. r- * T 8AX0RDAT. APRIL IQ, W T ' AVBBAOB DAO.r OBCDLATMIM ' TBUB WRATIMK:^; tor UM atantb of Manh, u n F i w m M ef 0. a We ChanaMn Court. Orter 4 o t Toronto^ •pssker V o to tetraduced by CM. Usrttard. lOSs McOnan, who wfU ' POBUC BRIDGE math, hold a sneeassfui sausage and Oat. win pisaeh at ths Oospel hall, wminai C Ctouiy. ebnimiaa o t the paacrtis supper and eaird aarty at 4U Oeatsr street tosmiww aftes> STATE FRBMViUNII nwny Rayamd Ptaard of Henry MaMMle Toapl* ~1M boaid. C. Rbnem Watotaa. ftmet-on AacR it. teoalvad sway 5 ,8 78 ths Msesair Teaspls Ihnndaj at S o'cioMi aad again dt 7 in n a aelo sad a vioUa qosr> 2 / V i v U l V 1 Ir V 1 * Ir 41 ¥4^ > V 4 L* 111 ^ ' CM aiag. Wtaaem a t tbs four door tbs svm ing. Ha was one o< ths HEnMonATMcn’i gifta. About IB friends were pros- A F R E E UsMta af (ha An«« « n t e M a flpsm ths Parsons Oenasivstoiy mt from Hartford aad this town. Btaaas at Otaulattaae MidijNgH^lrillE priaea wnrs Mrs. O. R. Burr, Mra maskers k the Raster Christisa M Mmtc wUI sntertain with tastm- 1 . WWIam Hunaifard, Mrs. Ward 00u> Ccaffaranoe In Odd Fellown hi Dsooiatlens wexs la green sad yel­ MANC*HESTER^ A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM — ^ Unrtng his stay in town bs will BQIlriNRV. low. A buffet limd> waa served mad ENLARGEMENT H n t SUttaMT !• SctIm . ‘ gun and Mrs. Laura Loomis. Win Re Guest Spsahar atl otto Nsisaa is chalrmsn In charge WITH tV B R V SHItX UP FIL.M a guest at the hMae o t Irvtog Oien> Man's PMaBdaUp Clnb| n aoeini period wps eoloyod. aey, 1 Pearl street M rWNahaMate which wffll tallow DBVBLOPBD AMD nUMTSU V O L . L V L .n o . 184 MANCnSSTBIt, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 12. lfiS7 (TWELVE PAGES) PRIGS THRRB laaataooaMh THbe IVa B t, u O Mta. Fraaeea McBvitt Is chairman Im U m f NWjtothettog. ™ kpsnking sad pmginm. R. 1C. wUI ifold Ita rafuler meeMm of tbs oomnittee la charge of the bi Tinker hnll Monday evaatint. social to tallow the rsgular mertlng Through an error, the nasM ot Wwdm Ralph k. Waiher o t the I MONDAY NIGHT, 8:15 Manchester at • o'etoek. A large attaadaaee of of 8L Margarst’a Orde, Daughters Mrs. Cs.'oUiia datonia ot,JBU6rUgo Conaeetleut Btete Prteoo wU be thv 40c Nabere is urged as bualaaae ot of Isabella. Tuesdm evening at • street was IMt out o t tbe cemmtt> guest spenksr jd ths TiSdlss Nlghr OVEN SHOWER PARn SETBACK tatarast to arery member will be o’clock la tbf K. of C. clubrooms. tee, for the Santa Lucia Society meeting of the Men’s F rl^ Maiket Others on the eonualttee are Mrs. buiquet aad dance to be aub of ths South Mstlmdfat eh o._ ELITE STUDIO Helsn Donahue, Mrs. Norene Cotter, May a. on Monday night Ths mseOng wiu ®S??!****"* toovNT was gtvm SS8 Main Straet Dsstolm Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helreiidt. Ir. and Mrs. Bsther Oorman. bs held ...t 8 o’clock. M oAirty of Bast Hampton are mending William Haggerty o t IM Vernon ■t her home on Rummer atreat In _B Y POPULAR Wnidm Walker, an tateresthig tioner o t Mlm Helen McChaa of month’s vacation in St. nteriburg, Mr. and Mrs. Bknest Smith o f 64 street Is 111 at SisI hehome with pneu* Fla. Mie. Heirendt eras formerly m oala. - \ W REQUEST HoU street were surprised- last night r?. m Bva Jarvis o t 410 Center by a party o t ttsighbors and friends street, this town. WE HAVE PARTS U g a in p o r t h is a f t e s * la oelebration o t their 80th or peiuri ADVBRTISEMBNT-- a.jilveraary. Cards were played sad NOON AND HVENIN 6 The regular meeting oC the Order buffet lunoh wae served, sad Mr Brighten up the rooms by ia> For AU Kinds O f of Rainbow, Aasemb^ No. U , will and Mrs. Smith were remembered linishing the floors. Ths mos* up-to- Canadian'MounticB Ready In Strike Issue be held Monday eveidu at 7:S0 with- gifts. It was mowing last dato Sander can be ranted by the U sed C a rs^ BRITAIN RUSHES FPm c t MMidM Sliced Boiled o’clock at the Masonic ‘fsnipls. All night as ths guests arrived and they day from The Manchester Lumber If yoo’ra ear Is aot monlRa Question and Answer To ® LONG WAITED O P IN IO l who have not as yet made returns remarked that on their wedding day A Fuel Co., who also carry flUers. • VA « * * e * « * * * ’*« 4 7c on tickets for the minstrel are asked la Sprtngfleid, Mass., there wan aad varnish. Phone for hch of parto-aes^^ ...... to do so Monday night to William snow on April P. •148. EIHott ' BIGGEST WARSHIP )J1 W eltel^lYukriirte PANTALEO BROS. A Smooth Tire Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Blanche rd and Horaeo Strert ' DECIDES VITAL POINTSI 25c daughter of 3SS Center street have bad as their guest, Mrs. Blanchard’s Just Off WethorcD Strsst ■houMta^^teau!”*****^* “Suy. Breaker Strip, R u wearing ouL You are beginning to TO SPAIN’S COAST mother, Mrs. EUaabeth Moran, who Phons 8S4« Tender Weetora has retumod to her hems in New REASONS WHY so MANY PEOPLE Jersey. EAT AT THE PRINCESS RESTAURANT SETTLES 5 KEY 35c David Rutchinaon o t Oak stn 42,000 Ton Hood, Mightiest will stag two numbers during the ON FIFIH DAY ’tJospel Venters” broadcast tomor­ of All Battle Crnisors iM o o ^ 73c row afternoon at 4:S0 over WTHl SPRING h Epodnl DecwMi Riflt # S Ibn ...... Hartford. He will be aecompanlc< Get From 12,000 to 15,000More M ilet! MADRID BATHE mmmmmmmmmmmmrn by Fred Johanson of Haynes strev Joins Other Craft to Pro­ Senate Leaders Give who Is pianist for this progran Labor Boud to RofilMB VedChepe, which Is under auspices ot a numbei FLOWERS 49c o t chiiaUan bualneas man o t Hart tect- Empire’s Shipping. KEEPS Its PACE ford and vidnity. LET US RETREAD YOUR TIRES! Opinions On Rulings Einployer*Eoi|^7o R d i^ C omm T o the Store! The Rainbow Assembly has been GAY I ___ uH?^****^J* . ®* .prepared. We take great pride in our workmaaahip, London, April IS—(AP) — Tbe Loyalists, Rebek F i ^ On at tnoilDp is fVAk m QwBty Eceneeqr . Invited to attend sendiMS at the Washington, April 13.—(AP) —4 haa not t a n alterad by this partlcu- North Methodist church tomorrow eucb tire rem viM a eomidete uiapection so that we may maintain the reputation that Admiralty ordered the mlghUeet of UuT ctocislon.** O a r M otto. AND • we nave bnilt up for quali^ production. BriUalbmen-of-war to patrol station Opponents end advocates of the mlng and msmban will most In Close Range in Efforts to Rooaevelt Court Reorganisation bill Senator Duffy (D., Wto.), one of dskni B roidai Soipo 'front cc the churdi at 10:M o’clock. SMART off the northern coast of Spain to­ the group of Seaetors uncommitted mA ptoee-work basiB. Each tire that we rebuild la back* day to taka any necessary action to drew contradictory toterpretotiona on tho court bill, took the same view Off by quality aud efflaeut woikamnahip. protoet British shqiping from attack Seize or HoU a Position today from the Supreme Court’s ao- OoniMlly did. O v htentole -It to likely to take the praasure by Insurgent Spanish warships on tton to (^bolding the Wagner Labor IT MEANS SERVICE tor Relatlona Law. off tbe proposal to changs the tbe high seas. the CHy. oourt," Duffy eald. Washington, April IS.—(AP7 Everyone gets along in perfect harmony. Tbe action, decided at'a hurriedly Senate leadera of tbe fight agatoat The court’s deotolons oreeted n ATTENTION! the bill hailed the court’a decisiaos The Supreme Court, in No Waiting . . No Loud Shouting . . No Wrong Orders. 200 USED TIRES called Sunday Cabinet session, was Stir on Capitol Hill unrivnllad lin oe a factor that would go far to­ dectolon, uirtield today the rigW ^ BIRTHDAYS u p mgarded aa a compromise answer to Madrid April Ur-(AP) —Oov- the AAA end NRA dedatoaa. MEMBERS OROAK LODGE, NO. 43, $ 3-95 an Insurgent vramlng Its fleet would emment cannon hammered Insur­ ward defaattog the coiut roorganl- Chnlrmnn Aahurat ot the Senate tbe Netlona] Labor RetottaM At Reasonable Prices latlon plan. Cocktail Bar . Try Our ANNIVERSARIES not penMt British merchant vessels gent front lines la taro vlU] salients Judiclery oommittee: to regulate employerwiwpley LRP.M. to enter tbe Basque port o f BUbau. Supporters of the bill, however, *1)001^ to toUtog her tovtoelble Serving Fine Wlnee • LIqiwr of tbe battle of Madrid today. Both denied tha declalona would have any latlonahlpa in bustaeaMs angugofl'l Sunday Dinner 65c CONGRATULATIONS Britain, while ready to protect Ready to take stein messures against strike violence, these red-coated Royal Canadian Mounted poUee are bell.” Win Meet In Tinker Hall, Sunday, April 11 ships flying tbe Union Jack on the forces locked at close grips on the effect on tbe controversy. "Do you think we ought to have interstate commerce. THE SICK ROOM fifth day of arbat may prove the pictured aa they assembled In Toronto, and there bivouacked, prepared to rush to nearby Osbawa in caaa Both sides expressed delight with Next Oil Change HAVE YOUR CAR high seas, rcftiaed to guarantee pro­ of bostflitlea at tbe General Motors plant where 4,000 employees were on strike and picketing. The strikers a liberal oourt nowT" Aahurat was Tbe nine Justteea decided, 1 At 2:30 P.M. HARTFORD tection artthln 8|Spaniab territorial arar's costliest fighting. Oovernmeat the oourt’s finding that the law waa asked on leaving a White Houae moualy that ectivitta of tha artillery batteries trained their lire agreed to allow non-strikera into tha plant, but would d not accept responsibility for what happened after GOLDEN SHELL LUBRICATED waters should sbl.hips bearing much hours. Conatitutlonal. conference. and LaugbUa Steel Oewpantta P r i n c e s s R e s t a u r a n t BATTERIES ntedsd fo ^ tor tbs besieged dty ot on University City, In Msdrid’s Banator Ccnnally (D., Tex.), one -We can’t have too much of « International Officers WUI Be Present Any C a r...... 50c northwest, and tbe Casa de Campo stituted toteretata commeieA Main street At Pearl Street DIAL In cana, rabao attempt to run tbe bloekade. of the leedere ^ to the opposition good ttatog,” tbs Artoone Senator re­ This waa one of U>e majer . . A t This Meeting. The 4S,100-ton Hood, mlghueat park on the west in a prolonged ef­ cnmpk Mdd the decisions would have plied with a smile. “The healthy place to eat Rnd drink” q u art...... 25c TruA ...... 75c fort to cement the Isolation of tbe HOltirpibeented for detarmlnntlaitj $ 4 .79 "''"’ battle cruiser of the BritlMi fleet and a “pmound affect" on thoee mem- Informed AsMCtoto Justice Rob­ the ndmintotrntion Isgtolatinn alone almost the equal of tbe ton­ Insurgents’ two most formidable re o f Oongreee etUl undecided erts bed written the majority opin­ garrisons on the siege fronL aateeing eolleettve ~ 5463 nage of 48,336 of the Insurgent OFFICE WORKERS RETURN TEXANS ASSAIL shout the court faUL ion to tha flve-to-four dectolaQ. A»- workmen. fleet, neared the waters off tbe Casa de Compo, former royal park *Tt wlU slow up the drive fo r tbe hurst said: on the western border of Madrid, is The dadslMi bteedMiea the i Out of Gas Flat Tin .Battery Dead Telephone 4129 blockaded port. Its conunander un­ bill," Connelly said. -A ear with -Inconstotency wID save the o t the faitoratnto oamm der special Instructions from the separated from University- d ty by two flat Urae can’t run ns well ea United SUtea yoL------TONIGHT! — - Admiralty to take necessary action. the Mansaneres river over which COURT CHANGE, bejrond what oppeneata o t tha . the -Frenchmen’s bridge," the be­ TO CANADA CMC JOBS one with four good tires." Speaker Bankhead: -1 am very contended waa the pnpw I Give Yourself A Treat! Try Our Colonial Bed Spread — P A R K HILL Otker Warships There siegers' main connecting line, Smiator LaFoUetto (Prog., WIs.), happy to hear they have oonflrmod line. RAVIOLI Already established on patrol uynamtted by government forcea ona of tho moat ardent supporters of for another tima the Judgment of In other deelehwa, the court I were the cruiser Shropshire and the ycaterday. F L O U T J ^ O N the btU, Instated, however, the court Goagrese that Its Acts are Constl- We wUI also foatnre all our usual T,OWER SHOP s e r v ic e s t a t io n destroyers Blancbe, Beagle, Brasen Other ErapUyes of Ports De- vg^Heto would have no tnfluanoe on tuttonsL** the WagiMT Act eaMh CAMPBELL’S Tba etty-a attacking defenders in LOWELLFACTORIES to the Aaeodeto*4!rw' diidiea . . . Lobster, Chidien, Etc. Antique Crocheting Yam Lending Fkwiate and BilUiaaL tees to taoe with the tLs Utatveni^ d ^ sons werf iaM ItasMMtonUee Lewke (IL.N. D-lt Shell Gasoline E. J. Campbell, Prop. iO Insurgent warships of ths hlsek- tr be confident they had broken the Milibuit Sand of Denperits "(M ur' jperebn who- m u m 't o t a n t o t T m o dectoimi la n eredR'’ia> oZdOte ^ t g h it a AT MILL PRICES 8 East Center Street 276 Main S t ^beck of tha strong insurgent hold pirtneat Walk otmcluelon that be m h to Cavor.of the BupresM Opinrt and shows that M u sie B y ~^"Long before tbe wliiisters IM t-to -TdRiDPENTDDAY OW MS, find M eU N ath* *oM i o r the eoiirt fie n wbbto to mors llbsrnl Telephone 5847 there to blastliw u s bridge, THE POUR MELODY BOYS Odd Fellowa BMg, consider the grave tatemationai dose la Hey Pesitloas P ilo ts With No Serions Dedares F. D. HL's Flui It, to aot going to bS' nffactad by aad hM btocked ths will of ths pso- dinto Hiewrtatlon over .Featurtag Eddio Dunne situation at Prime Minister Stanley Oeneral Joes Mlaja's government one or tooro dectoione,” LAMIetto pto toss tbna sithsr the sitoeutlve or oourt acUoa would aOeet Baldwin’s official residence at No. troops found themselves, at dawn, said. -Tbe chaoUe cenditione cio- isgtototlve btaaehsa ef our govem- Rooaevelt’a effbrto to The Manchester Net Co. 10 Downing street. Foreign Secre­ within close firing 'ange of Trooble; Wait oa Detroft. Union Leaders Urge Wires Woold InjoFe the Party; ated 'by the court in peat decisions ment- ego o t legisutloa to The Boot of tary Anthony Eden and Sir Samuel M t positions at the top of heavtly- tribunsL R. J. Pritchard Telephone 8553 Hoare, First Lord of the Admiralty, rortifled hlUs—key to the siege lines' (The Chief Bxsouttoe haa ) WINES • UQUORS AND BEER met high administrators for a series Labor Favored, One & ys. strength—in tbe perk where Bour­ Oshawa. O nt, April 13.— ( A P I - , of Strikers to Act As mended Um eppointaMOt ef : oatm ei. AT BRUSSELS P0U3 operate from outside Ontario and ers’ petition tar nn Injunction do- aniibunclv detenninatipn to “pro; 1919-1930 with ite ter-r ' Tho mlnistors ware reported re- proposal, won. Two of Us rivals 100,OoO drought vlctlma who moved sequencea. Tba fact that these make a fat living out of tha pay an- daring tho strike lUegaL "I stUl had denounced the measura vent C.'L O. unionisation of this tei^ 'Gleimed and Pressed gab)y to have feared the provisioa have .hopes that the courts are as ritory.” wertwerd from tha Greet Ptabu pears to have besa rrs HERE AGAIN! Of a naval eacort for freighten an- vriopes of our working rises'* Saya taetloa la *fNotlce- decent here as they are in other Tbe wounding of eight men and a face a stiller struggle than did the turbance brttaat indua^;ta' \,Valqe aad Carbon SpecW! 'Called for' and Delivered tortng Spanish torritortal waters Settle Own PraMeme. parts of tfie country," he said. The campaign turned on per- boy at Galena. Kas., yesterday by more recent period did not " 44:yL 14.00 6-CyL 86.00 w ow be Interpreted as active In- Prenuer Zedand W hs By^ -We can aettls our own problems ' Mate Coming Back. aonalitlea, not iSsuea," Jan|M gunflre from a beadquarters, of the ptoneera on the Oregon trail. of the ptatbUiUea of future torvantloa in the eIvU war aa well la thip provtnoe without bscring the Meanwhile manufacturers con- "Furthermore. JChnaoh had aome International Union of 'Mine, Mill, Their chief hope, offictola said, to like dangers to totacatota 1 . Ford V -8 ...... 18.00 ap providing a poaslUe precedent mreHngs o f John L. Lewis., the mas* : 9 tto DnllmutM On AH BepMra E hcfon Ey Big Mijority; tondsd today’s reopening of planto aupport from 'n iem beri o f .tha Su­ and Smelter Workers, cUmseed s that general economic recovery will which Omgreas wae aaU( GRAND OPENING fo r ef™***- convoys Into the ports ter mind behind all the unreipt and would find more workers deserting preme Court Defense Association week-end of beatings sad floggtnga enable them to get a new foothold (oreaee and to eaarc|aa its o f brfth warring parttea. disturbance |n the United States. ranks ef strikers and return^ to represented here today." and' brought this torse stotonm t of to the PacISc aortbweet aad (tal tlve power to (orestnU. "AlBE1L*S Cut * Rate Bsaoh CamprsaStea conM to here and tell us what to jtkmrwtmd Auto and Tiw* Victory k C d e b n te i their benches. They said produc­ Senator Logan (D-Ky), an ad< pleas of tbe group opposed to tbe tom la. It Is not neeeasaiy again to The two.bour dettberaUen rssdltod do,” ha added. 0>mmlttee for Indusmal Orgen|sn- Free lands and other naturr.l ad­ BepMrIag. hi the compromise eolation as the tion showed n iteady Increase last vocate of the bill, aatd the election tail the facta as to Ra-opentog of the parts plants week. “ought to nerve notice, on aome ot tlon: vantages that were open to sarUer (Jones and LaugbUn) rto Omper St EM. lOtl TO-NIGHT only way out of the growing peril thin morning was contrary to 2 FOR of an internatlanal IncidanL Brueaels. April tX-^(APY—Buried The strikers, estimated by union thoee In oppoeltlon that tbejr are not *‘A u mines and emelters wUI be Mttlers are gone, and the drought Instead of being beyond Um under a blisaard of baOote, Rexlet Tbompaon'n prediction yesterday. leaders at 4fi00 of tbe area's 6.4UU following the ppoular cdutise.'” opoo as usual Monday. All men army haa been forced to cluster on we think that it preSanU to a : Prime Minister Baldwin, raplying Slaca this dlvlaiao operated Satur­ This ladudes WouMa*a Plain Dreaaes and Plain private notice question from DMivlle aqt to wotk today to rime workers, are demanding wage Senator van Npye (D-1^) rrill go back to work. the outsklrU bf dtlea and vUlages striking way tbe cIom and tot Canto. Men’s Topcoats aad 3-Piece Snito (Coat, ir Clement Atlee, leader of the rebuild & ehattored Faadat party day, Thompaen wrid, a majarity of Increases, union recognition and aome opponents, like blmaalf, “would "Ws will continue our attempts to toi ahheks towns, teats or automo- relation which a mamifacturlng . Entertainment Vest, Trouwra). Special Diacoanto On Any Otker Ion, in the House of Com- while followers o t Premier Paul von Its aqipidyaB had Joined the ualoa MKirter houn* rather sacri8ce. personal ambltiona Mine. Metal aad Smelter Workers bUes. — dually may have to totaratato ooeijy Two Ganncnto. Wldte Garments Extra. this afternoon was expected to Zeeland calebiated the triumph o t aad would refuaa to erark today. In Lowea about IJWO Suffdk than succumb to a popular move, territory." \ Offleiata asld relief regulattons merce aad we have no doubt U w ^ lldodem and Old Time ^^THE OASIS*' Tha unloa, however, made ho Knitting company employes and the Signed by President F. W. (Mike) tend to exclude the mlgraata. be­ asaert again that Britain could not Tnw mad liberty- - In the Di iitasli ment arhlch strikes at tha very (tagrees had conaUtuUonal 1 physical attempt to bar tha parte management remain deadlocked da- Evans, thst notles was posted at the cause they lack realdeattel require­ Dance FORMERLY THE CENTER TAVERN 70 BAST CENTER STREET Mcognlae the rights ot tho Franco bye-election ysaterday. fundamentela of our government." ty to Mfaguerd the right mglaM la a belligerent to blockade Tbe young premier, nceepUag tbe ptat amployea from going mto the ■pito a 14-hour week-end conference After many Inckluster eaeslons, beadquarters here ot the rn-8tair ments to become eligible for grants spondant’s employM to self londay, Apr. 12,8:15 Spanish ports. challenge o t Degrdle, eonteetod with plant this morning. City polios gave with the Stnto Board of Arbitration appeeimnce of the Texans and the prevent C. L O. unionisation of thto or Jobs. sathm and fretam la tha cfaoio Newly Redecorated and Renovated At ths same time, bowwar, Bald­ the Fsadst lender tar n cent in Par- ths number o t those erho entered as . Oendltation. A temporary poaalbility of the Supreme Court Union, which claims 8,000 members Not SeeUag Beta repreaentaUvM (or coUaeUve To Make It A *^Veat For The Eye” win waa cxpectod to announce, the UamenL aad won by n veto o f S78,- •S. agreemenL propoaed by tbe board, deciding tbe Wagner act cases to to this rich mine area of Oklahoma, *3ut most of these people do not EBsworth Memorial Missouri snd Ksnsas. i gaining." School, So. Windwr government oonsiderad apadal oc*. 