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Score pad, spiral-bound, 50 games, score she€ts as above $S.5O Score book, spiral bound, lies flat at any page, 50 games of 8O moves, with index and diagram lor permanent record $7.m Artyfax peel-andstick symbols (4oo pieces) plus 20 diagram blocks $4.0O MAGNETIC CHESS 190 x lsomm (1smm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces S19.5O 27o x 2OOmm (24mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces (NZ made) $15.0O Standing pocket set 125x 125 mm (1Smm b & w squares) $5.0O Standing 325 x 325mm (38mm squares, 65mm King) $24.50 WE ARE BUYING CHESS LITERATURE OF ANY AGE AND ANY CONDITION. TOP PRICES PAID. Please contact us with details for an offer. English in Hamilton tournament EVERYTHING FOR CHESS AT N.Z.C.S. 2 New Zealand Chess STOP PRESS Oftrcial journal of the New Zealand Chess Tribute to Ortvin Sarapu New Zealand Chess Federation (hc.), published in February, The August issue of NZ Chess will be Vol 25 Nurnber 3 June 1999 April, Jrure, August October, December. dedicated to the memory of IM Ortvin Sarapu. Contents Editorial correspondence, copy and advertis. Most of the issue will give biographical ing inquiries should be sent to background, personal reminiscenc€s, playrng The 1999 North Island Championship was dominated by English GM Stuart Conquest, New Zealand Chess record and annotated games (some well 4 and everyone enjoy his games - most of tlem were about 20 moves. There was c/- 103 Koromiko Road known, others not so well known) of New will also a tough battle the which Nigel Hopewell shared Bob Smith. Gonville Zealand's late "Mr Chess." for title, with Contributions are coming from a variety Wanganui of 8 In the new forrnat of the N.I. tournament, there was a separate Reserve Championship, sources, but additional (memories information which was keenly contested between Ryan Trass and Bruce Kay, the latter Opinions expressed in articles, letter and and tributes, corrunent games, or brief on enjoylng his best tournament result in several years. other conkibutions are those of tlte authors. game scores) will be welcome. This must Letters on chess topics are welcome; limit 150 reach the editor by Saturday, August 7. 9 Igor Bjelobrk maintained his top placing in the junior ranks, although the late arrange words and marked 'for publication.n In order to keep the August issue clur for ments meant that some players who would have liked to play missed out. EDITORIAL this purpose, publication of the June issue was delayed to give readers an upto{ate report on Editor, Ted Frost. I I M Russell Dive and Alexei Kulashko particpated in the first zonal in the new Oceania the North Island Overseas news editor, Peter Sfuart. Championship, including thc zone, with some surprising results. games of English GM Shrart Conquest. ST]BSCRIPTIONS 16, The mid-year rating list does not present any major surprises in the top rankings. Subscription payments should be sent to Asian Team Championship Three players have indicated tl'rat thcy urc 22 FM Bob Smith has always suffered in the Waitakere Trust Open from his intensive work Treasurer, NZCF available for the Championslrip, Asian Team in organising the event, but this year he broke through and snatached a well-merited P O Box 216 played ()nc being in Shenyang in Octobcr. solo victory. Shortland Street more player is a possible. Anyone intcrcstcd Auckland should contact NZCF immediately, bccau*- rr 25 Bruce Barnard reigrs supreme in New Zealand's postal chess, taking the NZCCA Championship for the second year in succession. ANNUAL SI]BSCRIPTION RATES golno go decision should be made this rn

NZ Chess 1999 North Island Championship By Ted Frost

The 1999 North Island Charnpionship was Conquest enjoyed playrng those games just as different, it was memorable and it was excit- much as readers will enjoy playing them over. ing. While there was a tough frght for the title, The visiting GMs excellence over the board the differences arose liom other factors. was matched away from it - there was a With so few non-metropolitan clubs and no continuous flow of comment about his friend- advance offers to host the tournament, tlamil- liness and his readiness to analyse and advise. ton Chess Club stepped into the breach again, The phrase uA wonderfirl ambassador for but introduced some refreshing changes. chess' was voiced more than once, with the NZCF and other clubs cooper;ated in changing hope that he would refurn to New Zealand at the rules to divide the toumament in two and some time in the future. enable overseas players to compete in the On the evening before the last round Suart championship with the hope that it could be played a simul against 22 opponents, and did FIDE-rated and have FIDE titles on offer. not fare as well as he would have liked, These goals were achieved in part. As part of four losses and two draws - the Howick-Pakuranga's advance efforts to build losses to Philip IIan, Philip Rossiter, Ralph international interest in the coming Congress, Hart amd Bjelobrk, Igor and the draws to Smith drew with Ilair in round 7 to reach 5, Conques(S - Spain,G Paul Spiller had been in touch with a number Mark Sinclair and Graham Pocock. while Hopewell won from Spiller and Spain R2 [Bol] ofmasters overseas, and he was able to give 2.exd5 Wxd5 3.0c3 Se5+ 4.Qe2 c6 Race for the title from Marner to bring thern to 4%, just half a 1.e4 d5 Hamilton the great news tJrat English GM 5.d4 Wc7 6.Qe5 Of6 7.9d2 Qfs 8.OR e6 While first place in the tournament was point back. Bjelobrk dropped out of conten- Shrart Conquest could play. Shurt was not 9.Qxf6 gxf6 10.Oh4 Qg6 ll.fa fs 12.(H) Od7 never in doubt, the rerl rarn, took place for tion by meeting Conquest in this round. able to come to Congress, but one ofhis prizes 15.6hr EadS 16.9e3 second place and the Norttr Island title. In the final round, Smith and Bjelobrk drew, 13.a3 Qg7 l4.Eadl 0{ as yet unclaimed was air tickets to any catch and ob6 17.oR Qhs 18.oe5 Qxe2 19.fue2 0d7 destination Bob Smith was favourite, rated 130-odd while Hopewell beat Lynn to up in the world - and as long as he 20.M Qxe5 2l.fxe5 6h8 22.Wh6 EgE 23.Of4 could get points ahead ofHopewell, but a draw against share the title on 5%, while Spain drew with back to Britain for the British EdgS 25.Ebl a6 26.c4 27.c5 Paul Spiller in rorurd t kept him from the Corker to finish on 5, a point ahead of E* 24.8d3 M Championship the idea of a trip to New b5 28.Ebb3 a5 29.Eh3 a4 30.8bil gd8 Zealatd had great appeal. early lead (in the runner-up race). However, Bjelobrk. nearest challengers Ilamilton's small working group led by Hil- 31.Ehs Ofs Hamilton made prodigious efforts to get Nigel Hopewell and participation from top New Zealand players Graeme Spain met Shrart Conquest in rounds ton Berurett and William Lynn were thanked and 3, so efforts me,morable and others from overseas, but time and other 2 after 3 rounds Smith was on 2%, for their in runing a the but excellent commitments were major handicaps. How- with Hopewell, Spain and Bjelobrk on 2. tournament in familiar Hill- Smith met crest Lodge Motor krr, including the arrange- ever, two other overseas players did come - Conquest in rorurd 4, and when Spain and sponsorship from Hillcrest and Ipro Kerry Corker from Brisbane and David Love- Hopewell drew with each other and ment of joy of Northern New South Wales. Bjelobrk drew with Gavin Marner, the title link, and for administration of the event itself, race was wide open. tournament director, NZCF president FM Bob Smith was the highest-rated of the Ralph tfurt beat visitor As Shrart ran the event without a hitch. New Zealanders, followed by Nigel Hopewell Iovejoy and there were 5 on 2% - Smith, Peter Hopewell, Spain, and four others rated over 2000, and tlere was Bjelobrk and Hart. In round 5 a fairly long tail in the field of 14. Smitl beat Hopewell, Spain beat How Conquest won Bjelobrk and llart lost to Conquest, so Smith Lovejoy,D - ConqueslS Conquest dominates and Spain led with 3%. Spiller came into the R l [A08] However, that did not mar tlte success of the picture on 3 with a win over William Lynn. 32.d5 crd5 33.Edh3 Ue7 34.c6 Ud8 tournament. As was to be expected, Conquest In round 6 Smith beat Spain, While 1.e4 c5 2.5f3 e6 3.d3 d5 4.Obd2 Oc6 S.gS Fritz 5 suggests 34...Wa7 35.9f6 gf2. dominated the event. He won every game, the Hopewell beat Kerry Corker and Bjelobrk Qd6 6.Q92 dge7 7.c3 (H) E.(H) b6 9.8e1 Qc7 35.9f6 Exf6 average length was just 25 moves, and foru bewat }Iart. This put Smith on 4%, a pint 10.a3 a5 11.d4 cxd4 12.fud4 fud4 13.cxd4 35...91c7 or 9M 36.Exh7+ fuh7 37.Exh7+ did not go beyond move 20. One suspects that clear of Hopewell, Spain and Bjelobrk. f6 L4.h4 Ea7 l5.Ofl dxe4 16.Qxe4 fS l7.Q{2 6xh7 38.9h4#. f4 18.Qe4 Of5 0-1 36.exf6 Eg4 37.93 l-{) NZ Chess NZ Chess 6 7 Hopewell,N - ConqueslS Two masters for Congress 16...6c7 17.foc8 6xc8 18.Qe6 Ed8 19.Wd6 1999 North Island Rapid R 3 [845] Og8 20.&e5 1{) Howick-Pakuranga CC continues its Shurt Conquest was pressed harder in the 1.e4 c5 2.OB Oc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.fud4 Of6 arorurd-the-world efforts to attract overseas North Island Rapid Championship than in the Hair,P - Conques(S 5.Oc3 e6 6.fuc6 bxc6 7.e5 OAS t.0el 9cZ masters to its millenium congress, and has main event in llamilton, drawing with Alexei R 8 9.f4 Sa5+ r0.6f2 gb6+ 11.6R c5 12.c4 5V received a second confrrmation. [A4l] Kulashko in round 4. This allowed Kulashko 13.13 Oc6 14.Qe3 9xb2 l5.Oxc5 Oxe5+ Paul Spiller reports that IM Herman van l.of3 d6 2.d4 Qg4 3.e4 of6 4.fo3 e6 5.h3 to tfueaten to share first place, but a draw l6.fxe5 9xc5 l7.Qxc5 Qb7+ rS.694 Wxe5 G-l Riemsdijk, of Sao Paulo, Brazil, has con- Qh5 6.995 Qe7 7.Qe2 a6 8.a4 0c6 9.0{) 0{l with Bob Smith in the final round left Ku- frmed that he will play. Paul understand 10.9d2 Qe6 11.d5 exd5 12.erd5 oUl tS.Qxre lashko on 516,half a point behind Conquest. Conquest,S - Smith,R that the Brazilian master has a brother who Qxf6 l4.Eacl Ee8 15.Qc4 c6 16.drc6 bxc6 However, Kulashko took the North Island R4 [A2e] farms near Palmerston North, which has r7.Od3 fud3 18.cxd3 Eb8 l9.Ecel Exel title as he was alone in second place, half a hel@ him decide to make the trip. 20.Exel h6 21.d4 Wd7 Qe7 23.0c3 point atread ofa packed field. 1.c4 e5 2.083 Of6 3.OB Oc64.g3 Od4 5.Qg2 22.*4 van Riernsdijk will join Croatian GM Dra- Ww zq.Eez 9f8 25.Oh4 Qnt zel,4WdT 27.ds konard Mclaren drew with Paul Garbett in fuf3+ 6.QxR Qb4 7.0{ 0{ 8.d4 Qxc3 zen Sermek in the New Z,ealand Champion- c5 28.6h2 9e7 29.ilr3 h5 30.h4 the last ronnd, which kept him orl.4Yz, alorrg 9.bxc3 e4 10.Qg2 Ee8 11.Uc2 h6 12.8 exf3 QrS lt.Wet ship. Qf6 32.8d2 Ee8 33.Uf2 Qrc3 34.bxc3 Ura4 with Smith, B Watson and Bjelobrk. Next on 13.ExB d6 14.0xh6 gxh6 l5.Eafl Oe4 There has been no confirmation yet of the 35.93 9c4 0-1 4 were P A Garbett, A F Ker, R Hart, 16.Exf/ Ug5 17.Ure4 Exe4 18.8f8+ 697 A top New Zealanders who will compete. Krstev, K W LynrL P I }Iair and B G Walsh. lg.Elfr+ 696 20.Qxe4+ rbh5 2t.Ef4 Qg4 The rapid attracted z[4 entries. 22.Exa8 9a5 23.898 1{ Other games 14.Qg5 a6 15.d6 h6 r6.Qh4 6h7 EabS Spiller,P - Hopewell,N - 1E.9e2 9c6 19.a5 9cE 2O.Ed2 ge8 2r.Wdl h5 Hart,R Conquest,S Smith,R - Hopewell,N R 7 22.E,d3 23.R 25.Oa4 [A02] R 5 [El3] Qh6 95 24.9f2 h4 9c8 R 5 [Clo] 26.9b3 bg6 27.W$ Ohs 28.8c3 Oft zc.Oxcs l.f4 c5 2.b3 0f6 3.Qb2 e6 4.oA b5 5.e3 a6 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.Oc3 c5 4.erd5 exdS 5.Of3 1.d4 Of6 2.c4 e6 3.Oc3 QM a.OR b6 5.Qg5 9e8 30.Edl Qg7 31.M r-{ 6.a4 bxs4 7.8xa4 QUZ t.QeZ Qe7 9.0{ d6 Qb7 6.Od2 h6 7.Qh4 c5 E.a3 Qxca g.Urca d6 Orr 0.QgS Qe7 7.Qb5+ 0c6 E.dxcs 0-O 9.0{ 10.0c3 wc7 11.6 exf5 t2.ah4 13.e4 obdT gc8 96 l0.Wc2 ObdT 11.e4 crd4 l2.crd4 e5 13.c5 a6 10.Qxc6 bxc6 l1.Wd4 Qf5 12.Oe5 1,t.Od5 Qxd5 15.exd5 0e5 16.Qb5+ OfdT Conquest,S - Bjelobrlql bxc5 14.dxe5 foe5 15.Qb5+ Qc6 16.f4 Qxb5 13.Efe1 Ee8 14.od3 h6 15.Qh4 Uc7 16.h3 a5 17.Qxd7+ tbxdT 18.O4 Qf6 19.gsl EheS R 7 17.fxe5 dxe5 [806] u.!3 Eb7 18.M 95 19.Qg3 Oe4 20.0xe4 20.fue5+ Qxe5 2I.Eh4 h5 22.Wil+ be7 dxe4 21.0b2 l.e4 96 2.d4 Qgl 3.fo3 d5 4.Oxd5 c6 5.Oe3 QfB 22.c3 Qg7 23.Ue3 axM 23.Qxe5 dxe5 24.8h3 6d6 25.Eal e4 26.Wc4 Wxd4 6.Qd3 Od7 7.Of3 UM+ Qrc3+ 24.a'xb4 Exal 25.Exa1 Ea8 26.Ecl 9b5 Wb6 27.8a4 Uu5 28.c4 9xa4 29.Exa4 EebS gb7 9.bxc3 Wxc3+ f0.gd2 Wral 11.0-{ Ug7 27.Wd2 Ea2 28.c4 29.9d8+ 6rrz so.gb6 30.6n Eb6 31.8a3 Eab8 32.8c3 6e5 33.d3 gd7 12.9b2 e5 13.Oc4 f6 14.Od6+ 6d8 ls.Qc4 3r.Edl WcE 32.8d8 Ua6 33.9xa6 Exa6 6ol o-r 34.odl Esl 3s.6h2 Qf6 36.8d2 Ebl 37.0e3 Oh6 Hopewell,N - Lynn,K Qe6 38.8d6 Exb4 39.Exc6 (time) 1{) R 8 [A2e] Spain,G - Smith,R 1.c4 e5 2.Oc3 Of6 3.OR Oc6 4.g3 Qc5 5.fue5 R 6 [Bt7] Qxf2+ 6.tDxf2 0xe5 7.d4 Oxc4 8.e4 Ob6 9.e5 l.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.Od2 dxe4 4.fue4 Od7 5.OR Ofd5 l0.Eg4 95 ll.ghs fuc3 12.bxc3 h6 o8f6 6.fuf6+ oxro z.Qcl Qfs E.H e6 9.c3 r3.h4 gxh4 14.8$4 We7 r5.Ef4 Od5 16.8A Qd6 10.Oe5 9c7 l1.Ue2 0{ t2.Qf4 cs ge6 17.Qc4 b6 r8.Qb3 b5 19.Qg5 Qb7 20.8f6 13.dxc5 Uxc5 14.Qb3 EadE 15.h3 Oe4 Ue7 2l.Exh6 Exh6 22.Exh6 tsff ZS.9]rr ce f6.Od3 fuc3 t7.brc3 Qxd3 l8.9rd3 Qrf4 24.gh7 tuc3 25.Qh6 oel+ Ze.6gr gb4 l&t9rc5 9xd2+ 19.6xd2 fue4+ 0-1 19.UR Uc7 2O.Eadl Qh2+ 21.6h1 Qe5 22.c4 27.Wxe4 0-{}{l 28.Qe3 c5 29.Qd5 Qxd5 b6 23.Exd8 ExdS 24.Edl 96 25.Exd8+ 9xd8 30.9xd5 Wc3 31.Wxc5+ Wxc5 32.dxc5 Eg8 Conquest,S - Spiller,P 26.{3 Eld2 27.b{2 Qd4 2S.6fr bg7 2e.ve2 33.b{2 Eg4 34.Qf4 6b? 3s.Ed1 6c6 36.8d6+ R 6 [De4] Wc3 30.692 Qc5 31.HR Eb2 32.6n e5 33.9e2 6xc5 37.Exd7 a5 38.Exf? Eg6 39.Ef6 Eg8 34.b{2 e4 35.Qa4 36.Qc6 37.h4 41.e6 l.of3 d5 2.c4 c6 3.e3 of6 4.0c3 96 5.d4 Qg7 'Ed4 f5 h5 40.6f3 6b4 6a3 42.9d6+ 6xa2 43.Qf8 r6'Ed1 gt.Quz ggt+ 6.Qd3 (H) 7.O-O 9ga 8.h3 QxR i.g*f3 aril 610 6e5 39.f4+ 6f6 40.Qc6 Ees 44.bf4 M 45.e7 b3 46.e8U b2 47.Wil+ 16.gxb6 gxh6 17.Ofl+ 6c7 18.Oxh6. gfi+ t0.exc4 OUOZ Ubo 12.e1e5 13.d5 c5 4r.6h3 Unr+ lz.Urz 43.892 Uxc4 0-l 6b1 48.6xg5 1-{

