(Oossiaed AdvooUaiag ea Pago 18.) VOL. U V ., NO. 42.


Red Cross Rushes Supplies LONG INCREASES Speedy Justice for Three to Devastated Areas as Grangers on a Visit POWER IN STATE Men Who Tried to Abdttct Reports of Disaster Grow To College at Storrs Stepson of Wealthy Con* —20,000 Homeless. "Kingfish” More a Dictator Hartford, Nov. 17— (A P) A total of 13,500 men and women pie ~ % Was litnoraiit Than Ever Now Under His Ritualistic work of the Assembly of were admitted to the seventh de- Manila, P. I.. Nov. 17.— ( A P I - Demeter with Charles Gardner of gree memberslilp in the Grange of the Plot Two hundred persons were reported Springfield. Masa., High Priest of yesterday and the city streets were killed in the town of Msuban by New Laws. Demeter, presiding, was a feature filled with groups of Grangers, proudly wearing a bright yellow rib- Thursday’s tjrphoon In an unconfirm- of today’s National Grange conven- tion program. bon—symbol of the new honor that Darien, Nov. 17.— (A P )—The pa- ed report to the American Red Baton Rouge, La., Nov. 17.— (AP) Later in the day the Grangers had been conferred on them, the latial home of Gustave W. West- were to go to Connecticut State Col- highest honor the Grange can give. Cross here today. Armed with a new set of Iswe he helm, Darien and New York steam- lege to get the greetings ot Presi- (Chester C. Davis of the Agricul- The report was telegraphed from wrote to Increase his power over ship broker, was under heavy guard Tayabss province by Genaro Ong, dent McCracken and Inspect the In- tural Adjustment Administration sta^ affairs and his popularity to stitution. and W. I. Myers, -governor of the today with special precautions be- Red Cross representative for the Farm Credit Administration, who ing taken to protect the room occu- province, to Dr. Tirso Abad at head- maintatn that power. United States A Nationwide broadcast also was on the program at 12:30 p. m., for were the featured speakers yester- pied by 13-year-old Robert Lewis. quarters of the Philippine chapter Senator Huey P. Long, Louielana’s Tbe youth was returned here last political dictator, took the day off the benefit of the Grangers who are day were in the first-class who re- here. It said: unable to attend the nine-day con- ceived the degree awarded only dur- night after three Rhode Island men “The provincial governor’s com- totey to see the Louisiana State- were captured os a result of what Unlverslty of Mlsslaslppl football vention which began Wednesday. ing the National convention. mittee left with a truck loaded with authorities said waa a plot to kid- game at Jackson, Miss. nap Robert. supplies for Sampaloc. From .there He left yesterday at the close of they will go. by horseback to Mau- The boy was brought here by his the five days special session of the stepfather (uid‘ mother after he had ban where It Is reported 200 were Legislature who passed 44 bills at killed.” been kept in seclusion for three bis bidding without hardly a ripple IPRESIDENT IN SOUTH days in New York City while A later message from the province of opposition. Darien and state police set a trap said, "other towns suffered heavy Gov. O. K. Allen, Long’s ally, said for the suspects. damage.” be would sign the bills in “four or Young Robert, apparently un- Ask For Funds five days.” G^TED BY THRONGS Long’s new laws throttle his po- aware that he had lieen the center It asked for $1,000 for the sup- of a kidnap plot, went directly to plies which were dispatched by litical opposition, especially in New Orleans, Increase his state-wide say his room while police milled r round horses, apparently because the roads and Inside the house on exclusive were blocked by washouts resulting BO in municipal affairs and develop Chief Executive Acclaimed some phases of bis "share the TWO ODD CRIMES Brookslde avenue. from torrential rains, Mcompany- Keep Oat Reporters wealth” program. Ing the typhoon. Revenge qa Chief by Thousands on Brief The Westheim family went into Clharles H. Foster, executive secre- One law will enable him to get The treatment kidnapers may expect In (tonnecticut is illustrated by this picture, taken in the home of Gus- PUZZLE SLEUTHS seclusion on reaching their home tary of the Red Cross here, pointed last night and all attempts to speak even with the police chief at Alex- tave W. Weatheim, wealthy steamship broker, in Darien, Conn., after four men had walk' into a trap out the Mauban report lacked con- andria, whom be bolds responsible set for extortionists who had threatened to abduct 12-year-old Robert Westheim. The violence of the Visit to Nashville; Remams with any member of the houssboT' firmation and may have been exag- for a riot of hoodlums who egged welcome Is attested by the broken rifle butt lying in the center foreground, close to Joseph Oord (left), were referied to a spokesman refused to disclose hi* identity and gerated. him and threw overripe vegetables over whose head the weapon was broken. Others lying ori the floor are John Collins (right) and Edgar A party of S3 Red Cross and other while he was making a speech there. La Rose (center), who also felt the fury of CtonnecUcut troopers and Darien police when they attempt- Bnt Three Honrs. Man Shot in Leg as Anto discouraged any questions. relief workers headed by Major “H ie Klngflsh” plana to use the ed to shoot their way out of the trap. Lieutenant Amos Anderson seated in center background, was Meanwhile John Collins, 38, and Joseph Borg, alios Victory Shannon, George C. Dunham, health adviser new law placing all municipal police wounded in the leg during the melee. A fourth suspect got away. Passes; Another 'Man to Governor General Frank Murphy, Nashville, Tcnn., Nov. 17.— (AP) alias Joseph Briggs, of Providence, and fire departments under a state' 0 R. I., and Edward Menard, 33, ot sailed this afternoon on the cutter civil service con.mission to depose —NashviUe turned out by the score.s Banahaw for the southeastern sec- of thousands today to welcome jPawtucket, R. I., their plan*' frus- the chief. Found Bound Up. - trated by police, were in tbe «Fair- tor of the island where the storm The most radical of Long’s new President Roosevelt to Tennessee’s WEALTHY WOMAN capital. field county jail at Bridgeport. caused the greatest damage. laws provides for a two year mora- Speedy Justtoe They carried food, medicine $md CONN. CONGRESS MEMBERS The presidential trsdn arrived at torium of private and public debts Boston, Nov. 17.— (A P )—Somer- The trio was given a taste ot other supplies needed by the affect- except those owed to Uv- city, state 7:45 a. m., but It was half an hour later before the Chief Executive ville police today were Investigating Connecticut’s speedy justice last ed districts which reported more or Federal government. It provides IS NOT CONFINED night, when they were quickly ar- than 20,000 homeless. that hard pressed debtors may take and his party emerged from the two crimes jvhich occurred almost SEEK CAPITAL QUARTERS Union station and started through simultaneously In the Evergreen ave> raigned In the Town Court here be- They expected to reach Paaacao, their cases to a “state debt com- fore Judge Charles Bate* Dana and In the Provincjj of Carmine Sur, missioner" with power to . grant crowd-lined and gaily-decorated nue aecUon last night, an abduction streets for the historic state house formally booked on charges of Monday. From there they planned to suspension of payment. Creditors New York Man Withdraws and a shooting. breaking and entering with Intsnt. go to Sorsogon. Both (Carmine Sur too, may take advantage of the law that waa- built when Andrew John- Clarence W. GoldtbWolt, 7D, a rS' Newly Elected Representa- son was governor. of committing a crime. and Sorsogon were among the first and Initiate action for a settlement ACCORD REACHED tired buslneae man, waa shot in the Judge Dana bound them over to provinces to be hit by the gale which of an account after making amicable President Roosevelt rode from the leg. A t about the time four shots Legal Action Begun in track level to the street floor to the tbe Criminal Superior Court in reached a velocity of 80 miles an demands o f debtors. tives and Senators Al- rang out, one of which struck Odd- Bridgeport under bonds of $30,000 Other Laws station in an ancient freight elevator thwait, a car raced by him. each. hour. TO END WARFARE and aa soon as he appeared at the Mauban, where the 200 were re- Another law places all public Fairfield Superior Court At about the same time Clinton Police here were awaiting th* r*> utilities. Including those now regu- ready Bnsy m Washington entrance the crowd let loose a West, 30, of Belmont, crawled from ported Wiled, Is a tropical Pueblo suits of the questioning by Provi- lated by municipaliUee, under the mighty roar of applause. Mr. his car with bis hands tmd legs dence police of three persons ar- built In deep ravines (md masses of Roosevelt doffed his hat, waved and lava at the foot of Majayjay range. Louisiana Public Service Commis- '•rldgeport, Nov. 17.— (A P )—A bound. When police were sum- rested there last night. The trio sion, which Is empowered to fix elec- —Connectient Notes. League Committee After flashed his famous smile. moned he said that be had been It was assumed the deaths were formal withdrawal of a habeas cor- being held in the Rhode Island city tric, gas and water rates through- Parade Starts. stopped tn Cambridge by two men, were Mrs. Lillian Borg, 33, wife cC caused by floods sweeping down the pus action brought by Walter P. ravines upon the vllltiges. out the state. Many Weeks’ Work Has Motorcycles spurted In the lead forced Into tbe rear of his car and Joseph) David Borg. 18, a brother And last but not least, he ar- Washington, Nov. 17.-p(AP)— , Ctoombs of New Rochelle, N. Y., and the parade started. All along bound. While),so trussed up he said of Joseph, and Joseph Favall, 37, a remged It so be could run for re- the rope-lined streets, where Nation- the men stopped at several gasoline truck driver and owner of the car Steps toward reallocation of the | against William T. Andrews of election in 1936 and still make his offices of the Connecticut members | Agreed on Practical Plan. Greenwich and through which al Guardsmen kept the crowds back, in which tbe four plotters traveled bid for the PresIdentitU nomination the President was greeted by ap- (Continued on Page Two) from Providence to the Weatheim of Congress were taken immediately Coombs claimed an illegal imprison- TEXTILE LEADERS if the spirit moved him, by having a ment of 70-year-old Etta T. Clay- plause. The streets were cleared home. law passed advancing the Congres- upon announcement of election re- Geneva, No. 17— (AP) —It was ton, beneficiary of the estate of of all traffic except for the official Borg was identified as a chauf- sional primaries from September to sults. cars. feur formerly employed at th* Representative Maloney who occu- officially announced today that the James B. C!oombs, New York sugar TALK OF STRIKES January. magnate, was filed In the Fairfield Riding with the President were BRIDGEPORT’S AREA Westheim home here by Mr. West- Without the law be would have to pies a suite on the sixth floor of the League of Nations’ (?haco consulta- Mrs. Roosevelt, Ciov. Hill McAlister heim and Is believed by Lieutenant new House office building, instruct- county Superior Court here yester- choose one or the otbei;. tive committee bad reached an day afternoon. of Tennessee and Representative Amos Anderson of the Darien police ed his secretary to seek an office in Joseph Byms of tbe Nashville Con- to have beer tbe brains of the plot the Senate building at the opposite agreement on means to end the With the formal withdrawal la IS SHORT OF MILK the following affidavit from gressional District, a candidate for due to his familiarity with the Cbim Some Mill Owners end of the capitol. savage warfare between Bolivia and Speaker of the House at the next Webtheims habits. An application for accommoda- Coombs: Paraguay. “That said Walter P. Coomba session. Lieutenant Anderson who is SPEICHER FOUND tions already has been filed. The agreement will be embodied When the party reached the cap- known aa the “ Lone Wolf* of th# Have Not Lived Up to Dr. Higgins, Republican member made the allegations contained In In a report to be presented to the said habeas corpus proceedings up- itol, where all approaches were Itoston Post Road because of his from the Second District, although But Dairyman Explams That Special Assembly o f the League .on statements .nade by x x x to him jammed with people, a 21-gun sa- msiny captures of crlmiiuds single BY FEDERAL MEN remaining in the House, likewise which jneets next week to consider huided, and Chief of Police Edward Their Agreements. took steps for new quarters. Mem- by one. Justus J. Fennel, who rep- lute roared out. the Chaco dispute. resented himself to be the attorney Deposits Wreath. It Is Result of An Emer- A. Tinker of the Darien police, were bers of his office staff applied for Long Oonferenoes for Mrs. Etta T. (?layton. The President did not alight from recovering from slight gunshot assignment to a suite on a lower Stephan Osusky, chairman of the Not Imprisoned his car at tbe capitol grounds, but wounds they received during th* Washington, Nov. 17 — (AP) floor, posslby that ground floor to be committee and otlser leaders had gency Situation. free-for-all which preceded the cap- Rumblings of new trouble In tex- Expect Him to Give Sensa< "That deponent baa since Investi- Mrs. Roosevelt walked down the vacated by Representative Goss. At worked day and night in secret gated the facta in regard to Mrs. ture of the Rhode Island trio. tiles addeif today to the worries of the present time Higgins’ office is meetings to reach an understanding. Clayton and has ascertained Uiat (Continued on Page Two) Department of Justice agent# an administration striving to pre- only a few doors from that of Ma- The League had made arrange- who entered the case said the three serve Industrial peace. tional Testimony on the she is not confined or imprisoned by Bridgeport, Nov. 17.—(AP)—Jo- loney. ments to broadcast a report to the William T. Andrews but that she seph Dewbirst, proprietor of the men may be prosecuted under tbe The United TexUle Workers, Take Their Chances. world when the agreement was Lindbergh law. is living at. the house of William T. Dewhtrst Dairy, declared today that whose leaders gathered for a ses- Work of Lobbyists. However, although (Connecticut reached. The Morse code was to be Andrews at Ballwood Road, East State’s attorney William H. Comp- there la a milk shortage In this re- sion here, warned mill owners they members file their applications early used and three miles of tape to Greenwich, (?onn., of her x x own NEGLECTED CROPS, gion and that the alleged excessive ley told the Norwalk police this might expect strikes against those they must take their chances on get- handle the transmission was pre- free will and accord, and your de- morning that the men will remain transportation rate complained factories accused of “discriminat- Washington, Nov. 17.— ( A P I - pared. ponent, therefore, desire to retract about by the milk producers in the In the county jail until January be-