840 to 60fi43 in an overwbrimhig ra- Many of ths strikers looked to whereby (be workers would return creased tntoreet in the henring. want relief,” aald one relief execu (Ths ieglelatlon guaranteed ditiona operating at BUbaa Jnattflad jactlen o t tha Fhsciat program ot- Detroit ter sattlsmeat of their tear under a 10 par cent wage increase John H- Crooker, Houston Inwjrer, Constable Flogged. live who recently returned from an lacUve faar^lnbig to workWMn' •Wpleau Wapplng Oruige. the aaeeptlaa. feted by the Faadat p a ^ . day walhottt. and 40-bour weak waa turned -down The week-end toU tocluded the ,, Dec. Hrlmelder‘ 1 TVsaae ManeheBter't Most Modern Top Room told tbe committee that Supreme Inspection tour of the far ' west up tbe Natkoml Lehor W Stay la Highly axdtod erowda, clei Await Neat Step bysmpioyea.. The strikers toaiatod Ourt dedelona over­ SogRlbK o ( Constable Ray Keltor at "They abandoned farm homes i le Uona Board to eld In MtUtog I ^Oert Wlguaeweld, Prompter. The destroyer Blanche carried tbe watched by poUee, toaaMd Brnai Repsatod atetemsnta by Thomp­ that tbs company recognise the HockervtUe, Okla., to addition to the ■ I of OMdy, toe Cieaat Bte. wbelmlngly to labor's Great Plains rather than ask eilet. trial dleputa- (( *** termed W ith Admiralty warning to aix BrlUsn bcnlrvBrds aa ratutM eaasa in. Until son and Homer Mnrtin. tntanation' n. A. Pnnl Cohen, treasurer, rights. Galena shooting and the ta(tog of "They loaded whatever faxully bor'a Megan Ctanrtn’’ fy COME M Celebrato Us Tonight! DIAL fMgbtara. driven into BL Jean de enrty morning the throngs sbouted refused to concede. The confer- nl union praaldant. that a new Gen- -Abreast ef Timed* a number o f men here. goods they could carry into a truck Green, president of Um TUp Phpqlar Nnnbec Lus by the threatening guns of in- hoaUJe erisa against tho A a d M aad enoe was scheduled to be resumed Announced totentloq of the dO , Federntton of Labor.) sM'gent warships, to rsinidn in bar- made msnadng gsaturea toward niy today. . . -Anyone whto follow s cloee|> the or (fid auto, aad struck out for tbs <( an Page Bhi) dectekme dealing with human through Its affiliate, tbe Intentotloa west Some salvaged a few dollar* "Bmptoyees," Hughes Sandwiches-Steamed Clams^Hot Pizza ha, aad not attempt to go to BU- | W ^ y snapaeted o t ffevortag the Bteikas cootlnasd at tbs C. F. al Union of Mine, MUI aad Smelter *tave oorretottve tlpU Hathaway Shirt company in Water* rights, social problems end soonomlc to carry them to Oregon, Idaho or I to TBBA8UBT BALAMOD Workers, to attempt organisation to CallforMa. Others are working at ’ '(OT Um purpoM of aaeuitag i»aipptng dreiaa expaetod the or­ Tba mara prsainei a t tba Bexlst vlUc, Me., the LIghtman-Wlden com- questiona,” his prepaied statesaent thU newly prosperoua district pro­ drsM of grIevanoM and to> 7100 der to be ampUfled lator by advice said, "ebeuld know that piectlcaiiy odd Jobs -whlch TWO FREE would ask Frsneb oourto tar per- aevsral afreets to prsvent ssrt July 1 ). w m M t M n s s -. akpaml- Provldanee. R. L, today. ly hundreds of strong and Important noon *toa n show ot strengto." He- tote agents and labor employera. the normal exereta of tba ■ PRIZES ■m ui»-“BBER AT ITS BEST!” PRIZES miaaion to ssfl ths caigo of potuoea dteordera. tnrpa. •6,78a614jna.70, Hjalmar Andsraon, chairman of dectokma which tana the very mod- porters esUmetad 6,000 BluiHue Card , Bolldtag New Oaiape of the employwr to aelet tar tbs Bilbao governmenL Van Zedand, edueafad to tha 83JOS4MJ)0«.OT o f Uw Remtagtoa-Raad’a attika com* aills of our cbertolMd rlghto." men msMed hare. This agency la expending two ptoysM or to Tha Defense OouneU o t I DMtad Itataa. noDad 78X8 par e mittsa annotmesd tha atilka in aU Dr. C. P. Pattenon of the Unl- Bxpletaa OppoiHtim. cnaips to (Jallfornle for farm ten The amployea may 1 e v e r y o n e INVITED! oC afl vota oast. In Mp (tat hid ter tijm SLns.ni gtta daht.6»4.,- te cto cta o t tba ^rpcwrltar «o™pfny vertoty of Taxes called the MU Evans axptolned tbe Bios (t a d Uiaaend to building tour Dear unmpa o t that rtgtt. lathi M AKE UP A PARTY NOW ! FOtMs M 4,488J4SB1. » dacreaae eC g338.,- would ha sstUsd talB wash. oonstituUonal in apWt aad in fact, union oppoMtioa to the d O : Tbaae nre axpoeted to neconmodate Ita employeM with U. & CLEANERS AND DYERS that a ^Tha Raxiat caadMato, t t flM under tbe prdrious day; gold Tbe settlemant would affect 900 if not in tow, Inadequeto If .'bton to -Two years ago the Intemetlonnl 1,300 famlUaa, or about S fiW par- sclf-organixaUmi a ‘ ths I aaaeta. 81L607.4M.71L34,. ipeia aaqiloyes.ln tha Middlatown, Conan a coitrt prohism, and ' laiffhaaBtei .ISTMI7J1MA7 pCtaMttva jo ld . pittite Mtda a pnoedHiL.-.. . a m e a r n WUI 1 / neoop }oat came in. Corporal Qaorga Beeny la alao in line for oongratula- tiona The former squad leader baa CLINIC SCHEDULE been l^>pointed to tbe rank of Ser­ Manchester PabUe Health HOMESTAKFSGOLD VaVETWORKEi# geant and will alao execute the Norslnf AaabdstkMi >9^ FOR RECRUITS duties of Recruit lhatructor. Na ia alao bolding down tbe Job aa Com­ SIX AUTO VIOLAHOH 74 Haynes St TeL 3426 pany Traaaurer. Nice Going, Ser­ Wen Kseani Baker Cekbmtes (AS elUics at Haynes B t MYSItRYRIVALS MERGER COMPUTE geant. 65th Birthday; Puty of- 20 I Lots on PriacotoB Strnet fa D *. I by F. B. Shaw, b e. mand A rth v A. Knofla, 968 Farmington Av* h Cm M Gds ly e r w a y to Other changea in the oompany*a CASES FACE COURT lo Present. West Hartford OVER ONE PER CENT organization which have been f^rmd Wate at Apsfl U te AD Taken to H o q ^ Last Dcster, Reports. WESTERN LEGENDS neceaeary due to the promotiona are Tuesday, 0:CO a. m.—-Fra-aabooi Adminlstntor Gets Right to WUSaoi B. Martin A m m l Attendance at Sl Conference Held a Heir James MeKay, o f 24 cunton Little EtcIjb Farris Rons Local Bepreaentatlvo m M v Guards Up to Max the following: lieutenant Oowlea Btroet, waa 65 years old on Satur­ dental clinic. Arthur A. Knofla, loeal real eo- OF TAX COLLECTED will command the SMond Platoon Three Are Contmoed As Two day and tba avant was observad by Tuesday, 10 a m.—TonaU cllnio. Niflit ^FoDowing Ccoter tate dealer, reports that tetaroat In Accept $5,600; Account­ Bid 'Asked By BOBEBT GEIOEB James’s Chnrdi Is Fol- York Yesterdiy; M irt Sergeant Herbert Kliiurna will take a family gatbaring at hla borne at Wedneaday, 2:00 p. m.—WeU baby building lots located on Princeton h te Road; Drirer Swerres Cap. N a t Bk. A T r .. 38 A P Feature Barvtoe Writer Strength. over tbe duttoa of Platoon Sergeant — 24 Clinton street yesterday. There eUnlc a t T. Mi Ct A. Street CollisioiL stiast In tbo Claarriaw tract, la 0>mi. River Bk. ...r . 480 of tbe Flrat Platodn. And here'a Draw Fines and One Jodg< Friday, 24)0 p. m.—WaQ baby ing of Funds Ordered. Htfd. Conn. Trust ... 76 81 Lead, B. D.—Gold and greed again something, Sergeant Clifford Janicke ware present Ua Sva aona and two lUng daUy and raporta aony Off ffighway. bwed by Breakfast - Although Payment Is Not Dne Memhers Join Local 2125 W: . ' — daughters, with their wtvas and eUttlc. with more oxpaetad to follow. Htfd. N h t Bk. A Tr. 34 88 have woven a fantastic story ot A neniiUBC Mttest luui bean has been promoted to Platoon Ser­ Phoenix S t Bk. A Tr. 205 — "high grading*’ to the west. Thia geant at the Second Platoon to suc­ ment husbands as wall aa Sva grandchU- Automobiles driven by Guido Oeorge S. Hama, o< the Burr ^ tUitad manmg tba MUaUd BMmbani Oratou B. Biickland ot Wapping, iBsaraaoe Stoeks tim* the nation's richeet gold ailne Until Thursday 0?er ceed Sergeant Kearns, Sergeant 'Oo**** *** ^ BuiSa a pasty at Nuraartio,* haa purchnoad two loto Kvelyn Fhnia, S-year-oM daugh­ The annual Holy Ooinmtmlon, fol­ Tho amalgamatioa o f velvet walk* r « t Ooiapny *1K” local unit of the T Puod, of 18 1 MarfcM street Hart­ 0(1 tbs Went aida of Prlnoaton atreet administrator of tho eotats o fM r a bos been the scene o f the aUeged Bayllss will be the right guide of the ter ot Mr. and Mra Roy Farria of Aetna Casualty . . . . 102 106 lowed by a eommunloB breakfast of era of the Manchester aad Phtte* 16Mk IBfkiitiy to bring tbe company Mr. McKay is employed aa a A t Camp Femow ford, and John a Klinger, 26, of 87 from the Manchester______Construction Ruth E. Johnson who died to Janu­ Aetna Fire ...... 48 48 thafta.. first pUtoon and Sergeant Lauritzen Of six eases In Police Court this ary, was authorised in Probata 140 South Main street la at tbe Mon- Campbell Council, K. of C., was held $9,000 Comes In. ddphia locate of tha United TtirtU* up to tta maximum authoriceO will commence bis duties aa right baksr at tha WaddeU Oraan and John street Springfleld. Moae.. met I ^ which be (M l erect a Aetna Life ...... 80(4 81(4 Roland K. Goddard, U. B. aeoret morning for motor vehicle law vio­ Court thla morning to settle for 85,- diaetor Memorial hoapltal In a criti­ service head at Denver, eaya under­ yeeterday. Tha center eecUoa of Workers of America with Indepetik Otrangtli of (S men bofora the eM of guide of the second platoon. And Gold bakery on Main atreet and Sunday, April 4th marked the head-on at the Intersection of Cm. nome. The houee wUl be Automobile ...... 81 88 lations, three were continued. Judg­ Mra WaddeU presen tad tha larga 800 a 82,000 suit against John Jen­ cal ooadltioa as a result of an auto- Conn. General 86H world goeelp has It that *2,000,000 S t Jamee’s church was reserved net unions of velvet worker* amm thta month. Prlaaa win ba awarded once again Company "K ” carries on fourth onnlveraaiy of the CivUlan tor and OlcSt eSSlTat w!£)^ » •?' sen, until recently the manager ot 88(4 ment waa auspendad In one and birthday cake. , Bight eeiifliiig eeven to- Men-1 ^ *''9^®istoiy pe^^tew feet long. ttSe Hartford Fire ...... 68 70 worth of yellow toetal haa Yoon for tha members and friends who Tax collections last week anunmt- completed yesterday durtos -a i These changes were announced yes­ Oonoervatlon Corpa. Over 200 civU- tbe block here where MraJohnaon mofaile aecidMit In front of the ed to 814,476.14, Collector Samuel ' tha mamban who aacura tba largaat terday by tha Company Commander. Mr. McKay waa bora In Sootiand, cheater Memorial hospital end re-1 ***** ttewaicaped Hartford Steam Boiler 62(4 85(4 atolen from the famed Homeatake attended the 8:30 mass, celebrated ference to New York attended monbar of raerulta during tba were Imposed against two drlvera. tana interested in the “doings" ot suiting in the arrest of K lin n r on very ^ w tlv e iy and when eompletod Uved eeveral yean. chOd'a home at 8:80 Saturday night by Rev. WllUam P. Reldy. About Nelson, Jr., reported today, tocreat- Clarence Lupien, Michael K1 but came to this country 45 yaars I In oompany with her mother, Mra. National F ir e ...... 62 64 mine here and whisked to a secret ' month. Ttoaa naw man hava already Tonight the program wlU constat The arrest of four of the operators the obarge of violation bne of the niceat in thla Mr. Jenaen waa inotruoted to tura- oacha 200 received communion and at the tog the total coUected from current echmidt and WtUiam RudoM off ago and foUowao his trada at bak­ til* OOC vlkited at tha camp, in­ I ^ BeaMe Bhrrla, Um child had left the Phoenix Fire ...... 80(4 01H anpraaaad ttaair Intantion of anliat* of tbe second course in the School of resulted from accidents Saturday or of bbctlon. Oonstruetlon of oamo to be ish Admlaiotrator Buckland with on Five men are under arrest and breakfast served to the Masonic and delinquent property and Old Manchester. ing first In Middletown and latar in cluded among tbooe who were thown accounting of Mra Johnaeu'a funds bonae and waa to accompany her Roezla Insurance . . . . 11 IS lac tonight and it la axpactad tba the Soldier undar Plrat lieutenant Sunday. usd tw oW aoka^*i?tLS3^^ »*»rtad immodlatoly. the elusive “ head man” in the plot, Temple there were 135 present The Age taxes during the first 84 weeks The amalgamation of the group* Stephen Prey. Rifle Marksmanship Hartford. Whan P. J. O’Laary opan- bandied b.> him before had after her mother and brother on 'on automo­ Travelers ...... 465 . f 480 -- ooataat will ba of abort duration. Charged with reckless driving tha varloua foaturaa of Camp Ufa The Injured* •‘•ard today. Acroaa the atreet from Mr. Borrta. deecribed by Goddard aa a world- breakfast was served by Mr. aad of the fiscal year to *263,160.87. ■a a part of the CIO indudea preo- : Saegaant Harbart Kaama and Oor- srill again bold the interest of the after a head-on coUlaion on Cuter ad a bakaty on Main atraat Mr. Mo-^ Outdo Puoet. 181 iJenaoB has purchased a lot death, mis-appropris.ted, the admln- bile trip to Main stoeet ’The brother PidiHo DtUlty Stocka More than *0,000, or slightly more tlcaUy aU velvet worker* to Kay eama to Manehaatar to ware oevoral dvU lUitborttisa from ■■ t was to go along with them waa traveling soldier of fortune, is Mra WUllam Bray, assisted by vporal Sana Cb^alaina were tbe men during the greater part of tbe street near Olcott street yeeteruay Htetfori. ftiStUMd i*'* ®**‘*>" «■ the preoant tinra ietrator bod charged, by Mr. Conn. Lt and Pow. .. 60 64 than one per cent of this year’s prop­ country, Mr. Lupien reported today. evening. A company business meet­ charge at hla bakery. That waa 80 neighboring communities, formar Probate Court Judge WiUI . In the yard when the mother and Conn. P o w ...... 40 51 sought, but only *6,800 worth of young women of S t James's Chll- ' * ,wlnnara of a almllar oonteat at 11:40 p. m., which sent seven per­ stolen metal haa been traced. drea of Maty society as waitresees. erty tax, had been paid Satunlay, Surveys of wageo and coadltlOB* te : daotad laat year. ing will ba bald directly following yaara ago and although Mr. McKay bteoUeoa at this camp, and ooverai Hyde further authorised Mr. Olyn came out of tbe house. .Mrs. Htfd. Elec. L L ...... 60^ 62H although the Arat half la not due the velvet indtutry win bo made aad sons to ths Msmorlal hospital with K«.B.rthaDe A»^,J^48^^ ^ A started to look for her eon LIstena b .O n Plot Poetmaater Ttaomaa J. Quiah, e Company * V ’ with ita bistoiical tbe drill, having been postponed injuries ths trial of John C. l lin­ has worked ia other bakeriaa atnea, l>aipnta, t4laUvea and frlenda ot tha land to atgotiate and aetUe ah, Hartford O a a ...... 85 40 tmUl this week Thursday and is conferencea wlU be held at from last weak. Members of tbe ho is BOW employed ia tbo eaeM x>ys at this company, rvimmsiirting Chapman atreeth New Britain.Britain, I the beautiful oak grove. Dr. and puted dlfferencea whioh may-i Evelyn, according to the re- Homeetake offldala deny they former grand knight of Campbell hnckgraund la conaideirad by many ger, 23, of 87 Johns street, Spring- •pnUaad ankla, bndaea and amaU 80. New Eng. Tel. Co. 168 168 payable until Hay 18. every two months, ha said. company are warned to check up on location aa ba firat started to work Mra Alfred Sundquut have purchaa- under the accounting. of Sergeant John McOUnn, said bava lost anything like *2,000,(i00. OouncU and a past district deputy, h'::. 'local paopio to ba part and parcel at fleld, was continued until April 2B Oflleor,, J. J. McCarthy, 1st Uou- euta. Dioohargod. ManiitaetailBg Stocks Many new memiMn of Local t llS tbair Mm uoI of Arms before com­ in Manehaatar. a lot and are "»«< ^ g fimmm tor Heirs to the eetau ar . aha would find her brother. She ran AenM W ir e ...... 40 61 But miner* homes to Lead have waa the toastmaster. The gather- were added during a meeting at th* Um town of Ifaaebaatar. There are under a bond of tOOO. tonant, Oa-Roo. suparvistd tha Caveallo, 48, l ie law bomaa bare where the buaband, ing on the floor tonight as a ri^d Ha la a mambar ot a a a Ckndoa guides, composed of enroUeeo, who building In the near future. Johnaoa and Clyde Johneoo. out into tbe rood Just as an automo- Am. Hardware...... 38 40 been searched and officers report tog was welcomed by Grand Kright union Saturday afteraooa, Mr. Klinger, who waa driving east, Tom^e atreet Hartford, laceration nephews of Mrsi Johnaon, aceordtog bUe driven by Fred Little, 27, of 248 they have discovered gold hiddao Fogarty and State Deputy WlUlam Lupien, who te president, repottod aon or brother baa not done season is expected. After progress was to the left of his side of the of Hartford and that order re- were buoUy engaged throughout ths on left knee, boedal interest beUig announced at tbe mnsine In 8L PaseloDlita Monastery at West Util Pow and Lt .. Armed with rifles, the men took the Loyal Orange Ladles' Inatitution. ette street New EMtain, a passen­ Springfleld, Maaa. Manchsater mem- Torrtogton ...... 107 111 from the Homeatake. But be doubts watted one night to the dark re­ number of those present who were , war with OarBaany. TMetber with eron, 64, of 27 Pendelton avenue, manifested by those who sought in­ James's church yesterday that the In the old Cresson mine at Crip­ floor and went through various win bava their monthly meeting to­ ger in the Puooi oar, waa not injured bera of the Hartford Laymen’s Union ta g . Co...... 10(4 12(4 that as mucl. gold as they talked cesses of til atope. not member* of the Knights of Co­ nthar guardaman for waterbury it Springfleld. morrow night in tbo Orange haU. formation. The Ubrary system ot church, which ia one of tha largest U 8 Envelope, com .. 00 ple Creek, Colo., where the Cres­ WHILE YOU WATT waadMUiBatad *X>’* of tba 102nd In- movements required in regulaUons and remained with friende In Man­ treat League of Hartford, sponsor­ about could have been smuggled son “ Vug” waa struck, a bank They beard men entering the lumbus Mr. HuUlgan went Into the srltb a few changes being made by Mrs. Cameron baa a broken right Tba district deputy. Miss Mary Caa- checking tbe reeding books, periodi­ chester over night frame strueturea In town, would be do., pfd...... 183 faaliy. lahing aa actlva part in tbe repainted this summer as ing tbe Manchaater gatberi^ are N. Y. Stocks from the mine. vault door was placed at the head mine and soon saw lights. history of the formation ot ths K. sldy of Winchester, Maaa., will cals and magaxlnes being read eacn 154 Oshkosh, Wte.—“ Have a chair," tbe lieutenant fai the way some ankle and a possibly fractured hip. The members of the Puocl oartv expecting a number from Manebea- Veeder Root ...... 160 Many Ways To Sneak Ont of C. and ita growth tinea starting pta of Bt. Mlchiel, Chateau make her official visit at this meet­ month, the individuals record Whitlock Coil Pipe .. 13 IS of the underground chamber and “ Hands up,’’ Shipman shouted. invited a policeman after John Lar­ n dea Dame, Verdun movements have been executed in Injuries of tbe others Include ter will take advantage of tho an­ ...... 18(4 Miners might have carried -old to New Haven a Uttle over SO yean Tmtcnr, Cbamin bruises and lacerations. , Tbs wind- ing and wUI ba accompanied oy Adam Exp •••*• J. B. WlUlama C6. ... 38 41 armed guards were posted over it. A gun battle raged for minutes sen of Oshkosh reported hls.automo- : and tba llnam AArgonna It waa re- tbe past. These changes will be ex­ care of ah the Information nocea- nual retreat thlz year. ’They wui go ...... 72 from the mine, however, secreting ■go. atalelds of both cars were broken In many grand offlosrs from Massachu­ sary. Many examplea ot thla system A ir Reduc «• * • • The “vug" was an underground and the gang was captured. Mle had been stolen. to Btotoo oftor the plained to the piembars of tha com­ others on Sunday and were return- r:> m to Wait Springfleld on Friday night ...... 18(4 Hteoellaneo it to their clothing, their lunch ' A t one time high grader main­ Rev. WllUam P. Reldy, pastor of the crash. The Injured persons were setts, also supreme officera. were shown to those interested dvU- tog to their h o ^ w n e ^ . Alaska JuB . . . . “pocket" of gdld and the “pocket-’ Larsen seated hlmaelf as the re­ ; Aiadattea and waa demobilized at pany tonight A t the close of the May 7, remain at tbe monastery Allegheny ...... 4(4 Arrow Aircraft...... 8 4 palls aad by other means, to carry tained dlshoneat assayers in . .any St. James's church, who joined the aeaslon, a non-com meeting was held taken to the hospital by the T. P. The social committee wUI serve a lans. Prom the Educational phase was the size of a large room. It port waa aent over the poUco radio Deeana In tbe apring of 1010. over Saturday and until the evening Allied Chem ...... 236(4 Burdina, too...... 41 44 to their homes and hide. Because mining campa and through them party after the masses to St. network. Twenty mlnutea later, in their room undar Sergeant Kearns HoUoran and WUllam P. Qttlata am­ covered dish supper at 7:80 o'clock of the program the visitors were yielded more than *1,000,000 to TheM onrintfAflvIakini the 100th raglment area of Sunday May 9, when they will Am C a n ...... 108 Chapman V a lv e ...... 44 48 of the United Statee gefld act, pro gold. disposed of stolen gold in whefle- James's church and Rev. Jamea P while Laraen was still' aeated, hte 1 Coaapaay "O” waa reaig- in the absence of Flrat Sergeant bulances. to be followed by the meeting. The profuse In thdr praise for the splen­ ...... 23(4 committee ia Mrs. Florence Strat­ return to Manchester. Membera of Am Rad St S .. Conn. Invest Mgt .. 4(4 8(4 hlblttog possession of gold and Miners were tempted to hide a aale quantlUeo. Timmins, paotor o f S t Bridget's car was recovered. aa tba Manchaater company Paganl. The business which waa The front ends of both ears were did arrangements of faclliuea. Am S m e lt...... 00 Elec Steam Sterilizing 1 2 regidatlng its sole, the metal is Caderklittla LivtrPiNs transacted was tabled until tonight badly damaged. ton, Mra. Minnie Turklngton, Mrs. tha Manchester League who wlU nugget or two In their lunch pall arltb ptatona bare and tba other Another main feature of the day take appUeationa and explain the Am Tel and Tel ...... 168 Foundation Co. . . t ... 7 8(4 bard to dispose of. when the President of the Club will Alao continued until April 26 was Colby Wisotake, Mrs. Jane Wilson. or to the cuff of their trousers aa ’"tU toea la wnumaatle. Within a for tbe visitors waa their interest retreat are Patrick Griffin, Thomas Am Tob B ...... 82(4 Hendey Mfg. Co. ..2.' 17(4 10(4 Thia caused tbe secret service to afeoat tima tba company waa racrult- be present the case of Fred Uttle, 27, of 243 Mrs. E31en Wilson, Mrs. LUUe Wil­ shown with regard to the Mess HaU ...... 21 they w ait off duty. So somo mines son, Mrs. Louise Wilson, Mias Ruby Ue^McOmT Jh” ' ” **■ ctOlMUon for the work^wl* Conran, Andrew Healy, Joeeph Mc- Am Wat Wka .. King Seeley Corp ... 13 IS investigate reporte that the gold ad to fan atraagtb and both piatooaa Last Friday night two members Fern street, charged with reckless where they were obown the various tie McCrae, who conducts the room-1 bu taken at tbe »"«—tt ■ week from ...... 66 4 6 Installed a “ change" room, where Wilson, Miss Edith Wllkenson, Mra. nduff, John Benevento, PhUlp "ec- Baltimore American.. - 7(4 8(4 entire expense of tbe affair. Patrolman Rudolph H. WlrUila aa Morse of 104 Ridge street, Mrs. aleted by Dr. LeVerne Holmes, who buyer. To hls surprise ba waa Elec and M u a...... 5(4 Ebccess ...... 8(4 ^(4 FIRESIDE — News — Elec Auto U te ...'...... 30(4 An old friend of the company a result of an accldeqt Saturday af Regina ZagUo of 12 MyrUe atreet. ISt Lieutenant Everett M. WU- was called, attended to the Injur­ only able to show about half of the Fid. and Deposit .... 132 138 SUITE ...... 