NZ Chess NZ Chess 1999 New Zealand junior championship By NM Peter Snart As in 1998 this event was played at the Auckland Chess Centre and organised reluc- tantly this time, by the Auckland Chess Association. Indee4 had the Association not come forward it is likely there would have been no national junior championstrip this year so thank you ACA! The uncertainty as to where/when the event would be played rurtil relatively late may have been the main factor in the smaller freld than last year with several "name' players not competing. There were, however, a number of new faces with the result that less than 40% of the players had standard ratings. 22.hrg6! Eh8 Igor Bjelobrk was the overwhelming favou- The only movc as the following variations rite as he was rated more than 300 points show: 22...Qxb3 23.Er}l7+ 698 (23...Oxg6 ahead of the second sed Wellingtonian A.Wh2 Qxc2+ 25.bal gxe4 26.fxe4 bxgl Nicholas Croad. The ratings didnt lie Igor - 27.Wg3+ 6f6 28.Eh6mate) 71.W2 Qxc2+ won all seven gurmes, most of them very 25.bat fxg6 26.Uh6 fu6 27.Wxg6+ convincingly. Onty l,amar Ah4hee gained fo7 28.Wxg7mate; 22...hxg6 23.8h7+l tbxhT some chances when he went for broke against 24.Wh2+ 697 (24...698 2s.Ehl Qxb3 him in the last round but Bjelobrk's defence 26.rgh7mate) 25.9h6+ 698 26.Ehl Qxb3 was solid. 27.Wh7mate. Paul Godfrey, in his last year as a junior, took second place while Pu Chen Wang, the 23.Qra4 hrg6 24.Qb3 lgldT 25.ErhS ErhS second yowrgest competitor, shared third 26.e5 d5 27.Wd2 e6 28.c3 gus Zg.Sf4 el place with Daniel IIan and Qaasim Dollie, 30.c4 Wd7 3l.Qc2 r3 32.Qb3 E}ls 33-Ed4 went down to Campbell Clark, As part of the rearrangement of the North first loss. He two more Auckland schoolboys. ixb2 34.6xb2 {ye7 35.cxd5 fuds 36.Ord5 Island tournament, a res€rve championship wtro sulfered early losses but made a late Bjelobrlq in addition to the main title, also erds 37.9f6+ 9rf6 3E.erf6+ 6ft 398rd5 was introduced for the players not in the main charge with four straight wins. took the under-I8 and national schoolpupil 6e8 40.6b3 Eh4 41.8e5+ odE 428e4 Eh3 event, and this attracted 25 entries. This Features ofthe event were the participation titles Mrile Wang collected the under-16, 43.6rb4 Exf3 44.t4 Ef5 45.8e7 Erg5 innovation proved popular, the competition of three womer and half a dozen South under-I4 and rmder-I2 titles. 46.ErfI Ef5 47.15 6c8 48.a6 6US lC.EbZ+ Islanders. Zoe Kingston fared best of the was keen and players enjoyed their games. The following three games were probably 6a8 50.17 95 51.8e7 l{). Ryan Trass gained some compensation for women players, scoring 4, half a point ahead the best played: missing a challenge to Igor Bjelobrk in the of Glenys Mills. Godfrey - Han 1999 New T.ealarrd Junior Championship Zonal game Han - Croad Petrofl[C42] (through a communication glitch) by taking Sicilian [878] first place, although he was hard-pressed by Kulashko,A - Stawski,N (2045) 1.e4 e5 2.Of3 Of6 3.fue5 d6 4.Of3 Oxe4 5.d4 (H) Bruce Kay, of Civic, who enjoyed his best R 5 [B0U l.e4 c5 2.Of3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.frd4 Of6 5.Oca d5 6.Qd3 Qd6 7.(H) 8.Eel Ee8 9.c3 Qg4 10.Obd2 15 ll.Ofi c6 l2.Oe3 Wc7 13.fug4 tournament result for some years. Trass was l.e4 d5 2.exd5 Of6 3.da Qg4 4'Qe2 h5 5.c4 96 6.Qe3 9* 7.R Oc6 8.Qc4 Qd7 9.9d2 Ec8 (H) fxg4 r4.Og5 Qxh2+ r5.6fi Og3+? unbeaten, conceding only draws to Kay and b5 6.b3 e6 7.dxe6 Qb4+ 8.Qd2 Srd4 9.QxM 10.0b3 11.(HH) fo5 12.6br a6 13.h3 gd5 Ilamish Gold. Uxal 10.OR Qxe6 11.Uc2 96 l2.Qd3 bxc4 b5 14.94 a5 r5.g5 M r6.Os4 fot rZ.tUeZ OcZ 15...91d7 16.Qre4 dxe4 u.Eb3+ 18.rgxb7 After seven rounds Trass and Kay shared the 13.bxc4 Oc6 14.Qc3 Ob4 15.9a4+ 0d7 18.h4 Oc6 19.h5 Oxd4 20.Qxd4 Qxa4 od71. but in the frnal round Kay suffered his lead, 16.Wxb4 Uxa2 17.Qxf6 c5 l8.Hxc5 1-{) 21.Qxg7 6xg7 l6.fxg3 Ef8+ 17.tbe2

NZ Chess NZ Chess ll 1999 Oceania zonal

The new Oceania Zone @IDEs zone 3.2b) and was far from satisfied with his form. was formed as recently as the 1998 FIDE It was ho@ that in addition to the Austra- Congress, and the frst zonal tournaments had lian and New Zealand entrants, some players to be played with little time for preparation. from elsewhere in the South Pacific would This event was held in Queensland in April take part. Rajnesh Parmeshwar, of Fiji, en- and the arrangernents at the Surfers'Paradise tered but did not play and tlere were entries Parkroyal have been higNy commended. from Papua New Guinea or the Solomon While national championships are qualiffing Islands. events, the 1999 zonals were open and the Women's zonal result was an entry of 26 in the open, headed While hina Berezina-Feldman's decision to by GM Darryl Johansen and IMs Russell play in the open event was well rewarded her Dive, Aleksander Wohl and Stephen Solomon. absence reduced interest in the women's zonal. But the show as stolen by FM Vladimir Also, the six entants were all from Australia" FeldmarU who went through the 9 rounds as Vivian Smith was urable to play. The unbeaten and conceding only four draws. wirurer of the double-round event was Lanra Evidence of his consistent play is that the Moylan with 7VzllU, followed by FM draws were against the next foruplacegetters - Veronica Klimoneko and Geraldine Johns- Dive, WIM Berezina-Feldman, David Smer- Putra 6, Narelle Szuveges 5, Catherine Lip 3% don and Johansen. Feldman's full-point lead and Andrew Constantinou 2%. on 7 points earned him an IM and a place in the world championship play-offs. Johansen'g oversight Selected games The toumament ended on a sensational note, Here is the last-rorurd game which ensrued with Johansen selfdestructing against Dive. the title for Feldman and distracted Johansen. Johansen was paying attention to the top board game between Feldman and Wohl, and in a Wohl,A - tr'eldman,V fairly even position left on a mate in one. R e [Be0] Dive had to play catch-up chess after round 17.Qf4 Qxg3. 27.H Ee828.Edl Ee229.c3 foZlO.6n EcZ l.e4 c5 2.oR d6 3.d4 crd4 4.fud4 0f6 l, in which he lost to kina Berezina-FeldmarU 5.06 tFl. a6 6.f3 e5 7.ob3 Qe6 t.Qg5 ObdT 9.9d2 gc7 17...Ue7+ who bypa.ssed the womel's zonal and earned 10.94 b5 11.a4 b4 12.Od5 Qrd5 13.erd5 Qe7 17...Uxg3 18.Qxh7+ 6h8 19.9d3 Uxg2+ Zonal game an IM by scoring 6 points. It is reported to be 14.(HH) G{ l5.Qxf6 &r0 te.6Ut Ercs (1 9...8f2+ 20.6dr) 20.6d1+-. (2000) (2396) the frst time ever a husband and wife have Zhao,Z - Kulashko,A 17.95 Od7 l8.Qh3 a5 19.f4 Ee8 2O.Ehfl Qf8 R 4 both earned IMs in the same tournament. 18.Qe3 Qxg3 19.Qxh7+ 6h8 20.Ehl Qf4 [840] 21.fre5 fueS 22.w4 g6 23.od4 Qgt 24.*6 l.e4 c5 2.OR e6 3.c3 d5 4.e5 d4 5.crd4 crd4 David Smerdon also gained an IM by mring 21.9f5+ 698 22.Qe6+ Ef/ 23.Qxf/+ 1{. Ef8 25.Q92 Wd7 26.h4 Ug4 27.Qhl Efes 6.Qb5+ 6 points, as FIDE rules provide that anyone Qd7 7.Qrd7+ WrdT 8.d3 Oc6 9.0-0 2E.Wxg4 *g4 29.8f4 f5 30.grf6 fuf6 31.QR gd5 (HH} scoring 66% n a zonal gets the title and 50% Ah-Chee - Bjelobrk 0ge7 10.8e1 foo rt.Eel 12.9e2 32.Qg4 Oc5 33.b3 Oe4 Oca+ earns an FM. These awards are made without Od7 34.Ehl Sicilian [B77] r3.h4 Qcs 14.h5 Of8 15.h6 gxh6 16.Qf4 0g6 35.6c1 oh6 36.Ehfi fud5 0-l 17.Qg3 Ed7 lt.Obd2 h5 19.8c1 6b8 20.s3 regard to FIDE ratings, and perhaps were part l.e4 c5 2.Of3 d6 3.d4 crd4 4.&d4 Of6 5.0ca (2396) (2186) Egs 2r.Oc4 Qe7 22.6h1h4 23.Qh2 Ec8 24.M of the attraction to the big enky. With nine Kulashko,A - DwyeaD 96 6.Qe3 Qg7 7.Qc4 Oc6 8.f,} F0 9.9d2 Qd7 h3 25.gxh3 b6 26.Qg3 6w Zl.bnZ * players out of the 24 nd on 4W9, no fewer R l [B23] 10.g4 Oes 11.Qb3 Ec8 12.h4 a5 13.h5 a4 than l0 of the zonal players gained FMs! zE.uJd2 fu1 29.f4 EgE 30.oR obs 3r.gf2 fs 1.e4 c5 2.0d Oc6 3.f4 a.OR Qg7 5.Qc4 e6 l4.hxg6 axb3 15.gxh7+ 6h8 l6.axb3 Ea8 Alexei Kulashko was tlre second New 96 32.exf6 Qxf6 33.a4 Od6 34.fud6+ Exd6 6.f5 OgeT 7.fxe6 fxe6 8.(H) (H) 9.d3 0e5 17.Exa8 Wxa8 18.95 Wal+ l9.Wc1 Ukcl+ Zraland player in the zonal, and scored a 35.a5 b5 36.8c5 9b3 37.6 exfs 3E.Exf5 Ec6 10.fue5 Qxe5 1l.Qg5 Ue8 12.9d2 Oc6 20.Qxc1 OxhT 21.f4 0c6 22.Of5 Oxfs 23.exf5 disappohting 5% points. He lost three games 39.Oxd4 Qxd4 40.Ef7+ 6a8 41.Exd4 Oe5 13.Erf8+ wxfE l4.oe2 b6 r5.Qh6 gd6 16.Eft 698 2a.Od5 e6 25.f6 exd5 26.fxg7 6xg7 42.8d8+ 1{) NZChess NZ Chess l3

