. r- * T 8AX0RDAT. APRIL IQ, W T ' AVBBAOB DAO.r OBCDLATMIM ' TBUB WRATIMK:^; tor UM atantb of Manh, u n F i w m M ef 0. a We ChanaMn Court. Orter 4 o t Toronto^ •pssker V o to tetraduced by CM. Usrttard. lOSs McOnan, who wfU ' POBUC BRIDGE math, hold a sneeassfui sausage and Oat. win pisaeh at ths Oospel hall, wminai C Ctouiy. ebnimiaa o t the paacrtis supper and eaird aarty at 4U Oeatsr street tosmiww aftes> STATE FRBMViUNII nwny Rayamd Ptaard of Henry MaMMle Toapl* ~1M boaid. C. Rbnem Watotaa. ftmet-on AacR it. teoalvad sway 5 ,8 78 ths Msesair Teaspls Ihnndaj at S o'cioMi aad again dt 7 in n a aelo sad a vioUa qosr> 2 / V i v U l V 1 Ir V 1 * Ir 41 ¥4^ > V 4 L* 111 ^ ' CM aiag. Wtaaem a t tbs four door tbs svm ing. Ha was one o< ths HEnMonATMcn’i gifta. About IB friends were pros- A F R E E UsMta af (ha An«« « n t e M a flpsm ths Parsons Oenasivstoiy mt from Hartford aad this town. Btaaas at Otaulattaae MidijNgH^lrillE priaea wnrs Mrs. O. R. Burr, Mra maskers k the Raster Christisa M Mmtc wUI sntertain with tastm- 1 . WWIam Hunaifard, Mrs. Ward 00u> Ccaffaranoe In Odd Fellown hi Dsooiatlens wexs la green sad yel­ MANC*HESTER^ A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM — ^ Unrtng his stay in town bs will BQIlriNRV. low. A buffet limd> waa served mad ENLARGEMENT H n t SUttaMT !• SctIm . ‘ gun and Mrs. Laura Loomis. Win Re Guest Spsahar atl otto Nsisaa is chalrmsn In charge WITH tV B R V SHItX UP FIL.M a guest at the hMae o t Irvtog Oien> Man's PMaBdaUp Clnb| n aoeini period wps eoloyod. aey, 1 Pearl street M rWNahaMate which wffll tallow DBVBLOPBD AMD nUMTSU V O L . L V L .n o . 184 MANCnSSTBIt, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 12. lfiS7 (TWELVE PAGES) PRIGS THRRB laaataooaMh THbe IVa B t, u O Mta. Fraaeea McBvitt Is chairman Im U m f NWjtothettog. ™ kpsnking sad pmginm. R. 1C. wUI ifold Ita rafuler meeMm of tbs oomnittee la charge of the bi Tinker hnll Monday evaatint. social to tallow the rsgular mertlng Through an error, the nasM ot Wwdm Ralph k. Waiher o t the I MONDAY NIGHT, 8:15 Manchester at • o'etoek. A large attaadaaee of of 8L Margarst’a Orde, Daughters Mrs. Cs.'oUiia datonia ot,JBU6rUgo Conaeetleut Btete Prteoo wU be thv 40c Nabere is urged as bualaaae ot of Isabella. Tuesdm evening at • street was IMt out o t tbe cemmtt> guest spenksr jd ths TiSdlss Nlghr OVEN SHOWER PARn SETBACK tatarast to arery member will be o’clock la tbf K. of C. clubrooms. tee, for the Santa Lucia Society meeting of the Men’s F rl^ Maiket Others on the eonualttee are Mrs. buiquet aad dance to be aub of ths South Mstlmdfat eh o._ ELITE STUDIO Helsn Donahue, Mrs. Norene Cotter, May a. on Monday night Ths mseOng wiu ®S??!****"* toovNT was gtvm SS8 Main Straet Dsstolm Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helreiidt. Ir. and Mrs. Bsther Oorman. bs held ...t 8 o’clock. M oAirty of Bast Hampton are mending William Haggerty o t IM Vernon ■t her home on Rummer atreat In _B Y POPULAR Wnidm Walker, an tateresthig tioner o t Mlm Helen McChaa of month’s vacation in St. nteriburg, Mr. and Mrs. Bknest Smith o f 64 street Is 111 at SisI hehome with pneu* Fla. Mie. Heirendt eras formerly m oala. - \ W REQUEST HoU street were surprised- last night r?. m Bva Jarvis o t 410 Center by a party o t ttsighbors and friends street, this town. WE HAVE PARTS U g a in p o r t h is a f t e s * la oelebration o t their 80th or peiuri ADVBRTISEMBNT-- a.jilveraary. Cards were played sad NOON AND HVENIN 6 The regular meeting oC the Order buffet lunoh wae served, sad Mr Brighten up the rooms by ia> For AU Kinds O f of Rainbow, Aasemb^ No. U , will and Mrs. Smith were remembered linishing the floors. Ths mos* up-to- Canadian'MounticB Ready In Strike Issue be held Monday eveidu at 7:S0 with- gifts. It was mowing last dato Sander can be ranted by the U sed C a rs^ BRITAIN RUSHES FPm c t MMidM Sliced Boiled o’clock at the Masonic ‘fsnipls. All night as ths guests arrived and they day from The Manchester Lumber If yoo’ra ear Is aot monlRa Question and Answer To ® LONG WAITED O P IN IO l who have not as yet made returns remarked that on their wedding day A Fuel Co., who also carry flUers. • VA « * * e * « * * * ’*« 4 7c on tickets for the minstrel are asked la Sprtngfleid, Mass., there wan aad varnish. Phone for hch of parto-aes^^ ...................... to do so Monday night to William snow on April P. •148. EIHott ' BIGGEST WARSHIP )J1 W eltel^lYukriirte PANTALEO BROS. A Smooth Tire Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Blanche rd and Horaeo Strert ' DECIDES VITAL POINTSI 25c daughter of 3SS Center street have bad as their guest, Mrs. Blanchard’s Just Off WethorcD Strsst ■houMta^^teau!”