52 made a visit to the armory last 7:45 p. m., in which a car owned by Miss Carmella Cavallo and Miss llams, Cav-Rea., of New Britain, re- ies, with the aoslstance ot the truck. Someone had learned that tha Gra Elec ...... Great Am erican...... 25(4 27(4 VERSE! COaOPANT “ K " 160TH INFANTRY I Monday night, during.tbe drill. An Mary Cavello of 116 Temple street. peted at this camp last week where ouraes and It waa after 1 o'clock truck was stored to an open shea Geo Foods ...... 41(4 H alU ax...... 23(4 25(4 C. E. Lyons ot 43 Edward street and Gen Motors ...... 87(4 anm appearance at the armory at such a parked in front of bis boms sas Hartford, Miss Mary Cameron of he will perform the duties vacated before the full extent of the Injur­ and had taken off the four whsals. Hanover ...... 34(4 36(4 ^ ^ . time is generaUy the eymptoms of damaged. Springfleld, GiUdo Pucci of 181 Mar­ by 2nd Lieutenant Kenneth B. Ros- ies that each suffered could be learn­ which also bad four tires on thorn Gillette ...... 16(4 Home Ina ...... 36(4 38(4 Gongratuiationa to Second Ueu- re-enllstments. All the older men ed. Becker Prod ...... 18 (For Y( InveaUgaUon by Captain Heman ket street, Hartford. weU, who has returned to civilian a spare tire, a radiator and ths bat­ Homo Fire Security . 6(4 6(4 $ 1 2 9 . 0 0 tanant Walter G. Cowles on his re- ] remember sergeant Bruno Mazzoli Discharged Sunday: Mrs. Leon life. Lieutenant Williams has serv­ Mra McCrae gave the lm pi_ tery. There waa Uttle loft to make Hudson Motors ...... 10(4 Hass. Bonding.... 61 63 By DANIEL Bt won earned eommiaaion. Dur- O. Schendel, with part of the regis­ Int H a rv...... 102(4 Imagine buying such a lovely Although he was tough as far as tbe tration number as provided by Stiles of 138 HoUlster street, Mrs. ed a great deal In the C. C C. Prior elon, when brought to the hospital, tt saleable and a Junk doolra will ba National Uberty .... 0 10 teg tha years be has spent as an en- privates were concerned, the non that she was not injured, but when la t Nick ...... 64 YESTERDAY’S HOUSE suite at oaoh a low price end on Lyons and a bit of yellow paint Margaret Richardson of 21 Edger- to hls appointment to this camp he offered tba remainder of the truck North River ...... 25(4 27(4 aooh-eaay termal And It te not Vstad man in tbe oompany be ' commissioned officers club know ton street It waa found that she bad a broken Int Tel and Tel ...... 11(4 I often pass a house I knew worked hlnuelf up through tbe vari- wiped onto the Lyons car, led to the was Commanding Officer of the Offleor Rudolph WUrtalla, w b« rad Prov. Wash...... 36(4 38(4 on ordln i^ aulte . . . tt’a a genu­ tbat tbe toughness is only on the Birth: A daughter, Sunday to Mr. bone to her leg sbe refused to ro- Johns ManviUe ...... ,128 Pref.-Accident ...... 18(4 20(4 Full thirty years ago; > grades of Private, Corporal and arrest of Gado. 71sL Company, Camp Roosevelt, gone to Middle turnpike to eonnsc- ...... 86 'Twas here that life came smilin’ thru ine Nationally known “KROEH- outside, while Inside be was Just as and Mrs. Michael McCann of 10 mato at the boapitaL tlon with a flro, waa Informed of the Kranecott ...... Seaboard Surety .... 32 84 Dt with a obmmlssion as bis Judgment was suspended in the Clinton, Conn., which was disband­ Lehigh Val R d ___ And set our hearts aglow. L£Sl“ aulte and tbat makes a lot his weight predicta We'll be ex­ Birch street ed on March 31 of r>n« irear, Hls theft yastarday...... 10(4 Security Ins...... 36(4 88(4 now after striving pecting you around, Bruno. case of Edward B, Segar, 27, of 111 U g g and Myera B ...... 101 These very doors and window-panes of difference. Three bandaome .Main street, charged with reckless Admitted today: Margaret Me- presence in camp has created con­ Springfleld Fire A Ha. 122 126 pieces . . . Sofa and two big, over- . his teats and examinations, While taking a shower at the Coun of 16 St. Lawrence atreet FIREMEN HAY DROP Loew'a ...... 78(4 Sun L i f e ...... 705 755 Are those we opened wide mtr termer Sergeant Cowles wears Rec quite some time ago It has Just driving. He was arrested by PoUce- siderable enthusiasm with tbs en- Lorlllaid ...... 23H When sunshine followed April rains atuffed chairs to nmteb, covered to man Prentice after the car Segar Discharged today; Mrs. Elizabeth roUees, aa it waa be who ably as­ U. S. F. and 0 ...... 27(4 20(4 corded tapeatiy . . . “KROBH- tba sabre and bars of a Second Lieu­ come out that a certain member of Ludwig of 233 Hartford Road, Mias Mont W a rd ...... 68(4 Westchester ...... 84(4 36(4 And kteaed tbe walls Inside. tenant Lieut Cowles is tbe fourth was driving crashed into a pole oo sisted tbe Officers’ Club with hla LBR" guaranteed tonerspring con- the company in an effort to awe Mary Reaie of 86 Purnell Place. INACnVE MEMBERS WALL ST. BRIEFS Nash K eh r...... 21(4 These walls once echoed songs we learned effloer tbat has been made from tbe few Boy Scouts related that he had the lawn of the E. E. Hilliard com­ pitching in the Interbarrack base- Nat Bloc ...... 28(4 Beside dad's easy chair; etruction. Jamea Mackzey of 528 Elast Center ball league last s'jmmer. ranks of Company "K." Captain won a medal for being the beat pany woolen mills, on Hilliard street. February amployment to tba steel Nat Cash Reg ...... 33(4 Twaa here that embers slowly burned Bagadorn, Lieutenant Frey and street, about 125 feet west ol Company Meeting Tonight at drc.ased soldier at the Federal In­ ^ Census: Sixty-seven patlenU. The Educational Department at induatiy rose to a new high figure Nat D M ry ...... 23(4 As twilight settled there. lieutenant Bycholski preceded him spection. Boy. what a man. And he Adams street. this camp is desirous In obtaining North End to Consider Those | of 558,000, an toereaae of 23 per Nat Dlirtin...... 32(4 RUMMAGE SALE I see the rooms that once were filled All four men enlisted in old Com­ The pole, IS Inches In diameter, N T O n t r a l...... 47 was only a private, too. many plants, flowers, and shrubs Who Show No Interest. cent over January and 08,000 above When holidays came round; —JL o i d _ pany ''G” as privates. During his In a recent column, we stated that was snapped off four feat from the from those Individuals In thla vicini­ the 1020 peak, the American Iron N T NH and H ...... 7(4 Thnraday, April 15 And once again Tm strangely thrilled Cost! alx years of service, Ueut. Cowles ground and the car was badly dam­ PUBUC RECORDS North A m ...... To view this hallowed ground. $1.00 A WEEKBUYS tms SUITE! one of our privates took a scale se­ ty who are thinning their gardens The monthly meeting of Company and Steel Institute reported today ...... 26(4 Store 37 Oak Street I been a friend of the rookie, a pal _____, ...... 1 Packard ...... riously while at work. We have aged by the impact. In court this at thla time of year. Perhaps one ot No. 1 of the Manchester fire depart­ Payrolls amounted to 874J78.000 ...... 10(4 Woteen*s .Missionary Socie­ It’s Just a house to other folks -:Low Service! k tte soldier and a Nemesis to the Just been informed that the object of morning Segar explained that the MorrUg* AppUeaUons the most important phasea ot tne ment WlU______be held to the firehouse___ against >76.428.000 In January and Param P i e t ...... 23(4 But this was home to me; He la well liked by the attraction is not tbe scale but accident occurred after ths right Miss Katharine E>en Cheney, art­ E locational ^ogram la the Camp at Mato and HUUard streeta tonight I *00.350,000 to Fabniary, 1088. Penn ...... 44H ties, S. M. E. Church. And still It paints to happy strokes ' UNIVERSAL Ouardsmen at tbe local armory as French girl who U employed at the front brake “grabbed" and pulled ist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Setn Beautification project, which Is at 8 o'clock. Action wiU wlU b#be taken _ ------PbHps D od ge...... 48 The daya that used to be. WM as soldiers all over the state said typewriter factory. Incidentally the car off the road. He was not In PhU P e t e ...... 68 Electric Leslie Cheney of 138 Hartford .toad gradually being shaped-up. Tbs ac­ on the apparent lack of Interest that Solas of prims wsstera xtoc to BOBEBT K. ANDEBSON _ , , 'US cere- our private may be seen every dav Jured. and Georgs Flake Hammond, engi­ quiring of the above mentioned la being shown by soma of tha mem­ March for March deUveiy totaled 4,- Pub Serv N J ...... 48(4 REFRIGERATOR B o i ^ and encampments. Although without fall with his girl-friend' at Gerald Sullivan. 33, of 16 Strick­ neer, of Santa Barbara, Calif. planta, etc. will add much splendor bera. Ths company is now equipped 085 tons at an average pries at Eteit Radio ...... '...... 10(4 bis• loss „Hiiwill bek. felt byk.. the-k. non-com-_ Florentine Grill in Hartford eat­ land street, pleaded guilty to a with a modern piece ot fire ^httog 8L Louis ot 7.30 oonts a the Readtag ...... 41 aaiasloned staff. It is realized that Miss Helens Jacqusmln. teacher to tbe already beautiful landscapes PUBUC SETBACK — ^New Low Prices ing their dinner. This private has charge of drunken driving and was In RockvUle, daughter of Mr., jsnd apparatiu and there Is a long wait­ Amariean Zinc Ibstltuta reported Rem R a n d ...... 23 tbe former platoon sergeant Is on i.i around camp. < any ot the above Rey Tob B ...... TUESDAY, A PR IL IS. 8:18 also asked me to apolof^ze for call­ fined *100 and coats by Judge Ray­ Mra. Abel J. JacquenUn of 46 Bast art. available, please ge, in touch ing list. A check wiO be mads on Futures sales totaled 21.838 tons ...... 51(4 bis way up. So good luck, lieuten- Scbenley D la ...... 46(4 ODD FELLOW^ HAI.f. ing him an usher in a Hartford mond A. Johnson. Arrested n'hurs- Middle turnpike, and Francis B. with Camp Fernaw, Eastford, or the members who have been lax, ap­ with the average price 7.45 cents. •B t theater. He was the assistant man­ Seat* Roebuck .... Memorial ’Temple, Pythian day at 10 p. m. by Policeman i-ren Reid, bus operator, of Hartford. call WUliinantlc 828-4 and ths parently showing UtUa totareet to Steten. $ 1 2 9 * 5 0 up ■ Lost week the company had a ager. Hlya Low. tice, Sullivan was declared by PoUct the company and its work and ae- I Shdl U nion...... ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 30(4 ' Ohence to review all they have been Attoebment Oertlftcate necessary transportation will be pro­ V a e ...... 18(4 Oaoh Prism! Good Bata! And now the old bjrlng is "Us Surgeon D. C. Y. Moore to be under Edward J. Holl ogalnat Amadeo tlon may be taken either at thla Of SUCH A PLACE, TOO! Haa only S nmvlng parta : taught during their National Guard red-heads etlck together." This vided. Pao ...... I...... 58(4 880. 3 Pieces the Influence of liquor and unfit to J.,'allaa Joseph Cavagnaro, for y600 With the advent o f tha warmer meeting or one to ba held later by [ which perform with trouble- :tealnlng. when First Lieutenant maxim has been proven this week. A operate a car. dropping from the rolls some of Sargent, Neb.— (A P ) — Robert R^ry ...... p...... 88(4 free service and greater effl- Frey took the men through the damogsa, property on the north aids season, which was experienced a Brands...... 14(4 certain well known private in the Judge WUllam 3. Hyde repraaent- of East Cenuir street these and bringing into the com­ Spooner, undertaker, can’t even get m ^ i e n c o n dency over a longer period of ; Sdiool of tbe Soldier. Each com- company . . visited the______Manchester_ few daya thlz week, many baaebau pany now members who are Oaa and El ...... 10(4 ed Mr. SuIUvan, Mr. Little and .dr. Warrantee Deed away from biieineaa by going to a time and saves )rou money, -teand aru explained thoroughly by I Memorial Hospital recently to visit enthualasta from camp were grad­ actively toeltoed. hospital. When be awoke following St OU C a l...... p...... 46(4 AfLL THIS WEEKlI Gado. Bert H. Gibson to WllUam F. ually Umbering up their “winga" tt’a A UNIVERSAL Tear] ' w e Usutanant before being executed bis brother who is a patient there FOUowtog, the meeting tonight I a operation to a Sioux a ty , la., St Ofl N J ...... 68(4 • Dresser . . Chest . . Bed $ 6 9 - 5 0 A fine of *15 and coats was Im­ Johnson, property on tbe oast tide after a long aeazon inactivity, htom Tax C o rp ...... Ou"'<*«n>en. The commands Incidentally both these before men- there WlU be refreehmants served by hospital be found N C. Gray, BIcbt. >...... 88(4 posed on Ruuell P. jCbamp, 20, ol of Starkwoathar otrsat aU appearancea the proapecu ter Timken Roller Bear styled to the ti-adltional Pilgrim design. gi'Wblcta were reviewed last week Uoned are red-heads. Thinking the oompany'a cook, Walter Moeke. coa. Ia., undartakor, and _ B n ry 676 Main street. East Hartford, ar­ ll^eentoi's Deed IVana Ameriea Mellmr maple finish . . pleaatog to the eye -■•oaldbe remembered by every man nothing of the event, were we sur- ths coming season a n indsed very Fttspatriek, Danbury, la., undetak- 'MAMCY 17(4 J’LAIN GARMENTS rested Saturday at 0:86 p. m. 00 Paul A. Schueta, axecutor of the union CarMda .... >...... 08^ . . decorative. High uasz workmanship. CEDAR ;'WOUgteut the years he will spend prlsed to look around and finding encouraging. A t thla Urns plana are ar. to rooms on eltber Hda of bla. ; te ^ Guard and no soldier should conversing with a red-headed Tolland turnpike by SUto Police­ estota of Maria Schueta, to Jennie being formulaiod tor an eatenatvs GIVES BIRTHDAY PARTY union P a e ...... 140 Cabinets lined with moth proof cedar. A ' OHO it B60MMUy to OQ&kO AQ 6XCUM nurse. ~’*** And now here's hoping the man ArUiuf A. Koes and cnarged Schuetx, property on the west side achoduls of recreatlunal acUvltlas. unit Aircraft .... > ...... 28 CLEANED AND PRESSED suite you will ba proud to have to your LINED home. ’■<* executing tbe movements Incor- red doesn't come out at reading this with driving an improperly t e e ­ of Cooper s t M t .'bs organialng of the popular In- unit Corp...... 5% tered car. / • TCCtly. After tbe company had column. “ tarbarrack basebaU league te rapid­ IN HONOR OF FATHER „ » unit Oaa Imp ...... J S (i Called For and Delivered ^.oeaipleted a good Job on this pre- _ W e wish to congratulate Prlvatee KILLBD BY TRAIN ly approaching its obje^yq, u d It U S Rubber . .... L . . . . . 80 ^Jteateazy raview. Rifle Marksmanship U S S m elt...... 81 C ^ e and Fazxlna in not letting TO GO TO JAPAN ia expected that at le a o t"^ tM CAMEO [ took tbe attention of all the men. ^ week s column get them down, West Warren, Maas., April 12 — wi. take part this season. (roorge ptinlow To Guest As He HAETfOBD______iumiUM'WKRTMIIT U S S t e d ...... 100(4 namber of the oompany has we know what we mean, don’t we? (A P )—A West Warrsn woman waa Observes 76th Birthday at Westam Union ...... 80k Quaint Old his first course in Los Angeles, April 12.— (A T )— killed by a Bbston and Albany rail­ — ' I PLUS .. ,.M 1 ' West El and Mfg ...... 180(4 Mrs. Nan Pierson BrlU ot New York Oaoghter’a Home Taaterday. STARTS MONDAY Woolworth 2 F O R s o * k,tearkaaaaiiablp which oouaiste.of tbe I* closing In on me, road train this morning naar the TWINS’ LIVES SAVED ON OUB STATE 82(4 society, whose wealthy husband, The Jones Faiqfly Iflee Bond aad Share (Curb).. 18(4 pitntelpg OB tha Sighting Bar, and 111 be aeeln' ya. Ohio Carpat Company proporty In A aurprise birthday party _ YOU* making their Trianguia- William Hunsaker Brill, la Having almost Um same s|^ that a son was « CORPORAL D. SHEA. Los Angolas, April 12.—(A P)— held yesterday at the home of Mias te CAPE COD CHAIRS lat y te tbe men had an an annulment of their marriage, klUed by a train 10 yaora ago. Mra. Mildred Reubto and bar “totor- T a l a s * planned a trip to Japan today “to EUxabeth Dlmlow at 1*7 Maple “OFF TO THE RACES” 99-TBAB-DtD CAT ■eeeton -Ja this under She was Mrs. A i ^ l. ' TOwaleka ioeulary" twins—two daughters 49 — Biwteway Arttete — M D I A L 7100 T O D A Y STBCP FOR OIL get away from it all.'- She bopos to street, to honor of tbe 76tb birth­ with SoauaerviOa inUVBB ON VBOBTABLK8. New shipment of attrsetiTe Ik e oompany divided Mock, 88. wife of John Mack of whose manner of birth is rare to P iM rta g sum 10* te» ” "iZi leave thla week, t day of bar fatber. Oeoega Dlmlo*. aavaral aaetloaa under tbe su- Number Four village. Her body medical blsioiy—made aaUafaetory Rosalind Fldds; T h b indudes wonen’s plain one-piece dresses •tylee fa maple and chinti. kdea ot tbo Sergeante aritb the N-nTAprii i2.-(AP, - Mrs. Brill, accompanied by tv/o waa found by bar eon, 'AJtxander Mr. Dlmlow baa beea a realdent Wattebiirr.' WaalL—(A P ) — iu- about an hour latar, who found bar progress today, hoapltal of Manchaater tor tbe paet Ifl years, Chaa. ‘Tramp’* McNally; Tomorrow Nifirht lhpnih-98 y A a oM, Laddla, a Per- ' at tbe Oorpocala of tbe company, Burroughs waa driving to- bodyguards who have kept her -x»m ■aid. sod idafa coats. Men’s topcoats and 3-piece tte each aiaB bad eompletod bis w yd ^ancestown whan his car de­ being served with official noUoa ot missing whan ha a/4ika. coming to Manchester fTrm Tolland, Bohby Rsya (iaa cat. Is aun able to l|ght off eg trlaagiilationi^ tbs company veloped an sxtra loud knock. the suit spent the day at ihe M ra Mack was euppoaed to call A dalleato obatotxleal maneuver wbare bs Uvod tba groator part of aad Maoy Others dogs, boos other cats and catch an suits (cent, vest, trousers). Special dis- I aaaamMad terapralod lathe A garage man looked at the car beach. , . bar son, but when hs awakanod and was necessary to oava the Uvea ot hls Ufa bofore oonflng td Minrhia IS— MAVPAIlt OANtONO —M xcaslonal gopher or mole. E. L. COJNTTY coonts OB nap ether two gmtBiaitB. teal at Axmm, wlilch complated and said: 'This 1. a sw^^^i Brill claims in the annulment found her gona he doddad ohe bad the twtoa, because they were Uvtog tor, although bora at a«ndy Hook. OA8LINUS Wheeler, hla owner, says tt nay aU jw ia d a re paograte. A fter drill, suit they ware Intoxicated at ths used a abort out acroaa tbe nuiroao to oppoolta dlreeUona but locked to- Guaots ware prooMit teem Sumald. PLUS SUPBB StaiBEN SHOW! "J the rssutt o f Laddie'* vegetabB np ware aaraod te the Ws farm Bur- time they were wed. tracka to vUlt a dai.gbtar to tbe tether. chin ogalnat chin. T b a y were South Windsor, Broad Brook and 'e t These lovely, bora three minutes apart yeotorday. For breakfast tba cot oata a colonial chain Mr Corporal Aathoay tbongM ha poured two “The girl in the B and 10-oont Patoh dletrlet. An tovestigatioo rw MaBchsotar. Iter. Dlmlow'B daagbton ••a*aaa* .lie 'OeiPtl HI Tort Utoghl btoataff. quarts ot oU into his machine. But store who sold us tbe ring wlU t joti- vested parta of bar body aieng tbe Doctor* Howard MarrOl and Jo- and oona with thair daogbtara and aaaaoaaa* .lflo-9 id, preforably with lota o f mayon- to gay Spring M didat—he had picked up a con t:aeka mr a diataaet of a balf-mUt. ■epb Freed said -toterlocuiaiy'' Bveteng saiaa: for hnseh a esatahnma or U. S. CLEANERS & DYERS oolora WlU add o f napls flnrup, histaad. ^ fy we were both sober,” Mra BrlU ■ona made up tba party. Mr. Dim- OOtttlzXUSde Modltel Bxaminar Dr. Cbarlaa A. twtoa at* reiiortad ones te 60,000 low waa gtrea asveisl aateU'pete' TODAY t “BBLOVBO ENBHY” ithor fratt; for dtaaor isteicted veg- Ufa to any Del and, la ecoduettog oa Inquiry , 836 Msia Street Near MoatcoBicrr Ward’s •Bta. A dteur was aarvod.' PATBOURAJP* itablea. HaU cboooa a turnip any room. I to-BMat, ' ------