ing” against persons who took part Sensational testimony has been ob- tUbotlniied on Page Two) (The United States declined yes- t' e statements made In said habeas, NOW FACE DEATH northeastern part of the state is only fore being tried In the Superior in last summer’s general strike. tained, Jiutice Department officials terday to accept the committee's corpus application.” the result of an emergency situa- Court as the present session of The union’s warning Increased court has terminated. There la no said today, from Frank Spelctaer, tentative, invitation to participate Tbe affidavit is signed and sworn tion. the steel board’s problems. The long sought as a witness In an in- directly in ita efforta to find a basis to by Ctoombs. Mr. Dewhlrst, who goea^to Wash- Superior Court session in December. same three men'are serving aa both Lieutenant Anderson said that If quiry Into the War Departments BUSINESS BACKS for settlement of the South Ameri- An announcement that the mat- Rassian Farmers Sentenced ington to represent Brldgei>ort deal- steel and textile boards. As s steel huatnesB methods.____ can war. but stressed its “friendly ter had been .withdrawn was. made ers tomorrow In the matter of "fluid It can be proven that the .alleged hoard, they have been unable, 's o They called bis story "hot stuff.” attitude” toward tbe League’s ef- ipilk code” conference, declared to- abduction attempt was on Inter- fsr, to bring the steel Industry and For months govemmeiit agents forts.) (Oontlnned on Page Two) for Refusing to Cnltivate day: ’’There Is a shortage of sev; state conspiracy It would corns Its AFOL union together after ranged several sections ofi.tbe coun- HOUSING DRIVES eral thousand gallons of rellk.<4n within the scope o f the Undbergil weeks of negotiations on their dif- try trying to locate Spelcher, a Bridgeport today. We have to law. The police suspect the alleged ferences. Washington representative of a tire and Pick Their Cotton. truck It further to supply the trade plot was hatched In Rhode Island These negotiations, first suggest- company. Recently the department and carried out here. here. It’s an emergency caused by ed by the industry, were fostered by found him In New York and subse- Leaden Believe It the Best the removal of several thousand ’Telephone calls from Rhode Is- the board In the interest of indus- Almost Everything Higher land to the Westheim home will also ently, officials said, he told his Tashkent, U. 8. S. R., Nov. 17.— cows in tbe state from production, trial peace. - , story. pending the completion of the tuber- be investigated. (AP)—Six cotton farmers were sen- Borg alias Briggs aUsa Shannon BMdle’a Attitude Work of Lohbyista Means to Speed Up Recov- tone^ to death and 20 others given culin test now in effect on a state- Meanwhile Francis Biddle, Phila- They asserted It was a spectacu- For Thanksgiving Dinner was formerly employed by West- long prison terms today on charges wide basis. helm as s chauffeur, tbe police de- delphia attorney appointed yester- lar account of intrirue and under- 9 of neglecting and sabotaging cotton ‘The campaign was Inaugurated day by President Roosevelt as cover efforts by Ibbhylats to obtain ery, Chief Plank. clared. He worked for about four , Nov. 17.— (A P )—In eat- pound Increase can be expected crops in Uzbekistan. last April and is a larger task thad chairman of the National Labor Re- government burineas. United States waa first contemplated. Naturally days at the Darien home end both kig your Thanksgiving dinner be ^’Thanksgiving week. The birds are liie Supreme Court of the district he and hi* wife were discharged lations board , to succeed Uoyd Gar- Attorney Leslie Garnett who con, Is holding seven others fOr trial in farmers who have suspects in their rison, declared himself in sympathy ducted a Grand Jury analirsia of the Washington, Nov. 17.— (A P )—Big thankful for- the celery and sweet | not as hefty this year, averaging 22 w h ^ It was found that Mrs. Borg ' potatoes—they’re about the only pounds, nor are they as good qual- a wholesale shaking up o f alleged herds are not going to continue with the "bplqions banded down department’s affair last winter, business leaders gave every Indica- I fe e in g for production until their v.-BS not a good cook aa she had toM Itema in a menu ranging from soup ity. Kulak Influence In the Central Asian the family. vWestheim gave both, by my predecessors.” cow has Spelcher’s testimony. tion today of putting their full force cattle have been passed upon. This board’s docket Is compara- to nuts which haven’t gone .up In Geese are very scarce and have cotton district which the govern- of them on extra week’s weged- AH details are being checked by behind the housing drive aa a means ment declares has hindered work on "The producers, who are protest- tively light just now, with only 32 Justice Department agents. price. ^ . jumped in retail price from 14 to when they were dtrinisaed. .v: of hurrying recovery, striking a collective farms. ing may have a complaint against cases under - consideration. One of Simultaneously it developed today blow at unemployment and thus pre- The entire dinner will cost from 10 10 cents to 21 and 32 cents a pound. to 12 per cent more than a year Ducks will cost from 33 to 25 cents Refuse To Work the excessive haulage rate, but the principal problems confronting that the House MlJtary Affairs venting Congress from plunging far should not forget they are getting dOVEBNHEIKT ON JOB. ago, a survey of markets showed a pound, an increase o f to 7 cents. l i e Turkish Mohammedan popula- Darien, Nov. 17.— (A P )—Departs,;: Biddle is to find out whether the committee which started an jnvestl- to the “LefL” 8 more for their fluid milk than they today. Primarily responsible are Chickens are up 10 per cent and tion of Uzbekistan has resisted the ment of Juatlce men entered this abt; courts would uphold the board’s In- gatlM of the dqiartment's contract This, an authoritative source, dis- would otherwise.” terpretation of the Recovery Act’s awarding system. Is planning to re- the mcreosed cost o f labor and last roast beef, about aa much. modernization of agriculture. The tempted kidnaping case here closed, probably will be the chief men have refused to pick cotton on labor clause. assemble in Washington shortly to summer’s drought Cranberries have almost doubled. STILL DEADLOCKED when several agents from Nsw To plonk In the recovery program The National, turkey population Any foodstuffs canned or bottled are the ground that It waa "women’s and Boston were admitted by r Claim VIolatlaa resume its inquiry. which spokesmen of the Chamber of Is estimated by grocery houses at up from 8 to 10 per cent. Tins, work.” police to be working with tbipm. < The board, seeking to enforce its (Commerce o f the United States and London, Nov. 17.— (AP) — Rejec- TREASURY BALANCE about 30 per cent less than last labels and wages are higher In addi- The condemned men are A. R. agent was checked In last nl$4it i ruling that a union winning the sup- other organisations will present to tion by Japan of BriUsb sugges- port of a majority of workers in a Ttumksglving. Figures from Texas tion to the cost o f' raw foods to Abdudjald Ismailov, Sagman Far- four others were reported her* the White House. manov, Makhmud Akhmedov. Sap- tions on the all important naval plant should represent all, sought Washington, Nov. IT.— (A P )—The show a decrease of 15 per cent and canneries. Mince meat listed last day. Bfoioeatapn* Step year at 12H cents a pound now re- par Kasanov, Djumah Bukanov and conservations served to deadlock tbe to have the government proceed position o f th* Treasury November from the northwest a drop of from three power naval conferences Mr. and Mrs. Gustav* U. Wa against the Houde Engineering 15, was: The decision to draw up this pro- 10 to 19 per cent tails for 14 cents. Namos Uratov, all members of col- heim, stepfather and mothar gram, a momentuous step in the new Shortage of feed made turkeys Irish potatoes, however, at S% lective farms. tighter than ever. It waa learned Company of Buffalo, N. T. Receipts. $6,735,184.77; expendl- the Japanese gover-ment had in- Robert Lewis. IS, who tbe turea, $14,077,814.18; balance, $1,- movement for co-operation between difficult to raise this year, and fur- cents a pound showed only an in- The trials were held on the farms., The test esse has been held up structed iU delegates from Tokyo to men are aUeged to have pteaaeBj in the Department of Juatlce more 687,8M,888A3; customs-receipts for business and the White House, was thermore turkeys were so low last crease of H cent Cheeses s'e about where witnesses and evidence were reject tbe English suggestions that kidnap, were questioned at ‘ " than two months with Attorney the month, $1S,060,417S6. ratified by the Chamber’s directom year, commission merchsmts said, the same price ae last year, and so available to tbe court. by one Department of Jmtiee i . The chargee Included failure to Japan be granted naval squaltty In General Cummings asking more Receipts for the fiscal year (since yesterday. But It was learned busi- that farmers didn’t make a profit are coffees and teas. Olives ore but and two others are reported t o ) ness leaders have been meeting in and consequently didn’t raise a little higher, and nuts, except aome weed tbe cotton, mixing ot various name but not In fact. evidence of specific violation of the July 1), $1,S71.485JB6J)2; expendi- Thla would bring the negoUS' questioned tbe nien imder an act. tures, $2,608,977,470J9 (Including New York for several weeks work- heavy crop this year. imported varletiea, are about the grades of seed. Improper Irrigation, tlona, undertaken by the United the county jail in Bridgeifirt. The textile imlon haa been chafing $1J114,046,6S0A9 o f emergency ex- ing toward this objective. TTurkeirs last year retailed around aame. planting of corn where cotton should have been used, falsification o f rec- States, Japan and Great Britain It waa reported also by at some mills treatment of strikers penditures); excess of expenditures. Raymond Moley, a chief adviser 28 cents a pound here, and this year And good news for the youngsters; that Department of Justto^ the house^e can expect to pay Candy la but little, U any. high- ords, theft of collective property and for tbe purpose of reducing naval $1,382,493,245,87; gold aaseto, $8,- armaments, to aa impasaa agate. workteg oo tbe case la (Oeatlaasd aa Fags Twn l 087,004,784.44. (OoatUMd Ml Fkga Two) from 39 to 88 cents. A 1-cent a er. .delay in picking the crop. Ji’ -M. I plan tor Federal aid in rIddiBg tbs streams o f sewage and waste. CARL WIGANOWSn BENEFIT CONCERT REDE thslr Oofls, how 4o wo kaow that ws SECOND C 0 N (»E (^T 1 0 N A L f FOREIGN EXCHANGE ore not malriBg our GodT” Arthur Mlurray at New London, Friday, 5:00 p. m-—Ths Bisaibstt: Okla. Bsrvtoes bs held an attorney In tbe office at the Gen- FOR HOSPITiU, DEC 3 (M D R ENW O FER EtTA , .N ew TOfk. Nov. 1 7 ^ (A P )— of the l^worth League win meat at" night at 7:30 p. m. (with the it ADTO ACCIDENT eral Council o f tbe Bureau at Inter- elgn^BKduiiM steady; Great Britain the chur^ at this tine for a hike to exceptioa of Saturday night) and nal Revenue, la taking part In the the South M. E. Church where the two servlcss on Sunday— 10:45 a. m. preparation of tbe government's tan Mrs. Berteline Laahinski in d jf DEATHS ^-Mother Gooso snd C «m i«n y "ro ^ B K 'd J .S S A ^ j» i-e- last meeting of the Trail Inatltuts and 7:80 p. m. I>scember Snd aril) case against some of tbe Mallon- Admlisiim SSo. Miss Miriam Watkins to B e ’'’ bo the ctostog data. The public is Brings Forth DeUghtful Nur- u U m . A-M i -4; 50 day buis. 4.M Ita ti Matt. 6:15-16: Acts St41-47 wUI be bald. controlled interests in Pittsburgh. Guest Soloists. - - - jm * pufgaoe demand, 5fi8 5-4; ca- Sitoclol Church school notleo. invited to attend 'hese eervlccs. ACTIVITIES Oie Sa?d ami She Is Murray is tbe Son of Thomas R. Special prayer meettoge are being ______We«. 5.55 5-4; Italy demand, 5.50; Collefe Held Dedaret Peace The Interaatiaaal Uniform Soa- N ext Sunday, tbe 3Sth, wUl he Murray o f New London. "Thsnk-fMferliig Sunday" for ths held each morning at 10:00 o'clock OklalKHiia Pistor and Fife Aist’t Betrif SIwp Mre. Beretline I-ashinskl, wcD ACCIDENT VICHM Children of the Second Oongrega- day/Bebool Lsseon for Nov. IS. Attention! Chamber members! ■ SerioBs ComiitioD After Senator Lonergan has taksn up ABOUT TOWN known local soprano, and Miss How The Lord Acconqilishes church school. AU persiita and at the church. Don't forget to make your reserva- with N aiv Department oOlcials tbe tlonal church entertained the grown- B elsii^* ss at- rwnum. anen msmbsrs are asked to rsmember Miriam Watkina, talented young lo- Pbit Eadaafer Hm Liber- ifiy WM. B. e iL B O Y , D.D. By OBOBCHE BiEiniY DDLS. to Opea Two Weeks Meet- tions for the meeting at the from William Street to request oi Old Saybrook town offi- Androw AnsaUM of I t l West Can cal soprano,' -rtll be the guest artlata DIES^DUUiOES upe yM U rday aftem oao and evening H«Sand“ *TJW-' this Sunday and to gtvs gsnsrouaW THE SALVATION ARMY Ctountry Ouh this Monday evening. and had a grand Ume doing I t | Editor of Advance the Crash. cials for a flotilla of naval veasels to ter street has the contract fOr eon on the concert program to be pre- of food stuffs during the church Oaplatai aad Mrs. Newmaa J. OnrUs Reservations should bo mwle at the take psut in that town's teroanten- struetiag tbe concrete work for sented at the High sebool audi- ties ef Free People. b ten u M eaal Sosday Bebsel Lso-^avU and from beU. Kf the salt haa school hour. The bssksts, thus ings on T ieid aj. Chamber office today at the latest. 13 Oak Street tte*w2m «?e * Witserland, ’ 83.47- It ought to mean the aame thing erne__ a. « V __ 1f« Aa VAP If Ifll mHVl fnr ffUlthw nary celebration next summer. The new home to be built on Terry torium by tha Beethoven Gles Qub Mrs. Sirab Haydeo’ Hit By ■on Text, Noveorimr 18: "W e lost Its flavor. It to good tor noth- filled wlU be distributed to needy 9:80 a. m.—’Sunday Bcnool. Indications are that close to 1(X) Senator received a letter from Henry to be a ehurcb member and to ing. An individual or a church Altoeom, Piu. N ot. 17—(AP) — street East Hartford- and ths G Clef aub Monday eve- k S* '•* Poland, 18.85; CMCho-Sto- meailMra o f Hto hiadiy. Bph. 5:80. families fo r Thsnksglvtog dinners. 11:00 a. m.— Holiness meeting. will be present. An appetizing roast J. Oagle, parade chairman of that he a (Tbristian, but, unfortunately that does not love the Lord and Hto ■eto •urTtyor o f an •utomobUo ning, December 5, for the benefit M »• MotbAT Oooee Basaat . Tbe chO-1 tAklA, 44S 1-4: Juao -SIavIa. S2 S* I ^S^f*^***^______Hot. it —(AP)— 8:00 p. m.— Chriatlsna’ Pratee Rev. snd Mrs. Jarrette Aycock chicken dinner will be served by the Miss Anne McAdams, arsn knosm town asMng that the U. 8. g. Busl^ Car WednesdaL Merer The Lord ministers to us through teachings cannot do tbs Lord's will club management and tbe evening's George Forbes, local contractor, the Memorial boa^tal. ' ^.nm t^SOM ^ntpra- Austria, 1545N; Hi^riiryrM.73Ni Tylar Deanett. pteMdeat of WU aa everyone recogniiea, tbe two EMANUEL LUTHERAN meeting. ot Oklahoma aty, Okla.. will open Manchester cosmetician and hair- enali IB wbicb oeTea pcnona b nail, a flotilla o f submarines and a .-.♦..a ... « ----- 1------... . -r ------''Hams college, tod^ eriUcised the snd to cast out of the body of tbs program will Include three - fine •d to dMth, a 31-yaar>old ftrl ta la has completed negotlatlona for tbe O. Albert Pearson, director o f ___ Argentine. 33.27N; a n not identical. agencies. He gives ua our daily Emrt E. Erickson, Faster 7:00 p. m.—Open air service. destroyer be sent there for the week and Company” , which brought in BrasU, 8.60N; Tokyo, 38.15; Sbang- humaniUrian tdwu that would sat I auppoae it might 1m said that Lord as of no service to Him. The a two-weslu ssrlss at revival meet- speakers, besides the election o f o f- dresser, is today moving her equip- a aeiio)l* condition In a local hoapi* sale o f the house recently completed two oborusea, wbibe will total eloea Regained Coascknisiiess. ■uatenancs through tfia vagetatris 7:30 p. m.— Great Salvation meet- ending July 20, 193S. His letter to 100 men's and woman's voleae “ (Halogua, all those bai, S4JI0; Hongkong, 41A7 1-3; up agencies for the enforcement of tbe fact that one Ti a church mem- Lord cannot set up His kliqidom Sunday School u d BlUe Ctoasss ing. ings to the (Church ot the Nassrene, ficers. You can’t afford to miss Itl ment from 23 William street to Suita tal. on Henry street to Sophie Mikke- pointed out that David Bushnell o f delightful nursery rhymes dsar to Mexico a ty (silver peso). 37J5; peace and aoonomic aeeurity at the )Mr indicates tbe purpose to be a kingdom. H e uses the earth, the arbitrarily. He must accomplish 466 Main street on Tuesday eve- 11 to the Watkins Hall AportmaBta Ib e U Ulaa Dorotby Rudy, of lowski of Slmshury. Tbe bouse ta ooihbinad, la now at work on tba at 9:50. In this service the band will Westbrook built and launched tbe Mre. Sarah Hayden, widow of ths bsart of saeh gsnsratloa of chU- Montreal in New York, 103.50; New expanse o f UberUea o f free people. Christian or a general alliance with ■un and the rains to bring forth the through man's voluntary. He needs render special music, and the song- ning, November 30. The Aycocics The Board of (tontrol bed to bold at 13 Oak street. Stata collara, tbrewa clear aa two frame construction and arranged for program for tha concert and hopes English Service at 10:46. Sermon first submarine la Old Saybrook. Robert Hayden, who wna atniek Speaking bafort tha Slat annual harvest He established the Israel- each one o f us and trusts -us to be coming to Manchester following a two seeslone this week to handle a "Anne's Beauty Shop,” the tltls Biachinea bearing the acvcn others six rooms. to arrange a program that wUI ap- dran. York in MontreU, t7M 1-4. Christianity. Tt Shall Come to Pass.” The sters will take special part Also The naval vessel Bushnell Is injured by an automobUa m ertiag o f tho Amherst OoUege Oae young woman who waa Itlsh Church by means o f tbe Israel- His sealoua agents to bringing His sucees^l aeries of evangelistic large amount of important business. under which the business will con- collided OB tbe William Penn high* paal to all music lovers. TIckata for Mrs. I^rank V. Williams diractadi N — Nominal, Emanuel Choir will sing, "The the men’s quartet will sing. In Hawaiian waters. while aha waa eroaalag fnwa tha Alumni Council Dr. Dennett point- asked if she were a Chriotlan re- ites. Hs cams Into ths world by truth and life to others. meetings ta Lynn, Maas., have been It wss voted to appoint s committee tinue, has been established at ths way, rolled orer and burnt Into MISs Louise M, Johnson of 71 ths oonoert are on eels by membere ths performanes and Mrs. C. J. Silent Sea” by Neldltoger. The The Week ed to tbs League of Nations aa at- plied that she was, but it waa the agency of a woman and estab- Those who know the Lord are the in ovangellstic work for nearly 30 to devote its efforts toward obtain- WUltam street addresr to tbs North flames last nigbt Church street clerk in tbe office of of tba.... hospital .i«staff. .. I SUi, towarda Strickland was acoompaalst The I Junior- Choir vrill sing, **Foad^ I Tuesday evening, 7:80 p. m.—Girl tempting to enforce world peace found tbat she meant that atae was lished the Christian Ctourch by tha light of the world, because through years and their labors have carried ing for the town ot Manchester a Etod o f the town for more than flva Tbe dead are: Town Treasurer George H. Wad- Mre. LaabUiakl haa bean aoloiat for ^ • eoetumea were colorful and true to aUB MEMBERS HEAR Think o f Thee” , by MpPhail. ’Tbis Guards and band p/acUce. and at the same time preserve tbs a Ouistlan aa dlatlngulsbed from aid of the apostles. He gives the them must come to the world tbe U.em into all the statea one’ several share of the revenues which tbe years. Miss McAdams has decided Bmmaauel Perkin, of AJIentown, PRESIDENT IN SOUTH dell, Is visiting Mrs. Robert G. Dex- aevaml yaara at tha Aaylum Hilt SKL?*,!*® ^ t ^ , and added much to the effec- will be the only aervice at Emanuel Wednesday, 7:00 p. m.— Y . P. Le- principle o f d v ll Ubprty. a pagan or a Mohammedan. blessings of the Word through those light that la from the Lord. There o f the provinces o f (Canada. This, atate expects to raise through addl- in Justice to her A rg* clientele in University of Pittsburgh law school ter in Brighton, Mass. Mrs. Dexter, CongTMaUonal ehurcb la Hartford. fivenees o f the piece. Credit Is due tomorrow on account of the gather- gion, meeting. Rnmaa LibeiKeo It did not mean that Christian who live, love snd teach i t Havtog Is no clear light outside o f the Word tlonsl taxation. At a recent meet- other sections of the town, to locate student. tt) former Mias Eva Freeburg, M iw t^ tk in e haa been heard on tha to tho diroetor as wHl-na tbe chil- TALKONUTERATDRE ing of the District Singers to Meri- Thursday, 7:80 p. m.— Open A ir GREETED BY THRONGS *Tt would appear,” he aald, ” tbat truth and CtorisUan Ideals had a deep perception of this, Paul de- and tbe Christian Church, for apart ing of the atizen s' (touncli. It waa her shop to tbe heart of the busi- J^nes Sanlel, SB. of Pittaburgb, was a former oiBee associate of air many Umee, as haa Mrs. Lashln- Center dren themeelves fo r a thoroughly en- den tomorrow' evening. Let's all service. Inside service at 8:00 p. m. clared: "We, are members of His from the Word, spiritual realities recommended by Willard B. Rogers ness district, where patrons will fbui aa attorney. ,'Ooatlnasd from tofa One) Miss Johnson. ski, and Is eonncctad with tbs Hart- H!®"* **?! joyable entertainment. M . -I* humaniUrian impulse to develop. ft* *:en any very deep, root to her come to the service tomorrow mom- Friday, 7:30 p. m. — Holiness world organisation for peaco la not ( body." The soul cannot build roads, have become dlffua^ with falsities that the Chamber use Its Influence it convenient to have one or more Hjrman Graver, 36, also a Univer. ford Sebool of MuMe. Mrs. George W. Kyburg of |h’ a rt or life. tog. meeting. Whan about 54 fast out into tha H m boothi carried out tho Mother Church memberablp may be a houses and factories without a body or entirely lost through the darkness in this direction. It was felt by the beauty services attended to while sity of Pittsburgh law student. Steelep slope from the drive to tbe The Assoolatec Press reported Springfield, Mass., Is Cosmo- fuUy-inUgrated to tbs klndrad The District Choir will meet for Saturday, 7:30 p. m.— Open air roadway she waa bit by tba ear. She Gooes Idea in deoorattooa and waras ’ very formal thing. 'To be a Chris- tbat can handle material things, nor that prevails on earth. No onb haa Council that the revenues which the they are downtown shopping, at- Irvin If. Musser, about 7S. of tomnb of President Jamas K. Polk today that a Michael J. Vatrlano of n - . — 'I but immeasurably older humanitar- rehearsal at tbe Immanuel Luther- and inside aervice. waa taksn to tha Manchsetar Me- offtred for sale, and wera wdll pa- p^ilan Group Speaker. tian to a very real thing. We can the Lord send Hto kingdom upon a definite and clear idea of the state receives by special taxes tending a matinee at the theater or St;.te college. and laid there a wreath before tbe MancbeaUr flled a petition in bank- ian movement for the development an (tourch. Cook and Hanover DAUGHTERS OF SCOTIA morial hoq>ltal where she failed to troalaad. Parbaps tha moet success- ought, of course, to Itotlnguish be- the earth without the body of a Father in heaven except as revealed should be redistributed to the towns ■Otoe social function. Mra. Irvin M. Musser, also about graves of Polk and his srife. ruptcy yesterday, nstlng debts as and preservation at human Ubartlef. streets., Meriden, tomorrow after- ZION LUTHERAN regain eonsclouaneis. ful feature of tho undartakiag was Cosmopolitan club members at | tween sincerity of purpose ta a Church, efforts without organlsa- by the Lord, who said: "No man and cities to relieve the burden on Miss McAdams is a licensed beau- 75, o f Stats collage. She accommodated ptaotograpbera 53,300 and no assets. Tbe city direc- It is conceivable that tbe existing noon at 4 o’clock. W e plan, there- High and Cooper streets In the accident ebe euffered a tbs beautiful "Grandmother's Gar- their meeting yesterday afternoon in very Imperfect character and high Uon are dissipated. Thus it is that cometh unto the Father, but by me.’ tbe individual ^taxpayer. tician and a graduate of the Hart- Ruth Jackson, about 32, of North by standing for several minutes be- tory lists tbe name of Michael h. INSTALL NEW OFFICERS social, political, and economic orter fore td leave our church not later Rev. H. F. R. Steckholz. Pastor fractured skull, a broken leg and den Quilt,” on ^ c h a group o f the C ^ te r church bouse listened to a Hto foUowera and workers are mem- Jesus to self-revealtog with ever to- ford Academy of Hairdressing. Be- Girard, near Philadelphia, State col- side the wreath. Vetriano as a clerk la Hartford liv- lar within the boundaries o f tbe statM fidelity to the Ideai. than Sj>. m. y Nrs. George W. Kyburg o f advanc^ U auacapUbla o f m a t im- people who zre weak or immature the light shine and not hide it tmdnr manager of the Milon Beauty Salon Then two little girls, Maty Alan Mias BdMia Brown Inducted ss| tovmttgatlon ^ the aedden t' waa But we can go further than this. be held in the Immanuel church, vice with celebration of Holy (Com- mittees to study two United States Eliaor Webstar, 30, also of North making numbered holders by ths Springfield, Mass. Her subject was In their Christian lives are, never- the bushel of indifference. He bids at New Britain. Her permanent Girard, also a student. Icr Cooper and Susan White, walked A ll local stores will' remain open provemant. It doM seem to me de- God to love Itself. Just as our bodies Cook and Hanover street, at 7 p. m. munion to English. (Confessional Ctoamber referendums on federal ex- hundreds. Mrs. William Kean of "Uteraturs In a Changing World.” theless, sincere and right-minded. B flesh. His love goes forth as ua to let it shine so that men can penditures and the National Indus- waving is done carefully and effi- On Way to Oame up and presented tbe First Lady until 5 o'clock Wednesday night, Chl.f D..,hur .. ltol.tar|S?-oSt=JlSa,'SL.S” lSS batable, however, that tbs'improve- G. Albert Pearsbn will direct the service at 9 a. m. Mato service at Meeting Here. ^ n e « waa nlaced undar arrest on Mrs. Kyburg aald the year 1854 wiil They need to be educated and see the good works and glorify God, clently by herself on the Frigidtoa Perkin, Sanlel and Graver were with a corsage on behalf of tbe Girl November 35, the night before Glmwood street waa Invited to draw ment o f international ralationa the creative force, which acta aa District Ctoorus. Rev. Behrend 9:15. Twenty-fifth Sunday after trial Recovery A c t The commit- tha ebarga of reckleas driving. A tba number and It was found tha probably go down a* tbe blggeai I should be made at tha expsnaa of guided to tbe Chriatian way, and Hto body. Whoever, then, receives from whom cometh all good. A Mehrtena, pastor of the Trinity tees will report at a later meeting machine, one of the finest on ths driving eastward to attend the Scouts. Mra. Roosevelt smiled and TbanksglviBg Day, when stores wUl Miss Beaala Brown was insUlled Trinity. Text: John 5, 24-39. Topic: bond of 11,000 -VM Mk$d for and eorreaponding holder had been pur- year yet la tha output o f books. A ■urrendering, within tha advanced they need to grow in grace in Hto love, to a member o f His body. city set on a hill cannot m bidden, church. N ew Haven, will deliver the of the Board. It was also decided market today, and all other braachss tafayettf-Penn Stats football game thanked them. be closed all day. chief daughter of Helen Davidson 'T h ey that shall hear the voice of nU CAM WAA continued from Tburc* ehaaad by Mra. Dwight Spencer, who feature o f tha present-day novels is statea, any part o f the principles o f Christ. Those who receive Hto love are the (ienulne faith exalted to life will sermon. that the Board members make don- of beauty work receive the closest today, uitog an automobile borrow- Immediately after this ceremony Lodga, Daughters of Scotia, at a j the Son of (tod, shall live.” I. Tbis inornlnt to SaturdAy. Novem- la hero from Michigan vlaiting rela- the search o f Uie past for material. the Magna cniarta or the Bill of salt of the earth. The salts unite surely be seen and have its influence. Pastor Etoickson will be attending ations toward a trophy which the attention. She hopes to welcome her ed from a McKeesport, Pa., friend. was over, the party started the 15- The B RA payroll for the week mgular mteUng held last tvenlng la bar 24,'^ Everyone who wills to know the Is true here in this time. I I This will tlvaa. Tha quilt waa dallvared to her. Wa need tba backward glance into Rights. It Is very doubtful whether It to instructive to remember that oil and water. Christian principles the monthly District Meeting at be true on the last day. Chamber will give for the annual old and new customers at her new Tbs Mussers, Miss Jackson, Miss mile trip to the Hermitage, home of ending November 15 is 51,650.77 and Tinksr hall. Ths ------Lord will find Him; for into the fa- location ' beginning Monday. Her ..I— n V Haydtn was bom in Ireland Mrs. Osorga F. Borst and her as- lHatory for courata and hope. The we can make international socitty early church members were not unite all people ta love. Love is the Georgetown next Wednesday. Conflrmand instruction on Mon- five-mile cross-country race here on Webster and Miss Rudy were en President Andrew Jackson. There will be paid to 131 workers of rec charge of Grand Chief Mre. Kather- on October SO. 1550, and as a vounr voring will His love flows, and who- telephone call remains the same, route to a dance at Altoona from ord. ■istanta on the supper committee need at the youth at today la*to read I strong, more effective, or more ideal to every respect. Paul found greatest preservative. It saves Our young i>eople will be the day and Friday at 4:30 p. m. Thanksgiving. Mr. Roosevelt was to place a wreath ine RoUnaon of Weateity and her girl came to the United S U t ^ f llm ever receives His love to a member 7341. State college. All were in a light on the tomb of Old Hickory and his served a large number, many moro more history, to re-live the Uvea of humane by surrendering the poMtl' It necessary to rebuke many of the friendships, and the love of truth guests of the New Haven . Luther etaff. PuMta Included Clan Me- first settled In Ware, Maes., and It cal liberties which have been achiev- early church members, even for the saves the soul from every form of o f Hto body. League next Friday evening. Mitzle The Christmas Street Lighting coupe owned by the Mussers who wife, Rachel. Those peraona who have reported than they had planned for, and the past. The function of literature SWEDISH 4XINOREOATIONAL ~ members of waa in that place that aha was mar- ie to portra.v life. ed.” immorality of their practices and Berggren is arran^ng to give them Oimmittce also met this week to were accompan>ing the three girls As the cars started the crowd on Thuraday'bf each week At Room E3Un Dwgiaa lodga of Hartford. ried to Robert Hayden. They left everybody enjoyed a generous meal. S. B. Green, Minister as chaperones. Over 800 yeara ago Lady Mura- for their evil tempers. a g o ^ program. Let's have a good plan for the solicitation o f all busi- loosed another roar o f applause. 11, Municipal building, for commodi- Mtaa Brown’i aaaociate officers Ware and went to California, where And to tha toner circle o f disci- ness and professional men of Main A short route. IS miles, was taken ties are requeated to report on Mon saki, a Japanese novelist, made the attendance from tbe Emanuel Swedish Morning Worship, 10:30. SUGGESTS $25,000 will be; Sub-chiaf daughter, Mtaa she lived until 40 years ago, rs' street to raise funds for the financ- statement: “ A novelist should only ples, before the church had been Luther League. to the Hermitage, but the return day of next week to share in the Bather Sutherland; chaplain, Mrs. turning east sad aattling in Man form ally organized, Jesus com- EtogUsb Morning Worship, 11:10. ing of the project. It was announc- trip was by an 18-mlla rouU that distribution o f a ahipment of frtsh write when something has moved I GERMANY REARMING, The monthly meeting o f the Sun- Sunday School, 13:00. CONN. CONGRESS GROUP Nancy Henderaon; flnanciU secre- cheater. Her husband dlsd In 1905 plained more than once o f the ed tbat bids would be received from PUBUC RECORDS him by a story so profound that he day School teachers and officers will enable the President to see vaal allotted by the government. tary, Mias Mary Thompson; treas- In a train accident in Mancbaater. blindness o f his disciples and of ECnglish Evening Service, 7:00. local electrical contractors and that FOR TERCENTENARY other places of Interest, Including must write it down In order that will be held Friday evening, Nov- The Book of Revelation will be the Rev. aad Mrs. Jsmtte Ayoock SEEK CAPITAL QUAR1ERS urer, Miss Mary McLean; secretary, There ara three children, who aur- CHURCHILL DECLARES their failure to understand or mani- ember SO, instead of next Friday. the bids must be submitted not the reproduction of the Grecian Tbe clock located at tbe comer Mlaa Mildred Sutherland; conduc- vlva her. They ara: John Haydan there may never be a time when fest His simple teaching concern- topic for several consecutive Sun- however, will be their fl.st cara- later than this com lnf Monday Olarriage IntwHona Our annual Thanksgiving Service day evenings. Parthenon. o f gt. Jamea and Main atreeu traaa, Miss Florem,- Benson; as- oi Mancheater Orcsn, Robert Hay- man may not know about It." , _ , ing love and brotheriiness. ~.ign in Mancheater. night. Breakfast with turkey hash as the ■topped on Sunday. Armlstloa Day, Paul Joseph Bron and Harriet will be held Sunday evening, N ov- Monday evening Missionary T. J. (OeaBnaed M m Page One) sistant conductreas, Mrs. AJargaret dan of North Mala atraat and Mra. In bla book, "Joseph and Hts Hntisll Statdsmail I muc s Nevertheless, the ideal of church CHURCHES ember 25 at 7 o’clock. AU of our Itav. Jarrette Aycock was con- main dish, was set for the President at 11 e'eloek and tbe banda ara Roberta Richmond of this town, Jo- :;Newcomb, 'Miss Alma Bailey, Miss Bach and A. H . Rolaen,- Singer and Willard B. Rogers Farors Benson; Inside guard, Mrs. Maud Mae Hoffan of Holyoke, Moaa. A Brethren”, Thomas Mann haa gone Warning That England It In membership is high, and the tnic THE CENTER CHURCH choirs and choruses wlU unite to verted under the well known Pres- The lighting committee is headed ting tbe suites they desire. The and his party at tbe Hermitage. ■till pointing to that hour. It la Torrance; outside guard, Mrs. Mary ■later, Uving in California, also aur- seph Sola of W est Hartford and I back to Bible times for the subject church member would be a* true (Congregathmal) Frances Waters. possibly Missionary Arthur Jensen byterian Evangelist, "MeH" Trot- by Elmer Weden aa chairman and Only three hours was allotted for onmed by the Manchester Trust Danger of Air Attack. Friday at 7:30— Married Ctouples’ sing Thanksgiving into our hearts, will be with ua at 7:30. secretary o f the Senate and super- Thompson; pianist. Mrs. Margaret vlvea. Madeline Vesco of Manchester, and matter. Tbe speaker listed a number Christian as well. Jesiu gives a Rev. WatooB Woodruff and tbs pastor wiil lead lu in a ser- ter snd Mrs. Aycock is a convert includes Thomas Brennan, William Publicity Campaign Tt intendent of public buildings who tbe Nashville visit company and tba Savings Bank of Sutherland and trustee, Mrs. Helen Tbs funeral will be held Monday Viola G. BJorkman o f Mancbaater o f other equally fine hooka baaed on beautiful picture of the character meeUng at the Y. M. C. A . with Wednesday evening service, 7:30. of "Gypsy" Smith of England. Rubinow, Robert Olson, Robert Sea- Manchestsr. Tha eleek la electri- Flavell. and Luther A. Alley o f Rockville, ap- ...... London, Nov. 17.