*****^* “Suy. Breaker Strip, R u wearing ouL You are beginning to TO SPAIN’S COAST mother, Mrs. EUaabeth Moran, who Phons 8S4« Tender Weetora has retumod to her hems in New REASONS WHY so MANY PEOPLE Jersey. EAT AT THE PRINCESS RESTAURANT SETTLES 5 KEY 35c David Rutchinaon o t Oak stn 42,000 Ton Hood, Mightiest will stag two numbers during the ON FIFIH DAY ’tJospel Venters” broadcast tomor­ of All Battle Crnisors iM o o ^ 73c row afternoon at 4:S0 over WTHl SPRING h Epodnl DecwMi Riflt # S Ibn .......... Hartford. He will be aecompanlc< Get From 12,000 to 15,000More M ilet! MADRID BATHE mmmmmmmmmmmmrn by Fred Johanson of Haynes strev Joins Other Craft to Pro­ Senate Leaders Give who Is pianist for this progran Labor Boud to RofilMB VedChepe, which Is under auspices ot a numbei FLOWERS 49c o t chiiaUan bualneas man o t Hart tect- Empire’s Shipping. KEEPS Its PACE ford and vidnity. LET US RETREAD YOUR TIRES! Opinions On Rulings Einployer*Eoi|^7o R d i^ C omm T o the Store! The Rainbow Assembly has been GAY I ___ uH?^****^J* . ®* .prepared. We take great pride in our workmaaahip, London, April IS—(AP) — Tbe Loyalists, Rebek F i ^ On at tnoilDp is fVAk m QwBty Eceneeqr . Invited to attend sendiMS at the Washington, April 13.—(AP) —4 haa not t a n alterad by this partlcu- North Methodist church tomorrow eucb tire rem viM a eomidete uiapection so that we may maintain the reputation that Admiralty ordered the mlghUeet of UuT ctocislon.** O a r M otto. AND • we nave bnilt up for quali^ production. BriUalbmen-of-war to patrol station Opponents end advocates of the mlng and msmban will most In Close Range in Efforts to Rooaevelt Court Reorganisation bill Senator Duffy (D., Wto.), one of dskni B roidai Soipo 'front cc the churdi at 10:M o’clock. SMART off the northern coast of Spain to­ the group of Seaetors uncommitted mA ptoee-work basiB. Each tire that we rebuild la back* day to taka any necessary action to drew contradictory toterpretotiona on tho court bill, took the same view Off by quality aud efflaeut woikamnahip. protoet British shqiping from attack Seize or HoU a Position today from the Supreme Court’s ao- OoniMlly did. O v htentole -It to likely to take the praasure by Insurgent Spanish warships on tton to (^bolding the Wagner Labor IT MEANS SERVICE tor Relatlona Law. off tbe proposal to changs the tbe high seas. the CHy. oourt," Duffy eald. Washington, April IS.—(AP7 Everyone gets along in perfect harmony. Tbe action, decided at'a hurriedly Senate leadera of tbe fight agatoat The court’s deotolons oreeted n ATTENTION! the bill hailed the court’a decisiaos The Supreme Court, in No Waiting . No Loud Shouting . No Wrong Orders. 200 USED TIRES called Sunday Cabinet session, was Stir on Capitol Hill unrivnllad lin oe a factor that would go far to­ dectolon, uirtield today the rigW ^ BIRTHDAYS u p mgarded aa a compromise answer to Madrid April Ur-(AP) —Oov- the AAA end NRA dedatoaa. MEMBERS OROAK LODGE, NO. 43, $ 3-95 an Insurgent vramlng Its fleet would emment cannon hammered Insur­ ward defaattog the coiut roorganl- Chnlrmnn Aahurat ot the Senate tbe Netlona] Labor RetottaM At Reasonable Prices latlon plan. Cocktail Bar . Try Our ANNIVERSARIES not penMt British merchant vessels gent front lines la taro vlU] salients Judiclery oommittee: to regulate employerwiwpley LRP.M. to enter tbe Basque port o f BUbau. Supporters of the bill, however, *1)001^ to toUtog her tovtoelble Serving Fine Wlnee • LIqiwr of tbe battle of Madrid today. Both denied tha declalona would have any latlonahlpa in bustaeaMs angugofl'l Sunday Dinner 65c CONGRATULATIONS Britain, while ready to protect Ready to take stein messures against strike violence, these red-coated Royal Canadian Mounted poUee are bell.” Win Meet In Tinker Hall, Sunday, April 11 ships flying tbe Union Jack on the forces locked at close grips on the effect on tbe controversy. "Do you think we ought to have interstate commerce. THE SICK ROOM fifth day of arbat may prove the pictured aa they assembled In Toronto, and there bivouacked, prepared to rush to nearby Osbawa in caaa Both sides expressed delight with Next Oil Change HAVE YOUR CAR high seas, rcftiaed to guarantee pro­ of bostflitlea at tbe General Motors plant where 4,000 employees were on strike and picketing.
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