18.uf2 9c7 19.c3 obs 2O.w{2 c4 21.Qc2 Qb6 Rigbt idea" wrong time. Better was 22.9f3 od6 23.ohf2 0-+-0 24.M 6US ZS.oUZ 13...Oas. Qxe3 26.Uxe3 f6 27.t4 Ehf8 28.a5 fxgS 14.r4l gd8 29.Wxg5 Ef6 30.Eae1 Edf8 31.9g2 Wins material due to the weak white 32.oh3 Exfl+ 33.Erf1 Exfl+ 34.6xfl gxh4 squares in Black's t[l-side. 35.On Ef6 36.6e2 h4 37.Wg4 Qe8 38.0013 14...oM th6 39.Wg5 Qhs+ 40.6e3 Urg5+ 4r.fog5 Of6 Best. If 14...M ls.Abl a5 l6.Qa6 wins the 42.Qdt Qxdl 43.fud1 h3 44.6R h2 4s.b{2 excbange due to the power of the two Qs. Odre4 46.fue4 foe4 47.brh2 6c7 48.0e3 ls.arbs fud3 f6.!Sxd3 arb5 17.&b5 9a5? fuca 49.fuc4 fud5 50.&e5 fub4 51.693 This is too risky. Black needs to neutralise 6d6 52.Ofl+ rDeT 53.Oe5 Oco sl.Ocl 6eo the white Q on f4, in ordsr to place pressure ss.6f4 6ds 56.Oe3+ 6c5 57.Of5 58.Oh4 96 on White's b-A. foa5 59.fug6 6d4 60.6R Ob3 61.6e2 6c3 62.6dr a5 63.Of4 14 6t.Od5+ 6b2 65.OM 83 18.Eal UM 19.8a7 Ec4? 20.b3t 66.6e2 t2 67.*a2 6xs2 68.6d3 b5 0-1 Wins more material. 20...9rb5 Dive,R - Dwyer,D Forced. If 2O...Ecc8 2l.Ea4 wins Black's 9. R 3 [Dl3] 2l.bxc4 dxc4 22.Wbl Wxbl 23.Exbl Od5 Notes by IM Rrssell Dive 24.Exe7l l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.fo3 ff6 4.crd5 crdS 5.OB Liquidates to an easily won eoding. Oc6 6.Qf4 a67.e3 Qg4 24...*e7 25.0d6 Oc6 26.QxfB 6xfS 2?.Eb5 7...Qf5 was played in Ker-Dive, Civic club l-{ game, but after 8.ge5l and some accurate Wallace,J (2360) - Dive,R follow--up, Black was not able to exstinguish R White's initiative. I think 7...9g4 is an im- 4 [D35] provement. l.OR Of6 2.c4 e6 3.fu3 d5 4.d4 9e7 5.Qf4 c6 8.h3 6.e3 ObdT 7.cxd5 erd5 S.Qd3 Otrs 9.Qg3 96 To force Black's hand. l0.Sc2 G{ f 1.0{ fog3 12.hxg3 QO6 13.a3 a5 l4.Eabl We7 15.e4 dxe4 16.Oxe4 Of6 E...Qxf3 9.Wxf3 e6 r0.9d3 Qe7 ll.Ecl Ec8 r7.0eg5 Od5 l8.Efel gds 19.Wd2 Qe7 20.*4 12.0-0 0{ 13.We2 697 21.*5 a4 22.Qc4 Ob6 23.Qa2 Qxc5 Qxrrz+ rz.6nr Qb7 18.Of4 Qrf4 19.Qrf4 Wf8 Oc7 21.Ob3 Ea8 22.a5 bra5 23.bra5 Oe6 To pressurise the white squares on Black's gd6 24.drc5 Urd2 25.fud2 N7 26.0e4 Es5 20.691 Wg7 2r.Qh6 Wes 22.c3 23.Wf2 24.6fi 6f8 25.6e1 6e7 26.c5 6f6 27.f4 EdE El*ide and to fight for conkol over c4. 27.Ebrl Eb5 28.8e2 EeE 29.Qc4 Ea5 30.Od6 We7 24.Wf4 Ec8 25.a3 Ob8 26.b4 cxb4 28.Qc4 6f5 29.R br6 30.6e2 Oc7 3r.Od4 Ods Exe2 31.Qxe2 Ea8 32.Qg4 33.QR Of6 27.zxb4 d5 28.exd5 exds 29.Qb3 Oa6 30.Qdl 32.6d3 Oc7 33.6c3 Ea8 34.6b4 Ee8 35.e4 f5 34.Eel Oe4 35.Qxe4 fxe,{ 36.Exe4 Qf5 Oc7 3l.Qga Ee8 32.Qd7 1{) Ed8 36.6c3 Eas 37.6b4 6e7 38.h4 ge6 37.8e7+ (bf6 38.Exb7 Ea5 39.94 Qxg4 40.8c7 39.Qxe6 fxe6 40.f5 e5 41.Oe6 gxf5 42.exf5 h6 Dive,R (2440) - Berezina-Feldman,I (2230) 6e6 41.Oe4 Qfs 42.Oca Exc5 43.Oxa4 Ecl+ 43.Oc7 Ec8 44.a6 bxa6 45.fua6 EfS 46.6a5 R I [A48] 44.6h2 h5 45.M 6d6 46.8a7 Ec2 47.bgt Exfs 4?.6b6 Exf3 48.6xc6 e4 49.OM e3 Ecl+ 48.6h2 Ec2 49.&gl r/-Yz 1.d4 of6 2.*f3 96 3.b4 Qg7 4.Qb2 (H) 50.Od5+ 6ds 51.6d6 e2 52.c6 Ed3 53.c7+ 5.Obd2 d6 6.e3 c6 7.Qe2 ObdT 8.H gc7 6c8 54.6c6 Erds 0-1 Dive,R - Reeves,T (2245) 9.oc4 ob6 10.a4 Qg4 11.oa5 E8d8 12.c4 e5 R 5 [E3l] 13.dxe5 dxe5 14.9xe5 Exdl 15.Qxc7 Exal (2115) Dive,R IIic,I - 1.d4 Of6 2.c4 e6 3.Oc3 Qb4 4.Qg5 h6 5.Qh4 l6.Exal Qxf3 l7.gxB R 2 [D00] c5 6.d5 d6 7.f3 0{) 8.e4 b5 9.8b3 086 Fritz 5 suggests that l7.QxR maintains 1.d4 0f6 2.fo3 ds 3.9f4 ofs 4.wd2 e6 5.R a6 10.0+{ bxc4 ll.Qxc4 Qxc3 l2.Sxc3 e5 equality, but that tbe text move gives advan- 6.94Q.96 7.h4 hs OfdT 9.e4 Ob610.Oh3 13.Wel Eb8 l4.Ed3 Eb4 15.8c3 Wa5 l6.Oe2 tage to Black. Qb4 11.Qd3 dxe4 l2.fxe4 Oco l3.Qel e5 13...b5? Exc4 17.Exc4 Wxa2 l8.Ec3 Ob4 f9.Qxf6 17...Oe8 18.Qxb6 axb6 19.Ob3 Qxal 20.foa1 14.d5 0d4 15.0-0 c5 16.8h2 0d7 17.odr Qas NZ Chess NZ Chess t4 l5 gal+ 20.6d2 EXUZ+ Zt.6O grf6 22.Wd2 DivgR - Feldman,V (2330) KulashkqA - l,evt\E Q245) White's positioo starts to become difficult. Ekdz+ 23.bIid2 f5 24.Eal 16 25.t3 f4 R7 [D76] R e [B0l] 20.b3 gf6 2l.Eadl Btd822.Qe2? 26.of1 f5 27.6e2 Qd7 28.Od2 Qb5+ 29.Oc4 1.e4 d5 2.erd5 Of6 3.d4 Qg4 4.Qe2 Qrc2 It's still not too late to play Od5. 1.d4 of6 2.c4 96 3.ff3 Qg7 4.93 G{ s.Qg2 6f,/ 30.6f2 Qrc4 31.Erc4 6e7 32.6e2 EgB 5.fue2 Bxd5 6.G{ Oc6 7.b3 0{}-0 8.c4 Uh5 d5 6.cxd5 fuds 7.0{ oc6 S.od ob6 9.d5 22...fr4t 33.Egl 610 fxg3 35.Exg3 Ea8 36.Ecl 9.Qb2 fud4 lo.fud4 Wxdl ll.Erdl e5 Black has doae well in delaying moving his OaS tO.el c6 1l.drc6 fuc6 12.Qf4 Qe6 f4 37.8{2 Eh8 3E.Ecgl Eh7 39.8g6+ 6e7 12.Oc3 erd4 13.ObS d3 l4.Qe5 QcS l5.Qxc7 cenhal fo uutil now. 13.Wcl Qg4 14.Qh6 Qxrr 1s.0xf3 0d4 16.Qg4 40.8e6+ 6at lt.Egg6 a5 42.Exd6+ rbcT Ed7 l6.Qg3 b4 17.b4 QrM 18.fua7+ rbd8 e5 17.Edl Ue7 f8.6g2 a5 l9.Qxg7 tbxgT 23.Qf1 43.8M Eg7 44.Ebc6+ r-{ 19.Ob5 EeE 20.a3 Qas 2l.Qf4 zz.Qdz 20.0e2 EfdS 21.b3 h5 22.fud4 exd4 23.QR *s My original inention was to play 23.Qg4 oez+ 23.641 Qb6 24.QM Qd4 2s.Eabr Qe5 EacS 24.9f4 f6 25.Eac1 ges 26.9d2 Excl h5 24.Qf5 but I noticed just in time that this I)epasquale,C - Kulashko,A (239Q 26.8b3 27.91 OeO ZS.EUTA3 Erd3 27.Excl Ec8 28.ExcE fuc8 29.M arM fr4 loses to 24...fug211 aod if 25.bxg2 then R 6 [Ao2] 29.Exd3+ 6ct 30.Qd6 Qro lr.cs 6az rz.Qrs+ 30.9xM Od6 3r.h4 bs 32.9b1 gc5 33.Qe2 25...'Sxf5 Somotimes whon you have a 6c6 33.Oa7+ 6c7 34.Qd6+ rbdT 35.c6+ bxc6 1.f4 cs 2.oB of6 3.g3 96 4.992 Q{ s.H *4 34.f4 b4 3s.Qd3 et:+ r0.6n Uca 37.6e2 passive position, the best thing is to do 36.Qe5+ 6e7 37.fuc6+ 38.Qrf6 grf6 Oc6 6.c3 0-0 7.d3 d5 8.e3 !9c7 9.t8le2 Qf5 Og4 38.9c2 9rl 39.Wbl We lo.9c2 9al 6f8 nothing! 39.od4 40.Eb3 41.fue6+ fre6 10.0bd2 EadS 11.e4 dre4 12.drc4 Qc8 41.9b1 Wc3 42.9c2Yrlz Eb8 Ec8 23...hs 24.$ M 2s.9{2 h4t 13.Oh4 Od7 14.Oc4 b5 15.fu3 Ua5 16.e5 42.Ebl Ea8 43.Eal Ea,4 44.be2 6c7 45.6d3 A good move, which firther loosens up OdbS 17.Od5 b| r8.f5 Qa6 19.c4 Ede8 20.e6 Kulashko,A - tr'ranks,C (2fi[) 6d6 46.6ca 6c5 47.6b3 6u5 48.Eel Ea6 White's position. 49.8e4 Ed6 50.8M+ 6c5 5l.Ec4+ tbb6 52.a4 Od4 2l.exfl+ Exn 22.Wd3 gils 23.foI5 fuf5 R 7 [C48] 26.0e2 hxg3 27.frg3 Ug6 28.0d a6 29.ff1 24.Exf5 Exf5 25.tsxf5 e6 26.915 gdt Eds 53.8f4 f5 54.6b4 Ec5 55.8d4 Ee5 l.e4 e5 2.ff3 Oc6 3.Oca Of6 4.Qb5 0c5 5.o-o Od4 3o.gf2 94 3l.hxg4 56.8h4 Ee2 57.8f4 Eb2+ 58.6c3 Ea2 59.6d4 0.{ 6.fue5 fueS 7.d4 Qrd4 8.9rd4 d6 9.Qg5 Forced. 6c6 60.6e5 6d7 61.6f6 0d6 62.h4 Eb2 63.h5 h6 10.Qh4 a6 l1.Qe2 c5 12.Wdl Og0 rr.Qgr 3l...fuga 32.9f4 Ees 33.Oe3 fue3 34.Ere3 EbE 64.8d4+ Oc5 65.8d2 f4 66.94. f3 67.95 Eer 14.fJ gb6 ls.Ebl Ed8 t6.gd2 0h5 Eh8 3s.Efi fo6 Ef8+ 68.697 Ef5 69.96 hrg6 70.hxg6 Eg5 17.ods wc6 l8.Qf2 b5 lg.Ebdr Ea7 Black continues to hrn up the heat, in a 7r.6f6 Eg4 72.97 e5 73.8d8 e4 74.g8r9 ExgE position where both players have about l% 75.Exg8 e3 76.fxe3 1-0 minutes to reach move 40. Dive,R Q440) - Johansen,D (2490) 36.9f2 R 8 [A43] Notes by IM Russell Dive 1.d4 c5 Unusual for Darryl, but he had to win this game to have a chance for first place. 27.QgS 2.d5 96 3.e4 Qg7 4.c4 d6 5.0s3 016 6.0A 2',7.91/.t h6 28.Qxh6. fu1 7.Qf4 Of6 8.h3 G{ 9.Qe2 OfeS 10.G{? l0.gd2 is better. Then after 10...e5 I Ldxe6 27...g.d7 2E.of6+ Qxf6 29.Qxf6 wr tO.wgl+ fue6 l2.Qb6 saves a ternpo over the garne Ug6 3r.Uh4 32.Qe4 Wxf6 33.Uxh7+ 6f8 il1 continuation. 34.Efl Wrfl+ 35.6xfl Qxc4+ 36.6e1 Ee7 20.14 UI6 2l.Oxf6+ gxf6 22.f5 Oes 23.gxh6 10...e5 l1.dre6 Oxe6 r2.Qe3 Qd7 13.9d2 Qc6 37.9}18+ 6r lt.Uns+ 6ru Efl 40.gls+ 9xe4 24.Qd3 Oxd3 25.Exd3 Qxf5 26.8e1 Wc4 r4.Qh6? 6e7 4l.Uh4+ 6d6 42.993+ e5 43.Qf5 Qxa2 27.8{3+ Qg6 28.8h3 1{) This too slow. White not have time 44.8d3+ Qd5 45.Qe4 Ob6 46.Qxd5 Ord5 is will 36...8h6 Szuveges,G (2000) attack Black's backward l4.Od5 47.95 e4 48.Ug3+ 6e6 49.96 Eg7 50.h4 e3 - Kulashko,A to d-A. How often does a Grandmaster blunder into R 8 should have been played instead. 51.Wg4+ 6e5 52.Ug5+ 6e4 53.h5 Of4 54.WdS [A57] a help--mate in one? Darryl told me after c4 55.Wa8+ Od3 56.9R c3 57.Uxf4 crb2 1.d4 Of6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.a4 b4 5.Od2 d6 14...Of6 l5.Qxg7 6xg7 r6.Qd3 Ee8 l7.Efel wards he had intended to play 36...O95 fol- 58.9f5+ 6ca 59.h6 Ec7 60.97 6d4 61.9f6+ 6.e4 96 7.b3 Qg7 8.Qb2 (H) 9.Qd3 e6 l0.Oe2 Oaz rs.Qn lowed by !Elh6, but had simply played it the 6d3 62.gxb2 Ec2 63.Ub3+ Ec3 64.9d5+ 6c2 EeE 11.G0 ObdT l2.gc2 exd5 13.cxd5 Oe5 Once again l8.Od5 is better. wroog way around! 65.g8U b3 66.Wgg2+ 6ut 0z.U0t+ Ecr l4.Eael Oxd3 15.Exd3 Oxe4 16.Qxg7 fud2 18...Oe5 r9.Oh2 g5t 37.Vxflfll 68.He4+ 6b2 69.ged4+ 6nt ZO.U403+ t-O 0-1 Black clamps down on the black squares. A lucky escape. 1-0

