(Oossiaed AdvooUaiag ea Pago 18.) VOL. U V ., NO. 42. REPORT 200 DEAD Connecticut Troopers Beat Three Ambushed In Kidnap Plot DARIEN HOME GUARDED IN MANIU STORM AFTER KIDNAPING PLOT Red Cross Rushes Supplies LONG INCREASES Speedy Justice for Three to Devastated Areas as Grangers on a Visit POWER IN STATE Men Who Tried to Abdttct Reports of Disaster Grow To College at Storrs Stepson of Wealthy Con* —20,000 Homeless. "Kingfish” More a Dictator Hartford, Nov. 17— (A P) A total of 13,500 men and women pie ~ % Was litnoraiit Than Ever Now Under His Ritualistic work of the Assembly of were admitted to the seventh de- Manila, P. I.. Nov. 17.— ( A P I - Demeter with Charles Gardner of gree memberslilp in the Grange of the Plot Two hundred persons were reported Springfield. Masa., High Priest of yesterday and the city streets were killed in the town of Msuban by New Laws. Demeter, presiding, was a feature filled with groups of Grangers, proudly wearing a bright yellow rib- Thursday’s tjrphoon In an unconfirm- of today’s National Grange conven- tion program. bon—symbol of the new honor that Darien, Nov. 17.— (A P )—The pa- ed report to the American Red Baton Rouge, La., Nov. 17.— (AP) Later in the day the Grangers had been conferred on them, the latial home of Gustave W. West- highest honor the Grange can give. Cross here today. Armed with a new set of Iswe he were to go to Connecticut State Col- helm, Darien and New York steam- lege to get the greetings ot Presi- (Chester C. Davis of the Agricul- The report was telegraphed from wrote to Increase his power over ship broker, was under heavy guard Tayabss province by Genaro Ong, dent McCracken and Inspect the In- tural Adjustment Administration sta^ affairs and his popularity to stitution. and W. I. Myers, -governor of the today with special precautions be- Red Cross representative for the Farm Credit Administration, who ing taken to protect the room occu- province, to Dr. Tirso Abad at head- maintatn that power. United States A Nationwide broadcast also was on the program at 12:30 p. m., for were the featured speakers yester- pied by 13-year-old Robert Lewis. quarters of the Philippine chapter Senator Huey P. Long, Louielana’s Tbe youth was returned here last political dictator, took the day off the benefit of the Grangers who are day were in the first-class who re- here. It said: unable to attend the nine-day con- ceived the degree awarded only dur- night after three Rhode Island men “The provincial governor’s com- totey to see the Louisiana State- were captured os a result of what Unlverslty of Mlsslaslppl football vention which began Wednesday. ing the National convention. mittee left with a truck loaded with authorities said waa a plot to kid- game at Jackson, Miss. nap Robert. supplies for Sampaloc. From .there He left yesterday at the close of they will go. by horseback to Mau- The boy was brought here by his the five days special session of the stepfather (uid‘ mother after he had ban where It Is reported 200 were Legislature who passed 44 bills at killed.” been kept in seclusion for three bis bidding without hardly a ripple IPRESIDENT IN SOUTH days in New York City while A later message from the province of opposition. Darien and state police set a trap said, "other towns suffered heavy Gov. O. K. Allen, Long’s ally, said for the suspects. damage.” be would sign the bills in “four or Young Robert, apparently un- Ask For Funds five days.” G^TED BY THRONGS Long’s new laws throttle his po- aware that he had lieen the center It asked for $1,000 for the sup- of a kidnap plot, went directly to plies which were dispatched by litical opposition, especially in New Orleans, Increase his state-wide say his room while police milled r round horses, apparently because the roads and Inside the house on exclusive were blocked by washouts resulting BO in municipal affairs and develop Chief Executive Acclaimed some phases of bis "share the TWO ODD CRIMES Brookslde avenue. from torrential rains, Mcompany- Keep Oat Reporters wealth” program. Ing the typhoon. Revenge qa Chief by Thousands on Brief The Westheim family went into Clharles H. Foster, executive secre- One law will enable him to get The treatment kidnapers may expect In (tonnecticut is illustrated by this picture, taken in the home of Gus- PUZZLE SLEUTHS seclusion on reaching their home tary of the Red Cross here, pointed even with the police chief at Alex- tave W. Weatheim, wealthy steamship broker, in Darien, Conn., after four men had walk' into a trap last night and all attempts to speak with any member of the houssboT' out the Mauban report lacked