-. Voters Must Choose Ca 1n Specia~l Pri Friday Votm·sln Ingham and I,..lvlngst.on counties must choose The supreme eolll't dlcl not decide on Its mcl'its the County Clm•k C, Ross I-IIlllnrcl put on a night shift to Slumt J. Dunnlngs, .Tt•,, Lansing, Is without opposl· thch• cnnclidntcll for state senntm• from 1he I 'lth d!slt•lct cuse bmught by Benjamin F, WnlllDn to fot•ee compllnncc ,. handle the. cxtt•a worlc, Fridny, 1lon for tho Democmllc nomination, with the Mlchlgrm olccl ion law, It WUil ruled out on a legal Labels J'ot• voting machines nnd statement of votes Voth~g machines ut·o Hot. up nncl ballots nnrl snppllm I echnlcnllty, Nominees chosen Fridny wlll t•un at the April 1 elec­ sheets for usc in mnchlno precincts were printed Fl'idny­ tion. nrc In t·eadiness fm• tho qulclwsl elect ion evet• ho;m] of !11 Ingham election officials were on tho bull. 'l'he hamlr>­ a day off for tho supmme colll't. The strips were cut and 1\lrehet· Is a Lansing nldet·man and u member of the · these pm·ts. o['f decision of tho Sl1Pl'OI110 COUl't was announced at 11:30 dellvet·ed Saturday, checked and sorted Sunday so ma­ Judge Louis E, Consh of Ingham county ruled it was Tuesday, By noon presses wot·e rolling. By 10 o'clock chines could be sol Monday and Tuesday, Ingham llom•d of supervisors. For 8 years he was a ropm­ too quicl<- qulclwr than tho law allowed, Tuesday ·: lw Tuesday night absent voter ballots wm·e ready for dellvot•y Polls open at 7 o'clock Fl'iday mol'lling and close at sontativo fmm tho first Ingham legislative district, Michigan suprenl'J court declared that. tho cnr;e did not to the 71 Lansing clly precincts anrJ, the one East Lansing 8 at night. Younger is .a fm•mer Ingham prosecuting atlomcy and reach the Ingham comt on proper pt•ocedurc and 1lwrefore Is now engaged In t.ho pmetlco of lnw in Lnnslng. · the circuit court should not have issued its Injunction­ precinct using voting machines. Bcfm·e dawn Wednesday There al'C 4 Republican cnndldalos fot· the vacancy an Injunction which would have given absent. voters an op­ ballots for the other 60 Ingham pt•ocincts wore printed. caused by the death of Senntm· Harry E. Hittle. Throe Dr. Robbins Is a chiropt•actot·. He ls a fm·mot• Mason pm'tunlty to have cast. ballots and all voters an opportunity They were wt·apped, nnrl scaled by 10 o'cloclc and some are from Ingham, one from Livingston. They are Fred alderman. L, Klrchm1 and Paul C. Younger of Lansing, Dr. Russell t.o hecome acquainted with candidates. wot·o clellvorcd to township and city clerks by noon. Fl'itch is n Livingston county fat'lllCt', He is a membet· R. Robbins of Mar.on and Edward A. Fl'itch of Howell. of tho Howell school bourd. II' The lng-nam County News Hospital Campaign Ninety-Eighth Year No. 9 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, February 