NZ Chess NZ Chess l6 Code tlar NZCF ective player combined rating list for 1-99 (685 players) cod. NaE cl atrDdard naDlal . cod. lIaD c1 ataDdlrd RlDld 3073 trIr.r.rrE nat..(b Rat Ga nat..Or Rat O' 115 5057 DAVTBS 1 3159 DrvE nrr cl ?37o l7 237,- 9 58 .320 PEII;I^IP8 ., lE 1933 L937 116 a06s rrcxxr] 2 a9S9 IUT.IABXO A lC 236a 7 7296 L2 3386 rsB.ER B AC 1933 1a 20a8 5 3 3088 SrTE m r'a 2357 13 ?299 5 60 3293 YrN OINXEL iIP,NE 1930 193f IL7 3IL2 AI,DRIEX t 3oo2 orRBErt PA NS 2353 21 23lO 18 61 a3oo BITnNS Ci,' BA 192a 1855 118 3973 RAYNER 53016flNiLvIcf,2323237567169LIAIII88rc1922191515 119 3259 BO(,rS i 63383rERrFCf?32O,-72311963'197CAaILINOAatC1913uDr 120 5127JTRrA8 ) LlL I93T IACIJEO] 122 5297JTXATCE I 123 3032 I,YNN F t 121 3285 PRrCB , ! 125 a251 rollcl K 126 1795 00(,DrE 127 3351 DOr,BJs 128 3433 DLVTE8 129 5083JCRorD 130 3a51 IIrr,raN 131 I833J8AVrGB 132 5021 VAII DE 133 5137 irOVrC 131 3268 XrNG P 52OB TODD N 136 319a PRANE IACHIN 23 3379 SOPEnELIJ NE rc 2122 7 2rL2 lL 8o 5383 IIBREXAIA D IrH 1856' unl 51{9 2t 3291 BIRIOT LI Ns 2111 10 2Ll7 3986 lrMCEI|tT IB Or 1855 17 1809 9 138 TAUPAI 253201arEtDxANIvRcI2109urs23028EAAaE(x,or18ls6|7e2 139 5lO3'575 SIrrurOL 26 a19o qTTIIRIB Dl[ or 2101 11 ?LO7 9 5155 aTBPMOVIC I 18t8r 1659' 2 1{O 3072 NrirxAli oII,Bs 27 3:.rOL IIATKEA PD GA 2099 ur 3550 VETITARNSf,TX PAR 1a1 1169 28 3OO1 aARAPt O rc 2096 2L76 L2 ra 18'8 19Ol 6 3955 ROBERI 6 29 3118 DoWDEN RA @ 2094 Lt 2129 15 85 3815 WUIPIBLD tr CI 1815 1630 143 a353 REWETI 303.82SPAINGAG^20912L198536598ANxsG8PI18381825 1tt 3570 BO8YEI 31 3151 ERBBTN IR NP 2086 2110 6 S7 a953 CBIDERaOI I rC 1835 13 1862r 115 52{8 COEGR( 323350cloPERI\Txr2o?832o.288369sBI.IXAI.I.caEP1s35L7a96 115 3117 CATBR 333507ErRrRNe20672088.617cI,E.IMl8NvcL183552085 1'7 1656 TIDEY 3a 3011 LEONEARIII I N8 2o5l 2022 9 90 a36o RUASBLIT r Cr 103a 1900 1rs 1128 T.ICIOM 27 35 5279 aATONAN A sA 20521 21OOr 91 3993 EAIR PMI 1832 21 L763 1{9 3055 FOOnD 36 339a NrJXAr! BP Cr 2012 Lg2't 92 4605 tluvAllf AC 1831 1552r 150 51a1 r,EE r' 3736oorcNRADPGPB2o.o1958933177tIorIJRrDGEP18281879 151 3071 XATHTI 383052rEIRP8N82037919889.30?gHoarrNG^14182316.9 152 3533 BEBSr,I 39 aET2JBJErOBRX. r AC 2O3a 11 LgTl Ll 95 3230 C RTBR Ga IrH 1815 1757 153 1371 PI{IIJJ .o51otxRaTEvAFT20312oo52396.359coATBaacA1811L736 15a 3793 POr X 113369XIIAEBGHA20281?9f973309XRr

NZ Chess t7 (685 players) Code Nar Cl atuaard RaDldl Cods Nar CI atantlard Rapldt C]' StrDdard nrDldt Rat..Oa Rat Oa Rat..Oa nat Oa 3073 rlr.r.Tufl Bx RaE..Oc tc 1772 15751 5 L73 5221 rcDrDB 1| PE 1521r ur Ret O. 115 5057 It VIBa nB Yt t770 6 1769. rr 1933 1937 l7l t302 DAVIA iil cra 1520 1857 12 115 lO58 IACXICTY-JONBA R t771 srARR AC 1933 1a 20a8 6 R 1620r LS?6 Ilr 1769 L722 L76 r.xB 1930 1931. 3LO3 XtzuR ira, cr 1618 15 1653 LL7 3172 AI.DRIDGE AIJ CI 1767 11 1818 9 L77 t265 r 1924 1855 rnf.rE E IN 1615 1561 9 118 3973 RAYNER BP UT L766 1759 l7g t2L6 rccf,IreIIAn IrT Or 1613 LC L9?2 19151 5 gP l6L7 rC 1913 ur 119 3259 B@[E L' 1755 1530 6 179 5032 XERRrcAlr L lE L6L2 ur 120 5127JTRAaS R cA 175a 1801 180 3358 r.xB 1908 1o 1890 CNDBR Rrr Na 1611 19 1t3ar 121 1931 IACLEOD A EA 1750 L793 6 cr 1905 18t8 5113 CTRLEIIED I 1611r 1658r 122 S29TJTXATCHBNXO a trB 17alr ur 182 ETATERIOT NIJ FT 1610 eA 1904 1986 i 1489 L23 3032 r,INlI tr Hl 17a1 6 '1I8 rC 1904 1878 183 a58o BATCTTETOR A Crr 1508 11 1791 15 7 ur Lzl 3246 PRrCE L' rru 17a0 1533 184 3o5t AC oIorsTEIx B Cf, 1507 22 1619 9 1895 uDr L25 l26L mrc xA PE 1732 1821 185 lC 1895 13 ur l t010 LILIIIA D CI 1606 1605 426 1196 @UDIE D trT 1730 12 1598. 106 3126 rDrxa irl cr, 1605 11 cA 1882 22 1850 9 1602 9 127 3351 DOI.EiTA DE GA 1729 1638 .OO' IIEPBRI DJN OI! 1605 17 lc 1882114 1875. 6 t737 9 128 3t33 DAVIEa O CA 1725 1601 188 3258 HOTAnD ca 1880 5 1988r II NS 1502 10 1599 10 129 5083JCROAD t{ f,E L72t t3 L7l3 5 3733 JrcxSotl Rx rc 1602 1546 Pr 1g7g L776 6 130 3a51 II,IIAII AB Ct L723 ur IrE 1875r ur 190 as85 @DFREY P F? 1501 20 1556r 131 aS33JaAvAsE P WE L722 L2 1655 9 191 |585JLB BROC! E rla 1600 11 12 rc 1863 7 L720. 6 1510 L32 SO?L YA}I DER XIIJI O EP 171' 1833 33t5 SETE ViI *T 1600 13 rc 1062 1938 6 l73S 6 133 5137 irovrc z FT 1710 10 1803 6 193 5356 PORTOOCIIIT Y rT 1599r oll 1851 6 1829 6 unt 13{ 3258 Xrrl(l PC CI 1703 t6t7 191 a095 BOAO PI Ct 1597 ca 1858 22 1050 9 1a82 5208 TODD N Ptr 17031 6 1t03r 195 5082 mrdNrDsor{ B cA 16 Ba 1857 2a 1866 18 1595 1a5a 136 3194 PR}}TXEIJ Z YE 1702 15 1866 1173 DUPPIELD t E 1855r unr I OT 1595 15?3 15 51{9 nCEINT A rT A702 L3 17a9r ,.97 tt35 ClGHrlrI P 1593r o" 1855 9 CI 1529 6 17 1809 13S 4575 TAUPAXT A 1698 16641 6 (trrNN or 1840 6 Lrsz 5197 l(r N8 1593 10 1820 18 139 5t03 surltollrr[IN Y rc 1696113 17181 6 199 3855 EdEFr BO lilrl 10 18181 16691 2 1592 1695 Llo 3072 [IirxAIiI ArT Cr 1593 5 ,-767 2OO 3965 BENNEP! AR RII FT 1591 13 15a0 111 lt59 GILBa &' N8 1590 L750 L2 20L at72 rIIirJrAIa x HP 1590 rt 18{8 19ot 6 Lt22 6 3955 ROBERTS E{ IP 1690 1553 202 5300 RTBBRIO F 3r 1S{5 1630 6 Cr 1586r uDr 143 t353 REHRrI r rru 1589 Lt97 203 at93JHAnRIs Pl 1830 1825 P OT 1581 1,t76 1lt 3570 BoSHELI, I XA 1688 1550 20t JOHNS rc 1836 13 1962r t23t DP N8 1579 11 L7t7 LA 115 52t8 coacRovB P oI 1686r 205 4328 Gtrry I C^ 1572 EP 1835 1789 6 'Ir ur 1{6 3117 CATER irB ET 1582 7 1599 6 206 5060 PARTRTTXIE :A 1835 5 2085 D C^ 1575 LtlT 147 a555 SIDRr SB rT 1581 13 L672 207 3180 PROAT 1 1834 1900 EGA rE 1575 1508 118 a128 IJACTTNZ A X.P 1576 1686 20a tL75 BraHoP 18 1832 L753 27 RP GIA 157a 1591 21 149 3055 POORD XRR Ot L67t 1630 9 lc 1831 1552r a150EADT.ERr c 157r 13 90 150 51t1 LAE a' wB 1672r 18311 210 t2a3 r.ry rP 1828 LS79 DH AC 1573 t 1a5a 151 3071 IITHIEaON J8 N8 1669 L67l a, 1823 15t9 t978 PORIER a' HP 1573 L597r 152 3533 BEEAr,gr RA AC 165e 7 L7t5 L2 2,-2 tl6t PTRRIN(ITON ,E 1815 L75Z LB rE 1572 12 L6'rt 6 L53 I37L PHIIJJPA R PT 1555 1594 213 3357 aTEr{rRT x 1811 7736 rr FT 155a llG 15a 3793 POH X Aa 1663 l77t 21a 3158 BEr;IJ rr 1810 1833 DI Wr 1563 astT 155 3651 xErir,Y s cA 1658 1520 2L5 t753 BARror r xE 1s52 L55' (P 1808 1901 5328 Lf O lc 1650r unr 215 5070 EIDE D 1561 165ar 6 x 1804 11 180f 9 TSS5JXACFARIANE A FT 1658 5 1551. 217 tt55 BrrRl{ xR ca 1550 1816 12 >r 1802 182a 158 35tl rBrrN s xB 1555 1770 E. L797 7 unr 218 32a3 CAPPBR D8 Cr 1558 L575 159 3SB3 rcRROr D FT 16{8 ur 3927 FORSTER x 1796 L7t6 r Cr 1558 1t09r 6 3962 c Pr 16t8 1533 6 5138JEr.rnR ,A r 'Ir,sor{ c Px 1559 1566 I 161 a239 cRIrDEtr ltB Gt 15t7 ur 22L 3227 DRAXE Ia L796 L7 unr AE I'II 1557 1619 162 3a39 BYFORD Ca cr 15{5 l7t3 222 a135 rorA A x 1793 1560 PE 1555 1555 163 305a arR^er Dr Irn 16a3 17 L720 223 5130 BOrRDrAtr .rF cr 15{9 E. L793 6 1569 2 7 1tL7. 154 t991 CHANDT,ER X lC 16a2 1637. zza st3t :A 1792r ur I cEaaFoRD o or 1517 1328 L65 t367 ROSSITBR PE Br 16a1 ltr 225 tO97 aCrRF R 5 fi L792 a7 1811 15 Aa 15a6 1660 166 aa51 NTBERO r rE 1636 5 1605 1561 TILSOI IE 17911 1710. JC rr 15{6 ur L67 ILL9 PRICE A 1635 1521 227 3996 DSVtJrr rE 1785 33 1750 a Ns 1515 10 t70?r 6 160 5225 IIICHOISd{ A Cr 163a 5 L6tt t798 HARTTGTN C ttT 11 1390 178{1 1593. 2 15t5 169 3618 EDN{ARD8 RE Cr 1631 15S5 6 a8{ljsrrPsGr alr Ns 15a5 11 L573 L2 L78t 1705r Llo tosT BENaON C CA 162S 15 uBr 8 L779r tStT 3328 ANELaON PR U8 15t5 10 1591 18 4766 CIARI C HA 1628 164 5 231 I1'1 PALXER BP FT 1513 5 1599 B L772r I 17a5r 6 172 {103 EAar I Pr 1626 1869 tag7JsrIEEIilN R IrH 15t3 1363