dlacord after a fSw weeka;, after is a albblar and youOl quit that qw t 'Sherlock Uolmas'’ fliat orougbt tto-Uko which there would be no alternative, and go kMddng for a trout worth A COMPARATIVELY MERRY OLD SOUL POUCE CAPTAIN SHOT TWO AUTO FATALITIES him foms, boa resumed trsotmsat ib turasd to tbe BaapftaT Hartford hospital (or what oto . resulting from s hard ootd. to tto iMopltatttov. fth M i fense against tha embattled "Hkve the trout are striking flies and Solons* Peculiarities Ths Hartford man, srho now vIcB e< ^ phyaietaa, bim ft) ^ . I* MltMlI WrMi Nots.” After that, tba great w u, where eondltloos make fly fishing IM ky Car Kins N«w mokes his home to' a e lu d e d cos- s4 from the tartitutton'Daa. Frvflrsms suSjMt Ss ehanss hr stakses wtthest srsvless netlss. F. M--1 b Abooi to Question Hlni Haven t HaMlMsui. CoBa. with thij nation In the middle of It. practicable. But there Is much . . ._ ------AA - - A. mt--- ^ •HUMAN rKHUUNUlt NBC-WflAF (R ID ) NSTWORK Whan He UncoTars Shotgun Washtoktoa. ABril 13.* up for 1 WBnsn: Stamford Nurse . _ U«a*rBl MBBBBBf The caning of a so-called peace trout water In thia state which can BEGIN ■BBC TODAY , . Tito Ouliar, Toner Dias of Bums. Whaa BEXTY Ha VNES dtovB the aiaaller towna ooutb at her— BASIC — Soon wear wtw moo wdo and Firas Point Blank. Ashy trousers m d melorful coats the Iowa Legislatura. a votoran tovr- ' • « — «»< uatBbBi I. IN I eomferenoa by tha United States la wlor irtos oreoh taw wfSr w«l men ••• ana Coras—nddwoet ' pm uuawon no more be fly-fished than It can Oe off from the Lsag Beaok anto cama where she bad failed to jtop. She i i i f c C i P ' ®!*Fln and bans* iLoy ba snaring tbu fancy of tbs moker odvtosd him to pick out a I ' faMMAM K**r* MvBBiaa Mbcbpi knew that to Seattle She would be wboh woao atom wwj wool; Mlewowi drib—dinner Conoort Orohoatra Athol. SfasA. AptU 13.— (A P )— ^ ASSOCIATED PRESS the quickest, surest and easiest way fried. WIUI JACK SPEDDUN bbS falMd hod wmsewfiowsw wist wiro wool avisragF man. but tbty bppbbI to pecutority ot drss.. If bs wsntsd peo­ ' ! ■■<■>» tM HBUAars. kbibibb at ta« .likely to hear from him again, and erib--Fwe-ltadle Nows Foried few at hto Lsgtototlvs iBpnasnto- ple to remember him. N a i Otriaa at Manrbtti*r. OonDm a* possible of getting this country t^to Fly casting is a sport It Is an to retoni. BIABTHA BBITTAUii An Athol poUea. captain, wounded Cbancetieut’a violent death toll this titoe, no doubt there would be im S w I r r ^ ca.mada — wpsi hobs ttves. Faahkm orbitorn wUl tell you “I got a rsd tto," said Waorto, j HaaalM Claaa Mali Manat. tba European muddlfr—never to get intriguing game. Under some cir­ Hre". tamed *e poUee. Bta Um s were wisewobe wdor bfrterotolat^ oast: H. NoumIHor. Fiona—west to a gun battle to which a formar fbr tba weak end stood at five to­ Uttle- help. So BrtMw myalemni n>. check for aalaiy or akpetieea. COUTH •i1S ^i»-M a 4 Fa, Sorlal-baalai that most Oongressmen or* the lost "and rva never changed Ita color.' M>M»^HIKI'IUM RATKM out again without participation In cumstances it is part and parcel Oertaittly.she ha-' to admit that ex­ wfli-wma^ wto4 worn stats prison eonvict waa kUled last day, two of tbe vlcUnu. figuring m p.; Oaa taai by Hail ...... O ot handsome GERRY N EAL resppeer- wjds womb kvoo wta wfos wbap ksra HorboH F e o tA Bnoomblo—p|xla to surrender to B tailor’s srtaim. As a young lawyer. Rap. Hoffman war. cept tor her briat time to Saa Fran- SriB— Trib—Mollaao bkaw Bens Free- night, lay near death today m a Consider a few Mtosyncrocies: outoraobUe accidents. N r Moaia by Malt I •* with the sport of trout flsblng.~ Un- ed on the scene BflartlM leaaea on wool ktbo kibo wooo wtor wto wooo Si4b— Titf " Booko Cartor*o Cwnmont (R-Mlch) couldn’t fli^ anything to Another of the vlcttraa sras killed Slaala Oodt ____ cUco and Oakland, her work (or tha 7 iS ^ biOb—Horaeo Holst Brlsodlora Gardaer boapital with a gaping Vlos Preaktent Garnar prsfars do with hto hands when talking to rt OaHaaraB oaa Taar ...... *»•« der.some other drcumatances It b>a him for kelp. And ohe (eU ts love by a trolley cor and tbe rema'uder with him. Al speed Trailer Company . bad TriB— biSb—Flak and Fat Fun—booM wound in his stomach. cotton socks, a eustom going bock a Jury. To break hlmseU at rom- CANADA PROBLEM very little to do with catching trout, turned out to be a eoloaaal failure. SiSB— frib —Tba Radio Thootro to o to the days ot kto Brat le ig treusars d ^ of tajuriee suffered eorUer last HCMHMM U» I'HK aaHUUIATICU Nem helped Mnrthn asnreh for kws bad kaw SiQb-lbrib-Wayno Kins W alts-lo a Polios Chief Patrick Murphy sold mtou them Into bis coat pockets, ba FHKttN such, for Instance as those early sea­ Tbat was unimportant now. It Cote. Bast. Ills —Wise—uiTFreedem Ring, drama iriien Texas marehonts didn't offer abolished the pockeU. Oeneral Motors of Canada and Letty nnd "his Mend" Spoddon to the former convict, John Fletcher, Two-ysor-old Shirley M. Hltola, Tko AaaooiaiaB Frata la aaelutirair son periods when all the trout are n-aant n o tk ^ against tbe safety ot 4t1S— •its—Don Winslow o* Sbo Novy lOiSO H ill Andro Barweh’o oommont many silk bosa. You vrore cotton or Senator Copeland (D -N T) 1 $4.00 and $4.50 ■ • BBtlllaB to tba OM at raaoMicauoa San Fmacleeoaad tarther north but 4ilb— ills took Armotrone — beolo; —wabe only: Happy Folton Orahoa. 96, ot North A d as^ shot Captain daughtta of Mr. and Mrs. Hurry General Motora of the United Betty Haynes. Martha told beraelt none. worn a red carnation to hto U i^ Bt all aatra Biiaaicbra arvBiiaB to n down on tho bottom with their bel­ wltbont reanita. And Snafly Martha oorlns Blottro, Horwony woot -rbatlei Ftatlo Molodlao woot rnt Earl H. QrimeA 46, aa he approach­ Hltola of Thompsonvllle waa killed •r BM albarwias arrBiiMl la inir SUtea are, though separate legal that gladly she would maks ft up to 4H^.^Si4B-^rsbon Aanlo. bWS - ba- tills—11 ilb-^ay Frooman A OrohooWa Senator Boehmow (D-Tenn) tuck­ since the day he was married. Hto lies covered with mud, nosing out derided that aha mdst aot tot har —boolq: K waoko Oroh. midwoot ed a shock to question him ta con- Saturday by a truck In front of the aat aaB alaa tba leaal aawa oab* entitles, made up of the aame ele- Arnold Sloes as beat Mm oould—but ed a block bow tto beneath the wife supplies thsm. lovt. toterfero with har ha-.tar'Jndg- SiSb- SlOb—Tbo DM TravtMrW Tktao llrib —1>iW Ooolo Nalaon't Orohoatra nsetion with a eomplatot that he child's horns there. RbaB baralA Insect larvM and waiting for the only after ebe bad found BetQr___ —bools; Rsd NIahsla Orsh— wsst pototo of a stti; eoltor 35 yeora ago, Rep. Maverick (D-Tsk) afiuna a All rlBbia at rababimiieba at icenta and under the aame control. ment, ae iha had Nool .amatod, ItiSb-U rie—Ttd FIsrits A Orohsstrs bad bean annoying children. Fletch­ Jamas F. Clear of Stamford was SCATTER RUGS rolling worm; and when they are no if, indeed, ebe cbiild ever flao Bet­ and he's qevar aaan fit to bring tbe hit; It’s a hongovar from eoUsga lal liaBaiabar baraia ara alaa ra- cLarglng him with baing Invalvad In sits— sil l Bonsi by Throe X Blotoro er. to turn, was shot down by In other words they are subatantial- ty at aU. V Si4»- Si4S—liny A Betty—woof: Or- NSC-WJS (SLUB) NETWORK bow outside. It's comfortobls, and Despite tbe fact hs holla from Injured fatally Saturday to that mors Interested in what is going on the diaappenranoe al Batty. Patrolman Joseph Mclneray, who city by on automobile. ly the aame thing. Therefore the From .PorUand to Seattle is a on Awiio—mlSwoot royoet; Fly- he likes tks way It Iqoka Texas—land of the sombrero—he's • bH aarrtaa allaai at N ■ a Bara- at the surface than In what la going Then she apOd north, only to J Time, Bkotob -other ototleno BASIC T- Basti wM wbo-wbas wbal relatively easy Jaunt by automobile, K wham hdka wear wnra wlw trayr wmal accompanied Grimes. When Bep. Weortn ,(D-Iowm) A trolley cor killed Mias Sophie laa laa. situation that haa developed In tha fine that Speddon had toft the atata aioa— nSb—Amoo 'n* Andy — oaoti never been able to get used to oaa on In Spain. but to Martha It teemed . a OOnoM MoOIbnoy, Comment - woot wtU water w o ^ w o ta arapd wean wlos Fletchdr, Murphy said, waa. re­ Bogorskl, 39, of New Haven to that •abllabara Haafaaahiaiiaa; I'b. conflict on the other side of the hot that DO woman.waa odth him- wtoa: MIdwasti wtnr wis kwk IwO leased from state prison about two elty Saturday. All the trout, that la. save that laandhua distance. Altbougb wi-oB wmt wood woel %ao weore wtea $2 .8 9 , JbIIiw Mataatra Baactai aaanrr—Naw boundary between General Motors Arriving to Perttoad, "urthu re­ years ago after serving a long Mias Margaret Lawrence, 64 ot Tarb. UbMaBo. Uatrait aaa Bna’na disreputable bum the Immigrant drove aa swiftly aa the dared' ^ s e s t e t MldWBST A CANADA — wtnd tabs Musle OuUd; 6. Maradlth WIUsoo of Cansda and its workers—or those ceived a atranga aoto IMm Betty, wBwqwew; RoyoMoto—network wiba waba wday ktyrerat efOf term for burglary. Yonkers. N. Y., s .nurse and night brown, who since he eats everything. safety, the miles dragged by-, fibO" Siirno end Alton, Comedy SOUTH — w p » orptf wwne wto w )u dinner musle. . MKMIIAK ailUIT BUHKAU Ub teferiing to a “CIsnIk In Seattto." wfla-wsaa wiod oram wma wM> mw* Hospital attaches said tb u attendant at Dr. Frank Barnes' dHt'KI.ATIoNa of them who sie afflUsted with the leaMy. To her It was years iritt— Srib—Mendey Nlsbro RooKol Soma Tuasday Short Wavsa; OPEN FORUM Including the spawn of the worth­ At poUee headqoarteta, Martha taito at ■> redebed the teenUng , •iCb— SiM Fibber MoCoo end Molllo wjds wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprs Grimes, wltti 13 shotgun peUete to TPA3, Porto, 9:80 a m.. Excerpts sanitarium to Stamford, died Satur­ C. I. O.—is an unhappy , and discon­ SriS— SriS—To Bo Announeod—oooti artor woal ktbo ktha waee wave weaa hla stomach, hod alight chance to Dozens of rugs in this m u p . By Bigelow W e«v» Tba HaraM »*naMbs Oomaan; lae while trout, may be scouting the sur­ her story agate and Mlieerc say town of Longview, creeped through wfbG kErk kEM from "Tsmtog ot ths Shrew"; JVN, day of burns suffered April 6, wbtle certing one. they believe 8, eddet Is earrjrtag her Bomo uid Allen—woot ropool recover. Physicians prepared to HOSPITAL HEAD cooking over on electric grill. ' Baaaaita aa nBaaalal raaimnaibiiiiy face for apple peelings or straws and the trofflo of Kelso. liven when ebe i'M** Conoort oloo o MOUNTAIN—Me kslr kghl ktor kaed JZJ, Tokyo, 4 p. m^ Broadcast for ers. Firth, Mohawk and other nationally known .•at »y, ^ abirai armra BpoaarinB in along "for safety." operate In an effort to remove them. John T. ColUgon, 77, died Sunday The automobile labor war did ap­ passed the etatz. capital at Oljmpis, -f rib-lbijb—WmoIo for the Modorno ^ C IF IC —kge ktod kes ksa keea tar Eastern U. S.; M F . OSD, QSB, Lon­ looms. ^x5 4 and 27x62 inch sizes to fill thoss UtUs aBaartlaabiaata la tba Manabaaiat will grab ■» feather fly Just because Then they add. " I f Betty wrote tOidb—llrib—To Bo Announeod ooot) Mclperhy reported tost Fletcher, Editor of The Harold: ■aaniaa ttaralB pear, last week, to be In a fair way skirted the thriving' factories ot Amoo 'n' Andy—woot repeat klbk kws kmj kem don. 5, Extract from “ Frey ot FoUo- to Cboriotte llungerford boapital, empty spots in nearly any room. it Is something that moves this note from Eureka ood didn't Kompoe son? Story Cent, Baet. without wonting, drew a shotgun don": W IX A U Bostoa, 7:45. Camera Several -areeks ago. The Herald Torrtogton, six dasrs after bema V lfC»n>AT, APRIL 13 of being terminated, or at least that Tacoma'S tide-flats and knew that TVriO—Itim—Ruby Nowman'a Orahoa. found to jiu ^ and unconscious on a So listen. Worm Fisher; just you come across the bolder wrtth Sped­ 4riO— SiSb—Tha SInsIns Lady—east! from beneath a folded paper and Workahip; OJD, Berlin, 8:46, Ger­ carried a forceful editorial setting Included are a few Oriental designs with fringed any further immediate oonflict would Seattle was only an hour Sway, it 111^12:40—Tha Flak Jubilee SInsora fired as they approached toe shanty. strest there. Authorities said he pin your bait box on the outside of don, ehe'e probably been mwoered." seemed to her'that ahe arould never 11i*^-12iSb—Fronolo Crals'o Orehaotra Al VIerra A Orohoatra—west man Rsoonatruetlon and 9:48, Dance ends . . a goodly assortment of Colonial hooked and be confined to a battle between the 4i4S— Si4S—‘*010 Hamaatoad," Skttoh As be attempted to draw a pistol, forth toe requirements of toe new may have fallen and struck bis THE ROAD TO WAR NOW OO O.s WrPH THE STORY reach the place. But the nride, four- CSS-WASC NSTWORK tiCb— dies Nowoi U. A Army Band Music of Roooco peiipd; OSF, GSD, your coat apologize to nobody, bait after shooting Grimes, Melnerny hospital Head. head. Scotch plaid patterns . . Modems, texture and two* C. I. O. and Henry Ford. But the CHAPTER 'XVH car highway was helpful, dad at ••ASIC—Baati wobo wade areko areas SiSb— SiSO Frooa-Radio Newt Farlad GSC, Londoo. 9-JM, Victorian Melo­ UUaaa there ie a Kre«Uy aatak- with what you believe the trout Site— SriS—'Tho Rovolere — wja onlyi brought him dowt with a pistol bul­ dies; CJRO, CJRX, Winnipeg, 11. From doctors, nurses and layman, ' tone leaf motifs. AH first quality Axminsters. trouble In Canaarla Karr, Sense - haoln; 11:00—tfiOO—Bob Crotby A Orohoatra George Stone, Benedict Kupebunoa doesn’t propose to have the worker pleaded. "Thia la aU my faiUlt, and youfsslf and MlM Haynea'wlu no Kathryn Crovan Intonriowo ■ -woot 11 iSb-tirib-Lou Braoaa A Orahtstra The very important question low t|r,tlM state Pepaytment, tat- article in tbe current OolUer'a anit- I—I've got to do aomethlng.” longer be required. A representa­ 4i4«— St4»—WIMarnooaeRoad, SoHol 11:4te-li:4b—M. bhormah A Orohoatra RADIO HooN Reardon; Dorothy Maloney, la—who la going to educate toe suc- get ftesb. He la for putting an end Mary Pllpin, Elisabeth Broodrtek, ^ hp the WUta Housa—that the ten by some chap who, if you’ll be­ Marshall smiled. "There's not tive, Identified by a letter from me, casafuf (In point of landing toe j footing about Hepburn. 10:00—Wayne King's Or^eatrA TuesiUy: WOR-MB8. 6:30 p. m. is a visitor at tbs home of Mr. and rival of Summer Fnnltars. So ' with a Blow to. Boding tha tbis: He can catch more and bigger joy plenty of physical and mental In New Yo rk t- tell you," she said olowly. ‘1— with relief. Indeed, ahe looked for- WTIC have an experienced head, meeUag George Gordon Battle on "Thomas Well, maybe It will work. May­ alertness; but It la not likely that he Trs' I HMSdCBUlBg _ 10:30—"Let Freedom Ring.” Mrs. Edward E. Hardy at Suffleld, toe Bound requirements outlined to many floor somplas jtodtoi race and preventing a trout on files, anytime, than any­ I didn't mention it before.” waril to the visit of Sloas’ rspreeen- Jefferson and the.Supreme CourL' Conn. be the Ontario government will oe will develop the heaviness and build- HBmorg. Uaaa. 1140—News Service. The Herald editorial, or la this job . . and tba big worsbouas otook Beaaooile erlafa With Norman body can catch on live bait; and, on ness of the one of the ploughborse ‘T see...." He look^ at her tative—and she had not long to 11:15—Happy Felton’s OrcheatrA Mrs. Emily B. Collins, who boa behind them, hnvq biSB ohwpty strong enough to enub the C. L O. By OEOBOE BOSS curiously. “What is It?" aroit She bod no sooner finished a SBiBOO W. IBM K. €. 3S U to be mode a political football ? pnaqr-footlng about Europe the other hand, fly flshl. g depletes type, who la built so differently. A Reports -from abroad Insist thst 11:30—Jay Freeman'a OrcheatrA New York. April 12.— (A P ) spent toe winter with relatives to The truateee.of tne hospital may reduced (Or Immcdtoto oet)ont Ann Harding has given up films and “Have you ae^rd oi a man called hurried lunch In the trailer’s galley EbstsfB Stoadayd attack on Oenenl Motora In Canada. In tbe case of the average thin 13:00—Osala Nelaon’a OrcheatrA American short wave dialers, direct­ Florida, expects to leave for her read this and realise that if 'they Plcturad.ls n Simtoona Studio, ’ aa Oolooal House did before the waters far leas rapidly than halt New York, April 13.—A Manhat­ returned to her first love — tbe —eadled Gerry- Neal ?" than, looking from the window,-ahe 13:80—^TeU Flo Rlto’s Orchestto. home here, by automobile on April dneod (ram $85.00 to $3446. And then what? We wUh we had patient, ne will have developed a ing attention toward Spain th'jte precipitate this tosUtutloa Into too I got loto Oia World War, bolding fishing. If that Isn't beautiful con­ systemic toxemia which Interteres tan Miscellany: Newest things In stage. “Neal? Gerry N eal?" MarshaU’s saw a thin, mustoched individual Mnwisy, April IS. Tsmorrowto Frogrsiii. 19. tha Intelligence to foresee? d i ^ In on effort to get an earful ot pit of political turmoil tha aventaol with this and that foreign sistency, what is It? with tbe normal chemical reactions night clubs will ba amateur strip­ Bicycle parties In Centra] Park red forehead wrinkled. "No. What arolklng toward the outflL P. M- . A. M. tba situatlaa there, ore experiencing The Laidas Aid Soelaty held their Is It concalvable that General Mo- In the body. I usually suggest that tease contests—If dty fathers ap­ on Sunday mornings are the newest about him?” She opened the trailer door ex­ 4:00—Phil Spitsiny’s Orchestra. 7:00—Eta Alpha Progromma—Ool- regular meeting loot Friday after­ and Inevitable failure of tha hospi­ b auhjscts ocmoernlng which But that article will probably little difficulty to bringing to at tal will very definitely be left upon tora. fully aaaured that tha Ontario the thin person there-ore start by prove. pastime ot Park Avenue denizens. “We saw him flrat In San Diego pectantly—and suddenly recognised 4 :S0—"Follow tbe Moon." llna Driggs, organlat. least two stations. noon, at the Oimmunity Ctoureh people a n aUowad to boost tha fly manufacturers' busi­ —Juat before we left with the trau- their doorsteps. WATKINS-STUDIO COUCHBS governmant will suppreaa all such taking a short fast In order that Tba larger hotels yre oontomplat- Few people have e^sr seen Serge that the - man was Jack Speddon! d:«0—“TUs Guiding Ligh t" 7:30—Shoppera Special, 1st Section. Both ore located In Madrid under House, Mrs. David Carter waa the ___ Bothhig; with the Praaldent ness quite a bit—and knock the busi­ these toxins may be gotten rid of, Ing cooling systems to every room Rachmaninoff, the celebrated pianist er. He was trying to get Into bur The mustache and cop failed to o6n- 6:00—“Adventures of Dorl-Dan.“ 1:48—News Service. Government supervision. A third, hostess. Those present were Mrs. W ILLARD B. ROGERS. proceedings as those aUged by :.VMd eahinet offloera ncelving all ness of the bait sellers correspond­ and in order to give the digestive this Bummer. and composer, smile. apartment, but be sold he lived In ceol the scraamy features she fs- 8:16—Don Winslow of toe Navy. 8:00—Treasure Houae.. believed to be maintained by toe In­ Mabel T. Collins, presldettt, Mrs. Lewis' union, will conclude that Can­ organs a rest. Whin the patient There's a waiter at tbe Cafe Slats o f foreign propagandists and ingly. Phil Baker tosses away more gags tbe apartment above and had made membered too well. Desperately 6 ;8 (^ “Jsek Armstrong." 8:16—Shoppera Special— 3nd Sec­ surgents, also bos beetL heard. Bertha S. Nevars, Mrs. Florence E. ada la the place for It to do all Its then follows a good diet, he usually Royale on Second Avenue waiting in B night at Reuben's than most a mistake. Later we met him on the Martha leaped to the ground, 8:40—"little Orphan Annie." tion. One at the Madrid stations la StHes, Mrs. Anna E. Sheddlek, Mrs. special “ unofficial" amlaaarles for Foi: our part we’d rather affiliate begins to build up because the diges­ for the twenty cents Leon Trotsky manufacturing? And move the radio comedians manage to think of road and picked him up.. . . " clutched Speddon's arm, and open­ 6:00—News. 9:00—Dear OoIumblA SIAQ, a short wave old timer. It bos Evelyn B. Carter and Miss Kate M. ^j— trsfiaUooa whoaa purport is with the kind of sportsman who will tive organs are in a position to make owes him from the day be skipped to a week. “Oo aheon,'' Marshall said. ed her mouth to scream for as­ 6:18—“Ths Stewart Sisters.” 9:18—Homemokeia Coundl of toe a Strang carrier wave, eiqperts soy, Wlthrel. whole Industry over the line to get good use of the foods eaten. This to the country, there Is take four trout nine Inches or over out without paying hla check. Beatrice Lillie rarely misses the Hesitantly, Martha complied, teU- sistance, 6:30—WrlghtvlUe Clarion,. Air. but tbe s l f ^ Is not always satis­ Mro. Nancy Boeen of Wapplng to away from union domination? lasting may seem strange at llmt, Kitty Ou'llsle has the shapeUeat opening night ot s smart supper Ing bow Neal had hid himself to the 6:48—"Ask Ms Another." 940—Richard MaxweU. factory. ITansmlttlng on 9868 kilo­ Ul at her henM, wlto arthritis. Btgr e f naaoo fbr doubting ^ on bait—and stop there—than with out If you Will stop to realize that a (Te Be Ooattoiied). Or, on the other hand. If unionism pair of legs in town. club, trailer, turned up later at Mbn- ::-;T 7:00—^Amoa 'n’ Andy. 9:40—News ServiCA cycles, It boa a 5:18 to 9 p. m. schad- A t tbs annual meeting ot ths I has no plans for gat- tho kind who fishes with files and thin person can not digest ordinary Fred Allen la one celebrity who Broadway's younger actors and 7:18—"Uncla Ezra's Radio Station' 9:45—Dusting OS Fadarol Archlvaa ule. Tbe other transmitter, BAQ3 Community church . on Thursday is suppressed in Canada, will there meals, it is the height of folly to ex­ teruy, and how he bad claimed to be Into tba spotlight as Intema- who creels the legal limit of fl.sh strolls Manhattan unpursued by au­ actresses have formed their own an acquaintance %f Speddon’s. 7:30—Midge WiUtoms. to Connecticut—Wm. B. and B newcomer, la on 9480 kilo­ evening toe foUowing delegates were be such a tremendous demand for pect him to digest bigger meals in - p$tnO^WMk/$t, down to six Inches. tograph aeekersi club—they call it The FooUlgbt "Why, I—1 didn't—” 7:48—"Count of Monte Cristo." Gardiner. cycles, 7:80 to 9 p. m., it baa been appototed: Mrs. LUUon E. Grant. order to gain. Howard Hughes, whose fortune Is Juniore. 8:00—Georgs 'Bums end Grade 10:00—Betty and Bob. pumping a considerably strong sig­ Mrs. Walter N. Foster, Mrs. Annie Tha w ont aspaet o f tba situation tbs ImpoaiUon of a high protacUve "Okay," Marshall Interrupted. "1 _Y o u r Solid Hard Maple . In tomorrow's article, I win tell tariff against foreign made automo­ estimated In the neighborhood of Billy Gaxton's perfume business got it Pretty smooth apple, eh? Allen.' 10:18—Modem Cinderella. nal Into this country. V. Collins, Charles J. Dewey, Ralph •aa la the fact that than is vary '.oil more about how to gain weight. ten ot twelve million dollars, wears boom^ this year . . . he’s one 8:30—WUltom Daly's Orchestra. 10:80—Betty Crocker. Tbe third station is heard In the E. Collins and Rev. and Mrs. David biles that Congress will be forced to Scr. of took yoa-Tover the hurdles." pttle eritlelam at all this flirting suits that rarely see the pressing actor who never Is afraid of long Heedless of Martha's crimson flush, C hildren 0:00—Fibber McGee and MoUy. 1046—Hymna of aU (jhurchea. vicinity of 14,000 kilocycles, but ap­ Carter. The meeting wfll be held at erect a wall of that kind to protect Iron. Actor Maurice Evans’ pet toe Enfield Congregational church, ,arlth antanglementa In tha Bhuopean Health and Diet QLES'nONS AND ANSWERS vacations between rolea he grabbed up the telephone in a B:80—Jean Sablon. 10:48—John K. Watkias. parently bos DO definite schedule. peeve la anything with lee to it. William B. Leeds, the tin gilatc on May 8. Tba Hartford Etost American workers against "the pau­ ham-llke paw. “ You say you had By 0 />Ve Robarta Barton 9:48—Fray and Broggiotte. 11:00—Dorothy Stone—Organ Mel­ Listeners who have timed It on re­ SMsa Then an a great many if you've ever wondered what bad fortune heir, recently paid a 10:00—Omtented PrograaF odies. Association. of Congregational per labor of Canada?" (Germ Diseases) him jugged at Eureka?” ------ev N&A 'i U r port difficulty In ascertaining either faople who seam to feel that it Advice become of the fourth Marx Brother telephone bill for a casual conversa­ 10:30—Guy Hedlund and Company, 11:16—•James Martin, songs; Al its call letters or extra location. The churches. ANY MAJOR PIECE Or Is It beyond all doubt that Hep,- Question; Hannah F. asks: "I am “Y-yes." When Tommy is at home bs must .. would be a vary line thing U tha By UK. KKANK MctXlt Inking a course in bacteriology and —Zeppo— be heads one of the larg­ tion with a California acquaintance. o rtl :00Newo. White, pianist best hours to pick up this wave lie Miss Enizabetb Reichle of Wap­ bum may not bring about a political est theetrieal and film agenelea. Forgetting her, Marshall got obey bis mother and father. 