courage, S uch as were gro'Um to credit by the wars .
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