NZ Chess l8 . Cod€ ltaD CI gtaDdaral naDId . Codo lIaE CI BtanataEd RlDld Code llar Rat..Oa nat O. Rat..Or nrt Or 233 a155 TAIIOn a la 15{1 1501 5371 rcoD DA CA 1aa0 22 179ar 9 352 5350JB YE 231 3055 XAY .78 cr 1538 1451 29a 5073JVN DER f,trJr EP 1a3' ! 1603r 5294 BRUC 235 1STL GrBacf q rc 1537 1661r 295 353 5335 TAAHXBIOY Y Cr 1t35r 1a15r 35a aa8oJq[r {252 EInIT P]' BP 1537 296 1210 ur TrMlr !ari, tc 1a31 1a uDr 355 a05a Cqn 5250 nN{g PC rT 1537 1a 16gf 1o 5223 rrr,80r D PE 1a3f unr 356 4302 BEr 230 ao18 SETS C sB 1536 1607r 290 agOSJxrltRoB ![8 1a2O 10 DR 1502 6 357 5061 ROBI 239 5238 UITNJ E tc 1532r 4719. ?99 1692 ATETNBR I lC 1t2l 17031 5 358 3288 BOm 3512 YOtnrc P rc 1532 7 15351 5 300 53o5JPBrRAON D Cf, 1a22 5 tt77r 241 a10a x,tlir.Ia P Pl 1531 Lt92 sl.2aJTRrAa 359 4327 ATIJ C oa 1422 1,t75 350 525t (UAI 2t2 3552 XrLNE NO lt8 1528 1488 5 302 3107 PnEST(N in IlI 1l2o L2r7 351 1612 REO 2a3 lSOoJsHEErrAlI T Hr{ 152a tJ79 a695 irc! rc 1a20 7 L37L 5 'laEoNo 352 3387 EOR( 2ll t357 f,rlI(laf€ir zH xP 1523 L377 3oa aaTs oa{o r sP 1418 1289 353 a590 nq{r 2T5 GILXARTIN CI 1521 unr 305 t922jirrDu.ras 1a17 I or 4597 6 354 4852 NIC{ 215 3551'IO9 0IBB irr, 'T oT 1519 1158 305 a150 xIrrJJGrN rW ra 1a15 1503 365 t55t LrI( 217 1LSS RICTTARDAON tfT ra 151S 1639 307 3092 XEtRa (I[ N8 9 1r1a 1513 18 3788 XrrJ 2{8 l3a{ f,rriraR Br cr 1517r L6t7 308 aa76 ot{(t ir EP 1412 1t56 3431 VrIr 2{9 4131 WrrrBr.EY i, xP 1516 1518 309 5027 BULLCX O CI 1t1f 1146r 358 3071 rcRI 250 53l9JHrN D 15131 7 15001 5 310 51a5 EBTDBaON P lC 1ao8r t 195. 2SL 3795 ooLD m ot L5L2 L7 1685 15 359 a71S XBEr 5199 a'Ilt{xotflc I N8 1{08r 1185r 5222trr,l 252 3253 TIJAOBR@f, Lr IrE 1510 1559 aBs5jrox, J 1ao8r 1240 371 a7S9 Xr.Dr 5021 tril I r' EA 1510 1718r 313 t383 EInXETT PI CI 1aO7 1309 5327 25t 5774 rrxHArrJx E *a 1508. W 535t VISSB F PN 1a0rr tW ur 373 t77t Erril 255 a7{7 P[IF! O Dt 1505 llr 315 a996 rRost r8 AC 1106 7 L223. 37a 5298 CHO' 256 3302 BOXFOR ir EP 1502 1569 316 a935 mn xa 1101 11 1390 or 53a3Jf,rRr 1966 EAI.IJ C cr. 1502 5 1610 317 3895 B[rNraTER C OT 1399 11 L337 258 3527 o'clNl{oR irr, FT 1501 153 0 t356 rARA D 1399 L622 376 a895 ClLr 259 533{ EANNI O ct 1499r 1450r 319 a071 rc(nrRx 1396 1280 A M 377 5063 CIOZ .826 XERRY i' Fa 1199 5 1507 320 1206 suI&IvAN CE n8 1395 Lt57 378 3810 26L 5215 RAXANAXUXIR S 1a93 7 ,.7514 6 321 Elr 5o5UNICHOI;La i' rE 1391 1117 379 a93a lrr^! 3929 AO(IIHGATE B CI^C 1'93 1{15 6 322 3888 NEII. RX 1393 1532 3SO t5o6 POC]( ?63 t709 POCOC( Grt CIA 1a86 1503 6 323 3901 vAt{ z@xERErI J Or 1391 1t5a 6 SrnI 261 5110jmr€oN irx PE 1{82 r 381 al06 1501 50{7 rRrctm c 8P 1391 L367a 302 5276 Brm 265 I2LI PREDERItrSOTT iI I'E 1'78 1509 325 397t GILLEaPIE iro CI 1388 6 1405 6 53{7JYAM 255 5102 EACRIBAM' N YB LI77 ur 4177 iroRDAN Pi, cr, 1388 1t 90 384 a35a BAC| I1I7 BO(,IIII BR YT LI77 1438 4270 fiTRNER Pf 1388 1391 P 385 5l0l GRA( 264 167A OILrcUR I *T 1t72 ur 328 1011 mrrTAxER B rC 1383 7 1382 386 5386 RErr 269 r95a DNtEa O t tTt 1410r 329 t551 c@x i, rB 1379 15 1384 387 5o76lCHEr I25O GRIPPIX P ET 1'71 ur 330 a561 EEyrN I L37S 1419 388 5092 DAV] 27L 5329 GEOROB A Na 1a70.10 1545 12 331 a{1a vrltcBnT 1376 DA rC 1354 389 4527 rcG( 272 3AL6 orR{E EA rC 1a69 7 14 06 332 t053 PrrraBInY A AC 1372 ur arofl 4227 rcoD c ra 1t69 1509 333 3902 sTorrE 390 a518 Ro oT 1370 6 1a55 15 4088 rAcl 271 l6OL VOgg PiI GA 1a68 11 unr 33a 1182 RXID DI Or 1359 11 1216 392 510S POr: 275 527? HARIaH R tT 1a67 13 1152r 335 5182 ROmAND !I AC 135S 7 Ll27a 6 393 51a6 CrLI 1096 xEBIJlx! RrJ AA 1167 11 1500 336 ta91 rvAltcrc B PE 1367 111a r 3355 Xrlll 277 1938 ITRBTNAXI Z rA 1a60 1566 3233 SHARUY Z Cr L367 ,.tzt 395 aa50 FORr 275 175t rlrANa t Na ,.t59 10 1a56 18 335 3322 BAI,D{IN PA DIA 1352 4269 5 3301 oREr 279 SLSO TBAANYT,X Y AC 1{58 1669r 161{ (pEcrErJ E GA 1362 unr 397 aa83 COE 280 1531 RYAN P OI Lt57 1t95 310 3708 WATTER C *T 1356 1393 3854 tAGr 281 BBNNRTT AT AA 1T56 LI?L 311 5333 ir^coBa H NA 135ar10 15901 6 3926'155 RErD A rru 1a55 lJr 312 5280 rooD B 1353. 1296r 399 5331 CEOI 4957 roor 3OI5 TRI'ITDLE GE GT. 1T56 1II5 343 3357 APEIiCH.-SITH PA l0o r01 5136JrrArJ zel S?7O IIAEN8CII E 1t55r unr N8 1350 3 tt37 L2 2S5 3021 r,rltcg Dr EE 1a5lr llr t660 rlraoN l m, 1350 ltr 402 {658 VAN 296 t723 POLTTRD B *r 1t51 13 1a85r 3a5 t891 oRACB B PE 1315r 1085r {03 5382 CRrn 287 a865JAE-CUEE IL AC 1{t9 11 1505r 3t6 t75L XtoRE a, rB 1339 3 1tt5 530' PEAJ 4031 H(I{rRI) A AC Ltt9 Lt t26t.L2 317 5t52 @TPERTHITT P t{S 1336r 135tr 5369 sHEl 289 t566 tpRxrN cR EP 1aa3 3le t92l EOTDTxIAY S OA 1335r Lt37r ao6 5198jRrrfl 290 ao{a rcInTOaH ir or 1aa2 11 '.t65a5L7 5071 moxlc IlI NA 1335110 1106 23 407 1897 TAn 291 5319 Drsg O IE 1a{f 15 L397. 6 350 5115 BRTDDOCf, i' UrI 1332 unE a08 53asjLrlr 292 1903 PTXENHAI i' AC 1{{0r 1633 1786 RITCHIE A 1332 11 1370 Or 4980 vrR(

NZ Chess a 8t.ha-rd RrDlal l9 . Cod6 NaE CI' atmdard naDid . Codo lIaE CI aE ndardt ltaDlif RaE,, ,Ca Rrt (b Rat..Oa Ret Oa nat..Ga Oa t Ltto 22 L791. 9 Rat 352 5350JB YER R 1330r w 110 5312 irEoftt PP 12101 6 , EP 1137 1603r cu 7 L2L6. 353 5294 BRUCE I IP 1325r ltr tLL 3772 errJrlvrN x 1435r 1115r c, us 1209 L2a2 35a aaooJcEIrJvBRA C HP 1321 1360 6 {12 t01a ar a 1{31 1l u[E cr c uc 12081 1231 355 a05a couRTrIsY Hx oa 1319 13a9 6 S3a6JaTArrovtc 1208r ,8 14 31r uD.l B ur 356 a382 BErZ A rc 1318r unr r1a 50a6 DoNNJDEoiI tA AP 1207. E 1{28 10 1502 6 ur 357 5061 ROBB i' rll 131f 1250r 415 a035 aroHNsdr 1206 c Ltzt 17031 5 Ja 1112. 358 3288 BOm.ER nP trP 1309 LtaT 4735 SHEEITAIiI 1205 '^ 5 L177. aB m 12tf Lt22 359 t327 ITXIlfaq{ a, cA 1306 tr 1t22 tt75 1505 It7 5L22 SXrTE L FT 12oa L222a 360 5264 GIETEEiT D HP 1305r uar LEsTBR x 1t20 L277 lls s2t7 R rC 1202 unr 361 4512 REllrrE E 1298r 1438 lL9 t937 BBECS J AA 1200 1313 c 1t20 7 l,37t 6 362 3357 EOROYSXTS a' BP 1297 1300 P 1418 1289 120 t9t7 srll(fia Ds xr 1199 uar 363 1590 RO[Br;r, r ot 129a 11 1t69 9 421 5228JPEIRCB n 1198 A LILT 1597 6 1383r 361 1852 IIICILL A EP 1293 1308. a 1{15 1503 122 r59tJcHErf RT wE 1196 1377 365 a55t LNIO r rN 1291 1513 BUR}€ a 1a1l 9 1513 18 {23 l5a1 O X} 1195 1285 3788 o xP 1291 6 P 1412 1156 Er.rr 1385 a2l 5216JI{(XIYEI T IrE 119ar llr 3131 YrN DER P lrA 1291 9 18 r 1411r 1146r rsr 1a62 425 5357 RUSAET.IJ P Pr 1193r IIr 358 3074 rcRnl8or{ rx rc 1290 12 1130 5 GORTrcN c 1{08r t 195. {25 4169 RX ES 1192 1a08 369 1TLS rEaaBr.ER FT 25 a 1ao8r 1185r r"T 1288 4272 127 sLI'' ABAAIAI I AC 11807 ur 5222JWIIAON P8 1288r W 14 08r 1248 iI 3532 rcRrE iIE Pr 1108 L232 371, l7S9 ITDDREII Xr, 1287 r. lto7 1309 W t397r 129 5357 osBoRrG R tra 1186 13 ur 5327 TEVTOT lC 1297r |{SUCHILVERA H 1407r u.Dt: P ur 130 I UP 1182 13Sa 6 373 t77t EDIARDA C PT 1285r uDr 131 a889J8HEETSUR qf, c 1405 7 L2234 P 1181 1363. 371 S29e Cllgrlxr aE t277a 805. r 1401 11 1390 a 432 335a CTRLN|D I m 1178 1103 S3l3JXIRrrArft,IXmr C 133 a{98 CIARI 1176 r 1399 11 L337 BX aP 1507 12774 ur a3a 5167 CROnE P IIH 1171r 13 99 L622 W 375 ae95 CoIJJIll(TooD Y *T 1275 lrr 435 5360JHBRUArA x 1396 1280 i' tE l16ar uDr 377 5063 CIOZE B S1 L27t 1182 12 l7a2 JI,I)XIIIa OA 1161 I 1395 1457 OIJ 1368 5 378 3810 E-CIREOOR Lp rB 1267 110a. 137 5035 PRAaTD 1163 E 1394 LILT IJ CI ltr 379 l93t rurrllrl I GA 1265. g7t. a3s 5188 P@[E n rc 1162 unt 13 93 L532 380 a6o6 POCOCf, R GA 126a L299 439 5a05 ItRTrrr P tc 116f 7 unr ot L19L 1a5t 6 381 aa06 aTRBEI a XA 1262 ur 5117 mTg R rrH 116f unr P 1391 L367a 352 5276 Brr'[r,ER i' cr 1259r ur la1 a603 TrIr C PX 1158 ur I 1388 6 1405 5 53a7JYAMl a, 1259r uEr ll2 3320 ErPXrt€ B AC 1155 7 1399r a L 1388 1t 90 381 a35a BACXHqTSE C IrH 1258 1313 3312 aroNBs q NA 1156 9 L297 6 r 138S 1391 385 5l0l OR.LCE A L257r 7 unr 1ll 3257 nEBBER CB IrH 11a8 11 1201 e 1303 ? 1382 386 5385 REII{ER G FT 1255r unr {{5 PAGE A 7 E 1379 15 1384 11t5 115f 5 387 5076JCrrEMt lr N8 125t 9 1{58 12 4730'590 Holrc, D FT^c 11a5 12 L37S 1a 19 Ll96a 388 5092 DAVIa B c,r, 1250 13af ra7 533S SULLTVTII c 1375 135t A(t Ng ur 10331 5 399 4527 rccutAt{ A XP 12a9 1391 lla 1679 a L372 ur IIBBIA A rT 1139 12 ur 390 l51S iICsEa A rT 12ag 5 unr lr9 a6t0 rRAtflrr 1135 13o1r I 1370 6 1455 15 o ca 4088 IACmNATTD JR Aa 12a8 1561 450 a598 YORSTON r 1359 L2L6 XIJ iA 1133 llr 392 5108 POrIlrr G L2t6r 1a19r 451 3187 NEI|XTN 1132 : 1368 '.17 Ll27' 6 B IrH L22L 393 SLl6 CATDER 1215 z L367 111lr ir rC W 152 5116 oRR r Irs 1130 ur 3365 rDlaOR X8 12a5 11 1S L L357 Ltzt Br 1l5B 453 a519 IIJJPREaA X 1120 7 uDr 395 at50 FORnES 12a0 uD.r 3 1352 1259 5 X Xl 4775 AtEVErSotr r ca t120 5 1191 3304 GRBITBRa rCS [ 1362 unr LP 12t0 132{ 18 {55 5113 BrrrJocx oF 1118r LL77T 397 @rTBR BP r 1356 1393 al83 tr 1237r 1383 156 527t WrLAO{ A *A 1115 12 unr 385{ rrcsTtFP N8 1237 10 15 3 135{110 15901 6 oc 1390 457 52a0 BowDEN P UH 1112 ur 1353r L295r 399 5331 oEoRcB R NA 1235110 1393 12 .58 I5'3 VAN DER BT'RO G TP 11OB 1302 4957 P PA 400 rooD \c L229 13201 6 159 51aB BraxrIEr,D D 1102. unr a01 5136JEN.L OT L227 L7 15 3 1350 3 Lt37 L2 PJ 1533 160 s112 GOTHORP TIIT 1101 L220 6 102 4658 VA}{ DEN BOACH X r 1350 unE 161 a939lPor ar t8 1098r L1,97 3 1315r 1085r sP L223 L2t7 6 162 1790 XRAITLIZ PE WA 1096 unr 103 5382 CRrrxxEr s cA 3 1339 3 1tt5 1220r llr 5296 SARRAT R I'E 10967 ur 5301 PBIRaOU CA g la 1336r 135ar O 1220 1360r 161 5259 rAtNsEIiIr FT 1095r 1105r 5369 AHE,IRIII(I g 1335r 1t37r FT 12201 5 w 165 5|06JHO[XIXrNSOI BP NA 1089r I unr 105 s198JRrrTr{BRFoRD Rr N8 12191 9 1311 5 465 5235JLil 12 1335r10 1{06 23 i' FT 1088 1388r t07 te97 TAYTOR C 1217 a9lSlcAriLErrJY L332 unr trr ur 467 D or 1087 1188 t5 408 53a5JLIlr H L2L2T 11351 1332 11 L370 6 168 5150 TRCIAN B Cr 1085r unr .980 VARGA 8 HP 1212 L?25a a69 5090 Lrar.B o tL 1083r ur