11:18—The Connecticut Legislature 11:80—Big Sister, between noon and 8 p. m. plng haa been chosen as Bolutatorlan ' United Statea were to step into the the professor made the statement long-distance, was connected with A t school there la hla teacher revolution'In Ontario and all oI that most deaths are not due to When Hlldegarde appeared to Philip Meiivale managers to draw —WiUiom A. Sheehan. 11:46—Homemakers Exchange — Listening Tonight: ot tba senior class at the BUsworth artdina at the ring, hold up its hand OAININQ HEALTHY WEIGHT Paris before televtalon cametas, they more matinee trade than any other the Eureka police. After a short adth olmoat complete dictatorial 11:20—Doe Schneider’s Texans. Eleanor Howe. Talk — WJZ-NBC, 10:30, Radio Memorial high sriiod. South Wind­ Canada? bacterial invasion but are the result wait, he barked into the tele; .one. power. So silanoe the growling and threat- uf some degenerative change In the gave her champagne when tbe pro­ actor. ll:S (^ R u b y Newman’s Orchestra. 13:00—Ad-Ltoer. Forum, Senator James Hamilton sor;,^ Mias Eleanor Thresher of With the exception of a few thli» “Thti> Is Marshall at Portland. Yeah On the street, or at the neigh­ aslng, alng a hymn of sweetness and The atmosphere grows thicker vital organa. He says that pneu­ gram-was over. After her recent By the time Billy Rose finishes 13:00—WiAtbar. P. U. Lewis on “Foreign Affairs.” Pleasant VoUey Is co-Sslutatorion. and thicker. The clouds are heav­ people who are underweight because monia is about the only germ television debut at the RCA here, with some of his fantastic aquatic ....Y o u got a Gerry Neal down bor's, certain rules hind aim, the 13:03—^Ha^olia Blossoms. 13:15—Edwin C. HiU. WEAF-NBC— 7:30, Midge WlUlamx The two were so close to rank that Saht.glvB the bad boys of Europe h there?” There was a lung pause ier and darker. It is becoming Im they do nut eat enough, gaining disease causing a high mortality they toasted her with Ice water. ideas for the Cleveland exposition extensions of home government, 13:30—Francis Craig's Orchestra. 13:30—Romance of Helen Trent songs; 8, Return of Burns and Allen It was decided to give toe honor to mtern Srealde talk about fellowship tealthy weight la usually a difficult rate. Oo you hold a similar Gladys Swarthout Is seldom seen this year, Ohioans will have to re­ while MarshaU listened attentively, so to say. But arlth no one ac­ Totnorrow'o Program. 13:48—Our Qal Sunday. (west repeat 9:30); 8:80 Margaret both. possible to see any distance ahead. anywhere without her husband, rhen: “I see,” be said slowly. tually on the spot to Insist on goo^ asd loving kindness—and set the problem for the one who Is conscious opinion?" route navigable traffic on Lake Erie A. M. 1:00—Jock Perch and his Boys speaks recital; 9, New Uroe for Frank Chapman. "Tnanks a lot." behavior, he is likely to throw oS halUgerent European statea In klaa- Meantime we have a President ol that tha adalUon ot a few more Answer: Aa a general rule, most Kate Smith confides to friends 0:00—Blue Gross Roy. 1:18—Ad-Liner. Fibber McGee and Molly; 10, Frank deaths are U,e result of degenerative Sinclair Lewis’ next work will be that she knows she's 100 per cent He banged the receiver noisily. the ties of government and become 1:80—Julius Hartt School of Music. Block concert; 12, Fisk Singers. kig each other. the United States who Is supposed pounds would make him look better 6:30—"RevelUe." A. d tael uettcr. changes In one or more vital organs; a play—and not a collaboration, healthy—because her weight never "They sprung him ouL Didn't have —Just Tommy. 1:48—Aunt Jennie’s Real Life WABC-CBS—8. Hetdt’s Briga­ to be a great leader. Has anybody either. 7;(X)—^Morning Watch — Ben Haw­ " O N E s i g n a t u r e - I t would oactalnty be a fine thing As a general rule. It la easier for for example, heart disease, cancer, varies. anything on him except that be waa Householders arlth property ad­ StorieA diers; 8:80, Pick and Pat; 9. Radio beard of his even attempting to do Blanche Ring still sponsors the thorne. J •or tha Bgropeana, and a fine thing the one who is overly plump to lose diabetes, Bright's disease, and blood Jimmy Durante has forty-three annoying you and carrying a re­ joining the schooUiouse a n likely to 8:00—NewA 3:00—A Page from Your Life. Theater "Dodsworth” ; 10, Wayne l o a n P L A N the slightest bit of leading since the several pounds than It la for the ex vessel catastrophes brought on by most amusing soirees In the city at Drown suits, and one blue one—tbe volver without a permit By now be complain to school aiithorittas arben 3:18—American School of the Air. King Waltses; 10:30, Drama. "Right tor Mr. Hooaevelt, who might be- the Algonquin. blue regalle la for "formal wear." 8:18—Good Mbrnlfig flrat of tha ait-down strikes— In any tremely slender person to add ten high blood pressure and arterial could be on his way to China." He thsir lawns are tramped or tbstr 8:30—Chaerlp. ■“ 3:48—Miirt and Marge. of Suffrage” : 12. Oxxle Nelson or­ M bsxw Only You Sign aOBM a bigger man in the beck- hardening, are more llkc'y to cause Dorothy Maekaill ts another star direction whatever? Wo haven't. pounds. Tbe stout person usually looked at Martha. "1 got a bunch walks paper-strewh- They J guto 9:00—Radio HoBOor. 3:00—BUI Wright %Uee Prspldeitt chestra. vratan of Europe than even Wood- has an excellent dtgerUlon and gets death than any of tba germ dla- . Trailer Space Trails of dnema-silant days, striving for a you're relieved. But that's neither that most at the papers ore school 8:80—GhUdren'd Concert— (jtociii- WJZ-NBC — 7:15, Bughouse NeflUna ames required lae eesh Gotham expects a trailer prob­ , 9:16—AU SttavSrteUeA saw WUsoa for a few months after sll of tbe good out ot the foods eat rases. Of course, there are excep thsatrieaJ comebacks now that here nor there. We'll get going on papers, and that the thoughtless n«tl Symphony OrcheatrA Rhythm: 8:80. Love Songs; 9, Good up te SSOO . . . widi lepsy- lions to this rule, altnougb It hol^ lem this summer . . . there's do movies talk. 9:30—“MUky Way.” She Armistice. FLIES VS. WOR.MS en and therefore weight reduction this. You get tome rest" vandals must corns under tbs J nris- 9:48—Adele Rogers S t Johns. Times Society; 9:30, Drama of the toenls to suit your i becomes merely a problem ot cut good In most in.ilancei. Pneumonia place here to put them. Tbe Hotel Astor has dispensed diction of the tsschecs and prlndtiaiL SOS; 10 Dick Hlmber music; 12, 1s a notsbie exception. Curiously Myra Hess Is the only feminine “But 1 can't just stand by while 9:88—Sakm OrcheatrA Full or single slzs JTiis is truly fine maple, finished in a But It Just won't arork that way. On Thursday of this week the ting down on the amount of nourish with carpets In Its lobby because Betty—’’ Her voice choked Into Thia Is .not the cose, however. Ths Bob (jrosby orchestra. enough, arthritis Is not a killing dis­ pianist who gives recitals to packed they, wear out too quickly. The 10:00—"MrA Wlggs of the Cabbage Tha tsto af Irrtossst shsiqsd is Poster beds, $1780 Secntary Hull probably honestly Connecticut trout fishing Season Ing food habitually taken, svhlle the silence. " I’m going to Seattle.” child Is responsible to hla parents Patch.” B U O O N ^ I WOR-MB8—11:30, NsUonol A. beautiful honey color and rubbed to a ease, although It is outstanding os a houses ever>’where. Astor has heavier pedestrian tsaffic tkrue (3) par usaL pas sMalk, beUevee It might He U that kind will open. thin person usually has a weak diges­ “Why?" and to the city authoritlee unless h« 10:18—"John’s Other WtfA" U. Boxing championshlpa. tive apparatus and falls to use food crippling di.seate. Judging from the One of the members of the Brook­ than any other local hotel. os thlrtrala (36) par ssaL per mellow glowl Ekiges are rounded and Martha's eyjs narrowed grimly. is on school property. 10:30—"Just Plain BIU.” The Buckingham Parent-Teachers at a man. He le an idealist if there In this connection wc have a word to good advantage. Thus, the lat evidence which has been amassed lyn bssehall team la an official of Walter Hampden ts one actor Association wUl bold their monthly What to expect Tuesday: arutasi oa aapsid aaraaat af it seems that the best way to live a the American Magicians Society "I'll tell you why. 1 srant to find Frequently the powers to tbs 10:48—"Today's ChUdren." “worn” as if by age and hand pegging- aver was one. He Is of the kindly, to say to those IshmaClltCs of. the person becomes thinner by eatirut who looks like it—offstage. school building undertake persua­ ll:0 < ^ ‘Davld HarunL" . meeting to the scboolhouae at h WEAF-NBC—1:80 p. m.. Words less but the reverse ol this rule is lipa old age Is to keep all of the . . . but Flatbush fans are sUIl George Jessel smokes the longest Speddon. And I'm going to find aaodast evangelistic type. He has rod and reel, those untouchables, sion of their charges, beyond tbe 11:18—"Backstage Wife.” o'clock tonight The speaker wUl be and Musle; 3:80, It's a Woman's is simulated. YouTl find this is quality not true and the thin person cannot vital organs In good working order. waiting. and blackest cigars on tbe Rialto^ Him if It'sAhe last thing I ever do!" Hugh SogUo. World; 6, Nellie Revell Interview. roEAL FINANCINO MIMtl bis Ilfs hoping to sec people Marshall laughed “You ain't got bounds of the building, because they 11:30—Mystery (Jhef. those wretched, declasse outcasts become fatter by eating more. The Lodlea Aid Society wiU 1 ave WABC-CBS—3. Bill Wright, vice furniture despite the extraordinarily (Making Melba Toast) much of a chance to find him, Mias feel that It reflects on their disci­ 11:48—Wlfe-Savsr. ASSOCIATION. Ina sat along together, without brutal- who still persist, In shocking though Practically every thin person has two evenings at entertain ment on president; 8:80, Cincinnati Children's at some Urns tried to gain by stuff Question; Miss O. D. K. asks' Brittain. And If you do find him it pline if the children, as soon as re-, 12:00—"W ay Down East” low price. Expensive features are in­ tty or maanness. He is also a nat­ jften shamefaced and secret defi­ muir's arrival here. J. L. nsley, min­ leased, forget their manners. P. M. Thursday and Friday, April 15 and Ooncert; 6:18,-Alexander Cores, vio­ 831 Main Street >nRROR ing on rich, “fattening" foods, only “About bow many slices of Melba ister of national rsvenuea, Intro­ probably will ue tbe lost thing you lin. WJZ-NBC—12:30, Farm and ural conservative. He U a nice ance of the propaganda of the tackle loaat could one get from a loaf of Yet all they can do is discourage~ 12:18—Story of Mary Marlin. 18 when tha play "Haunted Houss " Over W. T. Oraat Store cluded! Drawers won’t stick because to find that the few ounces added at Washington duced In the Canadian parliament a ever do.” Home Hour, See. Wallace; 3:30, 17,75 • tan He could easily convince white bread?" or advise. Actually there is little 12:30—‘The Forty-Ntaera.” will bs presented at 8 o'clock each Fhoie 7381 makers. In fishing for trout with first were not permanent, and poa- bill to give the government rigid "But I ’m going to try.” night The cast ot characters: Cbr- they have center drawer glides and are hlasaatf that there is a good chance slbly he developed dige.stive difficul­ Answer: This depends upon the they Can do about vandalism ofi thS' 13:48—^Doc Schneider’s TexanA the lure of their grand-daddies and Daybook control over manufacture. Importa­ "All right,", Marshall shrugged. dem PhUUpA Albert Cavagnaro; ties or liver trouble from eating size of the loaf. Ordinarily, one loal “ Better check in with the police up part of any pupil. They may apTeaJ- 13:88—T lia OU Gardener.” made of solid oak. Comers are dove­ that the right kind of action by this their daddies, the fat nightcrawler of bread will provide about IS slices tion and exportation ot arms and 1:00—News; wsotber. Jane Oavto, Barbara Plonk; sld- more than he could digest. ^ —By Prastam Grovar— other munRioni of war. there. You might he needed." to honor and civic spirit and decen­ country might prevent the terrible or the wriggling garden worm. Most underweight patients who of Melba Toast. cy, warn the children to be quiet l:18—Joyce Jordan, GHri InteniA mund Kidder, Anthony PawUaa: tailed. _ Under its terms, as outlined In Martha hesitated. “This Ciznik 1:30—Marjorie MUls Hour. Amy ThomoA Adna Dutton; Fran­ war that threatens and bring on And th^ word we have for these have had this experience become dis­ Washington.—Gold braid still gets because of the very sick m«ii (Change to Heels) news dispatches. It could bring Can­ who's apparently the rtog-iaadsr, 1:00—Organ UelodleA I, ces Hemtog, Claire Dutton; Aunt • new era. couraged and decide that try as they attention, even to ultra-democratic ada into alignment with the United what does be do?" the block, but hers their out! Choose any of the major piec^ for degraded creatures Is: "Go It. Question; Anne M. Inquires; "1 ends. the Footlighte. Ann Kidder, Hosel Palmer; Ptataa- will, they will never add another States arms embargo. , “Johnny Ctznik? The Lord only It la very much to >e doubted that Wurmer; stick to your guns, young pound. However, they -lo not stop have tried to change from high heels Washington. -'s,. 1^30—Intlmato Apparel. aor Marmaduke Hooper.. Merton $17.^ each . . full size IMlgrim bed, full Take Lord Tweedsmul^ governor knows what It is now. That’s what Ik former days, I got Oh j I' Praaldeat Roosevelt labors under any tcilow me lad; we’re with you. worrying over their lack of flesh and to low ones but have backache and atonal ndte from mothers.' -Hi^ipy Homemoktog. Treat; Peter Rawson, Royce Potan- Low pains through tbe backs ul the legs general of (Canada, while to hla Cooperation I'd like to find out. Tou’rs liab'e to ’’SiOO—'P e i^ r Young's Family. ar; Jock Corey, Nelson Slater. or single size Poster b ^ , dresser base. ' micb delusion. With all hla beau­ We re of your ilk. We fish with the continued worry onl.v serves to me to see that Johnny or Sue make them thinner than ever. Some­ Everybody says the fist heels are “good neighbor" visit to Washing­ .On the same day Senator William find Johnny Clxnik doing anything SriS—Ms PerktoA Alvoh RuaaeU at Mountain atieot tifully phrased radio sermons end worms. \A'e'd fish with centipedes, better, but why these troubles?'' ton. His high office and many cere­ —so long aa It's not on tbe up and straight home from school. Or chest of drawers. Mirrors' are priced times they cheer up somewhat upon Duff laid before the parliament in I would always speak to the chilli 3:30—tUe and SodA raporte 39 foxes ataot toe past win­ hla frequent haU-tears over the fate or with rice pudding. If we knew reading the stat|stlcs ot Insurance Answer: Sucb an abrupt change monial funcUons required him to Ottawa a propooal to strengthen up." 8:48—The O’NeU’A ' — ter with plenty more le ft at $7.75 each. should be avoided as after wearing gold braid about the city, gold braid but that .was toe best I could do. On o f the forgotten mah, Mr. Floosevelt that centipedes or rice pudding was Companies which tend to prove that Canade’e naval defense, commenting “And—and Neal la In arltb him, There is witicb at some points were only a .Typhoid fever Is an infsctlaa by Board. daughter, Muriel Naomi, to Donald H n . Hopper waa Botes city ehirii - V i T i t Rhode island. In 1892 hs went to “it aa employee dies or reaches sufflcteaUy punished. 1 ahaa Attorney Shea, a member of tbe be held at 8 o'clock In The Herald virae the first official statement mode few dosen yards from tbe enemy. a germ ooUed tbe typhoid bacillus. William Conrady, Mayor Claude A. Fieeland McClain, ton o f Mr. and JACOB a MORSR DIES speaking for fathers, and Master for IS yean, part ot tho tima undai BolUo from MosoavUie, R. L. and age 88 today” Mr. Donohue skid. Hollywood Mills, (^ 1 A. Goebring, chief of ciounclllor Rutledge Smith, master tiaue my InvaeUgntlaa.’’ teportant Judidaiy committee of office tonight. AU members are regarding actual progress toward o The insurgents, however, ore The coses ore of oil groden of Mra. Albert McClain, of Vereon. Mayor James P. Pope, now Idaho • pureliased tha Shannon woolen rdil .The 8A4 percent payable to him or Johnny Hopper, dlvoreed (ram I tte Houae, Indicated that tbe As^ asked to make returns at that time. coUecting benefits in tbe program strongly entrenched in University verity. Sonm ora so mild the Ellington Fire department; Speke At WUItagtoe BrookUne, M an., 13.— (A P ) ot eeramonles and speaking for sons. Junior United Stotes Senator. from J. D. Shannon o f Norwich. In bis estate would be around $10, as- Sights And Sounds The main course will consist of Hollywood daaoer-wtfe, rnfidr* Kt- nambly acttvity will be apeeded up ’.vhicb includes In its files tbe Idmtt- City, which they have held since the hardly tntarfsre with the r Thomas F. Rady and Stephen J. Rev. j : Arthur Ddwarda, pastor of -^aoob C. iMom. t7, a veteran She was charged with embessUng 1907 he enlarged the plant by a flve- eumlng his earnings in covered em­ turkey. Members at the Rainbow Botea, tn m this point on. SIxty-flve per Nathan Harlow of Harlow's store flcatlon numbers o f hsU a mUlion a begliining of the siege of Madrid, daily oetivitlss, wbUs others Von Buw. ths Rockville Methodist church, was member of the Boston Traveler 8700 tn 1088, and pleaded guilty. She story oddiUon and U ter sold the ployment averaged 8100 a month •y Rabbin Caant The Fitch company bowling team Girls will serve. o f the billa introduced in tbe Is attending the sessions of tbe workers In this state. and are believed to have Jarga stores cause death. tbs speaksr at the April meeting of sporting deportment and a promi­ received n 1-to-lO year eentenca la ♦ bualnaaa, but after a short retire­ ■tnee tha first o f the year. headed by Otto Koaulke was tbe AU members who have not signed Aaaambly are scheduled for bear­ American Toy Fair in New York Some 840,000 o f lump-sum settle­ o f auppllCH. One ot tbe former ^rpes HoUywood. April 12.—(A P )—The tbe mlalsten of the Protestant nent Boston Inaunnc* broker, died 1934 a grand Jury Indleted her oa Haadl* the vent enpe on ment returned to the woolen buM- "This payment to the individual winner o f the league title this year. today at hte Brookline home of up wh<\wlih to attend should con­ inga before the Judiciary commit­ City. ments await claims In New Ebigland, M ost Be Crashed dlUon colled “walking typhoid." In film colony's pet liate is the tele­ churehas o f ‘tpUond and Windham four more eounu, alleging ambes- battery with oare; tbeywra, Mr. Donahue eald. He pointed out as the head of the Shetucket becomes larger as the wage# ac­ Instead of presenting the team with tact Lawrence Converse, chairman tee, he aald. I f they refused to surrender MloJa this disease the germ often con be phone eountlaa held today, at South WU- h M n dlMMt. ■lement of ^proximately 8T.000. ct oompoeltioa and enU that simplicity of the claims pro­ Worsted Mllte. Ha was one of the cumulate, and the employee who oe- a ailver cup aa in the past, ssch He waa secretary of the old New of the banquet committee or WIlUam Tbe only important controversial A public hearing on the request of was considered to have no choice found Ih the blood and, tn 80 per It’s a rau'e actor tbat ever picks Ungton. Again aha plaadsd guUty and rsesiv- easUy. cedure renders unnecessary the em­ best known woolen manufacturers cemea eligible for a lump sum a t ^ member was ^ ven a bowUng tro^iy subject of the Talk was "The England beaebeU leagua Brennan. lasue heard in the present seaston Dllwortta-Comell Post, No. 73, except to cniHh them in order to cent o f oil cases, may be found in end of the year will get around 840, up the receiver and says "hello,'' 'Ths a ployment of attorneys or claim in the eastern part o f the stoto and pin. Chureflt In tha Machine A ge” . The eras the Child Labor Amendment American Legion, for the establish­ clear the section which haa been one great numbers in the stooia or tx- If his 8100 s month earnings con- even in his own home. agents to assist claimants. The offi­ was well Informed on all branches William A. Rogalus, the Q ty Tax meeting concluded with a social which waa defeated in tbe House. ment o f building lines on Leonard of the clilef menaces to Madrid's crettODS from tha bowel. cial forms and advice are available * o f tbe business. safety. tinuw. Cecil B. de Mllle went out to bis Collector, was given a prise for period with ths wlvos of tha minis­ Representative Shea outlined tbe street, win be included In tbe busi­ r . . "Thu* far, 48 claims have been at tbe Hkrtford office. 650 Main S m ^ Ha U aurvlvsd by his w ife and Elfforts to silence the Insurgent ranch, which hasn’t a telephone having rolled the highest string ter* also attending. manner o f handling billa submitted ness of the meeting of tbe Board of Typhoid fever occurs aU over the fllsd In Connecticut out of the 160 Selectmen in the Municipal building street, and the New Haven district :■ r ' ■ flvs daughters. In addition to Mrs batteriee on Mount Garahttas in the when be began working on "The during tbe season with a score of I for passage in the legialative body. world—most often In arorm weath­ filed in New England.” 