con- andria, whom be bolds responsible set for extortionists who had threatened to abduct 12-year-old Robert Westheim. The violence of the Visit to Nashville; Remams firmation and may have been exag- for a riot of hoodlums who egged welcome Is attested by the broken rifle butt lying in the center foreground, close to Joseph Oord (left), were referied to a spokesman gerated. refused to disclose hi* identity and him and threw overripe vegetables over whose head the weapon was broken. Others lying ori the floor are John Collins (right) and Edgar A party of S3 Red Cross and other while he was making a speech there. La Rose (center), who also felt the fury of CtonnecUcut troopers and Darien police when they attempt- Bnt Three Honrs. Man Shot in Leg as Anto discouraged any questions. relief workers headed by Major “H ie Klngflsh” plana to use the ed to shoot their way out of the trap. Lieutenant Amos Anderson seated in center background, was Meanwhile John Collins, 38, and Joseph Borg, alios Victory Shannon, George C. Dunham, health adviser new law placing all municipal police wounded in the leg during the melee. A fourth suspect got away. Passes; Another 'Man to Governor General Frank Murphy, Nashville, Tcnn., Nov. 17.— (AP) alias Joseph Briggs, of Providence, and fire departments under a state' 0 R. I., and Edward Menard, 33, ot sailed this afternoon on the cutter civil service con.mission to depose —NashviUe turned out by the score.s Banahaw for the southeastern sec- of thousands today to welcome jPawtucket, R. I., their plan*' frus- the chief. Found Bound Up. - trated by police, were in tbe «Fair- tor of the island where the storm The most radical of Long’s new President Roosevelt to Tennessee’s WEALTHY WOMAN capital. field county jail at Bridgeport. caused the greatest damage. laws provides for a two year mora- Speedy Justtoe They carried food, medicine $md CONN. CONGRESS MEMBERS The presidential trsdn arrived at torium of private and public debts Boston, Nov. 17.— (A P )—Somer- The trio was given a taste ot other supplies needed by the affect- except those owed to Uv- city, state 7:45 a. m., but It was half an hour later before the Chief Executive ville police today were Investigating Connecticut’s speedy justice last ed districts which reported more or Federal government. It provides IS NOT CONFINED night, when they were quickly ar- than 20,000 homeless. that hard pressed debtors may take and his party emerged from the two crimes jvhich occurred almost SEEK CAPITAL QUARTERS Union station and started through simultaneously In the Evergreen ave> raigned In the Town Court here be- They expected to reach Paaacao, their cases to a “state debt com- fore Judge Charles Bate* Dana and In the Provincjj of Carmine Sur, missioner" with power to . grant crowd-lined and gaily-decorated nue aecUon last night, an abduction streets for the historic state house formally booked on charges of Monday. From there they planned to suspension of payment. Creditors New York Man Withdraws and a shooting. breaking and entering with Intsnt. go to Sorsogon. Both (Carmine Sur too, may take advantage of the law that waa- built when Andrew John- Clarence W. GoldtbWolt, 7D, a rS' Newly Elected Representa- son was governor. of committing a crime. and Sorsogon were among the first and Initiate action for a settlement ACCORD REACHED tired buslneae man, waa shot in the Judge Dana bound them over to provinces to be hit by the gale which of an account after making amicable President Roosevelt rode from the leg. A t about the time four shots Legal Action Begun in track level to the street floor to the tbe Criminal Superior Court in reached a velocity of 80 miles an demands o f debtors. tives and Senators Al- rang out, one of which struck Odd- Bridgeport under bonds of $30,000 Other Laws station in an ancient freight elevator thwait, a car raced by him. each. hour. TO END WARFARE and aa soon as he appeared at the Mauban, where the 200 were re- Another law places all public Fairfield Superior Court At about the same time Clinton Police here were awaiting th* r*> utilities. Including those now regu- ready Bnsy m Washington entrance the crowd let loose a West, 30, of Belmont, crawled from ported Wiled, Is a tropical Pueblo suits of the questioning by Provi- lated by municipaliUee, under the mighty roar of applause. Mr. his car with bis hands tmd legs dence police of three persons ar- built In deep ravines (md masses of Roosevelt doffed his hat, waved and lava at the foot of Majayjay range. Louisiana Public Service Commis- '•rldgeport, Nov.
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