NZ Chess 20 . Coda IiI@ CI ataDdardt neplat . cod€ llalE CI atrnarrd napld , Cod. xaD Ret..Oa Rrt Or nat..Ga nat Or 470 4780 nc a, cr 1o?1 1293 1876 rcErnDr o g67r ur 580 s2oUCNfiDr t1L 3250 RN{NSLEI DC SP 1050 1258 529 5252JYITE8 P O! 860r 1002r 5S9 5395 rr,ArM.F t72 3L3l CrrERorC D or 106a 11 ,-2t2 530 53?8 CROSBTB C rr 859r uar 590 5397 I,TAr R asoojvl}r,rreR8 A nB 10611 1119 531 Rq,NTIITAITE T FT 850 12 99lr 591 5156 ArrrE E I7I IgLI GRIPFITEA TR EE 1053 1183 532 5007'896 TOrNE C WA 039r W 592 525UDB rI,m 5121 PEREZ B EP 1053r Er 533 50S5 HAXr(tr D WA 825 ur 5t08 rolo sr 176 IL3A EAYES R xP 10581 1t89r 534 5o52JIANDRIOA[ N AP 82t. unr 594 5253 FTTZGm 177 5345 BCTIES P rrT 1056 13 ltr 535 a580 arAnDr!{E c AC a22 unr 595 517aJZrrA!re r 478 5196 CIOBTE D NA 1055r I 1092 10 536 5229JfrAO Y ST 81ar uBr 596 5312JRAXcczr 479 l3o8 BOEKHOLT E tE 1051 1113 537 5135JHUOHBS C Ot 799. 1113r 597 516r rHoRlrrr ISO 5212 REAI{D i, IIA 10{7r uDr 538 sos3JQIrrNrJAN ar aP 782 u!,8 598 5310 rArRuA t81 t170 RTXOCZY O RO 10{3 1100. 539 5380 rINYTRD Ir c,l, 776r ur 599 5273 rrrNRoE as2 53o7JJBPPnEYA r CA 10a2 5 L225. 5lo 5297 XLI-POI D gP 773. ur 600 3710 PBDDIE t83 5078 rr.rDBRAOr X rC 1041 1337r 5{1 s3aSjrcxaclrNrE aI 76gr ur 601 5206 iIBPSEN 5079 DTRLM R tE 10lf Lt72 512 l72A AIITEIm r, rT 761 910r 502 5421 0'RClIRr ass 3582 XARD Cr, Xr 1039 llr 513 5357 BRNU{TX P ra ?60a ur 603 5a12 RrrDXrM aS6 lA79 IANS l, rC 1037 uDr 5aa 538a oaBoRNB E rT 7t7 A2 uDr 60{ 529UHA!I r 487 5230 EATI I AP 1036r ur 5295 ROAE r. UE 717. ur 605 a705 ErrEr.rN ago s3aaJgHEPHEnD C 103ar w 516 5353jffim D rT 7l5r unE 5175Jrc D 489 5118 TIIN|XAD AF IrE 1032 uDr: 517 5203 EARTrOrtr i' 730r uar 607 517OJRmDD( a26l SIBPEB{a nC UU 1032 109ar 5{8 5o9UROBIIISOiI I If, 72gr unr 608 525{ DRAZEN a91 523UDONNB I aP 1030. 1168r 549 5250 ETCHErir, A 708r 1121 609 5395 oEHraY a92 a92oJnICHARDSCII A Aa 10271 1080 550 5352JPRAEIAN R rT 70f uDr 610 al99JOAr.Ef, I 493 a955 YEATTA T AC 1023r L229. 6 551 5358 PAnXER E FT 585r unr 611 5313JrnXB N tgt 5062 ruRrrxosE ir r[B 1021r L212. 552 5089 CURT.EY D WA 677 ur 5L2 5122 DEVERAI {552j8rrrFon R HH 1021r LI72 553 523aJJOVIC Y FT 626r unr 613 5159 FORD C 196 l99A CROAWBLL J Or 1020 100a 554 5232JrARrE i, aP 513r ur 611 5120 PRTAER 197 {655J8IIEEIIAN I I{H 1019 1209. 555 5151 lor.r.ilrcm E 6of unr 515 5096JLrND8A] a98 a9oEJHI,RRItl(' P XP 10171 1152 556 5270 EtIm{a R FT 559r unE 615 529OJPATEn€( 199 1507 VAlr STRATBN D NA 1015 10 1176 6 557 5777 HANAEN A HA 5357 uDr 617 525BJIB Z U 500 1782 CIOX B cr 1011 1153 5376 oLrvER a, xt 535r 9361 6 518 509aJ8HERr.s 501 5042 rrr.rcrcE o cr 1010 7gl. 559 5236JraNDRIGAtr r 8P 399r ur 619 5309 arAPr,El 507 1727 ARlroLD R rT 1001 12 999r 550 5311 ROBINAOU irl Ct unr 1796r 520 5332 ORIBBEI 503 5009 arErrFr a cr 992 936r 551 3317 PESCB rS O! uD! 178f 6 621 531aJXrrAAa8 504 5351 LYC{A S f,C 978r ur 562 5a09 frYNN D Ptr ur L7324 I 5181 VEI.DIIU: 505 5219 IZHANBTXAEIEV !I 563 5'17 XTrcE I CI lJr L7224 6 523 528rJPr,FI\In ot 977r ur 554 5020 I{APATAIJI lt Of unr L7zLA 5081 I,YFORD a5o2JREO{rE T rE 977 11t0 555 t807 ERrX,SB| irB XB ur L7,-6 625 5169JZrnrOP'( 5O7 1620 PHIIiI.IPA D GA 976 L227 566 5191 SEREBRIANI ir unr 1559r 625 5282JTE oxA 508 4916 irACX.aON r NA 9721 9 130S 1S 557 5320 rATAON iI unr 1654. 627 5176JC!OCE I 5241 XEnR A IrH 972 ur 558 5101 BBI€HAX D uu 1650. 5 528 5186JADAX8 , 510 5150 CLAESSEI{ J XP 9551 1189r 559 5l1B HAI| X unr 153tr 6 529 5a1l Brlrrrln 511 5158JROSB N SP 9651 899 5?0 5318 IRIE I AC unr 1558r 518'JITDDEI 5L2 5239 BRUCKER G I'H 955 lff 571 5399 AXITS E HP unr 1537. 6 631 5259 VTDAXO' 513 5257 XO C EY 953r unr 572 5255 COm'f R ur 1500r 612 5372 GTIOaB l 51,t 5226 IJAZX R GA 951r rE 573 4058 IeS R Ct unr 1t 95r 633 a533 UOr.rnN 515 PBIERE P XP ur 1133 571 5113 TERRY IJ lI8 unr 1{89r12 53a 5101JRrCruR 515 t557'63I BERAY r NA 932r ur 575 4353 eTETEIJ II Ct unr 1485. 535 lS39JXWAIr(| 517 5066JBATANrCI r E 9?7 42L7. 576 5330 firlPlr{a ar rlr 1461. 635 5315JRAxcz 518 5323jzrzr r tla 925. 5 1071. 577 5259 NBDBI,JXW 8 W 1438. 537 5155JrsALrER 519 a799JBNrm r rE 920. 1131 578 a8oucHf, c rE tru 1435 638 5O5aJROCERS 520 a90a arBEf,sm r ot 9171 1373r 579 5a19 gtcrrrRo\rlc A t{E ur 1a21. 6 639 5151 CpII)IIA 521 s3surcC,rl;t 8 912r uDr 580 539a OEaenRX I ur 1390. 5 5t0 5200 csurER 52? t827 COLLrIWOD G rT 910 11 1118r 581 5a00 IIAP,MPIB r unr 13921 6 611 5227 ref,lr 523 5379 COCXER P CI 898r ur 582 530e TE X.lnB B Ag ur L3794 542 5098 BOID 8 52a sotejJorsradr-RoMlo E 583 5192JsrcIH d, PN ur 1319r a g95r 6a3 5411 Wrr4ol aP 1131r 581 5183 XARSHAIJJ ir 8P unr 1338r 6at 5178JXOPP l 525 5233JSrCTC s fll 889r unr 585 508oJURBAXSXI JA Ag unr 1331 5a5 5336 rDO T 5362 rooDcocx c AC 8B9r unE 586 5410 NBHBOTLD A ur ,-329. 9 5{6 5213 RO88 r 527 5253 ErNr0r T HP 967. uaE 587 5213 DAVEY D PN Ur 1315. a 5a7 5177JcoHBr

NZ Chess 20 2t gtaDdetd L naDld Coda XaD C]' atrDdrEd nrDtd Cod6 XrD Cl at.Ddtrd nq)ld tat..Oa nat Oa nt..Or nt Or nrt,.Ot nrt O. 057. uDr 580 52oUHN.LIDf,Y ! Ot llr 1311. 6a8 s187JrcxBEIE ! 8D w 995. I 8601 1002r 589 5395 lLrXrApAE I ur 1303. 6 5293JoLDPrED a' w 995r 590 5397 I 859r ur rrTN R IlE 1301. 6 650 5t16 BTRIiY irx Bs w 9781 5 E 850 12 99at 591 5155 SfTE D m u.or 1290. 551 5373jwrrrLlu8 D urlE 977. I 939. ur 592 525UDB Alrra Dr O! ur LZ77r 652 1630 XIIOSIIOI R XP uBr 968 I 826 uEr 5a08 mrc sY lI8 t?77rL7 653 5163 IITRRISOW A w 957. I 824. uu 591 5253 FIIZ€RAIL R unE LZ7S. 654 5315JRoGBRa B RO ur 95ar C 422 unr 595 517aJzHAr{Gl I IrE ur 1265r 555 5321 BACTEUA L N8 ur 952r t 81li unr 596 5312JRAroCZY IJ RO w 1258r j 't99. 656 5286JDARCE C w 95f 6 1113r 597 515a TgoRlrTan D ur 1253r 657 5288JirIrDxM8 I lJr 9l7r a 7fi2 ura 598 5310 ITIRUA P RO ur 1215r 658 5317JlroR,rran a, Ro ur 9t5. | ?76. uDr 599 5273 I[IIROE aI rT lE 12lor 659 rgogjlruRRlno C x.p llr 939 . ?'lX. uE 600 3710 PBDDIB ra pX uE: 1219 560 5287JWARD it 769. uE: pN unr 922. 601 5206 arBPaElI II urr 1218r 661 5a15 YAO S lXE uDr: a 76L 910r 92L. I 502 5121 O.RoSRXE I Xp ur 12121 6 662 100?JaA!I8oI I rE ur 913 I ?60. ua! 503 5412 RITDXINa L Ng ur 12OOr 5 663 520UKRAr,ER I 717 L2 uDr I EP uc 907r 60a 529UHA!r r gP uDr 1199r 56a S2S5JrrLTSEIRE I w 906r a 717. uEr 605 a705 HUELIN R N? uDr 1197r 665 5210 Dgroylc a 71lS. uDr I PN ur 904. 5175JrO D 8P ur 1197 666 5179 aTOHNaTO!{E 71O. E CA uDr 899. 507 517oJREDDI!KIT(!I D 8p ur 1196 667 515a PEIEAS gTgr I 728r uDr lC !I8 ur 608 525a DRAZEN D O! ur 1186r 658 5292 BADI P r LL2L EPW 83a 708r 609 5396 oBHLRT r uDt 11781 6 I 701. ur 659 5398 BEIJAEAX I ur 012. 6 610 aa99JoAr.BA D IrE ur LL72 670 52E3JBOrADBRAa X u.Dr 800. I 6g5r uDr 611 5313JrAr(B 1677ltr n RO urr 1165r 671 asaUBArrER I iE unr 7A7 612 5122 DEVERIIiL i, cI ltr 11611 5 672 5172JXIDDII 8 gp unr 793r ? 625r ur 613 FORD C i 513r 5159 XP w 11561 6 673 5185JLrNNRr A gp unr 76? ur 51a 5120 PRASER A Xp w 11tar 5 674 sOtSJurx.ETrNA 601r uDr o 8P ur 756. I 569r 615 5o95JLINDAAI i' r.s ua! 1130 675 5o39JIlrxErINr, Ip 8p uar 751r unr 616 529oJPATERAO!r R ur 1129. 676 5173jmrc \ 536r unr x 8P ur 69?r 617 525BJABAZ U lI8 urr LL2L. 577 5007JsrrDA u nB IIr 679r \ 5351 9361 6 618 so9aJaHERICx a, tE ur 1118 578 sO1lJC:oILBt{ I 672 | 399. rE unr 619 5309 aTAPLEY i, tE uEr 111a. 579 517UCHE8R t 8P unr 657. 620 5332 SRIBBEil C unE 1111. 680 s3TrlIURVEr P unr 638r I EDr 17811 6 521 s3laJXIraABa a, Ro unr 1102r 681 sooOJllcHIrOB D WE unr 593r I UDE L132. a 51S1 VBLDHUIaBI L ur 1102r 6S2 5375JrcvEAOE I unr s72r ! uDr 6 L722r 623 528aJPLErcHER r ur 1093r 603 SlgOJorrJJ A 8P unr a68r i ur L72Lr 5081 LYPoRD i, Ag ur 1093r 684 5189JPOVBru|C,V 8 I ur L7t6 8P ur a1ar 625 5l69jztAToPolsrr B 8P ru 10g?r 585 5015JNArX A XE unr ?52a EAr 1569r 525 5282JTE orA I unr 1078r u 1654r 627 5176jc!ocH P IrE unr 1073r Zonal game utr 15501 6 528 5186JADAX8 i' 8P unr 1071r uEr 16311 6 g 629 5l1a BIIIIAIID AC u.Er LO67. 6 Reilly,T (2258) - DiveR 9 e440, i unr 1568r 51SaJ!ADDEIF 8P lru LO6tr I R 6 [F.48] EE: 15371 5 631 5259 VIDAf,OVIC V Ng unr 1OG5r 1.d4 0f6 2.c4 Er 1500r 632 5372 GHOSE R AB uar 1063r 6 3.0d 0b4 4.e3 c5 5.Qd3 , unr 1495r 633 4633 BOIIAI|D a' f,P uDr 1057r Oce e.OgeZ crd4 7.exd4 d5 8.cxd5 &ds u[r 1a89r12 63a slounrcHrnDsol N t8 ur 1O5O 9.Qc2 Qe7 10.0{ Of6 il.a3 0{ l2.gd3 b6 , uDI: 1485r 635 a839JXI[$re B rE 1Oa9 ur 13.Qg5 14.Qh6 Ee8 ur 1a6r 636 5315JRrXOCZY L Ro ur 10a5r 96 l5.Eadt Qb7 t6.Efe1 uE 1430r gd7 637 5165JWALTER8 X unr 10a1r r7.Eh3 E8d8 18.Qb3 oaS tg.Qaz us w 1135 53S 5o5{JnOOER8 i, XIB unr loaor 20.d5 21.Qrd5 E uDr: 1a21. 6 fuds Qrd5 22.fod5 erdS 539 5161 @trDHARl a, Xp unr 1o3ar Enr 13981 6 23.Wxd7 ExdT 24.ctc3 EedS 25.Exe7 610 5200 CHUTER iI Ng unr 1032r EreT ur 13921 6 6tL 5227 rocrN c ur 1031. 26.Q95 EedT 27.Qxd8 ExdS 28.Exd5 Erd5 ur L379r 5t2 5098 BOYD 8 l8 1028 UD'E L3l9a I ur 29.fud5 fo4 30.OcZ 0xb2 3l.0xb5 a6 5f3 5a11 mIJaCI C tI8 w to26r 5 ur 1338r 32.*7 8s 33.6fl 6re 5aa 5178JXOPP A 8P ur 1018r u.Oos fs 3s.6e2 6fl Er 1331 6a5 5336 rID T Cl ur 1017r 36.Ob6 be6 37.6d2 6d6 38.6c2 6c6 39.6rb2 ur L329r 9 516 52a3 ROAa r Of ur 10O7r 6xb6 40.f4 h6 uDr 1315r a 41.6b3 6US 95 43.fxg5 6a7 5177JCOHEI r I'U ur 997. hxg5 44.h3 g4 45.hxg4 fxg4 46.a4+ 6c5 47.b8 l/t-y, NZ Chess 22 23 22nd, Waitakere Licensing Trust Open ordgame and agreed a draw. This prompted For wfuming all five games Smith added a $30 Mclaren to offer Smith the draw he needed bonw to the top prue of $220. Second equal By FM Bob Smith for first place. Smith declined, only to miss on 4/5 were Brent Cooze (Ilastings), Albert Whether it was the record prize-money The other surprising c+leader was Bruce the win in time trouble. The game was Tibble (Waitemata), Akbil Ashrafr (Wait- ($3600), the excellent playrng conditions, or Wheeler (1940) who upset with a decisive win eventually drawn (king and rook pawn versus emata) and R. Utai. the free refreshments afterwards, the 22nd over Mclaren's Sicilian. king). Meanwhile Shurt stopped Bennett's Special $50 prizes went to Vivian Smith edition of the country's biggest weekender run, ensuring he did not reach four points. Lr (best womaq 3W5 n the B grade) and Ryan Round 3 athacted a record number of players to West other key games, Krstev beat Wheeler to reach Trass (best junior,3l5 n the A grade). Round 3 on Saturday often produces upsets and Auckland on May I arrid 2. In all, 82 players 3Yz, and Beach could only draw with Mistry. Director of play for the three tournaments some erratic competed including many from out of town chess. The key clashes were Ku- So four out of frve was enough to give Bob wrur once again Graham Banks, who did his lashkoSmith (one player even hailed from Christchurch!). and Wheeler-Stuart. Kulashko Smith first outrighl with Kulashko, Green, usual eflicient job, while Tony Kesseler did tried the same innocuous line played A new advent this year was free entry for he suooess- Stuart and Krstev stnring second. The wirurer much of the other organising this year, giving fully against Smith the International I\rlasters and discormted entry for in Latvian Gambit Toru- took home $650, while the runners-up re- perennial organiser Bob Smith the chance to nament ldarch. Smith Fide lv{asters. One of the first to take up this in replied innocuously ceived nearly $250 each. Hilton Bennett won concentrate a little more on his chess. also, and the real was offer was IM Ortvin Sarapu. Sadly Ortvin fight delayed until the the top grade yrae with 3, Paul Beach also The prizes were presented by Ross Dallow, middlegame. Alexei worked passed away before the tournament; he was himself into time scored 3 to take out the second grade, and chairman of the Waitakere Licensing Trust, trouble, missed a tactical blow and managed to rernernbered with a moment's silence at the Ryan Trass won the third grade, also with 3 which once again provided generous sponsor- avoid checkmate only going opening ceremony. by into an ending points. ship. Ross noted Ortvin Sarapu's passing and three pawns down, when the result was The A grade was perhaps not as strong as in never in recalled meeting "Mr Chess' many years ago doubt. Wheeler continued his good run by draw- B tournament recent years; notable absentees were M Rus- (he had since presented many prizes to OrtvirU ing with Shurt, and must have pleased Thirty players in the separate 'B' sell Dive, who was still in Australia after the been to who won this tournament seven times). l:eve 2.513 after the day. Tournament, utrich was not decided until the Oceania Zonal, artd FM Paul Garbett. lust Also on 2.5 was After the prize-giving free drinks and Hilton Bennett (1946), wtro last rowrd. The evenhral winner was John Nevertheless, the 20 players in the A Grade had beaten Spiller refreshments were providd with Bob Smith (1969) and Krstev (2031) in consecutive Huggins, of the Auckland Chess Centre, with included seven rated above 2000 and foru rorurds. reminding everyone to mark May 6 and,l, 4W5. He played the swiss gambit to perfec- members of the most recent Olympiad team. Round 4 20@ on their millenium calenders. tion, drawing his hrst rormd and then making Heading the field was Olympiad board one In round four the sole leader, SmitlL had black a withering run to take home $320. Second Alexei Kulashko (2348), who tied for fust last against Bennett, a game he would Selected games have been equal on 4/5 were Graeme Pocock from year. His cewinners Peter Stuart (2200) and favoured to win. However, after winning a pawn Tokoroa, Bruce Tidey (Waitemata) and Henry Kulashko,A - Smith,R Leonard Mclaren (2230) were also back to he was unable to convert the rook and pawn Vital (Auckland Chess Centre). R 2 [A30] defend their title. Others expected to be in the ending, Bennett claiming a draw by repetition. Graeme was helped someMrat when top 3.Qb2 s.Qg2 hunt for the top prizes were FM Bob Smith Meanwhile Kulashko bowrced back with a con- r.oB of6 2.b3 96 Qg7 4.{t re seed Scott Mcleod failed to show up on 8.Oc3 (2340) and NZ Master Peter Green (2178). vincing win over Wheeler, and Green also closed Qb7 6.0-0 o4 7.c4 c5 d6 9.d4 cxd4 Sunday after scoring lW3 on Saturday. His gc8 ObdT to within half a point of the lead by beating 10.fud4 Qxg2 11.6192 12.C Round I Alan was the second unacccptable withdrawal &om Durur. 13.Od5 EeE 14.Eet h5 r5.gd2 a6 l6.Eadl The hrst round was almost a perfect swiss the B grade. The other was Lynn Parlane, who gb7 19.Wc2 kading scores with one round go: u.Oca Ocs ls.R Eadt Ect result, only Paul Spiller's draw with Wayne to Smith 3.5; after losing two games decided the organisers Kulashko, Greer\ Bennett 20.6g1 Power and Hilton Bennett's draw with Ryan 3; Mclaren, Shrar! should not have accepted her entry for the B Krstev, Wheeler, Faul Beach 2.5. Trass spoiling a clean sweep by the top seeds. grade and should have moved her to the C Round I Round 5 grade. She protested by pulling out, causing a But after rormd two, only three players still The crucial final rormd pairings were Smith- default in round 3. These withdrawals will be had maximum points. Kulashko beat Robert Mc[*ren, Green-Kulashko, Bennett-Stuart. the subject of reports to NZCF. Goris (21a3) in a complex Sicilian. Goris With wtrite against Mclaren, Smith gained an C tournament looked to have a draw in hand, but badly overwhelming advantage from the opening. The C Tournament also had a clear wirner. misplayed the ending. Smith essayed I b3 However, Mclaren managed to survive into an Howick-Pakuranga's Bob Smith (no relation) against Green and sufEciently confused his endgame a pawn down. Meanwhile, Kulashko scored 5/5, leaving rnany to wonder whether opponent that Peter overlooked a simple loss and Green swapped pieces to an equal endgame Howick's estimate of their unrated member's in a still very unclear position. and agreed a draw. playlng strength was accurate.