— (A P )—England vice of Thanksgiving and bring u* ^gn tbe offices make their alloca- afternoon at 2 o'clock lu tha home and privilege o f the true disciple 10:60 a. m.— Morning Worship. games and refreshments. a Thanksgiving message. A most Both Rev. and Mrs. Aycock have man, Samuel Kemp, Fred Blish, Sr., cally operated and the cause of the Saturday at 7:30—Choir. tions on tbe basis of seniority and of bar son, John, o { 504 East Middle 1ST'.''K X in His reference to Ctorlstiaiui as Sermon by the minister. cordial welcome is extended to one ST. BRIDGET'S R. C. arritten a number o f books and Harry Laycox, Nathan Marlow, C. Boost Connectient the entire Oonneetleut delegation TWO ODD CRIMES trouble has not aa yet been deter- Turnpike and at 3:80 in St. Mary's the "salt of the earth" and the The music: Sunday morning, Nov. 25th at Rev. WllUam Judge, Pastor songs, the best -nown book being Elmore Watkins, William Kronick, mined. and aU. has served only one or two terms. KEEN COMMUNITY CLUB Episcopal church. Rev. James 8. which Utcratura la changing, aha re- many, "light of the world.” Prelude—Songs of Thanksgiving .. 10:45: Special speaker: Rev. J. Rev. Leo Picker, Aaalstaat “The Nightingale of the Psalms” Arthur Hultman, E. F. Wayman and ...... Page The Week: Neill will officiate and the burial The world today still needs those Kingsley Birge of Turkey, one of which is to its 80th thousand print- Harry Roth. The funds to finance Urging a state appropriation of There aeema to be an inereaae Lis Pendens ferred to the type at novels pubUah- Winston ChurchUl, BriUab sUtss- Monday, 7:30— Beethoven. Both Senator Lonergan who long PUZZLE SLEUTHS will be in the East cemetery, who will let their light so shine Anthem—Praise the Lord, O My the outstanding missionaries of the 'Tuesday, 4:00 — (tonflrmation Masses will be celebrated at 7:00, ing. Both play and sing with gui- the project must be raised by Dec- 825,000 a year fo r 1935 and 1985, in tha numbar of bowlara now tlce of action to foreclose a i ed^after the World War aa tha "Bat, man-soldler-author, last night told baa uiged a campaign of Improve- CARD PARTY A SUCCESS before men "that others may see Soul ...... Smart American Board. 8:00, 9:30 aad 10:30. A t the 8 tar accompaniment and special mu- ember 1 and the committee will re- for state publicity under the direc- (Continued from Page One) patronising the different alleye. mortgage on property located at 6811I P ” ™* .•■i? . Marry” - novels. ------Anotb- ,------his countrymen, — ------(isrmany was "re- aasa. ment o f streams and rivers and Gen- their g o ^ worlta and glorify God Hymn—Anthem — No Sacrifice of 6:15— Children's Chorus. o'clock mass the Junior choir will sic will be a feature of each serv- port Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock tion of a proposed Connecticut Ter-' cspacially tba Y. M. C. A. alleyi. The Main atreat was 111^ in tta town. *7 “O®* giving an Idsa of tba change arming with tha utmost spead” and Blood ...... Garrett stag. eral Sanford H. Dadhams, chairman staUons where be thought the men Mrs. Loula H. Custer and her ALBERT M UCHLIN DIES . SOUTH CHURCH 7:30— Emanuel Choir. ice. at tbe Chamber office. centenary Publicity Commlsslaiw' trustaas of tha " Y " have undar oon- clerk’s office this morningling by Per- literature is 'The End vigorously urges that Great Brlt- Postlude—Nunc Dlm ltUe.. Mallard Hymn: Mary, Star ol the Sea. o f the atate water commission may held up attendants. aasoclatss on the women's commit- o f Our Timas" by a Russian writer. We shall hardly expect that in (Methodist Episropal) Wednesday, 7:16—Boy Scouts. The subject of Rev. Aycock's Willard B. Rogers, a member of ths ■Idaratlon tha addition of two more kins L. Lathrop against ths ijndsr< ain make herself "the atrongast air 9:30—The Church School. Hymn: Jesus, Gentle Saviour. play Influential roles in a proposed tee of the Manchester Green C^om- A book that'has attracted a good tho modem world church members Leonard C. Harris, Minister Thursday, 7:30— O a e f. opening sermon is " A Republican Tbe Chamber's National Housing legislative committee of the Connec- Stations Robbed alleys. Thera la room in tha baae- writers' Finance Corporation Inc,, power in the European world" with- and CtorlsUana are likely to take • 9:30— The Women’s Class, Mrs. Sopranos, Oertfude Zelonls, Am e- Depression; A Democratic Panic; A cenferenee to be held here to lay out It was later learned that several mimlty Club were elated at the suc- AnER A LONG lUNESS deal of attention la by a young man out delay. Friday —Luther League to New Act committee is still functioning ticut Chamber o f (Commerce, has mant of tba building to add an allay Henry H. Hunt and ths Manehsstsr the precepts of the gospel so literal- Katherine Hardy. Leader. lia Strumkl; altos, Ida Lukas, Vic- Socialist (Calamity and an Inde- a program for Federal action. gasoline stations in Medford had cess o f the first of the scries of of 24, Paul Engle. Under the title of Sunday services: Haven. and is prepared to supply data and written to bis 86 colleagues on the on the north and another on the Trust and Safe Dejmsit company. This, he said, waa naesasary to ly that they shall follow the exam- 9:30—The Men’s League. Presi- toria Zelewitz. pendent Back-Set.” been held up and small amounts of ekly card parlies at the Manches- 9:30 n. m.— Church School with answer inquiries pertaining to the committee, Connecticut State offi- ■outth aide of tba praaent bowling President of Blish Hardware The property nought to be foreclosed American Songs,” It contains a avert another war. ple o f the early Christiana in selling dent Ernest Strong. Hjrmn: Holy, Holy, Holy. Plans have been made by Rev. N o date has yet been set for the cash token in each tnatanes. - ter Green school last night. Seven- classes for all ages. Act, which provides for Federal clala and officers and directors at alleys. is the former Madden garage located number of excellent poems. Ha warned that “If tha great war their possessions and goods and 6:00—The Cyp CTub. Preaident, CONCORDIA LUTHERAN Hymn: Jesus Christ Be Praised. Harris B; Anthony for accommo- o^erence. It was suggested by Another shooting which pussled teen tables were in play. Thanks- Company Was Widely Known 10:45 a. m. — Morning worship loons for the repair and moderniza- the Hartford Chamber of Com- on the comer o f Main street and A t the conclusion of Mrs. Xy- o f 1914 la resumed again In Europe. holding things in common. Esther Pickles. Speaker, Charles Garden sad Winter Streets Oigsa selections will be played at dating the largest crowds of any Dr. D'Arcy McGee, regional direc- police wss that of Carmelo Slraco, giving turkeys were won by Mrs. In This Part of the State. with sermon. Subject, "M y Church tion of property. Tbe Manchester merce, asking their approval at n" Fred Danlluk o f Ellington was re- Bralnard Place. burg’s talk, tea was served by Mrs. England will be probably dragged I t to a debatable issue to a prac- Oliver. The Young Peoples Society H. Richter. Pastor the 9:80 mass. evangelistic campaign held to the tor of the Isaak Walton League for 17, of Bast Boston, who was riding William Schieldge who had the hlgh- and I.” Trust company reported this week proposed act in the early days at Maryland and the District of Colum- moved from Rockvllle-Hartford J. W. Conrow, hostess for the after- Into it—dragged into' it as the tical world whether that wrould be from Warburton Chapel, Hartford, The program for the 10:30 mass local church since the new add'tlon that about 35 owners of property In a car in Winthrop with two other est score In bridge, and John Phelps, Albert McLachlan, preaident of noon.' United States was dragged in Music at this hour: 9:00 a. ro.— Sunday School. the 1935 General Assembly. bia. Dr. McGee conferred with bus yesterday auffering from a bad the bMt way of attaining the re- will be our guests. Prelude—Offertorle ...... Salome will be: was erected. A cordial invitation had obtained a total of 88,800 In Mr. Rogers, himself a fonnsr boys. He said 'le felt a sharp pain heart attack. H-He was given eroer- n»§^hc$t in setbAck. Second Awards the F . T. Blish Hardware Company, against their will In 1917.” 10:00 a. m.— Englisb Servics. Asperges Me, Gregorian—(Choir. Senator Lonergan this week to dls- died last night at his home, 30 sults to be sought in providing for Tre Week Processionsd Hymn— Morning Star has been extended to ok’ and young loans under thb provisions of the legislator. Is a member ot both ths in his right shoulder after an auto- gency treatment at De; ot Square dollar bills, were won bv Raymond 11:00 a. m.—German service. Kyrie EHeisen—Loercb. euss the matter. Ridge street, after an Illness of over TEXTILE LEADERS tho needs of every man. A t the Monday, 8:00 —Public Bridge, Anthem— Benedlctus. to come and hear these young Act, executive and the A ll N ew Etoglaad mobile passed but it wasn't until and later taken to tba lanchester Hennequln and Mrs. W. j. Ctocicett. CURB QUOTATIONS same time, one must recognize that auspices Group E. Parish House. .The Week Irene Jacobs, Alice Brasauski. evangelists, who are also so well It has.been suggested that the blood was noticed on his eoat and an Cleveland Ellington won the door a year. Offertory Anthem—"Ho, Everyone Tomorrow evening the Intersyno- Recreational Promotion commit- d;le,gates prepare a committee to Memorial hospital. not even Communism can lay a Make reservations Mra. John Reln- Gloria-Loerch—Adelle Karpue- known throughout tbe country os X-ray at East Boston relief hospital prize, a box of candy. Bom In Lawrence, Mass., be came That Thlrsteth” ...... Martin dtcal Luther League RaUy wUI be tees of the N ew Etoglond (TouncU. ley before President Roosevelt a TALK OF STRIKES HOSnTAL NOTES higher obligation upon man than is artz, Tel. 6303. ka, Stella Radonls, Arthur Scran- tastrumentallats and singers. was made, that a bullet was found. It was announced that the card to Manchester when a boy, attend- Assd Gas and Else .... Recessional Hymn—Duke Street held at Immanuel Churcb, Meriden. He has been a student o f (Connecti- Dr. A. B. Moran, w)io followed 4 laid by the law of Christian love Tuesday, 7:00—Troop H I, Boy Postlude— Finale from Second Son- ton. Services will be held each week cut's industrial, agriculturnl. Insur- tlie practlos of medicine in Man- socials will co.itinue each Friday ed the Ninth District schools and Am er Sup P o w ...... 14 The service wiU begin at 7:00 p. m. (Credo—Loerch—Margaret 2!a- HEBRON was graduated from South Man- and brotherhood. . Scouts. ata ...... Mendelssohn day evening at 7:30 o'clock, except ance, financial, commercial and chester until four years ago, when night until Christmas, under tha (CoDtinDed from Page One) Cent States S le c ___ _ 9-16 Mrs. Gladys OUvsr of North Wind- After-all, our religion Is tested Pastor Mehrteim will deliver tbe bleakos, Zelma Obrigk' Biliy 8a- chester High school with the class Tuesday, 7:00—Choir rehearsal. Archibald Sessions, Organist and Saturday, for the next two weeks. recreational history for years, to he went to Baltimore, Md., to same plan, also that grand prizes Cities Service ...... 14 ham, and Fred Daniluk o f BlUng- by tho measure of our responsibil- Tuesday, 8:00— Group G, Robbins address. The large, well trained herak. ' Mrs. Aycock will speak to the will be awarded to the man and of 1900. While in high school he ever since the general textile strike Elec Bond and Share . Ctooirmaster. Mrs. Rosella Waldo passed her recognition of which Governor Cross further study and practice. Is re- 8 ton were admitted, and Mrs. Horace ity for one another, and by the Room. chorus of tbe Hartford District Offertory solo: Venl Jesu Amor ' ’ oung People Socii;.ty and Sunday Treat Yourself To A woman rolling up the highest score was employed after school hours ended late in September. Ford Limited ...... 6:30— High School Group Ctandle- Luther League of tbe Augustans 85th birthday Monday of this week. named him a member o f the Con- turning to Ooansetieut. He Is to 94 Eaton and Infant daughter of 300 manlfeatatlon of love and sympathy Wednesday, 2:30—Ctoiter Ctourch Ligbt service of installation. Mi-Albert Zurawckas, Albert school each Sunday. necticut (Commission on the World's locate in Stamford, wlisre he has for the aeries. Tho object is to and on Saturdays In the hardware Sveral small strikes have been Mavis Bottling A .... 3-ie Synod wiU sing three groups of The occasion was observed by a din- store owned at that time by F. T. East Center street, and Mrs. Harold la practical ways. Women are privileged to hear Mrs. 6:00— Epwbrth League meeting. Scranton. ner given for her at the home of Exposition at (Chicago. He supports Special Full Course aeeursd offieea raise funds for the milk ^und and cal'ed. Midwest UtlU ...... m numbers. May we look foirward to Sanctus— Loerch— M argaret W il- Bllsl. and continued with the busi- Lanz and infant daughter o f Rock- I t to doubtful how much we can Kingsley Blrge of Turkey, Mission- The Week: her son-to-lBW and daughter, Mr. bis proposed state publicity cam- childrens Christmas party at the The textile board several weeks Nlag Hud Pow ______34 do by law and governmental meet a very large number of son, Stella Krieskl. ness until It was sold and Incorpo- ville, were discharged yesterday. ary of the American Board. Former Monday, 7:00—(Slri Scouts troop and Mrs. Asa W. Ellis, to Gilead. AU paign with the following letter to Richard C. Alton of 249 East Cen- Green school. ago, asked that all mills reemploy Penn Road ...... 3 agencies to bring a*’oiit the Ideal Luther Leaguers from Concordia at ^nedictua, Choir—Loerch. WAPPING rated. He later engaged In the hard- Mra. Sarah Hayden, 69, o f 95 Cen- resident o f Bristol. Auspices World meeting. her grandchildren were present. the legislative committee of the SUNDAY OWNER ter strsst, an exaeutlva with tbe Na- A t the close of the games dough- their strikers, declaring that was United Founders ...... association of ihan with man. A t Meriden, 7:00 p. m. Agnus Del—Loerch—Ben Rad- ware business in his own name, but 9-16 ter street died at the hoepltal at 2:50 Service committee. -7 ;45_W c8leyan Guild meeting The sale of another lot at Amston state chamber: nuts and coffee were served. in accordance with the settlement United Gas ...... any rate, it is true thr beneath all On Wednesday at 8:00 p. m. tbe Ffr. nnrl Mrs. John Reichle snd tional Fire Insurance company of afterward returned to tne Blish 1 4 this morning from injuries received Wednesday, 6:30 — Cub Scouts. in church parlors. Business session. dlng. Lake waa recorded at the town "May I remind you tbat without approved by President RoosevelL United L t and Pow A 14 I Wednesday evening. laws and government.' action there Sewing arcle will present the play: Benediction on the Blessed Sacra- five children moved from Broad 6 0 c Hartford, waa Informed last night Hardware Company, of which he Charles Lynn, leader. Comedy sketch by members of the clerk’s office a few days ago. The a Tercentenary around which to must be ta a true ■ ,ciety the im- “Those Husbands of Ours." There ment will be held Sunday afternoon to tbe place knovra as the by George L. Betts, Hudson-Terra- became president In 1925. Wednesday, 6:30—Oasa ta Air- HusUers Group. C. P. Thayer of the new owner is Emma Rees of build their states' programs, tbs Choice of Roast Chicken— Sirloin Steak with Mushrooma HUB M B mar ket pulses o f love and helpfulness. will also be a booth o f fancy at 4:00. Burger home in Wspptog lest Sun^ plane dealer, that he had received a For a number of yea n he travel- plane design. Y. M. C. A. will speak on "Boys' Wethersfield. Twenty-four lots other New England states hirrs so or (lenuine Native Calves’ Liver and Bacon I t is only as men accept and- articles etc. Purchase your ticket day. telegram announcing that Mr. Alton ed through the country areas aell- Wednesday, 7:00— Shining Light work in Manchester.” All women ol have been sold to 1934. Miss Lucille effectively, profitably and satis- ■hare the common llle and re- Daughter, Robbins from any member of the Sewing ST. JAM ES R. O. Church Mrs. Frank Bidwell spent a few » I SE-4 FOOD AT ALL TIMES was a winner In the recent rugged- ing heavy hardware ’or his concern. arcle Kings the parish Invited. BracUey, secretary for the Amston factorily developed state sales pro- nesa teat eontast. and Is.entitled to CLOSES ITS DOORS sponslbllltli that society can at- Wednesday, 7:00 — In-As-Mucb arcle. Re\-. WiUtom P. Reidy, Pastor days recently in Boston. Mass., Blue Point Oysters on the half shell — U tfle Neck Clams He became widely known In the Tuesday, 4:00 — "Starlight Tuesday eveidng, November 27, Lake company, closes her office this grams that Governor Loula J. a new Tsrraplant car. tain a high degree of welfare. arcle Kings Daughters. Robbins Rev. Patrick Killeen where she attended the Irwln-Oos- trade *and made many friends Brownie Pack”. the Brotherhood will serve a pan- week end, and returns to her home Brann, chairman of tbe Matos De- Soft Shell Crabs — Scallopa, Etc. ^ s to n , Nov. IT.— (A P )— Boston Room. Bev. Thomas Stack by club reunion and banquet. throughout Tolland and Windham 6:00— Cub Scouts. cake supper to our ball from 6:80 to to New Haven. velopment (Commiseion, Is to recom- BEER AND WINES A daughter was bom Thursday today was without its (?urb Ex- counties. Wednesday, 7:80 — Group H. 7:15— Boy Scout troop meeting. Miss Dora C. Griffin of Etost Gran- mend to the incoming Maine legisla- 7:30. 'The members of the congre- Masses at 7, 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30. by bss been a recent guest at the Mrs. Mary E. Lord of Wethers- night to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Q. Fallot change. Mr. McLachlan waa a member of Church Parlor. 7:45— Men’s Friendship Bowl- ture, an appropriation ot 8250,000, gation are invited. Children’s Mass in basement chapel home of Mr. snd Mrs. John A. O t fleld, Mrs. Wilbur V. Payne o f East of 15 Ashworth street. The baby was Directors faced with the recon- Manchester Lodge A. and A. M., BUemUAM Wednesday, 7:80— Meeting o f all ing Leagi'^ at the Y. M. C. A. with which to stage what to New at 8:30. Sunday afternoon at three line. Hartford, and Mrs. Lord's sister-in- bom at the Hows M stem ity hospi- vening of a Federal Inquiry as to and Delta Chapter No. 51, Royal interested ta forming a dramatic 7:3(1— O c i l l a n O u b m eeting law, Mrs. Addle Vining, of Spring- Englanders is an undreamed o f pub- ST. M AB V S CHURCH o'clock will be the closing of the Mrs. Erwin F. Stoughton gave a The TEA ROOM! tal. w h s^er the Federal SocuriUea Act Arch Maaona. He is survived by Leonard Slater of Nepsic street, club, commit.ee room. and re^larsal. field, Maas., were visitors Wednes- licity campaign, for state devtoop- 555 Main Street Opposite St. Jamee’e Church Thursday, 2-.00—Group Food Rev. J. Stuart Neill, Pastor Mission with Benediction o f the very enjoyable card party for the had been or was to be violated, voted his wife, M n . Ruth KJellqulst waa driving his automobile Sunday Wednesday, 6:30— Parish Supper day afternoon at the home of rela- ment. "A boslneae built and growing etcadlly on quality” Sale, Hale's basement. Blessed Sacrament Music at the benefit of the Federated Wflorkers at Louis McWilllam, arrested yester- yesterday to shut its doors. McLachlan. evening and a few miles from Dur- and church fam ily gathering. Spec- tives, Mr. and Mra. E. G. Lord. "Gentlemen— money spent to any Saturday, 6:00—Junior Choir re- Stmday, Novsmber 15 — ^Twenty- 3:30 Mass, Chorus (Choir her home at ITProspect street, Bast day noon in Bolton on a charge of A t the same time directors ac- Tbe funeral will be held at 3:30 liam met a 35-pound wild cat stand- ial patriotic program. By special Several local members o f Colonel atate by visitors, whether they be he^vasd. EHfth Sunday after Trinity. Prelude—(Choral ...... Bach Hartford last Thursday afternoon. operating a motor vehicle while un- quiesced to an order by the Securi- Monday afternoon at the home. ing to the center of the state high- request the members of the Cecilian Henry (Champion (Chapter, D. A . R., those returning to a state to Jota Saturday, 7:00T-Cholr rehearssJ. 8:00 a. m.— H oly Communion. Organ Rev. Harry 8. Martto, poxtor, will der the Infiuance o f liquor, was tried ties and Exchange Commission that Rev. Watson Woodruff will officiate way. He says he could have run Club will present the Armistice Day attended a pound party given Thurs- to a great Tercentenary celebraUaii, further operation would be con- and interment will be in the East Notes .*• pageant which they recently gave 0:30 a. m.— Church school. Men’s H)rmn—Only Thee M y Jesus. preach at the First Congregational summer residents, tourists or (X>m- before Justice L D. uton late yes- over the cat but turned out to avoid Hymn—Mary Unto Thee I Call. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. sidered a violation of the Securities cemetery. A meeUng of the Church commit- at Stafford Springs. There wlU be Bible asss. church of South Windsor next Sun- merclal salesmen, provides Um terday afUraoon. Ha waa fined Iloo hitting, what might have caused a Hymn—Oh Sacred Heart What A. D. Williams, to East Hampton. Act. tee after morning service tomorrow, a musical program with group sing- 10:45 a. m.— ^Morning Prayer and day morning at 10:40 o'clock.' The greatest net profit to the recipient ■ad coats and an effort was made to ■kid. to meet candidates fo r church ad- Sermon. Sermon topic: "Pastoral Shall I Render Thee Sunday school will be held st 0:40. Rev. Harold Keen, rector o f St. raise the money. He was unable to The closing was announced by Mrs. Anne E. Rlchman ing of Wor’> War songs. Committee Peter’s Episcopal church, will Uke state, of any money that erossss GET ACQUAINTED WITH Francis J. Ford, United States at- mission. Letter.” Hymn—Oh SoluUris. Rev. William Frazier, superintend- raise the money and late last night Mrs. Anne E. Richman of 41 ta charge of supper: Mrs. W. L. Ir- for tbe theme o f bis address at tbe their borders, not even excluding the torney and John L. FIJ-nn. attorney Support the Red Cross Drive. 3:00 p. m.— ^Highland Park Sun- Communion— He Leadeth Me. ent of the State Conference will was Uken to Jail. His home is In Strickland street, wife of Oliver OBARITY FEEDS AFRICANS win, 24 Proctor Road, Mrs. Gertrude 11 a. m. service at the church Sun- 82,000,000 a day that comes into tho for the securities commission. IN RICH DIAMOND REGION An early morning service on day School. Violto, Organ speak next Sunday evening to the great capitoI City of Hartford in in- ' U. 8. CLEANER'S East Greenwich, R. I. Rlchman. died yesterday afternoon Noren, Bolton. Reservations con be Baptiste day, the life and work o f Bishop The closing down by the directors at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thank^Vtog Day. made with the chairmen, the par- 7:00 p. m.— Special Musical Ser- Postlude ...... church at 7:30. Th ere will be spe- surance premiums, for tbe spenders The next group event, "The vics. Junior Choir Reunion. Former HU|li Moss a t 10:80. cial music. Seaoury. of the Exchange which baa Ustsd tna R. Starrs of Gardner jtrest aftar P o rt NoUoth, So. Africa,— ( A P I - sonage or the church office. Miss Victoria Hllding entertained of this money ask relatlv^ Uttia WOBIAN BOROR TO WED only a few olt and mining stocks N early New Shop, auppef and members will oombtoe ^ t h tbe Prelude— Largo ...... 1 H a n d e l Rabbi Feldman was to baVe SpOk- ah llinesa of four years. She w as-75 Six hundred persona are being Itept Friday, 6:30— Nutmeg Trail In- the Women’s Bridge Club at her in return. Tbe recipient state does . since 1829 was placed on the basis from atarvation by charity in this Cbrtotmas play"’ by childikn on Dec- stitute wiU meet at the South present Junior choir. Aspergls Me. on but will be unable to at tbis not educate their children, the vtoi- - New Economy Sefwce Burlington, Vt„ Nov. 17.— (A P )— yeara of age and had lived to Man- Kyrie—Mass to B Flat ...Leonard home Thursday afternoon. Miss that the Exchange would practically village port of southwestern Africa, ember S. Auspices Groups C and I. The Week: Ume. He will come at a later date. tors do not share to relief funds, Miss Bertha Jackson, editor and chester about 16 years. A native of church. Marlon Gott won first honors, Mrs. withdraw Its application for regis- within a few miles of one of the N o adraisalon. Monday, 7:30 p. m.— Girts Friend- Gloria Miss Sarah Blish of Willimantlc they do not ask fo r hospitaUnatloa publlahsr o f tha Burlington Daily (tambridge, N. Y., she spent most of Mark HUls second. Mrs. Hills waa a tration an a National securities or- MANCHESTER AND VERNON ly Society. Credo haa been staying with her grand- —they ask for and receive UtUs Newa and the only woman member her life in Rockville. .Njvorld’s richest diamond fields. guest for the day. ganlzatlon with the Federal govern- •nie diamond 'fields of Namaqua- Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.— Boy Scouts. SanNs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. . that goes to increase our town o r; o f tha Aaaociatad Press In New Eng- Besides her husband and daughter, SECOND OONOBEOA’nONAL PARISH Mrs. Everett G. Lord picked two ment. (Methodist Episcopal) 7:30 p. m.—Choir Rehearsal. Agnus Dei Grant of Etost Windsor Hill, for the atate administrative or maintenance ‘ SO- land wUl be married late today to Mrs. Rlchman leaves Ihrsa step- Jand are closed to prevent the flood- large, perfect pemsies in her garden in g of a depressed market with the Ftederiek C. Allen, Bftolater C. Homer Otons, mtoistor Wednesday, 4:00 p. m.— Confirma- Offertory past thfee weeks while her parents costa" CASH AND CARRY George B. Kolk, ragtonal manager children, Leonard C. Rlchman ofth to Duet—Ave Marls ..Stella, Rosewlg this week, tbe morning after a hard precious stones, and the closing of tion a a s s fo r boys. attended .the convenUon o f tbe of the United States Veterans Ad- town, Alfred Rlchman of RockvtUe Mrs. Claire Brennan and Arthur freeze. The pansies measured two CaS and Delivery Service A t Slightly AddlUonal Coet. wealthy woman lobster canneries because o f French Morning worship at 10:45. Sermon Vernon: Friday, 5:50 p. m.— Girls Friendly American Legion to Florida. mlnUtraUon at Burlington. and Mre, Frank Bedwortb of Hart- Keating inches across. limitations upon imports has com- by the pastor, “Tbe Church With an 9:30 a m.— Service for morning candidal■■ ' a t s s . FARMER'S DEVICE GUARDS ford, and one grandchild. 'The funeral Recessional Hymn— Thy Kingdom Miss Susan B, Pendleton accom- Mlaa Jackson la one of tha few pleted the desolation of a town Outgoing Heart.” The music: worship. 4:30 p. m.— Confirmation aasa OKLAHOMA OAME HATCHERY (THICKENS <100 PER CENT* ! women in this section of the coun- will be held Monday at the William Prelude— Prelude ...... Chopin for girls. Come. « RAISES 500 WILD T U R U Y S panied her nephew and niece, Mr. ISNOTCONHNED which 80 years ago was a lusty cop- Manchester and Mrs. Cliarles C. Sellers of New try to direct aeUvely tha publtahlng i P. <3utsh funeral home. The time has Anthem— Pesce and L i g h t ...... 9:45 a. m.— Sebool of the church. Sunday, (N ov. 35)— 10:45 :L m. Scottabluff, Neb.— ( A P ) — M. 1^.. SPECIAL UNTIL TUESDAY ■ of a dally newspaper. j per port. . '■ London to the reception at tbe Mark not yet been decided upon. Burial The copper'mines, which repaid ...... Chadwick Mark Holmes, supenintendent. Par- —The Rector will exchange with DINlifEB FdR DOZEN WON Tahiequah, Okla. (A P )— Disprov- Schrack, farmer near here, hae on : (Contlnaed from Page One) will b f in Etost cemetery. the Rev. Harold W. Kean of St W IT H 685 D E AD 4CBOW8 ing a belief that wild turkeys could Twain Memorial Library, Hartford, anti-chicken thief system be says . investors 483 per cent in the 1860's, Offertory—Am Kamin .. Schumann ents are urged to Cooperate with the Thursday evening, to the weU known were worked out years ago and the Postlude— S o rtie ...... Batiste sebool by sending boys and girls to Peter’s church, Hebron. not be raised in capUvity, an ex- "affords 100 per cent protection.” at the office of Clerk Michael J. Osage, Is.— (A P trucldoad of I)oet, Robert HUlyer, of Harvard inhabitants of Port NoUoth had Church school and Ehreryman's the school for this all too brief 7:00 p. m.— Preacher: The Rev. )—A perimental far- establUbed early A bell arrangement links his I Any Garment Dyeu Flanagan of the Superior Court on dead crows lias won a six-course University. J^fessor Hlllyer was a dwindled eight years ago to 195, de- Class at 9:30. Speaker at the class: period o f instruction. George B. Gilbert, rural missionary last spring by the Oklahoma game coop with s bedroom to his bome;- the day for Which the hearing had FUNERALS to Connecticut dinner for ajdozen Osage business and fish commission has produced recent winner of tbe Pulitzer prize When the bell rings, the farmer . been assigned but the withdrawal pendent upon the..lob8ter industry. Oscar Phelps of Wethersfleld. 10:45 a. m.— H om ing worship. for poetry. He gave several read- YOUR NEW The population quadrupled with Christian Endeavor meeting at Full vested choir. Children’s Ser- Tuesday, December 5— to Eriday, men. more than 600 young birds. dashes out with a shotgun to defend ^ waa not flled until yesterday. Martto M. Hitohon December 7 inclusive, the second Led by 75-year-old John S. Schuy- I t bsia also discounted the theory ings from bis poems. The reception his poultry. '■ $2.50 Justus J. Fennel mentioned to the Funeral aervicea for Martin M. the discovery o f diamonds in Nam- 6:30. Leader: Harry Elliot. A special mon, Subject, "T h e W atch” . Ser- was given under the auspices of the ler, veteran loc-J sportsman, the aqualand but all South A frica dia- invitation to extended to all young mon by the Pastor. Subject, “The Annual A rt Exhibit wlU be held to that turkey hens would not lay If One man was sentenced to the r*-'’ affidavit is a member of the Stam- Hitchon, who died Thursday at tbe St Mary’s Pariah. 12-man team brought down 583 kept to pens, and that their eggs Hartford Poetry Oub. formatory and another to the stata Workmanship and Satisfaction Guaranteed! NEIGHBORS ford bar. mond exploitation haa been stopped. people of High school age to attend Greatest Gain.” home of hie daughter, Mra. George crows and establish^ a record bag would not hatch in incubators. Hebron students whose names are penitentiary after Schrack, amnad ' this meeting. 6:00 p. m. — Epwortb League Thera's a new family mov- 8. Johnson o f 47 Bigelow street, CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE to the Slat annual Osdgn crow hunt. on the honor roll of Windham High by his device, had captured them in ' The Week meeting at the parsonage. Maynard ing in with you. Tbe were held last night at 7 o'clock at MINERAL OONTAININa GOLD H. B. AntlMmy, BDalater Another team which winged • mere REICH HOLDS ITS WORKMEN school for the month of October, bis chicken house. the home o f Mra. Johnson. Rav. K. Monday at .7—Boy Scouts. Briggs, dtocussion leader. Further are: Andrew Hcxiker, Barbara Fish, DIAL 7100 Joaeees. You'U meet them BUSINESS BACKS FOUND IN PLATINUM ORE discussion on queationa that young 500 crows must dine the arinners. E. Erickson of tbe Emanuel Luth- Tuesday at 7:30—Meeting o f the Stanlie Johnson, Mfithllda Rachmilo- firit In this noarapaper. people are vltaUy interested to. Last Sunday: Etoeh fall Osage bustoeaa men de- Berlin (A P )—Because o f aUegMl eran church officiated. Burial will Older Young People's Group. adts, AUene Warner, David Porter, TURKEY LAYS RAILS ID Thayll ha no bothsr at aU. Lenntngrad.— (A P) — Professor week we had 80 out. Do we dare 8:00 a. m.— ^Morning prayer. vote a day to a concerted attack on "efforU to lure slclUsd German “J *** “ *»•« HOUSING DRIVES take place thle afternoon at Wood- Wednesday at 3—Women's League. Eleanor Mosny, Bradford Smith, COAST J ^ la ffe s of our quality service at 75c. and you'U learn to like them Zvlagutotev, of the Platinum ' insti- have more. 9:30 a. m.— Church Bible school. the crow flocks which Infest sur- workers out of the country,” pass- lawn cemetery. Newburgh, N. Y. Miss Hodgaon of the China Depart- i.iiiisn Griffing, Mabel HUla, Anna for what th eyll tell you. tute, baa announced tbe discovery Tbe Week: 10:45 a. m.—M onitog worship rounding fields and harass Mitchell ports now are denied when ment at G. Fox and CM., will give a MichaUk, Jane Pomprowlcz, Barbara Ankara (A P )—Turkqy has begi Watch for further newa (Continued from Page Oae) to platinum ore' ot a mineral hither Slaacheeter with sermon by the pastor, subject: county formers. “ through the exodus of skilled labor J.4MES McCREERT DIBS Tennant, Marcia Frankel, (Hiarlotte the two-year task of building a riq about their cominff, exclu- unknoam which contains iridium, os- demonstration called “Trend In Tuesday 7-9 p. m.— Junior Quest 'The Discipline of Suffering.” -here is danger to German toduatiy way ftom Aflon-Karahisssr aively in The Herald. o f tho Preaident, la understood to mium, gold and ruthenium, ' The Table Decorattona." Hostesses: Mrs. a u b meeting in tbe social room. A 3:30 p. m.—Junior Misaioa Band. ROBBED ATTENDANT and the general economic struc- Warner. PitUfleld, Mast.. Nov. 17.— (A P ) Adalia which, connecting with: Watch for have been acting aa liaison man ba- new mineral to described Os betoR; Poblman, Mrs. Rockwell, Mrs. Ry- week-night meeting for youngsters 6:30 p. m.— Young People’s Hcmr. TAKEN FOB WALK’ ture.” —Jamea Crawford McCreary. 81, Istlng lines, arill rtvs twsen tha White House and tha sea- white with a sUvery metallic ap- Isnder, Mrs. Ssdroainaki. between the ages of 9 and 14. A Norris Ford, Traffic Blanagsr of HOSPITAL DEDICATED president of tbe MeOeery Realty shortest route to the h ■lon attended by members o f the pearance. Wednesday at 7:80— Rehearsal of group meeting designed to develop the Manufaeturers’ Association for Galesburg, ni.—(A P )—C. F. New- BEARDED BRITISH FLIER IN Chamber of Commerce, the Natlonai Company o f New York, died to I t to found to sinaU grains of ir- tbe Men's Chorus. the State at Oonneetleut, will b# the land, fliltog ststion attendant, has RECORD Norfolk. Vn. (A P )— The Norfolk The New Deal— religious and social expression. Twenty states aad the Pittsfield today after a long ill- regular shape together with plati- Thursday at 6:80— Teacnera’ snd special speaker at this service. yet tp-be "takun for a ride,” but Marine hospital, for disabled mem- Association of Manufacturers and nesa. Thursday, 7:00 p. m.— Choir rs- o f (Columbia, an area num, to very bard. fragUe and of a Officers' “ covered dish” supper. Rev. 7:30 p. m.— Elvangellatlc Service he knows wlist being "taken for a London (A P )—CapL O. P. Jones, bers of the American Merchant the National Conference Board. hearsal. one-third at the population 886 Main Street Mr. McCreary's father, James Mc- high speclftc gravity. F. C. Alien will give a talk on “The 7:45 p. m.— Family Fellowship arith sermon by the pastor. walk” U Uke. whose beard earned him the nick- Marine, was recenUy dedicated here and the Jonses Jamea A. Moffett Federal housing country. Jointly showed “ Creary, founded the McCreary and Analysts showed the mineral to Prophet Amos”. The group are ask- meeting at the parsonage. The dis- The Week A bandit forced him to come along name of "(japt. Kettle of the Air,” by Surgeon General Hugh S. Gum- director, also has been plAytog a cent Increase in ma leading part. J' ■ Company department store to New be a solid solution o f gold, osmium ed to read the book Amos before Tuesday at 7:80 p. m.— Opening for a block so he could not immedi- recenUy completed 1,000,000 miles ming. It is the largest tostltution York aty. cussion this week will be baaed on and ruthenium to iridium. ^ Thursday. (Committee: Miss Elsie the thought, "If the Ancients made service of an evangelistie campaign, ately notify police. of flytog. of its type on the Atlantic cou t y5W- J..,:' ■ 'i s