14e7Joseph DeCarll received second tonight at 8 o'clock. office at 1044 Chapel street. New Bangs they ore, Mra Thomas Terry Caso de Campo became the main Buccaneer.” Hla family had to send Dr. Samuel W. GraffUn of White Om of the most difflcult decisions er, although epidemics occasions lly Procedure Simple Haven. Ispoasss BMffMlItei ora blaealiic m the CapUoi graoBte la Wate- of Meriden, Mra Agnes Gordon of phase of the flaiitlng tn the govern­ a messenger when it wanted to prise with s score o f 147. Flniiia, N. T „ has been secured as • eommitteeThaa to make is to de- lagtoa aafl pretty Johaiile Mahry, secretary to Rep. Robert L. appear even in winter. SUnpUolty of the Board’s claims A m II Wedding A birthday party was given at Over 39|000 Ready Baltic, Mra Jo)m Conroy of Baltic ment's deternMed assault to puah reach him. ths spsaksr for ths Ninth Annual C alled — “The Finest Service Electricity Can Give” tannlne if legialatiMi presented by Donohue estimated that more Donghtoe (D-N..C.)| took time off to pick a boaqnet. withla a tew In most instances persons be­ proceAire, Mr. Donahue declared, Tb* marriage ot Miss Ruth C tbe home o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mra Louis CsrroU of BolUc; al­ back the seml-enelrcllng insurgent makes unnecessary tbe employment Telephones are also being omitted Tolland Ooun^ Older Boys’ and groups frith ^rparant backing is the than $9,000 Is already awaiting ^ days the txmed Tidal Basin cherry elossnme w ill be In blooio. come infected by taking oMtaml- Schmals, daughter of Councilman Field of 81 Unkm street Saturday so three sons, Thomas Donohue of from the capital.,. ' of attorneys or claims agents to as­ at Jean Arthur’s beach house and OtrU' Conferenoe to b# held at He- ' bast for the greater number of tbe claimants In Connecticut, and that Insurgent gunners on Mount Gar- nated water or food. Symptoma and Mra. WUUun F. Schmala of breo. M ay 7 and A Dr. GraffUn te afternoon In honor of their daugh- BolUc, John Donahue of WiUlmaa- sist clalmanta . ^ Gary Cooper’s country place. paopia, he aaM. He outlined to tbe by the end o f the year these lump­ abltaa subjected Madrid- to the appear IS to 19 di^ra thereafter. Thompson street, to George Prctssler known os n cabin boy, ship’s cap­ te>', Muriel who celebrated her IStta Uc and Joseph Donahue of BolU- The 12 regional and 111 field o f­ Cnark Gable stays at a hotel and iOwaniana several of the more bu- sum payments will total $138,000 la heaviest tximbardment of the siege Typhoid fever is not primarily a at Hartford, son o f Hr. and Mrs. tain, noted lecturer and author. birtbdky. A doe held Tuesday ply ths necessaiy form and beip called supplies the password. . aaaaien so te r has been marked by England. Claims already filed in Reynolds asserted, ‘is fundamental salvo into the city at two-mlnute scarlet fever, or diphtheria, but took ptace on Saturday afternoon uate work in Hertford. wlU also be sion an snjoyable ona Games were mornipg at 9 o'clock at St Mary's rimimants execute it. Forma ma W. C. Fields used to bonk In hte the ab su ie o f Assembly politics, he the coimtry at large range in slse and Includes the privilege o f select­ intervals for almost an hour. rather one which mostly concerns at the Trinity Lutheran church. on ths program. Thte conferenoe te played and a luncheon followed in church, BslUc, with burial in St. be obtained, also, at tho Boord’s vd trailer to gain the desired isolation. said. from a few dollars each to $108. ' W A O IE R A a IS LEGAL ing those with whom one is trilling grown-upa The ceremony waa performed by fo r H i ^ school bays and girts and the diningroom which was decorat­ M ary’s cemetery, there. floe In Washington, D. C. ^ ^ Since hs began occupying a aanl- The attendance oonteat today was They Increase as time goes on. to assume contractual relations. In 1900 typhoid fever was fourth load inersasss, new field o f­ Rev. B. O. Pteper, pastor df tha every chbrdi and youth organtea- ed for the day. Muriel received A simple fornvis used for each of tarium this has been unnecessary wen by Doo BushneH’s ‘'Airedales*' This right is unduly abridged by tbe FASCIST DEFEATED among infectious rtizesaes in the fices will be opened, until th« m ^ church. tion In ToUand county te entitled to the five types o f olalmants, the wage (Oonttanad PYees Page Gee) Mias Blary F. Fimgusoa Harold U oyd muHlpUed his dif The maid of honor was Miss Dor­ and tbe dub as a whole showed a many useful g lfta A ct now upheld. number o f deaths that it caused. mum number of approximately 400 send dehRstea earners, widows,.or widowers, close fleultles by installing 27 telephones "A private owner is deprived of Tbe death o f Miss M ary FYoncea Today it is lath. In fact, nt least offices is sstoblished. othy schmala slater of the brida Funeral of Mra. F. J. Oeeley 300 par oaot attendance. Torn Bent- relatives, oxecutors or administra­ on his estate. When one rings, how­ and the beat man was Louis Prelss- A meeting of the entertainment tlon, and, on the other hand, the power to manage his own property Ferguson occurred at the hospital in AT BRUSSELS POLLS PotnUaf out that by tht end of U m funeral o f Mra. NeUi* Augus­ ’•1^, eiVtete o f the *T3oate" present­ tors, and guardians or committee*, five persons die every year from ever, be las a battery cf servants committee of tbe Star of tbe Boot b y freely selecting those to whom LincoJ-, Nebraska, on Friday. The the yearc v fitsUm total * * *hinro sura ler, of Holyoka brother of the ta (Cady) Cooley, 78, wife of n ist ed Captain Busbnell o f the oppoai- while A sixth form Is a simple stats- board is not entitled to make Its au­ automobile accidents to one who and secretaries who do the answer­ Royal Black Preceptoiy lodge, will news of her death brought sorrow In_ Itew BnahuHlEngland «should a s w « M ^ reach $800.-. groom. Selectman Frederick J. Cooley of Uoa with a tw o weeks* old goat. thority a pretext for interference Ills manufacturing operationa are (Oenttnned tram Pngs Om ) dies from typhoid favor. f be held this evening a^ 7:80 In tbe meat by the employer. ing The bridesmaids ware Mias Doro­ Unloo street, who died at bar home The attendance prise donated by with the right of discharge when to be entrusted. W e think this can­ to a host fit friends hera She bod Although tjrphoid has been 000, llr D o iio h u e oatimatod that Washington Social club. ,AU mem­ Monthlv Beneflto not lawfully be done in circum­ been at tbe insUtuUon less thai> two more th u 89,000 is already awaiting thy Daunbetmer o f N *w York and on Friday moralng, was held oo ’ Wayland Btraughan waa won M ^ th ly benefits will become op- that right is exercised for other rea- Fleratah Nationalist allies, received brought largely under control, it Miss Eleanor Kreaa o f tUa city and bers of the' committee are requested stances like those here disclosed. weeka Her health during the past alalmanta. in Connecticut These Motion picture employss In the Sunday afternoon from tha White :R a ri O. faaman eratree In 1942, supplanting the u than such intimidation and 4,479 votes less than the two parties is not to bo oonslderod a vanish­ the usher* were Edward Praissler, ot to be present for final checkup on coercion. " I t seems clear to us that Con­ lump-sum payments will total UM,- painters, decorators and paperhang- Funeral home on Elm ntoaet Baaar Tbines oontrlbuted two present lymp-sum paymente. The winter had been frail since aa at­ obtained In (he last election in May, ing disease. I t will not disappear Holyoke, brother o f the groom, and returns of the ticket sale on the 'T h e true purpose is the subject gress lias transcended the powers tack o f InfluenaOv 000 In Connecticut by the end at the ers union were notified t i ^ y tbat a Rev. Dr. George S. Brookes, pea foea i aalactlena. Edward J. Hurpby, later payments now payabls amount 1938. until oil our communities have WUUun Schmala Jr„ brother of tb* tor o f the Union Oingrenatinnxi European trip. Tbe committee is of Investigation with full opportu­ granted.” MIrs Ferguson was about 70 and year, be eotlmated. "final declaioh” on a strike at Hol­ ' Rapm m tethre and former member to Dvi per cent of the total wages Movement N ot Haded leoraad tbs vnlus of real sonlta- Proceduree tor filing ot claims tor lywood atudioa would be mada to- brida The single ring service wee church, offlcteted. Burial waa In grateful to Robert J. Smith Inc.,, earned in covered employments nity to show the facts. I t would Although Justice Sutheriand, read waa bora in Boston. She was a Degrelle polled 19.08 per cent of tlon. o f the Xlynu^i dub, waa a gueat of his dissent to the Associated Press the payment o f lump sums under morrozfT used. Grove HUI cemetery. fo r assistance in making booking since the end of 1986.' ■eeip tbat when employers freely member of Tremont Temple Baptlat the vote. Tbe remainder of the bal­ From 60,000 to 68,000 people still Following the oereroony a wed­ the gtaup at luncheon. decision immediately after It waa the Federal oldage benefits plan of William B. Cullen, chairman of The bearers were Howard Wood arrangements for the steanuhip " I f an em p loye^M or reaches age recognize the right of their employ­ church and came to Manchester lots were void. , get ^ h o i d fever every year, and ding dinner waa served at the Rock delivered. Justice McReynoIda did the Social Security A c t surpass m the unton'a negotiations committee, A. Leroy Martin, Ralph Wilcox. Os­ trip to the Continent 68 today," Mr. Donohue aald, "the ees to tbelr own organizations and over 30 years ago to Uvt with ner Observers sold the stinging de­ each year there ora about 6,800 viUe Houae to the Immediate fem l not announce the dlsaent to the simpUetty any others for stmllar use aald whether Uie walkout would be wald Saenger, Herbert Krause an 3>4 per ceilt payable to him or his their unrestricted right of represen­ brother, tho late William Ferguson, feat did not necessarily mean the deaths from IL It is important, nev­ Uea with about 80 attending. A tation there will be much less occa­ other three cases until after all had yet dovtaed either for government called depended on the huccess ot FrankUn C Harlow. Applloatlons for membership in eetate would m around $10, assum­ who died 10 years ago. Hs was a end o f tbe Fascist movement, but ertheless; to remember that enough reception waa held at the home ot G M e AaeecInUon Card Ferty DROUGHT VlCnHS sion for controversy in respect to been decided. or private business purposw, the Intensive efforts to reach ' a last- Campbell Oounoil, to be ready to ing his earnings in covered employ­ Civil War Veteran and at one time that a reorganization seemed in­ control has been established to B o iM ’s statement continued. the bride's parento. The Vernon Civic Be^trament as take the Third Degree to be held ment averaged $100 a month since the free and appropriate exercise of Looking over the audience, he commander and later chaplain ot evitable. minute wage agreement with the Following a wedding trip to New said: dimintah the disease and death rata Tho Board declared that when the aoclaUon will hold a public cu HEAD FOR WEST later in tbe month, must be sub­ the first of the year. the right of selection and dia- Drake Post, G. A . R., o f this town. As soon aa the result liecsme claima procedures are in full opera­ film companlea York, the couple wlU be at home ebarge." " I have written our Joint views tremendously. party tills evening. April 13, et tb mitted by tbe members at the meet­ "This payment becomes larger os He was employed aa an assistant Icnown, Degrelle issued an announce­ tion tbe adjudication o f properly at 131 Union street, this city. DobsonvUIe echoolhouse. There wi The important decision was read and 1 will not stop to read it. 1 Mrs. W. L. Tracy, 80, mother of ing of tbe council to be held tonight wages accumulate, and tbe employee engineer by. Cheney Brothers at ment tbat "the fight will begin anew completed claims can bo accomplto- Win visit Coventry be prises and refreshments wUI b ______Page One) by Hughes oq the day after his 7StU think I can give you some under­ To illustrate the splendid prog­ actor Lee Tracy, was recovering to­ who becomes elt^ble for a lump­ tbelr Forest street engine room. tomorrow." He blamed his defeat ress made, if there were In Cbioago ed With unusual dispatch following A number of the members of served. An alarm from Bon 43, located sum at the end of this year will get birthday which was spent quietly at standing of wliat these ' opinions ds from the shock of being plung­ Many o f the realdenta help Misa Ferguson after coming hera on a public letter issued by the thia year proportionately the sume their receipt in Washington from Stanley Ooboss Unit, No. 14, of tbe invited To Mancheeter at the comer o f Main and School around $40, If his $100 a month home. mpan.” ed into the water when the landing harvest fruit crops. identified herself with the Center Catholic primate of Belgium, Cardi­ number ot coses occurred in that tbe field offices o f the Board, aalnm American Legion Auxiliary, will A group of membara o f the Rock atroeU at 12:30 tbla noon brougbt earnings continue.'' The Chief Justice said the Wagner He then read provisions of the gear o f his yacht ooUapsed Sunday. The camps provide aheltet, show- CongregaUooal church and the lo­ nal and Archbishop o f MsUnes, dis­ city in 1890, there would have been already filed' range from a tew dol­ visit Earl W. Green Unit at Cov­ vine Garden chib ar* planning to g out fire companies 1, 2 and 4 of Claims adjudication must be ao- law in its present application "goes A ct and said it did not "prohibit entry thia evening when Neighbors : or baths, a eewing machine, play- strikes.” cal branch o f the Women’a Christian avowing D^rrelie. 68,000 deaths of typhoid favor in lars each to 8I9D- . . , ___ to Manchester thte evening to nt tlw floutb Manohestsr fire depart­ oomponled by tbe following support­ no further than to safeguard the He eald Flemish Nationalists par­ A simple form has b w Film Production Notes: Night will be obeerved. fo r tbe cbildran,Ira n T fid Temperance Union. She was also Chicago skme, rather than in the tend the meeting of the Mencheete ment Grass on property osmed by ing papers: Proof of Urtb where the right of employees to self organisa­ tially deserted him because o f tbe tbe Board tor the use at each of the W alter Abel Is due hera M ay 6 to D. A. R. Meeting ary tion and to select representatives of elected a member of the Hartford whole United Statea tbe DIoott estate at the comer (IcReynoIds delivered the Henry A. Smith. earner must be 68 years old, his enroute to Pittsburgh whet* it was - Card Party Tuesday buUder. 300 feet to one inch, the map la be­ dead and the other dying on his Saturday to Aldo J. GatU son of Garrow stated tbat the Internation­ tional headquarters here. total wages from covered employ­ lawn, Schagel said, the demure Miss dissenting opnlon in the steel. Henry A. Smith, 80, a former resi­ Lovely Lorelei due at 8:18 a m. (B. 8. T .). The Ladles’ 2Ud society o f ths Also avaUabl* now In Tablet form. ing completed a se<^on at a time. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Gattl o f 26 al Brotherhood of Paper Makers has dent of Windsor, but recently of 63 Street FlgbUng. ments after 1936 must be $3,000 or A ceneua o f London business Robin flapped unconcernedly away. Cottage street. The ceremony waa Coach Company (Trailer) and a record of having fewer strikes Sporadic etreet fights followed. C3othlng Company cases with Jus­ phurcb street here, died yesterday mors, and he must have earned terns disclosed a private bank In tbe »------performed at the rectory of SL than any other Union organization. More thar a doeen men were tieotod wagea after 1036 in covered employ­ tices van Devanter, Sutherland and morning at the Niles street private etty had operated without a break James's church at 10 o'clock by tbe He said the I.B.P.M. objective la to hospital, Hartford, Death waa due for minor Injuries. There was no ments for at least one day in ewh,, Butler concurring. Juatire Suth­ save Industry not wreck IL ainca the reign of King Charles the Rev. Joseph F. Cleary, who u a^ the to complicationa CIO meeting. of five different calendar years be­ erland read the dissent In the Asso­ It was stated that 80 per cent of Secoml in the eevditeenth centurj-. Lee’s ‘Demotion* single 'ring service. TTiey were at­ M e is survived by his wife, Mra. From Tri-State headquortern worfi fore hU 68th birthday. ciated Press case. The same Jus­ the Taylor Atkins workers attended ------now payable T W dairy cow's habit of eaUng tended by Mias Georgina Brown, Mary Jane Smith; three daughters, spread that the CIO wpuld meet at tices were In the minority In each the meeting. ; ot the total dirt and chew^ig wood on tbe stalls Stirs Admirers sinter of the bride, and John 'Der- Mra. Alice Bartlett and M ra Pearl nearby Treeoe, Koa Three truck- Because it is designed^ is considered A sure sign the anl- ney. M. Best, all o f Manchester and M ra loads o f pick handle-armed men w a n e ^ ___Individual in aaal’s ration is defleiient In mineral went to Treece and splintered furni­ covered employments after 1036. Henry K. Ponsaing of Flushing, L. I f a wage earner files a claim, the autter. I.; a son, Bert G. Smith of Iniie- ture in International headquarters. The foot of tbe ostrich U design­ Announce The trek to Galana stortad. form fo r "w age earner” la to be Closeup and Comedy wood, Calif. used. I f the wage earner dies before ed for both speed and power. Engragfement The funeral will be' held Tuesday Outwardly Galena was enjoytav Scheduled air lines operatlnj In a calm Sunday. A s the Picber del­ attaining age 68, or before filing a and built to last - - - Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Olonelll A / ERSKINE JOHNSON->GEORGE SCAR80 afternoon at the W. P. Quisb funeral claim on the "wage earaer’’ form, the United States carried 40,012 egation, eeti mated at 800 to 600 a^ of 360 W est Grove street, Water- home S t 2 o'clock. Rev. Watson and does not leave a will, payment paasengera in January of this year. rived at Blue (terd headquortera bury, announce the engagement of Woodruff, j^ to r of Center Congre­ will be mate to tbe widow or widow­ etavs ttspnee ttt "They asked me If they oould pa­ Argentina la to have a govern- their daughter. Miss Angellne Gla- gational church will officiate and er, if either survives. The “widow A triumiA of modem engineering: skiU, the electric rade,” said Hickman. “1 told them geent-coDtrolled wireless communl- nelll. to Dominick Eccellente, son of burial will be in East cemetery- or widower" form is to be used tn yes— but be peacefuL" Flanea expected to begin trans- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Eccellente of Atlantlc flights late this year win Forade te Btafted. such caeca water heater is designed to give you dependable last* 106 Spruce street. Where tbe wage earner dies with­ have their base at Charleston. 8. At a algnaL the Blue Card out leaving a will or a surviving C. FUNERALS |ng service. Its complete simplicity* lack of comidi- started a boisteroua, spouse, the "close relative" fortn is Jiotver-Cost umh^gs iiiOWS NEED PR O TE IN A new plane so small that two Mra Alexander Araott handle brandishing march to be used for a claim filed by a child men can pick It up and carry It TO FARROW HEALTHY PIGS. Aside from the infonnsUon re­ International headquarters — or grandebUd or hia legal custodian cated mechanism, and heavy construction offer yon a haa been perfected. It wiu travel ceived in a telegram today by R. K. three nlocks away doam Main If under legal dlaabUity, or by the Stillwater, Okla.—(AP) —Sows about 300 miles an hour. Anderson, funeral director of Wat­ As the proceasioa neared a miner father or mother of the deceased U f etime o f service. It takes about 1200 feet of wire need plenty of protein In thalr food kins Brothers, ttiat the body ot M ra standing on a street com er re­ wag6 earner. ^ ^ to wire up the electrical circuits to farrow healthy pigs, odvlsea C. marked "W e're ready tm: them "The executor or administrator^ o f a Nfartin Bomber; and about P. Thompson, swine specioltst at Frances M. Arnott, widow ot Judge Alexander Arnot., who died last here." fonn is for tbs uae of ths executor An Everdur copper taiik combining the strength of BSOO feet for a Douglas DC-3. Oklahoma A. and M. OoUega A few men scurried into Interas- or administrator of tbs deceased • A Maytag uvet laundry expense—savt* T3ie official world's record for Pigs born to sows with on ade­ week In St. Petersburg, Flo., would arrive in Manchester on Wednesday tional headquarters. wag* earaer. Tbe "guardian or com- steel and the durability of copper, together with ample long distance, straightlLoe. non- quate protein supply during preg­ The marchers reached {nterna-, inlttoe’’ form la to be used by the clothes by its careful washing. It savea every nightao other arrangements for the otop flying is B634 miles and was nancy will weigh more and be more tional hall. A man broke ranks,' guordisa or oommtttse of the legally ■et in 1934. funeral have been mada vigorous than those from sows smashed a unloo building window. Inoompetont wags ssxw. ^ week, and Jbr more yeart, becauae of ita finer heat insulation and proven safety devices give yon an in­ The sum o f $1,500,000,000 was whose rations are deficient in The funeral arrangements will Immediately there was a burst of The "Statement of EmpltweT" is isant by the United States during tein, Tbprapson saya Proper not be made imtil after Wednesday gunfire from Inside. to be filed with each type o f claim. coBstractioa — because of toch importMt vestment as perinanent as your home itself. the World W ar for aviation pur­ anclng of rations is more Important night, Mr. Anderstm said this oftsr- Prompt execution of this form by poses. Three marchers dropped, wound­ M aytag develcqwnentt aa the one-piece, caat- than feeding large amounts, be adds. noon. . ed. Others, confused, fled in all tbs smployM will be of mstsrlal beip There are more than 750,000 He recommends pasture or a to tha wage earner who is fill**'''* teUaa o f Improved roads in tbe directiona A few picked op their aluminum tub, sediment trap, and Roller green-colored, leafy, leguminous hay Stanley Lunlewsky. fallen comrades. Tbs "Statement of Em] TRY it on our plan of small monthly rental Ohltad States. as the best protein oouros for ani­ ar," tbs Board axplataed, la requtrsd The funeral ot Stanley Lunlsw- Smoke bombe, M poientty hurled Water Remover. See a Maytag now. Gasn- mals. He lists among good com­ sky, who was fotmd In o con­ oy marcbera, smashed agoiast the te adjadjeating aarty claima Whan mercial protein feeds milk, meat the Board hoe completed the aetting purchase paymentSe NAZI SHIF8TO FBOVIDE dition Friday evening and pssseil union baU. N> -# went laaldc and Uiie Multi - Motor Models meal, meat scraps and fish meal. up o f Initial records for each ot the BTAIKBOOMS FOB CREW A new battle of lU m pi has away soon after being token to the the smoke only added to ‘frfusV-n Cottonseed meal, linseed oil meal 28,(n0,000- wage earners under th ii arisen in Washington, this time Manchester Memorial hospital will in tbe atreeL available for homea 'without and wheat aborts or* economical be held Tuesday morning at 9 ■ectioa o f the Act, and as employeea’ B oateuig ( A P ) —An ocean-going over the "demotion" of Gen sources. o'clock at the Mark Holmes tuxieral ore rsportod,'there will be •engsr emiaar, with crew's quar- Robert E Lee on the new 4-cent GLASSES SURVIVE dectridty.s Etyiy oho rotitr, home, 38 Woodbrldge street. Rev. leas ~~—***^ to use tha ‘‘Statement I flttod up Uke staterooma. Is to army stamp showing the Con­ Taking her cue from Lorelei, - 4JWO-FOOT F A L L ot Bhnployer'' form now required. WOULD BEBIEMBBB A lA M a Henry Sezebowiskl, .'psatov of St. Ionia, Mich.