NZ Chess NZChess 24 20...b51 2l.cxb5 axb5 22.Odxb5 Ocre4 Mistry,P - Davies,R 1998-99 NZ correspondence championship 23.fxe4 9xb5 24.9f2 Wa5 25.lUB Ogl Ze.Ect R2 [A00] ByGordon Hoslyn Ec7 27.fu4 Excl 28.Excl Qxb2 29.fub2 gd2 1.d4 0f6 2.c4 e6 3.oR b6 4.e3 QnZ 5.Qe2 QeZ 30.Od3 gxh2+ 31.6fi 9ra2 32.We2 9rb3 6.(H) 0{ 7.oc3 d6 8.Qd3 0bd7 9.e4 e5 Bruce Barnard has taken out the 65th New Here's one of Barnard's winning games from 33.691 9b6+ 34.6d2 Eb7 3s.Of4 O16 s6.Eet l0.Eel exd4 11.fud4 Ocs r2.Qbr a5 13.f4 Z,ealard correspondence championship - for last yeat's correspondence championship. Ebs 37.6h2 Ogl+ guZ SC.Ods ExeZ Ee8 14.e5 dxe5 l5.fxe5 OfdZ f6.Od5 QfB the third year in a row. He was undefeated, lt.6lr Barnard,B - Dive,R 40.Exe2 6fs lt.6g2 e6 42.fu3 Eb3 43.Odl 17.Q14 ie6 18.Oxe6 Exe6? 19.Qf5 Qxd5 with six wins and foru draws, scoring 8/10. tB04l Ebl 44.0c3 Eb3 45.Odl Ed3 46.Ob2 Ee3 20.cxd5 Ee8 21.e6 Qc5+ 22.6h1 Of6 23.exfl+ In second place, one point away, was Tim Notes by Btttce Barnard 47.Exe3 Oxe3+ 48.68 Og4 and 0-l on move 6xI7 24.Qe6+ 6f8 25.Qe5 QOO ZO.Qxte grte Doyle, utro was also nrnner-up the previous 70. 0-1 27.Vg4 Qe5 28.Ug8+ 6e7 29.d6+t Wxd6 year. 1.e4 Of6 Bjelobrlql - Mclaren,L 30.9fl+ 6d8 3l.Eadl Qd4 32.Qd5 Ef8 There was a higher-than-usual number of A specialty of Russoll's, so I knew I was in adjudications, caused in part by the death of for a tough time. R 4 [E74] Howard Whitlock in mid-season. 1.d4 2.e5 Od5 3.d4 d6 4.ff3 dre5 5.fue5 6.Qc4 of6 2.c4 96 3.0c3 Qg7 4.e4 d6 5.Qe2 The following adjudications were performed 96 6.Qg5 c6 7.(H) Qg7 8.Eel 0{ 9.QHt Ee8 10.fo3 {}-0 c5 7.d5 a6 8.Wd2 Sa5 9.f3 Ee8 by ICM Roger Chapman: Qe6 l1.Oe4 Oc? f2.gB Ef8 13.095 0xb3 10.94 e6 11.h4 erd5 12.crd5 b5 13.0h3 Whitlock beat Dive ard Vetharaniam; drew 14.l8frb3 Qre5 15.dre5 9ct 16.e6 f6 17.fr1 ObdT 14.6fi Oes rs.6g2 M 16.Odl c4 with Dunwoody and Frost; lost to Doyle, Oba6 ls.Wcl Oe8 r9.b3 Og7 20.Oh6+ 6hs 17.9f4 Cooper, Ilampl and Barnard. 2l.Qa3 Ee8 22.Ead1 Hc7 Dunwoody beat tlampl and drew with Dive. Cooper drew with Hampl. 22...fu7 better, to re2osition the a-file O. The wirurers of the lower grades were: TT 23.9c3 Ob8 24.Qb2 a5 25.a4 c5 Reserve, H P Bennett; TT2, R S Phillips and Looking for counteralay on the tEl-side. K G Reed; TT3, B J Edwards; Tl4,C M Ford and J R Gluckman. 26.Eds b6 27.8h3 WU Zt.^fl+ 693 29.Qc1 33.Exd4t ExIT 34.Qc6 Ed7 35.Exd6 crd6 Howard Whitlock championship Deflects tbe Black U and looks at the h6 36.Qxa8 d5 37.8d1 d4 3S.691 6e7 39.Qe4 h6 square. 40.Ecl Ed6 4r.6f2 d3 42.6e3 l{ Acting upon a suggestion by Brian Millar, the association has named the 66th champion- Sc7 30.Qh6r&c6 3l.Edil Kulashko,A - Wheeler,B ship, the Howard P Whitlock Memorial R 4 Better than c4. [A00] Championship. r.of3 d6 2.e4 e5 3.d4 0d7 4.Qc4 c6 5.fo3 Points to date: Hoskyn 3/5; Dunwoody, 31... c4 32.Ede3 cxb3 33.Qxg7 bxc2 34.9h6 Qe7 6.0..{) dgte 0..-0 8.Qa2 h6 9.Eel Ee8 17...0exg4! l8.9xd6 Qb7 19.Qxf6 fof6 Millar and Vetharaniam l2; Frost Wl; Coo 1{ r0.Oh4 QfS 1l.0g6 exd4 12.Wxd4 d5 13.fuf8 20.Qxc4 E8d8 21.9f4 0h5 22.9d2 g/c7 23.Qe2 per, W2'. Doyle 0/1. Oxrs Oruz f5 r6.gf2 oeO rZ.Qes gg3+ 24.6fl Sxh4 25.692 gg3+ 26.6fl f5 rs.f b6 18.Ead1 Qb7 19.M a6 20.b5 axb5 27.0dit2 fxe4 2E.fxe4 Ef8 29.Uxb4 Of4 21.axb5 Ea3 22.Qb3 23.Qxc5 OD(cs 30.8b6 Oxh3 0-1 Odc5 24.bxc6 Qxc6 25.Oxd5 1-{ Beach,P - Goris,R Wheeler,B - Mclaren,L R 3 [Aoo] R 2 [820] 1.e4 c5 2.oR d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.oxd4 0f6 5.9rca 1.e4 c5 2.Of3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Oxd4 Of6 5.Oca a6 6.Qg5 e6 7.f4 Eb6 8.9d2 Wrbz 9.Ob3 Wa3 e6 6.f4 Oc6 Z.QeS Qe7 S.Wf3 Uc7 9.G-G{ a6 to.EdiOc6 11.Qe2 Qe7 12.0{ gt,4 l3.ge3 f 0.g4 fod4 ll.Qxd4 e5 12.fxe5 dxe5 13.Ug3 {F-0 14.a3 Uxa3 l5.Ea1 16.8a4 a5 9M Qoe tl.Qgr G{ 15.Qe2 Qe6 16.95 0d7 17.Exb4 axb{ 18.Ob5 Ea2 t9.Qd3 Qd7 17.Qg4 Qxg4 1E.Od5 9c4 19.9xg4 Eac8 20.8h3 e5 21.f5 Oa5 22.Qxf6 grf6 23.fua5 20.0e3 Uc6 21.c3 Oc5 22.ilt5 96 23.fud6 Qxb5 24.Qxb5 Exa5 25.Qc4 Er3 26.Qb3 , d5 EcdS 24.Qxc5 Wxc5 25.8d5 Wc7 26.Ehdl Ed7 27.0e8 ExeS 28.9rd7 1-{) 6hs rt.qxfl t-{ NZ Chess NZ Chess 26 27 New Zealand news Kasparov v The World Overseas news Auckland IM Russell Dive reports that he has been By NM Peter Snart Auckland CC retained the Jenkins Trophy interviewed regularly by RNZs Radio Sports Monaco & Lautier (FRA) ll%; 6 Karpov (RUS) ll; against North Shore in a match on May 10, Network to discuss the one-game match The 8th "Amber' tourftuneil featured a 7-9 Ivanchuk (LIKR), Ljubojevic (Yt G) & but the margin was narrow - I l:9. Kasparov v The World which is being played similar field to that in previous years with the Nikolic (BEI) 9%; 10-12 Gelfand (BLA), North Shore have won the A grade interclub on the Internet. same format. In a double round-robin each Piket (NED) & van Wely (NED) 9. tournament, with 18% points, followed by (The Internet address for the game is pair played one normal rapid game with a The hrst of the three following positiots was Auckland 16%, Howick-Pakuraqnga 10, Wait- time control of 25 minutes plus l0 seconds per played in normal rapid chess while the other emata 3. North Shore beat AtckJand 4Yz:3Yz tn ) move and one blindfold game with a similar two were played blindfold. the last round. Russell says his fust interview with Ndartin time control except that the additional time Devlin was at 7am on the Wedneday after the per move was 20 seconds. Shirov,A - Topalov,V Taranaki junior and age groups game started, and 4 moves had been played. Madimir Kramnik scored a narrow victory Monaco (Blindfold), I 999 The Taranaki junior and age groups tourna- Subsequent interviews were at 8am on the but for most of the way he had a comrnanding ment was held on May 15, with 24 players next two Mondays, and it looked as though lead which was only whittled away as the taking part in the two events. The Under 16 this timhg would be repea.ted. Russian finished with six draws. This is event was a round robin with four players, and Interviews with Ian Jones and Steve Rixon Kramnik's third win in this event, the others was won by JeffQuinlan with 3/3. followed tlese sessions, so it is obvious that being last year (tie with Shirov) and 1996. There 20 players in the Under-I2 5-round chess was reaching a wide radio audience. Until round 7 the frght for second was very swiss, which u/as won by Phillip Wilson with close between the next hve but towards the 5/5, followed by Philomena McCormach and NZ Womenrs Championship end Veselin Topalov and Alexei Shirov Ronshi Perera 2= on 4. Five of the partici- Vivian Smith retained her New Zr'alarrd cleared away, helped by strong blindfold pants were under 10, with Seamus Doyle on Women's Championship title in a tournament performances 8 out of ll, the same as 3% scoring best. - held at Queen's Birthday weekend. The event kamnik. Vishy Anand, a twetime winner of was put on at short notice with Vivian and the event, topscored the rapid games Reports for NZ Chess in Edith Otene as organisers (otherwise it would (7wll) but scored poorly in the blindfold The brief items printed above are the only not have been held at all) and the five entrants games. club or district reports which have reached 1.Oxf6t Qxf6 2.Exh6+t Cxh6 3.gxh6+ gI7 played a double-round round robin. Scores: IGamnik (RUS) l4%; 2-3 Shirov NZ Chess recently. I 4.Uxf6+ Eg7 5.h6 EagS 6.896 1{) Vivian started with a loss, but won t1e (ESP) & Topalov (BLrL) 4-5 Anand Clubs are asked (once again) la; to see that games to score 7/8, followed by someone sends information on toumaments G.ID) Gelfand,B - Piket,J Eleanora Mikhailik 6 and Edith Otene 3%. (before and after), including a game or two, Anand,V - Topalov,V Monaco (Blindfold), I 999 Helen Courbrey and Gwen Jones completed keep Monaco (Rapid), 1999 to the rest of the chess commrurity the held. informed about what is going on.