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESfER. CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17.1984. PAGE F iV l to u t MXNCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCSHByi'ER. OONN« SATDRDAYi NOVEMBER 17,1984. ■ ■ ' • .Yy' m ...... ay. Teu don’t hare to warty much graaMonal elaetloB, but it te about ALECK IN WONDERLAND Amrlpfftrr about ita pulUng off aoma Mg blun- played out. It it doubtful whether It dtr befam tba town kaowe it' la aveo It will serve In dltgultlng tha fact HEALTH-DIET ADVICE tw ntns Brrald thinking about It. Which, in some that the President has abandoned Doctors Discover Serum all real economic reforms, even up BV UR. FRANK McCUY PHti . waya at laaat. Is juat as wMt. RaeaWnaa u ragar# to Moalta aaA Mat ■ > 1 B im«I »ir<^t This preek'a meeting, for inatance, to the date of the meeting of Con wui AD aaawrwa ay Ur Mocay was caa For Infantile Paralysis jlM rliM u r Ooiip.... VaONA* rBMUUBON pasted off without anything particu- great. Certainly It adll not avail be eddresiiaa la raia at tats gainw. Ba> Maitar. very soon will be following the ex- Dopertment of Health, to have been aoBacnmioN ratbs located In badges and on lawni aa a be broivbt on by a alugateb eoadl- flow of bile and dose this bettor then wia/Oi poSBlble by a vaccine develop- Inoculated with the virus of Infan- w t a a r . bjr caatl ...... ample of the Committee on Econom- tton of tba irail-blam r oauaad M y other treatment which I tile paralysla. The epinal cord te r Month, by aiaU ...... I result of the correction of itreet aither by wrong diet or a lack of ed from monkeys. Kla Caaiaa ...... ,,#,.#*•••••.• 01 Unea from time to time, be moved ta ic Safety and baginnlng to work (or have ever had patients use. While Dr. Park, director of the depart- ground up In a eolutlon of formalin. ^aarad oaa yaar ...... M#" aparotoe. OB this trsetmsiit, the patient should ment's research laboratories, an- Dr. Park said, and injected into the their proper places on the curb lines their objectives without longer The gall-bladder aota as a storaga ^e an orange or grepefruiU fast b ^ . Thla aets up antibodies in MMMRKR o r iHK ABdOCIATEO nounced yeeterdey that 35 children PRICM at the rate of ten a year. It might dancing attendance on a President vesael to bold tha bUe formed by during the daytime, .using from fpiir 'vaednated with , the serum had de- tha bloodstream, thus providing Im- Tat Aaaaaialad Pratt It tielutlftly coat, it was explained, $200 a who too obviously la much more In- tho liver until neoded (rr digestion to eight ounoee of tha fruit juice veloped an Immunity against the munity. Ehiough serum Is develo]^ •BtlUtd to Iht^ uat for rapubllcaiiva tareeted In preeervtng bla popularity whoa it should bo discharged by the every two hours. The feet should be •'dleeaae and that he believed the ed from one monkey for 12 vacclna- If u l atwt ditiMtratt ortdiiad to i* hydrant. (sU-bladder, Naturally, svben there eontlnuad for from five to ten dmye tiOBS. * ir Dot .ttbtrwitt oradittd la ibia with the "right people" than In raa- immunity would be permanent. Mpar aad alta tbt leoA' ntwi pnb- Wa can think of about four hun- a a sluggish oondltion, or when the end repeated, If necessary, every few Dr. Park and Dr. Maurice Brodte Dr. Park aald that in order to Oibad htrt-n- dred different waya of spending two cuing the 'millions of depression's bile bemmea thickened, it la more weeks, the patient using e diet In oi New York University announced produce the vaccine In sufficient All nabta oi rapubllca'lon at victims from thalr economic plight. likely that the atones will term. between eomposed principally of two months ego they had euccees- quantitiee, a method sms being con- •BMtal dltl'aletiat Ittrtln art tlio rt- thousand dollars a year of the tax- non-etaroby vegetablea wiUi email sidered whereby monkeya would be ltP*»d. Sometimes tht gatl-stones ore fuUy Immunised monkeya agatest PAyara’ money, any ona of which single, but they may become very I amounts of such protelna aa eggs infantile paralyais. They tried the inoculated in Iiidla. killed there and fall aamta alltat ol N B A Sara* would aeem to have conaiderabla of ALL MAN numerous or largo in oiao. I a n d m e a t . serum on tbemaelvea. Dr. Park aald, their epinal cords shipped .to this Mb Ian an adge. In the matter of Importance Tho gali-bloddor ooomo to bo able and got inununity. Six weeks ago, country for the preparation of the Ckorge O'LaughUn of St. Paul, , QUEBTIONs’ A iro ANSWBIUI they vaccinated the children and all serum. Pabllahtra Rapratantattwa: fha and urgency, on the moving of tboio to hold some of tboM otonoo with- UllDt Mt'litwt dpanal A«tney—N«w Minn-, would, one may be sure, re- out opoOial oymptomo other then (flereneoa teTblgha) developed Immunity. In aimouncing the results of the ibra Oh:nabo, Oatroli and Boiion hydrants—and every one of which Question; Mrs. Theda R, arrites; Thla group of children wlU be vaccinations. Dr. Park said that in h er yard sent being called a Spartan fatbar. ottaeko of inflamnation and a "My father has been troubled for a MBMUBH AKItIT BUREAU OP ought to be put off until tbia town ■light yollownoso of the skin. Tho tested again at the end of eix pioneer work in developing vaccine QlRrU!.AriuN» He has a young een, Ruaaall. The month with aoreness In the thighs months and at the end of a year. against infantile paralyris haa been is a bit further away from the edge wtlonto never appoar perfectly contributed by Dr. John A. Kolmer boy. came home tba other nigbt leoltby, howsver, an' usually have after sitting lor a period of time. Dr. Park said he believed the Im- Tb* Harald Pr nitpa Company. Inc. of the precipice than It ta now. There la no soreness in the jotntsv munity should be permanent. In of Philadelphia and a Dr. Kramer of aaaDinr. no dnancltT ra.P'in.ihlllt, with a hole In his troustfs leg and a feeling of fullneoe or opproootoa What would you suggest T" for tTpofTfapnical arrort appaarina n Every two thoiieand dotlari this In the etomach or right side. They the meantime, the doctore are ad- Brooklyn. - , adaarliaaip.nit Iti th. Uanrhtaiat wound In hie knee. George Answer; It le difficult to know Baanina Hrrtia town spends means two thousand O'LaughUn is no fool. He knows a moy not even realize thet they hove just what la causing tba soreness dollars less that can be applied to any trouble until e gall-etone tries thing or two about wbat goes on In to pass through the gall duot, when without being able to examine yOur Pfimder, Miaa Anna WlUeke, Miss SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17 tha bonded debt—and every two father. This night be due to a form Rose LaCroasei alteraatea, Mrs. the Twin Cities; be knew Ruseell, a sudden pain will occur. They often of lumbago or simply defective cir- thousand dollars of debt we carry believe that eometblag they have EUizabeth Steppe, Mrs. Martha TAX COMMISSION too. He asked queitlone. Russell culation In this region. 1 would ROCKVILLE Kuhnly, Mrs. Minnie Steppe, dele- costa us at least a hundred dollars just eaten caused the attack of ooHo. ■uggest that be toke e short fruit knew be couldn't fool bis old man. The patients somtimei recover gate to National convention. Miss PIdCtmtal dlaoloaurea ol tha recom- a year, for which wa gat Just exactly fast and use hot eits baths for from Alice Bowers, alternate, Mrs. Cath- So be admitted having bean rolaad from an ettaeb after a few daye flftsen to twjnty minutes two or BMEdbUona of tha Stata Tax Study nothing. and do not notioa *more aymptoroe erine Regan. in a holdup—that ha bad shot a cop three times a week followed by a CAMPAIGN IS UUNCHED Ward Oonxnittee Named OoRUnlaalon do not ancouraga the There's one source of satisfaction for several months until anothar at- cold shower over the lower back and and that somebody bad shot him- took occurs. At a meeting of the Democratic •BpMtAtion that through tta aerv- —a Board of Selectmen that doesn't George O'LaughUn didn't do like abdomen. This should improve the (Jity committee, members of the in her face In dlsgnotlnf gall-atonea, the circulation, If tba trouble remains TO ASSIST BOY SCOUTS iMa thla Btata will arrive a t any hurry about anything Isn't likely to so many fathara—try to figure out I^emocratlc ward commltteea and oemplata and satlafylng aolutlon vt X-ray la of great value. Without after following this treatment (or a candidates for aldermen and council- rush us, unwarned, deeper Into the some way of saving the boy. Ho the X-ray It la often difficult to de- reasonable length of Jme, I believe the tax problem. Throughout those OoL Francis T. Maxwell Is Gen- men last evening in the Police (Jourt hole. sent for a priest—and he sent for termine whether tha attack la the beat plan would be for btm to IKirtlons of the report that have been caused by catarrh or atonss. As a consult a physician, eral Chairman of Committee rooms made plans for the coming the police. The eon was Indicted city election. made public there runs a vein of general rule, theao condlUone can (Block Tongue) in Drive for Funds. STEAMBOATS (or second degree murder. be cleared up without an operation, Members chosen for the wards reactlonlim—Indicated by such ad- (Black Tongue) are; Second ward, former Mayor "It waa the only decent thing to but there are a few cases where the (Question; Mrs. L. DeO. writes: To aid the Rockville District of vocaciea aa the ul.es tax with the Interesting little news stories In atones have besoms very large or Frederick G. Hartenstein, John N. do," says George O'LaughUn. Bight; his automobile when the band "My husband sufierlng from a the Charter Oak Council, Boy •toeace of any Income tax. the oon- the New York papers yesterday an- ft.' generations and each treas- Nevada somebody dug up a decoy where the gall 'addar has become complaint which the doctors call Scouta of America, In ralaing funds Keeney, secretary; Mrs. Margaret dead right. Yet that kind of a struck It up. He doffed his hat. urod In Its aeperata lltUe eloth mode of reedt and feathers— Splelman, Max Zachernig, Francis chMlOD tlta t real estate doea not. nouncing that the last trip of a much diatended. In which an opera- Black TonFuo. Would be very to provide better service to acouting, man, bdth tha right kind of a heart held It acrosa his breast and stood, bag. ipOO-year-oId evidence that the tion Is advisable. 1 have, however, grateful If you could explain the a campaign will open here Monday Murray, Raymond Spellman, John After all. bear an undue part of the steamer of the New London Line ^ o k went the hat os the piece yvaa Machine-made decoya are sot Indiana were the first to deceive seen numerous gaU-etones passed Larry, Dr. Earl C. Northrop, Walter In hla breast. Is the kind that would finished—and back went the proud cauH and cure, if any. The doctore evening. A supper meeting of all Six load, and this sentence from the had been completed and tba Unt^a art. aither, even though somt wild (owl. by a fasting end dieting ragHaen, here seem to know UtUi about It.” workers in this movement will be Gerstenlauer, EMward Dowding, love his own son ten times at much band to "Hall to the Chief!" The moat exciting duck-hunting Mrs. Ruth McKinstry Cooley, Walter Itepoaal to put the taxing power In books closed failed to recognise tha rather old Items arc extant from eeoompanled by hot eppUoatlons Answeri Black Torgue Is a disor- tadd at the Union church dining as some mushy sentimentalist who Again Roosevelt stood hatlesa, a factory founded In Detroit in Barber knows about la done lo over the KsU-bladder area. With a Scheibe, John McKinstry, Fred W. Ibe haada of finance boards: fact that the ao-called New London though obviously a bit peeved. When and 12 miles off Nova Scotia. No der known as glossopbytia, in which room at 6 o’clock. The supper will would go to almost any length to 1863. Vary few stout whitUert series of X-ray pictures, it Is some- ths back ot tbs tongue has a black, be served by the Girl Scouts of the Burke and Michael Keating. There !• probably no more fund- line, 94 years old, was a aubaidlary the band started a third rendition, from Bsmegat and Great Bouth chance to build bllnda there. So times possible to observe the gall- Third ward: Francis B. Cratty, keep the boy from hie punishment. he passed Into .the car and gave or- the hunters row out and climb blue or greonUh discoloration, due Union Congregational church. ABientAl weakncea In the American of tha New England Navigation Bay, the Chesapeake and other stones dissolving while still in tbs to the preeetioe of microscopic Col. Francis T.jMaxwell, is serv chairman; John McKenna, Francis ayatem of democracy than the giv- Thousands of foola write (an let- ders to press On. gunning paradtaea have drifted Into duck-tuba —vertically-floating gall-bladder. D. Leonard, Alderman P. J. John- Company, In Ita turn the marine de- tanka just big enough to bold a plants, n s best treatment le to Ing as the general chairman of the ing of the power to vote approii- ters to criminals. Perhaps It would Into the west or deep aoutb. So I have found that the most rapid ficrape the tongue, and have local drive, WilUara Schaeffer and A ttor ston, William Ertel, William J. Dun- atlons to thoN who have little or partment of the New York, New Overlooks No Beta the beat decoy hunting grounds man. Each tub Is ballasted with lap, Eldward Gebler, William Mar- help Georgs O'LaughUn In hl» pro. It Is axiomatic that the New Deal means of bringing about a breaking treatments given with the actinic ney ^m ard J. Ackerman are divi' BO obligation to provide revenue Haven and Hartford railroad com- remain along eastern estuaries rocks until the top la precarioualy down of tba gall-atonea is tbrougn light Then the tongue should bo ley, James Marlety and Fred Fors- to finance these appropriations. found trouble If a fpw thousand aen- la full of contradictions and one of and marshes, from the Carolinas close to water level. Long strings Sion chairmen. The Rockville Lodge pany. varioua forma of the fruit (oat. Dur painted with an antiseptic. Care of Elks, Stanley Dobosz Post, ter. Frankly wt do not likt the Idea ilble persona took the time and trou- them seems to be Mr. Fomey John- to Nova Scotia. of decoya are tied to it and a Ing the fasting regimen the roS' should be taken to keep the mouth Fourth ward: O. P. Morin, chair- What waa reprasrnted as the log- ston. a public utilities lawyer and hunter geta In to wait, ablvaring American Legion, Rockville Ltoiu af kATlof our tax atructure aet up ble to write to him, just to teU him terial will be more rapidly disaolvad clean by rinsing it out with salt club and other organizations man; Herbert Wormstedt, secretary; ical closing of a transporiation era. politician of Birmingham, Ala., Decoys While It Sleeps and bobbing on the heaving open than It can be while the patient Is Mrs. Katherine Burke, Mrs. Elsthcr (hr UA by peopla who enterutn tha they consider him all manV The whose father waa a Senator and who sea, for some unwafy elder duck water several times dail.v and seeing throughout the city are assisting the due to the fact that ateamboata can- Barber's collection numbers living on only a restricted diet. Of that the teeth art properly eared Reardon, WiUlam (jullen, John OOBVtdUon—the purely FascUit con- nows dispatch didn't give his address has his own ambitions In that di- to settle dowta. You'd never Imag- oourse, the one who suffers from for, division chairmen in the work. not compete with railroads and mo- rection. more than 900 notable ipect- ine sport like that bad anything Following the supper plans will be (Jleary, John Machacek, John Kram- btetlon—that government ihould be but probably "Care Chief of Police" mens, each with a bit of folk-tore gall-stones cannot ba on the fruit (HwMhwh^) er and Fred Young. tor trucks and buses. Is really some- Forney Johnston is local agency to do with art. discussed for the drive, and the divi- tbd prerogative of a propertied claae. would serve. couniel for the RFC down there and utached to It. There’s one mem- fast all of tba time, but a aerlea of Question: Reader atks; "Will you Briefs thing quite different. It la the per- ber of a wooden flock over which (asta with a restricted diet between please tell me what might be the sion chairmen will name their aaSls- And that la preciaely the Idea con- makes a nice little thing of It, draw- tanta so a complete drive will be At the Bushnell Memorial HaU fectly logical result of permitting a ing thousands of dollars from the President Cleveland used to shoot. CHURCH THIEF CAUGHT times will prove very effective. cauee of a headache In and just last evening, among those from the bayed by tha OommUaloo In the And a fine wild awan, fashioned Those whose .rail bladders contain above the eyes after meals ?" made in the city. Bargain Damp Wash Bargain Thrift Service rail-minded eorporatinn to swallow government. Mothers’ Club Meeting Vernon Grange who received the alwva ararda. 6EMINDTVIE SCENES IN Forney Johnston Is also t.ia fellow by Samuel T- Bamaa of Havre de Nawark, N. j.- ( A P ) —Women only small atones, or who are un- Answer; The kind of headache you seventh degree were: Mr. and Mrs. up a competing System of transpor- Grace, Md. In Conncotleut Bar- members of three Newark churches certain about the diagnoala should write about la usually caused from Mrs. T. T. Maxwell, will give a Of oouna thara a rt some excellent ■ who ta bringing suits against the travel talk at the meeting of the Ehnest Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William tation inhtrently more economical constitutionality of the Tennessee ber found a graceful sleeping complained to police that their at least try a fasting cure before de- an Irritation of the gastro-lnteatinal Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Clark, prepeaals In the report. One of blue-blll, which has had Ita head urses were stolen while they ciding upon an operation. The beat tract, aa in gaatritia or coittia. Bad Mothers' CHub of Union church next and efficient and kill It off. Valley Authority program, on behalf Wednesday evening. An entertain- Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson, Mr. than) Id to make the taxing period of half a dozen coal or power com- tucked under a wing for 60 years. Eneeled In prayer. Police arrested a way to start the fasting treatment mixtures of food which produce The dry rot of tha Long Island And so on . . .H e prises a model 28-year old liomelesa ‘ man, John ia to use the olive oil and grapefruit stomach irritation aie perhaps thr ment will preceed the short business and Mrs. Morgan Strong, Miss aeaform la tha flaoal year—to have panies. meeting. Mrs. Bessie K. heck, the Gwendolsm Strong, Norman Strong, Sound and Connecticut river lines New Dealers are beginning to ask of a wild pigeon, which species Solan, and charged him with grand julee treatment, the patient taking a most responaible for tha sudden the budget of every mimlclpallly long has been extinct. And out In larceny. mixture of four ounoee of olive oil headache just after the meal. president will preside. Plans for Mrs. Fred Ecker, Herbert Neider- began vrith their absorption by the THE each other how Mr. Johnston gets (Jbrlstmas work will be taken up at werfer, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bam- 16 for 10for prapAibd, the approprlatlona made New Haven Road. It was halted NRW DEAL IN WABHINQTON that way. the meeting. fortb. Miss Bernice Bamforth, Mr. Pounds Pounds ABd the tax laid In advance of the for a time when the railroad was Miaa Dorothy Wood, asaiatant and Mrs. James Donahue, Carl Funny About This Flood of "Colncl- Tyler, Albert S. HcCJlain, Francis parted of expenditure. But eurely compelled by the courts to unscram- denoen" / . Plums Begin To principal of Maple street sobool, and U seed hardly have tadeen a year contralto soloist In the TalcottvUle Lyman, Faith Lyman, Miss (Jlara ble the merger by which It ate up the Drop Just Before Eloctlnn . . . Lathrop, Mr. and Mrs. Perry and a half (or a apeclal commlasion Band Halls Chief Just Twice Too church, will sing two solos, "Lulla- steamboat companies. It resumed by" by Scott, and "The Sea Rap- Latbrop, Mr. an d ' Mrs. Kenneth ta figure that out. Everybody Often . . . Dixie Attorney Over' when thej^coiirte later on permitted looks No B<‘ls, ture” by (Joates. Mias Edith Ran- Webster,, Mrs. Carrie Hansen, Mr. knew of thla necewity before the the railroad to again operate the som will accompany her on the and Mrs. Adolph Newmarker and Slight additional charge for extra poundage. Marion Hansen. Oammlaeion waa appointed. sea lines. No doubt tbs New Lon- By RODNEY DIITCHEK NEW ‘ piano. The Hernld's Washington Mrs. Charles Meade will be the Marriage Intentions have been Aaother point le that tha Com- don Chamber of Commerce was one Correspondent. hostess for the evening, and the fol- filed at the tovm clerk’s office by adaMon aeanu perfectly confident of the many Chamberi of the state lowing committee will assist her: WiUlam E. Wells of East Windsor, that elty or town finance boards that signed a petition to have the Washington, Nov. 17.—This Is an YORK Mrs. Ernest M. Ide, Mrs. Philip M. and Alice C. Martin of Springfield. • Nt* me . Edward O. Denzier, chief chemist would alwaya operate wisely, hnn boats restored to the New Haven— era of "colncldonres" and If you Howe, Mrs. G. W. tyainwright, Mrs. didn't know that the arm of coinci- By F.AUL HAKKIHON E. H. Cobb, and Mrs. Palmer Dick- with the Seamless Rubber Co., of catly and eatlafactoiily. One ttay which no doubt it now regrets. dence was a long one you might be inson. New Haven, baa accepted a position aroBdar whence tha guarantee. At all events the ateamboat lines tempted to think the gentleman In New York. Nov. 17 — It’s, fine Frank S. Say in Ohio where he will take up simi- Thara ara already in aoma Connaoti- have gone tha way that was des- the White House was no more vir- weather for ducks, and hence a good Frank S. Say, 70, of 92 Orchard lar duties with a leading rubber tuously aloof from the tricka of time to tell about Mr. Joel Barber atreet, died at the Hartford hospital company. He is the son of Mr. and aut etUea taxing boards with tined for them from the hour they polities than his predecessors. Know Your Mrs. Edward A. Denzier of Ward who coilecta decoys. late Thursday night. He had been awMpIng powers. These cities (ell under railroad control. Mr. Jim Farley, of course, can't You may not have realized It, taken to the hospital 10 days ago, street. aaam ta be no freer from financial That thcra will be a revival of help being pleased by these freaks but decoys — fine old scarred and | although he has not been in the best Tankcroosan Tribe. Improved of luck the Democrats ars having. Order of Red Men, wiU hold the first Enjoy Nev/ Method quality at today’s low prices bleached wooden models of can. of health for the past two years. Mr. traublaei nor from axtravagance and transport ^over these waterways But hs will stoutly Insist on the aHkladnlnlatraUoB. than othars. vai.backs, mallards, blue-bllls and Say was ixiro In Ehigland, the son of a serie.s of card parties Monday soma time Is Inevitable, (or the rea- haphazard nature of them. - such—are art. They're Americana of James and Maria (Wallace) Say, evening at 8:15 at its ball. This is Wa may take it for granted that, son that it la potentlaUy cheaper to Just a few sample '‘coinci- juat aa hooked ruga and colonial GROCERIES and came to this country at the eige open to the public. if we need some sort of govern- dences": furniture are Americana—all part Sunday morning at 10:30 Dr. move a ton of freight by water then Mr. Jos Guffey, the slick Pennsyl- of 16 years, living in this city for XMUtal reform, all we have to do in of our national scene tnd saga. the past 54 years. George S. Brookes will preach on by land or air—that Is un economic vania boss who was the New Deal Museums exhibiting Mr. Bar- DID YOU know that the speed with which a bread dough risea de- order to get It te to appoint a com- Mr. Say had been employed at the "Three Iron (Jhariots”. At the eve- fact that cannot be permanently, candidate against Senator Davs ber's decoys label them "Primi- Springvllle and Hocltanum mills and ning service at 7 o’clock he will give ' tBiarton and than enact Ita report n.o K. . i Guffey's running-mate, dodged. But It may be a •»"$ a,orge Earle, who would be gov- tive Polychrome Sculpture” An' penda to a great extent upon the kind of flour that ia used? was for several years boss weaver an address on Henry Ward Beecher. Into law. But if we do we are like- tique dealers are beginning to at the Saxony mill. time hence. The New Haven has ,rnor. stepped out from a White cherish some ot the beet nand- ly to be disappointed. never hud a management like that I Mnusd luncheon with a itatoment. Did you know that the way coffee le roasted is as important in He had served as a member of the Bargain Damp Wash Bargain Thrift Service made speclmcna, and sell them for Rockville fire departmient ■ for 26 Wa elect a Oeneral Aaeembly that of the late J. J. Hill, who appre- The President was ordering a fancy prices. And now Barber OOBatltutae a pretty good crou see- survey of a $S7,000,000 electrical de- has written a whole book, replete producing fine uniform flavor as careful blending? • years, and served aa captain of the Takes Millionth ciated the posaibllltles of putting the velopment centering In Pennsylva- Hook and Ladder company and later tloB of informed opinion In the state, with color platea, called "Wild From our thirty-five years of experieivce in Yes, 69c is all you pay for 10 pounds of spark- aea and the rivers Into partnership nia, to be baaed largely on water Fowl Decoys" (Windward House). Did you know that some shortenings can impart a delicioua deli- as assistant chief. He was a member Chance; Lives and which Is auppoaed to be our with the rails as mutual helpers. power. He Isn't sure just what sportsmen 1 of the Union Congregational church, laundry operation, we have created this new, ling, cleaii clothes with New Method’s bargain tear m ridag authority. Then wa TLtes never bad one that did not re- "Merely coincidental,” aMd Iterle will think when they learn that cate ffavor to the foods In which they are used? i Fayette Lodge A. F. A. H., Court bare a governor select the member- when asked how It hap^ned the they are their fathers and grand- Hearts of Oak: F. of A., Heekanum gard the steambonta aa annoying statement came so near election day. papplea have been potting feath- Sick Boclety and General Kitchener low priced service—16^ pounds for 59c. We thrift service. All the hard work of ironing M p of a apeclal commission to tell competltora, to be gotten.rid of at What seemed to make the coin- ered game with the aid of primi- As a matter of fact there is some very Important information Lodge, American Order of St. It wbat laws to make. The persona any coat. Some day It may have cidence almost miraculous was the tive polychrome sculpture. George. know you’ll be delighted with the way your ar- the bed and table linen done for you, leaving pMiad by Oovemor Crou for this (act that Morria L. Cooke, adminli- Decoys Lure Him Far to be had regarding the groceries you use day after day. It is Mr. Say la survived by hla wife, a bead capable of seeing their pos- tration power expert, who eat la at particular Job, unlike the Leglala- Barber Is- an archltcKt, and Mrs. Minnie Say, a son, William F. ticles are cleansed in eleven changes of filtered only the wearing apparel to be ironed at your B'billUes. the luncheon, after his "Giant Power helped the late Raymond Hood information that will guide you in improving the taate-appeal of the Say of this city; three daughters, turc, do not constitute a crou sec- The Hartford line la “out" and Survey” In Pennsylvania, had re- design aome of Manhattan's most Mrs. Henry Trouton, of thla city; water, because every step is carefully watched leisure; which is returned with just the right tion of the people who must carry the New London line la "out." Bui porte-way. But The storekeeper hasn't the time to tell you about the different York laaryer who betonga to six The funeral will be held from bis another pleasant accident — even let him get word that a decoy home Sunday afternoon at 2:80 moisture to eliminate hanging out to dry. Service. ctuba. None of them la.very close though Democratic politicians are elder duck whittled by Capt. Har- characteristics of staples such as flour, sugar, spices, and butter.Or LEAVING ROOSEVELT giggling rather happily about It. o'clock. Rev. Dr. George S. Brookes ta tha type of taxpayer who has a ris Young has turned up on Iron cereals. Or coffee, Or beverages. But yon can find these facts will officiate. Burial will be In Grove The National Committee on Eco- The administration has lifted its Bound Island, and Barber will tax Use on kU tittle 13,000 home first finger for Senator LaFoIIette In drop his work and be on his way Hill cemetery, with Masonic serv- and no way of paying It off. nomic Security la one of the first Wisconsin since the Roosevelt Green yourself—right in your newspaper—in the advertisements. ices. to Nova Scotia. OStoera Installed Our blew la that If the General If not quite the first of the clUsens' Bay speech at just about the time It became reasonably obvious that ^ b For almost three centurion The Alden Skiiuer Auxiliary held Aaaambly win recognise the creation agencies which have been looking back, hit family were sportefolk 'Dike time to read these advertisements. 1%ey are written in an InatallaUon of officers loot' evening would defeat hla Democratic oppon- along the New England seaboard. : 9 t batter tax laws as Ita own job. for New Deal co-operation In na- ent Interesting manner and the important technical points arq clearly in the O. A. R. haU. Mrs. Cora From the time he could walk he ElUott, past president, acted oa in- iV eiu Method is the home of the marvelous ZORIC dry cleaning process set seriously to work to frama^on*! rehabllUatlon to let It be Senator Joe Robinson’s announce- bung around shipyarda, and de- known that It no- longer pins Its ment from the White House - steps veloped an eye for the “fair” portrayed. What’a more, the facta are easy to remember and when stalling officer. A number of the 'Ba own tax pn^ram without paying' that he would go to New Mexico members of the Alden Skinner Camp much attention to the report of the faith to President Roosevelt's liber' lines of good aailing craft He to campaign against Rooaevelt'a soon leqjmed, too, that men who you go to market you will be able to buy with authority—get the also attended the Installation. Studjr Oomndaolon, It la perfect' alien). That body, weary of ad' dear friend. Senator Cutting, coin- built boats could carve the finest The new officers are: president, Free Phone Service From Manchester — Call Enterprise 1300 )aWo of producing tometblng ministration diacutalona as to cided with reports that Cutting waa decoys, and that the wooden birds most for your money—-enjoy the utmost at your table. Mrs. Pauline Blinn; vice-president, arbather to multiply aaro bgr two or having a tot^h fight turned out by one maater were Mlaa Anna WlUeke; secretary, Mrs. aad mort offaettvo than wo And of course the adminlstraUon'a Aimle WlUeke; treasurer, Miaa LU- by ten, is preparing to go to OoD' never like tboee of aaother mak- avor gat fiom any aommlasion original blessing on Sinclair In Call- er. To hie .eye, If not to a ley- Uan Greenwood; chaplain, Mrs. An- tnm a atngle-mlnded stratum greaa with an unemploymmt Insur- fomia cooled off at almost man's, the decoya v;ere as differ- nie Rteppe; Inside guard, Mrs. Rose Glvea one cheaee In ■ million ance bill of Its own—one "with breakneck speed as predictions of ent aa slgnatureo. Lacrosse; outside guard Mrs. Lulu to lire, after he was shot be- Upton’s defeat poured In. tMth in It" You or I might hack out dacoya Blnheimer: color g\iard No. 1, Mrs. tween the eyes with a .32 cali- THE NEW METHOD LAUNDRY which would attract ducks; aoma Martha Kuhnly; color guard No. 3, ber bnllet which lodged in hla JK>T VERY URGENT This trick of Ur. Rooaevelt'a of Tee Many Balia To Cklel kinds of duck, that aren’t* too Mias Mary J. WlUeke; preea coiv brain, Bomer Tomblln, abore, fkclag toward the left and then Thtro'a a hand down at WUllama- perceptive, anyway. But that respondent, Mrs. Catherine Regan; Logan-rW. Va.. miner, took that ftotf thtag about this proa- anriklng baekarard to tha right waa burg, Va.. whara Roeisvelt spoke ra- ■•n't the point. Unlasa wa turned rulde, Mrs. MatUe Degenkolbe; as- ebanee and won. Ha declared centty, which doesn't know that out masterpieces of craftsman- ilstant guide, Mrs. Cora Helm; pa- U. 8 .-Senator H. D. Hatfield, jC oaundcrers D ry Q U anerS ' of Botectmen, It doMBt a good ona for a little while, and 'Hall to tba Clef!" la supposed to be ablp. akltfully colored and all triotic testructor, Miaa Mary E. noted snrgeon, could aaro him the little while Iqsted long enough played only once at a time. Or I identical wouldn’t be art. fiflUeke; trustee, Anna M. Pfunder; and Hatfield did, removing the kalp Uw Damocratt wlo Uie Ooo- . {Barber has come upon calleotlons huriclap, Anna M. Pfunder; dele-; baUeL TOmblln Is recorering Tt)o FraM ant wa$ $|^wt to $8tef J of keirionro daeoya, handed MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. UANCHEHIEK. CONN„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER IT. 19S4 MANCHESTER EVRN1N0 HERALD. MANCHESTER- COWN SATURDAY,"NOVEMBER 17.19S4.