— (A P )—Forest Kuau lem-nst ironing with thtNtw Call your Master Plumber, or 1 ianBcJlod bore May 5. ^ _ federate commander and Gen. who combined aquatics with Since tb* first report ot emplojtae A 3S,000 tanner, it U the first Washington — (A P) —Represen­ R w o n o K T iH John's Polish Nstiohal church will her zinging to the enhancement took a flight in on open oockpK "Stonewall" Jackson. Only two BOkNO-PBOOP wages is not due from the en^oyer lel designed and built to order tative Maverick, Texas Dsasoerat. officiate. Burial will be in tbs o f her charm. Sonia Day. come­ plane to snap aerial photograplu. Mayteginntr. stars of a Civil War lleulenani «0O4t-MH0Hfl»BS until next July, the “Statement cf tho TRnngtta Through Joy~ has introduced a bill Is CteigTSOi Polish National cemetery on JeffeT' , A s be leaned over to click tne general, instead of three of a otCfl oaMPiAkiea IkNHA O UM IH ly young Denver vocalist, finds Bmployar" te M n g need la every nt, which hitherto ran authorising tbe coinage of a ^sotel son street ■butter bJS spectacles (til ofl. • full-fledged general, appear on enw7;aiNC)«fl& that swimming malcss H easier -lae et thte tim a After ’ wage ^ J M p a te r workora on spe- Issue fit 50-cent pieces commem­ plane waa fij^ v at x>i / U A 8 I OF HI8 WOMUBS Cs. Tbe icflendsjy sailors who coins o f which 20,000 would be cver seeing the giossa agojk ^ ------0 of. f M win liava the cnefcod ip ea Die Rhine preb- .u urad la some easit to siqiplsmsBt KEMP’S, Inc. “’"’+’”“•’“ pqwsr oompant it's a rank outrage, eay admir­ gO(3l«|VflwmP»iO) CANAPE. THB ooraacncuT . x t in quartan as the minted, would be Issued and oold ■bly never gUmpseil a more be­ A few dajra istsr n neignnor tbe Board’s recceda ers of Lee, to “break" the great through the Alamo mission chapter O bCL4,I022. 8 t Paul—John Mahonay was toh- A in oonaonaaoa witn witching siren titan Sonis, tug- feund the glasses intact on tbs farm Fopere Mirnssry tm MAITTA# COMfAWIf i MAMU>ACT4>»Ht • lif t 6 MgWfOMg IQWA TTSUatBStiwI MgTiiigIsr.C— . S g p i general on a stamp that’s sup- of the Daughters o f the RepubUe o f eSAt. MMte, COMA . bed, but he didn't worry much about ging St a rope on the bsncli cf Kuntx's fotlisr near the looia Suppoctiag popota nereesiry tor s te M s him .r OU(ZB«N. it loot was 38homtos plcoons MAT %J0§ county slrpoet. ■ " adJuficaUon or* : (1) i»roof at ttxtk where the eteUa t e te r T d liE DtilNCRATS HERE Sit Down Strike Craze m n g mSDFnNIT(»LIIM By Hden WebUMr . PA>s Head, o f Fifth Battalion, Con- Now On the Way Out^ Take ThriUing Rec Series Opener, 41 i r s ipriiK, and fve lost the oM deair* pectient Naval Militia, Paaa- 3 For a g tw patteran; Lnod Ddegateg GUI to Favor 1»< abacco planta eauaa tba diaaaae Unidnvllle M u; Another kaown aa tobacoo Uoaale. Ha cfl Away Suddenly. I who once minted dark green etam Chicago, April 13,—(AP) — Slt-Aat Lanatog, Hlch, actually started piwrad that altbqugh thaaa tobaoeo To pock in a diver can. Split in R ai^ Appnrent. down atrikea, - the------experts------aoy, are prbtaiaa eaa ba etyitalllaed and It’s mring and the g t o violins on the way ouL ployss 830,000 to wages when some Bradley Pair Ranked High otbarwlaa treated Uke pure cbaml' Hartford, April 13—(AP)—Fun­ Are playfaw the whole night tHroogh, EAGLES WIN TWO GAMES AND SERIES CAGE WINNING The Mancheater Youi^ Oemocra- Uke the chain letter emae, the production workers who finished eala, tbay alao have the aame power eral sarvicaa for Lieutenant Com­ And the wind It tweet with riven of nin. mander George H. Sttelmey, 43, otoff Uc club win support Attorney Frank sweep of miniature golf and tha their daUy work 10 mtoutss early aa Ueiiig bacteria to reproduce officer of the Fifth Battmion, Con­ And I wait, I wait for yon! Odltra ef UnkmvUte and Hartford Chorleaton dance, the ait-down referred Jestingly to their brief rest As Threats For The Derby tbeaiBtlvee and cauae dtseaae. Ha necticut Naval HiUtia, will be held for the state presldaacy when the atrikers, which a t one time eraro os a "sit-down." IN CLOSING !■ a amtebiaK ant Hiowed they were almoat certainly Tuesday at 1:80 a. m., a t the funeral I'V E tpread the Ubie with yellow doth; annual oanvenUan to held in Hart- estimated to occur at the rate of one Word of their actioo flow through DEFEAT METEORS, ONLY THREE DAYS adopted bj lait* a link between Uring and non-living 1- All tw daffodilt I could pkk fo rt April 38 and 34, it to expected. an hour, are gradually dlmtolahtog. By BOBERT8GN 4 wndburBt of aattwalaam tor tha vet­ rooms of Taylor and Hodean here. the plant and other employes oaaaed Naw York, April 7.—(AP)—Ofioo lOhMi p la i^ on tbinga. Comnumder SUckney, a naachaal Are standing around in copper faowit. Local delegates favored Odium a Today observers of the toduotrial activity, causiiig the plant to close. SPORTS eran trainer, who haa aaddlad tour flC water. Until Dr. Langmuir found that theae cal engineer for the Hartford Steam I’ve lighted a eandiwatiek. year ago when a rift In the party scene estimated there were leas then Varied were the causes of the sod­ ktt MDDU M M tTS ■gain Um "hartbooto" are tuning up Darby wtoners for Bradlegr. He’s TRAINING CAMP N O m 'ATObMlMinm I ago aB nnoMaa whieh a tobacco protelna "unfold" them- Boiler Inspection' and Insurance Duttng, darling, the wandcrhitt resulted in a oompromtee candidate dosen actual sit-downa over tee den alt-down epidemic. Whan * MITCHELIS EASILY TO GO FOR TROUT for their famona yeU. 'Hm report to nover volubl# whon talking about TrtiBlpal ateOMate ot tea Uawiaa aelvaa on the aurfaca of water. Or­ Company, and with the company Hmgalr 1 )4 ^ ehqaen. This wask-end aa- country. husband’s affection cooled, an offi­ By EDDIE BEIBTZ ^Dlek BartsU la the outetandlag ou’ that thto to Bradlajda year to hie own borsea Giant of tha spring campaign. tha Derta. Thompeon eonaiders Brooklyn hto warn anppoaad dinarily they are small round dropa. since 1914 except for a brief polled othar split la tea state orgiuilsatlon A few days ago Secietaiy of Lh- cial declined to rejialr a street, on Atlanta—Manager Buoky Harris le r s Wkli IS m U M te cfcsHtesls. On water they atreteh out to 1-15 during the World War, died Sunday beca^ mipareat. with New Haven bor Perktoa pronounced them defi­ tonkaeper turned aolda demanda tor The **r* Eaglao won tea Y. M. C. New York, April 19.—(AP)—Bill SEASON TO START It's been tour iMa yaara Mnea boat Derby proapecl atoee tba colt’s Terry is easting longing eyas to­ ’The JaehaonvlUe (FU.) team baa to puasitog over whiteIl of bto Wash- M. Stealagr t t tba ef their usual diameter. Dr. Lang^ morning In Harlhoro, Haas., follow­ county threatening to break away nitely on the wans. "nlckle beer.” a city sought to col­ a:, beaketben ^tournament Botarday historic (amrehin Dowm toot aehoad ■b*. Blue Larkspur went 00 to togton pitchera deosrtaa tea honor teatUnte dlaeotarnd nudr concluded that their structure ing a heart attack in Bostoa. from tba faction now In control. But they gave scrap book enthuri- lect a sewer tax from a foreign wards Sacramento, CaUf., whara two of the oldest pitcher In tigiui- with that fainoua vletoty yaU, but prove himaelf the outetandtog te n s- BeticdiU b at "Y” gym, taking tha Metaora Dolph CamlUl, hart-bltttog fiiet toed baseball...M anager Alas Mo- ot tbo opening day aarignunnt tka groteteo wblA forw to> is "laee-nke.' Ha was a natlvo of Worcester and asts plenty of clipping material to consuL a aehool board rafuoed to ro­ In Brooklyn and BUUooalra, Ool B. yaaisold of tba yoar. Stooa than two rtaara has been Uttla to chooo* ba- was trained as a marine engineer, b6ydiiy. “OUt^ 86-39 to a fast game and lellytog aaeker of the PhllUaa la holding out OoU owns up to 43 summers and R. Bradley, the master ef Idle Hour Bradlw colts—Burgoo King to 1992 bin n favored toatruetor— Latty S tite StreuDs WiD Be Open twaan Newsom, Dsteong, Appleton Streigdif«rLM ert;l serving for a time with the United Within a few waaka after Michi­ downers" waa the uniform answar. after a tote-game letdesvn to top the ,. .when Uiko Appttng, White 80s Lucas, tha batting praettoa farm, haa a pair that may give aaa Brokar*e 'Hp to 1988—hava and Weaver tn the exhlHtton gamea States Herchant Uarlne. He help­ STAFFOR^SPRINGS gan automobUs workera firat put Few "ait-downera" were as wholly MltckeU House team 36-16. Tbe Sbortetm, got hungry during p a moat worth whOa preaent raise. ’The administration agreed to "Since the news-dramatisation guest speaker tonight at the annual Burrows HID.' Robert Allyn, who H m soorea: ftohlng as a "barefoot” boy quite Burprtos of tea waak was te* rtos PA'a laad aad wlte only n oppose personnel slashM, outsidv> of "Ladles Night" of the Hens has been .seriously ill for sw tral the Avery farm In North Somers, of Remington-Rand, Inc., nwy ba Miss Grace Reed spent Sunday a while ago—he’ll ba 43 yaara old pinte-hitter for the Dodgara Tha AOdren on this "bbthdaybday program originated In Harch, 1981, with her grandparente, Mr. and Mra. of Omni* Mack’s "bu as you go" to go w an laadliig 87-36. for childrao" by giving Voa A n ^ es, before June 30, end of ‘March of lim e’ has been named one Friendship Club of the South Meth­ months, to reported aa much improv­ where they were employed by Avery settled thie week by a slmultaneotu p B ' r P next month. *x-Datrott star boi> won a plare to paint It leokad daik fW the Oscal year. ed. as painters, having been working in Arthur Reed. Piratet, Senaton, Indiaos Philadelphia ithletlea to aecond Um Brooklyn outfield aad atoadv I eeeinrence at beall4tb and of the three best drsmatio programs odist church. Warden Walker will vote of all striking employes. 3 Rubatea, K ..... 8 1-3 7 IN SECOND PUCE TIE Wa told Roy of our troublaa sug­ I place. H m A'a m n 8ve games and Amatks and tha'spirita al Miss Anna Ehoeman. daughter of Springfield and Etest Lohgmeodow, Utttag loot waak rritoad hto a v m m I fbr future yaara. taport- Only about SOO strikera remained each year In the annual polls con­ be Introduced by Col. William C. 0 Wajner, i f ...... 3 1-3 3 gested perhaps there were quite a pushed ahead of tea Pitteburgh rooters waa at low oM eh n aasuranoe la pro- out for the duration of the walkout caieney, chairman of the Prison Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elseipan of Mass. They alao told the police HJalmar Anderson, chairman 0 Southaiglll If ... 0 0-0 0 few otlm* Ilka us and naiMd Next IB Order. to bettor than JIOO. ■Uppad d o m tb* hurt ducted among radio editors of the Blmbunt, L. L, and aununer nsi- that thay bad worked for Avery's the Remtogton-Rand atrlka commit­ Pirates and tea Washington Bens- I ter a madteal sTamlnatlon of United States and Canada by the Board. TWO SUNDAY M .A m i, 0 Hlllnskl If ...... 8- \ 1-0 7 hto counsel on bow beat to ao about tors, tea t m elnba Ued tor third atrstte. ' a t a apacMad ttma aaeh New Tork World Telegram. Each A violin quartet from the Parsons denta here, will be married to Artie brother In Canada and before leav­ tee, forecast tba aattlamant last 3 Sudolf, ^f ...... 1 0-0 3 Teams from Springfield, YL, RANGERS WITHIN GAME the ’’Job." lAkrioad, Fla-loo«)b Cy Par- Th* fsaM’s baro. Mg a t a tlam iraar the child’s Hillborn, also of Blmburst, May 1. ing for the United States they ew night upon returning to Middletown '8 Wilson, e ...... 0 1-8 1 Good Ltaea Big Naod. ktoa former eatebar, to a Datroit ohowew eatte to te* Mi program requires the services of Omservatory of Music will en’er- ’The Eisemon family hava spent ten By DREW MIDDLVTOM It was suggested that, if Today’s Pattern more than 30 actors, 19 muslctans, taln with instrumental numbers and cured the address of the North Som­ from a conference he said eras call ONE IS THREATENING 0 Derrick, 0 0 0-3 0 "Well" weUed Ray, publlcatlona Otoa* babtod tea Benatote and tea omialta. P ari^ eatebtog Jack fast ‘buoksr’t shot 1 aaaminatioo In tba paurt years or more In Hebron during ers brother. The arrest was nuule ed for the purpose of clarlfjrtog an 8 Mlkolelt. I g ...... 3-3 4 and Charlotte, N. C , Cap- OF HOCKEY PINNACIE director of tha Mora Game Birds in Plratas are the Ctovctond Indiana Ruaaall to batting preettea was eight production, aerrice and aound- C. Elmore Watkins will sing. Re­ their summer vacations. 1 • Naw York, AprO 19.—(AP)—De­ Opalate repeated with boau ovarloolted, Hay Day effecta experts, and 11 editorial and freshments will be served following after several weeks of Investigation agreement offered recently by 1 Hermoa r g ...... 1 • 0-0 3 America Foundation with offiiwa in with tea Brooklyi. Dodgara, Chlea- attuek on ^ right an a Just below pm the gam* away as tea; e well be uasd for this purpose, ’The town school bOard has ap­ by the local state policemen. James H. R{u>d, Jr., president of the Woodland Tobacco Plantation Iteof Pork to which ha oommutea lta waak-and ravaraea te* New aO Cuba and New York (.Mnu, atoo tee elbow to •gnupteg at a wild research workers. This number Is the program under the direction ol proved the name of. Htea LlUlsn tnred.Pnrst Place Honors; 5Yc ”ork Yankees, are rollliif home on ended one. of the bmm' of regular medlcu akam- frequently Increased according to Otto Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson of concern. on McLean Hill Scene of 9 10 6-18 36 Victory Tomorrow Night from here dally: ptaytog .600 baU or batter. patch yaaterday. A traoture waa eonteata of tb* asaaon. and the naod at adequate I Grining tor normal school ocbolar- Main street spent the week-end In Middletown alone 900 workera Mlteben Boose; "Go to a reUabla qmrU good atoro tha crest of a vietory wave, which The Boston Red Box and tbe Bt. fMUP6d* fadllUes for child health thie demands of the scripts. ship at tee WiUimantic State Nor­ visiting with her mother In WIIU- Troableaone Fire. Against Red Wings Will Give baa kept them on top of the grape- "Five microphones are used In mal Training School. would be affected by a aettlement. P B F P AD Time Records Broken. —the vary bast type—and get good Louto Cartlnala a n the only two The gam* wea pitoyed a t. te ao racognlnad that many montic. Anderson said 350 others would not 3 Traak, r g ...... 2 8-8 7 Victory to New Yorkera ^ k l a and a moderately priced rod, fruit league atandln^ srlth 30 vto- reeognlaad oontondara to tbs _ .® f ^ “«ham. A la— Paul Dean, eUp throughout a* bolbote t devote much intaroet making the broadcast. One Is for Mrs. (Siarles P. Miner entertained Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hewitt and tortoa to 36 starts tor an -800 ever- close-ups, another for ‘mobs,’ the the Women'e Bridge Club at her return having Obtained work else­ The members of the South Maa- 0 Btott^, rg ..... 0 0-3 0 • ta t a ^ aU, get a good line, which league's lower reaebea. Tha Carta, picked tor Manager Frank Frtoteto avanly matched and gm* in provldtng I HEBRON son Frederick of Rockville were the where. 0 Btoatnaki, rg •••. 0 0-0 0 to really one of the most Important ■ge. rsaurrlng Hay 1 third, fourth and fifth for sound, mu­ home ’Thursday evening. Two tables chsater Fire department bad two Norfolk, VsL April 13—(AP) — DetrolL April 13.—(AP)—Thr Tba Tonka bombardod aoutharn with an avarags at only .400, are oppose Birminghan today, haa bean had to gala th* tnltliJ advaat y Days have | week-end guest of their eoo-ln-law 'The strike here was eaUad May 4 Dryaguto, Ig ...... 8 0-0 . 6 parte of tha equipmanL tied for 13th ptao* wltb tba PhUltoa the spring sartaa for the to m aariaa ptoyofto. pttbUe interoat te'provm-1 sic and ’auditorium’ effsetsi Voloas A drivIvlng snow storm had no ef­ were in play. Mias Marion Oott won and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Am cans Sunday. The first, a sUll Teams renesenting Springflald. Vt.. New York Rimgera who flotolMd fences for 66 runs laat waak, but of headliners In the world’s news are first honors. Hiss Lbutea Hollteter, 26, 1936 in aympathy with walkouts 3 Marul, q ...... 0 0-8 0 and Charlotte, N. C.. captured top "Be sure the line to aiifficlenUy and tha Rad Box mark to 460. tea C ^ against tb* Browns to Bt Taatertayif wta was th* i w for tba advanoamant f fect upon the attendance a t the Murray and family of Edgewood at other plants of the office eqtilp alarm, cams at 7:80 tor a chimney 0 J. Domto, if . . . . 0 0-0 0 third In the American division ol heavy, since the weight of the line ■aw their strlnx of consecutive Louis Saturday. and tbp protection of Ida I simulated by the uctors, many of apeciaf town meeting Friday eve­ second, . Refreshments^, of sand- streeL honors to the Tenth Atmual National '*7>« American League continued tory In 46 atarta tor tha whom have been regular members wicbes, cake and coffee Were served. ment firm to New York atata and fire a t 1329 Mato atreet No. 4 re­ 8 Goracy, rf ...... 1 0-2 . 2 Duck Ptn Bowling Congresa whieh ths National Hockey Dague, stood counts tremendously to casting. Go triumphs snapped a t IS when U««y to hold an edge to l^ r-Ieag u e con- Amerka this aaoaoa la this endeavor, public | ning. Ehiery seat waa token and the Members of the local Girt Scout Ohio. 0 Landry, i t ...... 0 0 4 out In your town within tbs Ume eitlaaos, the madlral profes-| of the cast since It first came to the aisles and hallway were filled with Mr. and Mrs. Fitch N. Jones visit­ sponded and tha fire was SKUnxulah- 0 ended here Sunday. T w all-Umc ons gsme away from the Stanley teste with 88 victortoa to 64 fsm ea Columbia 8. C —Th* Boston Baaa chowskl th* other air. ed the General Assembly in Hart­ troop committee attended the an­ 0 8. Domto. I f ___ 0 0-2 0 thst remains and practice team played heads im I ' otbar beaXb leadars have ( people standing. After considerable nual meeting of the Oinnectlcut ed without damage. * tournament records were establish­ Cup today. THE 8TAI.1MNGB after p^dtog out a 33-3 vietory "Because news-events are r»-en' ford Tuesday. Hr. Jones Hatepad Tha prompt response of N a 1 for ed to two weeks of bombarding tbe before trying your tuck on a stroam. Inter- o v e r^ Augusta club ya a tS S v. was 1 ^ "Ed" Bargondahl I Just aa tba health argument pro and con the roads Girl Scouts held lost Saturday at 12 6 8-13 ResumUig their senaatlonal eon D arn bow to get the Una out IntrA-. Humid show improva- acted within auch a short time of question waa finally settled. It was to a hearing on tba milk question a still alarm at 3:60 yesterday aft- 16 maple lanee. quering drive last night the blue- Laogua Lsogu* •toppoa nara today tor ■ mm* wlte it kept tee Mortartye In and Mrs. Jones attended a bearing Connecticut State College for Wom­ Score a t halfUma, 16-4, Eagles. "In trout fishing. Don't try to AO duriaff tht niML ia ancreedlng years, so must their occurrence, rehearsals ara ex­ voted to apply available funds to the en in New London. NORTH COVENTRY eraoon prevented what might Lava The borders friction stop, men’s ahirted New Yorkers detested the Games Games Games Avg. the Brooklyn Oodgei*. Itioa for promoting child ceedingly strenuous, scripts being on the Normal School queatlon. Referea Dellafara; Umpire, Ken­ tern composed of Baltimore bowlers em t for records. Forty feet to am M M ^ r BUI McKechnle ptoanad rielly by Sheldon, center building of 2800 feet on the Hebron- Mater Harold B. Plnney of Staf­ Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wet' been a oerioua fire a t the Woodisnd nedy. Detroit Red Wlnga cup defeuders pla dtotanca for 90 per cent of the Yankees ..11 a 0 0 30 6 AW ba antended ebch year. A prepared, cut and revised up to the Bolton road where intersected by Tobacoo plantaUon on AUddla j n - but repressntlng Springfield, toppled and league champions, 1 to 0. AthlsUcs . to ated John Lanntog to th* mound. ■on. guard. ford Hollow, a member of the Oov- gold and nephew Wallace, spent the 'Hma 9 minute perioda 1,996 pine on the final day of oom- trout StattoUes show that moat .. 8 0 a 1 8 8 .727 of eoaununlty resources wlU last second before the program goes loops from the Andover road, pro­ pike, at the top of McLean HUL Tha Victory Tuesday night whan Ufe Pirate* .. .. 3 8 1 tn tha prritms, to white thol eroor’a staff and deputy motor ve­ week end to New Jersey risttlng Mr. ptlUon for a new high nM rk In J m tita t ara taken within thto dutaaoe 1 30 6 .667 arty’s and PAC Glrto a n ' In tba eomlng six months on the sir. In spite of this Ume- vided Andover will agree to Improve hicle commissioner was among those bouse has been vacant for about a Stanley (hip aeries continues wUi Senators . .. 