28, 1957 4 Sectiom- 26 Pages Talented Girls lead Mason Seniors Moves Fast After Delegate Approval Jury Awards $24,000 to Crash Victim $48 Average On Corn Land Varies Widely Sailor Wins Commendation For Quick Repairs to Ship Dairymen came from Canada, Ohio and Indiana, as well as Michigan, to bid for choice cattle Again a board of determination •at the Coe Emens dispersal sale decided that. digging a county ill Mason Saturday. Several H9i· ditch is necessary to give relief to I~RON'l' PAGI~ Nl~WS Is on several other pages this wee!<:, There's something Interesting on each. · WAN'l' ADS are blooming with the longer on Page 6, Part 1. BASKI~TBALJ. Is having its last big fling. 3, Part 2. LE'l'TEUS to the editor made the entertainment page this week.· That's Page 5, Part 2. ·:' I~DITORJALs are on Page 2, Part 4, with farm news 1ollowlng · · · :lnd sometimes· preceding; · . ,· · . , . , , . ·· ~ 1 MICHIGAN COMMANDUI RECEIVES Tt:STIMON/A~ DINNER lln1 ford, Chnl'le~ IIlflelrnlro, Cl111h· Ool'll 8lmUn1r llllfCIIIS IHP Mr. nnd Mt•s, noy Lansing Man, 86 Cn1 olyn Dunlap, Donna 'JTIJ~Ina, 'I'hlrteen momho1 s ot Onondngn Sc ltuoclto, lm•met·ly of LcijJio, Dunne Wlnr lght, Cynthia Col. ComrnunUy r.hmch choh hnrl nn Mrs, Ilnlllo Milia, who nfton Public Agencies May Get VFW Honors Max McCarn win, Sir. von 1TII1Ins, l'Hmlon Pnu• leo siHlllng piU ly In tlw nronn 111 Dies in Mason ~111ya wilh M1s, flolly Coni<, 1~ MIIHon Voter nns of Ji'orolgn nne! Cur olyn 'l'mll 'l'lwsa on Ow 1}111 hlgnn Stale Unlvotslty Silt til llOW lJOlllg' eHillel for Ill tlw ftin Nnlhnnlnl f'mncll flfl, L.msln[l, Will H Posl Nn 7:iO!l will hmrcu C'lllzonshlp honor toll 1110 Slxlh rjny llflmnoon, 'I hoy woto accom vlsln cnnvnlr.sr.t'nt homo In Bnl Federal Surplus Property g11ulo, Geneva Wireman, Cnrolyn nnnlerl hy M1s Dowth:y Corwin, cllccl nl Hohnrl Pnnvrtlcscenl hnnw Mnx McC111 n, Mlr hlgnn r nm lie Crcolt 'l'nul, P1eston Parr, fioxy 1\'k· lylr~ Joyce Nohle, Mrs, nsthr.t UndPr 11 hill lnllncltlll'cl In con C()llgressmnn Chmnhr•tlnln, who 'l'llcsrln,v Snrvlres we1o Thursclnv mnnclcr· of the• VI'W, nl ,1 lnsli· Mr· nnrl Mt s, Billion Bnlrlwln nt ,Towell funmnl hnmr. wllh Mlehnol, Mnllhn Lentz, FrnmiH l!.nntz nne! Mrs, Oe1n1Hllno Mt Ill CAs 'I')HII sdny hy Jlpp ( llflllo>, ns)\ccl why lllr•y r ;m unl JIIU'IIcl !Vhs, nncl fnmlly nml M1 s, .Tessie Bus it E, burlnl rll Maple Rlrlgr. cemulcJy rnnnlul dlnrwr In Lnnslng Snl111 Dwight, C;,onthlil Curwln nml 1\Jiohnel, Corwin ~ctvecl ro Chnrnbmlaln, sin IPs r nun II!;, Jlllle In IIIHllo11 HI\]I'S JnstPIHI of Wendy Cmser·: sevonlh gmcle, f'oshmcnls nt hor hornr• nflcz· spPnl Sunc1.1y nfle111oon nnrl evo l'lllo~, vlllngc•s lllld lowrmhiJH In !loll l!ov. J;JJ.