mandar will be called on to hold offleet The Economy htUs bed been Awarded Nobel Medicine Prize JOHNSON CHOSEN Overnight A, P. BAREYESCAPJ AWARD NINE NEW passed by the Administration la '7E /V . Washington. Thousanda of veterans News had been out off tbe pension lists. FOR THIRD TERM AJAES ROAD CONTRACTS SMUN Dlsablsd and needy vetarana. w an T he H igh School W orld oolUng aa vataraa orgaataatlwa for Newport, R. L*-Henry Naaeptaa, relief, and requeaUng represenUtlea $4, a coxswain attached to the navel Com piled by Studenta of IHanehaatar High School Miaa Helen Batco, Faculty Adviaet Buddies of their claims before boards of re- torpedo staUon hero, wo# killed, VaLIL.No.20. Saturday, Novembtr 17. 1934. Popular Luther Leasner Msm d Romo k Hjde of RocM e lief. Tha new rulta applied to vet- when while dragging a hose reel in erans hospitals. Amongst a certain a fire drill, the aand truck stritek class qf people it was conaldered bad BriUsb War Vetarans Elected by Members at a flag pole, and the pole aiuipped by Chester b Oriered to I ASTRONOMY CLASS HOWTO ARRANGE ISTUDENTSTAUGHT Ghroa Highway Job in form to even promote veteran wel- the blow, struck him. ilBRARY RECEIVES Peculiarities of Gertrude Ths regular monthly meeting of fare. There was even a suspicion In Norwich, 'Vermont—Two puppies the Mon -Ypras Poet waa held tn soma groups that veteran leaders Anonal Business Meetmg. playing along the highway Ipd to tbe $7 Weekly to Wife. ' Town of Stafford. the Army and Navy Oub Wednes- bad sold o u t disoovery of the body of Mra. Bea- AT OBSERVATORY Stein Writings Pescribed IK A V ESTD D e A IXXITBAU. PAN CREATIVE DANCES day evening, November 14. at eight However .things travel in cycles MANY NEW BOOKS Mittana ara out in an thair glory o’elook. Commander Albert Lindsay trice Darling, >7. of Hanovei, N. H., ■ nS again, with many rartatioBa. Pve and the Uend Is now upward. Com- Herman V. Johnson was elected killed here when her automobUe William Habciln of Monetla Oh, don’t they look handsome GommiMrtoner John A. Macdonald occupied the chair and presided over mander Cheney, soon Past Comman- saen nraoUeally everything but LIstsBlng to the recent broadcast f “She soama to ba vary conceited a vary large attendance. Reports of president of the Luther League of skidded off the road Into Blood employed by tbe "New Haven" polka dota tbla year! with those ducky hats on. I’ve al' onaouacad today the award of nine der, haa carri^ out his orders from the Emanuel Lutheran churah for brook. of Oertrude Stein, tbe much dis- [ and writes extensively about ber- Modern Methods to Those ways wanted a football hero for tbe different oomrolttoM were beard .leatiquarters, and can wear hla Past as a bridge worker, narrowly IM i Sodiow's H e Folks” Visit Van VIeck BmUing at Mitt Feder Orfudzes Chb asw road contracte. Wda for tbe and much Important husireaa dle- his third term last night at ths an- eussed leader of a radically modern- , self. It would not be unusual to There 'goes the #blstie, the game Commandera badge with saUefsc- nual business meeting, a'- which eapad a jail sentanee for eon|6*pt| My, My! We find, or ratber, we iatlc group of such writers as James read one of her {>oems and find that must ba. gfiing to s ta rt I wonder (SraaBwloh. Monroe and Sheltoh eviraed. tlon that cornea from a job well of court iy Judge Edwin C. Dickq hear, that Mr. Perry has a most un. Joyce and Ernest Heminpway, the first line was nothing but a Descrihed m Irving’s more than 78 members were pres- Beinf Consiilered as Pid* V^esleyan University To whet that little fellow is oalllng As An After School Actir* joha were received oa October •- Tbe ratertalnment committee re- done. ent. 'The recommendations of the son ot the Superior Court yesterday j usual algebra claaa— freabmcn brought forth the following "appre- string of I’s. When a twelve year numbers for Must be pegtog i Rds for tha rest wart raealvtd on ceived a rousing vote of thanks for Three Amerleen phyitelans will share tbe Nobel prlte. (or medi- PIKE'S PEAK RACE sophomores, juniors, seniors, post Members are Invited to attend the cine for 1914 as result ot their discoveries In pernicious Sncmla nominating coMmittee, headed by when be appeared for failure ciation” by Sophie Kraxautls^ '36: old boy asked her for her autograph, one. Say—wmild you mind Mowing October 23. The awards ara as fol- their successful handling of "Britiab shoot to be conducted by (Joropeny Herbert Brandt, included contests grads. View Planets. "Did dld-you-you hear-hear the- she felt greatly blattered to think "Sketch Book” Compared. your emoke In aomeoae elsa’s face ityforG hrlt. N ight” Commander Lewis Milligan resesreh. .Dividihi the prise e( 141,000 will be Dr. George H. make payments for the support of.'; itzer Prize Choice. K e t the Bolton rifle range, Nov. Whipple, left, dsan et the madicel school at Rochester, N. Y., for virtually avsry offles on ths two chlldran, now tn tha cars of the j the-the, oh well. Did tou bear the that such a young lad would be lo- for a while? Why, arar’t they ths Town of Oraenwich; About 10,758 and John Hamm wars ajroomted 35. There will he plenty of turkeya, Slate. I recetvad a vary aaway and most mtsrvtew-lnterview of Oartruda- tereeted la her and In having her brutes, aU pUlav oa that tall lad. feat of grading and drainage en the delegates to the New England nniverslly; Dr. William Murphy, center, and Or. Osorga MlnoL ISTERRinCTEST mother, Mrs. Elsla K. Habarin, from ■] rabbits aa prizes and a good time la right, both et Harvard. Erik W. Modean waa re-alectad 'bom he to divorced. OuUlde readlBy iheuld b* •ttmu. waleome lettar in my mail ttaa other A llmitad group of M. H. 8. as- Oertie-Steln over tha air Monday ■Ignatura. How to mokr arrangements for Probably have a grudge ogalnat "Creative Dance la populaiv- Merritt Highway, to John Arborlo. Council of BriUsb V’ar Veterans. assured all who attend. The shoot vice-president, Erland Juhnatm was day. I enjoyad especially, ona from night, tbe night of November 13tb, modern travel waa discussed in him. haUo, Ethel, enjoying the A little patience take-— Inc.. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. They will rapraaont tha Mona-Yprea On three other occasions, Mabsrhi latad by tl>« followiny Hit of new tronomy entbuaiaats, qccompemled ”To her one of our football games starts at 6 a. m., and lasts all day. named financial secretary, Rudolph has bean ordered to pay for the sup- “Joanne." I horoufbly agraa with the night after Armistice Day? No? sophomore English II and. EH In amcT I think It's almpfy grand, .^ u t tbe cultural algnlflcaaea Towns of Monroe' and Shelton: Post with CJomradea Fred Baker Make It a point to go. buddies. Johnson was re-eleetad treasurer, boalu added to the South Manehee- you In asking—“Why can't Man- by the teacher c'. the course. Philip No? No? Tea? Yea? Yes? la nothing hut an 'Indian war dance lay mister, will you puease take Is worth the pains and acbee." About 85,688 feet ot bituminous and WlUlam -tltcble. s t Bolton. Aa many members as pos- represented by Sevan members In Matthew Moriarty of Mori* imrVcf the children a'd yesterday it -’ Emery, vlelted the Van VIeck As- where they get down on all foura.’— connection with an essay on travel In sibly can wllhattend. the parade. Dorothy Davit waa named eeere- was shown that he was *n arrears tn j tar library durlna October, "The chester get some peppy songs like 'If you had read any of her Imagine It. Washington Irving’s time. )ur number ninia off my corn? macadam on broken stone bime on It was voted to hold a get-togeth- tary, Lillian HuHin was made as- Felka," by Buth Suchow baa been those West Hartford and Wethers- tronomical Observatory at Vyesley- works you would understand just ump! The Impirtlncnik of aome The proof of tbla quotation waa ReuU No. 110 to C. W. Btakeslee * Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, V. F. W. We btar tiiat E. Ktnnody is still Don’t forget the jell. Perhaps bin paymento to the amount of- The study of Irving’s "Sketch S er for tbe post memben and the there are some rJ the members who sistant secretary, Eva Johnson and $1,142. Mrs.jHaberin 1s now living nvlawed aa a pogatble choice for field have?" Seems to me as If all an last Wednesday evening. ' why 1 used all tbasa dld-dld’s and “She bad endaavoroij to aneour- Book" la heing ac(»mpanied hy a ople. This sura Is a long gams, shown by tha group of 75 girls who Sons, Now Havsn. place and daU will be published Well tonight’s the night. The heckling M. Donzs. Ruth Benaoo were elected auditors arty Bros. Telia of Strain the Pulltaer Priee mvel, next our “song-birds" are throwing their Professor Sitterly explained to you-you's and all tbs rest. age her eecretaiy to write an wonder who’s ahead? Almost all Town of Greenwich: A 50-fodt joint installation of the Anderson have not donated any, who will he In Somervllto, N. J., and was repre-, seriaa of oral reports; about Ule turned out for the first meeting of later We were „ ad to have our The “Hams” (sre catching up with coming te this meeting, Monday, and Astrid Benson pianist Chair- seated by Attorney George Lesaner , aprlec. silver notes nto circulation to be t ! students tbe use of the telescope “She Is a post and author of autobiography but, as her attempt the players are crippled up—there’s span rigid frame bridge and ap- good friend and comrade, Jim Shea Post and Auxiliary will be men of various committees for ths customs, dress, and characteristics thj Creative Dance Clur, organised held at the Tinker Hall. Tho of the "Cracks” ' because tbe latter and will be able to bring a jar or on Tires b Climb. of this town. TTia story that Haberhi Fiction Judged by "jssB" critics, rather than and other astronomical devices used prose, who was bora In America but failed, she undertook the task her- of the people of Irving’s time and .o>t many more left. Hello Mabel, proaches and about 1,850 feat ot re- lltomaon with ua og. In. Jim Is fast think the targets hava wings like coming year were also elected. . Aach. Sholem. Salvation; Bradley, toward aehool aplrlt. How about it, hy the astronomy division of tbe h u spent most of her life in France. self and published The Autobi- yoOT drees iM stunning. Yes, it Is by Mias Feder as an after-school inforced concrete at the Intersec- rceovarl^ from hla recent illness. fleere wUl be tnetalled by Depart- two. told the cdbrt about bla Inability to parallel eituatlon today. ment President Agnes Poloqutn of tbe wild game birds thsy’re bagging. The turkey raffle, which the Herman Johnson vas In charge make tha payments was so smooth ICra. M,, Unconfessed: Browne, D. fellers? college. His brief but exact lecture Her present islt to America la tbe ography of Alice B. Toklas.'' She te In the lirat reports of the aeries, good game. Hey! gat yiur elbow out activity. tion of the Merritt Highway with It waa also reported that Comrade of the devotional period preceding O., Plan XVI; Buchan, John, Free was made more Interesting by giv- also the author of ths book for the of r.y face. Everyone's solng ewayl tha Round Hill Road, to PeUr Norwich. The guests and members Alibis galore are coming in. Keep it Auxiliary la sponsoring, will he If you were going te hold your that ha was reminded by Attorney^ first In thirty-one years. i given on Monday and Tuesday, In The name Indioatea tbe method George Parka la very lU and la still up boys. we'II hSva a banquet some drawn Monday. Nov. 35. ^ If there the meeting and Roy Johnson and yiabefa; chambers, R. W., Secret Do you really think It would help ing the stqdents an opportunity to “Oertrudo Stein baa a very mas- opera, ‘Four Saints In Three Acts.’ be game must b«. over, Hulo, 8al' used to teach; .hat is, that after MitebeU, Inc.. Oreanwleh. confined at bis bom*. Mons-Ypres are requested to assemble at the his committee was In eharge of the foot on the throttle of a powerful Lesaner that he was under oath. Division n , Lincoln Clark made or- ball by 5 o’clock as the committees time and use them for "Tall are any members who have sold This brought about a change in the ■arvice Operator 13, Chase, M. E., any to have Mias Feder alng and go view both the moon and Saturn culine appearance and ha a peculiar which had Ita world premier In Hart- rangeraenta for a modern boat trip ly, wasn’t the game wonderful? J lea- >ing fundamental body move- Town of New London: About certainly mlasea Georgs and prays program, which featured an Inter- racing ear as it sped up the ja|ged Italy Peters: Derbyshire, Shirley, through both the 2-inch and 30-tnch Idn't miss e olt of i t 1A48 fast of reinforced concrete and plans to ssrve supper at that rime, •tortss." their book of tieketa, they my make ■tory and ha admitted be bed remar- through the motions of "Down by style of writing. Her poetry Is prin- ford last spring. She uaa gained adrosa 'Jm Atlantic, explaining some- men j , and combinations of rhyth- for hla early recovery. returns at this meeting. We hope eating talk by Nathan Gatohsll of 13-mlie course la the International ■einetblnf Human; *lart, Mrs. F. N. t-leaeopss. cipally a jumble of words which are fame because of her peculiar style mical pattarno, the girls' craate about 886 fast of bituminous maca- Mons-Ypres took a very active promptly. The merohera who are Wa are all sorry to hear of tbe the High school faculty On a coast ried and had contracted btUe that the Ola Mill Stream” in an naaem- thing about vises and travelara’ to b r ^ donations will please that the members will pial^e * great Flke’e Peak Race, you would study he was trying to meeL He..said a t ; (H), Crooked Lane; Hauck, Mrs. L, bly gathering? I mean, toward en- Talesoopns Used repeated again and again. of writing.” checks. Arthur Johnson described THAT TEAAT OF OURS their owm danca-intarpratatloa of dam on a broken atone base j on art during our Armlatlca Day ac- Ulneas of our club prealdent’a moth- to coast automobile trip taken this (P.1, Family Matters; Jordan, B. <1., At the Ume only half of the moon A whistle blows—thajr're off to Union and Masonic Streets and Ivlties. Large dalegariona were bring same to the Tinker Hall any t r and wish her a speedy recovery. - effort to sell tha whole book of tire safely, aeeordiag to Meriarty first he was not Uvlck with hto 4ec<.; couraging the writing of "spirit" the host “S. S. Samaria,” Illustrat- the musical accompaniment. 8 tickets, as we are having calls for past summer with three High Ond wife, bat later pointed out th a t; P ate Mr. Pomeroy; Leslie. Dona, songs? If ae. I’ll hayt to make an war vlslbla but, by maana of the Dancing An Art M onta^ Avenue, to N. Benvenutt present at the Memorial church time daring -the afternoon. Ws The club 1s looking forward to a school students. A quartet consist- Bros., Firestone deiAra of this elty. ing his rsport with foldsrs. The It’s Sleriden they face today. A SoneT New London. would like to have all ths donations clothing etc., which makes It nec- Matthew Moriarty Of thie firm tells be did not have the necessary F uE Flavor; Uncoln, J. C., Peel official call on the i^rls’ beloved small telescope, the whole Image voyage and amussmenta on ths Uncr The dance vas th* first of aU a-rvlcc and also In the parade. bear supper when C. Dwlre comes essary that wa have money to fill ing of Roy Johnson, Gunnar John- Trait; Phlllpotta. Eden, Oldest In- was brought to the obaarvar’s ays Tacy takf positions with sager arts. Eve yone enjoys developing Town of Hamden: About 11,513 Mono-Ypree enjoyed the church In by 5;M. The members who are back from Volmont. son, Sherwood Anderson and Ernest of ths tire teste and tiro facts money. gym teacher. May I, HIsa Feder? wsrs told or by Hsrbsrt Ssymour. A bringing these donations will not be these caUe. learned from the recent annual race. Haberin’a story was such that h a la n t; Prichard. Mrs. E. W., Old so that all physical cbaraetariatics WHITON LIBRARY bftites tbs capacity to express faaUng feet of storm draina and other re- service very much also th# parade Here’s boplni; thj boys here trim Bcrggren, entertained with a num- olsvsr drama, about tha trip as it They know there le no time to quired work on eftven sections of and Impressive Merorial service at asked to contribute toward the Mrs. Grace Pitkin, Welfare chair- "Roaring, twisting, turning, the Judge,Dickenson ended the hearing Farm; Balne, W. M„ Trail of Dan- Romance rode the waves (I should of the moon were seen. Then the would hsvs besn mads In Irving's through the dance. Out of tha the boys from away out there In man, has had calls for clothing, ber of selections. ■wr; Rhodes, E. M., Beyond the observer looked tl; 'ough the large waste. rhythm of tha body r.ovsmanta haa atreets, to Clark Sewer Ck>natruc- the bospiUi and takee this oppor- supper afterward. We are to have Following the meeting and pro- machines, piloted by famous drivers, and ordered tbe man committed to' say wheels) on the astronomy class time, by Edmund Hsponick lud The jump Is given, the ball la pasS' tlon Co., Bridgeport. tunity to congratulate the Armle- entertainment by serveal well Wlsconrin Tuesday. throughout, for children, both boys fought their way te the top, 14,108 jail for 80 days, but when Haberln Desert; Rogers, Samuel, Dusk at the bus trip to Wesleyan the other tel scope. It magnified the moon ao BADIO EDUCATION Adrian Oroot, was snooted by the g own the senaa of rhyCim and bal- There is another of the famous and girls, between the ages of 7 and gram, refreshments were served Ol«ve; Sabatinl, Rafael, Venetian much that only a very small portion ORIGIN REVEALED eyei, we eald the rifle. tory on Flreetona tires. ST. MARY’S JUNIOR Chandler, Mrs. M. (T.), Roman who would care to listen to the hostess, and traveled on the seme Ion;long. foot of bituminous macadam on tsam. Ws wonder If "Jash” Flera a successful raffls. Majority of the Our weekly heelth hint; If you they WlU make arrangements to OPENING STOCKS "Pike’s Peak la a laboratory of urn was about SOO.OOO.OOO rotlea dis- broadcast in assembi ball, may gra'*ful'•ful to Ada Robinson for play- pick up the garments. Bprlng. Memoira; Newman, Emeat, There'a some special attraction tant and ten Umei aa large as our airplane as (Jordon. A "bon voyage" Don’t theysy alweyse? do their beat ing the piano. broken atone baoe on the approaebaa lag, SUwart Taggart and Dave members havs already disposed of must look doT^vn the muszle of your raaltty. Tast-lube theories on tires bear a radio version of Macbeth About 400 student' of the Man- letter was read by Charles London. In every fight anil every test? to the imderpaaa on Route No. 20, Hamilton would get tn line once tbe books allotted them. Any one rtfia, pull tha trigger befera and not Mrs. Mary Broanan, Past District won't do here. The roadbed le of JJU of Richard Wagner: Hoover, 1. for a certain go^-looklng fellow earth. Starring Sybils Thorndyke and —Alice Madden, ’87. New York, Nov. 17—(AP) — The H„ Forty-Two Years In the White (identity unknown) that was on Hstum 8«op chester High school use ‘ a Wbiton Reports on ths drese, customs, Please back them up, they need to Romeo A Hyde, Rockvina. more, giving Mons-Ypree a strong who wishes to make their returns while Indulging la you selantlflc In- PresidenL and Mra. Minnie (tar- sharp crushed granite and there are CHOIR AT REUNION; Charles Warburton on Station WJZ. etc., of ths sarly New Yorkers have Town of Portland; About 8,867 team and helping to keep the old at the Installation may do so, if you rlngton. Past District Sccretaiy, Stock Market was fairly steady la Kouic. the unusual bulletin In the library. Only two of the tan meoiw revolv- Memorial library. Thia library was your aid. vestigation. a brisk opsnlng today. Western 181 hairpin turns, where a illp may Travel ing about Saturn wei;a visible but, ’Ihoee to whom Edgar Queat’a been eselgned for Friday. Tour boost will help them make tbe feat of trap rock waterbeund maca- flag flying, "w hat eay fellows?” are unable to make t|ie returns at Phil Newcomb and CJonnIe Dwlre will assist District President 51ar- mean death. ‘The Irtvera refer their Mlaaing once. It was redeemed—but poetry appeals can listen to the started by on association organized Mons-Ypres congratulate Its good garet Palmer, In Installing the of- Union and N. Y. Central sold slight- Htndry, C. E.. Youth Inspects the alas and alack. It's up and walked the lecturer explained, although In Division III, the reports ware grade. dam on Bartlett Street, to Bloom- thu next meeting, please get in rnceived the club members medal ly lower, while price* were un- problems to tira englneSfa, and Naw World; Prtestley, J. B„ F.ng- poet reading hla own verses at 7:30 In 1886. In 1885 the King's Daugh- as follows: “Traveling to ^ r o p e by —Gladys L. Miller. field Conatnietlon Co., Bloomfield. comrade. Colin Pavl**, for having touch with the committee woman in ficers of the newly formed Auxiliary make trial runs for days haforaband off again! they were mere pinpoints Ir the pic- on Tuesday, November 30 on WJZ. BRING IN OBJECTS and bar from the NRA for recelvlog to tbe Aba Millar Post, of South changed to a shade higher in United Entertainment 1$ FoUowed byj beh Journey; Ludwig, Emil, Nine ture, viewed .n reality they were as ters revived this and placed the Alnlane, ’ O. Orasiado; "Traveling won the gold cup for bowling on tha your vicinity who will be glad to the highest marka In the annual Aircraft, cnuysler, American Caq, and know what tires are safest. Xtebed From Life. big aa our own moon. Ha also said Students who are taking civics or to Europe by Steamship,” J. Broil; grew. eel shoot to be conducted by Company Dllworth-Corneu Unit No. 102, Chnrtler. The F. W. Dodge (torp., reported Smith, Lineotn, eda., Writing Art; various coursss. I’m sure there small eyepiece on the other endl hooka used were collected for a cir- Enthusiastic Talk On Art Tha Department of Agriculture said RICOCHETS American Legion, was organized the October construction contract follows: "Hymn of Tbanksglviog”. was slowly following the course of of popular mualc, can be beard. culating library, and a a' of Har- today headquarters for the field K at the rifle range, Bolton Notch, American Legion Bllle CInb Dues are due! If any member is ARMISTICE COMMITTEE by present Junior Choir members; Braada, Mrs. Dorotbaa, Becoming a must ba aome from othar schools Cartoons, crockery and Franck Sunday, Nov, 35. Come on, you old eight years ago, today In the Hotel unable to pay the dues In full, ar- .-’tat in thirty-seven statea east of WrlUr. the moon or Saturn In Its path Sunday, November 18, 6:15 a. m.— per’s Family Library, In 335 vol- PAINT ON EYELIDS movie magazines were brought Into work oa the control of the Japanese (By N. B. A.) two songs, "XiUarney” and “Loch also. Why not Inquire ? NBC network, Plenalnsance String of Soliciting Ads. snipers, go out to the range and Sheridan. In honor of this occasion, rangements may be made to pay the Rocky Mountains was $135,534,- across tha sky. All this was done umes, wai purchased. The books 3ttss Walk’s second year French beetle aad tha Dutch elm (flsease, show these youngsters how to shoot A good rifle shni Is a good rifle a birthday party will be held at the "0. the largest since last March, MEETING IS POSTPONED Lomond”, by Rev. J. S. NelU; read- by a mechanical clockwork device. Ensemble; Sunday, November 18, were taken to the office of Cheney class Monday. Tha clasfc had bMU and certlflcation for the gypsy moth shot, and that means a man who them by Installments. ing, by Miriam Hooka; solo, "Santa Dorothy Bannett has deserted ui. 3:00 p. m.—WDRC, New York Phil- as we did It nearly 30 years ago. Hotel, Monday evening, Nov. 16, compared with $110,131,200 in Bbe'll be a sophomore in New York .Sun Studied Brothers and later to the basement reading tbe chapter "i"villsatlon,” and tbe European corn borer will can hit what be ehoota at. The rifle- which Is our regular meeting night. September and $145,367,200 In Oct- Lucia", by Teresa Britton; tap’ harmonic Orchestra;' Monday, No- of Cmeney Hall. Miss Ruth Behrand, M. H. 8. '3B. be traaafarred soon from Harris- There will be plenty of refreshments »YS NET NOT IN SAME or Chicago, not M. H. 8. Aa soon as the lectures on the That Is What Gives Her in the French text, which deale writb for all and a good rime is promised. man shoots at smaller marka than A supper will be served In the Grill ober, 1633. Lack of Qaoram Forces Ad- dance, "La Paloma”, by Jean Clarke; r oon and on Saturn were over, Pro- vember IB, 8:30 p. m., CBS—(Charles Free se of Books of tbe Mancheater Evening Herald the products raised and manufac- burg, Pa^ to White Plains, N. T. tbe game shot, and shoots more Room, at 7:00 sharp. Following the Residential contracts, at $26,369,- song, "Swing tbe Shining Sickle”, by —Lynns. feasor Sitterly said that, when stu- Haokett—Metropolitan Opera tenor; It was about eighty years ago tured in the various provinces of L. H. Wortbley, who hoe been In journm ent Until Dec. 7 — Arlene McCiaugbey, Barbara Little, CLASS AS SHAKESPEARE Friday, November 23, 8:00 p. m.