Details ofeach event are availablefrom the organising club Papatoetoe Open, August 15. Waikato Open, August 22. South Island Rapid Championship, Gambit CC, Blenheim, September 19. South fsland Chamoionshin. Gambit CC- Blenheim^ Seotember 20-24

All-Canterb ury Championship, Christchurch, December I I - I 2. Howick-Pakuranga CC, Auckland Dec 28 - Sat, Jan 9. )akuranga CC,,4uckland, Swr-Mon, Jan I 0-l l, 2000. 1.fue6+t fre6 2.Exd7 UxdT 3.Of5+ fuf5 1.Exh7+t QxhT 2.8b7 l-{ 4.Wxd7+ 1-{

NZ Chess NZ Chess 28 29 Korchnoi - Spassky Anand on 50% sharing bottom nrng would not Things might have been even worse for A category 14 tournament in this German Game 8, Benko Gambit [A59] have been elated over their performances. Anand had Peter Svidler played a few more city saw a four-way tie for hrst between GMs With almost 7O%o of the games drawn the 1.d4 Of6 2.c4 cS 3.d5 b5 4.crb5 a6 5.bra6 moves in their round 5 clash. (USA), Rustem Dautov 96 nrunber of interesting games was not great yet 6.0c3 Qxa6 7.e4 Qxft 8.rbrft d6 9.Ofit Qg7 (GER), (ISR) and Vadin the event started off with two fine games in Svidler,P - Anand,V Zvjaginsev (RUS) on 5W9. GMs Bischoff 10.93 rH) 1t.6g2 ObdT 12.h3 Ea6 13.Eel 9a8 14.Qg5 the fust round. (GER) & De Firmian (USA) were nextot4/2. h6 15.Qd2 e6 16.dxe6 fre6 l7.Wc2 gp 18.t4 9419.hxg4 fug4 20.Qf4 d5 Adams - Svidler Korchnoi v Spasslgr 2f .Obs e5 22.fu7 Wa7 23.fua6 exf4 24.exd5 Sicilian [B90] A l0-game rapid chess match between these Wxa6 25.8e6 W 2e.Eel fxg3 22.996 Wxb2 1.e4 c5 2.OR d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.fud4 Of6 5.0ca two old rivals helped celebrate the 275th 2E.Eil? armiversary of the forurding of the University a6 6.Qe3 e5 7.Ob3 Qe6 8.f3 OuaZ US 28.Wxg4 Uxal 29.Exd7 is probably a draw. of St Petersburg. drew fust 10.95 b4 r1.oe2 ohs t2.wd2 Qe7 13.og3 ofa blood, winning garne one, but Viktor Korch- 28...0e3+? 14.h4 h6 15.qxf4 exf4 16.2h5 Qxb3 17.arb3 g6 gxh4 noi struck back immediately, winning games 28...9f6. lS.fof4 hxg5 19.Od5 Exh4 20.Exh4 two and three. Spassky won game four to 21.(HH) *t6 zz.Qct fuds 23.gxd5 Qgs+ tie 29.6h3 gxf2 30.Exb2 flSr? the scores but Korchnoi won two more games 24.6b1 Er7 25.e5 6f8 26.e6t Qf6 3o...Exf3+t 31.6h2 (31.6h4 Ofs+; without reply to take the match 64. 26...f6? 27.e7+ wirs at least a qu@n or 31...Eh3+t 32.byh3 flg+ 33.6h2 Wg+:. 26...fxe6 29.Wd5 The 4th and 8th games were the most 27.Wx6 Eg7 28.Exd6 9e8 interesting: 31.6h2 ,E 32.8{2 Uxg2+ 33.6xg2 *e7 with a winning attack. llhite to play move 70. Svidler agreed the draw in the diagram Korchnoi - Spassky 34.Ere6+ El7 35.Uxd7 OtS l6.WcO+ Qf8 27.erfl 9e7 2E.f4 UxfT 37.0e5 Eg7+ 3E.6h3 Oae 39.9e6+ 6h7 positioo, presumably thinking that after Game 4, Grttnfeld [D85] 28..hg7 29.Esl +-. 40.Od7 Qe7 41.fucs 1-0. 70.6xd41 Black would win the aaawn with a 1.d4 Of6 2.c4 96 3.Oc3 d5 4.cxd5 Axds 29.Wxd6+ ge7 30.9b8+ 697 31.891 6h6 knight fork when the black king could bold 5.Qd2 Ob6 6.Qfl Q.g1 7.e3 (H) 8.OR c5 Dos Ilermanas 32.Qd3 Ed7 33.9gs 1{. the fort on the kingside until the knight could 9.dxc5 O6d7 10.Ecl Oc6 11.Qb5 gxc5 12.0{ Michael Adams scored a career best perfor- rehrrn. This, however, is not so and tho final Polgar - Anand 9f5 13.We2 Qd3 14.Qxd3 Uxd3 l5.Efdl 9xe2 mance in taking hrst place in this category 19 position was a win for White as the following Sicilian 16.Oxe2 Efd8 17.Oed4 Oxd4 18.exd4 6e6 event played in April. The English GM led [B8l] analysis sbows: 19.Qe5 Qh6 20.8c4 Ed5 21.a4 EadS 22.6f1f6 from start to hnish in a low-scoring tourna- 1.e4 c5 2.OR d6 3.d4 crd4 4.fud4 Of6 5.0d 70.6rd4t Ob5+ 71.6c5t 23.Qg3 6fl 24.h3 a6 218M E8d7 26.6e2 ment. His undefeated 619 gave him a half- 16 6.Qe3 6 7.94 e5 8.Of5 9.g5 gxfS point 96 Doubtless this was the idea that Svidler Nt zl"Ec4 fu6 28.b4 e5 29.b5 Oas 30.8b4 margin over second-placed Vladimir 10.exf5 d5 11.9f3 d4 12.(HH obdT r3.Qd2 IGamnik overlooked. The knight will b€ kept out of e4 3t.0el QfB 32.Ebbr Exd4 33.Exd4 Exd4 who briefly caught up in round 5 dxc3 l4.Qxc3 Qg7 only to play while the wbite king ambles to the 34.bxa6 bxa6 35.Eb6 Oc4 36.Exa6 Ed2+ fall behind again the next day. 14...B,c7 l5.Qd3 Qd6 16.Ehel was seen in a Spanish appa.rently not very helpful square d7. How- 37.bf7 Ea2 38.8c6 Od2+ 39.6g1 Eal 40.f4 GM Miguel Illescas, the lowest 1983 game Chiburdanidze-{ssrna. After tbe rated player ever, from d7 the king will be able to support exf3 4l.Elc2 Qb4 42.bt2 Oen+ lt.6x8 fog3 in the held, did well to hnish in a firrtber 16...Oc5 17.Qc4 White gained some place the f-aawn after the black king is forced to 44.8c7+ 6e6 45.0c2 Qd6 0-f. third tie but Anatoly Karpov and Vishy gives advantage but Informant 36 16...O98! as chase the h-aawn. leading to Black advantage. 71...foa7 72.bffi OcS+ Za.6cZ OaZ (F0 15.Egr 16.gxf6 Wxf6 17.We3 6h8 18.f4 73..*7 7 .h7 697 75.f6+ is Do better. Wb6 19.993 gh6 20.8d6 f6 2t.Qd2 e4 22.Qc4 74.bd7 obs 7s.h7 @E rc.rc+ bfi7 77.t7 b5 23.Qe6 Ea7 +-. 23,.fus. bg7 7t.be7 f'rih 5.32 v Polgar 24.8c6 r5 25.Qe3 26.Qd5 27.8c7 Eb7 Eb8 M The computer program won this 30-minutes 2E.b3 Ebs 29.Qc6 Erf5 30.Erc8 ErcS per player/game clash in May quite comfort- 3l.Qxd7 Ecc5 ably. After three draws the computer won 32.Qxc8 Exc8 33.f5 EgS 34.Oxh6 3l...Efc5 three in a row before Judit won game 7. The Qxh6+ 35.6d1 Exg3 36.Exg3 is also hopeless. computer won the final game to make the 32.Qxf5 Exf5 33.Edl 698 3a.Wg2 6fS l-{. *nre 5Yz-2Y2. NZ Chess NZ Chess 30 3l Judit Polgals tactical style is probably not Polgar,J -Fitz5.32 Affiliated Clubs best zuited to playing computers which can Game7, Sicilian [B83] are requested to advise Chess of any changes in details given below play the same way even more effectively, Clubs M 1.e4 c5 2.Of3 d6 3.d4 crd4 4.fud4 Of6 5.Oc3 especially with very limited time. Ashburton PO Box 2M" Ashburton. Meets Otago 7 ldaitland St, Dunedin. Wednesday Oc6 0.Qel e67.Qe2 Qe7 8.g4 dti 9.erd5 fudti Monday 7.l5pm (Feb0ct), Room I (up and Sahnday, 7.30pm. Tel (03\77 491 9 club Polgar,J. - X'ritr 5.32 10.fud5 erd5 ll.gd2 (H) r2.(HH) fud4 stairs), Public Library, cnr Havelock and West room. Pres, Trevor Rowell, (03p55-l,l4l. Game 5, Sicilian 13.Qxd4 !Ue8 ga4 [BaS] 14.f4 15.6b1 QaZ rO.QO Skeets. Contact, Roy Keeling (03)3085936. EadS 17.f5 Upper Hutt Monday 7.30prU }Iapai Club, 1.e4 c5 e6 3.d4 crd4 4.fud4 Oc6 Qc8 18.h4 Efe8 2.OR 5.fu3 Auckland Chess Centre Meets Monday 879 Fergusson Drive. Sec, Roger Smith a6 6.Qe3 Wc7 7.Wd2 Of6 E.f3 Oes 9.G-H It is obvious that Frit/s openiug has failed completely. White's 7.30 & ThurMay (social) 7.30pm, 17 Crom- (u)s28-2721. Qb4 10.Ob3 b5 l1.Qd4 h6 t2.Ue1 0c6 13.Qe3 attack is well advanced while Black has prospect counterplay well St, Mt Eden, Auckland 1003. Tel Thursday 7.30pnU Kelston (H) 14.94 Oes f5.gg3 Qxc3 16.bxc3 Qb7 no of Waitemata (09Y30-2C4'2 clubroom; contacts club captain and 17.95 hxg5 18.Qxg5 ohs 19.8h3 whatsoever. Comm Centre, cnr Great North Rd Paul MacDonald (09)534-7930; secretary Awaroa Rd, Kelston; jun 6-7.30pm Thurs- 19.hs Ed6 20.h6 96 21.Qe5 Qgs 22.!gh2 EM (09)4 Tony Kesseler l2-8 I 84. days, schooldays..act Bruce Pollard (09)818-2 23.Qxd5 Wxg4 Canterbury, PO Box 25-242, Christchurch. 342. And on firther reflection Fritz resigned. My Meets Wedneday, 7.30pm.,227 Bealey Av- own Fritz came up with the following win- Wanganui Mondays 7pm, lst floor, Com- enue; tel (03)366-3935 clubroom. Pres, Gavin ning line: 23...Vxg4 ,4.Edf-l Ee7 25.Qc3 Qf6 mercial Club, St Hill St. Pres, Gordon Dawes (03)3524851. (25...8b5 26.Wd6; 25...Qxf5 26.Exf5t asd Hoskyn, 7 Pehi St (06)3435101; sec, K 27.9b8+) 26.9b8 tu8 27.fxg6 hxg6 28.h7+ Civic Tuesday 7.30pq Museum Roorn, YorstorL 5 Mtchell St (06)343-7166. 697 29.Qxf6+ Exf6 3O.Ue5t 1-O. Tumbull House, Bowen Street, Wellington L Wellington Saturday 7pm, Lighthouse Cen- Pres, John Gillespie (OaY76-3729; Sec, Brent Arnheim tre,235 Karori Road, Karori. Contact L Ross Southgate (MY75-76U. and lvlatthew Sadler shared Jackson (04)563-8013. Gambit Sec, Ted Frost, 103 Koromiko hrst prize in a quadrangular double-rorurder in Associate members this Dutch city in lday. The 68-year old Road, Gonville, Wanganui. Tel (06)347{098. Korchnoi lost his hrst game to Sadler and the Hamilton: Wed, 7.30pm, St Pauls Colle- Gisborne, 4126 Halris St, Gisbome. M.P- 19...9xc3! 20.8,xh5 EfcS 21.8d2 ixB22.E{2 last to Xie Jun but won his other four games. giate School. Inquiries Gary Judkins (07)855- .Grieve (06)8634101. Qxe4 23.Wg4 The scores: l-2 GM Korchnoi (SWI) & GM 5392. New Pllmouth ll Gilbert St, New Ply- Neither does 23.Qh6 belp 23...96 24.Wh3 Sadler (ENG) 4; 3 GM Nijboer Q{ED) 2%; a Hastings-Havelock North P.O. Box 184, mouth. Tuesdays, 7.30pm. Pres, R P Bowler, 9xc225.Qd2 rgf6 +. GMXieJun(CHN) l%. Ilastings. Wed, 7.30 pm, Library, [Iavelock N l7a Hori St (06)753-6282. Contact, Bob 23...fs 24.WgJ tog5 25.Ehgl Sadler - Korchnoi High School, Te lvlata Rd. Sec, Chris Smith Bowler. 25.Hxg5 Qxc2 (06)8774583. Nimzoindian [E43] NZ Correspondence Chess Assn, P.O. Box 25...Qxg2 26,Wxg2 OR 11. Howick-Pakuranga Tuesday 7.45pm (ut- 3278, Wellington. Sec, J W (Sandy) Ivlaxwell, 1.d4 Of6 2.c4 e6 3.Oca Qb4 4.e3 b6 5.Qd3 iors 6.30-7.30), St John Ambulance llall, (u)23747s3. Qb7 6.OR (H) 7.(H) c5 8.Os4 cxd4 9.exd4 South Island Championships Howick-Pakuranga Highway, Highland Park. Central Qe710.Eel Ee811.r3 dG12.b4 ObdT 13.Qb2 Petone Gambit Thursday 7.30pm Peter Voss has made the arrangements for Sec, Kees van den Bosch (09)521-5828. Bowling Club, Roxbrugh St, Petone. Pres, Qf814.Qfi 96 15.0c3 Qg7 r6.Eb1 a6t7.N2 this yeals South Island Championships in Seddon Naenae, Lower d5 18.c5 bxc5 l9.brc5 Uc7 20.Oa2 Qc6 Invercargill Wednesday 8pm, staff room, Mark Noble, 97 St, Blenheinl which will be held in the St John (04)5674467. 21.fu4 Qb5 22.Qxb5 sxbs 23.9e2 Qh6 South School, Ness St. Sec, Robert Mackway Hutt Ambulance's new rooms, September 19-24. 24.Ebdl EebS 25.Obl €[r5 26.0€ Ea5? Jones, 5 Pine Cres, Invercargill (03)217-1154. Whangarei Thursday 7pm, Whangarei The facilities will be excellent. 27.Ocxd5t exds 28.fud5 gd8 Kapiti Wednesday, 7. 30pm, Salvation Army YWCA, Rust St.. Contact, Geoffrey Gill Peter is arranging for accommodation at 28...Wa7 29.fu7+ 697 30.d5+ frf6 3l.Oc6 Hall, Bluegum Rd. Paraparaumu Beach. Sec, (09x38-3035. Bing's Motel, just 50 metres from the venue, Wc7 32.Ve7 +-. Rosemary Kingston, 5l Ames St, Paekakariki and also be able to arrange private will (o4Pe2-8157. District Associations board/billets for a few people. 29.Oe7+ 6ft gc7 Auckland Chess Assn, Sec, Kees van den To make advance arrangements, reach Pe- 29...6h8 30.Oc6 3l.We7 +- with tbe North Shore P.O. Box 33-587, Takapuna, ides 31...9xc6 32.d5+. Auckland 9. Wednesday 7.30prq Northcote Bosch, 6lA St Johns Road, Auckland 1005 ter at 20 Percy Street, Blenheim. Phone 03 (09)521-5828. 578-8219. 30.Oc6 Of4 31.994 9c7 32.fua5 l{). Community Cantre, cnr College RdlErnie Mays St. Club capt, Peter Stuan (0rY{tnlJr"o"r, Wellington District Chess Assn Inc, NZ Chess