~ Stttlon of L.111 rlny nlghl 'l'lw Mason rnnn w!I'l buying Hlll)lhls PI II)WII y fl om DL!nm• Wlnrlghl, Holen Gmrr.rl, warrl, nlng In nnttlo CJol'k vlslllng M1 woulrl r.:r.l 1111.1 bids r1n sn1 phis sing nfflc l<~tPrl won lhf' hlglwsl slnte Vfi''vV dealer~ nflm mmlt ups L.1rry Hemry, Terry IIem1y, , nnd M1:; Wnlte1' Mulvaney nnrl fmlm.d pJnpmly 'l'lw Ill II fll o Mr Cnr11rll was hnr n In Ln11 nllwe ,1 yr.11' 11goln B1y Clly will Donnn E:f,Jns nnll Myr nn BrHlc•ll Ml' IIIHI Ml s AIIIHII MPF'nll en Ml', .mel Mrs, Wnrd Mulvaney nnrl vlclcs fen ]lliVnle m ncgoiJ,IINI 'JI.Iy hill,' llw cong~essrnnn (IX daughlol', M1s. Bush wmnlnrrl nl plnlnr.d, 'woulcl mnlw fPclei .11 sing Feh11111ry !l IR71 lie Is 'Ill l1r> fol{!(l ul tlw Lnrmlng Clvlr nnd fnrnlly of Olwmos wore Sun HUIC'S hP fm I' IJH• )>I Ofll'l ty gn!'s In hm home In Ba I liP C1 cole Htuplus p1opr 11y .avuilnhlr• to vlveel hy 11 11nplww, Gh•nn ern n!!ll c r ntrr Mr. nne! M1 s nuhr. GlrlrllngH clny CIIIICJ s of fl.h .md M1 s Pllbllr• nt/C linn of I 1nslng wc•r e Wcrlnc~rlny evening dlnnm Cemld Mill lin nncl ~ons llllllliriJHlJIIJr.s Ill ,1 goVI'IIl/llCilt• Allhough 1111• llihutc I~ n s1.11c 'l'hls Iiiii rrsulls fwm pPIIIIlllls gue:;tti of M1. nncl M1s. Lown , M1 mtd Mrs Cyrl Bntcmwn nnrl fl~erJ ptfr I' fMSPr) II)Hln Olip,fnaJ wide Jll Ofli•IITI, II H sponso!Cd hy Pvl, Wnnen Conmd of Ji'ml tl'r PIVPrl f10m Lr>slle, Slor idlllclgt• Glelrllngs 110no1lng lho im mo1 j'vfr. nnd Mrs Strong Bnl11mnn Hiley, 1\nnsus spent lhc week and East L 111shrg nlfle J,ds ' Lid cosl nnrl JliC'sr.nl rondlllon Tills I he M.l~llll posl Curl Blnnchnul hill will In no wuy ,lffPr 1 llw Jlll's Innrl l'r 111ft Srhmlrll, Jt, .uc eo l'flUple's werldlng .Hmivmsrny On We1o flunclny guent~ of Mr nnil end wilh his wlfP and dnughlr•l fltiiHlny thl'Y wmc f(Ucst~ nf Mr. Mr·~ VPI!lnn Chul> .trul fnmlh I'll I Jll ngr 1111 WIIPI I'IIIHfl'l IIH fprJ Judge Roy Adams r hnh men ol 1111' oven! 1'1 o~nl<: Gene Hem noll HHI Onvlrl Wll burn lfc•lghls IVC'IC' guPsls of M1 s !'I IIi gOV!'IIIIllf'lll r!OIIIll0~ SLII j)IIIS nncl M1 s .Joe Slnnldcwlrz nnd Knowledge Seelw1 s cluh mot ;11 son nrcnmpnnlerl 01n Hulhrnff lo sp mg nnd llw Bn s Sund, y Young Is liclwl rhnhm.ln Wll 1 11 1 prope11y lo sc hoofs publll Jw.llllt lr.utl Wull,lcl', h.mqur.t chair Tonn lho homo of M1 s, Of fie Pngr 1 Mr nnrl Mrs Donnlrl No1-rls nw Wr!rlnesrlny nflrrnoon. flnu Ylnn Snnrln) Mr md Mrs. Don Viti< PIs .md nr:orH lc•s 1111d r !I'll rlrfPII~P ot gun Goes to School m1n, ,lfHI llnwnlll Hohctls, m Mr· nnd M1s. C'llfforrl Wilson fnrnlly of Mllfmd wme week end 1~.11lons' rnngPillPIIIH dldh man )>IIJCnls or II dnughlm born Tucs MIS. Fnnnle Rogel s of Enlon rlny, Fein unr y l!l, at IInyr.s Gteen Rnplds wns a Sunrl.JY rllnnr1 dllll frunlly wew Sntmrlay PVo gur.sls nf M1 nnd M1s Hlclwrcl Tlw hill will pinvlde fol lhc Along wilh Hn11y Chnndlm nlng vlsllols of Mt nnrl M1s.
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