— staff, gave an Interesting talk on Mons-Ypree Auxiliary slowly as a rule, rapid-fire being the supper, we will adjourn to a dining OPEN FORUM 800. showed a gain of nearly 50 per dents studied the aspects of the that the Idea of a collection of Such a Mysterious Look, F once. As an assignment, each eharge of the Harrtaburg station, exception. But a real rifle shot can room, upstairs, where the meeting cent over September and more than Discuss Winter CamIvnL Dorto Dickson, Valette Turner, Mary sun, they did not view it directly WHIAF, Jessica Drogonette. books for free use of a community b tr newspaper work and college life will be in charge at White Plains, The regular monthly meeting of member of tbe class was to bring In the Mons-Ypres Auxiliary will be hit what he shoots at, and requires will be held. The committee. In 20 ner cent over O.etobcr, 1633. Mc(toiugbey. CINDER NEWS but by projecting It upon a card- came into being In the United a t the Girl Reserve meeting Novem' something pertaining to France. the department said, with -offices on charge of Mrs. Tedford. member- VOTE OF THANKS Cotton cloth production In the An Informal social hour followed States. At present there are over Class told. the ninth fioor of the county office held Wednesday evening, Nov. 21. no special targets or special condi- Edltori Lacking a quorum, the scheduled Edim St. Vincent MlUay Not board about three feet from the ber 13. She is the author of the The following Items ar-; a few of at 8 o’clock In Tinker hall. Presi- tions to permit him to moke a re- ship committee, have planned to week ended Nov. 10, recorded a with dancing and group singing. eyepiece of the telescope. This was 10,000 registered public libraries In "Bargain Hound" column In the tbe many brought in: building. hold a card party, with prizes, fol- Manchester Evening Herald small drop. The Cotton Textile In- meeting of the Permanent Armistice Later In tbe evening refreahmenta One of World’ll Greatest done, he explained, because the con- the United States. Harvard Uni- The Harrisburg statioa was orig- dent Mrs. Duke requests a full at- spectable showing. Sir: Day committee waa adjourned laat Have you noticed the collection STUDY “ MACBETH” Herald. National Geographic showing tendance of the members ss very There are no natural born game lowing the meeting. Mrs. MoUie stitute estimated output at 135,000,- eonaistlng of cake and Ice ereai Poets, Avers Professor. centrated. rays of the sun were so versity has o.ne of th- oldest collec- "In order to play i character "It’s hard work getting my ads, viewrs of France, by Virginia Burn- inally concerned only with control Conlon, Diat. membership chairman, The Permanent Armistice Day 000 yards against 136,663,(H)0 the nlgbt until Dec. 7 at tbe Army and were served. At this time tha rec- of medala and cups on display at etrong at the eyepiece that a piece tions. The American National Li- and prevention of spread of tbe Important business wUl come up for shots or no natural born target committee, by vote of the organiza- Navy club. A t that time aU out- Watkins? Joe McCluakey, who not part," salu Mra. Ra.v, "one must but ii’s worth It, aa I have met ham; "Bravo” and "Mora Films,” discussion at this meeting. shots. will give us a talk on membership. week before. tor, Rev. J. 8. Neill, congratulal of paper would be set afiame Imme- brary Is at Washington, D. C. It look the part. And eyes are an Im- many intereatlng friends," aba en both French, by Eunice Skinner; Japanese beetle and the European If she Is able to attend. tion, destrea to thank the bands, Tbs steel outlook waa considered standing bills for tbe current ob- the committee for their efforts to "Excellent as is the poetry of so long ago was one of "Pete’s" diately If held a tew Incljes from BY NOVEL METHOD ranks among the world’s best libra- corn borer. The department eald The sewing circle will meet a t the In fact the most natural bora of singers, speakers and aU who con- boys, has certainly reaped a plenti- portant part of one's make-up." thuslasUcally said In answer to book called "L’lUustratlon.” with home Mra. Scott, 194 O n ter The Junior Group met at tbe to have been cleared further by the servance are to be filed and reports make the affair successful. Ha then Kdna S t Vlnc-nt Milley," said WII the end of the telescope. ries. Andrew Carnegie has donated queatlona about b tr work. She ex- that after It became the headquar- at human Instincts tend to make the tributed to tbe successful observance of tbe vaftous committees given. Introduced John Cockerham, organ- Uam Lyon Phelps In Monday's lec ful reward for his elTorU In the Because eyes are the hardest colored illustrations, by (Jonstance strset, next Tuesday evening at 7:30 poorest rifle shots, because they home of Gertrude Bausola, Tuesday statement of E. T. Weir, chairman He also said that the gas on .the over forty millton dollars to com- thing to make up the members of plained in detail how she obtained Gardner. ters for the enforcement of tbe gyp- afternoon, and started the clothes of the 1634 Armistice services at of the National Steel Corp., that no Thq annual eieotlon of officers will ist and choir master at St. Mary’s, tu ts of the series being attended by oast few years. Just Imagine the sun was 1.4 times as dense ns wa- munity libraries in the United sy moth quarantine and Dutch elm o’clock. make the normal Individual blink the South Methodist church and at savaral members of the High school opportunity for you young rookies Mrs. Ray’ class utudles eyes on her ads, and the work and planning Copies of maps similar to the one Tho Auxiliary extends Its deepest for the two dolls, which they are to change was likely in steel prices also take place at that time. for many years, who spoke of ‘ ter and the temperature on it waa Eiperimentai and ''Student States and Great Britain. The old- Tuesday. In the second lesson of the Involved. She also related some in' shown Ir tbe text book were made disease control the headquarters and flinch away from tha blow and dress for tbe two girls, confined to the Manchester Memorial hospital, ftr the first quarter of 1035. It was the consensus of the mem- splendid way the Junior Choir haa I taeulty, "she la not to ba num- 18.030,000 degrees Centigrade, abso- est free library still in existence is was thrown "off center.” sympathy to Mrs. Park' whose a report, and make It difficult to James McChiUough, chairman btrad among the world’s greatest Well, we notice that the large five which Sock and Buskin Is hav- teresting incidents about tbe "De- by Doris Little, Alton Haddock and husband is confined a t home with a the Newington Home for Crippled Tbe British pound opened off H bers In attendance at tbe meeting always serv^ tbe church, and espe- lute. probably In Peterboro, N. H. ing Mrs. Ray give on theatrical ^rah" column In the Hartford Ruth Shedd The products and "All quarantine work on the gyp- hold the heavy three and one half Children. Following the sewing, Permanent A. D, Committee. of a cent at $4.66. French francs last night that tbe Sponsorship of cially of tbe beautiful musical Mrv- poets, tike Shakespeare and Milton.” aign denoting the start and finish Following his lecture.s in the tow- The first children’s library was sy moth is done In the New Eng- severe illness. foot rifle a t motionless In the David McCann, j In reviewing Miss Millay’s new line for the Thanksgiving Day Contror Groups Hold make-up. Courant - of which Miss Ida (Chap- provinces are being sketched In and Mra. Scott would be pleased to which did not break up until 5:30, were .00 1-8 of a cent lower at the annual Manchester winter car- Ice they present each year at the er, he directed the students to a established in New York City in First, Mrs. Ray applied grease man Is tbs writer. aom*timei colored. Instead of draw- land states and in New York state,” process of aiming. The quicker tbe refreshments were served, which , Secretary. 6.58 5-8 cento. nival tbla year should be broadened, early Communion Service on volume of poetry. Dr. Pbelpa pointed classic haa been strung aoross Main room on the ground floor and ex- 1885, by a primary schoo’ teacher. the department said, "and most of receive as much money aa possible out how well she Illustrates her street to remind us that the Ume oaint and -rouge to her own face. Mias Behrend brought out the In- ing the products Felicia Miller from the sale '■ the Christmas coordination and the greater the In- were very much appreciated hy the permitting each of tbe six local ex- •ad Chrifltia&i. plained the use of transits tn as- Discussions in English- Now it is one of the most Important Then ehe gave the general rules to teresting fact that tbe flist shopping took Illustrations out of magazines. ths work on Dutch elm dtsease In telligence born in man, the aurer be M ra Violet M. Lindsey, a former' Stani hatred for war in the poem draws near for the lar and most parts of the library. More than one New York, New Jersey and (jonnec- lards. Members desiring to make girls. ’The next meeting will be service or$;aBtoationa to take part In tronomy. Star time and tbe pass- follow when making up eyes. She column was originated 38 yean ago On the bulletin board ara the fol- is to flinch and blink and duck from held, Tuesday afternoon. Dec. 4, at COLLEGE OIBLS EAT SPINACH the event. Plana are being consider- choir leader, was called upon toj *Apbatropbe Against War." important meet of the year. We no- ing o? a star over a certain meridi- youth has been helped in the choos- tieut In ths immediate vicinity of returns can do so at the monthly —40 BUSHELS OF IT Prof, raelps feels that reading Uce. too. that the "Rec" Is planning illustrated these rules by shading by a Manchester woman In The lowing: A stamp mlleeclon, a car- meeting. a recoU and report oLa rifle Just aa the same place. It will be necessary ANDOVER ed whereby e carnival baU may be make a few remarks, as were all an Is computed by mernn of these A novel way of studying Shakes- ing of his or her life’s work by go* her eyes in differenf ways. By Hartford Courant. toon, ' a French menu, a picture of New York City. The heaviest Jap- he would duck a blow from a flat, or Mtoa Helen Crawford, Rohe; aloud detracts from appreciating to accommodate over-night guests transits. Ing from one subject to another In anese beetle and gypsy moth infes We congratulate tha Auxiliary on to hold two meetings In December, held preceeding the outdoor events again this year, a courtesy that peare's "Macbeth," Is being carried drawing lines and shading In differ- After her talk on newspaper work 'osmeucs, and some newrspaper Jump from a sudden noise. in order to finish these things. Mrs. Eleanore Howarth Is vlsiUng Tallahassee, Fla.—(AP)— When Holmes, Mtoa Dorothy Rueeell Mite Mlllay'a writings, aa so many Soon after, the students went out by three of Miss Fellows’ Eng a public library. tatlons, as well ae the area where their fine showing during our Ar- with the selection, by popular vote, Statements are too "full of meat" for was very much appreciated last ent places. Mrs. Ray looked like a Miss Behrend who graduated from clippings, among then, one on ths mtsttca Day actiritiea. Lr ga dele- No, a rifle shot is not born—he la We are very pround of the turn- Mrs, Lewis Phelps and family for a the 1,700 girls at Florida State Col- of a winter ’ carnival queen. If ap- John Wllby, of RockvUle. Mr. WU- back to the bus and journeyed tish classes. One class is called the Everyone Rrads grouchy person, then an old wom- Tufte College, answered questiona on resignation of Doumergu' as Pre- (ho Dutch elm disease Is m parade and practice. If it were hot so, tbe game were held a t the South Methodist Mrs. John T. Murphy of Boston, in the main dining room. It looks Choir upon numerous occasiont aad reading. *■ enjoyable by the crowd and by se the direction of Miss Fellows. DiS' read many books, where our grand- WblU Plama” to Manchester Evelyn Chandler, one BpeiHclng of A. A. Mlaue's "Peace Also comes the news that Mount sweet but worried old Udy. She told shop "An Bou Marche.” many comments were heard on would not be worth the candle. church, Sunday, Nev. 11. . Sunday spent Wednesday at tbe home of ber Uke boom times for farmers. until removing to RockvlU# wa# lections played by D. Dougla.'ui on cusslons are held, anu questions parents read one. Very few people the group that Greta Garbo uses A genuine French china cup, Here are some of the items of of the leading figure skaters In tbe with Honor,” denouncing armed con Pleasant, strong New York State hla ’’sweet potato.” can afford to buy all the books and their very fine appearance. The average man, who thinks he afternoon, our organisation was father. world, and an excellent supporting active member of SL Mary’s chu~ filet aa old-faabloned and an “Intol team, is planning to enter first- asked and answered tn this group. two bright green lines on her upper brought by Conetanee Gardner, is Mrs. Bristow is confinec* at her can hit 'a tomato can at 80 yards food that go to make up a typical He Is at present organist of Mr. llling. Miss Condon and Mist The other two clessea are called periodicals they wish to read, or eyelids to give her that "mysteri- very expenslva and fragile—at the meal: group of figure ekalers from New Methodist church In RockviUs. arable nuisance,” unwarranted string ven instead of "seconds" aa Worth also went to the observa- those that will give them the infor- NATIONAL EDITORIAL POUCE COURT home with lllnera. In extending three times or even five timet out of it did last year. It !ooka like an student control groups, and are un- ous" look. least knock It chips. A aea-greex our sympathy we pray for an early Soup, 160 gallons. York and New Haven. Miss Mildred Sutherland, who modem civlUsatlon. Prof. Pbelpa torirv as guests . of the astronomy mation they desire. The influence Then the class learned the secret live, or shoot a woodchuck once In Last year, for the third successive ompbaalzed the novelty of the other tough battl for M. H: S.l der the direction of a chairman. The cake of soap made In Paria was con- Five caaee occupied the attention recovery. A visit from the mem- Roast beef, 475 pounds. recently taken over the leaderahl| class. classes are divided into four com- of good reading material la so im- Of Hading when the n tural wrin tributed. Betty Ckielee had a few a whUe Is not a rifleman. No more Beef gravy, 40 gallons. year. Novel Baptie and Gladys wrltor’s point of view. Ono of the —B. Uvlngaton, '35B. portant that many communities CONTEST SPONSORED ot Judge Raymond Johnson In po- bers would be appreciated. so than a man who can hold a ten- of the Junior Choir, spoke briefly. Thars asams to ba a mistaken mittees, the' properties committee, kies In one’s face are. Our InstruC' lUustrations of aoldiera In action Hee court today. Mrs. Peggy Lwgett. Who vrill 0-0 S EEJ IP E-K) V Irish potatoes, 800 pounds. Lamb, Metropolitan figure skating Members of the various com “ beet things on the New York etage —A. Kaminski. the lighting committee, tbe costume now ednsider It a part of their sys- tor explained that n ' matter how nis racquet In hla right hand, is a Snap beano, 12 bushels. ■tars, headed tbe Uet of carnival at the present time, Mr. Phelpa conception about the two sports, t-m of education and provide R during the World War In France. Norman A. Dubeau of WUllman- ItavH flbortly for washlngtcSs P* C*, tees for tho affair were as fpUi tisck and OfeBb-eauntiy. In w recent commltteet, and tha - commltriw la young an actor, was, he-oeuld jrtay^ Oe, iH iiM d CJcl6Bsr “2B by TWIlce- was honored With A surprise party lemds profeeslonal. Sueh 5 mas DAW THOMAS — GEORGE SCARBO SpkuMb, 40 buahela,- perforaen. The Armistice Day com- Reception committee, Valette fM s, is the repertoire of OUbort and charge of directing the presentation free. an olu part by care*’ I make-up. High School 'nVorld” Snh- needs enlightening, and tbe many Cauliflower, 28 crates. mittee sponsored last year’s event at •uUivan operettas being presented article by a member of the "World" In' large libraries all classes of man Joseph Prentice for violating at tho home of Mrs. Duke lart er, Mary McCtoughey, Teresa Sta0, we noticed that ths harriers of the play, ’These committees Mrs. Ray herself when ehe was scribes to New Publication, tha rules of the roaiL- was fined 810 Momiay avralnc;. Fort members of rifle clubs, aided and abetted by the Carrots, 700 pounds. which 7,000 people attended. ton, Peggy Smith; decorations, by the D’Oyly Carte Opera OJm POST SEASON FOOTBALL gather In various parts of the room men may Je seen enjoying the daily eighteen, plfved the port of an old National Rifle AisociaUon, exist for Lettuce for salad, one and a half p u y . This English group baa been were referred to as the "track" papers In the comfortably lighted ''Yitaiised Schooi Jour- NEWSPAFER REPORTS ftnd costs. the Auxiliary were present to wish garet Stratton, Evelyn Carison; team. Wa afaouM Uke to correct this during class periods and dlscuos mountain woman and was acclaim- PhiUp W. WelU of Rockvills, ber God-ape^ and g'od luck. Mra. that very purpose. crates. freshments, Dorothy Russell, Bvel; the only ones to use the exact OU' their problems and plana. and heated reading rooms. e< one df th> bes>. character ac- naiiam.*’ Tbe first of the season’s Turkey Vegetable oU for salad, 10 j^lons. bait and Sullivan arrangement, ai miaapprehaauion; In the first place TILT SET FOR MONDAY —Herbert Seymour, '37. Reports on newspaper editorlala Charged with driving a car having Liggett was presented wlU a beau- REBEKAHS FROM THE Carlson, Margaret Stratton; enf track is not, as a rule, run In the After the book has been finished tresses in the country. improper brakes, was fined llO and tiful aultcaae and allverware aa a Shoots was a success, and there are Bread, 160 loaves, or 380 dozen talnment, Mildred Sutherland. BWde by the two composers. Ha all three classes will ba tested, and To end the lesson, everjrone made were given Wednesday In Mr. more to follow. There were over two biscuits. prophesies that these plays may do fall. It baa its aeaaon In the spring. A nation-wide editorial contest Is Oatcbell’a Soph. English classes. cpsts. Wells, who was defended by gift from the Auxiliary. The ladles A special musical service hae I Croaa-country, on the other hand. Is A post-season football contest Miss Fellows hopes that the same WE.\THER REI’uKTS up his own face even to the shad- Attorney William S. Hyde, was ar- provided their . own entertainment hundred targets shot, luid twelve Coffee, 40 gallons. STATE COMING HBtE planned for tomorrow evening ^ m u ^ to cement go'xl feeling bo- has been arrangeil between results will be obtained from each ing of the eyes. being eponeored by the National Many of the topics, taken from hundred rounds of ammunition fired. Ice cream, 50 gallons. twien England and Americn. run in the w l. Track la composed magazines and newspapers, proved rested at Main and Park atreets re- which was very good. Following which Ume the former members ^ of many different events such as the "Ducky" Pond’s "Red Raiders" and class. If the results of this plan are The iveather reports which pre- —Betty Harvey, '35B. Educational Association through its cently by Policeman John Cavag- the entertainment a buffet lunch At the above rate the general public The college operates Ita own tbe Junior Choir are asked to For the purpose of saving money, Dave Muldoon’s "Speedbeys." The interesting to the clasOM. After th« dairy and bakery and doea all the Sunset Rsbekah Ixidge will en- yat gaining invaluable knowladgo ot mils, half, huadrad, • U jump, stc., successful. Miss Fel'owa hopes to dict weather up to a month in ad- newly eetabllshed publication. naro; was served and the evening ended needs two shots to hit a target the tertain Its Rebekah State Assembly ticlpate. The present Junior C arhereas cross-country is only one game will take p'ace Monday at present the play in assembly. vance, at this time of the year, are TALKS ON PEACE reports fvera given, Mr. Oatebell Nv John J. Gookln of Lowell, Mate, with tbe Binging of "God Be With size of megaatne a t fifty feet cooking In a kitchen that to said to will occupy the chancel while P*S! Wliu la bMt in current plays. Prof. 3:30 at th» V est Ude field. This experiment In method of "Vltaliaed School Jouraallem,” oub- quested that tbe atudenta write edi- be tbe largest of any collage In the oMoara Monday Olgkt k> Ddd Fel- recommenlends Bums thing, a 3H-mila run gaasrally over not necesakrily true but mere guess- scribed to by tha High School who made two trips from that city Yoq 'n u We Meet Again." One of our memberc, being very lows hall. A turkey dinner at 6:80 v^l be reserved In the front of tUi some country side or highway. Both teams will be composed of studying Shakespeare was tried at work, according to. Mr.' Spang of Mr. Jenney, past commander of torials for tbe World. to Mabehaster to answer a charge lazy, and It being neceezary that he south. It covers half an acre and church for visiting members. Al ManUe’a “Best Pla;^ of 1933-34,'_____ , In members of the years High school tbe Amertca.i Legion, gave a talk World. —T. J. C wlU precede the meeting. - Mrs. Elels Which are given summaries .wd Columbia University's experimental the physical chemla'.ry deiwrtment. eff violaring the rulec of the road, AnderMn-Shea. Post, V. F. W. remove bis radio antenna, proceeded 50 cooks are employed. former members are cordially Spike Club members are remind- squad, each captain having picked High school. on Armlitlce Day at the High . Tbe editorials should ba written won a nolle upon aue,onalon of Meeting L. Rosein of Hartford, the state •OBM of the dialogue, with names of his own men. "It Is true that at times the on subjects related to sch&ols or to get out bla truety Hornet rifle, resident, was a Manchester girl, vlted to attend this aervtee, ed of .he bean supper tonight at 6 —M..Marsden, '36A. weather report issued, is right," s,:hool League meeting, held at tae coots, doolcin’s car was Involved In The regular meeting of Anderson- and succeeded tn bringing the whole PURDUE U irn’ERSlTY OPENS to the first of Its kind to be held oast members, synopsis and length o’clock. The price will be 35 cents The rivalry between the teams la South Methodist church, Sunday education, and should be submitted £lies Elsie Leggett; the state vloe- Of plays, of the outstanding Broad- states Mr. Spang, "but the Weather- in the form of clippings from the an a r d e n t on Doming ' street a Sbaa Post, Veterans of Foreign thing to earth In two consecutive AIRPORT TO AID BESEAROB preeidant to Mrs. Susan M. White o< St Mary’s church. ^ and tbe place—N. Elm street club- Intense and a good batti.' should be men are only stating their observa- evening. 5Ir. JCnney stressed whM week ago today. Proeecutor Wll- way dramas for the year. waged by jeach group. "Ducky" WELCO.ME NEW. PUPIL war does, and how valuable If is to •ebool newspaper. Wars, wiU be held at the State Shota, much to the amuaement of Waterbury. Gueata are enpected room. tions of previous weather cycles. Uam Shea eald he thought the ende A n ^ ry on Tuesday evening, Noy. the youngatere In the neighborhood. Lafayette, Ind.,—(AP— Offering —BiU Murch. Pond stated that his team would have peace. The eritere for Judging will be the of juatlea would be met by entering from all the Rebekah lodges In the But these cycles may not run true effeetlveneaa la writlag aad the 20,1984. L. Milligan says that he is going eompieu 34-hour service to .avia- CL'BBE.VT EVE.NTS attempt to win by strategy and Dana- Dardls, a student who has to form, because everv so often an The High school League meets a noUa. tort, Purdue university’s airport hae fetAt*. Deaths Last /Vi* trick plays. He also hinted he just entered M. H. 3. as a sopho- every Sunday evening, 5:30-6:80, In theme, ita poealbiutles for lafluenc- InstaUation to re-stook bis new Springfield. We Past Nohie Grande Mrs. Minnie DISCISSION MEETTNaS odd j-ear comes along which breaks Frank Maori of 17 Purnell street, Tbe elected and appointed officers opened for buslneea. would use a great many triple lat- more, comes from the Franklin the chapel. Ing atudeat or other miaioe favor- driver of the car which etruck aad are told, Lew, that tha New Haven Smith and Mrs. Emma Dowd ara on A more thorough koowiadga of all standards set by a previous yOar of ths Post for the coming year wlU haa a surplus of A-t grade tiee. UlMMY O U R A lfT f^ '*S(»NOZZLB*0ICAMe u e m u . M a wo The airport will be operated ae a the reception eommittee. Mrs. Alice Bt ovonts ts the aim of atu- The second dIacuaaloB mooring for erals and double reveraaa. Dave High sebopi In Haabrouck Heights, In weather. The ctecere ot the League are: auy toward eduoatloa, its uaivereal- injured a young girl Sunday, aloo ■elf-eupporting enterprise by the New York-Dr. WendSU Muldoon la keeping rather quiet ity of appeal, Ite appreolatlOa ot tbe be InstaUed Into office thU evening. Tbe match with SUkst Hartford reuar thb nnr Apk c umm he lost a s r r Martin heads the committee of 15 in I In various history classes, who all the glrla of Franklin buUdinc N. J. She finds thgt s.he has enter- "BJven the- Weatl-er Bureau at President, Fred Beat; secretary, obtained a none when Mr. Shea eald tiserm lo u n ttiACf. untvenlW tn cooperation with the pher Phillips, 78, former _ about hla plans, but says that he ed a school of about 70(9 pupils more Doris Whitehead; treasurer, Earl alma, needs, aad aohlevameilta of a thorough investigation he had Tbe supper will be served a t six was very well conducted, and waa charge of the dinner, and Mlea ot the American Medical Aa aubocribing temporarily to a was held Tuesday. The purpoee of has r big surprise and a tew trick Washington does not predict weath- education. o'clock sharp, and tbe installatlotf. won by the American Legion Rifle Purdue Researob Foundation. It has Madeline Spiess will eupervtoe the this meeting waa to continue die- than the one she left. er for more than a r-eek ahead of Hampton. The chairmen of tha made Indicated there was not DroHouGH She tf A r a i i o tion. er. A few minutes of each plays up his sleeve. Dana stated that M. H. S. has a committees are; Devotional com- and entertainment will follow on Club of E ast Hartford hy a score of .PlOe?, 'fi bsen approved as an vnergency decorations. rparlod is devoted to the study ciiislona of questiona ralaod hy tho Ume because of thia fact." In writing an editorial, stupcwritei Co. ters. (Jommandcr Cheney. H RGMIAMCS A9 S Tbto committee will caavaae the At the next meeting.the flrla will Members of the upper-senior class n Asylam St- 5-e7l8 week or so. At least that was the OFFM-Usa OAA0CAOCt TUArSHM years. Dr. Victor Emanuel Levine Burke’s freshman Ekigliah classes tico each night, at the armory, from The class numerals will be placed oa National Association of Student PoUce were forced to fire hundreds It Is well to recall that (Comman- lost report. and lYof. C. W. Bauer of Creighton alumni end preaent condltiesa at tha; d^uw queatlone of etiquette, band- were measured Tburauay morning, Tuesday. She especially enjoyed the which Coach Clark plans to for- the stdCH. 19 on one, and 35 on the Editors, 1301 Sixteenth Street N. Hartrord, Coan. at SBOta In order to quell the dis- der Cheney has Mrved In one of the CMTBB?feeuACtDTOGOOMAff\f factuty meeting d the is by girit tepica Loaol Agaoti Kamp’a, toe. It is with thanks that wa accept i . University, NCb.. reported after field •4 oa for oapa and gowaai |o ba uaad at (llacuaaloB of Pulitaar Prise winners. mulate a wtaolng eemblaatloii. 1 tadentatlon haa w„ Washington, I). C. before March turbSai most difficult ysara that any Coa- the invitatloa to ttgt Turkey Shoot [ UiUOOTA BOAT, rteeacob ^k. -, Joosssilttoe. •STB. -~C, PcaaktiA IS. 1885. , MANCHESTER EVEHTKG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATDRDAT. HOYEiMBEB XT, XfB«k EIOHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANOHB87ER CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER IT, 19M, TA(rnmm-<