6 8 4 8 14 7 W toi^.8al*iii, N. C— Th# Boa- I. tba object of promoti^ m m t- pressure, each performance has been iU part of the road. ’The next atrip AUTHOR’S FUNERAL Weigold’e sister. Eaglea team event. ’’Now, 11 you are planning to "art A67 oeat-eut-of-thtea>gan wtio attended a dinner tendered to [Jertr week and as the plantation is to be B give ths Rangeta the trophy. A Red Indians .. .. 6 5 0 0 18 7 AOO t«B*ad Boa minus Manager J m ^ itties fbr child bciJtb in outstanding for the excellence of Its of rosul to be taken In band accord­ Miss Gertrude Baer of RockvUle. uoed In raising tobacoo this year F Charlotte’s Bowling Canter Olria to a small stream, you need top the Girl’s town litla tee Cov. Wilbur L. Cross at the H art­ a student at WUHmantlc Normal 0 MlkollrlL ig .. 3 0-0 eet a total of 1635 pins to claim the Wing victory would push the series boots. B ut on tbe larger streams Dodger* .. 4 1 9 4 11 6 .641 Cronin and stung by or. 8 to S do- nosed out the totter, 18-10 In i dramatization. ing to the vote taken will be the TO BE H E D TUESDAY men went to the bouse yesterday to to five games. It now stands twu C^ibs ...... 7 6 ^ t h * band* of tbe Atlanta dub 'During the sponsorship of the crossroad from Loren Lord's corner ford C3ub last Saturday night In hon­ School spent the week end wltb her 4 Sudolf, Ig . . . . 0 1-3 National Title for a women’s quin­ such as tha Housetonlc, one of the 1 1 11 6 .641 fought game to take the firat ( or of his seventy-fifth birthday. classmate Mies Alice Heckler at do soma cleaning up. A rubblah firo 2 Kosak, Ig . . . 0 0-0 tet. They failed to reach the tot|r- to one with the Rangers on top. Giants ... 6 6 8 1 IS 8 .600 program by Servel, Inc., the drsma- to the comer of the Rathbone-Kln- was started to the lot to the rear of finest It the east; Farmlngtoa Sal­ seriea Both teems ne} road. Two families live on this Mrs. Eva Ludwig has returned to Mias Heckler’s parents Mr. and Mrs. 0 Herman, rg ., 1 0-1 nament peak of 1,763 act last year A combination of veteran sters mon and WilUmantto, wad era ere White Sox .. 7 6 0 0 10 7 ASS b» a nous too Joyous works" to gst th* tisatlons will continue to be pre­ Hody of Albert Bigelow Paine the barn that faces on Middle t m- and promising youngslara thr Reda ___ ftam s of mind. DiWaNG SCHOOL pared by the editors of Time," the road, and It will also accommodate her home on Center street after Charles Heckler. Hiss Jeanette 0 Wilson, « . . . . a 0-0 at Hartford, Conn., by the Lucky recommended. ... 8 4 4 4 11 8 A79 "Pag" Haugh featured tor'teal I the aeveral families living on the Arrives from Florida; To Be spending severs] days with Hr. and Heckler who teaches to Bolton, plke, to the west of the house trite 0 Derrick, c ... 0 1-2 f trike Girls of Washington, D. C. Rangers bit tbslr stride tote to the "Atoo, the begtoner should, de­ Tigers ... .. 4 6 4 8 10 3 A36 w /L ’JT’***” Wea and Rick arty a wbll* Batty Wa news-magazine, aa they bavs been a tobacoo shed to the south. Tbs m season and came into the play-offs FerreU, was called tor duty, since the program was originated Rathbone-Klnney road as well as Buried in Georgetown.. Mrs. ’Thomas Soott of Mansfield. spent the week end with her parents. 1 Rubaeha. rf .. 4 0-1 TI other tourney record was set spite tbe stern looks of purists who Red Sox . ,. 2 2 1 8 6 6 .406 yeoman aervle* tor te* PA’i FlANNINGARECtTALl If not better than would have been A regular communication of Ionic Mra. Martin Visney and famUy wind blew aporka Into the graos and 0 WaJner, rf . .. 8 1-1 by Miss Tracy Jones of Miami. Fla., a t their peak. They rode over tbe Browns .. .. 1 8 1 8 7 9 .487 The eecond gams ot tha si more than six years ago,” to a short Ume a grass fira was a bowler of less than a year’s ax- use flits and nothing but fllea make Winston-Salem, N. C — Bhren done Iw carrying out the plan Lodge, No. 110, R. F. A A. M., were Sunday guests at the home of 1 Hlllnskl, If . .. 4 0-0 Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal hto start with wornia tor halt Otm 1 (tordtoato' .. 1 6 8 4 • 13 .400 though due tor be played Friday night at tea; adopted at the former town meet­ Gaorgetown, April 13.—(AP) — win ba held Tuesday evening, April Mrs. VlsnejPs sister Mrs. WUllam burning that encircled three barns. 6 Bouther^n, U 0 0-0 perienea who aplllcd 181 ptoa She Maroons in four straight gamaa enii PhUllea .. ... a 6 3 3 6 9 bench-warming. Stda Bee. evoning, April 80, is the | White three persons wars *ghMp» was teamed with Mtoa Hops Mann, ba aahamad to noa worms to smallet .400 U « y im Grtorom, r^teto I l^'it has been set for the a ing. of improving the road to Ivea' Albert Bigelow Paine, writer and 13th a t which Ume, District Deputy Sieber of WindaorvUle. kept up the pace when they opened •traama to bagtn with and qy aU Bees ...... 1 3 3 4 -3 13 A81 ^ Bbmehastor l^O^Boya Deaths Last Night comer. Any funds which may be biographer of Mark Twain, will ba Herbert A. West will make bis an- Hr. and Mrs. CecU Robertson ami ths blase a telephone call resulted 16 S-7 S5 alao of Miami, to a douMaa match at the final aartea against Detroit vic­ tea C^ctoMU Rada provided j rseltal of Oia daasstl oual vteltatiao and Inspection. The to Chief Foy sending N a 1 company the ttma tea raoort Una waa rolled. means, fiah downatream, aUowtog edte eosMthtog to ta n about" to- a t the T. H. C A. under the left are to be applied ti> improving burled Tuesday a t 8 p. m.. In Rad- two chlldrsn of Fairfield,, Conn., BleteoTBa torious 6 to 1 . your Una to drift down with tea •vi- 4 B. ByehetsM, rf, e . 3 tba old Colchester road from.BSlIen- ding after funeral oervlcea In tha Master Mason degree win be exem spent Sunday with Mr. an^ Ura. to tea firs. Ths company arrived p .B r Joe Remelkto, who took aecond Karr Sartos Star “• y ~ * “hie dw growth of whtokete. of Hra. Walter WlrtaUa.1 Oilcago—Horace S. WUWnson, 68. plifled. place In the men’s all-avant- with r m t tbe hope ef tha aluauil teat ha will 3 Kovto.lf. a i7 ..l. 3 0 4 1 rabaarsaU are belag held, Great Lakes shipping operator and barg*a Corner southerly. A good Gllbort Uemorlal church hero. Lawrence Robertson. Just as tha fira was starttog to tiro 9 BsulL I f '. . . . . 3 0-0 Dave Kerr, the great Ranger ■vantually b* 00* 7" . . . KaUay, lo­ tlj*i''w l^ pledgrt “not to teave un- 8 Oburiiomki, a ig . 6 Patne'a body arrived hero loot A meeting of the Women’s Relief Mrs Anna Robertson of the tobacoo oheda. Hia pertxbia 1,190,led tbe-Springfield team to its Fly la Boat Loro 200 AMATEURS s n Nauonal ^mothers ore busy making at-1 chairman ^ the board of the Cruci­ ‘0 VsnhsrL Tf . . . 1 3-4 samatlonal rolling yaatoiday vwith « goalto. scored hto fourth abutout la ^ n to wUI anabto you to Msrn the' ci dec tally, promlaaa to gtv* Hart- 9 Opalate, rg ...... 3 ble Steel Cbrp. night from New Smyrna, Fla., where Corps will be held tonight Monday, turned from Hartford and wfll op«»d water tanka were used add tha fires 9Dsnlela e '... 4 0-0 ■even pisyoff games laat alghL Ex fort fans a treat April 31 whan ha 3 aavartok, rg, K . . . 3 eoatumea. H m WirtaUa he died teat Friday ateer a four at Odd Fallows’ halt on Main street. a few weeks with her con Lavrrenee to three dUferent places to two dif­ ■at of 486. Ray Barnea aacnor haunts and habits of tha floh and |-plaaaed an attractive program | London—Algernon Bennett Lang- 0 Cummtoga Ig 1 0-0 hit 154 to tea aacond block and to eapt tor the second gama of the doesn’t require too much etoii x s brtoga bto nine to the ’Tnaurano* FOR BOSTON nCHTS 0 Falknakt, Ig . . . . , . ’3 ton Ashton, 77, author of more tba» tba rural roads of the town are be­ days’ Ulneoa. The local testing lane of the state Robertson and family. ferent tobacoo oheda were sxtto- 1 Allay, rg \ . . . 3 1-8 8U nity (hip eeriea which Detroit (3 ^ to maatTrihlty. —Msk 30 ttumbara. Three eluues I ing taken out of the mud, and It ap­ The Rev. Benjamin Winchester, motor vehicle department on West The following children were per­ tbeffnal gams Ramalkto erashad tbe soon as you toarn wlUi wornw. eonducted during ■ the 3,000 letters publlshad In the Dally gulshed after which atetation waa ptoa for a brlUlant 178. Buck Etorie. won 4 to 3, Kerr has bass supreme Bob Bton* of Watarimry, who to 14 16 3»9 I propriations continue to be made pastor of tba churok, w(U offidats street, near the nialn entrance of the fect to attendance during the month given to fighting the grass fira. A 10 8-7 38 switch to s fly, for not unUl then tba beginnars. Intermediate Press, and oemposer at some 170 rolling to'No. 3 pmrition, haiped master of net play. Only six goals wUl you be able to reaUy snjoy -:he refarring'the world’s pocket blUlart Horterty Bras. Plrretsaie (f musical composiUona. there to hope fbr all sections In time. and Paine’s body will Ue in atata tor Fair grounds will open tor the first of Harch to Pond RUl school; V an rain and hali storm coma up while Boor* a t half, 30-9, Eagles. have been scored sgslnat him to tourney tn New York, Informs Chick Eighth National A. A. U. Box­ HOCKEY P. R » . f ndvaneed, anr all the children Roads voted on at the town meet­ three hours on tba afternoon of ths time on ’Tuaaday, April 18th. The Toth, Ohsrlotte Hicktog and Mary cltoch Um National UUe by scoring sport of angling. ' 1 tebe part in two or three Naples. Fla. — Everett Chase the men were fighting the firo and Roforsa Kennedy. 161 on hto last Una seven gamea. Kellay, Watorbury American sports ing Championahips to Begin 3 Bergendahl, rf . . . • s-d-i I ing will be 13 feet In width, though service. Inspectors will be a t the Ians df"y Hiller. tola aided by the amall brook, which "And ones you got to »-i»«g a fly. 13m evening performance I Brown, 78, of Chicago, former presi­ many favored 14 feet roads. Tha only goal laat night waa by you won't use any other lure. It it boos that the champlonahlp “to tba Tonight; Champions Missing. _^Ptayo«a at a Olanca 3 Della F arra If . . . . 0 (Mk^ dent of the National Livestock Ex­ The writer bad maintained a home except Buadaya from 8 a. m. to 6 Mrs. Annie Schell baa returned to prevented a spread to tha west, kept Nall CoIvlUa 38 oacoada after -the moat wlda-opan aeraiubl* to the his­ 4 Bhridon, 0 ...... 3 3-7 t ba given at 7:80, and there will The Rev. H. R. Keen reports that in Georgetown for tea last 36 yaai* p. m. Local motoriats ivtll have a WiUimantic to vlalt her son Chari< Tha WllUmanUe, Conn, Blue Rlb- ■porty, totereettog and attraote By tea Aaaodntad Preaa change, the National Amateur Ath- the re In check without other prop­ second period atarted wltb Oatrott tory of titular play . . . Watorbury I^MMl Laagna O B IaaS llo...... 0 0 4< > afternoon performance at I ^MART and youthful, a praetl- he haa received $90 to date In the and last year completed a naw taal- Uttla more than two weeks In which Schell end famUy. erty being endangered. bona wtoners to 1986 wltb a record- mors sportsmen (afid women) Boston; April 12.—(AP)—T m Tlcleete win be In the hands | teUc Union, and ths Cbteago Uva- sale of Easter eeals for the benefit dence In Weat Redding, half mile BASEBALL making 1,946, wars deadlocked with defenseman Johnny Gallagher la the any other type of angling. The fans went to New York yaaterday f i ^ e y Cup finals (3 of 6 games.) 8 Salmonds, r g ...... -1 3 4 cal d retr for daytime wear stock Exchange. to have their ears Ini^tod and se­ Mrs. Arthur J. Vtoton artywded penalty boa Oolvtlle made he (Sunday) where they honored Btone hundred twenty.«na amataura from 3 Mattson, I g ...... 4 O-Oi ' children next week. la No. 8883. It---- iteasy to make— of crippled children of the state, from the Mark Twain Hamoclal li­ cure tea official O. K. sticker. Mo- the rehearsal tor the cantata the Holland Flva another Connec­ most effecUva early gy ig H u rt game, Sunday; New York Prudence. R. I.—Charles Joseph from the throe towns of Hebron, B» ticut team, tor aecend place team short poke on a rebound with Joe on being cboaen tor thto coveted ■■- Rangers 1 , Detroit Red Wings 0. iust straight aeama that can be brary. toriata o n asked to remove the old "Mikado" Monday evening, which Is b b c e iv e c r o p l o a n s probably the Bucktall No. 8, blaca ■ignment. 36 atatea Um Dtotrict of Columbia 16 C Davol, 68, president of the Colchester, and Columbia. H r. Keen He bad been Twala’a Uteraiy i Philadelphia (A) 7, PhUodalphto honor* thto year, with 1847. North- Cooper and Baba Pratt getting the Standing; 19 M l n up in no time. The fitted Rubber Company and a leader sticker from the windshield of their being rehearsed under the direction APPLICATIONS APBIL 13. (N) 4. and white with a silver body. Henry E. CotUa Bristol high aad Hawaii w on sohaduled to begin iltU ^ and flared skirt ara la chairman of the committee. From ecutor and one at his beat known cara baton they viait tea Inspection weat 8anpto of Washington, D. C. _ w L a 00 Boors by Periods In tb6 Rubbnr Industry. ISO requests sent out 88 have -con­ of Herbert France of the WllUman- Chicago (N) 0. B t Louis (A) 6. which hold tha lead tor a weak, and- Tbe gama was raptete with kwa "Furthermore, there Isn't any aehool principal to dtociwring tea battling today to tm Boaton ring* PAAC ...... 9 9 14 SM inL INC. SELLS alcnderixinf. Stitched collar. Ja­ works was a three votauaa biogra­ lane. I t la no leoger of any use. tlc Choral club. Applications for emergency crop rooaon why you can’t go to any of ■Uiooi’a athleUc machinery recently, Rangers ...... 2 1 8 6 bot and but. and button ttun tributed to the cause. Thoee who phy of tea knaioriat. Chicago (A) 8, Pittsburgh (N) 6, •d tn fourth notSUoiL checking and rmighneaa, eleven pen­ for sight nattooal A. A. U. iwwitig ...... t 2 6 8 Hortorty B roa.. 10 9 7 _ complete the modaL Make it In TALE B TOWNE BTEIKB have not already bought saate are ’The new black and white atickais Rev. Edward L. Nleld, pastor cf and feed loans for 1987 will be re­ Memphis <8A) 7. New Torii Vtrglnlanatwk alnglea honora W. Uie 300 mUea of state laiuMd waters pointed out that “tea whol* athleuc Score at halftime; Mortorty-L. - ...... r ■" bear a facrimila o( the famous Char­ the RockvUle Baptist chureh, occu­ ceived at tba H arttort Q>unty Farm alties being caUad. Pratt and Ehbto opening day. If you can find elbow rogram of the aehool to paid out ol ehanpionshipa -----„ _Fourth game; At Detroit Tues­ LARGE HOUSE! cantm or tUk crepe, sheer wool, urged to do ao. ter Oak. (A) 8. B. PoweU, Roanoke, ahoottog 416 (toodfaUow, Rad Wing defenaa tm . day. 18, PA A C is, Hma, 10 nUnutftl tenets or cottons. Patterns are I^trolL April 1 3-(A P ) — Naar- pied tee pulpit of the Second Con­ Bureau office. 65 Waabtagton streeL Brooklyn (N) 6, JackaonvUla for the boat men’s asL 6hd Mtoa Ida room, and be rewarded for your at- BM profits of Um basketball aaaaon Tha first bouto.of thra* days of rioda. Referee, Bogiftol Mrs. E tta Rathbona. bar son Town Ctetfc Harold L Andrews gregational church, Sunday Fto^ord, by John J. HcDermotL were out five mlnutaa for fighting. Fifth game. If necessary; At De­ sized 14 to 30; S3 to 43. Sim 16 ly 176 strikhig amployes, mostly Robert and her daughter. Miss (BAD 9. __ Simmons, tha Nation's No. 1 rank­ forte. Over 60,000 pounds of legal ■a aU other sporta are run a t a loaF’ aetlon war* sohedulad tor 9 p. i troit Thursday. . J. Bmith, tec., today announced * >-4 yards of 39 inch women, continued today to occupy Y, M. C, A, Notes rioted today that ha has reoelved a tog. Ha read the second chapter of Field Supervieor ol the Emergency Nell ColVUlc played With a pro ■toed trout hava reloaaod bf . . . thara'a a moral bars aomaplaea ■ad will eonUniM until te* flald to of a large ten-room flat Hildred, were vUitoie ’Thursday at New York (N) .,9. NoahvUto ing femtatoa star, equoJUng this tectlva davtoa on hto fraotuted Jaw Interaatloiial-AaMtieaa Leagna Morlarty Brea Glrto (ISY material; with long sleeves 4 1-3 the Yale A Town M anuncturing Oo. the home of Hra. Frederick Beebe in check tor 13877.60 for Staffort’a the Ooepel aeoordtag to Luke tor Crop end Feed Loan Section of the (BA) 9 (13 toatoga). to w to r the women’s crown, Mi«s tba state." ' . . . eceridar, tor toatanoa the teduoad to 84 quartar-flaaltota With P. B. kgaraga to Hr. and Urt. Frank yards. plant In defiance of an lajunctton. AniB U riuue of the stata anumeration grant the arripture iesaon. His text was Farm Credit Administration, aad Ott HaUer and Alax ShlUcky, Banoon wouldn't tell tw cf nay plight of Btaffort ((prlnga and B a i^ praUmtoaria* out of tho way, 83 League ohamplonshlp fin*) (8 of 5 East Haddam. Little Rock* 7(8A) 6, Ctoratoad Simmons also took the woman’s aU- Rangers who aufferad brain ooneua- games.) 0 Luplen, rf ... 0 I of 18 Lilley street. The To secure a PATTERN and They were ordered Friday by Cir­ T hen has been much leas com­ 6: h S!S voltey which wen mailed out by tba stata. taken for First Epistle of John, sec­ April 19 from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. (A) 0. evahte with 1101. / real favorite haunt Probably ha nigh acbooto . . . to the former bouts will be daelded Toosltoy night 1 Leeman, If, e I > sold la Wtuatod at the comer - BY - STEP SEWING IN- cuit Judge Arthur Webstar to Tha grants an payments by the ood chapter, 6 verse. These loans will be made only to ■lona Thuraday, appaarad wlte oai- erantad to glva tha fish a break, but caaa tbe atudento staged a 16-mte- aad tea 16 saml-final and alghi Third game, Saturday: Syracuae plaint than usual this spring of the r Bosun (N) 11, Auguste (SAL) 3. Aster Clarke and BlUy Krauaa meta 4, ^hifadelphto 1. 0 Hontie, If ... 0 0-3g Btoo and Wadsworth otreets STRUCTIONS, fill out the coupon vacate the plant by 9 a. m., today. condition of rural roods. ’The warm 8:00—Annuat Toofna* state to towns for zipsiiiaa at the The Christian Endeavor waa farmers who cannot obtain credit Atlanta (BA) g, Boston (A) 9. Washington, Ore the new doubles thaa two’s company, eto. itte rit-down atrlka m a r a BttSOt ehampionahlp bouts trill be served 0 K. Madden. 0 0 la aoM fbr the Building and MENTION The strikers remained In the plant rains have taken what little frost menL school year that ended in June. 1936. omitted lari evening to allow the from any other source, os providM ebamplona wltb a 809 aoore ana Wa oakad Ray what was the bast been poeted advising cf the up Wednesday nighL fourth game, Sunday; Syracuae 1 Hough, rg zW 8L Louis (tf) U , Ooluntbus dropping of interaphotostfi: haaelwU 5, Philadelphia 0. 1 H r. and Hea. Stone plan te S pE a^® OF THIS NEW& they aald. In protest against the thaie was left in the ground and the 8:80—Bolton group gymnasium 'The total at tha grants paid on tha young people to attend the Young by regulations Issued by the govern­rn* (SAL) 9. Walnut Beach AUeya MUfort, fiah atoiy be has heart to hto wan­ .0 Duke, Ig . .. . 3 tbatr now borne. company’s refusal to recognias tha roada are becoming nettled without period.! baala of 9385 tor each child between People's Rally at the RockvUle high or of the Farm Oedlt Admlniotn- Conn., captured first place in tba' thto season for lack, of funds . . . Tha tournamenL lacktog a atogle Final atandtog: Wsshlngton (A) 6. Chattanooga- JIHIIY CARAS HEADS dering around tha nation and hs i*- temporary paaoa haa baaa SMda 1996 champion to any dmirion, nt- Smith urges all people who pYlM SPRING AND SUMMER United Automobile Workers of tha usual chorus of outcries about A M I U the ages of 4 and 16 has hero de- school auditorium. tlon. Th* monay loaned will be (SA )9. booster divtoioo wlte 1B19. SUver pUsd: _ W L G . ..iure-ssattoi star, arsro darinyod oirw. . . . a Tala aiumana ttiaae N aiM cf t t k Tha misting woi S ’^ ^ th /to ro t MarUyn L oyria who bavs koan gtri down ante bis form truck, drovr be good aemte. Irvtog C m aa BaoiMetar. mT y , 7 IB tho eeatpotttosa .Th* piea«at cBal- max 43 atata playoffa aad 90 ^••Jhrireataailjr yaatfedap. »jS*^eMen Btenfw ce kflM lari Whitten _ a few days with thrir ■uday to a St* wbles liwaiifi tea Tte iaoteall mantor. hto _____ oteer IferadT to teak to tbo euneat ;*Oodoa toogar for tea world’s prnfMalfinsi ••a**a«««« room oehebl. Fndny, tee govirnem iiu hi* Chattanooga awaethaait. wltb bar b o ^ beoUa him through DOOM 04 bat Bsreata li t , and M ra tK tea Unto IB al ailmtoatleiiia Mat* **«-n Eight otliar paeoea* In' tea U r. and Hi*. Arthur V. Linda grendpnroats rsturned borne Snn- the couatryaMe for 13 mtlaa attack Albart, vteeant aad Ooasatok, aad 199 to 99, to aaotear u r#>eY6octzw t 93 ehaaipioaahip waa alimtoatad by eluba oomprti^ 180,000 ptayari; kg todmr.wlM U|Ua Mas Cook, to tha Bari I*n- Thomas M. Vtaaon. a riatar. Mtoa Ana Uttto. cmae hate Waekly tor the way tesy BuniTaat-FlyBB . . 0 Max Maiek to the eeml-finai bout Bondoy vtelton a t tea kama I t n M te m l ed bar and coacanlad bar body m a match. OsM to fifth aad wants to know tt tea bcUUaat Yato 11 wiu be repraaen iad te the oompatt Mias Vtosoa M o an to rte * Mghtetotea^ - Balltomr-Btota . . ..19 4 1 10 on teat oeoarion. Maiek to blnuolf ttoa, acoordtog te Henua Wagnor, UspSuO m 136 6 9 a wMaty iBowa pM M||h (wuntorihasr at. te* aektl-pMa- M ANG BiaiVS EVENING H E R A IA MANCMESTER, CONN. IIONDAT. APRIL I R 1987 MAMlOtlStn'eK BVKNINU HBICAI4^l|Am AtE»rKlC, UUNN„ MUMUAX

BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES SENSE and NONSENSE Q U Y S E L L . / 7;?llEMT//f^/r///^Cl.imsSIFIEI> ------"iR t t Friend—You will take your morn­ Beosuee Ot Yen in g bath 1 suppoaaT Your love wUI always light my w iy, Man—Never miss It Bonstlines each step tvUI ba ao clear. • o n e -r 1 take It hot aometlmea cold and To faal you walking near my Bda ______MoUionK>iat« when Pm In a hurry I take it tor wtU cancel every fear, granted. know tkat I'h be satisfied, eom- 1 * 0 a w t K ooobgva , P m r AMD POUND ANNOUNCEMENT platote won’t pass my Upa. n S U » )M . TO‘Wft COMCSOCr V O O W OV4 MMK HELP WANTED— HELP WANTED—MALE 86 FUEL AND FEED 49-A LEGAL NOTICES PE lALE 25 LEGAL NOTICES WHO AM I? ' Twould atop desires for all gold ______o r MOfmiT IB mbb MAPAim ALOHN — CSiaraetar MAN, RELIABLE, to bsooma —. FOR SALE— SEASONED hard I am the foundatton o f an baataeas: buys to touch your fln gert^ It ntaRMd to Hi raader and p d ln ltt, A p t N o -1, 871 AT A COURT