'othar words. It may ba oi of thosa cotneldencea which h-ppen In real The Clew Ufa and which are ao baffling to an Invaatlgator. For Instance, It is YOUR WTiC DAILY RADIO PROGRAM vary poaaibta that this woman, ■nrtfofd, • > , of the Esther Ordway, actuaUy had no f. 1M9 m. a H. S. Harriers Take Third Place In State Meet connection with the Cathay case TmVeters 8ATUROAV, NOVSMSgR 17 (Central and Eastern 8tan(tard ’Tina)' CHILDREN . «» oronps thsreot nnlsss spse« orgotten whatever, but that Hord:n thought fl*4; eoast te coast (t t* a) dMlsratloB tneludsa all avallabts stotiosa she had some information which By OTiv* Roberts BartoR Fretrsms sufejsst ts ehaaes. F. M. Cant. Baat. Gives A Pal His Shirt would ba of value, or Morden may Sntnrdny, Nov. IT N8C-WIAP NETWORK have merely scraped an acquaint- lAO— SM —BddI* Daelay, FeMbalb- Murder 1:00—^Market Report. ■ASIO — last! wsof wlw WMl wtls aatt: Rad Orang* — otbars aaat: MURCH INJURES ANKLE, KCMpAAfUl ance. with her In >■ apclal way. Her w iar w ta s «c*l< wfl w ilt w fbr w re way Jaek Armatrong—n:ldw**t rapaat (aUD TITLE MAY TRAVEL NORTH AGAIN mala companion may have been ex- 1:0S—Farm-Homo progriun. wbsa wra* wtam wwj wsal; MM< ksd i«4S— S»4S—B eauty S ^ r t m — sa a tt ^ •■Mail The list of t>ooka on hobbles IS as 1:80—Don Giovanni—Phil Bodtnl. wmsq w ^ wee-Wha wow wdaf wkbt Waady and Willi*. Cemady—waat ceedingly Jealous. He may have •!**— S:3S—Fraa* Radi* Ndw* Parlad endless as the ' variety of Lobbies 1:4S—Football game. NOFTHWeST A CANADIAN - wtm] OHIO— TrtIO—H laterlaaltkatchas—aa*t< BE- ousy, and because Morder was in-' themselves, and It would be impos- 4:30—Our Bam. Chicago Dane* Orehaatra—waat ~ SOI/tH — wrva wptf wwao wl* wjax •:13— 7i 1B—Nad Orang*—mtdw nnty UNBEATEN OF EAST for The BUde, U foond vesUgsting this Cathay case, we sible to give a comprehensive survey 5:00—Sunset Hour—Julius Nusa- wfls-waun wtod wtnn wna wsb'wapi 3:30— T:3I^W hl*p*rlng Jaek Sm ith— LITH-AMERKSHOPE Windsor Track is Fastest, __ dan BLEEKER. pobUdier, would naturally Jump to the con- man, director. wjdz wsmb kvee wky wfas whsp kprd oaot: Chleag* Coneart Oroh.—weat of either. Tbe following list adds to weal ktbs ktlis wsoe way* w ur •:4S— 7:4^Th* Lawyer and Fubll* ■|«n SIDNEY GRIFF, fwnoiM clusion that he lost his life because the suggestions for reading matter 0:00—WrlghtvUle aarion. NORWICH KEEPS TITLE of the case he was investigating, 6:3l0—Press-Radio News. MOUNTAIN—kea kdyl kflr kshi TM— Sdl^Rexv and HI* Naw Oang FACE TOUGH GAMES wSiitonlniltt to w>h« tii« nmrder. begun In an earlier article. PACIFIC COAST—kse kfl kgw kome 7:4S— S:4S—RobL A rm bruatar Ravu* TO CAPTURE CROWN Hodson Best Driver in *34 Harden bad been InreeUipitinc the "No gentlemen, while I think 6:35—Peg La Centra, songs. kb* kfad klar ks* kpo ■:0O— 3:00—Orat* Sluaeknald A Orch. •Batro of FRANK B. CATHAY, that theory is, perhaps, sound, 1 Birds 6:45—Football scores. 4:30— S:S0—RIehard H Im bar Ofehaa. HOW THEY FliAOBD "Bird Portraits In Color.” Cant. Cast. . tdlO—radio—Th* Niagara Fall* Oand analttij nnd prondnent, foUimtnK must refute to be misled by It. I 7:00—Neal O’Hara. itSS—Ruts Lysns A Orchsstra *:3O—10:*O—Satu rd ay N Inht Ravu* Season of Harness Racing ON COLLEGE GRIDS Free Kesimj Scores 62 1. Bryers. Oentral...... id:U tbe arreot of an Impoator elalmloK prefer to keep to the main trail." "A Field Guide to Birds." 7:15—Concert Miniatures.. 1:0e- 2:00—Foetball Oam* arosdeasl 10:00—11 dW — M lchauz C angragatlon FROMTOWN CHAMPS E Funty, Hartford...... 16:18 "Traveling With the Bird.,.’’ 4:00— 8:00—Ote. ttarasy’s Orebsstra haale: Earl Hina* Orehaatra—midw 3. Barron, Norwich Free to be Oattasr and acoompanled by "But," Bleeker said, “we have 7:30—Medical (3iat—Dr. F. Well- 4:10— f:S0—Amsrlean tebosls. Talks 10:30—11 iSiL-Olan Oray A Orehaatra a glri called MARY BRIGGS. evidence that Cathay left bis ear "Daa Klelne Bucb der Vogel und ington Brecker. B:0O— SHIO—On* Man’s Family, Serial lldkb—12:00—Jo* Haymaa Orah**.—ba> .^horses of all classed again was won Points, HiDhonie Hat 89 Aeodsmy ...... Ifiilfi The day foUoOTtag Morden'a death near the apartment house where Nester." 7:40—Piano Interlude. S:I0— t:SO—FrM*. Radio N tw t F*rl*d ale: H. But** Orchoatra—midwaat a 44 F1 r Ik !• •• I Maoe., Nov. 17.- by Windsor with 32 beats trottad 4. Byrom. w*av*r, Brdgt, 16:38 this woman lived; that he spent (Little Book of Birds and Nests). S:XS— *:t0—F*s La Ctntra and tongs 11:13—12:13—D anny Ruaae O re.—w aat (speciaii-Histonc tr a k at Nary It Unjardof A iiinit 6. Murch, Manchester ....16!84 OatlMiy dice f potnonlng. 7:45—Floyd Gibbons. 8;4S— S;4S—T hornton FIshor Football 11:30—12:30—Poncho and H it OrehooL Are Confident of Duplicating I e and paosd in 3:08U. Ooshen and and Locals 92; Field of Gris learn* Morden had ylalted some time In her apartment and "Field Book of Wild Birds and their 8:00—Sigmund Romberg and Wil- 4:00— 7:00—Rollsisn In Nswt, Talk I2d)0— 1;0q—Dane# Hour—wahe only Goshen. Ni T„ again ^ *i inaugurate 6. Leary, Manchester...... 16:80 tke apartment of ALICE LORTON, Music." S:10— 7:10—Chlcaoe Muslo Jambors* NBC W IZ NETWORK r. ffteiBherf, B u lk * )* y liam Lyron Phelps. *:4S— 7:40—Floyd DIbbeno Froqram Laii Week’s 19-tl Victorvi Amerlean banwee racing Ktl; SynesM Ghas Osly prettv and imemploT-ed. He con- "That i* what I am conceding,” ’W h a t Bird Is T h a t ? ” 9:00—Trade and Mark. TM— SaiO—Sitm und Romborg Muilo BASIC — B aot: w.lz w h y w b ta wbal LBR necR 5 17-V VIClUrJI ^ ^ kteka off Will Hodson copped full honors 136 from 14 Schools (NL) ...... ifiiSl fltmtii Alice with KENNETH Fisher'said, "that the woman either "Handbook of Birds of Eastern 8:00— *:00—Ret* Bampton In Sons* wham kdka wsar wjr wlw woyr wmal: a« top Jock of toe ciroult by wbi' 8. A. Peterson, Greenwich. 16:54 9:30—The Gibson Family, *;XO— *:W—Th* Oiboen Fam ily-to o Midwaat: wckv kyw wonr wl* kwk to* Bay State C lrw u os It ha* don* BOONE, accunea the pair of kill- had some contact with Cathay, or North America." tnr,*r koll wren wman kre wkbf ning 13 races, with Will Cston see Even Chance at Colgate; 9. Pearson, B u lk e le y that Morden thought she had some 10:30—Merry Madcaps — Norman t;S0—10:30—K ay Savon, Spy Dram a Over West Sides at Hick- for more than a eeor* of Mars. .16(40 ing Morden. and they are arreoted. "Field Book of Birds of Southwest- Cloutier, director; with Bob E31is 10:00—11:00—Ouy Lam bardo'a Oroha*. NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wiml Stewards of tos loop, piirsa’ded over on with 4. The fastset heat nego- Competes; Gonrse Length- (NL). MRS. BLANCHE MALONE, for contac with Cathay. It makes lit- ern U. 8." '! ■ 10:30—11:30-Paul Whiteman’* Party wibn katp wrhc wday kfvr crcncfcf tiated during to* entire five-city 10. Waterman, Hillhouse .16:43 11:05—Guy Lombardo’s orchestra. 11:00—12:00—A rt Kaaaall A O rehaatra SOUTH — wiwa wptf wwnc wla wJax by Allan Wilson,I, preddsnt,p r e n il settled whom MRS. CATHAY and CARL tle difference which. My point re- "Birds of the Ocean." , , wfln-waun wind warn rrmc web wapl on toe. following cities and dates for loop loat season was mads at Wind- Tigerf Are Wary. R.AITNE. det«>ctlvp i her employ, mains UD.*haken, that Morden’s 11:30—Paul Whiteman’s orchestra. 11:13—12:13—C arafra* C arnival—o to n r;1d* wrmh kven wkv wfna whan kpre ey’s Tomorrow. ened to Almost Three TEAM FLACEH Gardens 12:00—Mldn.—Silent. H6*t iftMon * sor by Tommy Hanover whan tola have been nearchlng, l» located death may have nothing whatever CB8-WABC NETWORK •vnal kfhr ktha wane wave s< tft wlgglar spun around to* half- Norwich Free Academy...... 63 1 ."Children and Gardens." MOUNTAIN—kna kdvl krir krhl Ooshen, N. T., June 11-12-18; bat ahe refune* to talk. to do. with the conspiracy that BASIC—Caat: wabr wade woko weso PACIFIC C O A * T _ k rn kfl karw komo Chatham, N, June 18-19-80; mile rink In 1;04U. By nvan b . rtrixEitTON. n, MUes. New Haven HiUbOUse...... 80 Orltf and Blcekcr go to th«> ho- am Investigating.” "Beginning a Garden.” Sunday, Nov. 18. wash wnar war wkbw wkre whk cklw •:hn kfrd k ta r kpe Highly confident of duplicating wdre wcau wjnn wean wtpd lOiv Avon, Oonn., June 15-36. IT; Wind- Officers Re-elected Aseeolated Press Bports Writsg. Manchester...... 92 tel where Mary Brignow known Griff no.lded. "I .see your point." "Garden Flowers In CkJlor." 9:30—Collin Driggs, organist. Cant. Baat. 10-0 triumph of last Sunday, tha "Rock Garden Primer.” wmaa wbna: Midwaat: wbbm wfbm sor, Conn., July 1-8-4; Bturbrltes, Other fast footwork turned in on Warren Harding...... 146 aa Stella Mockley. I* aUiylng. They he said, "although 1 am not In- 10:00—Radio Pulpit. kmhc kmos wowo " 12:43— 1:43—W ord* and Mualc, Vocal LUh-Amerka are hsavlly favored to toe curtain-raising olrc wa* that New York. Nov. 17.—(AP)—With Bulkeley (NL) ...... 146 And CHARLES FISHER. fAithay’v clined to agree with It." "Adventures In Dish Gardening." 10:30—Mexican '^rplcal orchestra. EAST—WPS whp wlbw wbao wibs wfas 1:00— 2:00—Football Oam* B roadcaet Mas*., July 8-34, (IS days). Tws With a field of 1S8 entries "Gardens In Glass." worc 'wlcc efrb ckae .4:00— 3:00—Stantalph Malott* Frog. bring tbe town football title back to iJittr of track* comprises tbs same of Ginger Grattan, winning at toe sad of th* 1984 football eeason Weaver at Bridgeport...... 149 lawyiT, there. The girl tell* them "Whethei. you agree with It Or 11:00—Press-Radio News. Dixie—weal wafa wbre wqnm irdod 4:13— 3:13—JackI* Heller In Song* Windsor In 3:06; Lu Bartent equal- from 14 schoole eompeting. (Chapman T e c h ...... 153 tha’ the man who lmper*onnted Ca- not,".Fisher Said, "you must admit "Garden Guide." 4:3(L— 3:30—Platt A NIerman. Planet the north end tn the second gam* of number as staged race meetings tn Just around th* comer, th* race for 11:05—The Vagabonds. klra wrac wlae wdtu wtoo krid wrr I .934, wito Windsor oopplng all hon- ling that time at Av.-- AH Psp Manchester High’s harriers H artfo rd ...... 167 thay wa» PETE MALONE and that tbe logic of refusing to be drawn Birds of the Wild (Concerns Birds. 11:15—Hollywood Show World. k trh Ufa* wnco kom* wdbo wodx wht 4:43— 3:43—Ranch Rnyo* Vocal Trio the annual eerie* for th* champion- proving be waa correctly named by aectlonal and national titles reach- Greenwich ...... 343 he frequently telephom>d FRANK from a hot trail. We are now In wdae wbla wdbl wwv* wmbg waja 3:00— 4:00—Anqolc Fornando, O rch. ors as being the fastest track of tbe captured third place in the A Gardens). 11:30—Major Bowes’ Capital Family wmhr arala ktul kfko 3:30— d:30-Pr*to Radio Now* Period ship at Hickey’s Grove tomorrow quintet. sttpplng In 3;06H at CJoshen; Vito- ed a high pitch today as th* con- Central ...... 363 BUSS, Cathay’* chauffeur. a position to run down the con- Music 12:30—Makers of History; "Boston MIDWEST-weak w*l wmt, wmbd wlan 3:35— S:S3—20 Finoaro of H arm ony afternoon a t 2:30 o'clock against mlnu, m te s t toree-year-old trottet third annual high school cross Bristol...... ,,.,,S87 F1*ber explain* to Griff and spiracy against Cathay. W’e have "The Drum Book." @C wlbw kth kfab wkbn wreo wabt kacj 3:43— 3:43—Federal Houaing Frog. WIndeer 1* Beet tending team* endeavored to settle Tea Party.” - wnaz d:0O* 7:00 — Football Scoroa and the West Sides. Although tbe In tbe colt elassee, an average of 1984, who won at Windsor In their dlfferencec before to* time country run of the Connecticut Bridgejxtrt Trade ...... 455 Blerker hi* theoryi of Cathay’* brought home to Frank Bllsn a "PTrst Steps In Playing and Com- 12:45—Thrills of Tomorrow. MOUNTAIN—kvor kla koh kel Senna by John Herrick. Oarltono Eagles laid claim to the crown in 3:07. New HaverTaven C o m m e r d a l ' ...... 458 grave suspicion of having been Im- 3:13— ,7:1^Dore*v Rroo. Orchoitra sr «d of 3:10H 4ras chalked up at limit What a pal Is DIek Bartbell, former PhiUlss' sborUtopt He'd give Interscholastic Athletic Con- dmth. posing.” cii(DtminA iadu 1:00—Little Known Facts about COAST — khj koln kfre kol kfpy kvi 1932 when no bona fide series was Windsor, to beat both Sturbrldg* All oSteers srer* r*-*lect*d at the In to* mld-wect where the Big Derby ...... 400 plicated in the murder of Frank Hallways kfbk kmj kws karn kdb ksmb ksb 4:45— 7:43—Plekono Slatoro Harmony held, tbs title Has been held at th* you toe shirt off his back—especially since he was traded to toe Giants ference at New Haven yester- Well Known People. Cant. Beat. 7:40— 4:00—A rt In A m erica. S oeakort and Goshen, where oolte managed aunual meeting, with a movement Ten rao* winds up next week, Min- and doesn’t have any us* for bis old uniform. Here is Dick, at left, hand- NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Cathay,’’ "Railway Engines of the World.” JiRokA A. n tu r® 7 f ^ o j i ’e> in — 1:30—Surprise Party. 7:20— 4:20—Eongo by Or.yct Havoo south end since 1930, when the AH- atorted to have Allan Wllaon, of day afternoon, as a powerful "You think It was a murder?” 12:30— 1:30—Bathar Vala* A EnaambI* 7:.3n— 4:30—Oeerao Olaon’a Orcheotra Manchesters defeated tbe Majors In to average 3:1114. With aged horse* nesota’s mighty Gophers and the ing his old shirt to Johnny Verges, former Giant third baseman and Dlck’a "Trains, Tracks and Travel.” motJe. o i wse\tn-l. 2:00—Mohawk Treasure Chest. 1:00— 2:00—Football Oam* Oroadcaat 4:00— 0:00—Fadio City Party.—aim e Windsor also scored heavily wito an Boston, appointed to the soon-to-b*> undefeated Illlnota team were ex- interacbolaatic events held here on CHAPTER XXXIX Griff asked. 4:00— 3:00—LittI* J. U ttl4 O rehaatra the town series. hunting buddle at Alameda, (Mllf. Johnny wa* one of the players who Norwich Free Academy team "Building a Model Railroad." a 2:80—Concert (Classics, with Bar- S:.3(L- 3:.30—W L* E arn O anca—baric average speed of 2:07 a tn 21 heats created State Racing Commission pected to continue their race In Its went to to* PhUUes, along with 570,000 cash, in exchange for Bartell. Thanksgiving Day. Grtff nodded to the lawyer ^•You "Beyond any d 'Ubt." Radio 4:30— 3:30—Jack Armatrong—a only: 3:30—10:30—H al Kemp and O rchoatra Fear* Over-Confldanoe di’ 1 to hi* work in behalf of toe Bay successfully defended the title "Go on." Griff said. bara Hillard; soprano. Chicago Organ Intarluda—scat 10:00—11:00—Oaneo Muale O rc h e s tr a - O>aob Brunig Moske of the Llths which were raced. Ctosben, 8tur- present ctatus, although MInneaota Th* Argomsnt tell him," he «ald. “Radio Construction and Repairing.” olman sl eeves with tricky buttons to set them off accent the 3:OOr-Talkle Picture Time. 4:45— 5:43 — Robinaon Cruaea, Jr.— cart: Rarn Danct-waat repeat brtdg* and Avon each canM aecond State Circuit and the Grand Circuit already baa practically been conced- it won last year. It was f*lt by the coaches of to* FUher turned, facinj, Bleeker. "We have,” the lawyer went on. N. Y.; Frankllir McCormick—chain 10:30—11 ;.*0—Freddie M artin's O rchast. has been faced with a difficult toak session at Rockingham Park, “secured the address of Blanche “Radio Amateur’s Handbook." Dnew originality of this creation. Patterns In sixes 14 to 20 and 3:30—Musical Romance. 3:00— t:00—Frodoric W illiam Who with on Identical average time of ed all to* honors. By the slender margin of compeUng schools that they should "At the time the check waa cash- "How to Build and Operate Short 32 to 42. Sixe 18 require! 4 3-4 yards of 39'-tnch fabric and 1-3 yard 11:00—12:00—E. M adrlguara O rehaatra this week to guard his charges H. Malone and 1 say to you gentle- 4:00—K a n ^ no me ns Improb- of their decisive victory over the Haven nosed out the Red and made in th* course, it being pointed able Mrs. Malone is the one who "Radio Up to the Minute.” or light wool make up beautifully. 4:30—Twilight Memories. encountered Wisoonsin, Rounding RANGERS PLAY AGAINST ‘ whatever It waa, was about to cul- present champs. Moske knows from out that to* runners w«r* trained is to profit by the jears of prep- Cooking To secure a PATTERN and STEP-BY-STEP SEWING IN- 4:45—Dream Dramas. Nelson’s orchestra: Harriet Hil- out th* eonference progra— was to* White for second place, 80 to for toe regular distance and not for fnlnate. This man, Malone, knew "Kitchen Fun.” STRl’CTIONS, fill out the coupon below, being sure to MENTION experience that too much confidence annua) Ohio Btate-Mleblgan en- t ^ t Cathay would not b,' In a posi- aiatlon which have been made by 5:00—Sentinels concert. liard. Is more of a liability than an asset 92. The winners had a low tor** mil**. Th* official* pointed out Peter Malone; that It I not Incon- "Jane-Loulse’s (3ook Book.” THE NASIE OF THIS NEWSPAPER. 5:30—Tony Won*. 8:00—General Motors Symphony counter, on* of th* ceaeon’o high score of 62. James Bryeri Gt toat to*r* wa* much oo^«sUoii at tion to make any complaint. In "Candy and Candy Making." and be l* well aware that the West spots. Korthwesiem took on Notr* FORMER ACE OF GUARDS other words, he had anticipated the ceivable that Malone waa prepared Tbe FALL PATTERN BOOK, with a complete selection of 6:00—(Catholic Hour. (Concert. Sidea will summon all their re- Maxie Rosenbloom Loses Central, which finished in tenth the narrow gate last year and too to make It appear that he and Chemistry, Physics and Microscope Julia Boyd designs, now Is ready. It’s 16 cents when purchased 8:00—Melodious Silken Strings— Dama, Purduo faoed Pordbara at death of Frank B. Cathay, in which 8:30—Hartford Community Cheat. sources to square the series a t one- New York In th* day’s outstanding added dlstene* gavs th* nmners Cathay were one and the same per- "Boy Chemists." separately. Or, It you want to order It with the pattern above, send 6:45—Flufferettes. Olga Albani, soprano; Charles all tomorrow and force a third and place, was the indi’vidual win more Um* to string out to sUmlnate event the cancelled ch ck with the son, and that Mrs. Malone, her "Boy's Own Book of Science." in Just an additional 10 cents with the coupon. intersectional fray and Indiana took ner of the event, racing over a forged signature would be found 7:00—Norman 'Cloutier’s (Concert Previn and bis orchestra; Don New York, Nov. 17—(AP)—With deciding gam* next Sunday. oc Maiyland. Harold Mattson to Be in this bad featur*. Howsver, it was among bli effects'. A check-up of marriage once having been estab- "Boys’ Book of Physics." Orchestra with Robert Shanley, McGibney, master of ceremonies. noUesabI* toat toert wa* sem* con- lished, Is, In fact, the surviving the football season nearing ite close, Iron* Out Faults His Title To Bob Olin In addition to the Fordham-Pur- course that had bean lengthen- "Seeing the Unseen." baritone. 9:30—Walter Wiuchell. Local Sport the hotel register would show that wife of Frank Cathay." JULIA BOYD, 103 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK NBC is to put on It* first gridiron Coach Jack Dwytr of tbe West du* clash, tbe east .tent Its leaders ed to almoit three miles in 16 gesUon on toe turns of to* added Cathay was rcglstere

Toonerville Polks By Fontaine Fox By Gene Aherti

SENSE and N O N SEN SE r EAAtl TUE UPKEEP t THMT N A A 'e wiSll knqwI THE OIRL' WIT H THE ALLXTR- A Chtakaa CMOOM *ooA O P A lUCE V4GPSE A, TASTEETTIME WMENVOliVE A feathered thliig «POB INO BABY rACE USUALLY HAS RDVERTiSE “S d6kd. A MENTAL AOE TO MATCH IT. “ErT ty.-PENE»VE/-'-ufA*- WILL EE IN Cniabed were Its bones and cut off OOfiT ME 0S/ER<#^00 RUNNING INTO UKSTDIME* waa Ita head. Cuatomsr—I want to buy n petti- Whan aUva tt bras a hen. coat. FOR SM3DVJE6,-BRIDLES, -W T M ' lost AND POUND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 APARTMENTS—FLATS— But that wa*— then! Floor Walker—Tee. miss; period HE LL KEEP H\S hor seshoe TENEMENTS 63 CNNANTS ARC WON ooatumea on the third floor.- ET CBTER^ /-"-HOVYEVER . IX)ST—AVEIUCAN LBOION aujd- FOR 8A1X—1939 FORD coupe, In WAL L S T . B R I E F S NOSE INTU' OVERTH' good condltton, new tires, $80. Call Censorship Aw akens ■Hm reoaon preachert prove poor I WILL ■RESMK THAT Uuy csp, on Hudjoo itreet Finder FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat up- No, no! It would neyer do to TEED^'S/Mh. VV^LDOOR SS79. New Toilc, Nov. 17—There were in D ecem b er cuatomers for second-hand automo- SUM HUNDRED-TOLD) tOewe aUl 4813.______stairs, 437 Center street Inquire bUea may be because they don't have enforce all the laws In this'country. downstairs. 34 favorable dividend dbangee dur- JkN' TO UR S WILLSE . ing the past week against 14 In the EDITOR'S NOTBs This ta the* What’s A MUUonT the vociJnilary to run them success- Soma of us will have to stay out of WHEN STEED COMES IN T H ' automobiles FOR SALE 4 D esire F or Rom ance previous week, the Standard Statis- first of a aeries of four articles on So on Fab. 25. 1938, Tom Yawkey fully. ______’ Jail to support the ethers. MIG6IN6/ MOVING—TRUCKING- FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene- Tom Y a w k ^ ^ t ^ m to buy the « DA&HINS IN WITH SOME CHECK / STORAGE 20 ment, with garage, modem Im- tics Co. reports. Unfavorable ac- purchased for $1,200,000 a teat IMO CHEVROLET COUPE 389, tions totaled 8 against 8 the week Boston Red Box back to the heights place ball dub. Marty McManus The bustness man carefully scru- •RAKCV RURSES/^ •sook/- provements. Call at IS Ashworth in the American Leagua. 1838 Pontiac coach $38, 1828 PERRETT A OLBNNET IN C local street. Telephone 3032. i before. was retained at manager and Col- tinised the spimesnt: VAS Chevrolet roadater $78, 1839 and long distance moving. Dally liiui took over the dutlea at business Business Man—I hope you fully DID YOU mow THAT- Dtirant Sv-dan $48, 1928 Ford road- express to Ha.tford. Overnight FOl^ RENT—FIVE ROOM flat also J. E. Searle has resigned from the By JAMES B. RB8TON manager. understand what I reqturs. I irant Tad Miller, war vataran who re- ater $39. Terma, tradea Cole service to snd from New York. Tel. six room tenement with all im- board of the Kelly-Spiingfleld Tire (Aseocteted Preos Sporte Writer) In mid-season of Yawkey's first s ebauBaur who can think qulokly year with the Red Sox, the Ameri- cently died In California, had seen Motora. ______8038, 8880 o r 8884. provementa. Inquire at 147 Baat Co. Re joined the directorate last in an ainargtney. Center street May. New York, Nov. 10.—(A P )—A can league held a apectel meeting Applicant—That's me, sir. I service In seven different eauaea, BROCKWAT TWO TON truck, ex- woman started It of Its clubovmers, and Yawkey never yet smashed a car but Yrhat 1 the Spaniah-Amerlcan war, tha FlU- preaa body, $30.00 down. Telephone PUBLIC PASSENGER FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat, on The sugar melt of IS United It wasn't .Tom Yawkey but Tom started on one of the srildeet spend- couldn’t think up wras a first c Ism plno lnaurrec..ljn. the Boxer rebel- 3874. ______SERVICE 20-A Ridge street, modem improve- States refiners from Jan. 1, to Nov. Yawkey’s wife who had the Idea ing sprees in the history of the excuse In five seconds. lion, the Boer war in South Africa, ments, good location. Inquire 36 10, totaled 3,225,000 long ' tons, that Ton) should go Into the base- game. After he had beer Introduce as \ member of the Black Watch * 1933 PO NTIAC 2 DOOR aedan, very m ADDITION TO SUver Lane Bus Spmee street against 8,380,000 in the like period ball business, and It aU happened to the othe' clubowners and ths I f all four sit In the driver's seat, regiment of the Britlah foroea ' la clean $100.00 down. Telephone Line, De Luxe Bus-for lodge party of 1933. Deliveries for the period one night late In the 1932 season routine business was covered, Yaw- It is friendship, adding If two pro- Franca sad os a member of the A. 6874. or team trips, we also offer 7 pas- FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS sec- totaled 3,056,000 tons against 3, when Eddie Collins, who was then key said calmly: "or ths rumble seat, that’s lovs. C. F. In the World war. senger sedan delivery. Phont 3038, tion, heated apartments, one 7 135,000 a year ago. coach of the A ’s, brought Connie '1 don't want to waste any time “ Reckleta use of firearms” was 8830, 8834. room, one four room. Apply Ed- Mack to Yawkey*a house for din- quibbling here. They tell me this Nlckoaiii^e the charge on which Axel Sorenson, Manchester ward Holl, telephone Manchester George W. Davison, chairman of ner. club of mine needs players and I "I call my iweeUe: 'Dsngsrous 32, of Buffalo, N. Y., received a 60- 4842. the Central Hanover Bank A Trust The A ’s had lost that day, and have $100,000 to spend fo> a cou- ftOBd\ day Jail nentence. EMdence waa PROFESSIONAL tCddie was consoling Mack and ple of good ones, oreferably a bat- A asms that really ssrvss preaentad in d ty court that Soren- Evening Herald Co., and Thomas J. Watson, presi- tery.” son pulled out hla trusty "48” and SERVICES 22 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- dent Of the International Business Mack was consoling Eddie and X call bar that hscause, you see, IB S ment In 3 family bouse, with all Yawkey was consoling them both, The late Phil Ball of the St. lamia Bba has ae many curves!” cut loose Trith several vollaya dur- CLASSIFIED Machine Co., have been re-elected Browns was the first to recover. He Ing a dance. Improvements. Apply 237 Oak St. directors of the Federal Reserve and Mrs. 'awkey war sitting quiet- iSusr adver t isement s P IA N O TUNING, repairing, rebuild- offered Rick '’'errell and Lefty AT THAT THE TWO CARS IN The white pins blister rust con- bank of New York. ly in a comer wondering what it THE Count AvtrRg* word! to a lino. ihg. John Cockerbam, 28 Bigelow FOR RENT—MODERN SIX room Lloyd Brown for the hundred thou- EVERY GARAGE AREA IS STILL trol campaign is now carried on in was all about. But finally, when the 31 states and federal-controllad Initials, numbors snd abbreviations street. Phone 4219. tenement, five minutes to mills, three men had played over seven sand. Yawkey talked a minute or WITH OB, SINCE THE RELA- f’BEC»\NNlN6, aaeb count as a 'ord and compound three to trolley. Free rent to Dec. Howard S. Palmer, president of two to Collins and closed the deal. araas. words as two words. Minimum cost Is the New York, New Haven A Hart- innings of the afternoon's game, 'nONB MOVED IN ON ACCOIWr 1st. 62 Garden street. Tel. 3723. Not Even Started! or THE DEPRESSION. Bobby Boss, Taxoa ChristlaB uni- price 01 three anes. ford railroad said today that ar- Mrs. Yawkey took advantage of a versity freahmon, la a grandson of Line rales per day for transient REPAIRING 23 moment’s lull and sa.. Since then, Yawkey has spent TW O ROOM A P A R T M E N T suitable rangements bad been completed the flrat girl graduate of ths uni- ada ‘Tom, why don’t yqu buy a club more than haL a million dollars A beggar with tiro automobllea A. T. ■. RM. u. a MT. aer. CfTcctlve Slarch 17a t9Ht1 VACUUM CLEANER, gun, clock, for one to two persons. Only one with the Reconstruction Finance of your own and be done with 7t.” to strengthen the club, which fin- waa discovered the other day la versity. ^ • iM«avRiAMmiesMi H-I7- Cash Chares lock repairing, key making etc. left. Also one three room apart- Corp. for a loan of $6,000,000. The ished in the first division this year A total of 748 airplanes was man- S Consecutive Days .•} 7 ctal 9 ota And Tom said, "Say, maybe I Naw York Uty. Wall, that's noth- ufactured in the United Btatea dur- t Consecutive Dayi ..I 9 cts| IJ cts Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl street. ment. See Jensen, Johnson Block, road already had received $2,000,000 will!” for the first time since 1918. ing to brag Shout hscause It has only ing the flrat half of 1984. 1 Oay ...... I U ctsi I I els 709 Main street. of the amount, he. said, and would It’s A Good Idea! Her* are Yawfccr*a laiporfiiaf par* tepaq ona ear to send moat of us to All orders for Irrecular Ineertlons draw another $2,500,000 early next «ha«e«i Scheduled alrilnes operating la will be charged at the one time rata. HELP WANTED— Let Collins tell the rest of the Jaa CroBla. Waak...... 91S#,eM the poor houaa. TENEMENT TO RENT—28 Main week. The remainder of the loan will story. Bob Grove. A th letleo...... 135.0M oontlnentel Ulilted States carried Special rates for long term every street, Vernon, live rooms with 46,171 paasengera la July. 1984. By John C Terry day advertising give upon request. FEMALE 33 be available on Dec. 1. "After we left,” recalls Eddie, Rirti Forrelle Browae •••..ee 50,000 IHrat Man—Lots of people have tilORI HY SMITH Wounded! Ads ordered for three or sis days electricity, gas, running water and LloyO OrOWBe BrOWaO .*eeeee 50,000 my name In tha mud. A Diesel-type aircraft engine, and stopped before the third or fifth M AK E M ONEY C OPYING names, garden. Rent reasonable, good loca- “Connie asked me If Yawkey was Lra Isarr# Yaake* ...... 55,000 roUad burning ell and reducing ths Are day will be charged only for the ac- addresses for mall order firms, xerirus about buying a ball club. Dat«7 Cooke, Yaakeee ...... 50,000 Second Man—How la that? tual number of .imee the d appear- tion. Telephone Rockville 743-23. First Man—X am a tira manufae- baxard, has been put on ths market spare time, experience unnecea- U. S. TOURI.STS PREb'ER ‘If he Is,* Connie said, 'I know where Jallaa Solferat Baltimore «,,, 35,000 Of the aectdenta that occur la ed. charging at the rate earned, but he can get one. The Boston owners Geo. Pipprae, Yaakees ...... 35,000 turar. BO allowance or refunds can be made sary, no canvassing. W rite United FOR R E N T— H E ATE D apartment, WATER TO FRENCH WINES Rake Walberpf Atkietles .... 35,000 flying, tbs greateat numbar are to on Its time ade stopped after the Advertising, 1114 DeKalb avenue, 2nd floor. Purnell Block, 3 large want to sell, and I know Harridge Bill Werber, Yaabeeo ...... 25,000 planes engaged In mlseeUaaeous fifth day. rooms, with bath and flrrplace, fur- Paris (A P )—A Frenc' hotel di- (president of the American league) Wea Ferrell aaO Olek Porter, Motor ears are foster and high- No “till forbids"; display llnea not Brooklyn, N. Y. ways have been improved. So there flying and other activities not in the nished if desired. Apply to Geo. E. rector, who has made a study of In anxious to clear up that Red Sox ClevelaaO ...... 35,000 gold. F. ORtermaeller, Roekeater ., 35^000 baa bean an Incraosa In aectdenta scheduled category. The Herald will not ba responslblo ADDRESS 1000 ENVELOPES—For Keith, at O. E. Keith Furnltuie drinking habits, says let water •lituntlon.’ Carl ReroalOs, Browns...... 30.000 on tha roads. A simple and logical United States army flyara are al- for more than one Incorrect insertion $26.00. Instructions 10c (coin). Company. the favorite drink of Americans "Some time later, I asked Tom If Baek Waltera, Seattle ...... 15, THAT MUST BC IF HB EXTWOBO However, the danger of motion “When Americans dine alone In and told him about the offer, and I mother, and five years later, ho re- Mr. Aye—We.l, no. We’re mov- at the CHARGE RATE given above W A N TE D — POSITION aa house- and flee from the protection of Its OO VOO LOVt THIS ffW t I y vvAV I uno>*i that TO K------E E P FRO M CREDIT, HE'D HAVE picture censorship Is that such a Paris, water Is usually the beverage was surprised to discover that he ceived $3,408,650 from the estate of ing Into a place with more jrard NOT. I HRVENT aa a oonvenlen i to advertisers, but keeper, good cook. Call Rockville HOUSES FOR RENT 65 solemn walls to seek adventure and BULORAVIAN PRiMCEfj VOUNNA ! WILL CAUSE BUUOSPWIA H A BieOER RUSH the CASH RATES will o« accepted aa ' movement runs the risk of being on the table, although you see milk knew all about It. He advised me to his uncle, who adopted him in 1917 space. EVEN MET PRMCEl LO A NIN' T O O LE. 342. sunshine with Robert Browning. m a r r v a t o r e m o v e t h e t a r i f f THAN IF HE LOANED riaiL PAYMENT It paid at the buel- FOR RENT—SIX ROOM single carried too far. falling Into the and Iced tea occasionally. When accept, and I did.” after his mother's death. PHIUKRT. 5 0 CE N TS P ER rest office on or before the eevenlh 1 think the line-s as written by the "No mistakes corrected after 6UVVNBVES ON CHEESE, AMP R B - day following the first Ineertlon of house, with all Improvements and hands of fanatics and becoming un- playwright, Mr. Beslcr, when EHza- they are accompanied by French H O UR,a n d n o t ' em pe r NCTTHIN'/ fair, Impractical and destructive. leaving the Ucket window," aounds BVEN SAW L TURN HV PIOPLe TO each ad otherwise the ClIAAUB W OM AN W ISHES domestic work. garage at 20 Spruce street Tele- I both first declares her love for Rob- friends, a bottle o f wine is ordered, EV E N C RE D IT , SOME PEOPLE ar e RATE will be collected. No reeponst- I think every m~n knows how to but the Frenchmen usually drink It like a private graft. ? —t PROSPERlDC hillty for errors In telephoned adi References. Write Box Y, Herald. phone 4207. I ert Browning, are as beautiful as OR TIM E AWRJL INOEPENDENT- run his o\,n busine-ss, or should, and any lines I have ever been given to alone.” will be assumed and thalr aecuracy Man—Don't you think love Is ab- THEY DONT W ANT cannot be guaranteed. FOR RENT—SIX ROOM single ho doesn’t he’'l soon be out of It. say on the screen. PAYMENTS '’’he public attends to that. surd? THINaS FBR no thin; FUEL AND FEED 49-A house, steam lieat, 2 car garage, They are: "I do want to live, but . IF T H E Y C A N G E T INDEX OF $28. Owner leaving town. 50 Glen- But I do think that .his censor- E.V-CONVICT ‘NEW DE.AL’ VisiUng Friend— Yas. Just two only because of you -the sight of 'E M ON T K HUNDRED- CLASSIFICATIONS FOR S A LE —H AR D wood. Oak and wood street. ship movement, ipart from making your face and the sound of your HOL'GHT BY OKLAHO.MAN sUly. CIrth...... A hickory for fire place. Oak wood the picture business conscious of voice and the touch g f your hand. T TEAR RAVMS^ PLAN., Anxat.in.nu ...... Band slabs. Telephone 3149. I-OR R E N T—FIVE ROOM single some bad taste used unnecc.ssarily Because of you the air once more Is McAlcater, Okla. — (A P )—A "new THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF Marrliso ...... C and garage $25 five room duple.x on tha screen, has done one really sweet to breathe. a..tl all the world deal” for the ex-convict la the goal GRAVY, Says an expert. JD.atha ...... O WELL, WORKING FOR THE GOV- T O O L S Card of Thanka ...... ,...... XFOR SALE —SEASONED hard tenement $18.' .Manchester Con- Important thing and that is to re- is good and green again." of C. E. B. Cutler, Oklahoma state In Mamorlam ...... Twood. Stove, furnace or fireplace ttructlon Company, telephone 4131 awaken In the mind o ' the public pardon and parole officer. ERNMENNT IS ONE K IN D - L O A M E D Beat and Found ...... 1Cut any length, delivered. Phone or 4279. the desire for romance and Idealism Cutler has started a financial NOW, WHAT IS THE OTHER? 50 cevfT* Announc.manta ...... S In their entertainment. CHINESE SCHOOLS foundation for a proposed state- Paraonala ...... I 6148. Also general trucking. W. B. pan hour Heron, Andover, Conn. FOR RENT—sever al Desirable And If that is given them, and Is AID IDLE GRADS sponsored agency to help former Mlatross—Oh, Nora, you've left Anlomabllaa five, six and seven room bouses, prisoners get a new start in the your Anger prints on nearly every AutomobUaa (or 8ala ...... 4 sincerely done, you’ll find a glow Automobll.a (or Eachansa ...... I single and floubic. Apply Edward J. and a little tear in the eye of even Nanking — (A P ) — Cfhlnese gov- world. The agency would give en- ' plate! ernment universities have been told Maid—Well, it shows I ain't got knock' isn't'always a boost: Auto Acoataorlaa—TIraa ...... I GARDEN— FAR M - Holl. Phone 4642 and 8025. that tough guy when he walks out couragement to the men and Inform- usually It’s a' salesman. THA^is OUT AUto Itapalrlns—Palntlnc' 7 of the thcater— he’s usually the one by the ministry of eclucation to ation to prospective employers, of no guilty conscience, anyway. Auto dchoola ...... 7-A DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 OF OUR LINE. Autoa—Ship by Truck ...... I that goes for it. establish employment agencies to whom Cutler said he believed at ^ ------Autoa—For II ir...... > HOUSES FOR SALE 72 assist their graduates in obtaining least a score in the state would co- FOR SALE-GREEN MOUNTAIN jobs. operate. Qaragaa—Strvica—Storaca ...... 10 FOR SALE OB RENT with privi- But great romantic stories arc Motorcyolaa—Blejrclaa ...... 11 potatoes 80c bushel. Tel. 6924. :...rd to find. They must be funda- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosscr Wantad Autoa—Motorcyolaa ... II lege of buying, 5 room bungalow, Bualaaaa and Profoaaiaaal laTylaoa mentally right and sound. They with all -modem Improvements, 2 must have dramatic suspense as \A/HAT9 1HIS Bualntaa Borvleaa Oftarad ...... II HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 car garage and garden. For terms THEREB MR.HAMONS.IME Houaahold Barrieaa Ultarad ...... ll-A well as charm—the latter a subtle- Star of Lavish Spectacle PRINCIML OP MNOSTbH! HE X HEAR ABOUT liulldlni—Contracting ...... 14 call at 110 Benton street or tele- potion. FOR S A L E -U S E D O IL burner, AIMSMb mrds mr .wilsoki SHADYBIOe'S Plorlata—Nura.i'laa ...... 10 phone 8713. As a matter of fact, finding or Punaral Btractori ...... 14 practically new. Will sell for $5. A Vtwr BSTCM OUR «AMK STM* QUARTER- Heating—Plumbing—Ilooflnc . ... 17 creating suitable material for the tnauranca ...... II Henry Rollet, 41 Wtndemere street. screen Is one of the g."eat problems wnu MIS SCHOOL.'/ BACK aEMG Mllllnary—Br.aamaklng ...... 11 HORSEH.IIR FOR COIX^^VRS IHBUGIBLB Moving-Trucking—g.oraga .... tO of -the picture business, chiefly for Public Paaaingar g.rvloa ...... lO-A MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 ’ ’o reasons: because stories told on Painting—Pap.ring ...... II London— (AP) — Stiff collars of the screen must have p universal ap- Protaaalonal Sarvicaa ...... It FOR S A LE —H AIN E S piano. Will horsehair feature many of the peal, and because such a great num- Itapalrlng ...... II new evening gowns being shown Tatlorlng-Dyalng—Cleaning ... 14 sell reasonaLIc If taken at once. ber of stories are needed ■ for the Tollat Oooda and Sarvlea ...... II Write Herald, Box R. this autumn In London. screen each year, to enable pro- Wantad—Bualnaaa 8a. vlea...... II ducers to turn out the pictures they gMarallcaal are obligated to make. (BEAD THE STORY, THE N COLOR THE PICTURE) Counai and Ciaaaaa...... II WANTED—TO BUY 58 HHT Although this business has some Aa Windy gaily hopped along, he on hopping to a nearby stream, Private Inatruetlcn ...... II of the greatest literary talent In Dancing ...... ll-A FOR SALE where we can swim a bit. B tsa« av waa asavica. w c r. ■. N O S A L E S W A N T E D -H A L F DOZEN good, the world. It has to turn to hooks cried, "Gee, but my legs are strong. Mualcal—Dramatic ...... II ROAD HIDE STAND ON WEST "We kno that frogs are good Wanted-InatrucHott'...... >0 clean parlor suites. Also children’s and plays constantly to keep up the No wonder frogs can leap so far, _ By Small CENTER STREET, TO BE at that, and we Just hope it won't SALESMAN SAM He Had No Choice! Flaaaelal cribs and high chairs and a few MOVED OFF. supply with the demand. Once In a and disappear from sight. fall flat.” “We’ll trail along,” cried D O T t h e r e IS N T a S I N G U r - B A B R E L E D Bonda—gtooka—Mortgagaa u .. II used rugs. Benson's Furniture Eht- while w'e are fortunte enough to 'ijO Y O a O V f t UkSM I COULD aJN V.VR O U M BCU X G N i V A ^ Builnaii Opportunltlai ...... II change, Johnson Block. JAMES J. ROHAN "The magic man has -played a Goldy. "On the bank we all will S U N IN TM’ P L A C E / Money to Ix>an ...... II find something that Is not only a trick on me, but tt has worked out sit.” 6 B T A D AY O F F ,*® (SO OUT 0U 6 H T A H A VE B ET TER SEN SE Help and .lltaatloBa PRICaCS AR E U P ON rags. I buy Tel. 7433 great piece of writing but also a slick. If he can turn me back Into H U N TIN 'f I'D L l l « T A T R Y THAN TO PUW AROUND WITH Help Wanted—Female ...... II live poultry. Call Wm. Ostrlnaky, great piece of entertainment, likb a lad. ’twill be all right.” O NE O F T H ESE N EiO G U N S A d o u b l e - b a r r e l e d g u n ! "The Barretts of WImpole Street.’ The stream was found and both Balp Wanted—Mala ...... II 91 Clinton street. Telephone 8879. Thm Coppy said, “Aw, I ’ll not J U S T G O T IN* Balaamen Wanted ...... ;....II-A Itt nu' mind this Is one : o f the. the boys splashed 'round and VBBirrifABHAMB’Hi M - Help Wanied—Mali or rn s tn .. IT f *L I’m sure that ho will gladly made a lot of noise. Then Happy m5ttVTHA^7l Agen.a Wanted ...... 17-A greatest romances that ever lived, ge^ us out of this stran/. fix, as CANT FLAY!'ibULL MBEO'iMk E ^ BARGAIN! played against the highly dramatic Helper shouted, "It is time -to come N0W,DLttZ» <1 giluatlone Wanted—Female ... II ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 soon as we have had our fun. ashore. FOLLBTRSMflTH.WHEN^'ttsOR glluattone Wantad—Mala ...... II FOR SALE -op)K)«itlou and the defeating prob- “ We’U entertain the Tinymltes. 7 Employment Agenclea ...... 44FOR R E N T — ROOM for gentleman, lem of ill health. It appealed to me "Once more I ’ll pull my magic TBAM PLAlH KINOBTfiN!* IJvo ttork—Polo—PaaHay—Tohloleo SINGLE HOUSE TTiey've never seen such funny stuff, ’cause you have been frogs Doga—Birda—Pata ...... 41on East Center street, private 3 rooms, steam heat, garage. particularly, because it is the. story sig: ts. While we are bopping mer- home. Breakfast If desired. Tele- of the trlutnph o f love over hate, of long enough.” -Real shortly, both Live Slock—Vehlclaa*...... II Central location. Good condition. rily,’’ all they can do Is run.” the Tinj-mites were their old selves ^uUry and Suppilea ...r...... 41 phone 3149. Owner leaving town. great .strength out of weakness, of Wanted - Pela —Poultry—Stock 44 background of parental tyranny, once more. Pot gal»—MlaoollanooBO ths fight for freedom. "Say, I will race you,” Duncy Another frog then leaped out of Artlcloa (or Bala ...... 41 Price—$3,490. cried. And then he stood by th'i stream, and Duncy said, “I'd Boaia and Accaaaortad ...... 41 APARTMENTS—FLATS— Only $800 Cash Down! Coppy*! side. “All ready, go!” yell- love to have a ride on this big Butldlog MatarJala ...... 47 Even if the romance hadn't been TENEMENTS 63 S«« ' ec Dotty. What a funny race they frog. I ’m going to try my luck. DIamonda—Watohao-^awalry .. 41 about two of the world's greatest had. Electrical Appllanoaa—Radio .. 41 I TO RENT—91 HAM LIN street, 6 r -ta, what la more thrilling than "I’ll get a treat, or Just a scare.” Fnel and Feed ...... 41-A Stuart J. Wasley As Coppy took a real long hop, The frog soon took him high in air, Carden — Farm—Dairy Producta II or 6 room flat, second floor, steam the Idea of love sweeping Into Eliza- The feature picture, "aeopatra” , at the State theater starting to- poor Duncy tripped into a flop. L |[|iC H heat, comfortable rent. Call at 108 Insnraaoe — Real Estate beth Barrett’s room, where she had and Happy Helper shouted, "Fine! Uouaebold Gouda ...... II Theater Building morrow, will be shown at 5:19, 7:19 and 9:19 p. m. The complete "You’ve lost the ace,” said Dotty, That took a lot of pluck.” Maebintry and Tcola ...... II Spruce street between 9 and 8. State languished as an Invalid for many show will begin at 5, 7 and 9 o'clock. Because of the large crowds expect- J v T a /m '' Mualcal luatrumanta ...... —U Tel. 3348 or 7146 years—love, as Robert Browning with a amlle. "That Is too bad.” 'Q| •itMSTMAaamnjK' OSIca and Store Bgnlpmaiit ... 14 ed to view thjs extravaganza. It Is advisable for all planning to attend Soon Coppy and Wee Windy went FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, expressed It, that “ makes you feci .1 (Soouty discovers an Interesttag Spaclata at tba Storaa...... M to come n early as possible. outaide’. Said one, “We are Intent room In the next story.) By Frank BecK Waartng Apbarel—Fura ...... IT with all Improvements, rent very (;as bug ihes Romance A t Three Aitd A Half Wanted—To Buy ...... || reasonable at 8 Hackmatack street WILL YOU Boomo. .Board—a o to l n l laoarl a Inquire on premlsea Reataaraato ALLEY OOP A Bunch O f Grabbed Grabbers! BE AROUND Rooma Without Board ...... II FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- By H AM LIN NEXT WeSK Boardara Want..d ...... ||.a ’H IT H eaE. O U Z .'W E )WHAT KIN PA MONKEY BUSINESS SURE WE GRABBED TH‘ wwwor?i IP IGR/B HIM IVWA8 IN M». MR.WUaOM AflAiN; ment, all modem improvements. ANYBODY WITH A LlOC OF SENSE S4Y,GRA M O W IZER, S Y A H , YOU OL'*- IE 1QO GOT A PRESENT FOR IS THIS 7 I JUS' SENT THOSE GRABBERS,'FORE THEY WOULD KNOW NONE OF YA HAD UNOSRSTANO \-We TEST OVER WILSONS OPFICE, XfVB GOT *' H4atauranta ...... IIApply kt 71 Cooper street. YA/ HERE3 VER tO OKS^-N HO W CO M E YOU / YEH, BU t \ LIZ ARD, YOU stubbo r n! *■ Waatad-Rooma-Board U FELLAS OUT T ’GRAB UP SOME COULD GRAB Os.' HAIR-BRAINEC^ ANYTHING TOO WITH WOOTISiS HEi AN HONOR I ao am. bver y AND HEARD LOTB OF OTH«R 6(RL’6RAee, OISAPPEARANCE-NOW.GIT OUTA DO NT T H IN K \ YA KNOW / M XLFELLA S POTTM’ BEEO N BTUDENr IN TcnHe>snx»rr HIM THAT Si ^lA‘4' TanamaBM.. II ^Mkrtment $25.00. per month. Man- RIGHT UP T ’TMIS BLU N D ERIN '. HERB A N ' TAKE THOSE EVERY criHER I WHO FAILED PRECKLS8 HIM THAT WANT TO 1;. Buainttt Loeatlona lor Baat ... 44 CAVEAN'THERE MUCH O R , / WE W ASN'T ( 5 N EA KIN D P OS,AbrGITCHER SBBINB W *4oBaaa (or Rant ...... m chester Construction Company. Call K A TO O T.S ^ bung -eyed bo o bs IN mMSULD CANT TAKE 1HE ^flgl 'EMT 4181 or 4279. ■ T H E Y W A S ' O UR H ELP / A 'N O N TH AT i T O TH' C A V E, SELF A 6(G abarbaa for Raat #• . ^ W I T H Y A / MESSir A , I thought-/ load of VVAMT 1MB 1BBT OvW» BELMMNB.HB fcSS?*7V H®“ 44 for Boat “**aud to Rant ...... ft glory.' AEAIN " WOULONTBVSN (f RENT HXnm NG? TeU us what LOOK! Batata Fa* Bala jrmi want We'U take care of It for aont Bnlldlas for Bala 31 you without charge. R. T. McCann, 69 Center street Dial 7700. a^

rsiepiwti Court, Order of Ama- "His Lats Chrtatopher Bsaa" at Naat Wednesday evening at ■ ths Whiton Memorial, benefit of the o’clock the Concordia church Sewing ranth, followed Its meeting in the LIEUT. WHJJAM BARRON MOVING AND Circle wtU preeent a one act play, Maaonic Temple last night with a Manchester airl Scouts. It, at ■;». ‘Those Husbands cf Ours" at the social. Sandtriches and coffee were Nov. 26—Selectmen to meet. TRUCKING served by Mrs. BUsabetb Johnson Nov. 28—Ahnusl Firemen's hall mSTALUnON TONIGHT aim Barney Wichman church on Winter street, snd at the of Company No. 1, B. M. F. D., a t 8fc BtMget^ Ban same time a aale of fancy articles and her committee. A drawing waa Date Book ASHES REMOVED It rtaw U held on the rosette quilt which the Cheney ball, will be held. TtckeU me now oh Nov. 29 — Annual 5-mile rCroas- Win Be Inducted Into Office As 25c Per Week. sale by members. Amaranth Sewing club haa been Teulght Ymr Ho—d Barrie*. D. So C. IS Waywa W«hi— making. Mra J. L. Winterbottom. cotmtiy run, sponsored by Army Commander of Anderson- At BUta theater—"St. Liouls Kid’; and rfavy Club and Recreation Cen- active member of the court, held the 3:47—4:39 —941; "Fugitive Lady" Shea Post', V. F. W. John Johnson was named presi- lucky number and took home the ters. Austin Chambers FOOT dent of the Junior choir of the EmBi- quilt. Mrs. Viola Trotter won a 2.27—8:19—8:11: Serial 2:00—4:82 Also opening of Rangers basket- Ueut. WIlUam Barron of the Phone 6260 ABOUT TOWN uel Lutheran church last night. prise for selling the greatest num- 7:44. ball aeason at State Armory against Manchester police department wlU SPECIALIST Other officers fleeted were: Marjorie her of chances. InstollaUon of officers of Ander- Wethersfield. be iDstsdled commander of Ander- Rich, vice president; LllUan Ander- aon-Sbea Post and Auxiliary. Dec. I—Gala gathering of Sbrinr son-Shea post. Veterans of Foreign U arrartt PuiveU and Bra. son, secretary; Roy Johnson, treas- Tomorrow ers here. Wars, at a Joint post and auxiliary CHIROPODIST A. W. M ay and bar two dauchtara, urer; snd EJverett Patten and Rich- Dec. 8—Benefit concert by Bee- supper and Installation tpia evening, 858 Blaln Street Roberta and Raganta of Naw Haven ard Berggren, librariana. At 8UU theater — "aeopatra” thoven Glee C9ub and G Clef Club banning at 6 o’clock In ’linker PROMPT 24-HR. SERVICE ere visiting Mrs. Edward J. Olea- TEACHERS ARE AIDING with Claudette Colbert. Three com- at High school hall for Memorial Rnbinow BuiMing pletfl shows, S, 7 and 9 p. m. hall. Phone: 5220 aon of 221 School street thU week- At the first duplicate contract Next Week. Hospital. lira. Bertha WethereD of 123 • Certified end. bridge held at the Manchester Coun- FOR CARD PARTY SUCCESS Nov. 19 — Annual meeting of Dec. 6—St. Mary’s guild supper, Wells street wUl be inducted as Office Honrs: 9 to 6. tiy club last night, Earl Balsleper Chamber of Commerce at the Coun- sale u d art exhibit. president of the auxiliary'. Past Range and Fu el O ils Friends of Miss Hilda Nielsen of and Robert H. Smith were high for try Club. Dec: 7— Opening of Manchester Commander James F. Daly of Hart- Evenings By Appointment School street will be Interested to North and South and Mr. and Mrs. Nov. 22, 28, 24—Three-day haxaar High’s home basketball season at ford will Install the post officers know that she Is able to receive Ray Pillsbury for East and West. Miss Mary Taylor of Prospect Armory, against West Hartford. and Mrs. Agnes Poloquin of Nor- of the SUk City Flute band at Tink- Dec. 13—Cbrlstmaa bazaar. South wich, department president, will in- DIAL 6078 visitors at the Memorial hosplUl, ’The next contract bridge sitting will street. Is general chairman of the er hall. where she was brought after being take place Friday, November 30, and large benefit card party which the Nov. 28—Friday evening. Camp- Methodist church. stall the auxiliary officers. struck by an automobile driven by will be the first meeting of the first Educational Club la sponsoring'^ for Mra Roger Cheney while on her way bell Council K. C. Barn Dance at C . R. series, which will be the beat four Friday, November 23, at the Mason- a t y View Dance Hall on Keeney W e A re A n A g en t Fo r home from work at Chaney Broth- out of five games. Mrs. Arthur ic Temple. Teachers in every school streeL ers last Wednesday. Miss Nielsen Keeney and Mrs. John Miller will be Also Benefit Card party. Educa- DANCEI A \ A G N E L L suffered severe bruises and a slight the hostesses for that evening, and In town are making up tablea or TYPEWRITERS concussion but is making fine pro- tional Club, Maaonic Temple. tithnaalan-Amerloan A. C. 13 Lilac Street will receive reservations not later disposing of tickets. ’The object is Comlag Events. OOLWAY STREET HALL gress toward recovery. than Thursday of that week. Sold • Rented - Repaired the purchase of milk for needy chil- Nov. 28—Community Players In SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17th dren, which' school funds do not Also Supplies Kopperi The officers of John Mather Chap- Admission; The Simple Simon Sandwich Shop supply, and the Innumerable forms ter. Order of De Molay, will make In the former Oakland scboolhouse Lsdles, 10c. Msn, 20c. their fourth visitation tonight at o corrective and dental work which Hilton’s Service ot) Demlng street, has been closed CARPENTER MRS. ADA N. with Thompsonvllle, where they will ex- for the winter. ’The shop will open is done throughout the year by the and 07 Thomas St. W. Hartford emplify the Initiatory degree for the for its third season under the same Educational Club for children who CABINET MAKER Phone 4-7776 MERRIFIF.LD " benefit of Thompsonvllle Lodge of otherwise would be deprived of Masons. All officers are requested management, the North Methodist Furniture Repairing. Window church women. In April of 193S. these advantages. and Auto Olaas W.ork Done. Kerosene and Range Oil Teacher of Fretted to meet at the Masonic Temple not Card playing will begin at 8:10. QOKi JOSEPH ROSSETTO Instriiments later than 7 o’clock. It will be all pivot. Players may More than 40 attended the third c loose their favorite game and 09 School Street Throagb the courtea^ of CUbMU, setback in the series at the home of 7V 2^ gal- At 8 o’clock ■ tonight, Scandla prizes will be given at each table 20 gallons or over. Inc., wa oiler, for a limited Ume, Mrs. Frank E. House, Ellington and refreshmenta served. free mnndoUns banjos and Lodge. No. 23, Order of Vajia, will Road, Wapping, last night. ’The Fuel Oil, 2-3-4 $13-00 per to initiate a large class of candidates gnltnra with coat ot leaaona. first prize was won by Mrs. Harold FILMS For particalars tee Mrs. Mer- Coke Sold For Cash Only. Into the lodge. The degree work Ross of this town, second by Mrs. DEVEIAIPED AND will be performed by the drill team Dial rlfleld at her studio, Mondays and the Elelia ^ v ie r and third by Miss Ber- V C gal. PRINTED Tuesdays. of Excelsior Lodge of Providence, nice Saunders, both of Burnside. The 3895 or 3817 6 2 R. I., and a large number of visitors Setback Tonight Free measuring sUcks. 24-HOtJK SERVICE 860 Mala Street Phone 7648 hostess served sandwiches, home L. T. WOOD CO. are expected. • Refreshments will be made cake and coffee. For PHONE 4496 served and dancing will be held. Masonic Temple Film Deposit Box At Free Deliverv WlUiam E. Keith wUl bs the Turkeys As First Prizes. Porterfield*s Store Entrance. A good sized crowd was present last night at the card party conduct- speaker at the devotional -service All Men Invited. 68 Spruce St. Tel. 6584 tomorrow evening at the South Refreehmente. Adirrisalon 80e. ed by the Swedlsh-Amerlcan Politi- WELDON cal a u b at the Masonic Temple. In Methodist church under auspices of the Epworth League. Miss Dorothy DRUG CO. KEMP^S ■ charge of a committee headed by CADILLAC RESTAURANT John I. Olson. The prize winners, Lyttle will lead In the devotions. 80 Union Place Opposite R. B. StotiOB Hartford men and women, were as follows: All young people of the parish are Invited to attend this 6:30 meet- Pivot bridge, Florence Peterson and Albert Robinson: progressive auo- ing. SOCONY FRIGIDAIRE Dining— Dancing—Entertainment tion, Hazel Johnson and Mark Hew- COTTAGE STREET as the itt; contract, Mrs. Arthur Hultman Mr. and Mrs. Stuart O. Segar of RANGE OIL - 71/2C. ATLANTIC Every evening with two mmplete floor shews 10 aad U P. M. PACAKAGE STORE Exclusive Agents Loads ot fun for alL and Conrad Casperson; setback, Oxford street, and Mr. and Mrs. Fuel Oil — 6V2C. .Mrs. Arica Dahlquist and Arthur Brayton A. Porter of West Hartford Phone 8844—Free Delivery. RANGE OIL Olson. are In Ithaca, N. Y., for the week- BARLOW’S Quality Food At Reasonable Prices. end, and will attend the Cornell- Dartmouth game. Telephone 5404 Imported aad Domestle Wiaes. SUPERIUB straight Whiakey, KEMP’S, Inc. Your Favorite Beer Oa Dnwght. Ga'lon A well children’s conference will s,r':...... $ Registered Frigidaire be held on Monday at 2 o’clock at LORO BACON Straight1 . Whis-00 the Health Center on Hartford Rood. ANNOUNCEMENT Service Dept Maintained of Removal of Through the generosity of the Pub- lic Health Nursing committee a Correction In IS& ... $1.00 power engine haa been provided for LORD BACON Straight Whis- S. A. Buck ANNE’S mm SHOP the dental department at the Health Friday Advertisement key, 90 proof, A a Mim from 22 WlllUm Street Center on Haynes street. quart ...... 9 I s AO POCONO Straight Whiskey, Phone 5708 oo and after Monday, Nov. 19 to Read The Herald Advs. 90 proof. A a Miss Eleanor Dwyer of Strickland Land O’Lakes Butter qwert ...... Suite 11, Watkins Building street was one of the ushers at the EUGEWOOD Straight Whiskey. Entrance, 13 Oak Street lecture given last night In the West 2 Lbs. 69c 90 proof, A « Mgv Middle school by Professor Theodore Tel. 7841 Maynard. The lecture was spon- (Instead of 8 lbs. 79c). quart ...... aOU sored by the alumnae of the_,College lllgrade OIn, of New Rochelle. fifth ...... / alC GEO. ENGLAND Wine, bottle 50c, 2 for gl-OO.

Gallon 8140, 2.'i4 Spruce Street

— ...... $1.80


Today *s Special "Lots

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When the temperature 1933 Chevrolet Sedan

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681 Main Street, Manchester Telephone 6783 Anthracite that permits easy regulation and maintains

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the degree of heat you require in all kinds of weather.

Every measure has been adopted at our yard to pro- this

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Price Corrections With BLACK & WHITE unsurpassed offi-

In Our Friday Advertisement We Are Prepared to quality, with a cleaning service which

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BACON people can get regular cleaning value NATIONAL HOUSING worth $L00 for Advertised At 25c Pound



You With Necessary, MORE FOR 49 29*

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G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. BLAl l K m WHITE CoaL Lumber, Mason’s Supplies, Paint expendl-

L POLA COAL CO. 2 Main Street TeL 5125

wwe IJimnaMeMl cnon in iettln$ the adver- 62 Hawthorne Street TeL 4918 Branch OIBce: 55 School Street Tel. 4632. Next To State Theater On Main Street tCINIHIMl iE K N im i IHTHMCIU Coal aoM in 20 and ioo-pound bags a t branch oIBce. ssassu